The type of educational organization is. Types and types of educational institutions





On the topic: “Regulatory support of education”

Performed: 1st year student zz

gr. 17-2301 Kashapova Diana dloo

Checked: Ph.D. associate professor of the department

management in education rshlshg

Nazmutdinov Valery Yakfarovich


Topic: “Regulatory support of education”


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….............. 3-4

Chapter 1. General characteristics of educational institutions……………… 4

1.1. Types and types of educational institutions……………………………..4-8

Chapter 2. Regulatory documents used by educational institutions in their work………………………………………………………..8

2.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation……………………………………8-10

2.2. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”……………………..10-19

2.3. Civil Code of the Russian Federation………...……...………...19-22




Relevance of the topic: society will never exist without education. Since ancient times, people have been working on how best to pass on acquired experience from one generation to another. This is how education came into being. Any civilized society, along with the functions of production, must create an educational system for its progressive development. The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting: continuous educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and orientations; networks of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types; education management systems and institutions and organizations subordinate to them.

Any education system is a complex of educational institutions. The main type of educational institution is educational institutions that provide the content of education and training and implement one or more educational programs.

Educational institutions of the Russian Federation come in different types, from kindergartens to higher educational institutions, but they all use in their work special regulatory documents developed by the state to regulate the process of upbringing and education.

Goal of the work - study the general characteristics of educational institutions and characterize all regulatory documents used in the education system.

As part of achieving this goal, I set and solved the following tasks:

1. Study the theoretical aspects and identify the nature of “Regulatory support of education”;

2. Talk about the relevance of the problem “Regulatory support of education” in modern conditions;

3. Outline the possibilities for solving the topic “Regulatory support of education”;

4. identify trends in the development of the topic “Regulatory support of education”;

Russian scientists worked on this problem and developed the fundamental categories of the general theory of state and law: S.S. Alekseeva, V.K. Babaeva, V.I. Kudryavtseva, V.V. Lazarev, A.V. Malko, M.N. Marchenko, N. I. Matuzova, V. M. Syrykh, Yu. A. Tikhomirova.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of educational institutions

Types and types of educational institutions

In Russia, educational institutions include the following types of institutions:


General education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

Special (correctional) for children with developmental disabilities;

Institutions of additional education;

Institutions for orphans and children without parental care;

Other institutions carrying out the educational process;

Professional education (primary, secondary and higher vocational education).

Preschool educational institutions(kindergarten, kindergarten, pre-gymnasium, children's development center, etc.) are created to help families raise children from one to six years old, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, develop individual abilities and necessary correction of developmental deficiencies. One of the goals of a preschool educational institution is to prepare children for school.

General educational institutions are represented mainly by state comprehensive schools, as well as elite institutions - gymnasiums and lyceums.

Secondary school has three levels:

Stage I - primary school (3-4 years);

II stage - basic school (5 years);

III stage - secondary school (2 - 3 years).

The school levels correspond to the three main stages of child development: childhood, adolescence, adolescence.

Tasks primary education is the education and development of students, teaching them reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of creative thinking, simple self-control skills, culture of behavior and speech, as well as the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Basic general education should create conditions for the education, formation and formation of the student’s personality, for the development of his inclinations, interests and abilities for social self-determination. It is the basis for obtaining secondary (complete) general education, as well as for primary and secondary vocational education. Basic school is mandatory. Graduates of basic school continue their education in secondary school. They also have the right to continue their education in vocational educational institutions of various types and profiles with different periods of study, in evening and correspondence secondary schools. Secondary school ensures the completion of general educational training for students on the basis of broad and deep differentiation of education, creates conditions for the most complete consideration of the interests of students and their active inclusion in the life of society.

Evening and correspondence schools for working youth are opened mainly on the basis of third-level schools. In these schools, students can receive the profile-differentiated secondary education they are interested in or supplement one profile educational training with another.

For students with developmental disabilities, special educational institutions (classes, groups) of a correctional nature providing their treatment, education and training, social adaptation and integration into society. For adolescents with socially dangerous deviant behavior who have reached the age of eleven, who need special conditions of education and training and require a special pedagogical approach, special institutions are created to provide their medical and social rehabilitation, education and vocational training. Students are sent to these educational institutions only by court decision.

Professional educational institutions are created for the implementation of professional educational programs of primary, secondary and higher professional education.

Primary vocational education provides training for skilled workers (workers and employees) in all main areas of socially useful activities on the basis of basic or complete general education.

Secondary vocational education is aimed at training mid-level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. The basis for obtaining it can be basic or complete general and primary vocational education. Secondary vocational education can be carried out at two educational levels - basic and advanced. The duration of training on the basis of basic general education is at least three years.

Higher professional education has the goal of training and retraining specialists at the appropriate level, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of secondary (complete) general and secondary vocational education. It can be obtained at educational institutions of higher professional education (higher educational institutions) - universities, academies, institutes, colleges. Basic educational programs of higher education can be implemented continuously and in stages. The following levels of higher education have been established: incomplete higher education; bachelor's degree; training of certified specialists; master's degree

Postgraduate professional education provides citizens with the opportunity to improve their level of education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications on the basis of higher professional education. To obtain it, institutes, postgraduate schools, doctoral studies, residencies, postgraduate courses have been created at educational institutions of higher professional education and scientific institutions. Postgraduate professional education can also be divided into two stages: preparation and defense of dissertations for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences in the specialty.

Additional educational programs and services are implemented in order to fully satisfy the educational needs of citizens, society, and the state in specially created institutions of additional education - institutions of advanced training, courses, vocational guidance centers, music and art schools, art schools, children's art centers, stations for young technicians, stations for young naturalists, etc.

Orphanages have been created for orphans and children left without parental care due to illness, death, deprivation of parental rights and other reasons. The network of orphanages in Russia includes:

-preschool orphanages(for children 3-7 years old);

-mixed(for preschoolers and school-age children);

-orphanages for school-age children(from 7 to 18 years old).[2, 15-16]

Having considered all types of educational institutions, we can conclude that the state provides equal access and quality education for all its citizens. There is not a single person who would be deprived of the right to receive basic secondary education. For citizens who want to continue their education, there are professional educational institutions. But, despite the existing features and diversity of educational institutions, the state provides uniform regulatory documents on which all participants in the process of upbringing and education must rely.

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In accordance with the above definition of the education system, educational programs must be implemented by educational institutions. More precisely, “non-profit organizations”, since “establishment” is one of the forms of non-profit organizations, and the law “On Education” (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122 FZ) states that “State and non-state educational organizations can be created in the organizational and legal forms provided for by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation for non-profit organizations.”

Thus, an educational institution is only one of the organizational and legal forms in which non-profit educational organizations can exist. In accordance with the Civil Code and the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, registration of an educational organization in the form of an educational institution presupposes the presence of a founder. It is assumed that this organization will subsequently be financed by the founder, as well as the existence of subsidiary liability of the founder for the debts of the organization. (Recall that subsidiary is a type of unlimited liability. Vicarious liability arises when one person is liable for the debts of another due to the insufficiency of the property of the immediate debtor).

The founder of the main part of non-profit educational organizations (institutions) is, as is known, the state.

Types of educational institutions

Detailed information about the types and types of educational institutions is contained in the information classifiers as part of the Integrated Automated Information System (IAIS) in the field of education (Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 9, 2004 No. 34-51 -53in/01-11)

Depending on their purpose, the following types of educational institutions are distinguished:

1. Preschool educational institutions.

2. Educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age.

3. Educational institutions for additional education of children.

4. Interschool training centers.

5. General educational institutions.

6. General education boarding school.

7. Cadet schools.

8. Evening (shift) general education institutions.

9. Educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance.

1. Special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior.

II. Special (correctional) institutions for students and pupils with developmental disabilities.

12. Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives).

13. Health educational institutions of sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment.

14. Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval schools and cadet (naval cadet) corps.

15. Educational institutions of primary vocational education.

16. Educational institutions of secondary vocational education (Secondary specialized educational institutions).

17. Educational institutions of higher professional education (Higher educational institutions).

18. Military educational institutions of higher professional education (Higher military educational institutions).

19. Educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists.

Types of educational institutions

Preschool educational institutions:


A general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of one or several areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic-aesthetic, physical, etc.);

A compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

Kindergarten for supervision and health improvement with priority implementation of sanitary, hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures;

Combined kindergarten (a combined kindergarten may include general education, compensatory and health groups in different combinations);

The Child Development Center is a kindergarten that provides physical and mental development, correction and health improvement for all students.

Institutions for children of preschool and primary school age:

Primary school-kindergarten;

Primary school-kindergarten of a compensatory type - with the implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils and students;

Pro-gymnasium - with priority implementation of one or several areas of development of pupils and students (intellectual, artistic-aesthetic, physical, etc.).

Continuing education institutions:

Center (additional education for children, development of creativity;

Children and youth, creative development and humanitarian education, children's and youth, children's creativity, children's (teenage), extracurricular activities, children's environmental (health, ecological-biological), children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians), children's marine (youth), aesthetic education of children (culture, arts or by type of art), children's recreational and educational (profile));

Palace of creativity for children and students, pioneers and schoolchildren, young naturalists, sports for children and youth, artistic creativity (education) of children, children's culture (arts);

House (children's creativity, childhood and youth, students, pioneers and schoolchildren, young naturalists, children's (youth) technical creativity (young technicians), children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), artistic creativity (education) of children, children's culture (arts);

Club (young sailors, rivermen, aviators, astronauts, parachutists, paratroopers, radio operators, firefighters, motorists, children's (teenage), children's ecological (ecological-biological), young naturalists, children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), children's youth physical training);

Station (for young naturalists, children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians), children's ecological (ecological-biological), children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists));

School (in various fields of science and technology, in various types of arts, children's and youth sports (sports and technical, including Olympic reserve);)

Children's health and educational camp;

Interschool training center.

General educational institutions:

Primary school

Basic secondary school

middle School of General education

Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects


General education boarding school

Boarding school

Lyceum boarding school

General education boarding school with initial flight training

Cadet school

Cadet boarding school

Evening (shift) general education school

Open (shift) secondary school

Education Center

Evening (shift) general education school at correctional labor institutions (ITU) and educational labor colonies.

Educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance:

Diagnostic and Consulting Center

Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support

Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction

Center for Social and Labor Adaptation and Career Guidance

Center for Curative Pedagogy and Differentiated Learning

Special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior:

Special secondary school

Special vocational school

Special (correctional) general education school for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (mental retardation and mild forms of mental retardation) who have committed dangerous acts.

Special (correctional) vocational school for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (mental retardation and mild forms of mental retardation) who have committed dangerous acts

Special (correctional) primary school-kindergarten

Special (correctional) general education school

Special (correctional) general education boarding school

Institutions for orphans without parental care:

Children's home (for children of early (from 1.5 to 3 years), preschool, school age, mixed)

Children's home-school for orphans and children left without parental care

Boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care

Special (correctional) orphanage for orphans and children without parental care with developmental disabilities

Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children without parental care with developmental disabilities.

Health educational institutions:

Sanatorium boarding schools

Sanatorium-forest schools

Sanatorium orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care.

Suvorov, Nakhimov, cadet institutions:

Suvorov Military School

Nakhimov Naval School

Cadet (naval cadet) corps

Military Music School

Musical cadet corps.

Institutions of primary vocational education:

Professional institute

Vocational Lyceum - center for continuous professional education

Training and production center

Technical school (mining and mechanical, maritime, forestry, etc.)

Evening (shift) educational institution

Institutions of secondary vocational education:

1. Technical school (school)

2. College

Institutions of higher professional education:




Military Academy

Military University

Military Institute.

Institutions of additional professional education:


Institutes for advanced training and professional retraining (improvement) - sectoral, intersectoral, regional

Advanced training courses (schools, centers)

Employment service training centers

Education is an integral process of human development, without which the existence of modern society would be impossible. After all, in order to be a useful government unit, you definitely need to learn something. Pre-school and general education institutions, as well as vocational education institutions, were created precisely for this purpose. The article will discuss general educational institutions - their types, types and features.


When considering this topic, you first need to understand what an educational institution is. This is a special institution where the pedagogical process is carried out, where programs for the education, upbringing and development of children are implemented. In turn, there is a whole list of educational institutions, which are divided by type.

  • Preschool. Here, depending on the type, the age of children ranges from 1 to 7 years.
  • General educational institutions
  • Vocational education institutions that provide specific, narrowly focused knowledge and receive appropriate qualifications.
  • Correctional institutions where children classified as students with special educational needs are admitted.
  • Institutions for orphans or children equivalent to them. These are orphanages where children not only study, but also live.
  • Institutions of additional education for children and separately for adults (postgraduate education).


The first educational institutions that children attend are preschools. General education institutions will be the next step. Most kindergartens accept children from two years old. In addition to education, which is free, the kindergarten provides supervision and care for children, since they spend almost the whole day within the walls of the institution. This service is paid for by parents, but not in full. 80% of the costs are borne by the municipality, and parents pay for the remaining 20%.

The gradation of groups in kindergartens is carried out according to two criteria - age and orientation. The classification takes into account the child’s age at the beginning of the school year (September 1) and includes groups for children 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old.

The focus of the group is determined by the student population, according to which educational programs are selected. Thus, they distinguish:

  • general development groups;
  • groups of combined orientation;
  • groups of compensating orientation.

About educational institutions

Children attend general education institutions for the longest time - from 7 to 18 years. If a teenager chooses an institution of primary or secondary vocational education for further education, then he graduates from school at the age of 16.

Types of educational institutions

Elementary School. These are the first four grades of a child's education. Children enter 1st grade based on the results of certain tests that determine their level of readiness for school. The main task of teachers here is not only to give children knowledge, but also to teach them to learn, to instill an interest in science.

High school. We can say that this is an intermediate link between elementary and high schools. Occupies the period from 5th to 9th grade, the age of students ranges from 9-10 to 14-15 years. After the end of this period, those interested can enter either high school or vocational education institutions (primary or secondary).

High school. Children study in grades 10-11, aged from 15 to 17 years. Here there is a more in-depth study of sciences and preparation for entering universities. Upon completion, students receive a certificate of secondary general education. For some types of activities this is already enough.

Special education

There are also correctional or special educational institutions. Who are they for? Children who have certain developmental problems or limited health capabilities are identified there. However, it should be noted that the modern education system offers an alternative option - inclusive education for the successful socialization of such children. Although in practice everything does not always work out as perfectly as in theory. Another alternative option for such children is distance learning. However, here too problems arise with the further introduction of children into society.

Money issues

Having understood what an educational institution is (secondary school, junior and children's schools), it should be noted that such institutions may also differ in the type of financing. There are these types:

  • State or municipal schools that are completely free.
  • Private schools where parents pay a certain fee for their children's education.

The only question here is the payment for the learning process itself. Parental money for improving the material and technical base of a class or school does not belong to this section at all.

Gymnasiums, lyceums

State educational institutions may also be called lyceums or gymnasiums. In essence, these are ordinary schools. And after graduation, the child receives the same certificate of secondary education. However, what makes them special is that they offer a more detailed study of certain subjects. Sometimes such educational institutions cooperate with universities, preparing future students to study there.

Evening schools

When considering general education institutions, you also need to understand what evening schools are. The practice of their work today is not as active as it was during the Soviet Union, but they still exist and function perfectly. Who are they intended for? In our country, secondary general education is compulsory. Unlike the highest. Thus, without a certificate of completed secondary education, an employer cannot provide an employee with a good job. If, for some reason, it was not possible to finish school on time, during adolescence, a person may later be sent to complete his evening studies. The name speaks for itself. People come here after finishing their working day. After studying at an evening school, a person receives a certificate of secondary general education.

These subjects are endowed with rights, obligations, bear responsibility and have social guarantees. These provisions also apply to employees of institutions. Educational organizations These are non-profit structures. General educational organizations operate on the basis of a license. Education in them is the main purpose of creation. Institutions operating in the field of education are organizations that also operate under a license. While implementing the main tasks, they provide additional training. Educational organizations are created in the forms provided for by civil legislation regulating the work of non-profit structures. Private educational institutions Their work is also regulated by Federal Law No. 273.

The Law defines such institutions as organizations created in accordance with the procedure established by regulations, by one or more citizens or their associations. Foreign religious societies cannot form such educational institutions. The right to create organizations that implement educational programs in the field of security and state defense belongs only to the Russian Federation.


Features of the name The name of the educational institution may contain indications of the specifics of the work. For example, “a comprehensive school with a mathematical focus.” The name may indicate the integration of different types of curricula.

The program of activities of an educational organization may include additional tasks. For example, this could be correction, maintenance, rehabilitation, psychological and pedagogical support, technological, research and other work.

Article 23 types of educational organizations

Preschool education It is important to remember that children can count on preschool education not only in specialized child care institutions, but also in the family. Clause 6 states that in a preschool educational organization, care, supervision, and preschool education are provided from 2 months until the complete termination of the relationship (if the student reaches 6-7 years of age). Groups created to achieve this goal can be health-improving, compensatory, general developmental or combined.
The order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 27, 2011 was declared to have lost its legal force. The letter dated August 8, 2013 from the Ministry of Education and Science contained the Recommendations of the Department of State. policies regarding the staffing of those educational institutions that are engaged in the implementation of basic general education programs of preschool education and training.

Article 23. types of educational organizations


Article 23 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” specifies all types of educational organizations, their features, goals and objectives. Next, we will analyze this article and clarify its details. Criteria for dividing educational institutions into separate types When dividing all educational institutions into types, the general education programs selected for their activities are taken into account.

In addition, the division is carried out taking into account the type of programs. It could be:
  1. Basic educational programs.
  2. Additional training programs.

General education programs include vocational and general education. The Law provides for six different types of educational organizations: four that involve the implementation of basic educational programs, and two types aimed at the additional development of schoolchildren.

All subjects Pedagogy Educational system of Russia Types of educational institutions 1. Types of educational institutions 2. Variability of educational programs Types of educational institutions The law “On Education in the Russian Federation” does not divide educational institutions into types. According to the law, all educational organizations are divided into types depending on the educational programs that they use in their activities. The table below shows the correspondence between the types of educational institutions and possible types of organizational forms.

Variability of educational programs Variability of education is one of the main principles and vectors of development of the modern education system in the Russian Federation.
Moreover, the letter discussed the creation of unified approaches to the number of children who need to attend preschool educational institutions. The letter also contained recommendations to municipal authorities on the creation of a single information resource “electronic queue” for kindergartens. The deadlines for providing information on the number of applications (movements) for the current academic year were also determined.
To register in the register, parents or legal representatives of a preschooler fill out a freely available form online, or consult a specialist from the municipal administration. You can also personally contact the authorized body with a written application for a place in a preschool institution. The letter also contained recommendations regarding the order of admission of children to preschool institutions.

Types of educational institutions

Universities, as a rule, provide bachelor's and master's degrees. In addition, scientific work is carried out in such educational institutions. The comprehensive school implements curriculum in elementary, middle and high schools.

The institution accepts children who have graduated from preschool educational institutions and prepares them for 10 years to enter a university. Part 2 of Federal Law No. 273 also defines organizations carrying out educational activities in additional disciplines. Moreover, this work is their main goal. The Law defines educational organizations for basic and professional additional training.

They carry out pedagogical work not included in the educational program. Comments to the Law In Art. Part 1 of Federal Law No. 273 determines the subjects who have the right to conduct training. They are educational organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Educational organizations. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

These types of state and municipal institutions were determined in connection with the transition from estimated financing to providing state (municipal) institutions with finance only to fulfill the state (municipal) task for the provision of services (performance of work) in the form of budget subsidies. The differences in the types of state and municipal institutions lie in the degree of financial independence of the institution - income from income-generating activities is fully received by an autonomous institution, and a government institution transfers income from paid services and work to the budget of its founder. The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education applies to all educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and subordination.

Educational organizations in Russia

Similar data is provided for hired teachers. According to civil law, individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities in the field of education on a paid basis must enter into appropriate agreements. They can be in simple written form. The contract must reflect the basic conditions for the provision of services, obligations and rights, as well as the responsibilities of the parties. In addition, the document determines the term, procedure and amount of payment.

  • 20.06.2016

EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION - according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an institution carrying out the educational process, i.e. implementing one or more educational programs and (or) providing maintenance and nutrition for students and pupils. AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION is a legal entity. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, according to their organizational and legal forms, can be state, municipal, non-state (private, public or religious organizations). Educational institutions include the following types: preschool; general education (primary general, basic general, secondary general education); primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education; special (correctional) for students and pupils with developmental disabilities; pre-school institutions; institutions for orphans and children left without parental care; other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Education Act

Management of an educational institution is carried out on the basis of the appropriate regulatory framework, which, among other things, determines the competence, rights, and responsibilities of the founders and the educational institution itself.

Article 12. Educational institutions

1. An educational institution is an institution that carries out the educational process, that is, implementing one or more educational programs and (or) providing the maintenance and upbringing of students and pupils.

2. An educational institution is a legal entity.

3. Educational institutions, according to their organizational and legal forms, can be state, municipal, non-state (private, institutions of public and religious organizations, associations).

The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education applies to all educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and subordination.

4. Educational institutions include the following types:

1) preschool;

2) general education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

3) institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education;

4) institutions of further education for adults;

5) special (correctional) for students and pupils with developmental disabilities;

6) institutions of additional education;

7) institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

8) institutions of additional education for children;

9) other institutions carrying out the educational process.

5. The activities of state and municipal educational institutions are regulated by standard regulations on educational institutions of the relevant types and types, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and the charters of these educational institutions developed on their basis.

For non-state educational institutions, standard provisions on educational institutions serve as exemplary ones.

6. The state status of an educational institution (type, type and category of an educational institution, determined in accordance with the level and focus of the educational programs it implements) is established during its state accreditation.

7. Branches, departments, structural divisions of an educational institution may, by its power of attorney, fully or partially exercise the powers of a legal entity, including having an independent balance sheet and its own accounts in banking and other credit organizations.

8. Educational institutions have the right to form educational associations (associations and unions), including with the participation of institutions, enterprises and public organizations (associations). These educational associations are created for the purpose of developing and improving education and act in accordance with their charters. The procedure for registration and activities of these educational associations is regulated by law.

9. The rights and obligations of institutions of additional education provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation also apply to public organizations (associations), the main statutory purpose of which is educational activity, only in terms of their implementation of additional educational programs.

Article 13. Charter of an educational institution

1. The charter of an educational institution must indicate:

1) name, location (legal, actual address), status of the educational institution;

2) founder;

3) organizational and legal form of the educational institution;

4) goals of the educational process, types and types of educational programs being implemented;

5) main characteristics of the organization of the educational process, including:

a) the language(s) in which training and education are conducted;

b) the procedure for admitting students and pupils;

c) duration of training at each stage of training;

d) the procedure and grounds for expulsion of students and pupils;

e) the assessment system for intermediate certification, the forms and procedure for its implementation;

f) the schedule of classes for students and pupils;

g) availability of paid educational services and the procedure for their provision (on a contractual basis);

h) the procedure for regulating and formalizing relations between an educational institution and students, pupils and (or) their parents (legal representatives);

6) the structure of the financial and economic activities of the educational institution, including in terms of:

a) use of property objects assigned by the founder to the educational institution;

b) financing and logistical support for the activities of an educational institution;

c) sources and procedure for the formation of property of an educational institution;

d) carrying out business activities;

7) the procedure for managing an educational institution, including:

a) the competence of the founder;

b) structure, procedure for forming governing bodies of an educational institution, their competence and procedure for organizing activities;

c) the procedure for recruiting employees of an educational institution and the terms of payment for their labor;

d) the procedure for changing the charter of an educational institution;

e) the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of an educational institution;

8) rights and obligations of participants in the educational process;

9) a list of types of local acts (orders, instructions and other acts) regulating the activities of an educational institution.

2. The charter of a civil educational institution, in the part not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is developed by it independently and approved by its founder.

3. If it is necessary to regulate the aspects of the activities of an educational institution specified in this article by other local acts, the latter are subject to registration as additions to the charter of the educational institution.

4. Local acts of an educational institution cannot contradict its charter.

Article 14. General requirements for the content of education

ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization;

development of society;

strengthening and improving the rule of law.

an adequate global level of general and professional culture of society;

formation in the student of a picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of study);

integration of the individual into national and world culture;

the formation of a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;

reproduction and development of the human resources potential of society.

3. Vocational education at any level must ensure that students receive a profession and appropriate qualifications.

State educational authorities ensure the development of exemplary educational programs based on state educational standards.

6. An educational institution, in accordance with its statutory goals and objectives, can implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services (on a contractual basis) beyond the educational programs that determine its status.

7. Military training in civilian educational institutions can be carried out only on an optional basis with the consent of students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) at the expense of funds and forces of the interested department.

8. An educational institution uses the capabilities of cultural institutions when implementing educational programs.

Article 15. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

1. The organization of the educational process in an educational institution is regulated by the curriculum (breakdown of the content of the educational program by training courses, by disciplines and by years of study), the annual calendar educational schedule and class schedules, developed and approved by the educational institution independently. State educational authorities ensure the development of exemplary curricula and programs of courses and disciplines.

2. State authorities, educational authorities and local governments do not have the right to change the curriculum and educational schedule of a civil educational institution after their approval, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The educational institution is independent in choosing the grading system, form, procedure and frequency of intermediate certification of students.

4. Mastering educational programs of basic general, secondary (full) general and all types of vocational education ends with mandatory final certification of graduates.

5. Scientific and methodological support for final certifications and objective quality control of graduates’ training upon completion of each level of education are provided by the state certification service, independent of education authorities, in accordance with state educational standards.

6. Discipline in an educational institution is maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students, pupils, and teachers. The use of physical and mental violence against students and pupils is not permitted.

7. Parents (legal representatives) of minor students and pupils must be provided with the opportunity to become familiar with the progress and content of the educational process, as well as with assessments of students’ performance.

Article 16. General requirements for the admission of citizens to educational institutions

1. The procedure for admitting citizens to educational institutions, to the extent not regulated by this Law, is determined by the founder and enshrined in the charter of the educational institution.

The founder establishes the procedure for admission to state and municipal educational institutions at the level of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general and primary vocational education, ensuring the admission of all citizens who live in a given territory and have the right to receive education at the appropriate level.

2. When admitting a citizen to an educational institution, the latter is obliged to familiarize him and/or his parents (legal representatives) with the charter of the educational institution and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

3. Admission of citizens to state and municipal educational institutions to receive secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education is carried out on a competitive basis based on applications from citizens. The conditions of the competition must guarantee respect for the rights of citizens to education and ensure the enrollment of the most capable and prepared citizens to master the educational program of the appropriate level.

Outside the competition, subject to successful passing of entrance exams, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as disabled people of groups I and II, for whom, according to the conclusion of the medical labor commission, education is not contraindicated, are accepted into state and municipal educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education in relevant educational institutions.