On the issue of understanding and studying the essence of the phenomenon “social education” in the conditions of the educational process Ptashko T.G. Social education - an institution of socialization

due to the fact that “all people need the rudiments of social training, since the life activity of each of them must take into account the culture of communication, work, and behavior.” A higher level of social education, in his opinion, is “the training of workers in mass professions. They use their functional literacy to build technological relationships to successfully solve production problems.”

S.I. Zmeev considers social education only as part of the social-role education of adults, focused on the development and improvement of human functions as a member of society, community, social group. From the author’s point of view, the concept of social education should be considered more broadly and include different types

social workers.

V.I. Zhukov considers social education as the training of specialists capable of providing individuals, families and groups with services that contribute to the creation, maintenance or increase of their ability to socially function and in order to further improve it, it is necessary to consider it as an open, mobile, self-developing system of a set of diverse educational systems.

Thus, V.I. Zhukov points out that “social education, in its essence and content, is aimed at training and educating an individual focused on professional activities in the social sphere.”

M.V. Firsov, I.V. Namestnikova, E.G. Studenova interpret social education as a system for training specialists in the social sphere as professionals who solve problems of providing targeted assistance to various groups of the population and humanizing and democratizing public relations.

According to L.V. Mardakhaev, social education is defined “as a process or as a result of teaching a person self-realization in society, in social environment his life activity. It distinguishes two main directions: (process) the result of a person’s assimilation of the social experience of society, a social group, necessary for him for self-realization as a citizen, a family member, and a specialist in professional activities; (process) the result of training a person as a specialist in the social sphere.

That is, in essence, we are talking about general social education, which every person needs, and professional social education, which is necessary for those who want to work in the social sphere. In other words, in his opinion, social education is the subjective result of preparation or internalization by a person of everything that was presented to him during the preparation process. Based on this, the task of the university’s scientific and pedagogical personnel is to organize training, and the task of students is to receive social education. Of course, at the same time L.V. Mardakhaev talks about content-didactic modeling of training specialists with a pedagogical orientation in the social sphere, in other words, social educators.

S.I. Grigoriev considers social education from a different perspective, more broadly, and understands by it: training and retraining of specialists in the field of social sciences; training of specialists in various fields social sciences, their social education;

social education, education of the population, the formation of their ability to interact in society within a certain socio-historical space and time, the formation and reproduction of a certain mentality, systems of socio-cultural principles, social ideals that form the foundation social culture, social intelligence, lifestyle.

P.D. understands social education in approximately the same way. Pavlenok, who points out that “we can talk about social education both in a broad sense (social education, i.e. the process of knowledge of society as a whole) and in a narrow sense (the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of the social sphere) and that “ social education has (should have) its own structure, one of such structures (types) in the field of social work is social education. That is, it is emphasized that the concept of social education is broader than education in the field of social work.

By social education, G.S. Zhukova understands the system of society’s reproduction of its essence, expressed in the intellectual and social-humanitarian potential of the personality of a specialist in the social sphere, the humanistic essence of man and society.

The dictionary-reference book for social work summarizes different interpretations of the essence of the concept “social education” and notes that it is used in different meanings: teaching the basic rules of life in society, in a team, mastering knowledge about man and society, the structure of the laws of development and the functions of society, interaction between man and society; universal human education as the development of social sciences, the basis of which is sociological education; training of professional personnel for institutions

social protection; training of specialists in various fields for social sector institutions in general; training of personnel for the needs of the “third sector”, i.e. non-governmental and non-profit organizations.

Social education is interconnected and interdependent vocational education and the process of reproduction of the sociocultural experience of humanity, as a result of which a person’s understanding of his place and, accordingly, his true role in the world is formed. Social education as a process that accompanies the formation of a person’s consciousness throughout his life: at the preschool level, at school, lyceum, university, postgraduate education, in self-education, expanding and deepening, according to the main principle of didactics, in concentric (built into each other) circles.

Analysis of scientific literature allows us to state that the concept of “social education” is considered by scientists in two aspects. The first aspect is the professional training of social personnel (social workers and teachers, sociologists, psychologists, etc.). The second one includes the social education of each person throughout his life (continuity and continuity of receiving education with a social orientation).

Today, social education is interpreted in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, “social education” is understood as mastering the basics of social culture and the ability to live in society. In a narrow sense, it is reduced to sociological or to the training of social personnel for institutions in the social sphere.

To clarify the essence of the concept of “social education,” it seems necessary to consider, on the one hand, the concept and

types of education from the perspective of didactics, taking into account legislative framework Russian Federation and changes in the educational system that meets the requirements and issues social development in the world space, on the other hand, clearly defined as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon.

In pedagogy, education is understood as a unified process of physical and spiritual formation of personality, a process of socialization, consciously focused on certain ideal images, to historically determined, more or less clearly recorded in public consciousness social standards. In this understanding, education acts as an integral part of the life of all societies and all individuals without exception. Therefore, it is, first of all, social phenomenon.

Under education in Federal Law RF “On Education” is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

Training is a specific method of education aimed at personal development through the organization of students’ assimilation scientific knowledge and methods of activity.

The learning process includes two parts: teaching, during which the transfer (transformation) of a system of knowledge, skills, and experience is carried out; and teaching (student activity), as the assimilation of experience through its perception, comprehension, transformation and use.

B.G. Ananyev noted that learning is not only the transfer and assimilation of information - knowledge and rules of activity. Training is available

at the same time, communication, communication corresponding to the structure of society and the dominant type of interpersonal relationships in it. Education in the educational sense is a specially organized, purposeful activity for the formation and development of a child’s consciousness and self-awareness, the formation of a moral position and its consolidation in behavior. The content of education is built on the basis of basic spiritual values ​​of morality (ethics), including honesty, justice and humanity. IN this definition the overall scheme of human intelligence is laid down and therefore education can be understood as the formation and development of socialized intelligence. This means that education humanizes the cognitive aspect educational process and directs consciousness (intellect) to the appropriation of spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values.

In modern didactics, teaching and education are not opposed. On the contrary, their unity, “kinship”, is emphasized in many respects. For example, firstly, a single social nature: they arose and function as a response to man’s need to preserve, reproduce his socio-historical experience, and pass it on to the younger generation; secondly, by the methods of its implementation: a single socio-historical experience, adapted to a certain age category of children, is transmitted through the mechanism of social interaction - communication. Learning is communication between those who have knowledge and certain experience, and those who assimilate them.

At the same time, education is aimed at forming a system of human and professional values, methods of social behavior and civic position. For training, priority is

formation of a system of knowledge, skills, methods of cognitive and practical activity.

If earlier education was identified with the learning process in primary, secondary, higher school, i.e. V special system, created for the purposes of education, now such education began to be called formal, and the idea was developed that the concept of “education” is much broader than formal education. In this expanded interpretation, “education” is understood as everything that aims to change the attitudes and behavior patterns of individuals by transferring to them new knowledge, developing new skills and abilities.

In connection with the expansion of the concept of education itself, three main types of learning processes are distinguished:

1. Voluntary learning, including unstructured educational activities, which D. Evans (Evans D.R., 1981) divides into incidental (random) and informal education. In the first case, there is no conscious desire to learn on the part of the teacher, i.e. in this case, neither the teacher nor the student creates a “learning situation.” In the second case, either the learner or the source of information consciously strives to learn (but not both at once).

It is thanks to voluntary learning that a person acquires the greatest part of knowledge and skills during his life.

2. Formal education refers to education that is carried out in special institutions according to approved programs and must be consistent, standardized and institutionalized, guaranteeing a certain continuity.

3. Non-formal education is any organized educational activity outside the framework of the existing formal

systems designed for an identifiable clientele and meeting specific educational objectives (Coombs P.H., 1973).

IN In the report “There are no limits to education” by the Club of Rome (Botkin J.W., 1979), the increase in interest in non-formal education is explained by the “gap separating people”, their inability to adapt to rapid changes in the world. In this regard, the task is set to create a new learning paradigm - “a necessary prerequisite for resolving any global problems“, the concept of “innovative learning” is proposed, focused on “human initiative”, and not on the conscious social reproduction characteristic of learning in traditional schools.

P.G. Shchedrovitsky writes in this regard: “No matter how we supplement the concept of “education” with secondary characteristics, it is based on the idea of ​​completeness, perfect, and at the same time complete education, remains an ideal and value for two and a half centuries.”

IN Currently, continuous education is generally recognized and is considered by the European Union as the main element social model.

IN In a broad sense, lifelong education means all kinds of conscious actions that mutually complement each other and occur both within the educational system and outside it in different periods life. This activity is focused on the acquisition of knowledge, the development of all aspects and abilities of the individual, including the ability to learn and preparation for the performance of a variety of social and professional responsibilities, as well as for participation in social development both nationally and globally.

IN In a narrow sense, continuing education is considered as a specially organized process that is discrete (continuous), because carried out at different periods of life.

G.L. Ilyin interprets lifelong education even more broadly, calling any change in personality lifelong education. G.L. Ilyin refers to lifelong education as any social action, any form or method of behavior, carried out for the first time or in unfamiliar conditions, as well as everything that contributes to the accumulation of knowledge about the world, about ways of behavior in it and thereby contributes to the definition of personality in this world.

IN In the case of lifelong education, “we seem to be moving out of the sphere of education and education into the sphere of development, where completely different rules apply, self-determination in the field of development should be different.”

Adult education is a purposeful, systematic process organized in a certain way, which is important factor development of man and society as a whole.

IN adult education system modern stage The following areas are distinguished: general cultural (liquidation of elementary illiteracy and expansion of general education); professional (obtaining a profession, advanced training, eliminating functional illiteracy, retraining at all levels of primary, secondary, higher, postgraduate); additional (additional informal educational programs and services for more productive activities of citizens according to their interests).

The integration of general cultural and professional education expands the opportunities for self-determination and spiritual development of the individual, understanding one’s place in society, and improves professional

the competence of adults and at the same time helps them understand the processes taking place in society and overcome the mythologized consciousness. Integrated education develops people's creativity and independence, and improves their communication abilities. The priority is not ready-made knowledge in a particular science, but the methods and means of obtaining it.

The category “professional education” has broad meaning and is used to designate a system engaged in training, advanced training and retraining of workers and specialists, regardless of the level and profile of the education received (T.Yu. Lomakina, T.I. Platonova).

Vocational education, according to S.Ya. Batyshev, is the process and result of mastering a certain level of knowledge, skills, norms and values ​​in specific professions with the simultaneous formation of a general personal culture.

Professional training is a set of special knowledge, skills and abilities that allow you to perform work in a certain field of activity. Depending on qualifications, there are four main levels of professional training that require appropriate professional education: higher, secondary specialized, initial vocational and elementary (training of low-skilled workers in courses, through team-individual training in production, etc.).

The concept of "vocational education" differs from the concept

Along with the concept of social learning in scientific literature in Lately The term social education is widely used. The term social education appeared in Russia in the first half of the 90s in connection with the opening of institutes of social pedagogy and social work. However, its meaning still remains poorly defined. There are two main cases of using this phrase. In the first case, under social education refers to the professional training of specialists for work in the social sphere, including all types of vocational education: primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate, as well as course training and retraining of specialists.

In the second use, this term means education, during which the basic rules of human life in society are taught, the development of social culture, social thinking and action, culture social feelings and the culture of social organization. In this meaning, the term “social education” is close to the concept of “social learning”.

Social education can be considered in several ways:

1) social education is understood as the focus of any education, when all educational work serves the socialization of the individual;

2) social education is a component of the educational process, including social formation and social learning of the individual;

3) it is part of education about society; mastering social sciences;

4) this is the process and result of the socialization of the individual;

5) teaching the basics of the rules of life in society, a team, mastering knowledge about a person, society;

5) this is the professional education of an individual focused on professional activities in the social sphere; training of professional personnel for social protection institutions.

The result of social education as the unity of social education and social training should be a certain level of sociality, social orientation and social functioning achieved by each individual or group of people.

Mardakhaev L.V. defines social education as a process or as a result of a person’s training for self-realization in society, in the social environment of his life. It identifies two areas: 1) the process and result of a person’s assimilation of the social experience of society, a social group, necessary for him to realize himself as a citizen, family man, specialist and professional; 2) the process and result of training a person as a specialist in the social sphere.

Social education can be viewed more broadly. This is the training of specialists in the field of social sciences, training of specialists in various fields in social sciences, their social education; social education and upbringing of the population, the formation of skills to interact in society; the formation and reproduction of a certain mentality, a system of sociocultural principles, social ideals that form the foundation of social culture and way of life.

Pavlenok P.D. notes that social education in a broad sense is public education, i.e. the process of knowledge of society as a whole; in a narrow sense, it is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in the social sphere.

At the object level, social education acts: as a process, as a system, as social institution, part of the social sphere. At the subjective level: as a subjective process, as a subjective result, as a value.

The main tasks of social education are identified: prevention of social problems, development and implementation innovative technologies personal fulfillment; implementation social technologies in social institutions, etc. One of the main tasks of social education is to establish a balance between the needs of man and society, which is achieved by promoting priority values ​​in the form of respect for human interests.

Based on identifying features social education define its basic principles: humanism, consistency and integrity social education; use in content social education world educational standards; unity of state, public, professional and individual values; nurturing an active attitude towards public life.

During special studies of the phenomenon social education and its significance (V.A. Nikitin and G.T. Medvedeva) there are different types social education:

1. Non-formal social education is a collection of scattered practical information about the world obtained outside the formal educational process throughout one’s life.

2. Formal social education is associated with purposeful educational activities organized in the system of professional education, and largely determines the level of socialization of the individual, his readiness for independent functioning in professional activities.

Researchers V.A. Nikitin and G.T. Medvedev distinguishes between general scientific and special scientific levels social education.

At the general scientific level social education specialists gain knowledge about the laws, principles of development of the social sphere (social interaction of people, groups) and the ability to analyze, predict, and create projects to transform society. At the private scientific level, specialization is carried out social education, when specialists master the theoretical-methodological, general professional and private professional foundations and methods of professional activity, acquire the ability to carry out expert-analytical, organizational-managerial, forecasting and project activities to assist the team, group, individuals in socialization as part of the training of social work specialists, as well as in accordance with the needs of society.

The formation of personality and its socialization are associated with such concepts as social learning and social education.

Social learning - a purposeful process and result of the transfer of social knowledge and the formation of social skills in children.

Education and social education

The emergence of social pedagogy as a field of scientific and practical activity coincided with a period of rethinking the essence of education as social phenomenon.

The formation of personality and its socialization are associated with social education. Social education is a multidimensional concept. This is society’s concern for the generation of the future, support of a person by society, a team, another person, helping a person to assimilate and accept the moral relations that have developed in the family and society, accepting legal, economic, civil and everyday relations. Helping a person means teaching him to find new way in your life, to be able to adapt to a new life situation. Education must ensure that a person behaves in a manner that complies with the norms and rules of behavior accepted in a particular society.

Social education means a process that helps a person in order to improve himself, achieve success in a certain life situation, and be able to navigate public relations. Social education occurs in the family, at school, at all levels of education, and at work. And for a teenager it’s also a street.

The humanism of social education is manifested in helping individuals, not forcing them. Help you to be yourself, to be convinced of your exclusivity, uniqueness as a person and to be responsible for your life, and to accept the actions of another person without judgment, to support someone who has stumbled in a critical situation. Humanism also consists in building relationships between a child (teenager) and a teacher not on pressure, but on dialogue and mutual understanding, not on conflicts, but on empathy and acceptance of each other. Accordingly, the task of a social teacher is to stimulate the physical, moral and spiritual strength of the child, to help him cultivate qualities acceptable by society. Thus, the basis of social pedagogy is the education of the individual (in society and for society); it should be remembered that the task of social education is the formation of a civic personality, independent, creative, capable of positive relationships with people, responsible for their health, for their time.

Social pedagogy examines upbringing and education in state, municipal, public and private educational institutions.

The primary objectives of social education are:

Individual assistance to an individual in a crisis situation in the family, school, when it is necessary to restore health: the physical, mental and social state of the child (adolescent);

Protection of the rights of a child (teenager) to a decent life in society, his professional self-determination;

Protecting the health of a child (adolescent), as well as organizing his social, physical, cognitive and creative activities;

Help in approaches to making independent decisions in organizing your life.


The protracted transition period of economic reform in our country is largely due to the widespread economic illiteracy of the population, lack of knowledge, practical skills and behavior skills in a market economy.

The collapse in production and technological backwardness in many sectors of the economy (with the possible exception of the military-industrial complex, space and energy industries) caused job cuts and massive official (and even greater unofficial) unemployment.

In conditions when the labor market requires a young (up to 35 years old), but already professional specialist, and one with professional mobility (able to quickly, professional level learn a new, related profession), young school graduates have very little chance of finding a job.

At the same time, Russia has suffered a crisis of such magnitude that society risks not receiving a full generational change (I.V. Avdeev “Value Orientations”, I.M. Kirillov “Socially - economic analysis position of youth in society based on system indicators"). For the first time in history, the pace of development of technology, change of tools, etc. is ahead of the pace of generational change. This disrupts the adaptability of youth to increasingly complex living conditions with increasing competition and demands on the individual. As a result, the loss of some of the youth “landmarks”, the development of self-doubt, into the inability to assert oneself, to realize the level of one’s aspirations.

Thus, while improving living conditions through the creation of new industrial technologies, improving the quality of housing, and the comfort of the workplace, humanity at the same time pays for this by disrupting the ecological balance, deteriorating health, stress and psychological (mass) breakdowns.

The economic crises that break out in the world affect all countries, but leading countries with market economies are better able to cope with these problems. And not only because their financial system and industry are better protected, and their governments are more economically competent in solving emerging problems, but also because the people living in these countries, for the most part, have economic literacy sufficient for a layman. They are less afraid of the “grimaces” of the market (they do not run to buy goods, causing inflation), they are better able to fight for their rights, show initiative and creativity in the fight against difficulties, and know how to manage their family budget in a balanced manner.

Therefore, economic education of schoolchildren serves the ideas of humanizing education, educating a generation of people who are not hostile to the laws of a market economy, and allows them to develop such personality qualities as a creative attitude to work, determination in solving problems of self-realization in life and profession, i.e. acts as one of the most important aspects of self-realization.

The socio-economic and political situation also predetermines the characteristics of the socio-economic preparation of students. Economic training of schoolchildren should be considered as a process and a result of mastering economic knowledge and skills; formation of personality qualities, thinking and moral behavior, the ability to navigate an unstable economic situation, find an application and scope of activity, guided by both personal and public interests; understanding how material and spiritual goods are created, distributed and consumed. One of the areas of economic training is the formation of humanistic values, understanding of the role of the individual in society, the ability to analyze one’s needs and abilities, and prepare for the need to quickly change the field of activity (developing professional mobility). Explain the nature of the economic forces invading modern life, the laws governing the forces; finally, the meaning of new, often incomprehensible to Russian people, words that appear every day in the press ("money supply", "gross national product", "money emission", etc.), which are somehow connected with personal and public shocks and victories.

Young people need to understand the problems of economics in order to live in the real world and not only in order to get rich, but simply in order to become smart investors, educated people, informed workers in any field of activity in the future, and finally, just good citizens and patriots of their country.

Social changes in society are reflected in the life of the school. A sharp decline state funding conflicts with the declared priorities, in particular, with the need to satisfy the needs of the individual in realizing his educational needs in his planned development trajectory.

The socio-economic education of students is an important component of their socialization - social maturation and maturation, self-realization of the individual in society, and, consequently, the adaptation of young people to life in a market economy (and even in a protracted transition period). Systematic economic training of schoolchildren makes it easier for them to find ways to find employment, develops creativity, cultivates the readiness and ability to identify problems and find solutions (often unconventional) to emerging life problems.

A number of works have shown that the content component of socialization is the social formation of personality, implying the humanistic and humanitarian development of the student, social and professional self-determination of the individual, etc.

From a pedagogical and educational point of view, socialization is understood (according to I.A. Sasova and I.I. Nagumanova) as the process and result of the formation of personal qualities, educational skills, experience, a system of moral and value motivation and orientation in the process of including graduates in the system of social relations, significant for the individual and society.

The social formation of personality is a multifactorial process, various aspects of which can be considered from the point of view of various sciences.

As shown various studies, the social development of the individual begins at the age of 10 - 16, is mostly completed by the age of 30, and then correction and further implementation of the “life plan” occurs.

It is important already in the early school years to form the social development of the individual, to consider it as the most important task of the educational process; Based on a personality-oriented approach, develop the student’s natural abilities, organize a diverse environment that allows him to self-realize both in school and in life.

The economic education of school students should fit organically into the concept of reforming general education, combining the requirements for the educational system developed by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education and the basic principles of the ministerial concept of reform (former minister, academician E.D. Dneprov). The requirements and principles largely coincide and in some ways complement each other.

It is stated that education is a leading factor in the development of man and society, is the most important tool development and implementation of a new social ideology, a factor of social stability, conditions for the formation of market literacy, effective economic development. In addition, education must be proactive - a necessary condition for the development of society; it must reorient itself towards personality-oriented learning, become multi-structural, variable, humane, humanitarian, etc.

Humanization and humanization of education, first of all, are aimed at shaping the individual, preparing for life in a changing world, environmental, information, economic and technological society. Humanitarianization works not only for the spiritual development and upbringing of the child, but is also a productive force that influences the quality, level, intensity, and speed of scientific and technical progress, because coordinates it with the development of personality and ecology.

The modern education system does not have a truly humanistic character and is not ready to satisfy increased demands spiritual world human, does not develop creative performance of functions, does not help in development and self-development. Thus, at this stage, education is not advanced and does not provide for the transition from industrial to post-industrial society, because does not prepare a person to fulfill his purpose, his role in the new society.

Therefore, the content, methods and forms of training should change towards satisfying individual requests and needs of the individual, developing variable and elective training; It is necessary to move from focusing on the average student to differentiating achievements in learning and education in the moral, civil and creative spheres. The transition from educational standards to the quality of their implementation, from the needs of the average student to the best is a guideline for the realization of the rights of the child, for meeting the needs of the individual and society.

Taking into account the specifics of the educational and socio-economic situation in the Russian Federation, it can be stated that both at the federal and regional levels there is no forecast of priorities in the deployment of economic training for young people; the system of continuous economic training is poorly developed and has practically no scientific basis; lack of teachers with sufficient pedagogical and economic qualifications; slow reorientation of schools to the demands of a market economy; insufficiency of educational literature - all this gives rise to disunity in creating an integral system of economic training for schoolchildren.

Since one of the tasks of economic training is the adaptation of school graduates to life in market conditions, apparently, we should talk not about economic, but about socio-economic training of schoolchildren.

Economic education of students pursues various goals in regular classes and in economic classes. In ordinary classes, levels I and II must be maintained in a three-level system; in economic classes, three-level training must be carried out: the third level is initial vocational training.

This does not mean that Level 3 is closed to students from non-economic classes who want to master it. They can master it through reserves - additional education.

Economic training of schoolchildren, especially in innovative educational institutions, should be built on the principles of consistency, continuity and continuity of economic education. At the same time, its success largely depends on the entire training system in the educational system educational institution. The success of economic training will be ensured if in every lesson (regardless of the subject) they teach to analyze, pose questions and make decisions, develop creative imagination. This is how the basis for analyzing economic phenomena is built. Almost all courses traditionally studied in secondary schools, to one degree or another, should reflect the laws of social development, economic spheres of society, economic relations, etc.

Therefore, the most important goals of economic preparation include:

  • Formation of functional economic literacy taking into account the personal orientation of students, facilitating their socialization.
  • Formation of a culture of economic thinking.
  • Constant development of the individual as a subject economic activity. Formation of a value system and development of economically significant qualities that ensure the viability of students and their self-development.
  • Instilling skills in practical economic activity.
  • Providing assistance in professional self-determination.

Continuity of economic training involves constant advancement from simple to complex through the implementation of a set of paths, means, methods and forms, acquisition, deepening and expansion of economic knowledge and skills, if economic courses are distributed over the years of study so that the movement of economic content occurs as if around the core along a spiral with access to a higher meaningful level at each subsequent turn. Continuity also provides for the formation of economic thinking, the ability to business communication, nurturing such character qualities as initiative, enterprise, and the desire to achieve the planned result. It is very important to develop creative imagination, a creative attitude to business, and the ability to obtain results with minimal expenditure of all types of resources (both material and intellectual).

The goal of lifelong education is also the constant development of the individual as a subject of economic activity, the mastery by schoolchildren of such knowledge and skills that would allow them to engage in self-education, more easily engage in labor entrepreneurial activity, recognize themselves as owners, capable of working effectively, planning and anticipating the results of their work with from the point of view of economic feasibility.

The systematic nature of economic education assumes that in each educational field curriculum Some economic knowledge will be used.

In the educational field of "Social Studies" it is necessary to provide knowledge on issues of economic characteristics, the social structure of countries with different economic structures, economic and geographical patterns, economic spheres life of society, history of economic development; about material needs, economic relations, laws of supply, demand and cost, forms of ownership and variety of types of enterprises; give concepts of the economic cycle, about market economy, about the possibility of state regulation of it, economic culture, ecology and its connection with the economy, etc.

The use of interdisciplinary connections between economics and mathematics is very effective. Indeed, mathematical apparatus is widely used in economic theory. An economics teacher can constantly refer to mathematics in his classes ( variables, functions, writing a functional relationship in the form of an algebraic form, a graphical form of a function, mathematical models in economics, etc.), while in each class the level of the material presented and the mathematical preparation of students should be taken into account. At the same time, the mathematics teacher will have to show its applied nature when presenting the relevant material, in particular in economics.

The educational field "Technology" includes economic issues:

When studying the works of Russian and foreign literature(N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls", A.N. Ostrovsky "Profitable Place", "Mad Money", M.F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", M. Mitchell "Gone with the Wind", O. Balzac "Gobsek" and many other authors) can illustrate economic phenomena, reflect the characteristics of economic systems and phenomena in different states and eras, and introduce the types of behavior of people in various economic situations. In these lessons, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to analyze economic problems, ethics and morality of entrepreneurship. This beneficial material can also be widely used by an economics teacher when studying. various topics of economic cycle disciplines.

In the natural science lessons, it is necessary to consider the connection between environmental issues, production processes, the influence of the development of scientific thought and technology with economic processes, the relationship between scientific and technological progress and the development of socio-economic relations in society, etc. An economics teacher can also use these relationships. Economic ties with Russian and Russian can be widely used foreign languages(for example, propose to give an economic interpretation to sayings and proverbs: “Time is money”, “Loss is a gain for the mind”, etc.).

Economic training requires continuity, which is expressed in the fact that socio-economic training at each level of secondary school, while solving the general problems of economic education, has its own specifics, taking into account the age characteristics of children. One of the most important tasks of socio-economic training is the formation of schoolchildren’s readiness to participate in specific economic activities. It is necessary to create various small business structures at the school, organize their work (furniture repair, production of tools and products for personal plots, production of various advertising materials, organization of exhibitions and auctions in order to sell their own products, etc.). The effectiveness of economic training will increase with the inclusion of new information technologies in the educational process, in particular, the use of business games on EVT.

The development of general education in the direction of strengthening the economic training of schoolchildren and saturating various disciplines with elements of economic knowledge ensures, on this basis, an increase in its humanization. However, this task is very complex and time-consuming; it requires not only a revision curricula, but also changes in habitual approaches and private methods; in many ways this is a change in worldview, caused by the transition to personality-oriented learning.

However, it is necessary to solve this problem, since economic literacy of school graduates will not only make it easier for them to adapt to market conditions life, but also the possibility of intellectual and spiritual development of the individual, increasing the efficiency of activity in the real environment of human life, will reduce the dangerous consequences of the social environment and the economic situation through increasing the general and economic literacy and culture of man and society. Therefore, economic education should become an integral part of a student’s general education, and its system-forming part together with the subjects of the natural sciences, social studies and human studies.

It is necessary to achieve consistency, continuity and continuity in the economic education of students; it is necessary to develop in them motivation for economic and general self-education, to find a vector for their self-development and professional self-determination while still at school.

Work presented at III scientific conference With international participation“Priority directions for the development of science, technology and engineering”, October 22-29, 2005, Hurghada (Egypt). Received by the editor on September 7, 2005.

Bibliographic link

Bazaikina T.V., Kundozerova L.I., Milinis S.M., Rostovtsev A.N. SOCIO-ECONOMIC EDUCATION OF STUDENTS AS A PROCESS OF THEIR SOCIALIZATION // Basic Research. – 2005. – No. 9. – P. 50-53;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=6595 (date of access: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

In the process of normal functioning and development of society, the social institution of education plays an extremely important role. The material and spiritual values, knowledge, experience, traditions accumulated by the labor of previous generations must be transferred to the new generation of people and assimilated by them. Therefore, maintaining the achieved level cultural development, its further improvement is impossible without mastering cultural heritage past centuries. This problem is solved in the process of socialization of individuals, the task of which is precisely to introduce a person to the norms and values ​​of culture and turn him into a full member of society. An essential component of the process of socialization of individuals is education - training a person with the aim of transferring accumulated knowledge and cultural values.

In more detail, education can be described as a relatively independent system, “the function of which is the systematic training and education of members of society, focused on mastering certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, abilities, skills, norms of behavior, the content of which is determined by socio-economic and the political system of society, the level of its material and technical development": .

The education system as an institution includes the following components:

education authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them;

net educational institutions(schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, academies, etc.), including institutes for advanced training and teacher training;

creative unions, professional associations, societies, scientific and methodological councils and other associations;

scientific and educational infrastructure institutions: design, production, clinical, medical and preventive, pharmaceutical, cultural and educational enterprises, printing houses, etc.;

educational programs and state educational standards different levels and direction;

textbooks and teaching aids for teachers and students;

periodicals, including magazines and yearbooks, reflecting the latest achievements of scientific thought.

Both in our country and abroad the system higher education developed traditionally, first including theological and humanitarian education, then natural science and engineering education. In recent decades, economic, informational and, already before our eyes, social education have emerged from this system. Academician V.I. Zhukov characterizes it “as a product of high-quality interaction (interpenetration, assimilation) of natural science, humanitarian and technical education”:

That is, social education, the system of social knowledge is “responsible” for all the problems that exist in human society and concerning the person himself. At the same time, social education is not all-encompassing and abstract, but has a very specific practical orientation.

Social education means:

training and retraining of specialists in the field of social sciences; training specialists of various profiles in social sciences, their social education;

  • · training and retraining of specialists for social and management institutions;
  • · social education, education of the broad masses of the population, developing their ability to interact in society within a certain socio-historical space - time;
  • · the formation and reproduction of a certain mentality, systems of sociocultural principles, life-meaning orientations, social ideals that form the foundation of social culture, public intelligence, the way of life of the people of a particular state, nation, human community.

Improving the content of social education is the differentiation of general social education depending on the field of activity where the specialist will work (education, medicine, management, journalism, energy, industry, agriculture, finance).

Firstly, the needs of practice, the issues that are the subject of concern modern society Secondly, they are influenced by the preferences and sympathies of the teaching staff, their preparedness, scientific interests. Thirdly, the choice of training models for social workers, the formation of programs for their training and advanced training are influenced by the development of theories of social work.

At the same time, mass education is required to reliably inform people about the real scale of social problems and ways to solve them in every settlement, district, region, and region. Informing the population about the work of the system of management and social protection institutions in each district, settlement, region, territory, republic. Preparing people for social self-defense, teaching the basics of conservation and life safety.

Improving the content of social education in modern Russia associated with fundamental principles existence of man and society, types of their life activities, social culture. This is mainly connected with the development of ideas about the meaning of life and justice, about social ideals.

The organization of training and retraining of personnel of various qualifications has long and strong traditions in our country. The purpose of social work is to provide assistance to members of society who need it, to encourage them to overcome through their own efforts personal, family, group, and industrial problems. Main functions social worker are to identify (diagnose) these problems, provide assistance, support, and then carry out correction of his behavior and social rehabilitation. training specialists in such a multifaceted type of activity, complex in content and forms of implementation, cannot immediately take shape and begin to function as a holistic system, especially in the conditions of socio-economic transformations in which Russia now finds itself. The most complete model is proposed by Professor I. A. Zimnyaya: social education institute

  • 1. Training of a specialist in the field of social work is carried out according to levels, the tasks of introducing the student into training, providing self-study and self-development programs are consistently solved.
  • 2. Training of a specialist can be considered as a complex multidimensional activity, the total subject of the implementation of which is the educational, methodological and administrative staff of the educational institution together with departments, teachers, and the students themselves.
  • 3. In the field of social work, like any complex activity unfolding over time, there are several levels and stages. Level 1 - indicative-research is essentially an acquaintance with the subjects, means, methods and conditions of future professional activity, forecasting its implementation. Level 2 - execution of the activity itself in the form of training, which involves defining approaches, organizing the educational process and ensuring it. Level 3 - self-development, self-improvement of a specialist.
  • 4. Training a social work specialist requires him to accept certain ethical standards (professional codes) and follow them, the formation of certain personal (individual psychological) qualities, such as, for example, humanistic orientation, empathy, altruistic dominance, etc.
  • 5. The subject of training in the specialty " social work"is the practical ability to provide effective qualified assistance to the client in solving his personal problems, difficulties (with children, parents, employees, oneself), such as, for example, inadequacy of the level of aspirations, self-esteem, maladjustment, drug or alcohol addiction, impotence, old age, loss of meaning in life, disability.