Secret techniques on how to deceive casinos. Online casino: revealing the system of deception. Special contact lenses

Before you play in an online casino, there is one simple thing to remember: you will never be allowed to win consistently and withdraw your winnings. Even if you develop your own unique gaming strategy, and this, according to professionals, you may not be allowed to regularly withdraw your winnings. In reality, you can only count on one-time winnings - as soon as the casino owners notice that you have started to win consistently, everything will be done to ensure that you lose your funds.

How casinos deceive players

It should be understood that absolutely honest casinos No. If there are exceptions to this rule, they are very rare. Among the most popular casinos with a long history are such establishments as Grandcasino, King, Williams Hill. There are other casinos that have earned a good reputation.

Be sure to read the terms and conditions that you agree to when you start playing at a casino - even the largest establishments have a clause according to which your account can be closed without explanation or reason. There are hundreds of loopholes that allow casino owners to “legally” rob you of your winnings.

Many casinos have this principle: the first day after registration you are allowed to play honestly. If at the end of the day you are a winner, the game for you is already starting to follow different algorithms - you are surprised to notice that you are starting to rapidly “drain” your deposit. It also happens: on a demo account you consistently win, but when you switch to a real one, you immediately begin to lose money. This is typical for many casinos.

It’s easy to check the fairness of the game: for example, when playing roulette, bet only on equal odds. At the same time, place in a circle to avoid subjectivity - for example, “1-18”, “even”, “black”, “red”, “odd”, “19-36”, again “1-18”, etc. . Use minimum bets, mark each win with a plus, each loss with a minus. Don't count zero. When playing fair large series– about several hundred bets – the number of wins and losses should be approximately equal. If there are noticeably more minuses, you are being deceived.

Make sure you have everything in advance Required documents to withdraw funds. For example, you will not be able to withdraw money from many foreign online casinos without a passport or driver's license.

How to beat the casino

First of all, find a casino that is at least not obvious. A good option is a casino with md5 fairness control. The principle is simple: when starting a game - for example, roulette, blackjack, etc., using the site’s service, you receive a file with a sequence of numbers or cards encrypted using the md5 algorithm. After the game you receive a decryption code and can compare the real sequence of cards or numbers with the one in the encrypted file.

Remember that some casinos only pretend that they have md5 fairness control. In practice, the service may not work, and you will not be able to check this without starting the game. Therefore, for the first game, enter minimum amount– for example, $5. This is enough to start the game and check the integrity of the casino.

Never play bad mood. Be relaxed and enjoy the game. You will begin to really make money from the game only when you step away from the very desire to make money.

Be sure to use some kind of system in the game - just not the martingale, it is guaranteed to lead to the loss of your deposit, as has been proven repeatedly by thousands of players. Consider periods of success and failure, every player has them. To do this, keep a diary in which you note your wins and losses, build a graph of volume changes Money. Looking at the chart, you can see when your next “drawdown” begins - operate at this time minimum rates or switch to a demo account. When luck turns your way again, increase your bet size. Using these rules, you can always remain profitable.

How to cheat a casino?


How to deceive a casino, but only honestly?

Method No. 1

The essence is as follows: You just play in the casino, but you risk virtually nothing! Now I’ll tell you a little trick that is absolutely legal. You are visiting the site

On-line casino , For exampleCasino CrazyWM go to the section with the game " MORE \ LESS "(the essence of the game is to guess the next number, i.e. you are offered a number in the range from 0 to 100, including the ends, and you must guess the next number will be greater or less than this) and refresh the page (F5) until until the initial number that is offered to you becomes very small, for example 7, or very large, for example 94, then check the “more” or “less” box and place your bet accordingly, that’s it! Then you receive your winnings!

This method of earning WMZ is the fastest and absolutely legal! This way I earn several WMZ by spending approximately 1 hour a day.

Let's say you decide to play. We went to the MORE\LESS section, and you got the number 51. You refresh the page several times, for example, using the F5 key. For example, the number dropped is 91 or 12. In the first case, you can safely bet on LESS and win, because the next generated number is unlikely to be greater than 91 if the maximum is 100. In the second case, you must bet strictly on MORE for the same reason. You place a bet, for example 0.1 WMZ, and already win 0.3 WMZ. And if, for example, you get a very small or large coin, but you didn’t guess right, next time double the bet and so on until you win back the loss (more on this in method No. 2).

Then you can instantly withdraw the money you win, which is sent to your webmoney wallet.

Your money is waiting for you!!!

CrazyWM Casino - Registration link
(Note: the given method can be used for any bet, but after the 1st winnings, you need to close the browser window for 30-50 minutes, since the casino can drive your system and you will begin to lose, check, do not risk)

Method No. 2

My second method works flawlessly in the HEAD OR TAILS slot. This game is unique in its own way. And its uniqueness lies in the fact that with two options for the outcome of the game (either heads or tails), the winnings in it still increase THREE TIMES. Plus, if you take into account the chain of bets that can be made in this game, then very interesting thoughts come to mind.

Let us just study this very chain of bets. To do this, let's take the first ten of them. They go in the following sequence: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20. You can look for yourself in the bet selection drop-down menu on the same CrazyWM

That is, roughly speaking, we get two conditions in our gambling problem. The first is the features of the betting chain, and the second is that the winnings increase THREE TIMES.

Here I remember a rather old method of play, which has long been used when playing ROULETTE, but did not always guarantee a win because it only worked when betting on either black, or red, or even - not even. The method is called MARTINGALE. It worked poorly due to the fact that in roulette the winnings increase only by TWO TIMES, and not by THREE as in our case.

What is the essence of the method? The fact is that the game goes up when betting on the same outcome of the event. If it is not entirely clear, I will explain in detail.

You enter the slot with the game HEAD OR TAILS. You place a bet of 0.1WMZ and choose TAILS, if you lose, you place a bet of 0.2WMZ and again choose TAILS, if you lose the bet is already 0.3WMZ and again TAILS, you lose 0.5WMZ and again TAILS. And so you continue throughout the chain until you win.

The remarkable thing about the method is that, provided that the bet is increased THREE TIMES, the winnings at any stage of the chain more than cover all the expenses of the previous lost bets and you still remain in the black. Now I’m too lazy to prove this statement to you with an example, but you can check it yourself simply by picking up a CALCULATOR.

Although, if you want, I can break down the first two steps of the chain for you.


Let's say you place a bet of 0.1WMZ and lose, then you lose 0.2WMZ, but let's say the bet of 0.3WMZ already wins. What happens here? Bets 0.1 and 0.2WMZ are lost, which means you lost 0.3WMZ in total, but the third bet of 0.3WMZ has already won and increased THREE TIMES, which means the net win from this bet is 0.6WMZ, and you only lost 0.3WMZ from the first two bets, therefore you are in the black by 0.3WMZ (0.6-0.3). And this is how you will remain a winner if at least one of the bets in the chain wins.

And at least one will always win, because there has never been such a thing where, say, TAILS came up more than TEN TIMES IN A ROW. This simply doesn't happen.

If you don’t believe me, then, I tell you, pick up a CALCULATOR and see for yourself.

Remember the most important thing: if at some stage you win, start MARTINGALE again, otherwise you will lose money.

This, in fact, is my second method, the essence of which, I hope, you have clearly understood and remembered. And if so, then all I can do is say goodbye to you and wish you GOOD LUCK in our risky, but damn profitable business!

Most of the tricks that avid gamblers resort to to deceive casinos do not work. But history has recorded at least 7 cases where the deception was successful.

Special contact lenses

In 2011, in France, four scammers managed to extract about $88,000 from the Les Princes casino in Cannes. One of the cheaters worked in a casino and marked the backs of the cards with invisible ink. The other three used special contact lenses that allowed them to see the marked cards.

The cheaters showed up at the poker table twice, and each time they received winning combinations with amazing luck. The marked deck was later found by casino security. When watching the video, it turned out that all the scammers were wearing contact lenses.

Radio transmitter in a pack of cigarettes

In 1973, the croupier of the French casino Deauville, together with his sister and brother, “heated up” the establishment for a million dollars. The pack of cigarettes that the croupier brought contained a radio transmitter. And in the roulette ball, the scammers installed a complex mechanism that made the ball stop when needed. To do this, it was enough to press a button hidden in a cigarette pack. The effectiveness of this trick was impressive - in 90% of cases the ball ended up in the right sector.

The fraud was discovered only because the casino owner was madly in love with the croupier's sister. The girl's role was that she had to press a button in a pack of cigarettes. The owner of the casino was surprised that she always sat in the same place, at the same table, always made small bets and had never won.

The security service that arrived at the scene found transmitters in cigarettes and a ball. The criminals were accused of fraud. Based on this incident, the film “Tricheurs” (“Fraudsters”) was shot in France.

Edge sorting

In 2012 professional player Phil Ivey won $11 million in poker at Crockfords Casino in London. Phil used an old trick called "Edge sorting". It is based on the fact that when produced in a printing house, cards are cut asymmetrically - therefore, the design of the back of each card is slightly different from the others. This is especially noticeable at the edges of the map. For example, if the shirt has a pattern of hearts, the ten in the upper right corner may only have half a heart, and the ace in the lower left corner may only have a quarter of a heart “sticking out,” etc.

Phil walked around several poker tables in the casino until he found a deck with a familiar design. When he started playing, the bets on the table immediately increased from 50 to 150 thousand dollars. Phil later denied accusations of fraud, but the court sided with the casino. In 2014, Phil Ivey, using the same technique, won $10 million in an American casino. They refused to pay him money.

High tech

In 2004, three players from the UK developed a unique system using a computer and lasers hidden in cell phones. The system analyzed the movement of the roulette ball and predicted which sector it would fall into. With its help, scammers won about two million dollars at the Ritz casino in London.

When the trio came to collect the money they had won, they were arrested. Later, the scammers had to be released - it turned out that in the country there are no prohibitions on the use of laser technology when playing roulette.

Korean method

In 2007, American police arrested a gang of Korean immigrants who robbed 28 casinos in total amount at 7 million dollars. The group specialized in bribing card dealers and casino managers to rig cards. The scammers made a kind of “bookmark” in the deck, the cards in which were laid out in a certain sequence.

Usually the casinos realized that they had been cheated only when the gang had already left the city. In 2004, the FBI took over the case.

The criminals were killed by greed. After the head of the gang, Phuong Quoc, began to cheat the croupiers collaborating with him, they handed him over to the FBI. In 2011, the court found Phuong, along with 47 other members of the group, guilty of fraud.


In 2012, a gang of 13 people led by Ara Keshishyan also became interested in the casino. More precisely, their attention was drawn to the casinos themselves, and the ATMs installed in them. It turned out that at Citibank ATMs it was possible to withdraw an amount ten times the size of the deposit. For the trick to succeed, it was necessary to withdraw money from the card several times within one minute. So Keshishyan’s group withdrew more than a million dollars from casinos in California and Nevada.

Part of the money received was laundered right there - at poker and roulette. The scammers did not skimp on bets, so the casino, as VIP clients, provided them with comfortable rooms, food and drinks. When the loss was discovered at Citibank, the FBI detained the criminals. All gang members received five years in prison. Among other things, the court ordered them to compensate the damage caused to the bank.

Fake chips

In 1998, Las Vegas police arrested Louis "The Coin" Colaveccio. Louis played slot machines using counterfeit chips. He worked as a jeweler, so he could make almost any chip. The fraud was discovered when the casino discovered an excess of playing chips. Louis was sentenced to six years in prison. Upon his release, Moneta did not give up his idea. In 2006, he was arrested again for counterfeiting chips.

One of the American channels filmed about Louis documentary called "Hacking Las Vegas".

Today we will talk about emptying your wallets with the help of a casino. This article and my experience can be especially useful for you if you have decided or have been advised to make money using a casino.

Firstly, let’s remember once and for all one golden unspoken rule of the gaming world, which sounds like this: “a game, no matter what it is in content, scheme and currency, has always been, is and will remain a game,” well, certainly not, for example earnings for game users!

A game can only earn you money if you manage the game, become its creator, or provide such services. Friends, undoubtedly, in any game sometimes you will win, this is a natural phenomenon for any person. Thanks to the so-called “courage” or “white streak”, sooner or later, you will still win, just what it will be: 5 candy wrappers, 10 dollars or 100,000 rubles is absolutely unimportant for the gaming system as a whole. One way or another, in any case, this is not earnings, but simply a single win, especially since it is unknown how many of those same candy wrappers or money you will have to lose before the arrival of that very “finest hour”.

In general, games were invented by mankind in order to entertain themselves from the daily hustle and bustle, but for some people it is a pleasure to lose or win money.

Let's now use a live example to look at the actions of not very honest casinos to attract cash flow. And I will be a living example, a person with a higher mathematical education (trainee researcher in physical and mathematical sciences) and a player in life, with gaming experience over 5 years.

So, let’s say you are surfing the Internet in search of income or part-time work and you come across, for example, a site like or a site like and, in general, there are a lot of similar sites on the Internet. The essence of these Internet resources is to attract partners. The conditions are as follows: you play in one of the casinos indicated by the admin, following only his link, using his money using his so-called win-win method. The loot is divided in half. We have nothing to lose, let's try.

You play like this for 3 days, double his deposit and inform him about it, thinking that now your honestly earned 200-400 dollars will arrive. Here the following mechanism of the deception system comes into force. They tell you that due to some blah blah reasons your part of the winnings will not be given to you and in general, say thank you for showing you this method.

Many “partners” lured in this way subsequently open their own account in this casino, make a deposit with real money, play according to the “system” and, of course, they all lose! We were looking to earn extra money while we were sitting at home, but now we were left without any money at all! Sad, sad and worrying. The only goal of this kind of “partnership” is to attract your money to this casino, as soon as you have made a deposit - that’s it, you don’t even have to play, your money is lost!

I am revealing the “Casino-Partner” deception system!

  • The casino is looking for a freelancer who is ready to attract people to the same casino using the method described above for a small fee or %. Sometimes casino administrators themselves can be such freelancers.
  • A link to the casino is issued, but it is modified by adding the required IP. For this purpose, the IP casino installs enhanced verification of winnings, mainly roulette on red and black, where the win rate is 51 to 49.
  • An allegedly real $600 is deposited into the account created by the scammer and a login and password are given to you. Before this, you will be asked to create your account using the same link and try to earn +50 dollars using their system. Of course you can do it. This move was made to make it look more believable.
  • You start playing, you are asked to take a deposit of 500-600 dollars responsibly, since the amount is not small. Everything works out for you, everything goes well, you follow the instructions, play no more than 20 minutes at a time, no more than $100 a day - this is also for plausibility.
  • After 3 days, your winnings are not given to you, and then a person begins to feel deceived, resentful and hope that it is so easy to receive $100 a day - this is a dream that needs to be realized, only now with your own money, and not a scammer.
  • Even if you play through that very link, you will still not receive anything, because the IP address has already been unlinked, the win rate drops, according to my calculations, somewhere around 35 to 65, and if you made too large a deposit, say $1000 , then the win rate will be 15 to 85. And this means that, for example, you can get black in a row not 8-9 max, but 16-19 max and even more! This cheating system is different from other similar theme systems which works due to human factor resentment, greed and vanity.

Well, friends, I hope this material will be useful to you and help you avoid stumbling into another money trap! Take care of yourself and your wallets, all the best to you! For additional questions, please contact me through the blog comments, I will come back and answer periodically.

Casino scam

When going to a casino, you may wonder: “Can I be deceived there?” This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because everything depends on you. However, in order to maintain objectivity, it should be clarified that cheating in casinos is normal.

Fraud in gambling houses has existed for a very long time and is practically ineradicable. It is divided into 3 types:

When the fraud is carried out by the casino itself;

When an employee of a gambling house is involved in cheating, as a rule, the croupier;

When the player is the cheater.

Of course, in the case when a casino cheats, it has no reason to be dissatisfied, because the profits are coming in regularly. But if someone deceives a gambling house, its administration really doesn’t like it. The casino spends a lot of money on maintaining security guards and updating the electronic security system, which is necessary in order to prevent cases of fraud in the casino on the part of customers and employees of the establishment who decide to illegally bypass the casino to line their pockets.

Security officers at gambling houses are well aware of where on their territory a crime may be detected. For example, in the USA, in 7% of cases, fraud occurs when exchanging chips at cash desks, in 20% - during card games, in particular blackjack, and in 60% - when playing at slot machines.

However, despite their failure to act as reliable defenders against professional fraudsters, security officials continue to try to prevent fraud. The same activities are carried out by employees of companies involved in the production of security programs and equipment for gambling houses.

Today, technology is rapidly improving, but, unfortunately, not only law-abiding citizens can use it. Therefore, as soon as a casino installs the most modern system for tracking the actions of players, scammers immediately begin to come up with ways in which this very system can be fooled, sometimes showing genius. Developers of tracking systems who know this are forced to constantly invent and counter smart scammers with something new. Sometimes such systems are used in completely different areas of activity. For example, it is known that the surveillance systems implemented in Las Vegas casinos performed so well that the US government began to use them to prevent terrorist attacks.

Security in Russian gambling houses is at a fairly high level, but this does not prevent scammers from finding loopholes in the tracking system and deceiving casinos.

Today, casinos have at their disposal special systems and personality recognition programs that enter into a special database all casino visitors who are suspected of cheating. These programs instantly identify a blacklisted person and transmit information about him to their users, not only to one specific casino, but also to others connected to it by a common network. Therefore, if a person is denied access to one gambling house, others will instantly know about it.

When the casino cheats you

The casino can carry out fraud through the dealer or a fake player. But how does this happen and how can you prove the fact of deception?

Already from the very beginning, the casino puts its client at a disadvantage by drawing up the rules of the game in such a way as to win under any circumstances. Whatever good player No matter the visitor to the establishment, sooner or later he will remain a loser. Not on this day, then on the next – it’s just a matter of time. Therefore, unless you are a high-class gambler, your chances of winning against the casino are a large amount without losing your money are very small.

However, despite such beneficial financial position gambling houses, sometimes the casino management thinks that the amount of profit received is insufficient. And then the casino begins to use frankly cheating techniques. So, for example, in order to reduce to the limit a poker player’s chances of winning, a casino can remove some cards from the playing deck, such as aces, and thereby reduce the players’ chances of getting a winning combination, because the rules of the game do not say how many cards should be used. consist of a playing deck.

Typically, it is mostly small casinos that deceive visitors. The more respectable the establishment, the less likely it is that you will have to deal with cheating by its employees. The fact is that it is not profitable for reputable and prestigious casinos to deceive visitors, because the latter in any case give them enough money during fair play. In addition, the heads of large institutions do not want to risk their money, license, or even freedom.

However, the casino does not at all welcome the fact that cheaters can undermine its well-being through deception. Therefore, any cases of fraud in reputable gambling houses are ruthlessly suppressed by their administration.

However, there are also fly-by-night casinos that, taking this opportunity, try to get as much as possible from customers. more money, not particularly interested in the legality of their activities. A casino can cheat in any game: roulette, poker, and even slot machines. In this case, only the methods of deception are different, but the goal remains the same: to steal money from you.

Fraud in card games

Because the card games popular all over the world, many technical methods of fraud have been invented specifically for them. In addition to the trick with an incomplete deck, which was already written about above, casino employees can use marked cards. This method is good if one of the players at the table is a figurehead. There are also many ways to shuffle the deck.

Casinos often profit from so-called dealer mistakes. If you're not very experienced player, it will be difficult for you to notice the trick due to which the dealer makes winning combination losing. Indeed, every person can make a mistake, but croupier-deceivers “make mistakes” very cleverly, and if you didn’t immediately notice the catch, then you’ll hardly be able to prove anything. As a rule, the victims of casino scammers are clients who are in a state of alcohol intoxication, who practically do not monitor how the game is on, completely relying on the professionalism of the dealer, who, they believe, will not allow cheating.

Roulette scam

Casinos rarely allow themselves to cheat when playing roulette. The fact is that cheating in roulette is much easier to prove than in other games, and, knowing this, the owners of large reputable casinos consider this type of fraud gambling unjustified risk.

Sometimes, by order of the administration, the croupier installs special brake pads on the roulette wheel and a pedal hidden under the floor that controls them. By stepping on this pedal, the dealer has the opportunity to stop the wheel at the moment he needs.

Nevertheless, sometimes the casino administration decides to cheat. For this purpose, special electromagnetic devices are used, which are mounted in the roulette wheel under some cells so that they are not visible from the outside. A small metal block is placed in the ball. By controlling the magnets, the dealer directs the ball to the cells he needs, on the numbers of which the players made the least bets.

Some casinos use telescopic table legs to cheat at roulette. The convenience of this method is that it is very difficult to notice the catch, and without special measurements it is almost impossible to confirm the fact of deception. In addition, the sliding legs are usually leveled after use, and with a certain amount of caution, no one can be caught cheating.

Dice cheating

Oddly enough, when playing dice, casinos rarely cheat, leaving this type of activity to outside cheaters who use cheating dice with convex edges, with weights or magnets. However, sometimes dealers cannot resist the temptation big win and make various attempts to cheat, but these attempts are quickly stopped by the casino security service.

Fraud at slot machines

A slot machine, by its nature and purpose, involves constant winnings. However, despite the fact that slot machines allow their owners to receive a constant income, many casinos decide to cheat by adjusting the slot machine so that the amount of its payouts is small, that is, no more than 20% of the money put into it.

Internal fraud related to slot machines is very common in casinos. According to statistics, the damage caused by “external” scammers is 3 times less than that caused to the establishment by its own employees.

You can deceive a slot machine in many ways, for example, by choosing a key to install a permanent credit. Many people throw special blanks into the machine instead of money. Some tie a thin fishing line to the token in order to use it to pull the money back and let it back into the entrance. This maneuver is very risky, because it is easy to track, and then the scammers will have to deal with security officers.

If you suspect during the game that you are being deceived, do not go to “download your rights” to the management of the establishment, believe me, this will not give you anything. And if you are too annoying, you can easily be kicked out of the gambling house or fined for violating the order. Unfortunately, in order to prove that a casino is deceiving customers on slot machines, you will have to go to court. Special auditors and specialists will be sent to the establishment, and if your version is confirmed, a case will be opened against the deceiving casino.

If the dealer cheats you

Among the casino employees there is always someone who is not satisfied with the salary paid to him, and he tries to improve his financial situation through fraud. This employee is usually the dealer, who has seen people win and lose millions.

Fraudulent activities of dealers usually go in two directions, that is, they deceive either their own casino or customers. Sometimes, however, croupiers combine both. But even if the croupier does not rob the establishment itself, the security service still resolutely suppresses his cheating activities, because if customers catch the establishment employee cheating, the reputation of the casino itself will suffer first of all.

Despite the fact that croupiers cheat quite often, usually only the establishment itself can catch them, naturally, without making this annoying fact public. Usually it is very difficult for a deceived client to prove the fact of fraud, and even more so to defend his rights with the help of the law. Indeed, the rules of the game do not indicate anywhere at what height from the table the dealer should hold a deck of cards during distribution and what to do with players who at that time saw the value of the cards being dealt.

If the casino management discovers such a croupier trick, it does not prove the guilt of its employee who committed the crime, but immediately takes punitive measures. Punishment can be either a regular fine or more severe methods, such as talking alone with two impressive guards.

Personnel fraud is perhaps one of the most serious problems gambling houses. Approximately 70% of all cases of cheating in casinos are on the conscience of the establishment’s employees, who either independently or in collusion with someone deceive clients and the casino itself.

To cheat, croupiers usually use the same methods as cheaters, which will be described below. However, you should pay special attention to the game of roulette. Sufficiently experienced and self-confident dealers can make a profit in any situation, only occasionally stooping to outright deception with a lightweight ball.

The croupier knows many ways to influence roulette, because his responsibilities include manipulating the ball and spinning the wheel. It can "cut off" bets, preventing players from thinking and betting carefully. As soon as he says, “There are no more bets,” players must stop placing chips on the table. If they have not done so, the dealer has the right to discard the chips from playing field, of course, apologizing for this. Here, as a rule, visitors begin to be indignant, often turning to outright insults, and sometimes they begin to wave their fists.

Outraged players, loudly protesting, go to the hall manager or inspector, whose duties include monitoring the progress of the game and suppressing cases of cheating. The situation can then develop in two ways:

If you are unlucky and the “arbiter” sided with the deceiving dealer simply out of a sense of solidarity, you will not be able to prove anything.

As a rule, the first option is possible when a very wealthy person complains about the dealer regular customer, and the second - if it concerns a random and not very rich visitor.

In addition to traditional cheating during the game, the dealers, through whose hands all the players' chips pass, have invented several of their own methods of cheating. So, for example, a great way to receive an illegal fee is the most common theft of a chip. This is why the casino administration prohibits croupiers from chewing chewing gum at their workplace, because with its help you can quickly and quietly attach a stolen chip to the bottom of the gaming table.

After this, the player, aware of the theft, calmly takes the chip and exchanges it for money at the cash desk. Of course, in this case the loot is divided between the player and the dealer.

But remember that the casino security service also receives a salary for a reason, and modern systems Video surveillance, with its effectiveness, fully justifies the money spent on its purchase and installation. Therefore, dealers and players involved in illegal activities are usually quickly caught and punished. A dealer who is blacklisted in this way will lose his workplace and, according to an unspoken agreement between the casino, will no longer be able to work in any gambling house.

If you are cheated by another player (sharper)

In most cases, cheating in casinos occurs at the behest of fraudulent players who rob both the casino and other players. Moreover, as can be seen in the example of Robert Asprin’s work “Jester’s Paradise,” sometimes scammers look so innocent that it is difficult to catch them in dishonest activity, however, this does not guarantee their safety: “In fact, they were denied entry into all casino for almost five years now. Their disguise as inexperienced, retired grandparents was ideal and disarming, it allowed them to pull off various scams using both simple sleight of hand and using the most complex systems, absolutely incomprehensible to the casual observer. They managed to save most of the major gaming centers from significant sums of money, until several casinos managed to compare their data and understand that they were not dealing with the harmless tourists that this couple initially seemed to be.”

In Russia, cunning cheaters during one poker game with big bets They deceived their tablemates using miniature cell phones, through which they exchanged information, which was processed and analyzed by a powerful computer during the game.

In their attempts to deceive players and casinos, cheaters usually do not limit themselves to stealing chips. They also use the most modern technical means. Thus, quite recently, in one of the foreign casinos, a group of cheaters won a huge amount by cleverly replacing the roulette ball with exactly the same one, but highly magnetized. Clever scammers controlled the game using a remote control. The deception was discovered quite accidentally by a dealer with a metal cufflink on his sleeve to which a ball had stuck. The croupier reported the incident to management, but the criminals managed to escape.

However, it is good for the security guards of a reputable casino to catch cheaters, but what if you are a novice player and do not want to become a victim of a scammer? To begin with, it would be advisable for you to find out at least general outline about cheating tricks with which they can try to trick you.

Perhaps we should start with the fact that there may be more than one sharper at the gaming table, because for the draw complex operation he will need the help of like-minded people. This is also important because when we're talking about When it comes to big money, it never hurts to be on the safe side. That is, one or more deceivers carry out their plans, and their accomplices distract the attention of others or help their comrades escape from the scene of the crime.

Such maneuvers require precise timing and the closest attention to all details. Therefore, scammers have to spend some time scouting the situation at the table they are interested in. So, if you see the same group of people at your table very often, you have reason to feel anxious. Of course, this could be a mere coincidence, but it won't hurt you to be on the safe side.

Keep in mind that if cheaters work in groups, the biggest bet is made not by the person who will carry out the deceptive maneuver, but by a figurehead who does not take any other active part in this scam.

Fraud in gambling, especially card games, is largely based on illusions, that is, on deceiving the victim using the tricks of an illusionist.

What illusions can a scammer use against you?

Illusion 1

I cut the deck (didn't cut it or cut it in the place where the sharpie planned).

Illusion 2

No one except me knows my cards (he knows, not only yours, but also other players).

Illusion 3

I have the same number of cards in my hands as other players (this is not a fact).

Illusion 4

I am very attentive and smart, so it is impossible to deceive me (there will always be someone smarter and more attentive with the makings of a good magician and extensive experience as a sharper).

Illusion 5

All the cards are carefully shuffled by the dealer before my eyes (the cards are not shuffled at all at this time).

Illusion 6

I know what cards he has in his hand (not necessary).

Many casino players think: “So what? He’s lucky today, and I’ll be lucky tomorrow.” Believe me, if you let a cheater or a casino fool you, you will be out of luck. Don't be deceived in this way. Of course, fortune is deceptive, and anything can happen, but you shouldn’t count on it.

If you suspect that one of your neighbor players is a cheater, under no circumstances do the following:

Don't jump up from your chair and shout, accusing your neighbor of cheating. Firstly, you will have to prove this, which will be difficult to do, because an experienced fraudster, at the slightest threat of exposure, will certainly get rid of the evidence, and may even plant it on you. Secondly, your behavior will not look very decent, since you will interfere with other visitors having fun;

Do not wait for the moment to expose the fraudster, hoping that a little more and you will catch him in the hand. It will not be difficult for you to do this only if the deceiver is inexperienced;

Don't grab a player's hands (literally) in the middle of a game, even if you see him cheating. The fact is that such an action is strictly condemned by casino etiquette and gambling itself. Just quietly report your suspicions to the dealer or room manager;

Don’t hit a sharpie, especially if you have a glass of dice in your hands. Its hard edges can cause serious injury, which is not only antisocial and unethical, but also punishable by law. The most correct thing to do when you discover a cheater is to quietly interrupt the game, step aside, find a security guard or the manager of the hall and tell him about the deception.

If you are trying to scam a casino

Unless you are a professional cheater, don't try to cheat the casino: it will cost you more in the long run.

Many people have a rather romantic idea of ​​the life of cheaters, but this is an illusion that must be dispelled. The work of a professional sharper is dangerous and hard work every day. Many famous cheaters practice perfecting their tricks for several hours a day, washing several decks a year and developing bleeding calluses on their hands. If you do decide to try to defraud a gambling house, you will most likely be exposed, and the consequences can be very tragic. If the law does not find justice for you, then crime will have the final say. So beware of cheating if you don't want to end up in jail.

What to do if you are deceived at a casino

If you have been deceived at a casino, try to get justice by turning to the law for help. Of course, it all depends on what type of fraud you are faced with. If the croupier committed the fraud, the casino should be sued, since the croupier is its representative.

If you are cheated by a casino customer while playing, it will be more difficult to prosecute him. Here you should definitely ask the casino administration what functions the security guards are required to perform. If security guards must stop any attempts at fraud, the casino is responsible for this under Art. 147 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

“Article 147. Fraud. Taking possession of personal property of citizens or acquiring rights to property through deception or abuse of trust (fraud):

Punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to two years with a fine of up to four times the minimum monthly wage, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years.

Fraud committed repeatedly or by prior conspiracy by a group of persons:

Punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to four years with or without confiscation of property, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years with or without confiscation of property.

Fraud that caused significant damage to the victim or was committed by a particularly dangerous repeat offender:

Punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to ten years with confiscation of property.”

If the functions of the security guards are not clearly defined, theft in such a gambling house is tantamount to accidental theft in transport. Here you are unlikely to achieve justice.

To file a claim against a dishonest casino, you must clearly indicate in the application the address and name of the court, provide information about the defendant and the applicant, name the amount of the claim and set out in detail the circumstances of the case. File a claim in court at the location of the casino that deceived you.

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