Social management concept general features types elements. Social management – ​​goals, objectives, functions

The science social management is not an applied science. It is based on the general methodological principles of fundamental sciences, but has its own own item and its research problems, has become the most relevant direction of the scientific building, on the success of which both the success of private management disciplines and the pace of development of society, the quality of life of its citizens, and their personal safety largely depend.

The need for social management is, first of all, determined by the division of labor and the need for its cooperation. How collaboration is the basis of everything human society, and management is a necessary condition for the existence and development of society.

The key concept of management is impact. Impact in social systems is of a conscious nature and is understood as the influence of the subject of control on the object in order to transfer it to the desired state. Therefore, the main element of management is goal setting.

The new paradigm of management has become the increasingly complete inclusion of the creative personality, the collective transformative intelligence of society in the content of the subject of management, which makes it possible to form a managerial elite of professionals capable of fulfilling the main mission of society - to provide conditions for its self-development and improving the quality of life of its members.

Management is not limited to achieving goals; it serves as a means of maintaining the integrity of any complex system and stimulating its self-development.

In the process of carrying out management activities, a special kind of management relationships are created. They have their own complex internal structure. The management system, which develops in the process of implementing management activities and management functions, consists of an object and subject of management, a system of direct and feedback connections. Within the system, sources of self-regulation (interests, needs, values ​​of its constituent substructures), various governing bodies. The content of the management system and the internal principles of its organization and self-organization determine the goal setting associated with forecasting and modeling of social systems. The final result of the functioning and development of the management system is adoption and implementation management decision.

Social management is a management process in various types of communities, organizations, institutions and society as a whole, carried out to preserve and ensure the sustainability of the development of the corresponding system, streamline and improve its structure, and achieve its goals.

The purpose of social management is to study the activities of governing bodies, state and public, primarily as social systems, the entire complex of selection, placement, formation of management personnel, relationships and interactions that develop between employees of the management apparatus and employees subordinate to them and organizational structures.

The focus of his attention is the study and improvement of social mechanisms of systematic, based on reliable knowledge, influence of the subject of management on social object to preserve its qualitative specificity and integrity, ensure its normal functioning, and successfully move towards a given goal.

Tasks that are designed to achieve the goal of social management:

1. Study real facts, constituting a living, constantly developing fabric of management activities; facts that reveal the peculiarities of interaction between those people who manage various social communities and organizations, and those who, without holding leadership positions, are not included in management activities and are forced to obey the former, carry out their orders, orders, instructions.

2. From the huge and diverse accumulation of real facts of management activity, highlight the most important, typical, on this basis, discover trends in the development of management processes, their changes depending on the changing socio-economic, political, socio-cultural conditions of people’s life, the development of their groups and communities, society in in general.

3. The need to explain why certain innovations appear in the system and structure of management activities, and due to what circumstances new ones arise practical ways their implementation in management processes.

4. Construction of the most likely directions, scenarios for the development of management activities in the future, that is, a forecast for its improvement, which means that, having determined the most likely trajectory for the further development of management activities, social management has the opportunity to successfully solve the fifth task.

Isolating the main tasks of social management allows us to determine its main functions:

1. Goal-setting in management permeates and determines all stages of management work: informational, organizational, regulatory, coordinating, control.

Goal setting determines the content of all others, unites, unites them and is implemented in all areas of social management and underlies the main principle of management - systematic approach. Therefore, the main goal of territorial formation and corresponding types of management is determined by the main goal of society as a whole as a system of a higher order.

The basis of true goal setting is knowledge of the objective laws of social development. Today, as the main defining goals of society, its individual subsystems are recognized as the main mission of achieving goals High Quality people's lives.

2. Complex targeted programs and projects allow you to correlate goal setting with available resources, highlight priorities and direct them towards achieving the main goal.

The programs are very diverse in nature, purpose, volume, time, and tasks to be solved. There are national programs that cover all spheres of life, functional programs that solve a group of problems in an industry, region, and local community. They contain subtypes of programs. Special place Among them are scientific and technical programs and projects that involve the creation of new ideas, technologies and samples of equipment.

Today, the program-target management method is widespread throughout the world and has largely become decisive among other methods. It combines various management functions: informational, cognitive, predictive, strategic and others. All of them receive organizational and financial support.

3. Strategic goal-setting management in modern conditions determines the substantive side of management on a conceptual long-term basis, allows you to coordinate individual programs and projects, concentrate resources on the main directions, distribute them taking into account development prospects, identify priority programs and projects that are to make a “breakthrough” in anti-crisis management.

Current technologies of strategic development are well known and developed in the West. These include strategies: penetration, accelerated growth, transition period, stabilization and survival, growth, etc. Russian scientists have proposed for implementation a strategy for the development of the local community and the formation of real local self-government.

All of them require expansion to the regional and federal levels. strategic management, which is especially important for Russia. The process of developing and implementing management strategies has a number of stages, the technologies of which are known, but are not yet sufficiently used in Russian management practice, which intensifies crisis phenomena in management.

4. Value impact.

The peculiarity of the science of social management of social management is that it is a sphere of people’s spiritual life and largely depends on the state of social and individual consciousness. Therefore, the degree of control over public affairs is determined by culture, traditions, ideology, moral norms, integrity of thinking, etc. This dependence increases as the maturity of society itself increases and social progress develops.

In managing public affairs, it is very important to maintain a balance between measures of administrative-legal, power-force, and spiritual-moral regulation. Violation of this balance usually leads to the phenomenon of social anomie, which is widespread in our society today. Goal-setting in society always has a value-moral aspect. If goals are immoral and unspiritual, then goal-setting activity itself loses its meaning.

5. Normative regulation and modeling in the management of public affairs is closely related to spiritual, moral and ideological regulation and guides management subjects quantitatively and qualitatively when assessing the state of social processes and development trends.

Usually in sociology, the understanding of a social norm is associated with a special kind of prescription that regulates the behavior of people in any socially significant situations. They may take the form of legal norms or exist in the form of social rules, indicators, customs and traditions. The assessment of the standard is determined by the nature of its connection with the indicators of forecasts, calculations and social programs.

Modeling as a research method various processes and phenomena, developing options for management decisions, describes the structure of objects, the process of its functioning and development. Simulation modeling, which repeats the functions or development of social phenomena, deserves special attention today.

6. Information Support social management permeates all areas human life, serves as a conductor of all knowledge and opinions, a universal tool for communication, mutual understanding and cooperation, escalating conflicts and tensions, and affirming stereotypes of thinking and behavior.

Contractual information is necessary for all stages of management: from setting objectives to implementing measures social control, assessing the effectiveness of decisions made and their correction. Therefore, without the necessary information support there is no effective social management. There are certain laws and principles of modern collection, storage and analysis of information that you need to know. Ignorance elementary rules in this area, or their perverted use turns information from a great benefit of social progress into the same evil, and can become a brake in making management decisions.

Management is a purposeful and constant process of influence of the subject of management on the object of management, in order to create an effectively functioning system based on information links and relationships.
Management is goal-setting, i.e. creative, thoughtful, organizing and regulating influence of people on their own social life, which can be carried out both directly and through specially created bodies and structures. The management process is complex dynamic system inextricably linked with information and having feedback.
It should be noted that the essence of management has remained unchanged for many decades. Defining the concept of “management,” management classic A. Fayol gives the following six functions (operations):
1) technical operations;
2) commercial transactions;
3) financial transactions;
4) insurance operations;
5) accounting operations;
6) administrative operations.
Any management process is characterized by the following character traits:
1) the need to create and operate a complete system;
2) purposeful influence on the system, the result of which is the achievement of orderliness of relationships and connections capable of fulfilling the assigned tasks;
3) the presence of a subject and object of management as direct participants in management;
4) information as the main thing connecting link between management participants;
5) the presence of hierarchy in the management structure (elements, subsystems, industries, areas);
6) use various forms subordination of the control object to the control subject, within the framework of which various techniques, forms, methods, methods and means of control are used.
Social management is one of the types of general management, which is the influence of some people on others, mainly with the help of information in order to streamline socially significant processes, ensure sustainability, and develop social systems. The following features of social management are distinguished:
1) people management;
2) human actions are of a conscious, volitional nature;
3) high degree autonomy and independence of the governed;
4) people are managed consciously;
5) the ability to quickly transmit information.
Based on exposure limits, the following types of control are distinguished:
1) government;
2) city management;
3) sphere social life;
4) an enterprise;
5) etc.
Based on ownership, management can be:
1) state;
2) municipal;
3) private non-profit;
4) private commercial.

More on topic 1. General concept of management. Social management. Its features and types:

  1. 1.2. Social management: concept, general features, types, elements
  2. Topic 1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: concept, essence and PLACE IN THE SYSTEM of social relations
  3. 1.1. concept and essence of public administration in the system of social relations
  4. 14.1. Concept, main features and types of public administration methods

    Social management- Social systems are the most complex systems, and their management is the most complex type of management. Social management is understood as influencing the community of people with the aim of streamlining society, its improvement and development,... ... Administrative law. Dictionary-reference book

    Social management- see Social Management...

    SOCIAL MANAGEMENT- based on reliable knowledge, the systematic influence of the subject of management (control subsystem) on the social object (managed subsystem), which can be society as a whole and its individual spheres - economic, ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

    Social management- activities to organize social processes, based on the conscious use of their inherent laws. S. u. is a targeted impact on the main areas and structures social system with the aim of systematically... Sociological reference book

    SOCIAL MANAGEMENT- V in a broad sense words management of all and any societies. processes as opposed to management in biology. and technical systems; in the narrow sense, management of social processes and phenomena. spheres of society. life, a means of realizing social politicians. U.S.... ... Russian Sociological Encyclopedia

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    Control- (administration lat.) this is a function organized systems of any nature and complexity, inherently associated with a certain impact of one element (the subject of management or the managing subject) on the second element (the object of management or ... ... Administrative procedural law: dictionary of terms and concepts

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  • Social management, A. I. Gomola, I. A. Gomola. The essence, principles, functions, methods of social management and their classification are outlined. Basic concepts are revealed social policy, its functions and directions. Different forms are analyzed...
  • Social management. Series: Secondary vocational education, A. I. Gomola, I. A. Gomola. 176 pages. The essence, principles, functions, methods of social management and their classification are outlined. The basic concepts of social policy, its functions and directions are revealed. Are being analyzed...

Social management- one of the most complex species general management. Any socio-economic formation, being a set of organically interconnected elements and processes, is an integral system within which management is carried out, characteristic of society at any stage of its development.

At different stages of human development, the type, methods and forms of management and its goals change, but the need to manage all the most important aspects of social life remains unchanged. Management is a special function that arises from the very nature of the social labor process.

Society, like production, needs that ordering for the sake of which management is carried out. The cumulative expression of social relations cannot in itself automatically ensure the necessary interaction between the constituent elements of society as an integral system, the uninterrupted implementation of all tasks, and the achievement of set values. This is where the objective need for management arises, which in its main content boils down to streamlining public relations, regulation of various aspects and manifestations public life, uniting the efforts of people, establishing teamwork.

Social management, being a condition for the normal functioning of society and one of the attributes of social life, has certain signs:

exists only where it occurs Team work of people;

This is an ordering effect on the participants in joint activities, giving the interaction of people an organized character;

The main object of influence is the behavior of people and their relationships;

It is carried out on the basis of the subordination of participants in joint activities to a single governing will, from which follows the authority of social management, which means that the subject of management forms and implements the dominant will, and the object is subordinate to it. Consequently, power is a specific means of ensuring the subordination of the will of the governed to the will of the managers;

Requires a special implementation mechanism, which is represented by management subjects ( certain groups people, organizationally formalized in the form of relevant governing bodies (public or state) performing certain functions).

In social management, as in management in other areas, one should distinguish between the subject of management, the object of management, the content of management (goals, objectives, functions), and the management cycle (stages of the management process).

Subjects of social management are both individuals (managers) and organized groups of people.

Control object is people's behavior.

The goals and objectives of social management may be different, and the functions are subject to systematization.

General functions of social management:

collection and processing (analysis) of social information;

Forecasting is the anticipation of changes in the development of any events or processes based on the data obtained and scientific achievements;

Planning - determining directions, goals, objectives and results of management activities, as well as ways and means of achieving them;

Organization - the formation of a management system, the streamlining of management relations between the subject and the object of management, the determination of their rights and obligations, the order of relationships, the structure and staff of bodies, the selection and placement of personnel, etc.;

Regulation - adjusting the daily activities of objects, promptly introducing changes and additions to established tasks, eliminating conditions and situations that disrupt the normal course of the management process;

Coordination - ensuring consistency of actions of all management objects, linking their functioning to achieve management goals;

Control - constant monitoring (supervision) of the orderliness of the managed system, its condition, compliance with specified programs;

Legality - ensuring a uniform approach to compliance with laws by all participants management process;

Security - ensuring security (territorial, environmental, information, energy, food, etc.) in the managed territory.

The management process is cyclical in nature, carried out in a certain sequence and goes through a number of stages, the main of which are:

Analysis of social information;

Development and adoption of management decisions;

Selection and placement of its performers;

Organization of execution of management decisions;

Monitoring the implementation of the decision and summing up the results.

The subject of management, the object of management, their relationships and functions constitute a system of social management. Managing society is managing people. In this sense, it is a condition for the normal functioning of society, one of the attributes of social life. In all cases when management is considered as a socially necessary social category, its objects are the behavior of people, their actions, and deeds. IN public relations, subjected to control influence, the human consciousness actively manifests itself praying. Because of this, the object of social management is the volitional behavior of people. Thus, volitional nature of social and managerial relations is determined by the fact that their participants are people who have zeros and consciousness. These relationships pass through the consciousness of people; being a direct result of the will and consciousness of man, they are subject to influence on their part.

So, social management is an organized, socially meaningful activity people (the impact of some people on others) in order to ensure consistency and orderliness of socially significant processes (joint actions of people, their teams) to achieve set goals (sustainable development of social systems).

It should be borne in mind that the social management system consists of a number of clearly defined subsystems. This gives rise to the question of the types of social management. In modern scientific literature it is not resolved in the same way. In our opinion, the main criterion, guided by which one can fundamentally decide the issue of types of social management, is the subject of management, because it is he who implements management functions in various fields social life in relation to certain objects. We can also distinguish between state and public administration.

Types of management differ not only in subjects, but also in management methods. Moreover, if we talk, for example, about public administration, then it will be political in its essence and character.

Each type of social management can be divided into a number of subtypes depending on the objects, nature, focus, etc. For example, public administration in the broad sense of the word, it is carried out by state bodies and some non-state actors on behalf of the state.


Public administration- special kind social management. He has everything general signs and features inherent in social management. At the same time, public administration has its own main features and characteristics. The state-legal nature of management is manifested in the fact that, firstly, in its process the tasks, functions and interests of the state are realized; secondly, management functions are carried out by special entities formed by the state; thirdly, these entities act on behalf of the state; fourthly, they are endowed with the necessary powers of a state-imperious nature; fifthly, they act within the framework established for them by the state in the relevant rules of law; sixth, all leading variants of management systems are mediated by law.

The approach to understanding management on a societal scale varies even in scope. The fact is that almost all government bodies act on behalf of the state, and not just those called government bodies. At the same time, management functions on the scale of the entire society in their broadest sense are associated with the organization of all aspects of social life. When the question is posed in this way, the activities of the bodies state power, courts, prosecutor's offices together constitute the management of the state.

Public administration in the broad sense of the word can be characterized as all state activities aimed at organizing influence on social relations.

At the same time, there are a number of factors that do not give reason to consider such a management characteristic as universal.

In particular, one cannot ignore the fact that in state legal practice another, narrower concept, namely “public administration” in the proper sense of the word, has firmly taken root and been consolidated. It cannot be identified with the concept of “government”.

Analysis of the relevant legal norms does not allow us to put

a sign of equality between the activities of legislative bodies, courts, prosecutors, on the one hand, and the activities of government bodies, on the other.

Public administration (in a broad sense)- management of state affairs, which is carried out by all state bodies and branches of government (legislative, executive and judicial).

Public administration (in the narrow sense)- subordinate, legally authoritative, organizing the activities of a special group of subjects (bodies, officials), consisting of the practical implementation of the tasks and functions of the state in the process of managing the economic, administrative-political and socio-cultural areas.

Public administration is based on basic provisions and principles. Principles of public administration - fundamental principles, most general ideas, reflecting its essence. In scientific legal literature, the principles of public administration are divided into two groups:

General (socio-political): priority of individual rights, democracy, objectivity, scientific character, specificity, efficiency, publicity, efficiency;

Organizational: sectoral, linear, territorial, functional, double subordination, combination of unity of command and collegiality.

In the current legislation, in a special and independent sense, various terms are used that have a single basis: “public administration”, “public administration bodies”, “branches of public administration”, etc. This terminology has a strictly intended purpose: it does not apply to all government bodies, but only to those specially formed as government bodies. The functions of the state are carried out by all state

organs. They all exercise a single state power. However, within the framework of such unity, there is a certain division of labor, which is based on differences in the forms and methods of implementing the functions of the state. Are allocated accordingly independent species government activities. Each of them is characterized by a specific purpose, a special subject - a state body; special methods of activity (ways of performing state functions).

Analysis of current legislation allows us to highlight the following kinds government activities:

implementation of legislative activities;

Public administration;


Control and supervision.

The theory of separation of powers follows from the following fundamental positions. State power cannot belong to one person or one state body, because this will create the threat of a totalitarian, anti-democratic regime. Accordingly, state power should be built on a certain specialization, which, however, does not violate its fundamental unity. Government bodies- these are branches of a single “tree”, requiring the division of power functions between them. Therefore, three branches of government appeared, differing in a certain degree of independence. Each branch corresponds to the subjects that express it. Thus, the executive branch is a relatively independent branch of a single state power, closely interacting with the legislative and judicial branches.

All branches of state power are constitutionally enshrined and have a specific place in the general mechanism of state influence on social relations.

The main direction of activity of each type of body corresponds to certain legal forms specific to them, which are the external expression of the functions they perform.

Despite the fact that the specific role of government bodies is different, there are clear grounds for bringing them to a common denominator - determining the main purpose of the activities they carry out, which are of an executive and administrative nature. The essence of this appointment is the execution of laws and other legal acts of public authorities.

Social management is a type of management, a process of influencing society, social groups, individuals in order to streamline their activities. Increased level of organization social system.

General features of social management:

exists where joint activities of people or communities take place;

provides an orderly impact on participants in joint activities;

aimed at achieving a specific management goal;

characterized by the presence of a subject and an object of control;

the subject of management is endowed with a certain power resource;

the object of control is a subordinate subject, whose conscious-volitional behavior must change in accordance with the instructions of the subject;

implemented within a certain mechanism.

Types of social management:

A) public administration; B) local (municipal) government; B) public self-government

Elements of social management:

A) subject of management; B) control object; C) management connections (direct connections and feedback connections).

The management cycle is a set of interrelated, logically determined management stages, characterized by certain tasks and the composition of participants.

Stages of the management process:

A) analysis of the management situation; B) development and adoption of decisions; C) organization and execution of the decision; D) control over the implementation of the decision; D) summing up, making adjustments.

More on the topic The concept of social management:

  1. 89. Concept, content and principles of social management
  2. Personality as a central element of the social system. Personality structure. The concept of personality, the social essence of personality. Personality as a subject and object of social life. The process of socialization - concept, essence, factors, stages. Social adaptation and interiorization. Social personality type.
  3. The concept of social status. Integral status. Prescribed and achieved statuses. The concept of social role. Status and role structure of the individual. Social activity of the individual and its types. Factors of social activity.
  4. Classes and the class approach in the study of social structure. The concept of stratum and stratification, the stratification approach in the study of society, Marxist and non-Marxist concepts of social structure. Multidimensionality social stratification. P.A. Sorokin and his theory of social mobility.4 Vertical and horizontal social mobility. Social stratification and social mobility.
  5. 90. State and municipal management as a type of social management.
  6. Financial management: concept, objects and subjects of management, functions.
  7. 1.1. Basic concepts: management, organization, personnel, personnel management.
  8. Leadership, management and application of the military organization of the state The concept and legal nature of military management
  9. The concept of an administrative-legal act of management. Classification of management acts.
  10. 2. Social norms as one of the means of social regulation. Concept and signs of social norms. Types of social norms: moral norms, customs, corporate and religious norms, legal norms (positive law).