Introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process of a preschool institution, as a condition for improving the quality of education

Kharitonova Irina Ivanovna
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 79 “Malchish-Kibalchish”
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Publication date: 2018-01-23 “Introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies in educational process» Kharitonova Irina Ivanovna The work is devoted to the issues of renewal in preschool educational organization, currently used concepts characterizing innovative processes in the preschool education system.

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“Introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process”

Introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process in order to improve the quality of education and upbringing in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 79 “Malchish-Kibalchish” of a combined type.

ANNOTATION. The work is devoted to the issues of updating in a preschool educational organization the currently used concepts that characterize innovative processes in the preschool education system.

KEYWORDS. Innovation, innovative space, innovative educational institution.

The current socio-economic situation in the country requires a revision of management positions, a search for optimal options not only for preserving the educational organization, but also for its successful functioning and development.

V.p.1. Article 20 - Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation» formulated: experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of priority areas public policy Russian Federation in the field of education.

clause 3. Article 20 - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” is formulated: innovative activity is focused on improving the educational, methodological, organizational, personnel, material and technical support of the education system and is carried out in the form of implementation innovative projects and programs of the organization.

An analysis of work practice showed that the priorities of the preschool educational institution are strengthening and developing the material base of the kindergarten and resolving personnel issues. Undoubtedly, without solving these problems, the very functioning of an educational organization is impossible. However, any manager is concerned about the dynamics of the development of his institution, its competitiveness in the market of educational services. The sphere of managerial activity of a manager affects the personal and professional interests of the organization’s employees. The lack of demand for the creative potential of teachers contributes to a significant decrease in their interest in work, turning it into a labor obligation.

To support the image of a preschool educational organization, the head initiates the teaching staff to be involved in innovative activities, options for which are the introduction of new generation programs, the transition to a new economic mechanism, the opening of experimental pedagogical sites, and more.

What could be the result of innovation? As a rule, this is an improvement in the educational system itself: financial, personnel, program and methodological, material, technical and other resource capabilities.

Promising areas of work.

Radical changes in society and state educational policy have created real prerequisites for updating the preschool education system and expanding the innovative space in which complex activities on the creation, development, use of innovations, implementation of new technologies.

At the stage of transition to innovation, it is important to take into account a number of circumstances, which we include:

Analysis of your own capabilities;

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for all participants
educational process;

Predicting exit paths from the experimental process when
provided that something doesn't work out.

Let's describe each of them in more detail.

What do we mean by analyzing our own capabilities?


Analysis of the material base and human resources of preschool educational institutions;

A survey of preschool employees (possibly anonymous) to determine the level of satisfaction with management style and readiness for innovation;

Identification of difficulties and unresolved problems in the work of preschool educational institutions;

Reflection of the manager (own business and personal qualities, ability for proactive management, etc.).

It should be emphasized that the leader’s reflection is mandatory. It will help you better understand how your own desire for change in the activities of preschool educational institutions coincides with the desire of the team; to what extent the desired transformations correlate with the real state of affairs and, finally, to what extent one’s own managerial and pedagogical potential is correlated with the professional and personal qualities required to implement global transformations. The ability to analyze oneself is a great advantage of a leader who is not afraid to admit his mistakes. After all, the result of any activity can be not only positive achievements, but also negative results. Finding ways to overcome them is the point of growth that encourages professional self-improvement.

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for all participants in the educational process. When organizing innovative activities, it is important to focus on the level of educational training of educators, take into account their professional interests, and study the state of motivational readiness to perceive new information. The need for this is determined by the feeling of psychological comfort of preschool specialists and the perceived need to increase the level of professionalism. Knowledge from various fields of science acquires significance: psychology, pedagogy, private methods.

For a manager, being able to effectively manage innovation processes means knowing well the psychology of people, the level of their aspirations, being able to predict the future, and modeling the mechanisms for achieving it. Synthesis theoretical knowledge and practical work experience allows each participant in innovative activities to develop a unique individual work style.

For teachers working in innovation mode, it is important to feel support from the administration, to feel trust and freedom of creativity. The processes of developing and mastering original pedagogical innovations that are exploratory in nature are often associated with a high degree of risk. At the same time, it is the activity of innovative teachers that forms the core of the innovative potential of preschool educational institutions and is the source of its development. Therefore, innovation processes of this type should become the object of special attention from the administration. Innovative teachers have the right to count on special favored status and material and moral stimulation for their activities.

It is necessary to think through forms of control that should carry their inherent functions - identifying achievements in the work of the entire team and individual teachers, helping to identify the reasons leading to failures in work. Visits to groups by the head, senior teacher, and deputy head of teaching and learning activities are aimed primarily at studying and summarizing the experience of teachers and specialists working in groups in order to make positive teaching experience the property of the entire teaching staff; providing methodological support in mastering new program; assistance in the psychological and pedagogical justification of the technology being developed, superimposed on the context of the main educational program; corrections in the organization of creative search and others.

Equal importance is attached to material and didactic equipment, the creation of a developmental environment in groups, and strengthening coordination ties between all links of the educational process in a preschool educational organization.

Predicting ways out of the experimental process, provided that something does not work out. We consider this condition an integral part of the work when teachers transition to an innovative mode. Unfortunately, in practice there are often cases when an interesting business started is not continued. The reasons can be very different: leaving the team of teachers, untimely methodological equipment for the educational process, termination of funding, and others. Therefore, the manager must predict such situations. Typically, the cessation of innovation activity is not considered a catastrophic phenomenon. For educators, maybe this is true. But children are in a more vulnerable situation, since any program is based on its own concept and presupposes its own methodological approaches to the process of child development. In some cases, the development of intellectual and cognitive abilities (for example, the “Development” program edited by L.A. Wenger) is carried out through the formation of modeling thinking in the child, in others (for example, the “Standard Education and Training Program” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva ) - reproducing, visual-figurative. When choosing a program, we build the educational process according to the author's plan, launching various mechanisms of intellectual development. By stopping work on the program, we create a situation of cognitive stress for the child, we put him at a dead end, abandoning previously used technological approaches in the development of the intellectual sphere.

If such situations were foreseen when developing the innovation program, then uneven phenomena can be avoided. When conceiving innovation in pedagogical work, we must understand that we are responsible for the results of our pedagogical activity. They can be distant in time, this further strengthens the teacher’s responsibility to the child.

After completion of the preparatory phase, the teaching staff is included in the implementation of the adopted concept. It can be built as a series of stages: the first is the development of an organizational and pedagogical structure; the second - justification of the content and organization of the educational process; the third is updating the control system model.

The organizational and pedagogical structure of an educational organization operating in an innovative mode is undergoing serious changes. Innovations upset the balance in the organization and allow some, usually younger and creatively active employees, to come to the fore, while others, perhaps more experienced, but conservative, are forced to “make room” and take a less advantageous position than theirs. occupied before. Resistance to innovation is due to the conservative qualities of people and is reinforced by the dominant intra-organizational culture associated with generally accepted norms, stable behavioral stereotypes and value orientations of the majority of the organization's employees.

The analytical and prognostic position of the manager helps overcome this negative phenomenon. It is important to help each specialist find their rightful place in the developing innovation system. The organizational and pedagogical structure of the preschool educational institution is subject to certain transformations; in particular, a council of teachers, specialists and creative groups can be created, which will be endowed with new functions that ensure the effective implementation of the ideas of the concept and the unification of the teaching staff.

The Council of Specialists is a new organizational structure created in innovative practice. Its goal is to unite teachers and specialists, parents and members of the administration to resolve issues of organizing additional educational services for pupils and their parents; identification, generalization, implementation and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience. The Council of Specialists takes part in discussing issues of planning the educational activities of a preschool educational organization and developing a program for monitoring the pedagogical process.

An important function of the council of specialists is to establish external relations with parents, schools, creative houses, institutions, social institutions of childhood in order to study educational demand, design educational services, search for sources of budget replenishment and develop the material, technical, socio-pedagogical environment of a preschool educational organization.

Creative groups are associations of the most highly qualified and creative specialists, whose activities are aimed at local testing of programs, technologies, etc. In addition, they carry out accompanying analysis of the effectiveness of innovations; formulate problems and proposals for eliminating them.



Children's educational institution today is a complex organism striving for improvement, development, looking for new opportunities, creating the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the child, family, society, providing conditions for creative, professional work of teachers that meets the most modern requirements. Introduction of innovations into the educational process is not a whim, not an indifferent attitude to creative search effective forms working with children is a requirement of the times.

The Concept for the Modernization of Preschool Education names the creation of conditions for achieving a new quality of education as the most important area of ​​activity of educational institutions. It largely depends on how effectively innovations are mastered, contributing to qualitative changes in the activities of educational institutions. Currently, almost every preschool institution is included in the scope of innovation activities. When they say about preschool institutions that they work in development mode, this means that they are engaged in innovation.

Innovative transformations are becoming systemic. New types, profiles and types of preschool institutions have been created, new educational programs, allowing to ensure variability in the educational process, focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family. Each teaching staff has the right to innovative activity. Since children become the object of any pedagogical initiative, the teaching staff must take on certain obligations in preparing and organizing the innovation.

Then, when there is a need to resolve some problem, when a contradiction is created between desire and real result, there is a need for innovation. The development of general educational practice contributes to the manifestation of the creative and innovative potential of all employees of the preschool education system. In this situation it is especially important professional competence, which is based on personal and Professional Development teachers and managers.

The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines development as changes that are directed, natural and necessary. Based on the achievements of science and the needs of society, the organizers of innovative activities make the design, launch and support of the process of updating education more effective.

Innovation activity is special kind pedagogical activities. Innovation (innovation)- in the socio-psychological aspect - creation and implementation various types innovations that generate significant changes in social practice. Consequently, changes in a developing preschool institution do not occur chaotically, but are predicted by the head on the basis of patterns and are aimed at achieving specific goals.

The goals and objectives of innovation are based on a thorough analysis of the current situation in kindergarten, on the one hand, and from forecasts of its development, on the other.

There are various reasons for innovation:

1. The need to lead active search ways to solve existing preschool education problems.

2. The desire of teaching staff to improve the quality of services provided to the population, to make them more diverse and thereby preserve their kindergartens.

3. Imitation of other preschool institutions, teachers’ intuitive understanding that innovations will improve the activities of the entire team. 4. The desire of recent graduates of pedagogical universities and students of advanced training courses to implement the acquired knowledge. 5. Constant dissatisfaction of individual teachers with the results achieved, a firm intention to improve them.

6. Increasing demands from individual groups of parents.

An analysis of current practice in the activities of preschool institutions operating in an innovative mode revealed a number of problems:

1. Insufficient scientific and methodological support for innovation processes;

2. Lack of consistency and integrity of introduced pedagogical innovations;

3. Regulatory and legal support for innovative activities of preschool institutions;

4. The need to search for fundamentally new forms of interaction between research centers and innovation centers.

The head of an institution must determine the development prospects of his institution, taking into account the social order of society and clearly formulate the goal of innovative activity. The goal must be clear and accepted by all participants pedagogical process. The individual qualities of the participants in the innovation process must be taken into account, their professional level, organizational skills, abilities, psychological readiness for new types of activities, for additional teaching load.

Preparing a team for innovative activities means developing high communicative competence. Such competence consists of the ability to adequately convey information, evaluate its realism, and the ability to establish a constructive dialogue with colleagues with sincere respect for their personal characteristics.

Teacher receptive to innovation:

1) constantly engages in self-education;

2) strives to implement best practices into practice;
3) is committed to certain of his ideas, which he develops in the process of activity;
4) analyzes and reflects on the results of his teaching activities, collaborates with scientific consultants;
5) knows how to predict his activities and plan them in the future.

The selected goals and objectives must be agreed upon and approved by the majority of the team, realistic, adapted to new conditions, increase the level of motivation and stimulation, and provide control. When managing innovation processes in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the forecast of final results, the main part of these actions is discussed collectively. The largest innovation activities are developed using the group method. The system of methodological activities in the team should be subordinated main goal- stimulating teachers, their theoretical preparation for innovative activities.
Teachers often have a question: where to start innovative activities, what will be its final result? The algorithm of the innovation process is the same as that of any pedagogical activity:
1. Identifying the problem educational field, putting forward the goal of renewal (attention is drawn, first of all, to the relevance and significance of the problem)
2. Theoretical justification of an innovative idea, search for research methods, monitoring procedures).
3. Conducting an experiment.
4. Identification of deficiencies, determination of ways to eliminate deficiencies.
5. Subsequent testing (summarizing the results, their presentation, dissemination of teaching experience).
Position and creative potential teachers, active participation is perhaps the most important thing in the introduction of innovative ideas into the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Modern Russian schools have switched to the federal state educational standard (FSES) of the second generation. It is based on a fundamentally new ideology. The school is tasked with educating a citizen of the information society, a person capable and ready to learn throughout his life. The process of modernization of modern primary education is focused, first of all, on a fundamental change in the understanding of its goals.

Today, its developmental function, the formation and development of the personality of a primary school student, comes to the fore. To develop in schoolchildren the need and ability to independently acquire knowledge, for continuous education and self-education is one of the strategic tasks of the modern Russian school. Its solution is impossible without the formation in each student of persistent cognitive motives for learning, cognitive interest, and a constant desire to delve deeper into the field of knowledge. It is on this that the successes of the younger generation will depend in the future, not only in the years schooling, but also their ability to realize their internal potential in further professional education. Primary school is the link that should ensure the holistic development of a child’s personality. His socialization, the formation of an elementary culture of activity and behavior, the formation of intelligence and the general culture of the student.

The goal and meaning of modern education is the development of the child as a subject of cognitive activity. Solving this problem requires a transition to a new educational paradigm - a system-activity one, which is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implementing the new standard. In order to solve the tasks set by the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher needs to understand exactly what qualities should be developed, educating the student as a subject of knowledge. The most important of these qualities is the readiness to organize one’s cognitive activity. The main quality of subjects of cognitive activity is activity and independence in the acquisition and application of knowledge. It would seem that there is nothing new in this situation. But what does it often look like in practice? independent work student? The teacher explains the task and shows an example of its implementation. At the same time, the student’s independence is manifested only in the fact that he himself copies the text, solves a standard problem, or applies a rule according to a model. True independence lies in something else, in the willingness to plan your work, find and apply rational ways for yourself to carry it out.

For example, mastering new material, the student can simply read and learn the text of the textbook, i.e. use the least effective technique designed for memorization; can make a response plan, i.e. identify the logic of presentation of the material; can present material in the form of a table or diagram, i.e. direct efforts to translate information from one sign system to another in order to identify internal connections and establish a system of concepts. An important quality of the subject of cognitive activity is the readiness to control oneself at all stages of work, evaluate the correctness of the task and make adjustments.

A modern teacher must master personality-oriented, developmental educational technologies that take into account different levels of readiness for learning at school, different social experiences, and differences in the psychological development of children. Currently a teacher primary school a fairly wide selection of variable primary education programs, various systems and educational and methodological training kits is provided. But by changing only the content and leaving the technology unchanged, it is impossible to achieve positive learning results. School renewal is possible only through scientifically based improvement of pedagogical technology, which involves scientific design and accurate reproduction in educational activities, guaranteeing the success of pedagogical processes.

One of these technologies is a pedagogical workshop.

The main ideas of this technology are as follows:

  • appeal to the individual, her self-development through awareness of her place in the world and attitude towards other people;
  • integrative organization of the cognitive process through the implementation of gaming, research and problem activities;
  • free creative search and choice of the path of knowledge, free interaction, communication and exchange of information.

The implementation of these ideas is ensured by forms of interaction between the teacher and students: in the workshop, it is not the teacher or leader who works with its participants, but rather the master. He is concerned not only with the transfer of knowledge and skills to his students, but also with the creation of his algorithm of actions, which creative process during which the research is carried out. Everyone feels joy own discovery, their importance and respect for the uniqueness of others. The work of the pedagogical workshop will be the more successful the more fully each of its participants completes tasks in their own way, based on their knowledge, skills and interests.

Target orientations of this technology:

  • provision funds for students allowing them to develop personally, to realize themselves and their place in the world, to understand other people;
  • ability to independently solve creative problems.

Workshops can be varied in their topics, content and forms of organization, but at the same time they are united by a common structure of activity. This is, first of all, the beginning of the workshop that motivates everyone to work: a task around words, melodies, drawings of an object, memories. This is followed by working with a wide variety of materials: words, sound, text, color, natural material, matches, diagrams and models. During the workshop, work in pairs or groups is required to organize dialogue, which easily leads everyone to self-assessment, self-correction, and helps to see the problem in a new way.

One of the significant technologies of the modern educational process is the technology of project-based learning.

The relevance of this technology especially increases in modern stage when the result of the educational process is not a certain amount of knowledge in itself, but the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in various life situations, i.e. their supra-subjective nature. The technology of project-based learning is determined by building the educational process on an active basis, the activities of each student, his interests and needs. This technology is implemented through a system of educational and cognitive methods aimed at practical or theoretical mastery (cognition) of reality by students by identifying and resolving existing contradictions.

The goal orientations of project-based learning are to create conditions under which students:

  • independently and willingly acquire missing knowledge from various sources;
  • learn to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;
  • develop research skills (ability to identify problems, collecting information, observation, conducting an experiment, analysis, constructing hypotheses, generalization).

Projects can be different in content, form of organization, and level of mastery of educational material.

Modern researchers determine the basic requirements for using the project method in elementary school:

  • presence of significance in research and creatively a problem (task) that requires integrative knowledge and a search for its solution;
  • the possibility of independent activity of students, accessibility of topics, content and means of implementing the project.

On any modern lesson It is impossible to do without the technology of problem-based learning, or without its elements. Its relevance is determined by the development of a high level of motivation for educational activities, activation of students’ cognitive interests, which becomes possible when solving emerging contradictions and creating problematic situations in the classroom. Overcoming feasible difficulties, students experience a constant need to acquire new knowledge, new ways of acting, abilities and skills. The effectiveness of using this technology is confirmed not only by the results of pedagogical research, but also by the results of a survey of students, their parents, and the dynamics of improving the quality of education.

This technology attracts teachers with new possibilities for constructing any lesson, where students do not remain passive listeners and performers, but turn into active researchers educational problems. Educational activity becomes creative. Children learn better not what they receive ready-made and memorize, but what they discover themselves and express in their own way. To ensure that teaching using this technology does not lose the principle of science, students’ conclusions must be compared and confirmed by the rules and theoretical provisions of textbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedic articles.

The relevance of this technology is determined by the development of a high level of motivation for educational activities, activation of students’ cognitive interests, which becomes possible when resolving contradictions that arise and creating problematic situations in the classroom.

The main target orientations of problem-based learning technology:

  • formation of internal motivation for learning through the organization of independent cognitive activity of the student;
  • increasing the efficiency of mastering general educational skills through problematization of educational activities.

A problematic situation can be created at various stages of the lesson: consolidation, updating of knowledge, goal setting, etc.

Let's look at a fragment of a lesson on the surrounding world on the topic “Help the birds!”

At the stage of updating knowledge, students are asked to solve the problem:

Teacher: why do changes occur in living and inanimate nature with the arrival of autumn?

Student: the air temperature drops, precipitation falls, trees shed their leaves.

Teacher: what changes are taking place in the animal world?

Student: insects hide in cracks, amphibians become inactive.

Teacher: why does the number of birds in our area decrease with the onset of cold weather?

Students, connecting their observations, knowledge of the world around them, life experience are trying to solve the problem.

Student: with the onset of cold weather, the amount of food decreases, everything around is covered with snow and ice, and the air temperature drops. Therefore, many birds that cannot adapt to such natural conditions fly to warmer climes.

Teacher: but not all birds leave their native places, some are not afraid of cold and blizzards and they remain to spend the winter in their native lands. They have a very hard time in the harsh frosty winters. How to help wintering birds?

Student: We can make bird feeder houses and regularly put bird food in the feeders.

Teacher: what food is good for birds? Why can’t you hang salted lard in poultry canteens?

Students, studying additional literature (readers on the surrounding world), using information sources (finding information on the Internet about bird nutrition) come to the conclusion that too hard or salty food can be harmful to bird health.

The technology of problem dialogue is universal, as it is applicable to any subject content and at any level of education.

The search for ways and means to increase the effectiveness of the formation of cognitive interest among younger schoolchildren shows that one of the priorities in this direction, along with traditional ones, is the use of information and communication technologies. Particular importance is attached to the problem of introducing computers into the educational process of a modern school in connection with the possibility of optimizing the organization process various forms and methods of independent activity of students.

In the modern educational process, ICT is effective means intensification of learning, to increase the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren, to develop individual creative capabilities.

In modern society, the informatization of education is rapidly occurring, creating enormous potential opportunities in the development of students’ personal qualities, including their cognitive interest in knowledge. The problem of developing the interests of younger schoolchildren is more relevant than ever in modern schools. To make this process easier and more efficient, it is necessary to use information and communication technologies in the educational process as actively as possible.

A comprehensive solution to educational, educational and developmental problems is possible only if it influences not only the consciousness of students, but also the emotional sphere. And one of the most effective ways to influence a child’s feelings and emotions is the use of information and communication technologies.

Today, significant changes are taking place in school education, which cover almost all aspects of the pedagogical process. The personal interest of the student is a decisive factor in the educational process. One of the main tasks of the educational process modern school is to improve the teacher’s pedagogical skills by mastering modern educational technologies of teaching and upbringing. Applying new educational technologies in the classroom, we are convinced that the learning process can be viewed from a new point of view and master the psychological mechanisms of personality formation, achieving better results.

Modern educational technologies, used in lessons and in extracurricular activities, enable the child to work creatively, promote the development of curiosity, increase activity, bring joy, and create a desire to learn in the child. The use of modern innovative technologies in the educational process is the most important condition for the successful implementation of Federal State Educational Standard-2.


1. Kuznetsov A.V. “On school standards of the second generation” // Municipal education: innovation and experimentation. 2008. No. 2.-p.3-6.

2. Kukushkin V.S. “Pedagogical technologies.” 2006 M.: “Phoenix”, - pp. 79-81.

3. Misarenko G.G. “On the way to the standards of a new generation” // Public education. 2009 No. 1, – pp. 62-68.

4. Polat E.S. “New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system” 2007. M.: Academy, 2007, - pp. 21-22.

5. Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. M.: Education, 2010, p.30-31.

Introduction of innovation into the organization of the educational process

In our society, the view on the learning process is changing, there is a search for new forms and methods of teaching that would most fully and correctly help solve the problems facing the teacher. A modern school is required to significantly improve the quality of education, ensuring a high level of teaching subjects and improving the entire educational process. The deeper this process develops, the more clearly individual differences in the learning ability of schoolchildren become apparent, and the more obvious it becomes that it is impossible to create a unified education system that is equally optimal for each student.

When the strategy of changes in education proclaims the ideas of humanizing the entire educational process, putting the child’s personality at the head of the entire educational system, the teacher is required to refocus on the inclinations and natural talents of each student, helping him to show independence and grow as a person.
All this changes the prioritization of learning: the main thing becomes the student’s personality, its development, improvement, and the exercise of the right to choose. If a student is interested, if he feels like the creator of his knowledge, then he will actively learn. In pedagogy, the question inevitably arises: “How to teach effectively?” Learning turns into a kind of technological process with predetermined goals and guaranteed result. Nevertheless, the concept of pedagogical technologies has appeared in pedagogy.

The modern information society sets the school the task of preparing graduates capable of:

    navigate changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, applying it in practice to solve various emerging problems, in order to be able to find your place in it throughout your life;

    independently think critically, see emerging problems and look for ways to rationally solve them, using modern technologies; clearly understand where and how the knowledge they acquire can be applied; be able to generate new ideas and think creatively;

    work competently with information (collect the facts necessary to solve a certain problem, analyze them, make the necessary generalizations, comparisons with similar or alternative solutions, establish statistical and logical patterns, draw reasoned conclusions, apply the experience gained to identify and solve new problems);

    be sociable, contactable in various social groups, be able to work together in various areas, in various situations, preventing or skillfully resolving any conflict situations;

    independently work on the development of one’s own morality, intelligence, and cultural level.

With the traditional approach to education, it is very difficult to raise a person who meets the requirements modern society. Modern training involves the use of various forms and methods of organization educational activities, allowing to reveal the subjective experience of students. At the same time, the teacher faces new tasks:

    Creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class

    Stimulating students to make statements, use different ways to complete tasks without fear of making mistakes, getting the wrong answer, etc.

    Use during the lesson didactic material, allowing students to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for them.

    Evaluation of students' activities not only by the final result (right - wrong), but also by the process of achieving it.

    Encouraging students to find their own way of working (solving a problem), analyze the ways of working of other students during the lesson, choose and master the most rational ones.

Creating pedagogical communication situations in the classroom that allow each student to show initiative, independence, and selectivity in ways of working; creating an environment for the student’s natural self-expression.

Currently, special attention is paid to teaching methods using computer technologies. The use of such technologies in the educational process can improve the quality and efficiency of student training. The combination of traditional methods and teaching aids with computer technologies helps to improve student performance and stimulates the development of independent work.

Collaborative learning technology, project method, gaming technologies can be implemented to a large extent during group work.

Group work is one of the forms of student activation. In technologies based on collective way of teaching, learning is carried out through communication in dynamic or static pairs, dynamic or variation groups, when everyone teaches everyone, special attention is paid to options for organizing students’ workplaces and the teaching tools used. The advantages of this technology are as follows:

    Mental activity skills develop, memory work is activated;

    The experience and knowledge gained are updated;

    Increased responsibility for the results of teamwork;

    The skills of sequential presentation of material are improved.

The main signs of student group work in the lesson are:
- the class in this lesson is divided into groups to solve specific problems;
- each group receives a specific task (either the same or differentiated) and performs it together under the direct guidance of the group leader or teacher;
- tasks in the group are carried out in a way that allows the individual contribution of each group member to be taken into account and assessed; - the composition of the group is not permanent, it is selected taking into account so that the educational capabilities of each group member can be realized effectively for the team.
When students work in groups in the classroom, individual assistance to each student who needs it, both from the teacher and student consultants, increases significantly. The group form of student work in a physics lesson is most applicable and appropriate when conducting practical work, laboratory work, various forms of questioning and when repeating and consolidating material. In the course of such work, collective discussions of results and mutual consultations are used to the maximum.

Group activity of students in the lesson consists of the following elements:
1. Preliminary preparation of students to complete a group task, formation of groups, appointment of student consultants, setting educational tasks, brief instruction from the teacher.
2. Discussion and preparation of an implementation plan educational assignment in a group, determining ways to solve it (indicative activities), distribution of responsibilities.
3.Work on completing the educational task.
4. Observation of the teacher and adjustment of the work of the group and individual students.
5. Mutual verification and control over the completion of the task in the group.
6. Students reporting the results obtained when called by the teacher, general discussion in the class under the guidance of the teacher, additions and corrections, Additional Information teachers and formulation of final conclusions.
7. Individual assessment of the work of groups and the class as a whole.
The success of students’ group work depends primarily on the skill of the teacher, on his ability to distribute his attention in such a way that each group and each individual participant feel the teacher’s support, his interest in their success, and in normal fruitful interpersonal relationships. With all his behavior, the teacher must express interest in the success of both strong and weak students, instill in them confidence in their success, and show respect for weak students. Advantages of a group organization academic work students in the lesson are obvious.
Among the disadvantages of the group form of work, the most significant are: difficulties in recruiting groups, because Students in groups are not always able to independently understand complex educational material and choose the best way to study it.

As a result, weak students have difficulty mastering the material, while strong students need more difficult, original assignments and tasks. Only in combination with other forms of student learning in the classroom - frontal and individual - does the group form of organizing student work bring the expected positive results. The combination of these forms, the choice of the most optimal options for this combination is determined by the teacher depending on the educational tasks being solved in the lesson, the specifics of the content, its volume and complexity, the specifics of the class and individual students, the level of their learning capabilities and, of course, the teacher’s relationship style and students, the relationships between students, the trusting atmosphere that has been established in the class, the constant readiness to help each other.

Group forms of work using ICT tools

Group work can be carried out using a computer and other technical means. Training programs and computer models, virtual laboratory works, creating multimedia presentations is ideal for pairs or groups of students to work together. At the same time, work participants can perform both similar tasks, mutually controlling or replacing each other, as well as individual stages general work. When performing tasks in pairs or groups, the same level of technical proficiency is not required; in the process of teamwork, the practical skills of students who are “weaker” in this regard are also improved. All members working group are interested in the overall result, therefore mutual learning is inevitable not only on the subject of the project, but also on issues effective use computer technology and related information technologies.

The main characteristics of the use of computer technologies are the possibility of differentiation and individualization of learning, as well as the possibility of developing the creative cognitive activity of students. The introduction of computer technologies in education increases the overall level of the educational process, enhances learning motivation and cognitive activity of students, and constantly supports teachers in the ability to creative search didactic innovations. Training using information and communication technologies does not require the direct presence of group members; work can be done remotely, with the transfer of materials and mutual communication via the Internet. This also raises the activities of individual group members to a qualitatively new level, allowing them to attract joint activities and those who, for one reason or another, are deprived of the opportunity to directly participate in the work of the group

Work in groups can also be implemented using modern information technologies and multimedia projects. In my practice, there are many examples of how students who showed very mediocre knowledge independently created and confidently presented high-level material independently prepared using a computer in class. Confident computer skills allowed such students to increase their self-esteem and, moreover, broaden their horizons and gain new knowledge.

Thus, the use of group forms of work in physics lessons makes it possible to achieve the solution of the main task: the development of students’ cognitive skills; the ability to independently construct your knowledge; navigate the information space; development of critical and creative thinking. Modern pedagogical technologies combined with modern information technology can significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process, solve the problems facing educational institution the task of educating a comprehensively developed, creatively free personality. The result of the work was lessons held in non-traditional form, for example, a lesson - a conference, where Computer techologies used in conjunction with display physical experiments and solving physics problems, using student research to complete independent additional creative tasks: preparation of reports and communications on the development of modern science and technology, etc.

Why work in groups? What is “collaboration” and “collaborative learning”?

Collaboration is a philosophy of interaction, while cooperation is a structure of interaction aimed at producing an end product or achieving a goal. Collaborative learning is a personal philosophy, not just an instructional technique. In any situation where people are brought together in groups, such training offers a way of establishing cooperation with each other that recognizes and highlights the skills and contributions of individual group members. Group members share and accept responsibility for the group's actions. The fundamental principle of collaborative learning is consensus formed through the collaboration of group members.

Rules for organizing groups

Groups can be created different ways. Sometimes teachers (and students) are simply asked to work with colleagues (friends), other times randomly selected groups are formed. Sometimes groups are created according to the specific strengths of individuals. No matter how a group is formed, it is important to know that any newly formed group of people needs time to adapt and adapt to each other's personalities, skills and working styles. Successful groups learn to take advantage of these differences, identify them accurately at the outset, and organize group activities accordingly. The formation stage is not limited to the beginning of the group. As group members become aware of each other, the dynamics of the group's work will gradually change, and the group will need to respond to such changes by adjusting the work as necessary.

Well-organized group work promotes development social interaction between students, effective communication and problem solving skills. This ultimately encourages students to actively participate in their own learning.

Group work is effective when it encourages students to think about and discuss information received and to challenge and understand the opinions of others. Evidence confirms that this process is gradual. Thus, on early stage group work should first develop social interaction skills, then once relationships between students are established, teachers can develop their effective communication and problem solving skills.

What is effective group communication?

The most beneficial aspect of working in groups is the opportunity to communicate, but this requires the ability not only to speak but also to listen, so there are several basic rules that students should know: speak in turns; actively listen, ask questions and ask questions; Do you have any questions, make suggestions; express your thoughts and opinions and be interested in the ideas and opinions of others; collectively discuss proposals, ideas and opinions; make group decisions and come to a consensus; capsule the discussion.

Problem solving strategies.

Working in groups to solve an existing problem is a very powerful way of learning. Students will plan and organize tasks to complete so that they are not dependent on adults. This approach will allow students to:

Plan your time effectively

Collectively discuss innovative approaches and ideas

Determine if any individual activity or reflection is required before group work

Assign roles (leader, secretary, observer, etc.) within a group or assign parts of a task to different group members

Reach agreement when completing a task

Role of the teacher:

Group work should be organized and supported by teachers, and time should be allocated for discussion after completing the task. Teachers must support effective work groups and help achieve positive results. Class work should include discussion of what will be achieved and what is planned to be learned, and how whole class learning relates to group work assignments. During the discussion, students should be reminded of the skills, strategies, and rules they should use. Teacher intervention should be sensitive and model the practice recommended for students. To enable teams to work together, perhaps on initial stages more support from the teacher will be required. At the end of the lesson, the teacher should encourage students to reflect on the process and results of group work.