Why it is important to have a goal in life: arguments, reasons and features. What does it mean to be purposeful? The problem of changes in the Russian language

The essay contains references to the story by L. Kuklin “Operation “Snow”.

Option 1

Determination is the ability to achieve your dreams, no matter what. Purposefulness speaks of strength of character, perseverance, the ability to gather and step forward, despite difficulties, dangers, and circumstances.

I am fascinated by purposeful people, probably because I cannot call myself such a person. It’s unlikely that I, like the Bull from the story I read, would have dared to swim again to the Devil’s Finger after being on the brink of death! But the “pale-faced boy” really turned out to be persistent. For me, the story about him is a story about a purposeful person.

So is my older sister. In preparation for the city athletics competition, Galya refused a tourist trip to St. Petersburg: she needed to maintain a sleep and training regime. Staying home and devoting time to sports was her conscious decision.

Consequently, determination is the ability to overcome obstacles that arise and not give up when encountering difficulties.

Option 2

If a person persistently pursues his goal, despite doubts, failures, dangers and risks, then such a person is called purposeful. He is constantly in action, striving to fulfill his cherished dream.

This is exactly how the boy nicknamed Bull from the story I read behaves. Despite the fact that he almost drowned while struggling with the “dead swell,” the “bespectacled man” did not abandon his intention to sooner or later swim to the Devil’s Finger. The “skinny boy” showed the “desperate coastal brotherhood” an example of true determination.

The same quality motivated the famous aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev, who created the aircraft on which the famous flights across the North Pole to America were made.

Each person has his own dream and his own goal, but it is not they that characterize him, but how he achieves their fulfillment. Perseverance and inflexibility distinguish a winner from a dreamer.

I am sure that determination helps to become successful in life.

Option 3

I understand determination as a person’s ability not to give up on the path to his goal, to rise again and again if circumstances knock him down, and to move forward. Material from the site

In the story I read, an example of a purposeful person is the boy Bull, who, having decided to swim to the Devil’s Finger, almost drowned, but did not give up the thought of boldly conquering a dangerous path.

I can call any of the winners of the Olympic Games purposeful. It is known how strict their training regime is and how long the path to the podium can be. However, difficulties, injuries and the need to overcome themselves every day do not stop them, but only strengthen their character.

Is it possible to become an outstanding person without determination? Hardly! But you don't have to be brilliant to demonstrate your determination.

This was proven to us by Bychok, the brave hero of L. Kuklin’s story.

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Every person at least once in his life dreamed, set a goal and followed it, did everything possible to achieve it. To my great regret, there are many obstacles on a person’s path that “slow down” him, force him to pass a test of endurance and willpower, and a person does not always cope with these obstacles successfully. There have been cases when these tests more than once destroyed someone’s attempts to achieve something, because for some, the “insurmountable wall” caused fear, doubt, when faced with which, people abandoned the “steps” they had begun on the path to something big, great, significant. But there are people for whom an obstacle is a sign that a person is on the right path, that by overcoming this obstacle, new doors, solutions and paths to achieving their goal will open for them. People who are not afraid of obstacles are purposeful individuals. Such people are hardworking, full of energy, positive attitude, and most importantly, have a desire to achieve results.

After all, if a person strives very hard for something, it is easier for him to achieve his goal. This is exactly what Fazil Abdulovich Iskander, a Russian and Abkhaz writer and poet, discusses in his text, raising the problem of determination.

In support of this problem, the author cites a story from the life of sixty-five-year-old Georgy Andreevich and his son. The father was “worried that his youngest son was interested in sports and read almost nothing.” He refused to believe that “the book could die out, that TV and computer games could win.” To prove that books are an irreplaceable attribute in life and worth getting carried away with, he sets himself the goal of instilling a love of reading in the younger generation, and follows this mission, regardless of difficulties. Georgy Andreevich is a real purposeful person, and to prove this, the author gives two examples.

Firstly, the father, realizing that his son did not read books and this was not part of his immediate plans, “he himself began to read to his twelve-year-old son. But the son did not catch that charming winking of many meanings that a real literary text gives and in which the author involves a grateful reader.” The son tried in every possible way to “evade his hateful duty.” But the father did not despair and did not stop when faced with a problem.

Secondly, the father realized that if “sport is the only thing that interests a boy besides TV and computer games,” then he needs to “play by its rules” in order to achieve what he wants. Georgy Andreevich invites his son to play a game, the “punishment” of which will be reading a book for two hours. Of course, the twelve-year-old son, who has been involved in sports for several years, grinningly accepts his father’s “challenge”. Grigory Andreevich, not ready to give up, despite the fact that he does not have good skills in sports, fights with his son on equal terms, because he is determined to win, he is burning with desire, which means he will do everything within his power to achieve what he expects. In the end, the father defeats his son by two points and achieves his goal.

But, despite the fact that determination is a good human quality, it still has shortcomings, because a person, in order to achieve what he wants, takes all means, both right and harmful to others, sometimes, not paying attention to others, causing them harm.

In the work of A.P. Chekhov “Gooseberry” Nikolai Ivanovich dreamed all his life of acquiring an estate with gooseberries, this was his life goal. He saved on food, saved every penny to achieve his goal, and even got married to increase his capital and buy the desired estate. He is, in my opinion, a real purposeful person, because he walked towards his goal persistently, without leaving the intended path. But in pursuit of his goal, he did not pay attention to the people around him, which is why his wife died.

In B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” one of the main characters, Sergeant Major F. Vaskov, is undoubtedly an excellent example of a purposeful person. During the battle with the enemy, the foreman was wounded, due to which his strength quickly left him. But, despite the pain and weakness, he did not give up, moved on, continued to fight, because he had a goal - to protect his Motherland, to do everything for its good. He, driven by his goal, “forgotten” about his wound, brought the captured Germans to “his own” and only then allowed himself to “rest.”

In conclusion, I want to say that determination is undoubtedly a quality that many people want to have, because following your intended goal firmly, without being distracted by anything, costs a lot. But you shouldn’t forget yourself during your journey, so as not to cause irreversible consequences with your actions.

Updated: 2018-06-29

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FIPI commentary on “Goals and Means”:
“The concepts of this direction are interconnected and allow us to think about a person’s life aspirations, the importance of meaningful goal setting, the ability to correctly correlate the goal and the means of achieving it, as well as the ethical assessment of human actions. Many literary works feature characters who deliberately or mistakenly chose unsuitable means to realize their plans. And it often turns out that a good goal serves only as a cover for true (base) plans. Such characters are contrasted with heroes for whom the means of achieving a high goal are inseparable from the requirements of morality."

Recommendations for students:
The table presents works that reflect any concept related to the “Goals and Means” direction. You DO NOT need to read all of the works listed. You may have already read a lot. Your task is to revise your reading knowledge and, if you discover a lack of arguments within a particular direction, fill in the existing gaps. In this case, you will need this information. Think of it as a guide in the vast world of literary works. Please note: the table shows only a portion of the works that contain the problems we need. This does not mean at all that you cannot make completely different arguments in your work. For convenience, each work is accompanied by small explanations (third column of the table), which will help you navigate exactly how, through which characters, you will need to rely on literary material (the second mandatory criterion when evaluating a final essay)

An approximate list of literary works and carriers of problems in the direction of "Goals and Means"

Direction Sample list of literary works Carriers of the problem
Goals and means A. S. Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" Chatsky(Goal: change society. Means: courage, honesty, exposure of vices), Molchalin (Goal: obtaining ranks, own well-being. Means: meanness, serving important people, using others).
A. S. Pushkin. "Captain's daughter" Grinev(Goal: to be faithful to an officer’s duty. Means: courage, honesty. Goal: not to discredit the name of the captain’s daughter, Masha Mironova. Means: nobility, refusal to use Masha’s testimony in the investigation), Masha Mironova(Goal: save your loved one. Means: courage and determination, conversation with the empress), Pugachev(Goal: live a bright life, be useful to the people. Means: rebellion, cruelty, courage, audacity), Shvabrin(Goal: save your life. Means: betrayal, going over to the side of the rebel Pugachev).
A. S. Pushkin. "Mozart and Salieri" Salieri. Goal: excellence in creativity. Means: envy, murder.
M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of our time" Pechorin. Goal: Find your purpose. “Why did you live? For what purpose was he born? Remedy: plucking flowers of life's pleasures, bringing suffering to others..
N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls” Chichikov. Goal: personal enrichment. Means: dishonesty, insolence, disregard for moral principles, following the father’s commandment: “Save a penny.”
L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace" Representatives of secular society(Goal: enrichment, honor and glory. Means: dishonor, deception, intrigue), Andrey Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov(Goal: to be useful to Russia. Means: honesty, courage, ruthlessness towards oneself).
F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov(Goal: test your theory about the division of people. Means: ax (murder)), Sonechka Marmeladova(Goal: live honestly, help those who need it. Means: cross (faith, compassion, love)).
A. Chekhov “Gooseberry” Nikolay Ivanovich. Goal: to purchase a small estate where gooseberries will grow. Remedy: renunciation of all the joys of life (not only your own, but also a ban on life for your wife).
I. Bunin. "Mr. from San Francisco" Mister from San Francisco. Goal: accumulate capital. Remedy: work all your life, postponing life itself for later.
A. Platonov. "Sandy Woman" Maria Nikiforovna Naryshkina. Goal: change the lives of the people around her, help her survive in the harsh conditions of fighting the sands. Means: courage, determination, perseverance, personal example.
V. Bykov “Dovzhik” Commander of a partisan detachment. The goal is good German boots, which were owned by a fighter named Dovzhik. Remedy: murder of Dovzhik without witnesses.
D. Granin “Prisoners” Captured German lieutenant. Goal: survive in captivity. Remedy: pretend to be crazy.
V. Astafiev “Note” A son who “forgot” his mother at the station. Goal: to rid yourself of worries about your mother. Remedy: Leave your mother at the station with a note in your pocket.
V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera” People who make important government decisions and carry out orders. Goal: construction of a hydroelectric power station. The remedy is flooding the land, including the village of Matera. What about people? Their memory?

“Goals and means” is one of the topics of the final essay on literature offered to graduates of 2020 by the developer of knowledge testing materials, the FIPI Institute. What can you write about in such a work?

First, you need to explain what a goal is. For example, it can be seen as a fundamental part of human life. Write how important it is to have a goal, to strive for heights, to achieve something, to realize self-realization. You can mention great discoveries, scientific or geographical - this will make the essay more interesting and give you a chance to get a higher grade. Secondly, we can give a brief classification of goals, because they can be different - true and false, great and selfish. Another version of the work topic is “Does the end justify the means?” Think about whether it is possible to justify a great goal achieved in an unjust way, write about the ethical assessment of the means to achieve the goal. Albert Einstein once said: “No goal is so high that it justifies unworthy means to achieve it.” Goethe also agreed with him: “High goals, even if unfulfilled, are more valuable than low goals, even if achieved.” You can agree with them or not, but in the second case you will have to try and present your convincing arguments. Write examples from literary works in which characters mistakenly or deliberately choose “bad” means to achieve a goal. You can also mention cases from life or history when a goal that is good at first glance actually serves only as a cover for base true plans. Be sure to contrast such characters with heroes who do not separate the means of achieving the goal from the requirements of morality.

  1. A. S. Pushkin."Eugene Onegin". A person sometimes passes by without noticing his happiness. When the feeling of love arises in him, it becomes too late. This happened with Evgeny Onegin. At first he rejected the love of a village girl. Having met her a few years later, he realized that he was in love. Unfortunately, their happiness is impossible.
  2. M. Yu Lermontov."Hero of our time". Pechorin's true love for Vera. His frivolous attitude towards Mary and Bela.
  3. And S. Turgenev."Fathers and Sons". Evgeny Bazarov denied everything, including love. But life forced him to experience this true feeling for Anna Odintsova. The stern nihilist could not resist the intelligence and charm of this woman.
  4. And A. Goncharov."Oblomov." Lyubov Oblomov Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga's desire to pull Ilya out of a state of indifference and laziness. Oblomov tried to find the purpose of life in love. However, the lovers' efforts were in vain.
  5. A. N. Ostrovsky. It is impossible to live without love. Proof of this is, for example, the deep drama that Katerina, the main character of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” experienced.
  6. I.A. Goncharov."Oblomov." The great power of love is a theme of many writers. Often a person is able to change even his life for the sake of his loved one. However, this is not always possible. For example, Ilya Ilyich, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", for the sake of love, abandoned many of his habits. Olga, having experienced disappointment, leaves Oblomov. The mutually enriching development of their relationship did not work out, because the desire to vegetate “creeping from one day to another” turned out to be stronger for Ilya.
  7. L.N. Tolstoy. Love is a great feeling. It can change a person's life. But it can bring a lot of hope and disappointment. However, this condition can also transform a person. Such life situations were described by the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace". For example, Prince Bolkonsky, after life’s hardships, was convinced that he would never experience happiness or joy again. However, a meeting with Natasha Rostova changed his view of the world. Love is a great power.
  8. A. Kuprin. Sometimes it seems that poetry and the magical beauty of love are disappearing from our lives, that people’s feelings are diminishing. A. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet” still amazes readers with faith in love. It can be called a moving hymn of love. Such stories help to maintain the belief that the world is beautiful, and that people sometimes have access to the inaccessible.
  9. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The influence of friendship on the formation of personality is a serious topic that worried I. A. Goncharov. The heroes of his novel, peers and friends, I. I. Oblomov and A. I. Stolts, are shown almost according to the same scheme: childhood, environment, education. But Stolz tried to change his friend’s sleepy life. His attempts were unsuccessful. After Oblomov’s death, Andrei took his son Ilya into his family. This is what true friends do.
  10. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". In friendship there is mutual influence. Relationships can be fragile if people are unwilling to help each other. This is shown in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The apathetic, difficult-to-rise nature of Ilya Ilyich and the young energy of Andrei Stolts - all this spoke of the impossibility of friendship between these people. However, Andrei made every effort to encourage Oblomov to do some kind of activity. True, Ilya Ilyich could not adequately respond to his friend’s concern. But Stolz’s desires and attempts deserve respect.
  11. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Friendship is not always strong, especially if it is based on the subordination of one person to another. A similar situation was described by Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” Arkady Kirsanov was at first an ardent supporter of Bazarov's nihilistic views and considered himself his friend. However, he quickly lost his conviction and went over to the side of the older generation. Bazarov, according to Arkady, was left alone. This happened because the friendship was not equal.
  12. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” (about friendship, camaraderie). It is said in N. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” that “there is no holier bond than comradeship.”

How great and noble in its meaning is the concept of “purposefulness”. Life is multifaceted. And philosophical orientation allows us to determine the life position of a person, his goal and worldly purpose.

How often does society hang familiar labels on people like “this one will certainly achieve his goal, despite all the hardships of fate.” The other "appears to be a clear failure, leading a meaningless existence." But why is it important to have a goal in life, what are the arguments?

The goal is important

Each one is unique and distinctive in its own way. And not only by external characteristics, but also by internal concepts: morality and worldview. The worldview of any person, young and old, includes a path illuminated by the sun's rays and aimed at achieving the primary goal.

What seems to one an unattainable dream, for the sake of which one will have to go out on the warpath and overcome a ladder that lasts for years, for another it is a phenomenon of no paramount importance, ordinary and unremarkable.

It often happens that, having not fully set life’s priorities, a person is at a crossroads: rushing from one goal to another. Thus, he stands absolutely still, not one iota closer to his dream.

Arguments from the biography of Jack London

Why is it important to have a purpose in life? Arguments from the biographies of great people perfectly sort out internal contradictions. Everyone knows the world-famous American writer Jack London - the author of adventure stories and magnificent works about friendship, love, gold rush and dedication to his work.

But few people know that for success and recognition, the genius of the great style had to fight hard with stubborn publishers who did not want to have anything to do with the unremarkable young man.

Jack London's currently popular novel "Martin Eden" is the autobiography of a recognized writer. The book serves as an excellent impetus for the reader who knows how to correctly filter information and draw conclusions based on the mistakes of others.

A person who does not have a goal in life is not able to achieve unprecedented heights. Everyone is capable of giving up and giving up, but acting against the will of fate, stepping towards obstacles, is already a manifestation of fortitude and inner core.

Arguments from the book "The Wolf of Wall Street"

In literature, in many works, you can easily find the answer to the question: why is it important to have a goal in life? The arguments given by the authors of business literature are easily digestible and motivate readers to their own achievements.

Take, for example, the vivid character revealed in his own book of memoirs, “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Jordan takes a decisive step towards dramatic change. He sets a goal - to achieve heights at any cost and enjoy the delights of life to the maximum. And how wonderfully and successfully he follows his dream, step by step embodying and developing more and more new ideas.

Such cases seem unnatural and unattainable. But it is precisely such people who teach an important lesson and give an incentive to believe in the limitlessness of one’s own capabilities.

"War and Peace". Arguments from the book

As another equally expressive example, we can cite the epic novel by the world classic of Russian literature Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

The main character Peter Bezukhov has an extraordinary imagination, which leads him to achieve his goal. In his reality, love and understanding of the world are easily embodied in hope and faith. A man whose purpose was the supposed meaning of life haunted him for many years. He overcame many hardships and vicissitudes of fate and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to live morally and improve the world.

The character of Lev Nikolaevich is another excellent proof of why it is important to have a goal in life. The arguments are undeniable.

"Quiet Don"

When talking about overcoming obstacles, it is impossible to ignore the example in the book by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov “Quiet Don”.

The revolutionary element sweeps away the destinies of people. One of the main characters, perfectly complements the relevance of the topic. He is at a crossroads, but his inner nobility prevails over the baseness of what is happening, and he opposes the evil and injustice of the world around him.

Quite versatile, but such beloved characters from works not only brighten up our loneliness, but also give an answer to the question: why is it important to have a goal in life. The direction indicated by them is a good incentive to achieve your own peaks. The process itself is an excellent implementation on the path to satisfaction and defending your positions.

Last arguments

It is often very difficult to identify one main goal in a person’s life. The reasons and doubts are varied. There are many examples in life when difficulties break the desire for personal growth and development. Having lost their job, many perceive this as the onset of a dark streak in life.

It really all depends on perception. Perhaps this is a new chance and a quick leap towards long-awaited changes that you were not previously inclined to make. It is best to keep everything under your control. Life is a game, and the strongest makes the rules.

Problem How to determine the goal and the position itself? Choice is an aspect that is significant in the life of every person. Quite often, aspirations are confused with desires that have the form: playing sports, traveling and other things that satisfy needs, but do not have time limits.

The desire can be conscious or vice versa. The basis for achievement should first of all be the realization of the goal. Each person necessarily highlights something different, and by taking a closer look at the people who are close to you, you can determine what is paramount to them.

The list of goals is multifaceted. And in stock there will always be your own goals that cause misunderstanding among others. Exactly the same and vice versa.

Basic goals

The main goals that can be found in life, based on psychological surveys:

  1. The first priority for many is the creation of a family nest. This is perhaps the most basic human need, no matter what anyone says. But the thirst for family warmth is inherent in everyone at the level of instincts. Over time, these instincts acquired a more perfect form. In a civilized society, instead of promiscuity, there is a monogamous system, which has demonstrated its relevance in modern times.
  2. There is also a humorous saying that is not without meaning - “Give birth to a son, build a house, plant a tree.” Having acquired all three points, you will realize why it is important to have a goal in life. The arguments and reasons speak for themselves. After all, only by creating and building do you get a sense of your significance in this world. A sign that everyone leaves behind after going their own way.
  3. When it comes to work, you need to love what you do and do what you love. Only by using this formula can you feel inner harmony when choosing an activity. A person spends almost half of his adult adult life at work. Therefore, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing the path.
  4. Successful people tend to have a sense of expansion. They want everything new: more and always. The constant search for opportunities, friends, new skills and abilities will give life a bright contrast, make it interesting and rich.


Everyone can continue the list based on their preferences and goals, the main thing is to remember that only perseverance and unfading optimism can conquer all the peaks.