Using an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten. Using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process

Modern children “from birth” begin to receive information from various electronic sources: televisions, DVD recorders, computers, mobile phones. And parents are often surprised how the child knows which button to press to perform the desired operation, what this or that term in a program, even a non-game one, means. When looking at electronic screens, children often notice things that adults have difficulty seeing after viewing a fragment several times.

Modern city children often do not know where milk comes from, how a hen hatches eggs, what a horse eats, or how a stream gurgles. But they will tell you what continent a hippopotamus and a giraffe live on, they can easily send an SMS message, explain what this or that computer key combination means.



Selina N.G.

"Interactive board

V educational process preschool educational institution

The interactive whiteboard is a valuable educational tool

and increase motivation

in modern children.

Relevance: Modern children “from birth” begin to receive information from various electronic sources: televisions, DVD recorders, computers, mobile phones. And parents are often surprised how the child knows which button to press to perform the desired operation, what this or that term in a program, even a non-game one, means. When looking at electronic screens, kids often notice things that adults have difficulty seeing after viewing a fragment several times.

Modern city children often do not know where milk comes from, how a hen hatches eggs, what a horse eats, or how a stream gurgles. But they will tell you what continent a hippopotamus and a giraffe live on, they can easily send an SMS message, explain what this or that computer key combination means.

And NOW, more than ever, THE QUESTION ARISES: How to use these features of children's thinking in directly organized and cognitive activity with kids preschool age???

According to the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Institution for Education, the introduction of innovative technologies is intended, first of all, to improve the quality of education, increase the motivation of children to acquire new knowledge, and speed up the process of assimilation of knowledge. One of innovative directions are computer and multimedia technologies.

Currently, information and communication technologies are actively being introduced into the educational process of preschool educational organizations and is one of the priorities of education. Many simple and complex computer programs have been created and are being created for different areas knowledge in each age period. Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education is becoming more and more relevant, as it allows multimedia, in the most accessible, attractive and game form develop various psychophysical functions of children, such as visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, verbal logical thinking, as well as strengthen the creative component of the educational process.

The answer to the question:How to use the features of “modern” children's thinking in directly organized and cognitive activities with preschool children???THIS is the best that exists from technical visual aids that help the effective interaction of the teacher with the students -interactive whiteboards.

In our Preschool educational institution Interactive The Smart Board with the SMART Notebook program is a universal tool that allows any teacher to organize the educational process. Children's interest in knowledge, stability of attention, and speed of mental operations increased.

For greater efficiency, educational activities are built taking into account educational program kindergarten and age characteristics preschoolers, they include entertaining questions, animation pictures, games, educational films.

The interactive whiteboard brings together a huge number of demonstration material, frees you from a large volume of paper visual aids, tables, reproductions, audio and video equipment, significantly expands the possibilities of the presented cognitive material, allows you to increase the child’s motivation to master new knowledge, enhances the effectiveness of learning the material, increases the speed of receiving and processing information for better memorization by children.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in the educational process in combination with traditional methods significantly increases the effectiveness of educating preschool children. At the same time, there is a high-quality development of program material, sensory, cognitive, speech development, social and communicative development, development of grapho-motor skills, fine motor skills and spatial orientation. Thanks to the interactive whiteboard, the speed of information transfer to children increases, the level of understanding of it by children improves, which contributes to the development of all forms of thinking (concept-judgment-inferenceThe use of an interactive board using multimedia technologies (graphics, color, sound, video materials) allows you to simulate various problem situations and environments, allows the child to see himself from the outside, to observe the actions of his play partners. Children get used to assessing the situation without completely immersing themselves in the virtual world alone with the computer.

The children's first reaction to the interactive whiteboard was pronounced interest. Changes in screen elements when touching your hands look very impressive. Children like to “move” objects with their fingers and build from a set geometric shapes various objects and diagrams for games, write with markers, erase from the board. The visibility of electronic interactive whiteboards allows you to focus and hold the attention of students. Even one image children see is enough to start a discussion. This is especially valuable for working with fidgets.

Benefits noted for different types activities in kindergarten Familiarization with the outside world, Mathematics, Speech development, Preparation for learning to read and write. When working with an interactive whiteboard, children's fatigue is reduced, since the cognitive material presented to children is distinguished by clarity and brightness of images. Children's attention becomes more concentrated.

And if at the beginning of the year:

Children were less active during directly organized activities

Motivation for cognitive activity was reduced

Certain computer skills are not developed

Narrow opportunity or complete lack of access to information resources

Low activity and curiosity of preschoolers

Thanks to the interactive whiteboardat the end of the year we succeeded:

Involve passive children in active activities;

Make GCD more visual and intense;

Activate cognitive interest; curiosity of preschool children

Activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, etc.);

Implement student-oriented, differentiated approaches in educational activities.

The scope of access to information resources for children has expanded.

Developed certain computer skills.

Creative imagination and creativity have increased significantly.

From all of the above, the conclusion is:

1. The interactive board made it possible for students to visually present the result of their actions, identify achievements in the process of work, record the moments where mistakes were made in order to correct them, i.e. contribute to the activation of children's mental activity.

2. The presence of an interactive whiteboard, combined with the teacher’s work skills, allows you to complete the assigned tasks much more efficiently.

3. Innovative technologies also involve parents of pupils in the educational process, helping to fully reveal the abilities of their children, as well as to see their creative potential.


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Hello everyone, Tatyana Sukhikh here! Modern system Education never ceases to amaze with innovations; now kindergartens are conducting classes using interactive whiteboards. Tell me Dear colleagues, who has already had the opportunity to work with this miracle of technology? What are your reviews? I think that each of you will agree with the statement that an interactive whiteboard makes it possible to increase students’ interest in learning and hold their attention for a longer time, right?

An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen that works in conjunction with a computer and a projector. Unlike a regular screen, it works as an information input device, so you can play useful games with it. logic games and just study with interest. Therefore, this device will be equally relevant in both the junior and preparatory groups.

Perhaps the only difficulty in working with this device is the insufficient level of proficiency in ICT technology for a particular teacher. But this should not stop you, because you need to strive to learn something new and never stop learning.

To this end preschool teachers, teachers, and everyone teaching staff I suggest you read the manual on this topic “Organization of information and technical space of an educational institution: media library, interactive whiteboards”.

Perhaps someone will be interested in a special offer from the UchMag online store to top up a personal account and issue a webinar participant certificate on the topic "ICT in professional activity teacher additional education» volume 2 hours. The webinar will cover six important issues, which will help you understand the issues of ICT and the use of interactive whiteboards in kindergarten.

You can also take part in an offline webinar “ICT in the professional activity of a geography teacher”, because teachers even more often have to work with an interactive whiteboard, so short-term training will be very useful.

Options for activities using ICT

The interactive whiteboard and modern multimedia technologies give us the opportunity to simulate various situations during classes. Thus, the cognitive activity of pupils is activated, and educational material better absorbed.

For example, when working with the topic “Wild Birds” in an older group, you can use a board to compose bird families on it, to play interactive games using the “fourth is extra” method, for composing birds from individual parts of the body, for the game “connect mother and chick”, and so on.

Also, the board can be used in almost all classes, for example, when studying the softness of sounds, you can group pictures into two columns according to the softness and hardness of sounds. So, pictures that contain the sound “t” are moved to the left, and pictures with the sound “t” are moved to the right.

For classes in middle group you can design entire trips from fairy-tale characters, helping them cope with obstacles by solving intellectual problems and completing interactive tasks. You can easily find a summary of such a lesson on the Internet on all well-known pedagogical portals.

And in conclusion, I would like to note a few more useful aspects of conducting classes using an interactive whiteboard. So, in addition to the above, this is:

  • the ability to conduct integrated classes;
  • go on virtual trips;
  • increase the speed of assimilation and processing of information by students;
  • self-realization of the teacher and the opportunity to creatively approach preparation for the lesson;
  • increasing the effectiveness of training and education of children with disabilities.

"Using an interactive whiteboard in preschool educational institution»

Kozhicheva Irina Alekseevna,

teacher of MBDOU No. 140,


At the present time Computer techologies are increasingly being introduced into the educational process. A great variety of simple and very complex computer programs are emerging for use in the field of education. Depending on the age, development of the child and the programs used, the computer can become an opponent in the game, or be a teacher. There are many computer tools aimed at the diversified development of mental functions. For example, such as visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking.

Advantages of an interactive whiteboard:

Teaching preschool children and primary classes becomes more attractive and exciting, because children at this age are very inquisitive, especially when it comes to technology.

Interactive and multimedia tools are aimed at inspiring students to acquire new knowledge and various practical skills.

The interactive whiteboard seriously expands the boundaries of presentation educational information, allows you to significantly increase the child’s interest in the educational process. The use of various multimedia technologies makes it possible to embody various situations and environments. Game elements added to multimedia programs “switch on” the cognitive activity of students and have a positive effect on the learning of the material.

There is no doubt that children can easily master the skills of working with various electronic and computer innovations; wherein the most important thing is that they do not become directly dependent on the computer, and also valued and strived for live, emotional human communication.
It has been experimentally proven that when a child is given material orally, he perceives and can process up to 1 thousand conventional units of information in a minute, and in the case of the involvement of the visual organs, up to 100 thousand such units. An older preschooler has better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when he is interested; the material being studied is distinguished by clarity, brightness, and evokes in the preschooler positive emotions. According to psychologists, Today's children need modern methods.

Using computers in a shared and independent work(from the child's point of view) is one of effective ways increasing motivation and individualization his training, development of creative abilities and creation of a favorable emotional background. From which it follows that the high efficiency of using information and communication technologies in teaching is evident.

The use of ICT in kindergartens allows develop children’s ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, develop versatile skills that allow the exchange of information using modern technical means.
Use of ICT during classes allows you to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This promotes conscious learning by preschoolers.

Interactive room in kindergarten can perform the following tasks:
— teach children using the latest educational technologies;
— serve as an entertainment and gaming center;
— it can perform the widest possible range of educational and entertainment tasks;
— have maximum ease of use for both children and teachers;
— introduce children to the capabilities and skills of computer technology.

Examples of using an interactive whiteboard:
Ways to use an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten classes may be limited only by your imagination. These include presentations, various interactive training programs, and the creation of projects in graphical and software environments.
Teachers who are beginning to master working with an interactive whiteboard will have access to the easiest way to work with it - using it as a simple screen, the image to which is supplied from a computer.
When working with the interactive whiteboard in “simple” mode, the image from the computer is transmitted through the projector to the interactive whiteboard, and the computer can be directly controlled using special markers supplied with the interactive whiteboard. So, this is the easiest way for a teacher to use an interactive whiteboard in a preschool educational institution - demonstrating ready-made presentations.

The next step will be to independently invent and create game presentations in Power Point. This program allows you to install various animation effects into your presentation. One of the means of animation is triggers.

A trigger is an animation tool that allows you to set an action to a selected element; the animation starts when clicked.

Triggers are used in MS PowerPoint to make a slide interactive by repeatedly playing animation on the slide at the user's command. In the created game, for example, it will be possible to choose an answer from several proposed options.

During classes you can also use interactive videos, which are also created in the PowerPoint program. Interactive video films allow you to convey all the information clearly.

Interactive video (video film) is a film in which the viewer at certain stages of viewing can choose to continue the plot.

While watching the film, the child is given the opportunity to control the demonstration. Such videos will help children learn in an accessible form, for example, the basic rules of safe behavior in Everyday life And emergency situations. The topic is revealed in a video fragment; knowledge is updated in an interactive form by choosing the correct answer to the proposed questions. The demonstration of a video fragment can be stopped at any time in order to focus children’s attention on the rules of safe behavior.

Skills required to use the interactive whiteboard:
— Basic knowledge of working with a computer.
— Ability to work in programs: Word, PowerPoint, SMART Board.
— Practice working on the Internet (to search for images, ready-made presentations and training programs).

The use of interactive whiteboards in preschool education

Sardarova E.V.

Teacher at the Children's Development Center "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4"


One of the main tasks modern education is the disclosure
abilities of each child, raising a personality ready for life in
high-tech, competitive world.
Informatization of society poses a challenge for preschool teachers
become a child’s guide to the world of new technologies, a mentor in choosing
computer games and form the basis of personal information culture

Society continues to seek more effective methods knowledge. How can I help you better understand the material? How to increase interest in the learning process is what always worries teachers all over the world. And it was the creation of an interactive whiteboard that helped answer this question.

An interactive whiteboard (ID) is a device that allows a teacher to combine two different tools: a screen for displaying information and a regular marker board. The ID connects to a computer and a projector. An image from any source (computer or video signal) is projected onto it, like a screen, with which you can work directly on the surface of the board. Manipulations of a computer mouse are carried out by touching the surface ( special device- a stylus or just a finger), thereby the user has full access to control the computer. The board allows you to show slides, videos, make notes, draw, draw various diagrams, as on a regular chalk board, write comments and any changes on the projected image in real time and save them as computer files for further editing, printing, sending e-mail.

From a didactic point of view, an interactive whiteboard is a device that providesinteractive learning. Interactive learning is learning built on the interaction of the student with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as an area of ​​acquired experience and knowledge. A bright picture on the screen is just a way of presenting the material, and ID is a field of information exchange between teacher and student. The essence of interactive learning is that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. Cooperative activity students means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution to the learning process. An atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support allows not only to gain new knowledge, but also develops cognitive activity itself, transfers it to more tall forms cooperation and cooperation. When working with an interactive board, the teacher is always in the spotlight, which helps maintain constant contact with the children. The form of presentation of ID material corresponds to the way of perceiving information that distinguishes the new generation, which has a much higher need for temperamental visual information and visual stimulation.

The next didactic property of ID ismultimedia.Multimedia means the joint use of several means of transmitting information (media), the presentation of objects and processes with non-traditional text descriptions, and with the help of photos, videos, graphics, animation, sound, i.e. in a combination of information transmission media. ID brings the property of multimedia to a qualitative level new level, including in the process of perceiving “multi-media” information not just one person (as in the case of a preschooler working with a PC), but the entire team of students, which is more convenient and expedient for the subsequent process of discussion and collaboration.

The third property of ID is modeling, simulation modeling of real objects or processes, phenomena, as well as computer simulation of user interaction with real world. We implement modeling using ID, but only if there is an appropriate digital educational resource. IN in this case The capabilities of the board make the process of working with a model using a personal computer not the property of one person, but open this process for a group of children, providing the opportunity for both individual and collective interaction with the model, discussion of its work and the results obtained.

The fourth didactic property of ID ishigh level of productivity of the learning processdue to simultaneous work with the entire group as a whole and the use of previously prepared material.

Thanks to visibility and interactivity, children are more willing to get involved in active work. In preschoolers, concentration increases, understanding and memorization of material improves, and perception sharpens. The presence and ability to use ID significantly increases the level of computer competence of the teacher, who receives the status of a modern educator who keeps pace with development information technologies. This learning tool can be used to teach children of different ages.

Proper use of ID capabilities allows the teacher to:

​ improve the quality of teaching through a combination of traditional and computer methods of organization educational activities;

​ provide information to various forms(text, graphics, audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum clarity of the material being studied;

​ give out a large amount of information in parts, so the material being studied is easier to assimilate;

​ control the time parameters of the lesson;

​ activate the processes of perception, thinking, imagination and memory;

​ mobilize the audience's attention;

​ use various digital educational resources;

​ reveal ample opportunities for creative realization in professional activities;

​carry out GCD at a high methodological level.

For a child, the use of interactive information technologies in learning helps to assert oneself, self-realization, encourages research, develops activity skills, removes the fear of answering at the board and increases motivation.

Proper use of the interactive whiteboard’s capabilities allows preschool teachers to:

  • improve the quality of children's education through a combination of traditional and interactive methods of organizing educational activities;
  • present information in various forms that are attractive to preschool children (audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum clarity of the material being studied;
    activate the processes of perception, thinking, imagination and memory;
    mobilize the attention of pupils;
  • use various digital educational resources;
    carry out direct educational activities at a high methodological level.
  • to reveal ample opportunities for creative realization of teachers in their professional activities;

Using the interactive whiteboard educational work with preschoolers in our preschool institution showed a number of advantages compared to traditional forms of education and training:

  • presentation of information on a large screen and the opportunity to operate with the depicted objects and objects themselves arouses children’s great interest in the activity;
  • Possibility of presenting fragments of reality (video material);
  • The ability to show children moving, changing objects, increase the size of the image (for example, book illustrations) for the purpose of their comfortable perception by all children of the group;
  • simultaneous reproduction of objects presented different ways(sound-image-movement);
  • the ability to carry out many testing search actions with objects, comparing several options for transforming the same object;
  • saving time required to prepare for classes and study specific material.
  • development-friendly organization subject environment.
  • ease of storage and repeated use of the material used.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in preschool education contributes to the development of psychophysical functions, such as fine motor skills, visual-motor and optical-spatial orientation; formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (classification, seriation); development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, volition), which ensures the readiness of preschoolers for schooling.