How to learn to draw anime cats. How to draw a gray anime cat. Age features of drawing a cat

Hello friends! This lesson will demonstrate in detail how to draw a cat in anime style. The drawing is very cute and just incredibly simple - just follow each step according to the instructions so that you get it as beautiful as in the lesson.

The first step in drawing an anime cat is to create the base of the shape. It will help us not to make mistakes with proportions in the next steps. I draw two such figures that will determine the shape and size of our cat. Leave a little space around the edges of the sheet so that the whole cat fits.

On top of the circle we will draw the shape of the cat’s ears. Try to keep the lines neat and clear.

We build a neat shape of the muzzle and add lines to the upper part of the cat’s head.

At the bottom of the head we draw eyes, a tiny nose in the shape of a triangle and antennae.

We shade the shapes that we drew for the eyes and nose.

We draw a ribbon under the cat’s head, since our cat will have a bow on her neck. Draw the folds and shade the shadows as shown in the picture. By the way, if you like beautiful pictures, then you can decorate your room with photo wallpapers - for example, I really like the ones with the old city. After hanging such wallpaper, you will find that your room has been transformed and is very conducive to creativity.

Draw the front legs.

Now we need to draw the sides of the cat, her hind legs and a neat tail. In the lower part we draw shaded shadows.

We draw a bow behind the cat and also add neat shading. We always stroke in the same direction, then the drawing will look very nice and neat.

Anime in pencil step by step. Without much difficulty, this drawing can be created by readers who have such an animal at home.


In order to understand the issue of anime in stages, you should remember its main differences. For these animals, their appearance directly depends on their gender. The cat is shorter in stature than her “chosen one,” and her face is much “neater.” The male representative has a more defiant look. Note that after the drawing is created, it can be colored with colored pencils or paints. You can borrow shades from your pet or use arbitrary combinations, since the character is fictional.


Let's move on to the practical part of solving the question of how to draw an anime cat. As a result, we should have a very cute and joyful animal. This character can be colored according to your own preferences. We begin to depict the cat from the head. To do this, draw a circle with a pencil. It should be slightly wider on the sides.

We move on to the next stage of solving the question of how to draw an anime cat, and draw the eyes - draw a couple of large circles on the paper. They must be inside the main one. Their edges should touch the boundaries of the head circumference. Between the eyes we draw a small triangular nose. Just below we place the animal’s large, joyful mouth. There is no need to draw teeth, since our cat is very kind and does not bite at all.

To prevent the character's eyes from looking creepy, they need to be drawn accordingly. We need to depict big circle. We draw it in the middle of the eye. Next, in its center we depict a similar geometric figure smaller sizes. Place a couple more small circles on top of the resulting “pupil”. They should form highlights. We color the middle circle black, since this is the pupil. Next, we draw the cat’s ears in accordance with the requirements. In practice, you need to draw two triangles on top of the head.


Let's move on to final stage solving the question of how to draw an anime cat. Since we have already completed all the manipulations with the face of our character, we move on to depicting the body of an unusual animal. We set general shape using a pencil. We remove all unnecessary lines. We move on to carefully drawing the back and paws of the cat. What follows are a few more important touches that need to be done so that the question of how to draw an anime cat is completely resolved. In particular, we need to depict the cat's hind legs. Next we depict the wonderful tail of the animal. Of course, any cat, even a fictional one, has a gorgeous mustache. Our character should not be an exception to this rule. Let's finish drawing the cat's wonderful mustache. To do this, draw three straight lines on each side of the muzzle. All that remains is to add stripes to the ears. That's it. Everything is ready.

Our article will discuss in detail how to depict a cat in anime style. The drawing is quite cute and simply incredibly easy - you just need to follow each step according to the instructions so that it turns out just as great as in the lesson. The first stage in cats in style is the image of the base of the form.

Drawing a cat in anime style

It will help us avoid mistakes with proportions in the following steps. Let's draw two figures that will show the shape and size of our cat. Let's leave a little space around the edges of the leaf so that the whole cat fits. On top of the circle, draw the shape of a cat’s ears. We will try to keep the lines smooth and clear.

Let's line up correct form muzzle and add lines to the upper part of the cat's head using . At the bottom of the head we will draw eyes, a small nose in the form of a triangle and a mustache.

Let's shade the shapes we made for the eyes and nose. Let's draw a ribbon under the cat's head, since our cat will have a bow on her neck. Let's draw the folds and shade the shadows. By the way, if you like cute pictures, you can decorate your room with special wallpaper. After gluing such wallpaper, you will find that your room has become better and is even more inviting.

Let's draw the front legs. Then we need to depict the sides of the cat, her hind legs and a beautiful tail. Let's draw shaded shadows below. Behind the cat we will draw a bow and add even shading. We always shade in one direction, then the drawing will look very cute and neat. Let's color the drawing with any things - for example, crayons or pencils. I chose a light yellow shade for the cat's body, blue for the bow, and you can also add a little pink to her cheeks. I hope that you enjoyed drawing the cat with me.

How to draw a Cheshire cat

Let's start work.

  • First step

First we need to draw the base of the cat. To do this, we will make two lines as a twig, and above them one huge circle (it will become the body of our cat) and a small one, which will then become the head.

  • Second step

Now let's move on to drawing the paws and tail of the Cheshire cat. Directly under the head, draw two small circles and connect them to the circle with lines. On the side we will draw an oval and a small circle - this will be the hind leg Cheshire cat. Let's add a ponytail.

  • Third step

Let's move on to drawing our cat's face and his beautiful smile. We have already divided the circle into four particles with two lines, on the horizontal line we will make two large circles and add stripes in the form of pupils. At the very bottom we will depict a smile, and a little higher – the cat’s nose.

  • Fourth step

Create the shape of the head of a Cheshire cat. Let's add ears and fur.

  • Fifth step

Then we need to draw a curved back, auxiliary lines on the muzzle and patterns above the eyes and nose.

  • Sixth step

We erase all unnecessary lines and draw a colorful outline around the main features of the Cheshire cat. Let's draw a cat's smile, teeth, eyes.

  • Seventh step

We will also work on the contours of the body and face, adding fur and fluffiness.

  • Eighth step

Let's add a branch and make the stripes on the Cheshire cat even more colorful. You can add more details or color the cat in a special editor if you drew on a tablet or used colored pencils or paints. Now you know how to draw a Cheshire cat step by step with a pencil. You can also try to portray other cats.

How to draw anime cats step by step

This step by step lesson drawing tutorial will help you create a drawing of a kitten in anime style. At the end of all the work step by step drawing You should end up with a funny and cute cat that can be painted in any shade you like. So, we prepare a piece of paper, a grater and a pencil, and proceed to drawing.

  • The drawing of a cat will need to start from the head. Let's draw a neat circle that smoothly straightens out at the bottom and on both sides.
  • After creating the head, we begin to draw the eyes. I need to draw two even circles, whose edges will touch the sides of the main circle.
  • At the next stage, we begin to draw a nose, which will be in a triangle mold, and a smiling mouth without sharp teeth, because our cat is kind and cannot bite.
  • So that the eyes of a cat in anime style do not stand out too much, you need to finish drawing them. First, let's draw the middle circle in the existing eye. Then we’ll draw another smaller one in the circle, then slowly draw two highlight circles on top of the small circle, color the middle circle black, because this is the pupil. After this, we need to draw two ears in the shape of non-sharp triangles on our cat’s head.
  • The cat's face and head are created. Now we need to draw the torso. Look at the bottom drawing and draw the same initial body shape.
  • Then we slowly remove all the lines and finish the paws and tail of our cat in anime style.
  • We are done with the front legs, now we need to draw the hind legs and tail. The cat also needs to add whiskers, which will be in the form of three straight lines on each side, and even stripes need to be added to the ears. This will be the last stage of drawing an animal in anime style. To do the job correctly, you should look at anime photos of cats.

Drawing is one of the most favorite activities of children. Moreover, it does not matter at all what level of development their abilities are at - all children love to depict animals, toys or nature. If we are talking about cats, which are beloved pets, even if the pet does nothing all day but just lies on the sofa, then there is hardly a child who has not tried to draw a cute fluffy. In order for these attempts to be more and more successful, it is worth learning some of the features of the creative process.

What materials and tools are needed

The success of the work depends on how carefully the preparation is done, that is, the materials and tools are selected. So, for the drawing you can use:

As for the tools, here you need a regular drawing set:

You need to start your drawing with auxiliary lines

  • We finish drawing the ears in the upper circle, between the two horizontal lines we make arcs for the eyes, and in the lower third on the vertical line we put a tick-mouth.
  • We connect the upper and middle circles with two smooth lines - this is the cat’s neck. We make the outline of the left front paw and tail.
  • We finish drawing the line of the left paw, draw the fingers with claws. We show the right front paw in fragments - only the fingers and claws. We draw the arc of the cat’s leg in a semicircle, drawing the lines into a paw with fingers and claws. Thicken the tail
  • We complement the muzzle, that is, we complete the eyes, mouth, nose and show the cheeks with a zigzag line.

    We detail the face with ears, eyes and mouth

  • Using smooth lines we connect the second and third circles, that is, the body of the animal.
  • Let's finish drawing the mustache.

    We leave the mustache for the final stage of work.

  • We remove the auxiliary lines, the drawing is ready.

    Removing auxiliary lines is the next step after completing the sketch, before coloring

  • Sleeping fluffy

    Many people think that drawing a sleeping animal is an easier task than drawing a figure in motion. But in fact, both projections have their own subtleties. Let's see this using the example of a dozing cat.


    1. We draw a circle, inscribe two straight lines intersecting at right angles into it, and the horizontal line should be slightly below the center of the circle.
    2. On the horizontal line with arcs we show the cat’s closed eyes, on the vertical line below we draw the mouth and nose.
    3. We complement the face with cheeks, ears and forehead with protruding fur.
    4. We draw a smooth line of the body, imperceptibly flowing into the tail. Please note that the arc should extend above the head, gradually going down and tapering for the tail.
    5. Let's detail the image. We finish drawing the slightly protruding front leg, covered by the tail, draw the tip of the tail and several folds on the body.

    I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy

    Creating such a cute fluffy is not difficult at all. Moreover, even in black and white he looks like a tiger.


    1. We start with the base circle. In the lower part we draw a mouth, nose and closed eyes.

      We start drawing from the head

    2. We finish drawing the ears, showing the outline inside with sharp lines. On the top and sides of the face we make three lines - tiger stripes. The top ones will be a little longer.

      To immediately show the unusualness of the kitten, we give it three tiger stripes on its forehead and cheeks.

    3. Using smooth lines we show the chest and back of the cat, and finish drawing the front paw.

      The lines of the back and legs should be very soft

    4. We make a second front paw, which is overlapped by the first. Draw the hind leg with the thigh.
    5. We make stripes on the legs and slightly thicker ones on the back.
    6. Draw a tail and show stripes on it.

      When coloring a kitten, remember that the stripes should be 2-3 shades darker

    Video: how to easily and simply draw a cat with a marker

    Video: drawing Hello Kitty

    How to draw a cute anime kitten step by step

    This is interesting. Anime is an animation genre that originated in Japan in 1917. Their enormous popularity all over the world is explained by the fact that, unlike cartoons, these animated comics are aimed at teenagers and adults.

    The attitude towards anime pictures is by no means unambiguous: many believe that creatures with big eyes same shape They just lose their individuality. However, there are also many fans of this genre. So it certainly won’t hurt them to know how to draw an anime kitten.


    1. We start with the base lines. We draw a circle, just below the center of which there is an intersection of vertical and horizontal lines. To this circle we add an oval for the cat’s body.

      Auxiliary lines teach you to maintain proportions

    2. We finish drawing the ears and using a continuous line we show the outlines of the face and cheeks.

      It’s better not to interrupt the line of the face from ear to ear - this way the drawing will look neater

    3. We draw out huge eyes that occupy almost the entire lower part of the head. We add eyebrows and a mouth; it is not necessary to draw a nose.

      An anime kitten's eyes take up almost half of his face

    4. From the line of the head we draw thick paws, not forgetting about the hair sticking out on them.

      The paws require special attention, since elements of fur are already drawn on them

    5. We draw the cat's body, slightly going beyond the oval of the base, and complement the body with a tail.

      The tail is curved like this because the kitten is practically covered with it

    6. Erase the auxiliary lines.

    Video: drawing an anime kitten

    Video: how to draw Charlie the cat from the anime “Fairy Tail”

    Drawing of Angela the Cat

    The beautiful blue-eyed cat Angela, the friend of Tom the cat from the app game, has won more than one child's heart. And many adults would not mind spending time in the daily affairs of this sweet lady. It is not surprising that many people want to draw such a charming creature, even those who are not quite confident in their pencil drawing skills.


    1. Draw the base for the cat. We draw a vertical line equal to its height, which we limit by perpendiculars at the top and bottom. We put three marks on the vertical line: one corresponds to 2/3 of the segment, the remaining piece is divided into three equal parts.

      The length of the vertical segment is Angela's height

    2. In the upper part we draw two ovals intersecting in the center, which we connect on the left with an arc. In the second third of this smooth line we outline the nose.

      Using geometric shapes we show the elements of Angela’s image

    3. Below we draw another oval, and in the last marked piece we make the trapezoid skirt of our cat.
    4. On the upper oval we draw the ears, detail the muzzle, namely, we show the bend of the eyelashes.
    5. Draw the left paw, bent at the elbow and pointing upward.
    6. Using a smooth line we show the right paw, which Angela placed behind her back.
    7. From the bottom of the trapezoid we draw paired lines hind legs ok, and also the tail.

      At this stage, we detail the picture as much as possible.

    8. Draw the eyes by adding a semicircle to the eyelash line. Let's finish drawing the pupils.
    9. We draw eyebrows, lips and mustaches.
    10. We complete the missing elements of the open dress: folds on the belt and bodice neckline. The kitty is ready.

      Finishing the cat's dress

    Video: drawing cute Angela

    How to draw a cat's face

    Animal faces (like human faces) are considered almost the most difficult objects to draw. However, with patience you can cope with this task, especially if you have a clear diagram at hand.


    1. We draw a circle, inside which we make two intersecting arcs. This trick will add volume to the cat image.

      This base will help make your face look voluminous.

    2. Add two curved lines for the neck.

      Showing the outline of the cat's neck

    3. At the top of the circle we draw triangles of ears.

      Show ears with triangles

    4. At the intersection of the auxiliary lines, draw a triangle for the nose, and below add the number three turned horizontally for the mouth.

      It's very easy to draw a cat's nose and mouth if you have auxiliary lines.

    5. Let's make eyes. To do this, draw two ovals at an angle, add lines-pupils.

      We draw the eyes in an elongated oval shape, showing the pupils inside

    6. Forming the face. We add touches of fur around the muzzle, draw the relief of the ears, as well as the mustache.

      The fur and whiskers give the muzzle a certain completeness.

    7. Using a marker, we outline the contours of the face, following the strokes of the fur. Removing auxiliary lines.

      Outlining is the last step before coloring

    8. The drawing is ready. If desired, the cat can be painted.

      For coloring you can use pencils, paints, wax crayons

    Video: master class on how to draw a cat's face

    Photo gallery: how to draw a cat from a fairy tale

    We start with an oval shape for the cat's head Draw guide lines, this will serve as the basis for the cat's muzzle Draw the shape of the nose, and then the lines for the bases of the eyes Add large and expressive eyes, large pupils and a contour for the mouth Draw the lines of the eyebrows, the contour of the muzzle Draw the guidelines according to the model lines, and then add the cat’s ear. Draw the second ear. Draw the upper eyelid of the eyes, fill them lightly with color and detail the mouth. Add fur around the muzzle, including near the mouth. Draw. long mustache We outline the contours, starting with the ears. We paint over the eyes as shown in the picture.

    Cats are very beautiful and graceful pets that children adore. And little artists often ask mom or dad to draw their favorite pet on paper. And even if adults themselves do not have the talent of a painter, step-by-step drawing will come to the rescue. Based on consistent patterns, even a five-year-old child can create in the picture the image of an adult cat or a small mischievous kitten. At school age, children should be offered more intricate options, for example, images of realistic cats and popular cartoon characters.

    Age features of drawing a cat

    It is advisable to teach a child to draw a cat from the age of five: it is at this age that the child is already able to create a more or less believable image, so there is no need to rush things.

    Before you start creative process, it is advisable to consolidate with your son or daughter the knowledge of basic geometric shapes (this will be needed in the process of work) and teach them to depict them correctly. These are circle and oval, triangle, square and rectangle.

    To draw an animal well, a child must be able to correctly depict geometric shapes

    You should definitely consider a live cat with a novice artist (a ceramic figurine or a realistic soft toy would be an option).

    In this case, the adult focuses on the proportionality of the body, the ratio of the sizes of the head and torso, the location of the eyes, ears on the face, etc.

    If there is no real cat at home, then you can consider a realistic soft toy with your child. Because children preschool age

    If you don't yet understand proportions very well, you can start drawing with cartoon cats.

    They often have a disproportionately large head, a cheerful coloring, a funny facial expression (smile, wide eyes, protruding tongue), and are dressed in bows and other accessories. Cartoon cats are distinguished by irregular proportions, cheerful colors, smiles and other features.

    With younger schoolchildren you can already start drawing realistic cats.

    Children already understand that the head of an animal cannot be too big or small, the tail must be long (practically full length). An adult and child should look at photographs of cats in various poses: lying, sleeping, sitting, jumping. At the same time, attention is drawn to how the animal arches, how it folds its legs and tail.

    An adult first discusses with a schoolchild what pose to draw a cat in

    The images of cartoon animals become more intricate: an adult teaches a child to give a cat a mood: surprise (mouth wide open), sadness (corners of the mouth slanted down), thoughtfulness (pupils shifted to the side), fear (eyes wide open). There are a lot of options here, since children's imagination knows no bounds. Selection of tools and materials Since a cat can be drawn in various techniques, then for work the little artist will need

    various materials

    . These are colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens (many children like to trace outlines with them and emphasize details), gouache (since drawing a cat in watercolor already requires higher skill). In any case, you will need a sharpened pencil and an eraser (to correct defects and erase auxiliary lines).

    As a base, you should prepare white A4 paper or colored cardboard (if your child draws with gouache). How to draw a cat with a pencil step by step Introduction to animalistic genre painting should begin with simple circuits drawing animals. One of these options is a cat made of circles. consists of round shapes (there are also triangles - ears and nose).

    The cat in the picture has a round body, head and cheeks, the rest of the details complement them

    Then follows the imaging process according to the diagram. For example, to depict a sleeping cat, you need to draw a large circle, inside it - a small one (in the lower part, in contact with the large one, the ratio is approximately 1:2). Next, the image is supplemented with ears, nose, eyes closed and the animal's whiskers. The image is completed by a long tail enveloping the animal’s body. All that remains is to decorate the animal to your liking.

    The circles in the drawing are the main parts of the cat’s body, which are simply supplemented with the necessary details

    When the child masters drawing round cartoon cats, you can move on to the next stage of mastery - realistic image animal, for example, sitting. First, the cat's head is indicated in the form of an oval. The oval will also be the basis of the body shape. Here you need to maintain proportions: vertically, the oval is slightly longer than the length of the twice-taken oval of the head, and horizontally, the width of the body is slightly less than the double-taken oval of the head. In this case, the head and torso slightly overlap each other. The next stage is drawing the ears, front and hind legs of the animal.

    At the first stage, the main parts of the animal’s body are schematically indicated in the form of ovals, paws and ears are added

    Then, using auxiliary lines, the child depicts the cat’s face: nose, mouth, eyes and mustache.

    Eyes, nose, mouth and mustache are depicted with oprah on auxiliary lines

    Auxiliary lines are combined into the final drawing, which remains only to be colored.

    On last stage the cat is being painted

    Drawing a lying kitten is also not a very difficult task. Again, the head and body are indicated by ovals, and then the muzzle, ears, paws and a beautiful tail are drawn. In this case, the head can be positioned in profile and full face (this does not affect its shape). The child needs to be explained that in the first case, only one eye is drawn (the second is not visible).

    A lying kitten is also drawn based on ovals

    Photo gallery: diagrams of step-by-step drawing of a cat

    A kitten made from semicircles turns out to be very funny. The character of the cat is conveyed by the eyes. The most important stage is drawing the face. Thanks to the observance of the proportions, the cat turns out to be very realistic. This kitten resembles the cartoon character Smeshariki. The cat’s body is made up of circles of different sizes. The cat’s body is made up of ovals. Drawing a cat begins with a heart. The shape of a cat is the most basic. , the task is to color it beautifully. A cartoon cat is drawn very simply. The body of the animal consists of circles, ovals and rectangles

    Draw a face

    After the child learns to depict cats in different poses, you should dwell in more detail on the drawing of the muzzle (full face, profile and three-quarter turn).

    1. First, an auxiliary shape is drawn - a circle, auxiliary lines are outlined (vertical and two horizontal). Large slanted eyes are depicted and there must be hairs above them - this will make the cat portrait more charming. The nose can be made to look like a heart. At the bottom of the circle there will be cheeks in the shape of semicircles.

      Auxiliary lines will help make the muzzle proportional

    2. To make the cat more cute, you should shade the corners of the eyes. After this, the head is drawn to the desired shape: it expands on the sides of the circle. Ears are added.

      The muzzle increases in width and ears appear

    3. For maximum realism, all that remains is to shade the ears, sketch out the lines of the neck and draw the mustache. The cat has twelve hairs on each side (although this is not important in the picture).

      An indispensable attribute of any cat is long whiskers.

    4. A cat's face can also be drawn based on a square. Draw a figure and divide it into four equal parts.

      Square - the basis of the muzzle

    5. Focusing on the grid, we depict the ears, eyes, mouth, cheeks and nose in proportion.

      The grid allows you to maintain all proportions

    6. Erase the auxiliary lines.

      We remove the auxiliary lines, and the muzzle becomes lifelike

    7. Now let’s give freedom to imagination: paint the cat in natural shades or create an unexpected fantastic image.

      Why not paint it with a fantasy pattern?

    Photo gallery: diagrams for drawing a cat's face

    The muzzle is drawn based on a circle and auxiliary lines. Eyes, nose and mouth are drawn in random order, without auxiliary lines. Using eyes and mouth, you can create a cat. certain character The image is composed of segments, which are then smoothed into smooth lines

    Drawing an anime cat

    Anime is a popular Japanese animation. This is not just animation, but a special perception of life, a cultural layer with its own unique symbols and types.

    Children of all ages love playful and charming anime cats. These are fantasy images with huge expressive eyes. Its head is often larger than its body. Of course, the child will take on the image of this cute animal with great enthusiasm.

    Anime cats are charming and playful, their indispensable attribute is their huge expressive eyes.

    You can offer the young animal artist the following algorithm:

    1. First, the body of a sitting cat is depicted: a large head with ears, a body (drop-shaped oval), paws in the form of ovals and circles, and a neat tail.

      The head is almost the same size as the body

    2. The most important task is drawing the face. For this you will need auxiliary lines. We depict huge eyes (the size of ears, and at the same time we denote pupils and sparkles in the eyes) and a wide open mouth. At this stage we also add a mustache, ear pattern and toes.

      It is the muzzle that gives the anime cat a unique playful character

    3. At the end of the work, erase the auxiliary lines and color the kitten to your liking.

      You can color the anime kitten as you wish.

    Photo gallery: diagrams of step-by-step drawing of anime

    A simple diagram for drawing - an almost symmetrical figure. The drawing is based on circles and ovals. The highlight of the image is a tousled forelock and cheeks.

    Drawing Angela

    The game for tablets and smartphones is popular among modern children. talking cats- Tom and Angela. Cute fluffy cat with anthropomorphic features (in beautiful dress) may well become an object for drawing. Distinctive feature hers are huge slanting eyes.

    Children love to draw characters from their favorite cartoons and games.

    The child can portray Angela in full height in one pose or another, or draw her portrait. Let's take a closer look at the last option.

    1. First, draw a circle with guide lines. Let's transform it into a cat's face, slightly pointed downwards.

      Angela's muzzle is slightly pointed downwards

    2. We draw neat (also pointed ears) and outline the eyes, nose and mouth.

      We make the eyes very big

    3. Now we draw in detail the eyelids, pupils and iris of the eyes. Making the nose and mouth more expressive. Don't forget about the flirty mustache. We denote the neck and shoulders.

      Draw the eyes, nose and mouth in detail

    Drawing with gouache

    To draw a fluffy beauty, you can use gouache. This material is even suitable young artists: the paint does not need to be diluted with water (like watercolor), but simply dipped into it with a brush. The compositions are saturated, the color is perfectly visible even on colored paper. When working with gouache, it is easy to correct any mistake. In addition, the paint dries quickly, so you can paint one color over another without them mixing.

    Using gouache you can get interesting colors of cat fur - for example, a mixture of shades of gray, pink and orange.

    The adult reminds the child that it is better to use a thick brush to draw the silhouette of an animal, and a thinner one to draw details.

    1. Younger schoolchildren can be asked to depict a charming cat in the grass in gouache. At the beginning with a simple pencil a simple silhouette of the animal is outlined at the bottom of the sheet (it is located vertically). Then we draw the muzzle.

      At the bottom of the sheet we outline the silhouette of a cat, draw a face

    2. Using broad strokes we draw the background - grass and sky. We paint the cat itself gray.

      For coloring large areas use a thick brush

    3. We paint the eyes and decorate the fur with a dry brush: use different shades gray (mix it with black and white paint). When drawing the face, we use the poking method with a wet brush.

      When drawing fur we use different shades of gray

    4. We draw a mustache with white gouache and make final adjustments to the cat. Next, we finalize the background: we depict a forest in the distance and grass in the foreground. The composition is complete.