Sample topics for self-education for preschool teachers. Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education

TOGOU "Morshansk comprehensive boarding school

basic general education".

School seminar materials INTRODUCTION

Morshansk, 2010

Editorial team:

T.N. Ivanova, Deputy Director for HR

G.A. Afremova, Deputy Director for VR

I.V. Kozhevnikova teacher additional education

HE. Fedyakina, chairman creative laboratory 1 category

O.V. Prozorovskaya, chairman of the creative laboratory - the highest category.

School seminar materials

The brochure presents materials from school seminars and practical material from teachers on the topic of self-education.

The materials can be used by boarding school teachers when working on self-education.

intern school, 2010

  1. Introduction……………………………………………………..4-5
  2. Self-education plan for teachers……………………………5-6
  3. Organization of self-control………………………………….7-11
  4. Components of a teacher’s readiness for self-education


  1. Algorithm for working on the topic of self-education……………13
  2. Forms for presenting the results of self-education.........13
  3. Map for assessing the level of professional skills of teachers……………………………………………………….14
  4. Innovation card……………………………………………………15
  5. Teacher self-education plan …………………………..16-17
  6. Work plan for self-education of teacher Irina Vladimirovna Kozhevnikova……………………………………………………...17-18
  7. Analysis of the self-education work of teacher Irina Vladimirovna Kozhevnikova for the 1st half of 2009-2010 school year………………………………………….19-22
  8. Methodological recommendations for teacher self-education

……………………………………………………………… .23-27

  1. Approximate topics of self-education………………………..28-29
  2. Literature……………………………………………………………..30


Self-education of teachers

What makes people constantly work on themselves, expand their knowledge, and engage in self-education? Science, technology, production are developing and improving continuously. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has doubles every 10 years. Consequently, previously acquired knowledge may become outdated. In the modern world there has been a noticeable increase social role education, which becomes the main resource of society. Strengthening intellectual potential, which is based on the priority of the self-worth of a person capable of self-development, is one of the important tasks of education.

Forms of advanced training for teachers

In order to keep up with the times, a teacher must constantly improve his knowledge, master progressive pedagogical technologies of education and training, and thereby provide an opportunity for his development. The system of continuous professional development for teachers involves different forms:

training courses (once every five years);


participation in the methodological work of the school, city, district.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each individual person. As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered integral part. Self-education helps you adapt to a changing social and political environment and fit into the context of what is happening.

In the period between courses, it is necessary to engage in self-education, which expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in the courses, contributes to the understanding of experience at a higher level. theoretical level.

Selecting topics for self-education

Topics for self-education can be selected taking into account the individual experience and professional skills of each teacher. They always associated with the predicted result(what we want to change) and are aimed at achieving qualitatively new work results.

The system of methodological measures should be subordinated to the main goal - stimulating teachers in professional self-improvement. You can unite several educators to work on a topic close to the content of the annual task. If an institution is preparing for innovative or experimental work, then issues of self-education are included in the topics of experimental activities.

The head is a strategist for the development of his institution. It creates a whole set of conditions for the professional growth of each teacher, the first of which is the motivational condition for the gradual entry and accustoming of the teaching staff to permanent job in terms of self-education.

Self-education plan for teachers

Every year by annual plan A self-education plan for teachers is drawn up, which can be presented in table form:

The plan clearly defines who works on what topic and in what form they report. Reports on self-education can be heard at pedagogical councils, as well as be part of any methodological event. The form of the leaders' report can be consultations or seminars for teachers. The workplace report involves inclusion in operational control of this topic and subsequent observation of the pedagogical process, in order to assess the practical application of acquired knowledge through self-education. This is the most democratic form of reporting.

It is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to formal management

additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

To summarize, we emphasize once again that the forms of self-education are diverse:

working in libraries with books, periodicals;

participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars;

maintaining your own file on the problem under study.

The result of the teacher’s efforts is the improvement of work with children,

growth of his professional skills.

Some tips for self-educators

It is IMPORTANT that knowledge on any issue, acquired from one source,

supplemented with information from another document.

This forces the student to compare, analyze, draw conclusions and form

yours own opinion on this issue.

It is IMPORTANT to learn how to use library catalogs.

This will reduce search time necessary literature, since many cards contain a short annotation

or a listing of the main issues covered in the book.

It is IMPORTANT to be able to collect, accumulate and store information, facts, conclusions.

They will be useful for speaking at seminars, teaching councils, participating in discussions, etc.

Organization of self-control.

“The education received by a person is complete, has reached its goal, when a person is so mature that he has the strength and will to form himself during later life and knows the way and means how he can accomplish this.” A. Diesterweg
Improving the quality of teaching and education in secondary schools directly depends on the level of training of teachers. It is undeniable that this level must constantly increase, and in this case, the effectiveness of various advanced training courses, seminars and conferences is small without the process of self-education of the teacher. Self-education is a process of conscious independent cognitive activity.
Self-education is based on the interest of the student combined with self-study material.
If the education process:
1. Carried out voluntarily;
2. Carried out consciously;
3. Planned, managed and controlled by the person himself;
4. It is necessary to improve any qualities or skills, then we are talking about self-education.
Self-education of a teacher is necessary condition his professional activity. Society has always placed, and will continue to place, the highest demands on teachers. In order to teach others, you need to know more than everyone else. Moreover, he must have knowledge in various fields public life, navigate modern politics, economics, etc. The ability for self-education is not formed in a teacher along with a diploma from a pedagogical university. This ability is determined by the psychological and intellectual indicators of each individual teacher. However, no matter how high a person’s ability to self-educate, this process is not always implemented in practice properly. The reasons are lack of time, lack of sources of information, lack of incentives, etc., i.e. absence needs.
The specificity of pedagogical activity is such that for effective work the teacher must master psychology, pedagogy, have a general high level of culture, and have great erudition. This list is far from complete. But without these skills, he cannot teach and educate effectively. Let's try to list main directions , in which the teacher must improve and engage in self-education:
psychological and pedagogical (focused on students and parents)
psychological (communication, art of influence, leadership qualities)
methodological (educational technologies, forms, methods and techniques)
aesthetic (humanitarian)
information and computer technologies
health protection
The essence of the process of self-education is that the teacher independently obtains knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activities, personal development and his own life.

What are these sources of knowledge, and where to look for them?
A television
Newspapers magazines
Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction, etc.)
Video, audio information on various media
Paid courses
Seminars and conferences
Master classes
Experience exchange events
Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts
All forms of self-education can be divided into two groups:

1. individual

2. group.

In an individual form, the initiator is the teacher himself, but the leaders methodological structures can initiate and stimulate this process. Group form in the form of activities of a methodological association, seminars, workshops, advanced training courses, etc.
If we imagine a teacher’s activities in the field of self-education with a list of verbs, we get : read, study, test, analyze, observe and write.

What needs to be done for this?

Study and implement new pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques of teaching.
Attend colleagues’ events and participate in the exchange of experience.
Periodically conduct self-analysis of your professional activities.

Now let’s formulate specific types of activities that make up the process of self-education, directly or indirectly contributing to the professional growth of a teacher:
Reading specific pedagogical periodicals
Reading methodological, pedagogical and subject literature
Attending seminars, trainings, conferences, events
Discussions, meetings, exchange of experience with colleagues
Systematic completion of advanced training courses
Carrying out open events for peer review
Organization of club and extracurricular activities
Study of information computer technology

Based on this, each teacher draws up a personal self-education plan for professional growth.

Every activity is meaningless if it does not result in the creation of a certain product, or if there are no achievements. And in terms of personal self-education, a teacher must be list of results that must be achieved within a certain period of time. What could be the results of teacher self-education at some stage?

Developed or published methodological manuals, articles, programs, scripts, research
development of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching
reports, speeches
development didactic materials, tests, visuals
development of methodological recommendations for use new technology
development and holding of open events on own topics self-education
conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study
Productivity of the self-education process:
Self-education of a teacher will be productive if:
In the process of self-education, the teacher’s need for his own development and self-development is realized.
The teacher understands both the positive and negative aspects of his professional activity, and therefore is open to change.
The teacher has developed ability to reflection (reflection is understood as human activity aimed at understanding one’s own actions, one’s internal feelings, states, experiences, analyzing this activity and formulating conclusions).
The teacher has a readiness for pedagogical creativity.
There is a relationship between personal and professional development and self-development.
Organization of the self-education process
The topic the teacher is working on.
At the beginning of each school year, all teachers choose a topic for self-education and record it in the plans for methodological unification. There are a huge number of possible options for topics, but any topic should be aimed at increasing the effectiveness of educational work, developing new pedagogical techniques and methods, or creating scientific works.
Teacher's personal self-education plan.
Based on the chosen topic, the teacher develops a personal plan for working on the problem he has set himself. The plan specifies:
topic name
expected result
stages of work
deadlines for each stage
actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic
a way to demonstrate the results of the work done
Upon completion of work on the topic, each teacher must write a report with analysis, conclusions and recommendations for other teachers. The report reflects all points of the self-education work plan.

Thus, organizing self-control makes it possible to:

  • Plan your work clearly;
  • Carry out systematic monitoring of your work;
  • Organize a differentiated approach to students’ activities;
  • Carry out self-education work more effectively;
  • Improve self-organization, improve the quality of your work;
  • Find potential opportunities for your own growth and the growth of students.

The more information, methods and tools a teacher uses in his work, the greater the effect of his work. But no matter what modern computer is the most fast internet cannot be provided, the most important thing is the desire to work on oneself and the ability to create, learn, experiment and share one’s knowledge and experience acquired in the process of self-education.

Components of a teacher’s readiness for self-education.

Algorithm for working on the topic of self-education

  • Topic selection
  • Defining goals and objectives
  • Start date of work on the topic
  • Selection of activities within the framework of work on a methodological topic
  • Selection of sources of self-education
  • The results of self-education and their translation at the institutional, city, and regional levels

Upon completion of work on the topic, each teacher must write a report with analysis, conclusions and recommendations for other teachers.

Forms for presenting the results of self-education.

¨ Protection research work

¨ Pupils showing new forms of interaction in the learning process

¨ Brochure,

¨ leaflet,

¨ Open lesson

¨ Conducting a seminar

¨ Training colleagues in new techniques

¨ Workshop (training)


assessing the level of professional skills of teachers

Innovation card

Teacher _______________________________________________




1. Problem______________________________

2. The purpose of innovation, innovation______________________________

The innovation is single-purpose, multi-purpose (underline).

3. The essence of innovation_________________________________________

4. Predicted result of innovation: ___________________

4. Scope of application of innovation: management, didactics, psychology, private methods, sociology, hygiene and physiology (underline).

5. An innovator is a developer, distributor, user of an innovation (underline)

6. The innovation has gone through the following stages: idea formation, goal setting, development, mastery at the stage of pilot implementation or experiment, dissemination, diffusion (multiple repetition), routinization (implementation in established structural units) (underline)

7. The innovation has undergone experimental testing: single, multiple (underline).

8. Obstacles to development and implementation _____________________________________________________

9. Experimental control is carried out by: specialists, the public, self-control (underline).

10. Evaluation of innovation: critical, acceptable, optimal (underline)

11. What problems remain to be solved_______________________________________

Date of completion _______________________

Teacher self-education plan

Date of completion "____" ___________________ 200 ____ year

Work plan

self-education teacher

Kozhevnikova Irina Vladimirovna.

Subject: "Person-centered approach to gifted students."

Relevance of the topic. Each child has different abilities, interests, and opportunities. And the teacher must help him realize his potential, i.e. demonstrate and develop personal meanings of learning and education. To educate a person means to help him become a subject of culture, to teach life creativity, which presupposes the involvement of the child himself in this process.

Target : to lay in the child mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education.


  • Encouraging students to choose and use independently in various ways completing the task.

Expected result:

Stages of work.

Theoretical stage.

  1. Studying methodological literature* regarding this issue:

· Khutorskoy A.V. Methodology of person-centered training. – M., 2005

· Nikishina I.V. Innovation activity modern teacher. – Volgograd, 2007

· Lakotsenina T.P., Alimova E.E. Modern lesson: innovative lessons. – Rostov n/d, 2007

· Lakotsenina T.P., Alimova E.E. Modern lesson: alternative lessons. – Rostov n/d, 2007

2. Search for materials on the Internet.

During a year

During a year.

A practical solution to the problem.

  1. Conducting monitoring studies.
  2. Organization and work of the “Luchik” circle
  3. Conducting practical classes:
  • “Profession: journalist.”
  • "The Art of Speech."
  • “Why do we say this?”
  • Discussion “Television and Children”
  • Laboratory of creativity “In the world of poetry”
  • Colloquium “Is spirituality necessary in our time?”
  • Preparations for the Constellation festival
  • Participation in the regional epistolary competition.
  • Participation in the Slavic festival.
  • September.

    During a year.

    April May

    Evaluation stage.

    1. Comparative analysis in two years.
    2. Analysis of work on the topic of self-education.
    3. creating a booklet

    April May

    * the name of the methodological literature is presented in accordance with the requirements (see sample)


    teacher self-education work

    Kozhevnikova Irina Vladimirovna

    for the 1st half of the 2009-2010 academic year.

    Self-education topic– “Person-centered approach to gifted students.”

    I have been working on this topic for three years.

    Relevance of the topic.

    The president Russian Federation D. Medvedev, in his Address to the Federal Assembly on September 12, 2009, indicated that the main task of a modern school is to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world.

    In this regard, the topic I am working on becomes very relevant. Each child has different abilities, interests, and opportunities. And the teacher must help him realize his potential, i.e. demonstrate and develop personal meanings of training and education. To educate a person means to help him become a subject of culture, to teach life creativity, which presupposes the involvement of the child himself in this process.

    Target: to lay in the child mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education.


    • Initiation and positive, respectful attitude towards independence of opinions, judgments and conclusions.
    • Organization of individual activities to comprehend and study the given material.
    • Encouraging students to choose and independently use various ways to complete a task.

    Expected result:

    • Increasing the degree of independence in educational and extracurricular activities.
    • Organization of cooperation between teacher and students, students among themselves.
    • Creative activity of pupils.


    • Identification of children with a penchant for journalism;
    • The number of children involved in the circle.
    • ……………………………………………………

    Base: self-educational work plan.

    Studying theoretical material.

    Over the previous two years, I studied the following literature:

    • Khutorskoy A.V. Methodology of person-centered training. – M., 2005
    • Nikishina I.V. Innovative activities of a modern teacher. – Volgograd, 2007
    • Lakotsenina T.P., Alimova E.E. Modern lesson: innovative lessons. – Rostov n/d, 2007
    • Lakotsenina T.P., Alimova E.E. Modern lesson: alternative lessons. – Rostov n/d, 2007

    In the 2009-2010 academic year studying theoretical material:

    • Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. – M., 1983
    • Soper P.L. Fundamentals of the art of speech. – M., 1992
    • A selection of magazines “Bulletin of Education”
    • Smolina Yu.V. Personal orientation as the basis of modern education. – Rostov n/a, 2008
    • The Internet is widely used.

    In the 2008–2009 academic year, she organized the “Luchik” circle, in which she attracted students who showed an inclination towards journalism.

    During the club's classes, much attention is paid to the spiritual education of the individual. This year, in addition to practical classes, theoretical classes were held “Profession – Journalist”, “The Art of Speech”, which can help students express their Creative skills in Russian language and literature lessons at school, as well as in extracurricular activities.

    A monitoring study was conducted at the beginning of the school year “Identifying children with a penchant for journalism”

    Since January 2009, the school newspaper “Luchik” has been published by the circle. On this moment 7 issues were published, including a special issue dedicated to the prevention of drug use; The eighth issue is being prepared for release.

    There are 7 people in the circle, but during the first half of the 2009-2010 academic year, other students are also involved in the publication of the newspaper. Among other things, the circle was attended by 9 people at the end of December 2009.

    Number of children involved in the circle

    In addition, I prepare students to participate in various regional, regional and city competitions. At the moment, preparations are underway for participation in the All-Russian Children's and Youth Literary and Art Competition creative works“I remember, I’m proud!”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

    Over the previous two years, participation in regional and regional competitions can be presented in the following table:

    I consider all of the above to be the results of self-education.

    In November, on this topic, she gave a report “Features research activities"at the seminar "Research and project activities– technologies of developmental education.”

    Form of report on the work done:

    • in May 2010 publication of a booklet on the topic of self-education;
    • speech at a meeting of the methodological council.

    In the process of work, I identified certain shortcomings:

    1. Not all students who show an inclination towards journalism are involved in work in the “Luchik” circle;
    2. It is necessary to include more activities designed to independent activity students.


    In this regard, in the second half of the year I plan to conduct extra work to attract gifted children to the publication of a school newspaper (reflect in monitoring), as well as to aim children at greater independence in club classes.

    Teacher _________________Kozhevnikova I.V.


    Self-education should be understood as specially organized, amateur, systematic cognitive activity aimed at achieving certain personally and socially significant educational goals: satisfying cognitive interests, general cultural and professional needs and advanced training. Self-education is a system of mental and ideological self-education, entailing volitional and moral self-improvement, but not setting them as its goal.

    The need for self-education is dictated, on the one hand, by the very specifics of pedagogical activity, its social role, on the other hand, the realities and trends of lifelong education, which are associated with the constantly changing conditions of teaching work. The needs of society, the evolution of science and practice, the ever-increasing demands on a person, his ability to quickly and adequately respond to changing social processes and situations, readiness to rebuild his activities, skillfully solve new, more complex tasks. Cognitive activity, the teacher’s growing need for self-realization

    The meaning of self-education is expressed in satisfying cognitive activity, the growing need of the teacher for self-realization through lifelong education.

    The essence of self-education is mastering the technology and culture of mental work, the ability to overcome problems, and independently work on one’s own improvement, including professional development.

    The main principles of self-education are continuity, purposefulness, integrativeness, unity of general and professional culture, interconnection and continuity, accessibility, proactive nature, permanent transition from a low level to a higher one, variability, etc.

    The school administration should help the teacher develop a sustainable need for self-education and continuously encourage him to study new information and experience, teach to independently acquire knowledge, create conditions for its actualization, creative application in various situations, teach introspection and self-esteem. In this regard, a wide variety of forms of organizing self-education are used:

    1) special educational training (receiving higher education or second specialty);

    2) advanced training (on courses and during the inter-course period in the IPO);

    3) individual self-educational work with the help of:

    · mass media;

    · computer and office equipment;

    · libraries, museums, exhibitions, theaters, clubs, excursions;

    · scientific, technical, artistic, sports societies,

    · research, experiments, creative activities and assignments,

    · communication with scientists, interesting people, understanding best practices and generalizing one’s own practical activities, etc.

    The technology for organizing self-education for teachers can be presented in the form of the following stages:

    Stage 1– installation, provides for the creation of a certain mood for independent work; choosing the goal of the work based on the scientific and methodological topic (problem) of the school; formulating a personal individual topic, understanding the sequence of one’s actions.

    Stage 2– training, in which the teacher gets acquainted with psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the chosen educational problem.

    Stage 3– practical, during which the accumulation of pedagogical facts takes place, their selection and analysis, testing of new methods of work, and setting up experiments. Practical work continues to be accompanied by the study of literature.

    Stage 4 – theoretical understanding, analysis and generalization of accumulated pedagogical facts. At this stage, it is advisable to organize a collective discussion of what has been read. pedagogical literature; creative reports about the progress of self-education at meetings of the Moscow Region or department, at regional Moscow Regions; visiting and discussing open events and other collective forms of work.

    Stage 5 - final - control, at which the teacher must summarize his independent work, summarize observations, formalize the results. In this case, the main thing is a description of the work performed, established facts, their analysis, theoretical justification of the results, formulation of general conclusions and determination of prospects for the work.

    The system of self-educational work of a teacher provides for: current and long-term planning; selection of rational forms and means of assimilation and preservation of information; mastering the methods of analysis and ways of generalizing one’s own and collective pedagogical experience; gradual mastery of research and experimental methods.

    The teacher’s self-education plan should include: a list of literature that is planned to be studied; forms of self-education; completion date; expected results (preparation of a report, presentation at a meeting of the Moscow Region, lesson planning, description of work experience, presentation of results in the form of a report, etc.)

    It is advisable to divide the material collected in the process of self-education into separate topics and save it in the form of cards, special notebooks, thematic folders, and a personal pedagogical diary. Important in the process of self-education classes, has the ability to work with literary sources: make extracts, compile notes, abstracts of what was read, a detailed plan or annotation.

    The participation of the administration is important both in the procedure of analysis and self-assessment of teaching activities, and in the process of developing an individual development program, its implementation, and performance monitoring. Involving specialists in cooperation with the teacher, mentoring, consulting, rationalizing personal work, creating conditions for updating acquired knowledge, experimental and research work, involvement in the process of innovative transformations is not a complete list of organizational and pedagogical activities of the leader in relation to the teacher. In order to cope with all the tasks, the manager himself needs to constantly engage in self-education. It is important not only to correctly identify and rank the range of emerging and interesting problems, to select literature for study, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The results of the self-educational work of the school director and his deputies should become the property of members of the teaching staff and have an effective influence on both the improvement of management and the life of the school as a whole. The administration’s task is not to teach the teacher all his life, but to ensure that he learns to do it himself.

    At school methodological office to help teachers in their self-educational activities, a bank of materials should be formed: lists of literature recommended for independent work; materials of best teaching practices; different variants work plans for self-education; texts of reports; samples of abstracts based on the results of self-educational activities; sample notes literary sources; new items in psychological and pedagogical literature.

    Forms and methods of guiding the self-education of teachers by the school administration:

    1. Submission of issues related to self-education to teacher councils and meetings of the Moscow Region. Systematic explanation of the role of self-educational work, organization of speeches on the exchange of self-education experiences.

    2. Individual conversations between school leaders and teachers about the main areas of self-education.

    3. Assisting teachers in summarizing their experience, preparing reports on pedagogical problems, stimulating the most prepared teachers for research work.

    4. Acquisition and replenishment of the library collection with literature on issues of self-education and self-improvement, as well as new items in psychological and pedagogical literature.

    5. Conducting series of lectures, group and individual consultations, seminars.

    6. Systematic summing up of the results of the teacher’s self-educational work (interviews, reports at teachers’ councils and meetings of the Moscow Region), determining the tasks and content of self-education for the new academic year, analysis of the qualitative results of the educational process.

    Self-educational work should gradually turn into scientific research. Based on self-knowledge, the development of reflexive thinking, and the ability to learn, development is transformed into a self-regulatory system, the individual’s sustainable interest in self-education is transformed into a constant vital need for self-education, which indicates the achievement of an optimal level of self-improvement.

    Indicators of the effectiveness of pedagogical self-education are, first of all, the quality of the educational process organized for teachers and the professional and qualification growth of the teacher.



    1. The influence of environmental education on spiritual development student's personality.

    2. Formation ecological culture personality.

    3. Environmental education in the family.

    4. Basic forms and methods of education that contribute to the formation of spiritual values ​​of high school students.

    5. Moral education schoolchildren.

    6. Cultural approach to education.

    7. Formation of a creative personality.

    8. Activities of the class teacher (teacher) in social protection child.

    9. Social and pedagogical activities of the class teacher (teacher) with dysfunctional families.

    10. Educational potential of the media and communication.

    11. Education of schoolchildren in the process of mastering computer technologies.

    12. Education of students in cognitive creative activities

    13. Personality-oriented approach to education.

    14. Modern technologies of education: essence, experience of implementation, development prospects.

    15. Technology for creating a situation of success for a student outside of class time.

    16. Educational system of the class.

    17. Organization of collective creative activity of students.

    15. Nurturing the creative orientation of the personality of schoolchildren in conditions collective activity.

    18. Active forms working with students.

    19. Features of group work with students outside of class hours.

    20. Technology of individual work with students.

    21. Self-government in the classroom.

    22. Value priorities patriotic education students in modern school.

    23. Formation of national self-awareness of schoolchildren.

    24. Education of students based on the traditions of the Ukrainian people.

    25. Tourism and local history work as one of the important areas of the class teacher’s activity in instilling in students love and respect for their native land.

    26. Use of historical and cultural traditions Sevastopol in the formation of a patriotic citizen.

    27. Self-education of schoolchildren.

    28. Formation of communicative competence of students.

    29. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills among schoolchildren.

    30. Forms of physical education for schoolchildren during extracurricular hours.

    31. Preparing students for life in market conditions.

    32. Preparing students for family life.

    33. Family education– a necessary condition for ensuring the spiritual unity of generations.

    34. Outstanding teachers of our time about the education of schoolchildren.

    35. The role of the class teacher in educating adolescents for deviant behavior.

    36. Forms of crime prevention among teenagers.

    37. Formation of positive motivation for healthy image life of schoolchildren.

    38. Preparing students for life in market conditions.

    39. Traditions of the children's group.

    40. Study of the level of education of schoolchildren.

    41. Play as an important means of educating schoolchildren.

    42. Cooperative activity school and family teachers on labor education of schoolchildren.

    43. Artistic and aesthetic education of students using examples of musical, visual arts, fiction.

    44. Artistic and aesthetic education of students through folklore.

    1. Aizenberg A.Ya. Self-education: history, theory and modern problems. – M., 1986.

    2. Grebenkina L.K., Antsiperova N.S. Technology of management activities of a school deputy director. – M., 2000. – P.82-87.

    3. Evusyak O. A teacher must be a researcher // Public education. – 1997. - No. 10.

    4. Elkanov S.V. Professional self-education of a teacher: Book. for the teacher. – M., 1986. – 143 p.

    5. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Teacher as researcher. – M., 1980.

    6. Kodzhaspirova G.M. culture of professional self-education of teachers. – M., 1994.

    7. Methodological work in secondary school: Overview information. Issue VI. – M., 1977. – pp. 17-24.

    8. School of development and self-improvement: Practical material from work experience for school leaders, class teachers, educators. – K., 1997. – 48 p.

    “SELF-EDUCATION is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself; acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life and so on. Self-education is based on the interest of the student in organic combination with independent study of the material.” Pedagogical Dictionary.

    Various sources give the following definitions: Self-education is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself to acquire systemic knowledge in any field of science, culture, etc. Ozhigov gives the following definition: self-education is the acquisition of knowledge through independent study without the help of a teacher. Self-education is the purposeful work of a teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing ones and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements pedagogical and psychological sciences.

    Motives for self-education: Daily work with information. Desire for creativity. Rapid growth modern science. Changes taking place in the life of society. Competition. Public opinion. Financial incentives. Interest. “read, study, test, analyze, observe and write.”

    Forms of teacher self-education Individual group The initiator is the teacher himself, however, the heads of methodological and administrative structures can initiate and stimulate this process. in the form of MO activities, seminars, workshops, advanced training courses

    Forms of organizing self-education Course training at advanced training institutes Obtaining a second higher education or a second specialty Distance courses for advanced training, conferences, seminars, olympiads and competitions. Individual work for self-education Network pedagogical communities

    The main directions in the self-education system of preschool teachers can be: Familiarization with new regulatory documents on questions preschool education; Study of educational and scientific-methodological literature; Familiarization with new achievements in pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology; Study of new programs and pedagogical technologies; Understanding best practices preschool institutions; Raising the general cultural level.

    Technology of self-education Stage 5 - final control registration of results Stage 4 - theoretical understanding theoretical comprehension, analysis and generalization Stage 3 - practical accumulation, selection, analysis, experimentation Stage 2 - educational Acquaintance with literature Stage 1 - attitude, choice of topic, choice goals

    The teacher builds work on the topic of self-education by consistently answering the following questions: 1. What do I want to achieve? (Formation of the image of what is desired.) 2. Where am I currently? (Definition of strong and weaknesses current situation). 3. What should you pay attention to? (Key questions, priorities, goal setting). 4. How to achieve what you want? (Sequence of actions, techniques, means, development of criteria). 5. How successful is the movement? (Assessing the effectiveness of the process: monitoring what is happening.) 6. What has been achieved? (How far have I come? Am I satisfied?).

    Selection of topics for self-education, taking into account the individual experience and professional skills of each educator. - they are always related to the predicted result (what we want to change) aimed at achieving qualitatively new work results - one of the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution; a problem that causes difficulty for the teacher; replenishment of knowledge based on existing experience

    How to correctly formulate the topic Process being studied Subject of research Conditions Study Research Development Formation Education Education Analysis Development Organization Influence Cognitive abilities Cognitive activity Ability to do something Personal qualities Curiosity Independence Observation, etc. In music classes; On excursions into nature; In the process of learning something; In the process of getting to know something; In play activities, etc. Example: “Development of observation skills in older children preschool age while walking

    Determining the relevance and novelty of the topic of self-education Answer the question: why does this problem need to be studied today, how important and significant is it for the practice of teaching and educating preschoolers? The relevance lies in the explanation of the theoretical orientation that will be achieved as a result of the work. Novelty may lie in a new solution to issues and affect regional characteristics.

    CONTENT OF WORK ON SELF-EDUCATION OF A PRECAUTIONARY TEACHER Stages of work on self-education Teacher's activities 1. orientation Formation of the need for self-education, self-assessment of preparedness, awareness of the need for knowledge, setting goals and objectives 2. educational Planning of work on self-education. 3. theoretical understanding Theoretical study problems (familiarity with the subject, selective study, analysis and self-assessment of results 4. Practical Practical activity (application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice: production of manuals and attributes, organization and conduct of practical work with children) 5. final-control Summing up the results of self-education. Involvement in individual or group consultation; speaking at a meeting of the council of teachers;

    Self-education plan for teachers. Algorithm for drawing up a plan for self-education name of the topic goal of the task expected result stages of work deadlines for completing each stage actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic method of demonstrating the result of the work done report form on the work done

    Forms for writing a self-education plan Work plan for self-education Educator________group _____MDOU d\s ____ Topic:__________________________________________ Goal, objectives:_________________________________ Literature: Section of the plan DeadlinesForm of work Practical outputs (abstracts, reports, open viewing, exhibition of works, etc.) Conclusions: year Problem Topic StagesContent of work Results/reporting form

    To summarize, we once again emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse: working in libraries with books and periodicals; studying materials from the global Internet; participation in work scientific conferences, seminars; participation in online communities; maintaining your own file on the problem under study. The result of the teacher’s efforts is the improvement of work with children and the growth of his professional skills.

    “..I feel right to say: Long live self-education in all areas!..Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you have acquired yourself, driven by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you have made yourself.” K. I. Chukovsky.

    Individual work plan for self-education

    FULL NAME. teacher: Filippova Yulia Olegovna ___________________________

    Education: higher _______________________________________________

    Speciality: teacher _________________________________________

    Teaching experience: 8 years __________________________________

    Subject: "Development fine motor skills among preschoolers through didactic games.”

    Start date of work on the topic: September 1, 2016 ___________________

    Estimated completion date: May 2019 ____________________

    The purpose of self-education on the topic: create conditions for the development and improvement of fine motor skills in preschoolers.

    Self-education tasks :

    1. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature;

    2. Increase your own level of knowledge by visiting RMO

    3. Set up a corner on this topic in the group

    4. Increase the competence of parents and teachers in the importance finger games, exercises for preschool children;

    5. Improve the subject-spatial development environment of the group;

    6. Contribute to the formation of a favorable emotional background in the children's team.

    Relevance of the chosen topic:

    At the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how the child develops and indicate his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon or pencil, cannot fasten buttons, or lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the construction set, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and appliqué, which other children love, and cannot keep up with the kids in class.

    Thus, the possibilities for children to explore the world are impoverished. Children often feel incompetent in basic activities available to their peers. This affects the child’s emotional well-being and self-esteem. Over time, the level of development shapes school difficulties.

    Fine motor skills - the ability to manipulate small objects, transfer objects from hand to hand, and perform tasks that require coordinated use of the eyes and hands. Fine motor skills are associated with nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Scientists have also proven that the development of fine motor skills and speech development are very closely related. And this can be explained very simply. The human brain has centers that are responsible for speech and finger movements. They are located very close. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills, we activate the zones responsible for the development of child speech and increasing the child’s performance, attention, mental activity, intellectual and creative activity. In addition, fine motor skills directly affect manual dexterity, which will be formed in the future, the child’s reaction speed, and the level of logical thinking, memory, reasoning skills, concentration and imagination.

    And, therefore, in preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the work on the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. His further development depends on how deftly a child learns to control his fingers. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

    Studying methodological literature on the topic of CO:

      Timofeeva E. Yu., Chernova E. I. Finger steps. Exercises to develop fine motor skills. Publisher: St. Petersburg: KORONA-VekYear: 2007

      Tkachenko T.A. We develop fine motor skills. - M.: Eksmo, 2007.

      Osmanova G.A. New finger games for developing fine motor skills: KARO: 2008

      Osmanova G.A.: Transformation of the palm. Playing and developing fine motor skills

      Elena Kosinova: Speech therapist lessons. Games for speech development. – M.: Eksmo, 2011

      Strogonova I.A. “Preschool education, development of fine motor skills of a child’s hand”

      Ermakova I. A. Developing fine motor skills in children. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2006.

      Krupenchuk O.I. Finger games. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2007.

      Pimenova E. P. Finger games. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007.

    Methodological work on the topic of CO:

    Study literature on this topic

    Study the experiences of teachers on this topic.

    Enrichment of the development environment.

    Creation of a card index of finger games and dramatization games.

    Studying the book by Osmanov G.A. "NEW FINGER GAMES TO DEVELOP FINE MOTOR SKILLS." Implementation in practice.


    Throughout the entire period of work

    During the year

    Making Didactic Games

    1. "Clothespins"


      D/i with bulk materials (“dry pool”, looking for a toy, drawing on the cereal)

      D\I: “Massage ball”

    Questioning parents on the problem of sensorimotor education in a family setting. Analysis of the questionnaire.

    Creating a variety of Finger Theater»

    November December


    January – February 2017

    Creating a card index of games with massage balls.

    Selection and production of d/i “Fun exercises with pencils”

    February-March 2017

    March 2017

    Consultation for parents “Games for developing fine motor skills”

    Design of the mobile folder “Finger games at home”

    April 2017

    September – October 2017

    Creating a manual

    "Tactile boards"

    Making the game "Beads for Mom" ​​(stringing on a cord)

    November – December 2017

    October – December 2017

    Seminar-workshop for teachers on the topic:

    “The use of finger gymnastics as a means of developing fine motor skills of the hands in children of middle preschool age”

    Creation of a game manual (use the book by Timofeeva E.Yu., Chernova E.I.

    Finger steps. Exercises to develop fine motor skills.)

    January 2018

    February-March 2018

    Message to parent meeting"Development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements in children of senior preschool age."

    Making a d/i "Wonderful bag"

    April 2018

    April-May 2018

    Making a d/i “Assemble it Correctly” (game guide with bottle caps)

    Exhibition for parents didactic games and manuals for the development of fine motor skills of preschool children.

    Creation of a collection of consultations on this topic

    Development of a series of lesson notes

    Visit to the RMO on this issue

    September – November 2019

    January – March 2019

    During the 2017-2018 academic year

    During the 2018-2019 academic year

    Throughout the entire period of work on this topic.

    Practical outputs:

    1. Seminar - workshop for teachers on the topic: “The use of finger gymnastics as a means of developing fine motor skills of the hands in children of middle preschool age”

    2. Command of the master class for teachers. The topic is “Finger gymnastics and physical education minutes.”

    3. Making educational games and lacing.

    4. Preparation of a collection of consultations for parents. Topic: “Development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements in preschool children.”

    Form for presenting the results of self-education

    Open lesson

    Exhibition of manufactured games and gaming aids “Our fingers play”

    TOGOU "Morshansk comprehensive boarding school

    basic general education".

    School seminar materials INTRODUCTION

    Morshansk, 2010

    Editorial team:

    T.N. Ivanova, Deputy Director for HR

    G.A. Afremova, Deputy Director for VR

    I.V. Kozhevnikova additional education teacher

    HE. Fedyakina, chairman of the creative laboratory, category 1

    O.V. Prozorovskaya, chairman of the creative laboratory - the highest category.

    School seminar materials

    The brochure presents materials from school seminars and practical material from teachers on the topic of self-education.

    The materials can be used by boarding school teachers when working on self-education.

    intern school, 2010

    1. Introduction……………………………………………………..4-5
    2. Self-education plan for teachers……………………………5-6
    3. Organization of self-control………………………………….7-11
    4. Components of a teacher’s readiness for self-education


    1. Algorithm for working on the topic of self-education……………13
    2. Forms for presenting the results of self-education.........13
    3. Map for assessing the level of professional skills of teachers……………………………………………………….14
    4. Innovation card……………………………………………………15
    5. Teacher self-education plan …………………………..16-17
    6. Work plan for self-education of teacher Irina Vladimirovna Kozhevnikova……………………………………………………...17-18
    7. Analysis of the work on self-education of teacher Irina Vladimirovna Kozhevnikova for the 1st half of the 2009-2010 academic year…………………………………………………….19-22
    8. Methodological recommendations for teacher self-education

    ……………………………………………………………… .23-27

    1. Approximate topics of self-education………………………..28-29
    2. Literature……………………………………………………………..30


    Self-education of teachers

    What makes people constantly work on themselves, expand their knowledge, and engage in self-education? Science, technology, production are developing and improving continuously. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has doubles every 10 years. Consequently, previously acquired knowledge may become outdated. In the modern world, there is a noticeable increase in the social role of education, which is becoming the main resource of society. Strengthening intellectual potential, which is based on the priority of the self-worth of a person capable of self-development, is one of the important tasks of education.

    Forms of advanced training for teachers

    In order to keep up with the times, a teacher must constantly improve his knowledge, master progressive pedagogical technologies of education and training, and thereby provide an opportunity for his development. The system of continuous professional development for teachers involves different forms:

    training courses (once every five years);


    participation in the methodological work of the school, city, district.

    Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each individual person. As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part. Self-education helps you adapt to a changing social and political environment and fit into the context of what is happening.

    In the period between courses, it is necessary to engage in self-education, which expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in the courses, and contributes to understanding the experience at a higher theoretical level.

    Selecting topics for self-education

    Topics for self-education can be selected taking into account the individual experience and professional skills of each teacher. They always associated with the predicted result(what we want to change) and are aimed at achieving qualitatively new work results.

    The system of methodological measures should be subordinated to the main goal - stimulating teachers in professional self-improvement. You can unite several educators to work on a topic close to the content of the annual task. If an institution is preparing for innovative or experimental work, then issues of self-education are included in the topics of experimental activities.

    The head is a strategist for the development of his institution. It creates a whole set of conditions for the professional growth of each teacher, the first of which is the motivational condition for the gradual entry and accustoming of the teaching staff to constant work in terms of self-education.

    Self-education plan for teachers

    Every year, a self-education plan for teachers is drawn up for the annual plan, which can be presented in the form of a table:

    The plan clearly defines who works on what topic and in what form they report. Reports on self-education can be heard at pedagogical councils, as well as be part of any methodological event. The form of the leaders' report can be consultations or seminars for teachers. A report in the workplace involves the inclusion of this topic in the operational control and subsequent observation of the pedagogical process, in order to assess the application in practice of the acquired knowledge through self-education. This is the most democratic form of reporting.

    It is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to formal management

    additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

    To summarize, we emphasize once again that the forms of self-education are diverse:

    work in libraries with books, periodicals;

    participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars;

    maintaining your own file on the problem under study.

    The result of the teacher’s efforts is the improvement of work with children,

    growth of his professional skills.

    Some tips for self-educators

    It is IMPORTANT that knowledge on any issue, acquired from one source,

    supplemented with information from another document.

    This forces the student to compare, analyze, draw conclusions and form

    your own opinion on this issue.

    It is IMPORTANT to learn how to use library catalogs.

    This will reduce the time spent searching for the necessary literature, since many cards contain a brief summary

    or a listing of the main issues covered in the book.

    It is IMPORTANT to be able to collect, accumulate and store information, facts, conclusions.

    They will be useful for speaking at seminars, teaching councils, participating in discussions, etc.

    Organization of self-control.

    “The education received by a person is complete, has reached its goal, when a person is so mature that he has the strength and will to educate himself throughout the rest of his life and knows the way and means how he can do this.” A. Diesterweg
    Improving the quality of teaching and education in secondary schools directly depends on the level of training of teachers. It is undeniable that this level must constantly increase, and in this case, the effectiveness of various advanced training courses, seminars and conferences is small without the process of self-education of the teacher. Self-education is a process of conscious independent cognitive activity.
    Self-education is based on the interest of the student combined with independent study of the material.
    If the education process:
    1. Carried out voluntarily;
    2. Carried out consciously;
    3. Planned, managed and controlled by the person himself;
    4. It is necessary to improve any qualities or skills, then we are talking about self-education.
    Self-education of a teacher is a necessary condition for his professional activity. Society has always placed, and will continue to place, the highest demands on teachers. In order to teach others, you need to know more than everyone else. Moreover, he must have knowledge in various spheres of public life, navigate modern politics, economics, etc. The ability for self-education is not formed in a teacher along with a diploma from a pedagogical university. This ability is determined by the psychological and intellectual indicators of each individual teacher. However, no matter how high a person’s ability to self-educate, this process is not always implemented in practice properly. The reasons are lack of time, lack of sources of information, lack of incentives, etc., i.e. absence needs.
    The specificity of pedagogical activity is such that for effective work the teacher must master psychology, pedagogy, have a general high level of culture, and have great erudition. This list is far from complete. But without these skills, he cannot teach and educate effectively. Let's try to list main directions , in which the teacher must improve and engage in self-education:
    psychological and pedagogical (focused on students and parents)
    psychological (communication, art of influence, leadership qualities)
    methodological (educational technologies, forms, methods and techniques)
    aesthetic (humanitarian)
    information and computer technologies
    health protection
    The essence of the process of self-education is that the teacher independently obtains knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activities, personal development and his own life.

    Nowadays one of the main components professional competence preschool teachers are self-educated. How does it happen?

    The need for professional growth

    Realizing the imperfection of knowledge and skills in professional activities, the educator receives a powerful incentive for professional growth, deepening knowledge and mastering new methods of educational activities.

    How and in what way can the process of professional development be organized?

    In order to be in trend, a modern teacher needs to systematically follow news in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology, get acquainted with the latest pedagogical experience, be in constant communication with colleagues, work to increase general erudition and improve pedagogical skills, get acquainted with the regulatory framework of preschool education and analyze their own professional experience.

    Additional development of a teacher is a mandatory part, which is included in the self-education plan of a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The plan helps to systematize the work, is a reflection of the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities, and creates opportunities for prospects for communication with children.

    Drawing up a self-education plan: stages

    Let's look at a few points that you need to pay attention to. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard can be drawn up taking into account the following factors:

    • justification for choosing the topic;
    • the relationship between the topic of work and the goals and objectives of the preschool institution;
    • preliminary work, including the study of methods and programs for preschool education and upbringing;
    • choosing forms of interaction with preschoolers;
    • own methods;
    • expected result of working on the topic;
    • conclusions and dynamic statistics of child development;
    • prospects for improving performance;
    • results of self-education.

    The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard requires careful preparation, during which a lot of questions arise. The main issue is the choice of topic. The methodologist or senior educator mainly helps with this, but the teacher can also make an independent choice, depending on the relevance and practical significance of the topic of educational activity.

    In determining their readiness for self-education, young specialists are also recommended to familiarize themselves with the map of G. M. Kodzhaspirova. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard must be drawn up taking into account the following recommendations:

    • When studying any issue, you need to research several sources in order to form your opinion.
    • It is advisable to work with library catalogs and material from the Internet in order to obtain the necessary literary source.
    • When searching for material, it is important to focus on innovative methods in education.
    • Communication and exchange of experience with colleagues - important point teacher self-education.

    An individual self-education plan is drawn up in two types:

    • Annual planning
    • Forward planning, which provides for the annual revision of the educational activity plan

    If individual plan self-education is compiled according to the second type of planning, you can use the project method appropriate to the age of the children. Long-term planning must certainly include current issues of preschool education in dynamic development.

    Approximate list of topics for teacher self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

    The teacher can choose the following topics provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

    • Amplification methods for the development of preschool children.
    • Features of pedagogical diagnostics in preschool educational institutions.
    • Method of individual approach in preschool education.
    • Methodology for the formation of life safety.
    • Emotional intelligence of a preschooler.
    • Methods for guiding gaming activities.
    • Formation of local history ideas (small homeland).
    • Creative abilities of preschoolers.
    • Preparation for educational activities.
    • Developing curiosity.
    • Familiarization with objects of the surrounding world.
    • Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
    • Formation of EMF.
    • Development of sociability.
    • Coherent speech.
    • Elementary analysis of a literary work.
    • Literacy training.
    • The use of non-traditional artistic techniques.
    • Basics of healthy lifestyle in preschool educational institutions.
    • Formation of CGN and self-service skills.
    • Ensuring psychological comfort in a child care facility.
    • Information and communication technologies in educational institutions.
    • Continuity between kindergarten and school.
    • Psychological and pedagogical support for families.
    • Fundamentals of inclusive education in preschool educational institutions.
    • RPPS kindergarten.
    • Partial programs of preschool educational institutions.
    • Innovative forms of interaction with parents.
    • Organization of experimental activities.
    • Quality and evaluation criteria for educational institutions.

    Organization of work by topic

    Each topic requires analytical work. When analyzing literature, the teacher must highlight the main thoughts and ideas of the authors in order to determine the direction of work on this topic. For example, if the topic “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children” is chosen, the teacher needs to pay special attention to the methods of organization and the general content of work on this topic in various age groups kindergarten.

    One of the urgent tasks of education in kindergarten is environmental education. How to draw up a self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard? Ecology, for example, should include activities and conversations to become familiar with nature native land, experimental activities, work with parents to promote the development environmental knowledge in preschool children.

    Self-education plan for preschool teacher junior group should cover work on assessing capabilities, physiological and psychological characteristics children of this age category, identify the range of problems related to working with younger preschoolers, include the use of interactive teaching methods and modern early development methods. Work on the topic can be carried out with the participation of several teachers who are directly familiar with the tasks and goals of the preschool educational institution. A properly organized process of self-education provides great opportunities for deeper personal development and effectively improving the professional competence of a teacher.