Scenario of the creative report “The native village lives. Report concert of the district house of culture Creative report of the house of culture script

Verkhneturovo House of Culture

Nizhnedevitsky district Voronezh region

Creative report script

“The native village lives”

Developed by:

Shvetsova N. M.

Prasolova T. A.


Venue: House of Culture

Time: 13 hours

Progress of the event :

The song “Where does the Motherland begin?” is played. and on the screen there are slides about the village of Verkhnee Turovo.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! Today our concert program is called “The Native Village Lives.”

There are such places in a vast country,

What you won’t find on big maps,

The sky here seems blue in a special way,

The cherries here have a special smell.

This is the place where you appeared and grew up,

Often called a province.

Only there is no more beautiful place -

And it will always be the only one.

There's a song playing“The native village lives” performedensemble "Sudarushka".

I love you at any time season,

My dear, dear village,

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you my soul is always light.

A familiar birch tree nods to me,

And I answered her “Hello!” - I say.

How good it is for me, how easy and simple

Live in my bright, gentle land.

There's a song playing"Blessed Land" performedensemble "Sudarushka".

Natalia Shvetsova with a song"A river flowed past."

Song"I'm a country girl" performsLuda Shmatova.

Dance"Quadrille" performed by a children's group.

Song"Do not be afraid" performedMaria Starodubtseva.

Musical composition"Steamboat" performedchildren's group, singingDenis Panin.

My village is on the edge of the earth.

Everything here is familiar down to every detail.

No matter where the path takes me,

I remember every bit of it with tenderness.

And the people are here ordinary people live,

Like you and me - with our souls wide open,

They respect fun, love work,

They will give away the last shirt off your shoulders.

My father and mother live in the village,

And I'm completely satisfied

That I had to start life in the village,

And that my roots remain in the village.

How often do our roads and paths

They are taken away from their native lands,

Only my heart can't leave me

From these walls of my parents' house.

There's a song playing"Lanterns" performedTatiana Shmatova and Zinaida Sidorova .

There's a song playing"Red viburnum" performedValentina Zolotukhina .

There's a song playing"Oh girls, I'm in love" performedElena Starodubtseva.

Now the author's song will be playedViktor Prasolov “House, desk” performed

Reads a poem about momVanya Bulgakov.

There's a song playing"Sorinochka" performedNatalia Shvetsova.

And now let's meet junior group our initiative withdance "Chamomile". ExecuteYulia Shvetsova and Natasha Mamedova.

Mom and Motherland are very similar -

Mom is beautiful, Motherland is too.

Take a closer look: mom's eyes

The same color as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat

What grows in endless fields.

Mom's hands are warm and tender

They resemble a ray of sunshine.

If mom sings a song, then she

The ringing stream sings along.

This is how it should be: what is dear to us,

Always reminds us of our mothers.

There's a song playing"Inseparable Friends" performedAni Shvetsova.

There's a song playing"I can forget" performedTatiana Prasolova.

There's a song playing"Mommy" performedElena Starodubtseva.

A funny song will sound"Date Failed" performed by an ensemble"Sudarushka."

A song will sound"Oh, Mommy" performedLuda Shmatova.

On the stageTatyana Shmatova, Zinaida Sidorova, Valentina Zolotukhina and sing a song"Rowan Beads".

There's a song playing"Rainbow Shines" performedMaria Starodubtseva.

A song will sound"Meeting" performedValentina Zolotukhina and Viktor Prasolov.

So that you are always under lucky star

Fate brought you together along the way,

In the house so that full-flowing river,

Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your home,

Bad weather passes by,

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well,

Long life, health and happiness!

There's a song playing"Wishes" performedensemble "Sudarushka".

There's a song playing“Be healthy, live richly!” performedensemble "Sudarushka".

Leading: This concludes our holiday. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your attention and support. Once again I would like to invite to this stage those who prepared the holiday and performed in front of you. This:

Natalya Shvetsova, Tatyana Prasolova, Victor Prasolov, Valentina Zolotukhina, Tatyana Shmatova, Zinaida Sidorova, Elena Starodubtseva, Maria Starodubtseva, Lyudmila Shmatova, Sasha Steblev, Denis Panin, Pasha Patrushev, Dima Selyutin, Olya Belousova, Yulia Shvetsova, Natasha Mamedova, Nastya Novikova and, of course, the smallest artists - Anya Shvetsova and Vanya Bulgakov.

Once again applause!!! Goodbye! See you again!


Scenario of the reporting concert creative teams CDT.

The call signs of the song “Hello World” sound, the presenters come out and sing one verse of the song +.

Ved.1 .More than anything, I want the world to be at peace!

Transparent and clean sky, and radiant sun!

Ved.2 .More than anything, I want the sun to greet me in the morning, sitting on the porch.

Ved.3 .And I want more to make sure that children are always happy in everything - in the whole world!

Ved.4 So that no one anywhere knows about war or famine, so that every day comes like spring for everyone!

Ved.1 . The most the best people in the world!
Ved.2. Hello, dear, kind children!
Ved.3 .Next to children they are surprisingly tall,
Ved.4 Hello, people, fellow adults!

Ved.1. Hello!

Ved 2. Isenmesez!

Ved.3. Good evening!

Ved.4 .Heerle ketch!

Ved.1. We are pleased to welcome you to this concert hall!

Ved 2. Prepare your warmest wishes and most reverent feelings!

Ved.3. Be patient!

Ved 4. Don’t be ashamed to express kindness towards each other and the speakers

Ved 1. Don't skimp on applause

Ved 2. Because we:

Vedas 3.……..!




Ved.3. We welcome you to the reporting concert of the Center’s creative teams children's creativity: "Hello, world!"

Ved.4. Guests of honor present at our concert:

Head of the Mendeleevsky district Privalov Igor Anatolyevich

Deputy head of the district for social issues Pavel Stepanovich Mironov,

Gafarov Rustam Ismagilovich, adviser to State Council deputy Rinat Sagitovich Khanbikov.

Ved.1. Head of the Education Department Khaertdinova Zulfira Khafizovna.

Ved. 2 . And also Parents, teachers and children!

Ved.3. The stream gurgled in the ravine,
Birds have flown in from the south.
The sun is warming in the morning.
...... (together) Spring is coming to visit us!
(the presenters leave, the soundtrack of the next number starts)

Ved . Meet the vocal association “Rainbow”,with the song “Spring Drops” by teacher Gulnar Rifgatovna Tukhvatova.

Ved . Staging of Tukay's work"Water" performed by students of the theater group "Triumph" teacher Gulnaz Foatovna Strelkova, the team became the laureate of the 1st degree of the republican competition “Mon Chishmese” in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Ved. For your attention - the best costumes and masks made by children of the arts and crafts department.

???Ved. Meet the models of the “Design” association, teacher Veronika Olegovna Latypova, “Crazy Hands” - teacher Akhmadullina Zakiya Rustamovna, studio “Firebird” - director Gabdrakhmanova Lilia Muzagitovna, association “Camellia” - teacher Sadykova Alsu Rafaelevna, association “Image” - Akhkiyamova Elmira Masnavievna.

(Demonstration - Fashion Magic) Costume comments:

Ved. And now Adelina Sufieva is performing with the poem “Bird School” - theatrical association "Mask", teacher Volkova Nazira Mukaramovna.

Ved . Your attentiondramatization of “Family Showdowns” performed by the children of the Triumph group.

Ved . Meet the winner of the republican competitions “First Steps” and “Musical Starfall”Guryanov Diana with the song “Dance in the Rain”, teacher Gulnar Rifkatovna Tukhvatova.

Ved. The theater group "Triumph" visited the city in 2012 Saint Petersburg, where they became 3rd degree laureates in the International Competition “Childhood Holiday” and now the team members will show you, dear viewers, one ofperformances "Pig in Fox Skin" . Meet us!

Ved. We are very pleased to note that in this academic year studentsExemplary choreographic group "Charm" took an active part and became winners in many competitions and festivals: republican “Hello, we are looking for talents” - Elabuga, “First steps” and “In a whirlwind of dance” - Naberezhnye Chelny, International “Winter Riviera” - Sochi! We are greeted with applause"Charm" with dance composition"Insomnia while waiting for love."

Ved. “Why do we live in the world?”

Ved. In order to bring goodness and light to all people. Love, Goodness and Beauty exist in the universe, only surrounded by them can a person become Happy!

Ved. We bring to your attention an excerpt from Valentin Kataev’s play “The Flower of Seven Flowers” performed by the Semitsvetik Health Theater directed by Alfiya Almazovna Talypova. This group delights children of city kindergartens and schools with its performances.

Ved . Akhmedshina Dasha, theater association "Mask", will read to uspoem "Papavoz" support her with applause.

Ved. The next number performed by Diana Guryanova, (song “Mama”) dedicate to ourTo dear mothers who care more about our performances than we do, we wish you health and happiness for many years to come!

Ved. And again on stagetheater group "Triumph". (Meeting)

To take out equipment:

Ved. I want there to be more light
Goodness and beauty around us all,
So that all year round summer was shining in my soul,
Warmth was given by the joy of kind eyes.

Ved. I want happiness to reign in the world,
And people smiled again and again,
So that good things happen most often,
May love conquer all misfortunes!

Ved . Everyone has their own happiness.

It is in big and small

Ved. Or maybe it's just that

That the sun is shining snowing and the children laugh

Ved. Our Center is rich, first of all, in its children - ordinary, talented, gifted. He gets richer constantly and inevitably, because every year in September he is replenished young talents, and in the spring graduates graduate who remain her children, only grown up. And I really want to believe that their fate will be successful and happy.

Ved . Now the guys who have been studying for only 4 months will performvocal and instrumental ensemble "Centurion" under the leadership of Zaripov Rustem Rashitovich.

Ved. Sings Farhad Latypov - 1st degree diploma winner of the republican competition “You Can’t Choose Times” in the city of Nizhnekamsk, leader Rustam Rashitovich Zaripov.

To remove equipment:

Ved . And again the hall is full, and the lights are on again.

And we are no longer strangers on stage, but our own.

The sound of applause and the look of happy eyes,

And there is no greater reward than this for all of us.

Ved. We are on stage who we dream of being,

We go out without hiding anything.

We live by the game, we want to live like this

And we know: “Luck is ahead!”

(In stock

Ved. There is a wonderful Center in the city,andcrafts work together in it,Here they weave and sew beads, dance, sculpt and sing.Here everyone will find something to their liking, and - go ahead!Create, invent, dare,VAchieve the desired ruffs!

Ved . Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles,

On creative wave Pchildhood is floating somewhere.)

Ved. Meetapplause "Triumph", staging "The Prince at the Gates"

Ved . Folk group"Teremshur kuskylios" from the Yenaberda school under the leadership of Vera Semyonovna Stepanova, laureates of the 1st degree of the republican competition “Live, Spring” Naberezhnye Chelny, constant participants in school and rural concerts, and today they are on this stage.

Ved. A scene for your attention“Three Girlfriends” performed by the Triumph group.

Ved. Eduard Turov from the Guitar Song association, Yasaveeva’s teacherTatiana Alexandrovnawill sing us the song “Farewell forever, protective color.”

Ved. This year, the theater group "Triumph" became the laureate of the 1st degree of the International competition "Slavic Meetings" in the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, and Adelina Speranskaya withJuliet's monologue at this competition was awarded the title

Ved. On stage are girls from the vocal association "Rainbow"with the song "Witch's River".

Ved . The guests of our concert today are the theater group "Transfiguration" of the Children's Art School, teacher Gulnaz Foatovna Strelkova. They will perform withskit "Angel" your applause.

Ved. We are pleased to invite Regina Sabirzyanova to the stage with her monologue “Tatiana’s Letter” , Regina is a 3rd degree laureate of the International Competition “Slavic Meetings”, Republic of Belarus, Minsk. Your applause.

Ved. Aizilya Gataullina and Diana Guryanova sing the song “Girlfriends” and the vocal association “Rainbow” for you.

Ved. And again on stagetheater group "Transfiguration" skit "Hidden Diary".

Ved. "For good actors there are no bad roles,” proclaimed Johann Friedrich Schiller.

Ved . More recently, the theater group "Triumph" wonThe Grand Prix Republican competition “Hello, we are looking for talents” with the play “Omelet”. Your applause!

Ved . Your attentiondance composition “Chrysanthemums” "performed by girls of the exemplary choreographic group "Charming",

Ved . Our Center for Children's Creativity evokes only positive emotions.
Ved . I will say more - our Center is a delight!
Ved . Oh, Miracle Center!
Ved . Our arms and hearts are open to you!
Ved . Oh, miracle, Center!
Ved . Always a warming hearth!
Ved . Oh, miracle, Center!
Ved . You can always awaken timid talent!
Ved . Oh, miracle, Center!
Ved . Hometown and you can surprise the region with your talent!
Ved . Always open and welcome!

Ved . If good wizard told the guys:

Ved . I can fulfill any of your wishes!

Ved. He would probably read it in our eyes,

Ved . In those who look at the blue sky with a smile.

Ved .- World! That's what we need!

Ved.- Life! That's what we need!

Ved . Your attentionsong " Good fairy tales "performed by the trio of the vocal association "Rainbow".

(All participants go on stage for the last chorus).

Ved . We invite Alfiya Almazovna Talypova, director of the Children's Creativity Center, to the stage to greet and congratulate.

Ved . And now the most pleasant moment of our concert is the awarding of the most active students of the Children's Creativity Center.

(Strelkova G.F. reads out certificates)

Ved. The Head of the Education Department, Zulfira Khafizovna Khaertdinova, is invited to the stage for greetings and congratulations.

(Certificates are presented to teachers)

Ved. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.

Ved. Khormatle, tamashachylar shunyn belen beznen concerts byz ahyryna yakynlashty.Ved. Thank you for your attention and see you again!

/The curtain is closed. Music background - voice of the Vedas. behind the scenes/
1Ved. : Glorious deeds to Russia,
Through culture they will be reborn.
And there will be Russian tribes
Again considered high.
And it will fly like a phoenix
From the ashes of years of oblivion
Holy Face of the Virgin Mary
And it will give us inspiration!
/Fanfare. The curtain opens. There is a brass band on stage. Performing music works.
After which voice 1:
An exemplary group of children's brass band, artistic director and conductor of the orchestra; Laureate of the Governor's Prize in the field of culture and art Denis Nikolaevich Durnovtsev./
/music appearance of presenters in classic outfits/
2 Vedas: Good afternoon, Dear friends!
1 Ved: We are glad to welcome you to our hospitable hall of the Palace of Culture "Krasnaya Gorka""
2: Today there will be a big concert “In New Year With good friends", where creative teams from our Palace of Culture will take part.
1: People lit the clear fire of art in time immemorial and since then they have been passing it on from generation to generation. Art can change a person's life better side, enrich him with courage, nobility, wisdom and, of course, goodness.
2: The closer we are to the unfading light of art, the brighter the reflections falling on us.
1: Our Palace will always be open wide
For hearts thirsty for meetings and communication!
2: For those who want to reveal their talent,
Dance among the crystal garlands.
1: and just like now, putting aside all sorrows,
Watch the concert in our festive hall!
2: Meet the mature and the young
Singers and dancers!
1: Readers!
2: Musicians!
1: We are glad to meet you again!
2: Long live the holiday
1,2: on New Year's Eve! (folk talents)
1: Exemplary team on stage vocal studio pop song “Charming” by the ensemble “Caprice”. Laureate of the 21st city competition for young vocalists “Silver Bell”. Artistic director: Nelly Nokolaevna Mishkina.

1: There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone takes their turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
Most best holiday New Year!

2: He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty
New Year fills my heart!

1: We wish you all the joys in the world for the New Year,
Health for 100 years ahead to both you and your children.
May joy next year be a wonderful gift to you,
And it’s better to leave tears, boredom and misfortune in the old way!

2: Scholarship holder of the Young Talents of Prokopyevsk Foundation Anna Chumachenko sings for you. "New Year's song".

1: When he sings folk choir,
There is no place for old age and boredom!
To the sounds dear to the heart
The space becomes brighter!

2: While the folk choir is singing,
The people's spring will not dry up!
Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia -
Defy any wind!

1: Meet the people's choir of war and labor veterans. Artistic director Nelly Nikolaevna Mishkina.

1st ved: Song! it captivates us with joy and sadness, infects us with joy, and gives rise to an inexpressible feeling of communication.
Song a true friend. She is always there - in work, in battle, for festive table, on a hike, by the fire, in the ranks of a marching column, in solitude.

2 ved: You know, Olga, let’s sing with you,
To life without good songs I can't believe it.
Let a smile on your face
It’s as if the sun will shine again!
1: “Lost Soul” Performed by Alisa Pstyga.

1 Vedas: (to the audience) Dear friends, please tell me, on this holiday, does the art and talent of our artists, whom you just saw, make you happy? (answers)
2 Vedas: Great! Since today is a holiday, we will try to do everything so that everyone has great mood so that the laughter does not stop and the smiles on your faces do not fade. Do you agree? (answers)
1: Dear friends, we invite everyone present in the hall to take part in the New Year's auction. It is necessary to name adjectives on the topic: “About what New Year's Eve you are dreaming". I call the first adjective: Cheerful.
/Music background/
Thank you! Let everything you have planned come true!
Dear friends, your applause!

1: The old year is ending, a good, good year.
We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us!

2: Let's remember all the good things that happened!
Let's meet all the best that will happen!

1: Fortune has been shining on us all year!
And may luck never forget us!

2: For the winner of the auction and of course for everyone present, a magical pre... New Year's gift!
1: The oriental dance ensemble, a diploma winner of the Kuzbass Open Championship, gives you its art oriental dances"The Many Faces of the East". For you, choreographic composition “Wings of Love”

1: Our Motherland is generous with talents -
Everywhere Russians are held in high regard as masters.
2: Our free, amazing people,
He has been creating miracles for centuries - he has been creating fairy tales!
1: And art is eternal in the world.
And good things always shine for us!
2: And the soul sings when it notices
That talent lives in our children too!
1: Announce them quickly!
2: Wait, don't rush.
They are making their debut here now!
1: That’s right, Denis, the group that will now appear in front of our audience will be on this stage for the first time.
2: Meet, young stars acting skills- theater group "Surprise". Head Alisa Olegovna Pstyga. "Primitive New Year"

1: In our area the accordion can be heard from all sides,
Walking down the street. Why should she lie there in vain?
2: And the free song is alive and asks in the heart,
And no one can hold this song.
1: Dear friends, your applause to the accordion ensemble. For diploma holders international competition accordionists named after Gennady Zavolokin - the Sidorov brothers.
1: May the New Year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And at work - let it sound
Cheerful, ringing laughter!
2: Let a true friend be nearby
Both on holiday and in bad weather!
And let it come into your home like a snowball
Happiness always comes!
1: The first part of the reporting concert of the creative groups of the cultural center “In the New Year with Good Friends” is completed.
2: Break_____ minutes.
/Mus. – closing the curtain/

/Mus. – opening of the curtain – exit of the presenter/
2Ved: Dear friends, we continue the program of the reporting concert.
Oh! And then, according to the script, the words of my co-host Olga Where is she?
/Mus. – exit of the dressed-up presenter (modern outfit with New Year’s paraphernalia, in the form of bunny ears/
2: Well, finally! I was already starting to worry!
1: Dear friends, we are opening the second branch of our program.
2 (interrupts): Stop! Stop! Olga, what kind of outfit are you wearing and what’s on your head?
After all, we need to continue to conduct the concert program of the reporting concert “In the New Year with Good Friends”? Have you mixed up all the programs?
1: And Denis, I didn’t mix anything up. You yourself just said that we need to host a concert called “In the New Year with Good Friends.”
Do you know what the New Year 2011 will be like according to the Eastern calendar?
2: No, I'm not into that.
1: And I will answer. 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Therefore, my outfit corresponds to the cheerful festive New Year mood!
By the way, on this magnificent day, I want to give you, Denis, a New Year’s gift. Try it on, please!
(hands over rabbit ears - Ved. puts them on himself)
1: Dear friends, the rabbit is a harmless, cute animal that will definitely bring you and me sincere happiness, true love, good health and a great mood.
2: And indeed, my soul became more cheerful! I feel like the new year is coming! Time to sing!?
1: Of course! Greet the soloist of the vocal association “Crystal” Evgeniy Ilyukhin with thunderous applause. The song "Lady Love" is playing

1: Get up, honest people,
A meeting with art awaits you!
2: Now we have arrived for the holiday
oriental beauties!
1: Everyone has their own secret
But there are no secrets for you!
2: The young ladies will tell you everything,
They will show their skills!
1 On stage, the ensemble “The Many Faces of the East” - “Conversation of Drums”

Denis, do you agree that children are a wonder of the world?

Of course, Olga! .. Tell me, what films did you like to watch as a child?
1.You know, Denis, I have always loved watching fabulous, extraordinary, breathtaking, but simply improbable stories. For example – “Pippi Longstocking”
2. Are you thinking the same thing as me?
1Yes, it's time to invite children's ensemble"Grace". They will present a song called “Pippi Longstocking”

1: New Year is a holiday of miracles and magic!
We invite you, dear friends, to verify this once again.
I have a silver lump in my hands that makes a wish come true. I'll throw it into the hall. We ask whoever catches the lump to go up on stage. So, catch it!
/Music background - the one who caught the com comes out /
1: Today our hall is full of beautiful wonderful people. Namely, you were lucky enough to catch the magic ball. And we would like to ask you a few questions.
2- please introduce yourself.
1- do you often visit cultural and leisure programs held in our recreation center?
2- Which team or individual creative person is our scene more attractive to you?
1- Do you have any big plans or dreams for 2011? (Which?)
1Thank you! And now the fulfillment of your wish - a New Year's gift and applause from everyone present!
/prize presentation. The lucky one leaves the stage/

2 And now it’s like in a fairy tale
The eastern star is dancing!
1: Diploma winner of the Siberian Open Cup in Oriental Dance 2010, soloist of the Jasmine ensemble Svetlana Sivirgina. "Unsolved Magic"

1: First we played

2: Then they sang,

1: And in a year they will dance

2: Ensemble of girls on stage –

1: It's called "Milady"!

2: Show – group “Milady”, director Tatyana Khaimina. The song “You” plays.

1. And here come the heroes,
The ensemble has been known to us for a long time!

2.Plastic movements
He will surprise us today
He will dedicate his number to you.

1 Meet the break dance team “Proniks” with the dance composition “Street Dances”!


1: Leaving old year rustles it last page.
Let the best that happened never go away, and let the worst never happen again!

2: So that the songs and dances never cease.
Happy New Year!
1: Happy New Happiness!
(in chorus): May trouble pass us by!

Evgeny Ilyukhin and the ensemble “Slides” - “Happy New Year, friends”
1 Dear friends, the time has come to invite the director of the cultural center, an honored worker in the field of culture and art, Galina Nikolaevna Sikorskaya, to this stage! Your applause!
/congratulatory speech, presentation of gifts to amateur performance participants/
(Final words from the presenters):
1 Yes, great this time
It's a holiday - it's ours!
2: We had a lot of fun,
Together with creativity!
1: We say thank you to everyone,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
2: You, named artists!
You young talents!
1 And of course the audience,
Creativity of connoisseurs!
With coming
(in chorus): Happy New Year!
2: Goodbye!
1: See you again!
/Mus. – the curtain closes/

Oksana Soboleva
Scenario of the reporting concert of creative associations of the House of Creativity “Rainbow of the Planet of Childhood”

« Rainbow Planet of Childhood»

Progress of the event

Voice: Attention! Attention! On this wonderful stage begins fun show for all children and more! After all, we celebrate the holiday childhood. In today's concert Only children can take part! Let's greet them with thunderous applause!

(The song plays "Holiday childhood» )

(On presenters enter the stage) .

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Today on this stage you will see a variety of colors, genres, songs, music, poems, beautiful costumes, in general - real rainbow! And we don't even need rain for this!

Presenter 2: Do you, dear viewers, know what colors make up rainbow? (Green, Orange, Blue) How many are there? Just three? No, seven! Meet these colors! (Music. On concert participants appear on the stage With balloons by color rainbows, clothing details match the color of the ball they are carrying).

Presenter 1: How to arrange colors correctly rainbows?

Presenter 2: There is one trick! By the first letters in phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”.

Presenter 1: So the first one is red, then orange...

(Arranges participants according to the colors of the spectrum).

Presenter 2: Here she is, rainbow! Let's give it to the audience!

(The phonogram sounds "The Sound of the Wind". On the stage lights go out, screams and bustle. The light comes on and stage only the presenters remain).

Presenter 1:(Puzzled): Where are our artists, where is our Rainbow?

Presenter 2: Here comes this cold winter wind again, I still can’t calm down. It’s already May in the yard, but it’s no, no, and it will come again. Here's ours Rainbow scattered. Just look and it will freeze here! (rubs hands).

Presenter 1: Yes... Nothing, now we will fix everything! And the audience and their warm smiles and warm applause will help us with this. Is it true? (becomes auditorium) . Let's all smile at each other and loudly applaud the participants of today's concert. And on this the stage will appear again Rainbow children's artistic creativity.

Presenter 1: Thank you dear friends! Today we are going on a trip around rainbow. And during this journey, we will see and hear wonderful performers and wonderful dancers. First color rainbow - red.

Presenter 2: Why do we love red? Word "red" in ancient times it meant "Beautiful". Alexandra Konchenko performs a beautiful number for you. Song “Russia – you are my star”.

Presenter 1: Another beautiful number for you. On stage theater fashion House of children's creativity- winner X regional competition fashion studios and theaters "Harmony" with a collection "Uzoreche".

Presenter 2: And now if you really applaud, under the thunder of your applause we will give the floor for congratulations to the director Children's Art Houses

Presenter 1: How do you like the red color of ours? rainbows? Great. Let's step onto the second color. Which?. Orange!

Presenter 2: And what orange color you love? (After answers). The orange one is orange! Get an orange for whoever answered. And we are traveling along the orange path rainbows!

Presenter 1: For you on stage Grishchenko Albina with an almost orange song "Tiger Cub".

Presenter 1: To loud applause, we invite you to this stage Pogribatko Anastasia with a song "Mother".

Presenter 2: On stage choreographic group "Tender Age" with dance "Oh, mommy".

Presenter 1: To all participants of the orange episode - Thanks a lot, we give them all a vitamin.

Presenter 1: For active participation, we give everyone who remembered yellow color, lemonade!

Presenter 2: For some reason, spring has a lot of yellowness.

Very yellow flowers bloom on the hummock.

The sun shines very brightly above me with a yellowish tint.

At night, a very yellow moon is visible through the window.

Very yellow chickens, very yellow ducklings,

A very yellow front garden.

Maybe this is a yellow holiday?

Presenter 1: And now the real sun will shine on the stage, because the girls from the choreographic group are performing "Tender Age" with dance "Stompers".

Presenter 2: Let's welcome the next member of our concert Grishchenko Albina with a song "Our school".

Presenter 1: The solemn moment of our holiday has come - the awarding of the best circle members of the year. The floor for awards is given to the director Children's Art Houses Valuysky district Leonova Marina Vadimovna.

(Award ceremony in progress).

Presenter 2: To find rainbow wishes we have already gone through three colors rainbows. Next color is black! No? Ah, green! Indeed, green!

Presenter 1: Friends, where did you see green color? Oh, so much green! Probably very important color. Bananas from the green taiga... Are bananas not from the taiga? What do bananas grow on? ...On palm trees? On red palm trees! Are palm trees green too? Then everything is fine. This green kingdom also has its own artists.

Presenter 2: Green Forest makes noise, worries,

Spring in a green dress.

Admiring the snowdrop flower

A hundred-year-old, mossy pine.

Green, bright paint

Spicy May sparkles.

Our planet kindly

Warm the sun!

Presenter 1: On stage ensemble"Sun" with a green song "Spring drops".

Presenter 2: On stage choreographic group "Tender Age" with dance "Brown braid".

Presenter 1: By what color rainbows Are we going to travel now?

(in blue). Where do you see the blue color? The best answer is blue sky!

Presenter 2: In which of the many colors

Is the whole sky above you colored?

When there are no clouds on it,

The whole sky is blue, blue!

Presenter 1: Now let's watch the water.

The water in your glass is colorless,

But in the river it will turn blue,

After all, there is a countless amount of it!

Presenter 2: When you go for a walk in the forest in the summer,

Then hold your gaze for two minutes,

Try to find a modest flower,

That blue is called forget-me-not.

This color calms us down.

Presenter 1: It still happens blue color eye.

Presenter 2: On stage Chertkova Margarita with a song "Flap your wings Rus'".

Presenter 1: On stage choreographic group "Tender Age" with dance "Cats".

Presenter 2: Friends, we are traveling around rainbow and go to the blue path.

Presenter 1: What, is this in my hand? (Candies). Do you like candy?

Presenter 2: Of course, what child doesn’t love them!

Presenter 1: Do you like chocolate ones? What about blue chocolates? Yes, I'm talking about chocolates in blue wrappers. Here they are!

Presenter 2: Who remembers where they meet Blue colour– gets blue chocolate candy! Well done!

Presenter 1: As if in a fairy tale, by the blue river

Blue-eyed flowers are growing - cornflowers,

And the wind ripples the blue sea there,

And a blue whale lets out a fountain into the sea.

Presenter 2: On stage Chertkova Margarita with a song "Anthem of Music"

Presenter 1: And we invite you to stage choreographic group "Tender Age" with dance "Freedom".

Presenter 2: Great, we're traveling around rainbow! We visited the river! They drove to the sea! Where else? What color is left? Grey.? …Brown? No? Let's think about it. Every hunter wants to know where he is sitting... This means blue.

Presenter 1: But there was already blue! Then that leaves purple! We, the presenters, and you, dear viewers, will give this color for our Rainbows of the Planet of Childhood.

Presenter 2: What is needed for it to appear? Rainbow? Of course, so that it rains.

Presenter 1: How can he go, we’re under the roof?

Presenter 2: It will rain applause. Will you help us friends? (addresses the audience).

Presenter 1: Then let's get started. I do it, and you repeat it! Our sky is clean and clear. Suddenly a cloud appeared from somewhere and the first drop of rain fell (1 clap, everyone repeats it after the leader). Then two drops fell (2 claps, everyone repeated them, then three drops fell (3 claps repeated, four drops fell (claps - repeats). And it began to rain - strong, strong (everyone clap). And then the rain began to subside. Four drops fell, three drops, two drops. Do you hear the last drop fall? The rain has stopped! The sun came out and began to shine rainbow!

(Unannounced song « Rainbow of Wishes» )

Presenter 2: A bridge has grown over the river, over the city -

It's up rainbow above the stars

Seven paths glow in the mirror of the river,

Let's run along racing the rainbow.

Presenter 1: The sun will smile with his red mustache,

Everyone gets a drop of dew.

We are horseshoe- let's light up the rainbow.

And in a pigtail let's braid a rainbow.

Presenter 2: Won't melt rainbow forever.

We will share rainbows for everyone, everyone, everyone.

Presenter 1: Look how beautiful the rainbow of our creativity turned out to be bright, amazing! Nature miracle!

Presenter 2: I have a proposal, let's reward this miracle with thunderous applause! Do you agree?

Presenter 1: That's our the concert ends. Our rainbow sparkles with cheerful colors. We thank the audience for their support, all those who prepared this holiday - for their active participation!

Presenter 2: We say goodbye to you! Goodbye! See you again with everyone who loves a non-boring life!

REPORTING CONCERT OF THE DISTRICT HOUSE OF CULTURE Throughout the year, workers of the Regional Cultural Center are actively creative activity, organizing festive events, fun celebrations, themed evenings for the population of our village, art exhibitions and much more. But the work of specialists at cultural centers is not limited to the list of even such noticeable, striking moments. Most of their work is hidden from the eyes of the audience. What the viewer sees on stage is preceded by a large preparatory work: script writing, rehearsals, preparation of costumes and scenery, stage and hall design, sound design and much more. Large-scale events - celebrations, festivals, etc. - also bring a lot of organizational issues. Among other things, the House of Culture also conducts circle work, providing Kardymov residents with the opportunity to engage in creativity in amateur associations of various directions. Report concert- This is a definite result of the work done. On the one hand, it can consist of numbers from the so-called “golden fund”; on the other hand, as a rule, there are always premiere numbers. In addition, this is a holiday necessary both for the participants themselves and for the leaders of creative teams and associations. Therefore, concerts are usually held in a fairly organized manner and as informative as possible, so that in a very short period of time, one and a half to two hours, they can show everything that has been developed during the year. Natalia Datsko (Director of the RDK): - The program of the reporting concert includes performances with the participation of all creative groups of the House of Culture, and today there are about 25 of them in the RDK, the permanent participants of which are more than 300 people, these are children, these are young people, these are the elderly age. And everyone, without exception, approaches such events responsibly and with great dedication! Last Saturday, December 17, the district House of Culture invited Kardymovites to the reporting concert “Country of Talents in the World of Art,” which took place in the assembly hall of the Culture Center. In the foyer of the Cultural Center, guests who came to the concert were treated to an exhibition of arts and crafts, “City of Masters.” The exhibition featured beaded paintings by Natalia Volkova, made from seashells photo frames by Tatyana Sokol, bright souvenir dolls by member of the Russian Union of Designers Vera Yakovleva, beaded necklaces and skillfully crocheted shawls and openwork vests by Galina Zvereva, souvenirs and beaded jewelry by Galina Solovyova, New Year and Christmas decorations by Elena and Alexander Osin. All works were bright, interesting and memorable. The concert program, traditionally hosted by the director of the district House of Culture, Natalia Datsko, was no less bright. Opened creative program teams that have been leading for many years active work on the basis of the RDK - a folk choir and a companion group of the folk choir, the Russian song ensemble “Nadezhda” (leader of the groups is Victoria Parfiryeva). WITH perky ditties, the author of which is our fellow poetess Svetlana Matuzova, a permanent participant spoke Folk Choir and the ensemble “Nadezhda” Svetlana Anashkina. The Russian song ensemble “Zabavushka” (director Victoria Parfiryeva) pleased the audience with new works. For many years now, the love for Russian song has been helping this creative team to search for and expand its repertoire with new interesting numbers. By the way, in January next year the ensemble will serious challenge– confirmation of title folk collective. However, despite the excitement, neither the participants nor the leader of the group have any doubt that the ensemble will pass this test with honor. Now “Zabavushka” is, as they say, “running in” new program, which gives viewers the opportunity to hear and evaluate some of her performances in advance. The soloists of the pop singing group “Melody” (leader Victoria Parfiryeva) Elena Morozova, Tatyana Korolenko and Nadezhda Ivanova performed just as brightly and with inexhaustible energy. A pleasant surprise for the audience was the performance of the 2016 debutants: Alexey Belodedenkov, Ekaterina Egorenkova, Olga Kovaleva. With miniature "Epic about modern history Russia" and musical composition, dedicated to the Year cinema in Russia, “Attention! The movie is being filmed!” The national amateur group of the Agitation Brigade “Niva” (leaders Vera Yakovleva and Natalia Datsko) performed. Team artistic reading“Slog” (director Natalia Datsko), permanent member of this group Victoria Kravtsova presented her emotional performance. The performance of Tatiana Sokol, a participant, was piercing and impressive creative association“Inspiration” (leader Elena Morozova). Tatyana Nikolaevna read her own poem, dedicated to creativity People's Artist Russia Oleg Pogudin. The audience that evening did not skimp on applause, greeting each artist with it. At the end of the concert program, the song “And again we are on stage” was performed by vocalists and all participants in amateur performances. A reporting concert is always a very emotional event, causing excitement and joy for the performers. I would like to sincerely wish the leaders and participants of the creative teams of the regional House of Culture in the future creative success, interesting ideas, audience love and full houses!