Scenario of the festive celebration “Walk, people are more cheerful, the samovar is an anniversary.” Scenario for the holiday “A Perky Ditty”

We are naughty guys

We love to sing and dance.

If only we break up -

No one can stop us!

Greetings to opponents:

Wipe your opponents' noses in the morning

And we will bypass them in everything!

And also under load

We won't let them down!

Homework: perform dance choruses dedicated to the “hero of the occasion” - a ditty.

"Merry fellows."

How can we wean Vasya

From a bad habit?

So that the girls stop

Pull your pigtails!

Let's talk about him

Let's write ditties.

He's ashamed

Your ears will turn red!

We are our own little ditties

Dedicated to Vasya.

Tell you everything about him

We promise honestly.

Wait, here I am for you,

I'll give it to everyone in the neck!

Just open your mouth

Sing something!

(the girls' offender threatens them).

Admire him

He waves his fist.

Look - well, after all, we

He's also threatening!

We're already on you, Vasily

We will find control

Judo champion

We will invite Slava!

We are fighting girls

Let's stand up for ourselves.

A fighter or a bully

We will always fight back!

"Naughty guys."

At a singing lesson

Everything remains unchanged:

Whoever wants to sing like that,

No one will understand the words.

Lena plays the note loudly,

I'll re-sing it:

Half a tone, a little higher,

I'll take it a note higher!

Handel shakes his head

To us from the portrait on the wall:

“What are you doing, children?

It annoys me to listen to you!”

And Tchaikovsky to us from a portrait

He even shook his finger:

"Okay, what about descendants

These are the ones I didn’t live to see!”

Mathematics and Russian,

Physical education, reading.

And on top of everything

Music and singing!

We told in ditties

Let me tell you about how we live here.

Agree that it's not bad

Let's sing to the accordion!

Oh, thanks to the accordion player,

Played well for us.

Expresses gratitude

Our entire cool class belongs to him!

“What do we know about the ditty?”

Answer three questions, cards are ready (time).

Chatushki are... (short songs with humorous (funny) content).

What instrument were the ditties performed to? (The accordion is a musical instrument to which ditties were and are performed).

Where did the ditties originate? (Ditties appeared in rural areas. It is interesting that the first ditties were sung exclusively by young men. They gathered and performed these mischievous songs. At first, ditties were about love, about relationships between boys and girls. Over time, ditties about war, politics, life in the village. Nowadays the theme of ditties is extremely wide).


"Merry fellows."

Perform homemade preparations “Perky ditties”. When summing up, artistry, emotionality, costumes, and originality of the performance are taken into account.

Put your ears on top of your heads,

We sing ditties for you

Crafty, perky,

You will be satisfied!

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

I sowed peas.

I now have a question:

What to do to grow?

Soul is a ditty

(folklore festival for high school students)

Target: developing students’ ideas about ditties and their meaning in folk art;
develop students’ desire to take part in such folklore festivals;
learn the history of ditties;
make students want to learn ditties.

Explanatory note:

I lived in the village until I was eight years old. My grandmother very often sang ditties during the feast, it was very fun, because everyone sang. I still remember my grandmother’s sonorous voice. In villages they always sing ditties. They create a festive mood, an atmosphere of joy and fun. They came from the people and I think that ditties will always live. They were also sung during the war to brighten up the hardships of wartime. They must be sung, they must be taught today. They will live forever.
Presenters (1) and (2)
Girls (1) – (3)
Guys (1) – (3)
Preparation: The hall is decorated in a rustic style: a bench, homespun rugs, a model of a Russian stove. You should prepare in advance audio recordings of ditties performed by L. Ruslanova and N. Kadysheva and Russian folk music (at the choice of the organizers)

Audio recordings of Russian folk songs are played. Girls sitting on a bench (1) – (3)
Presenter (1):
Three maidens by the window,
Spinning late in the evening
One girl says...
Girl (1):
If only I were a queen
I wouldn't spin anymore
I'd make it fun
So with ditties and singing.
Presenter (1):
The door opened quietly...
(Leading(1) leaves and guys come in (1) – (3) with an accordion)
Guys (1) – (3) (singing):
Go your separate ways!
Give it, give it a go
Cheerful people!
(Girls (1) - (3) approach guys (1) - (3).)
Girls (1) – (3) (singing):
Play more fun
Are you lazy?
We make your game fun
We waited all day.
Girl (1):
Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our room!

You sit, don't be shy,
Sing with us and enjoy!
My cheeks are like leaves
Eyes like currants
Come on, honey, let's take a walk,
While we are young.
Guy (1)(sings):
Give the boat to Dubov
And an oak oar:
Berry on an ice cube
It took me far away.
Girl (2) (singing):
My dear saw me off
He sat down on the fence.
For a long, long time I admired
To my gait.
Guy (2) (Singing):
I walked through the forest, hayfield,
He fell into a puddle with his nose.
I broke my nose until it bled
Well, what a haymaking there!
(Guys (1) – (3) and Girls (1) – (3) sit on the bench, Leaders (1) and (2) come out.
Presenter (1): There is probably no person who does not know ditties, who does not remember at least a dozen of these sometimes mischievous or sad songs, whether he is a city dweller or a rural one.
Presenter (2): Ditties are alive! They are heard at weddings, farewells to the army, anniversaries, large and small public holidays. They are sung in squares, stages, outside the village outskirts, in city apartments and village houses. People of all ages love and know ditties – from old people to small children. Old ditties sound next to new ones, sometimes coming from newspapers and magazines. But there is no discord between them.

Compared to many folklore genres, ditties are young. They developed in the second half of the nineteenth century, but quickly entered popular life. At first, the new genre of folk songs did not have a single name. These short songs were called differently in different places: “choruses”, “hoots”, “sentences”, “badges” and so on.
The term “ditty” was first used in print in 1889 by Gleb Uspensky in his article “New folk rhymes.” The author noted that the people “respond in ditties to every little thing in life,” they “are created in an unknown way by unknown poets almost every single day and certainly in every village.”
Presenter (2): The widespread development of chastushka was facilitated by the rapid development of waste fisheries. Peasants who went to other provinces, to big cities to earn money, took their ditties there, and, returning home, brought new ones they heard in a foreign land. This is how the genre spread. However, the local features of the text and melody were preserved. Therefore, Tambov ditties differed from Voronezh, Saratov, Ryazan ones. (An audio recording of ditties performed by L. Ruslanova sounds

Presenter (1): And what names have been invented for ditties: “matanya”, “taratorka”, “nabirushka”, “taratorka”, “ikhokhoshka” and many others.
The very first ditties were performed only during youth parties. They were accompanied by dances and dances.

The ditties performed at the party were called “running”. When mowing, “mowing”; when picking mushrooms, “forest”. It is interesting to note that initially ditties were composed mainly by young men. Then the initiative in their creation increasingly passed to the girls.
Girl (3)(sings):
I was stinging from morning till night
Wheat and oats
Only white bread for the girl
We didn't manage to eat.
Presenter (2): The most popular is the almost universal ditty - dance and lyrical.
Girl (1)(sings):
Give me a sharp saw,
I'll go dig potatoes
On the green birch
The mittens don't grow.
Presenter (2):
The dance ditties have traditional beginnings: “The month is shining,” “Gypsy,” “Semyonovna.”
Girl (2)(sings):
Like Semyonovna
Sits on the stairs
And about Semyonovna
Songs are sung.
Girl (3)(sings):
Oh, Semyonovna,
Help me out:
I can't sing
And you learn!
Girl (1)(sings):
You, Semyonovna,
I found shelter everywhere:
You and in the city
And they sing in the village.
Girl (2)(sings):
I want "Semyonovna"
They were forbidden to sing
And me, girls,
I can't stand it!

Presenter (1) The ability of ditties to rejoice and be sad, to have fun and sincerely grieve, to laugh and cry, to pity and complain, to sympathize and to hate is amazing. It seems that ditties can express the inexpressible. The bitterness of separation is close and understandable to everyone who experienced it when it is heard...
Girl (3):(singing)
My little one and I parted ways,
Between two white birches,
The leaves fell and withered
From my hot tears.
(audio recording of “Suffering” performed by N. Kadysheva plays)
Presenter (2):
The theme of love in ditties is central, the most developed, but far from the only one.
The ditties responded vividly to all the most important social phenomena of the time. This is peasant poverty...

From the movie "Love and Doves"
Guy (2)(singing)
I worked and sweated -
I wanted to live without need,
You look: it’s too low,
The need for doors is coming to us!
Presenter (1): And the soldier...
Guy (3) (singing):
They will give you up as soldiers.
Not to my dear mother,
During training they will beat you -
The boy will have to serve.
Presenter (2): In the wilderness of the village, huts served as a theater. They gave birth to echoes of every event in life. The main events are war and famine, famine and war.
Girl (1)(sings):
In the thirty-third year
Everyone ate quinoa
Arms and legs were swollen
The swan died.
My friend Manya,
What a difficult year this has been
Hunger dances, hunger gallops,
Hunger sings songs.
Presenter(1): War. Funeral - widow's tears...
It would seem like ditties in such dark times, or songs? But they sang songs, ditties, and played balalaikas.

Girl (2) sings:
The forty-first year is unhappy,
Hitler has stepped on us
He left me an orphan,
Killed the little berry.
Girl (3)(sings):
A star fell from the sky
And it broke into pieces.
Our youth is passing
In high school at the blackboard.
Presenter (1):
Why are ditties loved? What helps them stick in memory and pass from generation to generation? It seems that the main strength of ditties lies in the personal nature of the feelings that they convey. What attracts people in ditties is trust in people, the confidence that you will be understood both in joy and in sorrow. No other genre is so filled with appeals and the call “listen.” The ditties are addressed to whomever: parents, girlfriend, comrade, old people, rival, boys, girls, accordion player. The performers of ditties share their feelings with nature: “Oh, you, white birch,” “You, cold water,” “You, cuckoo-pea.”
Girl (1)(sings):
Oh, you white birch,
There is no wind, and you are making noise,
Oh, zealous heart,
There is no grief, but you are in pain.
(Audio recording of “Suffering” performed by L. Ruslanova sounds)
Presenter (2): There are different ditties: love, everyday, lyrical, sad and funny. But all ditties have one thing in common - they were composed by the people.
Presenter (1): Literary critics argue whether they accept or not accept the ditty, but it lives on. New, modern ditties appear. The unnecessary dies off, only what remains is what is remembered, that is, the best, original, witty.
Girl (2)(sings):
Lost from my pocket
spring grain,
I looked at my darling
Like a red sun.
Presenter (2):
The Russian ditty delivers true aesthetic pleasure with its remarkable spontaneity, unexpected accuracy of observations, and freshness of images.
And these wonderful properties of ditties will help her continue to go through centuries and destinies.

1st round

Phonogram of the upcoming fair. Participants of the fair peer out from behind the curtain impatiently; finally, holding the curtain, they open it and wave their hands, inviting the others. Dance "Fair". The presenter and company come out to the finale of the dance.


The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing,

The wind blows from the north,

Guys in our area

Slightly higher than clover.


Novgorod machine

Walks backwards.

Novgorod girls

Nobody gets married!


Don't laugh at you,

You are above us:

Look at yourself -

Are you any good?

For a fun party

I came without a strap.

I know ninety songs

Two more bags at home! (With a bow)

Hello, good people! Familiar and unfamiliar! We are glad to see you at a fun party! Your eyes and smiles are a joy to the heart!

Man 1st:

Today all Akron people,

Having abandoned his affairs, he sings ditties.

What is a ditty for the people?..

Man 2: That's right... What a barrel of honey is to a bear!

Presenter: You should all be talking about barrels, and about barrels... Yes, just berries, and not flowers... (Calls them over, as if in secret) Listen here! This is the story. Akron is known not only in our city. So?

Guys(nod): Yes!

Presenter: People live here - they don’t get bored, right?

Guys: So!

Presenter: They play in KVN and Brain Ring, they don’t miss competitions and festivals, right?

Guys: So!

Presenter: They were about to sing ditties - they just clicked, right?

Guys: So!

Presenter: Well, they have their own Semyonovna there. And we should have our own Akronovna, right?

Guys: So!

Presenter: Well, we got along: so yes!

Guys: That's right! And Akronovna, what is she like? Are you a beauty?


Akronovna is a collective image,

But that doesn't make it any less charming,

And as a result of song competitions

It will become quite tangible.

Guys: Aha, it seems that everything is becoming clearer - Akronovna is selected at Akron! Among the singing cheerful people, for six months! And at the last program in May we will introduce Akronovna!

Guys(perking up): Yours! Natural! Local! Interesting from all sides!

Presenter: That's right - the idea is clear! In the meantime, the point is that I will play Akronovna!

We are waiting for ditties from you in any manner,

If only there was rhyme and meter.

No one expects high verses!

Together: Compose ditties, dare, people!


We are now announcing the opening of the festival!

And let this become a good tradition!

1st round of the festival - Autumn!

Meet the teams of workshops and divisions!

Phonogram for teams exit. Teams from the audience come out and line up on the stage. The presenter introduces them.

Presenter: Dear participants and no less respected spectators and fans! A few more minutes, and we will become participants in a unique action of its kind: “Akron” composes and sings ditties in its own way and in its own manner. Chastushka itself is a phenomenon as mysterious and unique as the Russian soul. The ditty is always for life, always not in the eye, but in the eye, and always on the topic of the day. I would venture to suggest that it may well lay claim to the role of a national idea... However, we will see and hear.

Festival “Eh, Akronovna!” will take place in three rounds from November to May. The winning team will be determined based on the total points in the three rounds. In addition, the jury will determine the participant who will be awarded the honorary title “Akronovna”. And T&KZH6 will highlight individual performers. And some more pleasant surprises await festival participants, but for now this is a secret. In the meantime, let me introduce you to the members of the jury.

Presentation of the jury.

Presenter: The jury evaluates each performance using a 10-point system. Three main positions are assessed: disclosure of the theme, performing skills and culture of behavior, as well as the originality of the stage solution. We wish the participants maximum marks and a lot of fun! (Singing)

Allow me, mother village,

Let's walk down the street

Let's not be disgraceful

Where are our good ones?

Where are the nice ones?

Everyone in Amselitra is good!

Everyone in amselitra is beautiful!

(Speech by the Amnestyra workshop team)


Shadow-shadow, shadow,

There is a fence above the city.

The girls sat down under the fence,

We boasted all day:

Like in the Central Hockey League

Ditties for any style!

(Speech by the team of the central chemical laboratory)

Man 1st:

We are a big and cheerful family!

There are two standing at the bench,

Two want to study

Two Stepans are gorging themselves on sour cream,

And nitrogen never runs out of ditties!

(Speech by the nitric acid workshop team)

Man 2:

I pull salt, I catch fish,

There were quite a few:

Seven perches, fifty crucian carp.

One brush goes into the pot.

I’ll make fish soup and feed the azophoska!

(Speech by the nitroammophoska production team)


Oh, Lyuli, ta-ra-ra!

There is a mountain on the mountain.

Dry ice under the mountain

And he walks and sings.

(Speech by the dry ice workshop team)


Ay, okay, okay, okay -

We are not afraid of water.

We wash ourselves clean -

We smile at people.

We live in the TOVP - we don’t get bored,

Let's sing ditties!

(Speech by the team of the chemical water treatment shop)


Jump-jump! Young blackbird

I walked along the water -

I found some young guys.

Young ladies, early birds

From the food plant.

(Speech by the food plant team)


Behind the step is a step -

There will be a ladder.

Put word by word neatly -

There will be a song.

And ring after ring -

It will be a sight to behold.

Sing ditties cheerfully,

Factory management!

(Speech by the plant management team)

Man 1st:

We sang all the ditties,

We have nothing more to sing.

We went, and you sit there with nothing to do!

Presenter: For some, maybe there is nothing, but for others, oh, how difficult it will be!

The jury, having collected all its comments,

Leaves for a meeting.

But we will never let the viewer get bored:

The ensemble “Rosstan” will sing for you and dance “Romada”!

Concert numbers while the jury sums up the results.

Presenter: So the ringing voices rang out, the sounds of the button accordion died down, passions and excitement subsided. I invite all participants in this program to the stage. All that remains is to hear the opinion of the jury, which I also invite to the stage in full.

Festival participants go on stage, all members of the jury express their opinions, the last is the chairman, who also announces the scores.

Chairman of the Jury: The jury has another pleasant, but very difficult task. Before the start of the festival, each of us was given only one “bonus”. The bonus is a symbol. Each of us may or may not give it to one of the participants. The number of bonuses collected will help the jury when choosing our Akronovna in the spring, at the final round. (The jury gives their bonuses to the participants)

Presenter: The organizers of the festival decided, and the administration and trade union committee supported this idea, that for participation in the 1st round of the festival all participants receive small souvenirs. For courage, for supporting this new project for us, for optimism and an active life position. Thank you! Through your diligence, this festival has gained shape, voice and life! See you in the 2nd round! (Gifts are presented to the participants by members of the jury) Thanks to everyone who took part in the preparation of this program, and our deepest bow to the dear viewer!

All participants:

And the night of cheese

And the grass is covered in dew,

And it's time to sleep

And all the ditties!

Mass rejoicing. A curtain.

"Spring. Women. Love". 2nd round

A curtain. Program participants walk and sit in pairs on benches. The stage is designed like a village street, a fence, a bench, pots on the fence, etc. They sit down for the game to the soundtrack, and the soloists sing to the tune of the song “Kostroma”.


Hello, Azofoska!


What are you doing?

Let's finish learning the ditties!

Well, finish your studies...

(Approach the next group of participants)

Hey, dry ice!


What are you doing?

Yes, we play “Radish”...

Well, play...


Eh, Akron-Akronovna!

My Empress is the head...

How to sing ditties

With a twinkle, with a twinkle,

Merchant: Grandmother! Sell ​​the radishes!

Grandmother: Buy it, father!

The merchant examines the “radish”, feels it and tries to pull it out

Merchant: Grandmother! Are there any puny radishes?

Grandmother: What are you doing, father! All young, sweet, one to one. Pull one for yourself to try.

The merchant begins to pull out, the “radishes” squeal, but do not “break out”.

Merchant: Grandmother! Your radish cannot be pulled out of your own free will: it has grown. Give me a mower - dig it up by the roots!

Grandmother: And you, my light, shake it tenderly - look, she will swim out!

The merchant begins to shake the players - some by the head, some by the hair, some by the hand. Having pulled out one of the players, he begins to “shake him off”, then everyone gets up and drives the merchant away. They go out to the general chorus.

Presenter: This is how they greet spring playfully at Akron: they clean, split, ship... You never know what you can do playfully, but in good health, and season with a little ditty, like hot pepper... It will be fun to watch. And there is something to see. After all, today the second round of the festival “Eh, Akronovna!” will take place here. And 9 teams will compete in the song competition, one more than last time. Greet with applause.

Represents teams. Everyone goes on stage.

Presenter: Dear participants and no less respected spectators and fans! Today is the second round of the festival. The teams prepared ditties on the theme “Spring. Women. Love". The theme is hot, voluminous, spring. We wish all participants good luck!

In the meantime, let me introduce you to the members of the jury. (Represents the jury members) The jury evaluates each performance using a 10-point system. Three main positions are assessed: disclosure of the theme, performing skills and culture of behavior, as well as the originality of the stage solution. I would like to remind you that the winning team will be determined based on the sum of points in three rounds. In addition, at each round, each jury member has the right to give his bonus to one of the participants, who, in his opinion, could receive the title “Akronovna”. The jury's opinions on this issue will also be summarized. We wish the participants maximum marks and the audience a lot of fun! (Teams go backstage). All I can do is give up my place on stage to the participants of the “Eh, Akronovna!” program.

Phonogram - call signs. Before their performance, teams introduce themselves, either in groups or just soloists.

1st team:

Methanol - to act,

Well, you should worry!

And tormented by the question:

How can we do it!

2nd team:

The accordion plays well -

Let it not stop!

Azofoska will begin to sing -

It's getting envious!

3rd team:

Why are you sitting here, guests?

What are you up to?

You have to clap the nitrogen like that,

May your palms wear off!

4th team:

Play, accordionist,

Make you dance.

In girls with CVP

Brown eyes!

5th team:

To sing ditties in Akron,

There is a food plant...

It's just a pity that those little ditties

No way to eat it for lunch!

6th team:

If there were no talents

In the factory management

Shouldn't you hear ditties?

In our performance!

7th team:

And we have a good reason

Sing ditties and dance -

Amselitra is nothing new

Perform at festivals!

8th team:

I can only take one sign

It's unmistakable to say:

If dry ice is on stage -

So, you should meet him!

9th team:

Make way, girls,

Let me sing a ditty.

The people in the Central League are cheerful,

I can’t sit still!


Even though the concert is coming to an end,

It's too early to draw conclusions.

But to welcome welcome guests

The most appropriate time.

The guests from Kirishi and Cherepovets could not resist. How will they surprise and delight us? (Guest performance with ditties)

Presenter: Prepare to burst into loud and prolonged applause as I begin inviting everyone on stage for today's program.

All participants go on stage. The jury is invited. All members of the jury express their opinions, the last is the chairman, who also announces the scores. The jury gives their Akronovna bonuses to the participants.

Presenter: Thank you to all the festival participants for the true pleasure delivered, for the humor, enthusiasm and spring that flowed into the heart and rang with songs. Thanks to everyone who took part in the preparation of this program, and our deepest bow to our dear viewer!

The teams move to the front of the stage.


Maybe they wanted it themselves

Maybe that's how light works.

We sang all the ditties

No more for today!

Mass rejoicing. A curtain.

"Akron and us!" 3rd round

Festival of guild creativity of ditty performers.

Phonogram. Ensemble "Rosstan". They sing. In the song, the workshop teams are brought onto the stage. 8 teams.

Presenter: Participants of the festival “Eh, Akronovna!” and the ensemble “Rosstan” of the Cultural Center greet the dear viewer, the respected jury and each other!

The people on stage are rejoicing.

Presenter: 3rd round! He's the last one! The ditties that the commands will perform today will tell us about ourselves. The theme is short and very clear - “Akron and us.” The composition of the jury is the same. It is my pleasure to introduce everyone by name once again. (Introduces the jury members. They are in the hall.) The jury evaluates each performance using a 10-point system. Three main positions are assessed: disclosure of the theme, performing skills and culture of behavior, as well as the originality of the stage solution. I would like to remind you that each jury member has the right to give their bonus to one of the participants who, in their opinion, could receive the title “Akronovna”. Over the previous two rounds, the teams have already scored a certain number of points; we are not talking about preliminary results in order to maintain the intrigue. The winner will be determined based on the results of three rounds. Although I have a suspicion that the real winner will be not on this side, but on the other (gesture to the audience) side of the ramp.

So, we welcome:

Team "Kislinka" of the nitric acid workshop of the 2nd stage;

- “Granulihu” of the ammonium nitrate workshop;

- “Tsekhaelushki” of the Central Chemical Laboratory;

- “HVPelochek” of the Chemical Water Treatment Shop;

- “Sukholdinok” - dry ice;

- "Balagurov" - production of nitroammophoska;

- “Kroshechek-Akroshechek” Food Combine;

- “Mischievous Azushkas” of the Plant Management.

We wish all participants good luck, enthusiasm, passion and luck!

All teams go backstage, the members of the ensemble “Rosstan” remain on stage, they also act as co-hosts.

“Rosstan” (girls only):

1st: Oh, girls, what can I tell you - you won’t believe it...

2nd: Well, tell me, don’t be tormented!

1st: I saw the other day...

3rd: Wow, what a surprise! Children's fairy tales! That's what I saw, that's what I saw...

2nd: What did you see?

3rd: I saw how the panicles bloomed in the TOVP! Wow!

1st: Don't make any mistakes!

3rd: Well, it’s not just me, the whole room saw it. And all because they have skilled girls there - Irina Mikhailova, who sews costumes, and Marina Taktarova, who composes ditties, performs them herself, and encourages others.

4th: What have I seen! A daisy grew on dry ice, like this (shows).

2nd: It’s clear that it can grow with chemistry...

4th: I wanted to pick it, to tell fortunes, but she just ran away...

1st: So it’s not chamomile, but Zoya!

4th: What is Zoya like?

All(indignantly): You don’t know Zoya from dry ice? (To the hall) Who doesn’t know Zoya? Everyone knows Zoya!

Yura(Yuri Binevsky - director and soloist of the ensemble "Rosstan", strictly): Yes! What kind of magpie fair is this? Look, they've made a fuss! Who should sing ditties now?

Girls(recovering himself): Oh, so these are... “sukholdki” and “hevepelochki”!

Yura: That's the same! Look at me! (Leaving) Eh, women...

Team performance.

The Presenter and “Rosstan” come out and whisper about something.

Presenter: What is the dispute about? What's happened?

2nd: While we were walking the streets, we heard a lot of this....

1st: They brought rumors and all sorts of conversations.

4th: So we go and wonder if people are telling the truth or lying?

Presenter: Well, post what you have there to the whole world and we’ll figure out what’s true and what’s not.

2nd: Are you sure they won't deceive you? So we ask around!

1st(addressing the audience): They say it’s true that there is a girl in the amseliter, and not just a simple one, but a jack of all trades...

3rd(interrupts): ... she sews costumes at night, composes during the day, sings and dances herself, and even makes everyone sing, not a girl, but a perpetual motion machine, is it true that there is such a thing?

Presenter: True, there is one, her name is Irina Grekhonina, and it’s not only in the community college that they know her.

2nd: Oh, and they also say that in nitrogen there is a female driver - she tames the iron compressor horse, trains young guys, spends workshop evenings, raises her grandson and sings songs, are they telling the truth or are they lying?

Presenter: The honest truth, and her name is Evgenia Terentyeva.

1st: Yes, there are women in Akron's workshops... These are miracles! At least take a peek at them and ask them how they cope with everything...

Presenter: Well, there’s no time to talk now, but it’s very possible to take a look, we just need our viewer to greet the Amselitra and Azotka teams with thunderous applause!

Team performances.

Girls from "Rosstani"(they sing and lead Marina Ivanova into a round dance):

The geese swam

The sulfur floated

Along the river

Along the Volkhov.

The geese have arrived

The sulfur has arrived,

To the clever one,

To a reasonable, reasonable woman.

Took it from a smart girl

They took it from the wise woman,

From the neck of the handkerchief,

Oh, yes, a handkerchief... (they take the handkerchief from Marina’s neck and throw it up, Marina catches it)

1st: Ba... (throws)

Marina(catches): ...nya!

Girls (together): No, not a bathhouse!

2nd(throws): Bah...



Girls(together): No, not a balalaika! (Addressing the audience) Let's all do it together! (They throw a scarf and chant syllable by syllable together with the audience) Bal... la... gu... ry!

Marina: Ah!.. Jokers!

Team performance.

Girls (come out, sigh, or sing 4-6 lines with sighs)

Yura: Dear friends! Do not further hide your sadness, which only intensifies under coercion: you are allowed to sigh! What are you sighing about, girl?

1st: The other day I met a good fellow, heroic in stature, meek in character, oh!

2nd: And I was walking just now and I heard: a voice was singing, like a river, deep, wide, my heart just froze... oh!

3rd: And I saw such a guy at the plant management, and they say his wife is beautiful... oh!

Yura: What are their names, what are they called?

Girls(all at the same time): Andrey! (and, looking at each other, together again) Ah!

Yura: Here you have an OH, here you have an AH! And here's WOW! “Mischievous Azushkas” sing their ditties!

Team performance.

“Rosstan” comes out, gesticulating wildly.

1st: We don't believe it!

2nd: This cannot be!

3rd: All this is lies!..

Yura: How strange! I tell them that I recognize any woman by touch, what she does, who she loves, and all sorts of other signs, but they don’t believe...

4th: Prove it, then we'll believe it!

1st: Yes! Are you afraid?

Yura: What more! Easily! (They blindfold him, spin him around, bring Natasha from the food plant, he hugs her by the shoulders) -. I smell the smell of pies, and with cabbage... Their name is Natasha, she sings, she gathers people...

2nd: Well, what can you say about this one? (Give the following)

Yura: I see a laboratory, something is gurgling in the test tubes, and in the distance something is moving, now I’ll take a closer look, yeah, they walk in couples, it’s like they’re dancing, and next to everything is gurgling, and they’re dancing... interesting. Night. I see the bed, it’s all like this...

3rd: Do not be distracted...

Yura: And she dreams of the scene, and again they walk in couples, both day and night - it’s just some kind of obsession...

4th(takes off his scarf and asks Natasha and Olga): Well, did he tell the truth? (They answer: the truth)

1st: What is this special secret?

Yura: What secrets are there, to hug any woman tenderly and press her to your heart, here you will find out everything about her or about yourself, don’t believe me - try it!

Young woman: And to whom to sing ditties now - you guessed it yourself, it’s probably not the first time you’ve been sitting out, so don’t spare your palms, welcome the teams!

Performance by the food plant and laboratory teams.

Presenter: The jury goes to sum up the results. And you and I will spend this time together with the ensemble “Rosstan”! (2-3 songs)

Presenter: Prepare to burst into loud and prolonged applause as I begin inviting everyone on stage for today's program. (Invites teams) Let's listen to the opinion of the jury, which I also invite to the stage in full.

Jury - scores for the 3rd round.

Each jury member gives his bonus to Akronovna, while saying a few words about the festival as a whole.

The chairman of the jury says that at Chemist Day everyone will choose “Akronovna” together, and gives all the nominees envelopes with the task.

Gifts are given to all festival participants.

Chairman of the jury - overall results of the festival.

All teams receive diplomas for participation (presented by jury members).

Diploma for the winner of the festival.

Gifts and gratitude to the support group: cultural center specialists, choreographers, vocalists, directors. And also the jury for consistency, uncompromisingness and professionalism. Jury gifts.

Presenter: Another festival says goodbye to its participants and spectators. Passions and worries will soon subside. What will remain? What will remain are good memories, unforgettable impressions and the realization that our national Russian essence, and the ditty is a truly Russian invention, is our wealth, which we are happy to generously share and which only grows from it! Good luck and prosperity to you!