“The last snow in the field is melting...” A. Tolstoy. Tolstoy Alexander - k - the last snow in the field is melting Tolstoy young forest dressed in green smoke

Alexey Tolstoy
“The last snow in the field is melting...”
The last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth,
And the blue jug blooms,
And the cranes call each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Warm thunderstorms are impatiently awaiting;
All springs are warmed by breath,
Everything around loves and sings;

In the morning the sky is clear and transparent,
At night the stars shine so brightly;
Why is it so dark in your soul
And why is my heart heavy?

It's hard for you to live, my friend, I know
And I understand your sadness:
You should fly back to your native land
And you don’t feel sorry for the earthly spring...

Oh wait, wait a little longer
Let me go there with you too...
The road will seem easier to us -
Let's fly past her hand in hand!..

Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich (1817-1875)
A.K. Tolstoy belongs to one of the old noble families. The last Ukrainian hetman K. Razumovsky was his great-grandfather, and Count A.K. Razumovsky, a senator under Catherine II and the Minister of Public Education under Alexander I, was his grandfather. A.K. Tolstoy was born in St. Petersburg, and the future poet spent his childhood in Ukraine, on the estate of his uncle A. Perovsky, a famous fiction writer of the 20s, who appeared in print under the pseudonym Antony Pogorelsky. While still a teenager, Tolstoy traveled abroad, to Germany and Italy.

Tolstoy's satirical and humorous poems are no less interesting than his lyrics. There is a witty joke here - inscriptions on Pushkin’s poems, a dedication to A. Fet, these are the works of Kozma Prutkov, as well as numerous satires, among which “The History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev” occupies a special place.
During Tolstoy's lifetime, the only collection of his poems was published (1867).
The poet died in his estate Krasny Rog in the Chernigov province.

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“The last snow in the field is melting…”

The last snow in the field is melting,

Warm steam rises from the ground,

And the blue jug blooms,

And the cranes call each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,

Warm thunderstorms are impatiently awaiting;

Everything is warmed by the breath of spring,

Everything around loves and sings;

In the morning the sky is clear and transparent,

At night the stars shine so brightly;

Why is it so dark in your soul

And why is my heart heavy?

It's sad for you to live, oh friend, I know

And I understand your sadness:

You should fly back to your native land

And you don’t feel sorry for the earthly spring...

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The last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth,
And the blue jug blooms,
And the cranes call each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Warm thunderstorms are impatiently awaiting;
Everything is warmed by the breath of spring,
Everything around loves and sings;

In the morning the sky is clear and transparent.
At night the stars shine so brightly;
Why is it so dark in your soul
And why is my heart heavy?

It's sad for you to live, oh friend, I know
And I understand your sadness:
You should fly back to your native land
And you don’t feel sorry for the earthly spring...

Analysis of the poem “Now the last snow in the field is melting” by Tolstoy

The landscape sketch of Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy “The last snow in the field is melting” in the finale becomes the confession of the lyrical hero.

The poem was written in 1856. Its author at this time turned 39 years old, he is in court service, aide-de-camp. However, he is burdened by the service and will retire a few years later. A. Tolstoy publishes poetry and prose, tries his hand as a playwright, makes a Crimean trip, and finally falls in love. However, this marriage will not work out right away, but after overcoming numerous obstacles. During the same period, the poet became dangerously ill with typhus while caring for friends who had contracted the same disease. The genre is landscape lyrics with philosophical overtones, the meter is trochaic with cross rhymes, 4 stanzas, open and closed rhymes. The intonation is variable: at first cordial, bright, then plaintive. The lyrical hero is the author himself. In quatrain 1, the poet depicts the onset of spring. The vocabulary of the poem is neutral, lively, and sometimes sublime. The images are classic: melting snow in the fields, steam from the ground ready for plowing, delicate bluebells peeking out here and there, cranes returning. “The forest is dressed in green smoke”: a metaphor emphasizing the poet’s admiration of the eternal picture of the awakening of nature that opened before his eyes. In stanza 2 there are several personifications: the clothed forest is waiting, the breath of spring, it loves and sings everything. It seems that the hero joins the jubilant nature. Here the sky is “clear and transparent”, and the stars are bright. However, in stanza 4, the first disappointed notes appear with a rhetorical question: is it dark in the soul, is it heavy in the heart? Internal disharmony destroys the idyll of the landscape. Finally, a direct appeal: it’s sad for you to live. He calls his interlocutor “friend.” From the context it becomes clear that he can address both his own soul and a woman: if only you would fly away. Despair brings thoughts about the meaninglessness of life and spring. “To my native land”: there can be two interpretations. The edge of the afterlife or, indeed, favorite places from childhood, always nourishing the soul with hope. The prerequisites for such a state of mind should be sought in the biography of A. Tolstoy. The chosen one of his heart is married, but is unhappy in her marriage. Having fallen in love with Count A. Tolstoy, she tries to leave, but her husband is delaying the divorce matter. The poet’s mother, whose opinion and peace of mind he valued so much, also rebels against this scandalous relationship. Only her death allowed this couple to reunite.

In the draft of A. Tolstoy’s poem “The last snow is melting in the field,” the final quatrain, removed during publication, was preserved. In it, lovers leave the cruel world together, hoping to meet in eternity.