Scenario of the reporting concert of creative groups of the Center for Additional Education of Children. Reporting concert of the district house of culture Scenario of the reporting concert program of the cultural center groups

Scenario of the Center's reporting concert additional education children "Journey over the Rainbow"

Gorbunova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher - organizer of the MBUDO CDOD in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Description. The scenario is aimed at children aged from 6 to 17 years old and will be of interest to teachers of schools, art schools, teachers - organizers of additional education and parents.
Target: Report creative teams. Showing the level of creative and performing growth of teams of creative associations for academic year.
- demonstrate Creative skills students;
- develop artistry and stage presence;
- develop students’ ability to work in a team

Equipment: Sound design, lighting, scenery, costumes.
Move concert program:

Fanfare sounds. Exit of presenters (Ekaterina - teacher, Eva - student)

Eve: Good evening!

Catherine: Good, because we are surrounded good people and happy smiles!

Eve: Good, because summer is coming, and that means vacation! Sunny days and warm summer rains.

Catherine: And if there is a rainbow in the sky...

Eve: It's just a miracle!
Life in the world is more interesting.
If the rainbow shines
If a joyful song
It flies along the rainbow.

Catherine: Our journey through the rainbow opens with Ekaterina Bulycheva, a student creative association“Domisolka”, director Elena Bushueva.
1. Song "C" Good morning, People"

Catherine: Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concert of the Center for Additional Education of Children entitled “Journey along the Rainbow”. Today a rainbow of talents will shine before you.
They say talent is a valuable gift. And every child is a whole world. Some people like to sing and dance, others like to craft, draw, and design. And every child is talented in his own way. There are no untalented children! You just need to find in every child that very zest, that very spark that someday will grow into a star and over the years a talented person will appear, maybe a big star. And wonderful teachers help our children open up and express themselves. Some of them are wise with experience, others are just embarking on the teaching path. But they are all united by a love for children and a desire to sow a spark of goodness. To make the world brighter, kinder and more beautiful.

Eve: Today in this hall there is a holiday
This holiday is a holiday of childhood,
He will leave a mark on every heart

Catherine: And the director of the Center for Additional Education for Children, Svetlana Valerievna Kurova, will open the door to the fairy tale.
Director's speech

Catherine: Meet a variety of colors, genres, songs, dances, beautiful costumes - in general, meet a real rainbow of talents.

Eve: Rainbow is great!
Rainbow is a good mood
Rainbow is harmony!
Rainbow is all of us!
And we are childhood!
On stage, children's dance group It is led by a wonderful, talented teacher Marina Golubenko.
2. Dance “Clock”

Catherine: The rainbow journey continues. The first color of the rainbow is red. The word "red" in ancient times meant "beautiful." A beautiful number - the dance “Rossinochka - Russia” will be performed for you by a dance group, the director Oksana Zhuikova is a talented teacher, known not only in our city, but also beyond its borders. Meet me.
3. Dance “Rossinochka – Russia”.

Catherine: In our beautiful, rainbow country of the Center for Additional Education of Children, all fairy-tale dreams come true.

Eve: And I so dream of a fluffy white kitten. Do you like little kittens? Yes, well then, meet the dance group of Marina Golubenko. Dance “I am a fluffy white kitten”
4. Dance “I am a fluffy white kitten”

Rainbow beauty
She told you to bow.
invites you to visit,
To a colorful land!
Where the next path awaits us is orange. And on this wonderful path you are greeted by the dance group “Vivat”. The team is led by an excellent teacher - director of modern ballroom dancing- Elena Kirasirova. "Spring Waltz".
5.Dance “Spring Waltz”

Catherine: Walking along the orange path, you immediately imagine the orange sun, the sea, and dolphins swimming on the waves. By the way, the song about dolphins is perfectly sung by Elizaveta Feoktistova, a student of Elena Bushueva from the Domisolka creative association.
Our “Domisolka” celebrated its fifteenth birthday in April of this year. summer anniversary. More than forty Domisolka graduates continued their education in music school, five of them entered School of Music. And one of the very first students of “Domisolka” is a teacher and head teacher of Dimitrovgrad music college. We are proud of our graduates. And the credit for this goes to the wonderful teachers Elena Viktorovna Bushueva and Natalya Sergeevna Ustinova, who today put their soul and knowledge into the new generation of students. Meet Elizaveta Feoktistova with the song “Dolphins”
6. Song "Dolphins"

Catherine: Traveling along the orange path of the rainbow, we bring to your attention another dance number, dance “Apple” performed by students of Marina Golubenko.
7. Dance “Apple”

Catherine: Orange color Rainbow is the friendliest and most cheerful. Yes, you can see this for yourself. The friendliest team on stage. This team can be called a family. Here the elders take care of the younger ones. Kids take great pleasure in helping their elders. And this family is headed by a kind, sympathetic, and most importantly talented teacher, Marina Devzheeva. On the stage choreographic studio"Suite", dance "Cheerful Rain".
8. Dance “Cheerful Rain”

Catherine: To all participants of the orange episode - Thanks a lot. And we move on. What color is next in the rainbow? (answers from the audience) Name something yellow... (answers from the audience)
Eve: And also - sunbeams.

Catherine: “Sunny Bunnies” is the name of the dance performed by the group, led by a young, talented teacher - director of interesting, memorable dances Yulia Beschetnova. Let's meet sunbeams.
9. Dance “Sunny Bunnies”.

Catherine: (behind the scenes) We meet the “Smile” choir, director Valery Vatyukov. Accompanist Elena Neugodnikova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Ulyanovsk Region. Music by Kabalevsky, words by the Alien. "Our land"
10. Song “Our Land”

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Music by Yuri Chichkov, lyrics by Sinyavsky “Horn and Pipe.”
11. Song “Horn and Pipe”.

Eve: If smiles shine on faces,
If children sing and dance,
So joy is knocking on the door,
And life on the planet continues
And in the creative association “Akuna - Matata”, led by Anastasia Tribunskaya, life is just beginning. This team less than a year. But they were already able to win our love.
We meet, watch and applaud.
12. Hakuna matata number.

Catherine: We've already gone through three colors of the rainbow. Next color is black! No? Oh, sorry, green! Hands up, who loves green?
I invite you to the green path of the rainbow. Ilya Kuyanov from the creative association “Domisolka” travels along the green path with us with the song “Computer”.
13. Song “Computer”

Eve: The color green is the color of spring,
the color of nature's revival!
We bring to your attention a very lively and fiery dance"Latin mix". On stage is the dance group “Vivat”, director Elena Kirasirova.
14. Dance “Latin Mix”

Catherine: They say that there are no miracles in the world... Believe me, they exist and are even next to us! And we bring to your attention a wonderful number - the dance “Box of Pencils”, the leader of the group is Yulia Beschetnova.
15. Dance “Box of Pencils”

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Oksana Zhuikova’s team completes the tour along the green carpet with the dance “Letka - Enka”.
16. Dance “Letka - Enka”

Catherine: Traveling along the rainbow, we move on to the next path blue color. And this kingdom also has its own artists. We meet the choreographic studio “Suite” with the dance “Voyage”.
17. Dance “Voyage”

Catherine: Our path is illuminated with a deep, noble, blue color. Blue color. Clean, calm as the surface of a lake, and vast as the sky, as varied as a song in all its manifestations. Meet Samira Gumerova with the song “And I would like to sing and dance.”
18. Song “I wish I could sing and dance.”

Eve: I also love to dance and dream of a big stage.

Catherine: Yes, probably, catching a blue dream, which is always somewhere nearby, but elusive, is as difficult as catching moments of creative flight and inspiration. But the Sunrise dance ensemble always succeeds.
A creative team led by Elena Troshina is dancing for you.
Dance with the intriguing name “Mad World”
19. Dance “Mad World”

Catherine: Eva, it seems to me that you are flying in the clouds the entire concert. Let's
Let's take a short break in the vocal and dance numbers.

Eve: Let's do it, especially since the friendly, active, very creative creative association “Scout” and the cheerful, positive “School of Counselors” are waiting behind the stage to perform. The head is a young teacher - a leader. Knowing how to lead Ekaterina Timofeeva.
20. Performance by scouts and counselors.

Friends, we are traveling along the rainbow and moving onto the blue path of the rainbow. And Elizaveta Feoktistova meets us with the song “I would like to draw a dream.” Creative association “Domisolka”, director Natalya Ustinova.
21. Song “I would like to draw a dream.”
Catherine: (behind the scenes)
Oksana Zhuikova's dance group is on stage. Dance "Cha-cha-cha". We are greeted with applause.
22. Dance “Cha – cha – cha.”

Eve: Mom is the dearest person in the world. It’s impossible to count how much is put into the word “MOM”. But the most important thing is that we owe our lives to her, my mother. Do you often dedicate poems and songs to your mother? Just like that, without holidays and memorable dates? And today we dedicate the next issue of our program to my mother. Song "Mom". Performed by Daria Vishneva.
23. Song “Mom”.

Catherine: Thanks to everyone on the blue carpet. We continue to travel across the rainbow.

Eve: Rainbow. The beauty of the earth is immediately imagined in the brightest colors of the rainbow, green, orange, yellow, blue, purple. And all these colors are in creativity, which is so unique and diverse. Now I imagine everything in the purple color of the rainbow

Catherine: Why, Eva?

Eve: Because purple very calm, lyrical and most
Unusual, from all the colors of the rainbow.

Catherine: But purple is quite rare, not an everyday color in nature.

Eve: Therefore, people often associate it with wizards and fantasy.
Remember the fairy tales: purple capes are the favorite clothing of magicians.

Ekaterina: We meet a magical, bewitching dance with a fan. Performed by Marina Golubenok Dance Studio.
24. "Fan Dance"

Catherine: The world of creativity is amazing because it has no boundaries, just as there are no boundaries for our universe, dotted with many stars. How many are there? Millions! Many millions. And in our city today new lights came on from the performances of our guys. The choreographic studio “Suite” closes the journey through the rainbow of talents with the dance “On the Wings of the Wind”
25. Dance “On the Wings of the Wind”

Eve: Today is a holiday - the day of talents,
Singers, dancers, musicians.
And on this bright day for you
The song “Childhood” will be performed for you.

Catherine: Vocal group “Cover”, leader Alexander Petrov. "Childhood".
26. Song “Childhood”.

Catherine: Purple color, it turns out, is a color close to energetic, active and cheerful people. They look for new adventures, discover new worlds within themselves, and even perceive failures with inexhaustible optimism and a bright smile.

Eve: We greet with optimism and a smile the perky dance called “Chernomorochka”. On stage at Sunrise, director Elena Troshina.
27. Dance “Mad World”

Catherine: Our journey is coming to an end. And Eva Kurova introduced you to the creativity of teachers and students of the Center for Additional Education for Children.

Eva and Ekaterina Kurova.
It's great that there is a country like this
Where we sing and play songs.
And it is full of all sorts of miracles,
And we call it a fairy tale.
And believe me, only in this country,
We become three times stronger.
In this kind magical land
You can become the most important hero.

Verkhneturovo House of Culture

Nizhnedevitsky district Voronezh region

Scenario creative report

“The native village lives”

Developed by:

Shvetsova N. M.

Prasolova T. A.


Venue: House of Culture

Time: 13 hours

Progress of the event :

The song “Where does the Motherland begin?” is played. and on the screen are slides about the village of Verkhnee Turovo.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! Today our concert program is called “The Native Village Lives.”

There are such places in a vast country,

What you won’t find on big maps,

The sky here seems blue in a special way,

The cherries here have a special smell.

This is the place where you appeared and grew up,

Often called a province.

Only there is no more beautiful place -

And it will always be the only one.

There's a song playing“The native village lives” performedensemble "Sudarushka".

I love you at any time season,

My dear, dear village,

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you my soul is always light.

A familiar birch tree nods to me,

And I answered her “Hello!” - I say.

How good it is for me, how easy and simple

Live in my bright, gentle land.

There's a song playing"Blessed Land" performedensemble "Sudarushka".

Natalia Shvetsova with a song"The river flowed past."

Song"I'm a country girl" performsLuda Shmatova.

Dance"Quadrille" performed by a children's group.

Song"Do not be afraid" performedMaria Starodubtseva.

Musical composition"Steamboat" performedchildren's group, singingDenis Panin.

My village is on the edge of the earth.

Here everything is familiar down to every detail.

No matter where the path takes me,

I remember every bit of it with tenderness.

And the people are here ordinary people live,

Like you and me - with our souls wide open,

They respect fun, love work,

They will give away the last shirt off your shoulders.

My father and mother live in the village,

And I'm completely satisfied

That I had to start life in the village,

And that my roots remain in the village.

How often do our roads and paths

They are taken away from their native lands,

Only my heart can't leave me

From these walls of my parents' house.

There's a song playing"Lanterns" performedTatiana Shmatova and Zinaida Sidorova .

There's a song playing"Red viburnum" performedValentina Zolotukhina .

There's a song playing"Oh girls, I'm in love" performedElena Starodubtseva.

Now the author's song will be playedViktor Prasolov “House, desk” performed

Reads a poem about momVanya Bulgakov.

There's a song playing"Sorinochka" performedNatalia Shvetsova.

And now let's meet junior group our initiative withdance "Chamomile". ExecuteYulia Shvetsova and Natasha Mamedova.

Mom and Motherland are very similar -

Mom is beautiful, Motherland is too.

Take a closer look: mom's eyes

The same color as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat

What grows in endless fields.

Mom's hands are warm and tender

They resemble a ray of sunshine.

If mom sings a song, then she

The ringing stream sings along.

This is how it should be: what is dear to us,

Always reminds us of our mothers.

There's a song playing"Inseparable Friends" performedAni Shvetsova.

There's a song playing"I can forget" performedTatiana Prasolova.

There's a song playing"Mommy" performedElena Starodubtseva.

A funny song will sound"Date Failed" performed by an ensemble"Sudarushka."

A song will sound"Oh, Mommy" performedLuda Shmatova.

On the stageTatyana Shmatova, Zinaida Sidorova, Valentina Zolotukhina and sing a song"Rowan Beads".

There's a song playing"Rainbow Shines" performedMaria Starodubtseva.

A song will sound"Meeting" performedValentina Zolotukhina and Viktor Prasolov.

So that you are always under lucky star

Fate brought you together along the way,

In the house so that full-flowing river,

Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your home,

Bad weather passes by,

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well,

Long life, health and happiness!

There's a song playing"Wishes" performedensemble "Sudarushka".

There's a song playing“Be healthy, live richly!” performedensemble "Sudarushka".

Leading: This concludes our holiday. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your attention and support. Once again I would like to invite to this stage those who prepared the holiday and performed in front of you. This:

Natalya Shvetsova, Tatyana Prasolova, Victor Prasolov, Valentina Zolotukhina, Tatyana Shmatova, Zinaida Sidorova, Elena Starodubtseva, Maria Starodubtseva, Lyudmila Shmatova, Sasha Steblev, Denis Panin, Pasha Patrushev, Dima Selyutin, Olya Belousova, Yulia Shvetsova, Natasha Mamedova, Nastya Novikova and, of course, the smallest artists - Anya Shvetsova and Vanya Bulgakov.

Once again applause!!! Goodbye! See you again!


REPORTING CONCERT OF THE DISTRICT HOUSE OF CULTURE Throughout the year, workers of the Regional Cultural Center are actively creative activity, organizing festive events, fun celebrations, themed evenings for the population of our village, art exhibitions and much more. But the work of specialists at cultural centers is not limited to the list of even such noticeable, striking moments. Most of their work is hidden from the eyes of the audience. What the viewer sees on stage is preceded by a large preparatory work: script writing, rehearsals, preparation of costumes and scenery, stage and hall design, sound design and much more. Large-scale events - celebrations, festivals, etc. - also bring a lot of organizational issues. Among other things, the House of Culture also conducts circle work, providing Kardymovites with the opportunity to engage in creativity in amateur associations very different directions. Report concert- This is a definite result of the work done. On the one hand, it can consist of numbers from the so-called “golden fund”; on the other hand, as a rule, there are always premiere numbers. In addition, this is a holiday necessary both for the participants themselves and for the leaders of creative teams and associations. Therefore, concerts are usually held in a fairly organized manner and as informative as possible, so that in a very short period of time, one and a half to two hours, they can show everything that has been developed during the year. Natalia Datsko (Director of the RDK): - The program of the reporting concert includes performances with the participation of all creative groups of the House of Culture, and today there are about 25 of them in the RDK, the permanent participants of which are more than 300 people, these are children, these are young people, these are the elderly age. And everyone, without exception, approaches such events responsibly and with great dedication! Last Saturday, December 17, the district House of Culture invited Kardymovites to the reporting concert “Country of Talents in the World of Art,” which took place in the assembly hall of the Culture Center. In the foyer of the Cultural Center, guests who came to the concert were treated to an exhibition of arts and crafts, “City of Masters.” The exhibition featured beaded paintings by Natalia Volkova, made from seashells photo frames by Tatyana Sokol, bright souvenir dolls by member of the Russian Union of Designers Vera Yakovleva, beaded necklaces and skillfully crocheted shawls and openwork vests by Galina Zvereva, souvenirs and beaded jewelry by Galina Solovyova, New Year and Christmas decorations by Elena and Alexander Osin. All works were bright, interesting and memorable. The concert program, traditionally hosted by the director of the district House of Culture, Natalia Datsko, was no less bright. Opened creative program teams that have been leading for many years active work based on RDK – folk choir and a companion group of the folk choir, the Russian song ensemble “Nadezhda” (leader of the groups is Victoria Parfiryeva). WITH perky ditties, the author of which is our fellow poetess Svetlana Matuzova, a permanent participant spoke Folk Choir and the ensemble “Nadezhda” Svetlana Anashkina. The Russian song ensemble “Zabavushka” (director Victoria Parfiryeva) pleased the audience with new works. For many years now, the love for Russian song has been helping this creative team to search for and expand its repertoire with new interesting numbers. By the way, in January next year the ensemble will serious challenge– confirmation of title folk collective. However, despite the excitement, neither the participants nor the leader of the group have any doubt that the ensemble will pass this test with honor. Now “Zabavushka” is, as they say, “running in” new program, which gives viewers the opportunity to hear and evaluate some of her performances in advance. The soloists of the pop singing group “Melody” (leader Victoria Parfiryeva) Elena Morozova, Tatyana Korolenko and Nadezhda Ivanova performed just as brightly and with inexhaustible energy. A pleasant surprise for the audience was the performance of the 2016 debutants: Alexey Belodedenkov, Ekaterina Egorenkova, Olga Kovaleva. With miniature "Epic about modern history Russia" and musical composition, dedicated to the Year cinema in Russia, “Attention! The movie is being filmed!” The national amateur group of the Agitation Brigade “Niva” (leaders Vera Yakovleva and Natalia Datsko) performed. Team artistic reading“Slog” (director Natalia Datsko), permanent member of this group Victoria Kravtsova presented her emotional performance. The performance of Tatyana Sokol, a member of the creative association “Inspiration” (headed by Elena Morozova), was piercing and impressive. Tatyana Nikolaevna read her own poem, dedicated to creativity people's artist Russia Oleg Pogudin. The audience that evening did not skimp on applause, greeting each artist with it. At the end of the concert program, the song “And again we are on stage” was performed by vocalists and all participants in amateur performances. A performance concert is always a very emotional event that evokes excitement and joy among the performers. I would like to sincerely wish the leaders and participants of the creative teams of the district House of Culture in the future creative success, interesting ideas, audience love and full houses!

/The curtain is closed. Music background - voice of the Vedas. behind the scenes/
1Ved. : Glorious deeds to Russia,
Through culture they will be reborn.
And there will be Russian tribes
Again considered high.
And it will fly like a phoenix
From the ashes of years of oblivion
Holy Face of the Virgin Mary
And it will give us inspiration!
/Fanfare. The curtain opens. There is a brass band on stage. Performing music works.
After which voice 1:
An exemplary group of children's brass band, artistic director and conductor of the orchestra; Laureate of the Governor's Prize in the field of culture and art Denis Nikolaevich Durnovtsev./
/music appearance of presenters in classic outfits/
2 Vedas: Good afternoon, dear friends!
1 Ved: We are glad to welcome you to our hospitable hall of the Palace of Culture "Krasnaya Gorka""
2: Today there will be a big concert “In New Year With good friends", where creative teams from our Palace of Culture will take part.
1: People lit the clear fire of art in time immemorial and since then they have been passing it on from generation to generation. Art can change a person's life better side, enrich him with courage, nobility, wisdom and, of course, goodness.
2: The closer we are to the unfading light of art, the brighter the reflections falling on us.
1: Our Palace will always be wide open
For hearts thirsty for meetings and communication!
2: For those who want to reveal their talent,
Dance among the crystal garlands.
1: and just like now, putting aside all sorrows,
Watch the concert in our festive hall!
2: Meet the mature and the young
Singers and dancers!
1: Readers!
2: Musicians!
1: We are glad to meet you again!
2: Long live the holiday
1,2: on New Year's Eve! (folk talents)
1: Exemplary team on stage vocal studio pop song “Charming” by the ensemble “Caprice”. Laureate of the 21st city competition for young vocalists “Silver Bell”. Artistic director: Nelly Nokolaevna Mishkina.

1: There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone takes their turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
Most best holiday New Year!

2: He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty
New Year fills my heart!

1: We wish you all the joys in the world for the New Year,
Health for 100 years ahead to both you and your children.
May joy next year be a wonderful gift to you,
And it’s better to leave tears, boredom and misfortune in the old way!

2: Scholarship holder of the Young Talents of Prokopyevsk Foundation Anna Chumachenko sings for you. "New Year's song".

1: When the folk choir sings,
There is no place for old age and boredom!
To the sounds dear to the heart
The space becomes brighter!

2: While the folk choir is singing,
The people's spring will not dry up!
Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia -
Defy any wind!

1: Meet the people's choir of war and labor veterans. Artistic director Nelly Nikolaevna Mishkina.

1st ved: Song! it captivates us with joy and sadness, infects us with joy, and gives rise to an inexpressible feeling of communication.
Song a true friend. She is always there - in work, in battle, for festive table, on a hike, by the fire, in the ranks of a marching column, in solitude.

2 ved: You know, Olga, let’s sing with you,
To life without good songs I can't believe it.
Let a smile on your face
It’s as if the sun will shine again!
1: “Lost Soul” Performed by Alisa Pstyga.

1 Vedas: (to the audience) Dear friends, please tell me, on this holiday, does the art and talent of our artists, whom you just saw, make you happy? (answers)
2 Vedas: Great! Since today is a holiday, we will try to do everything so that everyone has great mood so that the laughter does not stop and the smiles on your faces do not fade. Do you agree? (answers)
1: Dear friends, we invite everyone present in the hall to take part in the New Year's auction. It is necessary to name adjectives on the topic: “About what New Year's Eve you are dreaming". I call the first adjective: Cheerful.
/Music background/
Thank you! Let everything you have planned come true!
Dear friends, your applause!

1: The old year is ending, a good, good year.
We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us!

2: Let's remember all the good things that happened!
Let's meet all the best that will happen!

1: Fortune has been shining on us all year!
And may luck never forget us!

2: For the winner of the auction and of course for everyone present, a magical pre... New Year's gift!
1: The oriental dance ensemble, a diploma winner of the Kuzbass Open Championship, gives you its art oriental dances"The Many Faces of the East". For you, choreographic composition “Wings of Love”

1: Our Motherland is generous with talents -
Everywhere Russians are held in high regard as masters.
2: Our free, amazing people,
He has been creating miracles for centuries - he has been creating fairy tales!
1: And art is eternal in the world.
And good things always shine for us!
2: And the soul sings when it notices
That talent lives in our children too!
1: Announce them quickly!
2: Wait, don't rush.
They are making their debut here now!
1: That’s right, Denis, the group that will now appear in front of our audience will be on this stage for the first time.
2: Meet, young stars acting skills- theater group "Surprise". Head Alisa Olegovna Pstyga. "Primitive New Year"

1: In our area the accordion can be heard from all sides,
Walking down the street. Why should she lie there in vain?
2: And the free song is alive and asks in the heart,
And no one can hold this song.
1: Dear friends, your applause to the ensemble of harmonists. For diploma holders international competition accordionists named after Gennady Zavolokin - the Sidorov brothers.
1: May the New Year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And at work - let it sound
Cheerful, ringing laughter!
2: Let a true friend be nearby
Both on holiday and in bad weather!
And let it come into your home like a snowball
Happiness always comes!
1: The first part of the reporting concert of the creative groups of the cultural center “In the New Year with Good Friends” is completed.
2: Break_____ minutes.
/Mus. – closing the curtain/

/Mus. – opening of the curtain – exit of the presenter/
2Ved: Dear friends, we continue the program of the reporting concert.
Oh! And then, according to the script, the words of my co-host Olga Where is she?
/Mus. – exit of the dressed-up presenter (modern outfit with New Year’s paraphernalia, in the form of bunny ears/
2: Well, finally! I was already starting to worry!
1: Dear friends, we are opening the second branch of our program.
2 (interrupts): Stop! Stop! Olga, what kind of outfit are you wearing and what’s on your head?
After all, we need to continue to conduct the concert program of the reporting concert “In the New Year with Good Friends”? Have you mixed up all the programs?
1: And Denis, I didn’t mix anything up. You yourself just said that we need to host a concert called “In the New Year with Good Friends.”
Do you know what the New Year 2011 will be like according to the Eastern calendar?
2: No, I'm not into that.
1: And I will answer. 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Therefore, my outfit corresponds to the cheerful festive New Year mood!
By the way, on this magnificent day, I want to give you, Denis, a New Year’s gift. Try it on, please!
(hands over rabbit ears - Ved. puts them on himself)
1: Dear friends, the rabbit is a harmless, cute animal that will definitely bring you and me sincere happiness, true love, good health and a great mood.
2: And indeed, my soul became more cheerful! I feel like the new year is coming! Time to sing!?
1: Of course! Greet Evgeniy Ilyukhin, soloist of the vocal association “Crystal”, with thunderous applause. The song "Lady Love" is playing

1: Get up, honest people,
A meeting with art awaits you!
2: Now we have arrived for the holiday
oriental beauties!
1: Everyone has their own secret
But there are no secrets for you!
2: The young ladies will tell you everything,
They will show their skills!
1 On stage, the ensemble “The Many Faces of the East” - “Conversation of Drums”

Denis, do you agree that children are a wonder of the world?

Of course, Olga! .. Tell me, what films did you like to watch as a child?
1.You know, Denis, I have always loved watching fabulous, extraordinary, breathtaking, but simply not probable stories. For example – “Pippi Longstocking”
2. Are you thinking the same thing as me?
1Yes, it's time to invite children's ensemble"Grace". They will present a song called “Pippi Longstocking”

1: New Year is a holiday of miracles and magic!
We invite you, dear friends, to verify this once again.
I have a silver lump in my hands that makes a wish come true. I'll throw it into the hall. We ask whoever catches the lump to go up on stage. So, catch it!
/Music background - the one who caught the com comes out /
1: Today our hall is full of beautiful wonderful people. Namely, you were lucky enough to catch the magic ball. And we would like to ask you a few questions.
2- please introduce yourself.
1- do you often visit cultural and leisure programs held in our recreation center?
2- Which team or individual creative person is our scene more attractive to you?
1- Do you have any big plans or dreams for 2011? (Which?)
1Thank you! And now the fulfillment of your wish - a New Year's gift and applause from everyone present!
/prize presentation. The lucky one leaves the stage/

2 And now it’s like in a fairy tale
The eastern star is dancing!
1: Diploma winner of the Siberian Open Cup in Oriental Dance 2010, soloist of the Jasmine ensemble Svetlana Sivirgina. "Unsolved Magic"

1: First we played,

2: Then they sang,

1: And in a year they will dance

2: Ensemble of girls on stage –

1: It's called "Milady"!

2: Show – group “Milady”, director Tatyana Khaimina. The song "You" is playing.

1. And here come the heroes,
The ensemble has long been known to us!

2.Plastic movements
He will surprise us today
He will dedicate his number to you.

1 meet, break dance team “Proniks” with dance composition"Street Dancing"!


1: Leaving old year rustles it last page.
Let the best that happened never go away, and let the worst never happen again!

2: So that the songs and dances never cease.
Happy New Year!
1: Happy New Happiness!
(in chorus): May trouble pass us by!

Evgeny Ilyukhin and the ensemble “Slides” - “Happy New Year, friends”
1 Dear friends, the time has come to invite to this stage the director of the cultural center, an honored worker in the field of culture and art - Galina Nikolaevna Sikorskaya! Your applause!
/congratulatory speech, presentation of gifts to amateur performance participants/
(Final words from the presenters):
1 Yes, great this time
It's a holiday - it's ours!
2: We had a lot of fun,
Together with creativity!
1: We say thank you to everyone,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
2: You, named artists!
You, young talents!
1 And of course the audience,
Creativity of connoisseurs!
With coming
(in chorus): Happy New Year!
2: Goodbye!
1: See you again!
/Mus. – the curtain closes/

Location: Green Grove

Time spending: 11.00h.

From 09.00 In the morning, the broadcast of the holiday begins over sound reinforcement equipment and loudspeakers, where the announcers invite everyone to relax in the lap of nature and have fun with live music.

From 10.00 a.m. installation of parking lots, courtyards and yurts of each rural club and rural House of Culture of the region begins.

From 11.00 a.m. official opening begins national holiday"With a song through life." Speech by officials.

Upon completion of the girls’ official speech, national costumes They present bread, salt and honey to officials.

Welcome to the folk song festival!

We welcome everyone, we meet everyone.

According to Russian customs

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

WITH kind words and with love,

And with bread and salt.

A Bashkir dance is performed by the choreographic ensemble “Mischievous Youth” (director R. Deinichenko)

Two presenters in Russian national costumes appear on stage to the accompaniment of a cheerful Russian folk song.

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Presenter 2:

Good afternoon, sir! We are glad to see us at our holiday! And we have gathered here to listen to songs, sing, dance, and learn about the song!

Presenter 1:

In the old days they said: “Whoever lives with a song is sickened by grief.”
“As one lives, so one sings”
“Where there are songs, there is youth”
“Song is the soul of the people.”

Presenter 2:

From time immemorial, the song has always been with a person both in joy and in sorrow. From
from birth until death.

A young girl comes out, with a wreath on her head and in a national costume.

Lead 2:

Where did Russian music come from?
Either in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy or pain,
Or in a bird whistle?
Tell me where from
There is sadness and daring in you,
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
In whose heart did you beat,
Who did you sound like?

Girl /in Russian costume/:

Ducks flew by - they dropped their pipes,
The geese flew by and dropped the harp,
Their spring

I found it, I wasn’t surprised...

Presenter 1: Well, what about the song?

Young woman:I was born with a song in Rus' .

A girl comes out with a doll in her arms. "Lullaby" sounds.

Presenter 1:

The Russian song is open spaces,
Which we will have to follow for the rest of our lives,
This is Father Don near Rostov.
This is Mother Volga on the way.
The Russian song is a shepherd's song,
Dewy, joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute and listen -
You will be heard, my friend. .

Lead 2:

No matter what a person did - reaping bread, mowing hay, floating timber or pulling a barge - song helped him everywhere. Our dear viewers and guests! On the stage of the festive program folk ensemble Russian and Ukrainian songs “Kuderushki” with the folk song “Under the wide window”.

Presenter 1:

I am for a soulful song
Took the forests green whisper,
And the Volga has a mid-day heat
The dark jets were heard to rumble.
Took from autumn - bad weather,

Spring has a fragrance,
I took the people's happiness
And immeasurable suffering .

Presenter 2:

They sang while doing handicrafts, sang about the hard lot of women. The people pitied the woman and in songs affectionately called her swan, duckling, baby bird, mountain ash. We meet the folk ensemble of Ukrainian songs “Khutorok”. (with needlework in hands)

Presenter 1:

Why are you touching my heart?
A song of soulful old times?
Is there a lofty soul living in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon fly behind the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you emerge as a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.
All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to their relatives and friends. On the stage of the festive program is the Bashkir folk ensemble "Amanat".

Presenter 2:

Then you lead the round dances into the field,

You burn yourself while dancing!

You are forever in tune with the Russian lot,

My spring song!

Remember: a coachman dies in the steppe, or a wounded soldier in an open field in last minute- their thoughts are turned to home, to father and mother. Russian people sing about life, about their lot in songs. Russian folk song "Oh Kalina on the Hill." The folk ensemble "Kuderushki" is on stage.

Presenter 1:

The song appeared a long time ago. Back then there was no actual division between stories and songs. Slowly, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And these song-stories were called epics.

Presenter 2:

And there were also buffoons wandering around the world - jacks of all trades: they could sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. People still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady flea lived in a green forest.” That's what those songs are called - buffoons.

Presenter 1:

Well, in those rare times, cheerful dance songs were played on holidays, accompanied by an accordion and with choruses! We meet the Tatar folk ensemble “Anzheler”.
(Dance song, ditties.)

Presenter 2:

How it will tighten, how it will flood
Our Orthodox people,
After all, where does everything come from?
It goes straight to the heart!
Sing about the tempo of the night
Or about white snow.
About a merchant's daughter,
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Or about Mother River
About sadness and grief, About heartbreak.

Presenter 1:

And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun. Russian folk song"Hen". On the stage festive program folk ensemble of Russian songs “Sudarushka”.

Presenter 2:

In Rus' they always loved to sing in chorus, together. This worked out great in round dances led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances. We knew a lot of round dance songs, and we will now hear one of them performed by the Kuderushki folk ensemble. And we ask all guests and spectators to join our wonderful round dance!!!

(A round dance song sounds)

Presenter 1:

In addition to round dance songs, there were also round dance games, in which they sang and played.

(Round dance game.)

Presenter 2:

One of the songs contains the following words: “What is a song without a button accordion.” What else? What's a song without...?

/accordions, balalaikas/.

Presenter 1:

I haven't heard from you for a long time,
Three flowing strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it to me,
Ring all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.
You’re not shy even now,
You are alone in the whole country,
You can do it brilliantly
Touch the Russian string.
With a daring people's heart
You've become close forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

Presenter 2:

A Russian song is not naked,
Not rowdy, not hysterical sadness.
This is a silent resolution
Sit next to him and look into his eyes.
She embraces everything with her heart,
She is both 20 and 1000 years old.
Russian song, Russian land
I love you so much that there are no more words !

Presenter 1:

The song was part of a person’s spiritual life, a support in his hard work and worries. The song still makes us happy and sad, love and be disappointed, live and die. The song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common Home- Russia.

Lead 2:

Rus' is mighty even in song,
Wide and deep
Both free and thunderous,
And free, and call.
Oh yes songs, what kind of songs,
Our people are singing!
Golden, daring,
Russian songs, live -
Well done!
“Song about Russia” - performed by the folk ensemble “Kuderushki”.

Presenter 1::

And now the guests are your turn,
Who will sing ditties here?
(Competition "Merry ditties")

Presenter 2:

Our fun party Let's continue together.
Our competition "Are you weak?"
Let's announce it together!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.
1.Who will split the board with his fist?
2. Who will drink milk from a bottle first, etc.
At the end, the men swear, “After the holiday it’s easy, we’ll only drink milk.”

Presenter 1:

Well done to our men, you did your best! And now we move on, we choose dancers!

Presenter 2:

All dancers are welcome!

Presenter 1:

Hey harmonicas, play it

Presenter 2:

Choose the best dancers of our holiday!

There is a competition of dancers to Tatar music.

Presenter 1:

And now for all of you

There will be a Russian dance.

Who will dance more fun?

Come here quickly.

The presenters read in turn:

Quadrille - an ancient dance,

Favorite in Rus'.

Through centuries, centuries

Now we are dancing.

Our grandfathers knew how

Rest your soul:

And work in the field

And have fun hanging out.

Play, merry accordion,

And sing the balalaika,

Take a walk, my dear,

I'm following you.

“What a nice couple!” -

All the people marvel.

“What a brave fellow!

Leads with his beauty!”

With a smooth gait

Mannered and easy

A girl dances with a guy

To spite the rivals...

Years and centuries have passed.

The people are no longer the same

But he remembers his ancestors

Protects with love.

And here is the old dance,

Famous in Rus',

Through centuries, centuries

Now we're dancing...

Dance "Quadrille". Performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth". We invite everyone to dance in the clearing.

Presenter 2:

Among the people, song is inseparable from life, like the soul from the body.

Russian song in the birches,

Russian song in bread -

In the mowing, in the frost,

On a sleigh and in the meadows.

Rowan trees rustle in the wind.

Everyone is ready to listen to them!

How many songs does Russia have -

There are so many flowers in the field.

I don’t know who put it together.

Only that song is good.

A song dear to me from childhood

Both a friend and a sister!

And her words are simple

It touches your soul to tears.

How many songs does Russia have -

There are so many birch trees in the groves.

Russian songs are like this

What a desire to sing along,

How many songs does Russia have -

Presenter 1:

Low bow to you, good people!

Happiness, health and long life...

Who can judge us for our songs?

If there are no songs, there is no life.

Clear sky above

We would like to wish you

Glory, feasts, plenty of bread,

Live with songs and don’t lose heart.

Presenter 2:

The Russian proverb says: “There is time for work, and an hour for fun!”

Now the moment of farewell has come.

Our speech will be short,

We say to you: “Goodbye!

See you happy next time!”

The main action on stage is over. Next comes a concert program of solo vocalists. The jury evaluates parking lots and courtyards. The results are being summed up. End of the holiday.

Preparation plan for the national holiday

"With a song through life"


Job title



Installation of sound reinforcement equipment


Safin I.M.

Preparing a holiday script


Ganiev N.R.

Khomyakova M.A.

Preparing a script for a theatrical performance


Arslanova A.T.

Rehearsal of a musical block and theatrical performance


Lomanets V.A.

Khomyakova M.A.

Ganiev N.R.

Lynnik I.P.

Arslanova A.T.

Deinichenko R.Kh.

Installation/dismantling of stage structures


Osmanov M.A.

Preparation, sewing and repair of costumes


Karpova N.F.

Transportation of amateur art participants


Sharafutdinov R.Z.

Artistic director – S. Tupitso