Scenario for the 45th anniversary. Scenario for a woman's anniversary

Scenario for a woman's anniversary (30 years)

Guests stand in the corridor! (with balls!)
The birthday girl enters (to fanfare!)

Birthday is a special date!
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
Let there be happiness and fun
After all, this is the only thing we live for,
And we say: “Happy Birthday! Have a bright and joyful day!”
(The guests shout three times: “Congratulations!”

And it's time to honor these minutes
We can hear the anniversary fireworks here!
And now, dear birthday girl, in honor of the anniversary, the guests have prepared for you a magical drink, infused with forty herbs of love, good mood and the best wishes (the hero of the day drinks the drink to the applause of the guests).

A word to the hero of the day.

1st feast:

1. One song says “Birthday is a sad holiday!” But for the birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is an occasion to come to the person, his friends and say what is in our hearts!

Happy anniversary, ...,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
A toast to your happiness
We've been in a hurry for a long time.
Let all troubles go away
And let the sorrows go away,
Only joy to you,...,
Let your years carry you.
Be cheerful and happy
And beautiful as it is now.
May good luck accompany you
Every day and every hour.

Q: And now I invite the guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink while standing for the anniversary of our birthday girl!
Q: Dear friends, now I suggest you listen to the rules of behavior at our anniversary. Or rather, the anniversary charter!
(the charter sounds!!!)
Q: Today the birthday girl’s closest and dearest person is present at the anniversary - her mother!
On this day, dear..., I really want to tell you such good kind words:
There are golden domes
There are golden herbs
But there is nothing more beautiful
Than my mother's hands!
Dear guests! Let's greet mom with friendly loud applause... After all, she is also a birthday girl today!
Dear friends! 30 years ago,…. July 19..., angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the first-born in the family, a girl - ...!
Q: Dear... (addressing mother)!
Do you remember the day when you brought... from the maternity hospital? What was she like?
Years have passed - how do you remember her at 7 years old?
What was she like at 18?
How do you see her now?
(Congratulations to mom and dad) - toast!!!
Toast: Let's fill our glasses and, according to tradition, drink while standing to our parents - they deserve it!

Q: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition of lighting a candle on all birthday holidays, etc. fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, beauty and goodness. I suggest you, ..., also light a candle. May the flame of this light never go out, giving light and warmth to your loved ones, and may only the most beloved and dear people gather for this light, just like today.
Q: Our birthday girl’s younger sister is at our table! You grew up in the same family, two girls. Two closest friends. Surely, you trusted each other with your deepest secrets, shared secrets. Tell us your most memorable, most unforgettable childhood moments.

Sister's toast!!!

Musical game “Heart”

Q: And today at our festive table there is a charming little girl, our closest and dearest little person, our daughter, and we will now find out what’s in her heart...? What's your mom like?

Congratulations to your daughter!

Q: Game with guests: “Embarrassed birthday boy.”
Dear friends, I want to ask you what the hero of the day should be like on his birthday - happy, cheerful, and at the same time he should be a little more... (what?), and whoever names the most definitions will receive a prize from the hero of the day!

Toast: to the sincere wishes of the guests! - a kiss from the hero of the day!

Break: musical pause.

2nd feast:

Q: I must say that our birthday girl is a happy person; so many good close friends and relatives have gathered around her today, who walked next to him throughout her life, were together in both sorrow and joy. And now I want to hand over the microphone to my close relatives...!

Game with guests: Bouquet of flowers from muses. compositions

Q: Congratulations to the guests!

Game with guests: Who knows the birthday girl better - 2 pairs, questions and answers.

Q: Congratulations to the guests

Q: A popular proverb says: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.” Today our friends came to congratulate our birthday girl.

Game with guests: today there have already been so many good words and congratulations addressed to the hero of the day, and now let’s all think about it together and I invite you to name the best human qualities of the hero of the day starting with the letter “O”, whoever names the most words will receive a prize from the hero of the day.

Q: Congratulations to the guests

Break: musical pause.

(games Brook, Little Engine, Gypsies, “Medley”, dance with a handkerchief, “Ribbons”)

3rd feast:

Q: Like any other woman, our birthday girl loves to receive kisses, and let us now try to kiss her together (guests on the team must give a choke and a kiss to the hero of the day - 2 teams) - a toast to the hero of the day!!!

Game with guests: super prize from the hero of the day (a bottle of wine).

Game with guests: Auction (based on the riddles of the hero of the day) - for the auction prepare: a can of beer, men’s underpants, an apron, an apple;

Songs (in envelopes), put together a verse of a song from the words and perform it for the hero of the day.
Final words from the presenter.

Scenario for a woman's anniversary (45 years)

Dear Colleagues! Dear birthday girl, Nadezhda Nikolaevna! We ask everyone to sit down at the table and pour what is due!
Why are there so many people?
All my friends have gathered here,
For a well-deserved rest,
They came to congratulate you.
Today we, in a friendly, cheerful company, in our so-called “banquet hall,” decided to congratulate the hero of the day.
Well, here you are 45,
How quickly the years rush by,
But for a reason like this
Don't be upset!
Of course it's not 17
And far from 25,
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be sad!
A string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's take an honest look:
What were you like before?
I walked - my ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
Features are rounded:
Lush bust, hip, whatever you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones.
And those eyes with a sparkle
They'll drive anyone crazy!
They say that at 45
Baba berry again
And popular rumor
Right from time immemorial.
You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light beyond the earth that never goes out.
And therefore, without further ado, I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion.
What a wonderful inflorescence of guests is present at this table! Everyone is attracted by the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, special charm and uniqueness, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather.
For example, an ant
Could have been among the guests.
This nice worker
I'll tell you, I'm not a miser at all.
For such a celebration
He has tons of gifts.
But today he's not there
But next door is a neighbor -
Our military commander.
Over to you, dear Georgy Georgievich!
With a gift
I suggest you drink to these wonderful wishes!
You cried when you were born,
And everyone around was laughing...
But we actually had a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones can be, they are afraid of colds, and they have a lot of smarts, so to prevent her ears from getting swollen, her head from getting hot, and also to prevent different thoughts from creeping into her head, we decided to give her a cap.
(The presenter puts the cap on her)
And you all know that little ones are so inept and so clumsy that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything around them, so that this doesn’t happen we give her an apron.
(The presenter puts on an apron)
And I also want to add to the above that young pensioners get upset about any reason, they always worry very loudly about everything, so their eyes are always wet. So that our pensioner would not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier.
(The presenter puts on a pacifier on a ribbon)
And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a young pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!
Dear guests! Dear hero of the day! Now greet guests from far abroad with friendly applause. The Italians have arrived.
Italian - Brilliant, blooming, winter scented, hero of the day.
Translator - Dear hero of the day!
I. - And sit for free, drunkenly stupid here.
P. - Dear guests!
I. - Get out of here with the figato as soon as possible.
P. - We welcome everyone who is here.
I. - The convict hard worker hasn’t received a damn dollar.
P. - Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.
I. - Teach, read, read, write and write, and then kick out.
P. - Workers of media, education, and culture.
I. - Bandit, shot, caught, imprisoned.
P. - Militia workers, police, security departments.
I. - Their other lords are lazy.
P. - And other other workers.
I. - Slurp on anything.
P. - I arrived on a special flight.
I. Italy has a stubborn light in his eyes.
P. - From sunny Italy.
I. - Congratulations to the hero of the day Nadezhda.
P. - Congratulate the hero of the day Nadezhda.
I. - Toschito damn chatto from Italiano in Chechanto different nonsense.
P. - I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends.
I. - It’s all unnecessary.
P. - And small modest gifts.
I. - Spervato vyruchento italiano belly rastimo, zhironakoplento, ek recektiro.
P. - First, our Spaghetti straws
I. - It’s very tasty, sauce, rewarding.
P. - Add sauce to the straw for color
I. - It stinks a mile away, the head is chipollinn from the mafioso structure.
P. - For the smell especially from the Sicilian mafia - onions.
I. - Spilled, poured and underfilled.
P. - The famous Amaretto liqueur
I. - Pomerento wished forgiven.
P. - In conclusion, I would like to wish.
I. - The back is not painful, the nose is not chihanto, the catfish are cusanto, the legs are shaganto.
P. - Health.
I. - Copanto in the garden, tidying up in the house, taskanto bags, success everywhere.
P. - Youth, long life.
I. - Don’t swear, always love and respect your friends.
P. - Friends, happiness.
I. - Always pour a drink for the hero of the day Nadezhda!
P. - Let's drink to the hero of the day Nadezhda!
Now let's play a little
The lights in the room go out.
Anniversary candles are lit -
Congratulations, hero of the day!
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.
Let it be in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...
Let me wish you on holiday -
Let happiness be only a help.
We wish you good luck, ardor, heat,
We wish you health again,
And again we will tell the hero of the day
All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS!
So that luck awaits you along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And we will also ask you in addition -
Manage to blow out these candles!
And again the angels trumpet
To remember those girls:
Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubasha -
We went to death for our faith!
Their names contain the basis of life:
We serve our fatherland with faith,
Life begins in love,
Dreams are connected with hope,
And without a dream, life is impossible.
It’s difficult for us to live without our Nadia.
We love her, respect her,
We consider her the best friend.
Hope fills us again
Hope for the cherished hour,
Since Nadya lives among us:
She will bring us happiness.
And we congratulate Nadezhda
And on her name day we wish her
To be our earthly compass
And a golden talisman!
The hero of the day’s friends come up to her and sing congratulations to the tune of the song “Snowfall.”
Girlfriends sing.
Dear Nadezhda!
Accept in the prime of life
Our warm, warm greetings,
And, without hiding our feelings,
We will raise our cups for you!
The owner of the house holds two sets of cards in two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it out loud to everyone present. The point of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, the only important thing is that the number of questions matches the number of answers.
Sample questions for cards.
1. Does your loved one torment you with jealousy?
2. When do you have to smile forcibly?
3. Do you compliment your boss?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. Do you often put wine on the table?
6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?
7. Do you respect alcoholic drinks?
8. Are you ever delighted with erotica?
9. Do you remember those who previously loved you?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you step on others’ toes?
12. How often do you quarrel with friends?
13. Are you jealous of your other half?
14. Is your character sometimes intolerable to others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like playing the fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?
19. Do you want to go to America?
20. Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family?
21. Do you use obscene words in conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Do you feel tired from work?
24. Do you criticize our government?
25. Are you capable of noble deeds?
26. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?
Sample answers.
1. It never happened and never will.
2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
3. It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
5. Only when you are in a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and more than once.
9. Whenever I go to bed.
10. I had to suffer from this.
11. Only half asleep and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in a restaurant.
13. I won’t tell you under torture.
14. This is my hobby.
15. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
16. It happened once.
17. When there are guests in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without it.
20. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.
21. If there is no other half nearby.
22. When kicked out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant to me.
24. When my loved ones don’t see me.
25. At night under the blanket.
26. Only in thoughts.
Each of the guests present is invited to remember and write down a few lines from the six most favorite songs. After the guests fulfill the condition, they are offered a clue:
1. The first song is the feeling after the first kiss.
2. The second is memories after the first wedding night.
3. The third is a reminder of the honeymoon.
4. The fourth - a year after the wedding.
5. Fifth - what am I thinking about today, when today we are together with you.
6. Sixth - the morning after the golden wedding.
All men of the celebration are invited. The presenter offers to play fishing. “Let’s take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into the imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly the imaginary water begins to wet our feet and the presenter suggests rolling up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher.” The funny thing is that when everyone’s trousers are already pulled up to the limit The presenter stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs. there will be laughter!!!
Congratulations-joke for the anniversary
3 sundresses, 3 scarves, 3 brooms (brooms are better), 1 accordion (you can use a child’s one).
The most active, cheerful men are selected from the guests, dressed in sundresses, given props and the text of ditties written on postcards. It is advisable to conduct a rehearsal before the performance itself. Then the host of the anniversary asks the hero of the day to accept congratulations from the fabulous, mysterious old ladies. And Babok Ezhek invites him to the hall. The ideal option would be if you have an accordion player who can play Babok Ezhek's ditties from the film "The Flying Ship", or if you have a recorded phonogram without a voice.
Text of ditties.
All: Stretch the bellows, accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
It's Nadyusha's birthday
Drink, don't talk!
One: Walked along the forest side,
The anniversary ran behind me:
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!
One: The drunkest of the guests -
It's someone's anniversary
Even though I don’t believe it myself
These superstitions.
One: And Nadyusha is cheerful,
And beautiful and slim,
I called people here
To celebrate the anniversary!
One: How old is she -
This is not a secret at all!
She will always be twenty years old
Even at 80 years old!
One: Let's drink to Love,
So that vodka warms the blood,
For the health of Lyubushka,
Darlings - darlings!
One: I was walking back home,
The anniversary was following me.
I thought it was a man
What the hell is this!
Then Grandmas Hedgehogs perform a small impromptu dance and leave.
This comic test is designed for married couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles), are married men who are present - of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same. The person conducting the test asks the married couple to look at the side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. And so, he, the husband, -
Affectionate as...
Strong like...
Sociable as...
Authoritative as...
Independent like...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Amorous as...
Brave as...
Beautiful as...
Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are named. So, "Your Wife":
In transport like...
With relatives like...
With work colleagues like...
In the store it's like...
At home it's like...
In a cafe or restaurant like...
With the boss how...
In a friendly company like...
In bed like...
In the doctor's office it's like...

Scenario for a woman's anniversary (50 years)

Scenario "Twenty-five again."
A detailed, interesting and funny script that will appeal to the birthday girl and her guests.
Guests gather in the banquet hall. The hero of the day meets them and quietly goes into the next room to make a ceremonial exit when the presenter announces this.
Host: Good evening to everyone present! This evening cannot but be good, because it is dedicated exclusively to a kind, pleasant and wonderful person... But maybe someone present still doesn’t know what kind of person he is? Try to guess who we are talking about. So here's the description:
— her dazzling smile disarms even the most harmful and conflicted person;
- her energy, overflowing, energizes even the most dull non-smokers;
- the sea of ​​talents that nature has endowed her amazes even the most recognized geniuses;
— her sensitivity can melt the harshest heart...
So who is it? Well, of course, this is everyone’s beloved and respected Olga (name of the hero of the day). Meet us!
Solemn music plays, the hero of the occasion enters the hall, she is greeted with applause, and the host escorts her to her place at the head of the table.
Host: That's what she is - our heroine of the evening! Spectacular women should appear spectacularly!
Olga has a very important anniversary today. And although you shouldn’t talk about a lady’s age, this is not at all the case when you need to hide and be shy. Wonderful, beautiful Olga is twenty-five again today!
The solemn intro sounds.
Host: Look how many people came to congratulate this beautiful woman! All her family, friends, and colleagues are here. And everyone prepared wonderful surprises and congratulations for her. So, Olya, you will see and hear a lot of interesting things about yourself today... And for starters, the first toast! For you, Olya, for your holiday!
Game "Big Name"
The host invites the guests to remember as many famous and great people as possible who bear or bore the same name as the hero of the occasion. Whoever is the most active will receive a prize.
The presenter can also prepare in advance and find out which of the great people was born on the same day as the hero of the day, and talk about this fact. But it is imperative to emphasize that all geniuses and stars pale before the merits of the beautiful hero of the occasion.
Then the presenter gives the floor to family and friends.
Congratulations from husband on anniversary to wife
Husband: Friends! I have known this unearthly woman for a very long time. And despite this, I never cease to admire her. Moreover, every year I admire him more and more. And by today, as many as fifty qualities have accumulated for which I love her... Yes, yes, I will bore you, but I will definitely list them all!
Hard work.
Sense of humor.
Stress resistance.
And finally, the most important thing is love for your family!
...I got such an ideal woman, I don’t know for what merit! We recently celebrated a silver (you need to insert your own version) wedding. I raise a toast to you, my dear!
The husband gives his gift and kisses his wife. The toastmaster thanks you for the original congratulations. The children are the next to congratulate.
Congratulations from children on mother's anniversary
How often do we stubbornly insist,
That we ourselves know everything in the world,
Why is my mother giving advice in vain?
After all, we are not little children.
No wonder mom
Such speeches offend
After all, this is the very, very, very
A dear and close person!
But the truth is that over the years
We need our mother more and more...
We hasten to confess our love to mom
On this glorious anniversary!
Children hug and congratulate the hero of the day, give a gift, flowers and a big plush heart as a sign of their love.
Host: Bravo, wonderful congratulations! It’s nice to talk in poetry about the best mother in the world... See, I also managed to rhyme, almost like you. In this regard, let us raise our glasses again to Olga!
Then the hero of the day’s colleagues come out to congratulate her.
Congratulations from colleagues
Colleagues: We started preparing for our dear Olya’s anniversary long ago. We thought and wondered. Well, now we’ll show you how it happened...
1st employee: Well, girls, what can we come up with for Olechka’s anniversary? How can I congratulate her in a way that will be remembered for the rest of my life?
2nd employee: Hurray, I came up with it!!! Let's give her a trip to some exotic country! To Mexico, for example!
A phonogram of a Latin American melody sounds, a man dressed like a Mexican comes out - in a large hat, with a guitar, kneels in front of the birthday girl and pretends that he is singing especially for her.
3rd employee: No, no. It will cost a lot, we don’t earn that much. What other options?
1st employee: Then maybe we’ll call the most trusted fortune teller for Olya, let her predict her future!
Gypsy music plays, a woman dressed as a gypsy comes out, takes the birthday girl by the hand and begins to “tell fortunes”:
- Oh, I see you will have untold riches! Oh, you'll be happy! Oh, your children will be happy! All seven!.. What? Don't you have seven? Oh, there will be seven! Honey, just gild your pen and then I’ll tell you everything!
3rd employee: No, no! All this fortune telling is complete nonsense! We need to come up with something else.
2nd employee: Listen! Super idea! Let's pay for a male striptease for her?
A man (or two) comes out to romantic music and performs several dance elements, like a striptease. The audience supports with applause.
3rd employee: Well, no, Olya is married, then her husband will arrange for us...
1st employee (addressing the guests): That’s what we thought, thought, and racked our brains. And they decided to sing for Olechka themselves! Can't we?
Colleagues perform the song “Ah, Olechka.”
The song “Ah, Olechka” (to the tune of the song “Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka” from the film “Carnival Night”).
Ah, Olya, Olya, Olechka
(replace with the name of the hero of the day),
Well, who didn’t know this?
Our Olechka is famous
With its beauty
The most pleasant character,
Graceful manners
And Olechka at work
An example for us all!
- Can't be!
- Imagine this,
An example for us all!

Our Olechka everywhere
And everyone loves and waits
Once upon a time our Olechka
They called me to Hollywood.
There are millions of dollars there
They promised her
But our close-knit team
Sweeter for Olechka!
- Can't be!
- Imagine this,
Sweeter for Olechka!

Ah, Olya, Olya, Olechka
Success awaited everywhere
I noticed our Olechka
One Arab sheikh.
He lured me into a harem,
Gave her gifts.
But our team is Olechka
Still cute!
- Can't be!
- Imagine this,
Still cute!
Where Olya appears,
It's getting warmer
How Olya smiles
More fun for everyone!
She has a ton of girlfriends
And many friends...
Also at our Olechka's
Today is the anniversary!
- Can't be!
- Imagine, today is the anniversary!
...Happy anniversary to you, dear Olya, have a wonderful holiday. May the source from which you draw your cheerfulness, optimism, and your love for people never dry up!
Host: Thank you for your creative congratulations! You can't help but raise a toast to this! And let’s wish her the very best, excellent health, because health is the harmony of soul and body, and this is the most important thing for a person!
After this, you can take a short break.
Host: Friends, since we are talking about soul and body, we cannot help but note that our Olga has both in perfect order and deserves all praise! And we have one more little surprise, or rather not very small, judging by the external dimensions. Dear men could not stay away from such an event and prepared their congratulations in accordance with modern trends!
Attention, dear guests: now these people will read a rap to the hero of the day!
Two or three men from acquaintances or relatives come out, dressed in fashionable caps, chains, and dark glasses. They rap one verse at a time, in turns.
"Anniversary" rap
How is it in our area?
There is a beauty anywhere,
This chick's name is Olya,
She drove everyone crazy!
The boys cry and sob
They are suffering under her window,
This is how things are in our city!
From dawn to dusk
Guys have no peace
They are waiting for Olya to come out,
Olya will tell them: “Hello!”
Go around half the world,
But there are no people like Olya,
That’s why there is no peace in my soul!
But one day we found out:
Now Olya is not alone,
She chose someone else
Not one of our boys!
In vain they sang songs to her
And they stood under the windows,
The war was lost for her love!
For you, dear Olya,
We read this rap
If anything is not true,
Don't take it to heart.
We are not musicians at all,
Self-made talents,
Reward us with a smile for this!
Everyone applauds.
Host: Yes, after this, anyone in the place of Olga’s husband would have tensed up! Such eagles dedicate a real rap to her! This means that the next toast will be for our dear birthday girl to hear such sincere and beautiful words every day, because she fully deserves them!
After the toast: And now comes the most touching moment of our celebration. Not because the birthday girl can be touched, but because the people closest to her - her husband and children - will congratulate her. It often happens in life that there is simply no time to say a few good words to the person closest to you. But holidays exist to correct this!
The husband and children (if any) congratulate and present gifts.
The host proposes a toast to the birthday girl’s family, to all her household members, so that they are healthy and always make her happy.
Then the rest of the relatives congratulate.
If the elderly parents of the hero of the day are present in the hall, you need to pay special attention to these people.
After congratulations, the host announces a break and dancing. During the dance break, several competitions can be held.
Competition "Gender Change"
There should be a good prize at stake, for example a bottle of champagne.
The host explains to the dancing couples that when the music is interrupted, the couple must quickly exchange some object with each other (from what they are wearing). The last couple to do so is eliminated and the dance continues. The winning couple is praised for the resulting avant-garde outfit and awarded.
Competition "Puzzle"
Hidden in the hall where the celebration is taking place are letters cut out of colored paper that make up the phrase “Congratulations on your anniversary.” These could also be pieces of a large photograph of the hero of the day. Guests must find and collect all the fragments; the one who finds the last fragment gets a prize.
Presenter (after a break): Sit down, friends, and let's continue our holiday. While you were dancing, several strange SMS messages arrived on the mobile phone of our hero of the occasion. And with her silent consent, allow me to voice them:
* * *
Let your life turn into a continuous storm... of positive emotions!
Best wishes, Hydrometeorological Center
* * *
In honor of your fiftieth birthday, our bank has opened a special account for you. You will be able to use it after the next fifty years.
Swiss bank
* * *
Your resume has been reviewed and is of great interest. Come to the interview immediately.
Model agency "Yagodka again"
* * *
Your application to join the “Who is for...” club cannot be satisfied for one reason. You look too young!
Club Directorate
* * *
No cosmetics will spoil me.
Your beauty
* * *
According to the star calendar, this day is favorable for making new acquaintances. Don't avoid old acquaintances either!
Astrologer Tamara Globa
* * *
Are you rocking? Then we go to you!
Fire brigade
Host: Yes, with the advent of mobile communications, even this is possible! And I have an offer to play one game... Dear Olga, don’t be alarmed, you won’t have to do anything, but still get ready, because we’ll be talking about you!
Game "Animal World"
You need to prepare pictures with images of different animals (you can cut them out from somewhere). The host takes turns taking out pictures, and the guests’ task is to quickly say how the hero of the occasion resembles this animal.
Let’s say a squirrel is economical, thrifty, etc.
The main thing is that the pictures are chosen without offensive hints (for example, so that you don’t have to compare them with a monkey, a crocodile, etc.). The one who gives the most and most original answers is given a small prize.
Host: Friends, how many wonderful words were spoken today in honor of our birthday girl! I think Olga has something to say in response.
The hero of the day is given a response.
Presenter (after the response): Thank you dear birthday girl for these words and this evening, thank you to everyone for your congratulations and gifts. A lot of them were given, but
We have a few more useful little things for Olya that are simply necessary for a real woman! So...
A real woman is the keeper of the hearth.
That's why we give her a box of matches so that her fireplace always burns hot!
A real woman is a master of all trades.
So we give her rubber gloves so that those hands will always remain beautiful and gentle, no matter how hard they work!
A real woman, in addition to being the mistress of the house, is certainly the personification of beauty.
That's why we give her a mirror so that she can verify this at any time!
A real woman - no matter how old she is or how many years she has been married - always remains a hunter.
Therefore, we give her a bow and arrows, even if they are not quite real, but even toy ones, but they shoot accurately at men’s hearts!
And finally, a real woman always and everywhere feels like a queen.
Of course, Olga is the queen of this evening, and the queen in life. So let's crown her right now!
They take out the prepared paper crown and put it on the hero of the day. A solemn march sounds.
Host: Now we have our own queen! But in order to fully begin to reign, the queen must take an oath. I will read the text, and you answer whether you swear or not:
- I swear to love my subjects (husband, children and grandchildren) and not be too strict towards them.
- I swear not to cut off heads for small offenses, such as: breakfast not delivered to bed, unwashed dishes, unlearned lessons.
— Forgive your subjects some weaknesses, for example, having pets, fishing, watching football and hockey on TV.
- In turn, the subjects undertake to love and respect the queen, give her flowers, all kinds of pleasant little things and a good mood every day!
Let everything in your life, Olya, be just like a king!
And for all the wonderful guests I also have a surprise...
The presenter brings out balloons of three colors. Guests are invited to choose a balloon as a souvenir of the evening. And when they choose, it is announced that these are not just balls, but props for the game “Three Wishes” in honor of the hero of the day.
Holders of, for example, red balloons must kiss the birthday girl, blue balloons must sing a song for her (together or separately), yellow balloons must dance!
Host: Let this wonderful holiday continue, dance, have fun and don’t forget to raise a toast to the health of the beautiful hero of the day!

45 years for any man is an important era in his life. Such a date will not leave anyone indifferent; a person begins to rethink all his actions. For many men, the 45th anniversary is a chance to start life over again, erasing everything bad from memory. Others, on the contrary, are trying to correct some of their actions, make amends for mistakes, change their environment, lifestyle, and devote themselves to activities that have attracted him all his life.

Celebrating a man’s 45th birthday is always a solemn event, gathering at one table not only family and friends, but also colleagues and fellow soldiers. With the help of invitations, all guests will learn about the place and date of the holiday. The venue of the event should be festively decorated. Perfect for this:

  1. decorations (most of which are easy to make at home);
  2. Balloons;
  3. memorabilia (eg photographs).

Usually, to assist in holding such events, you turn to professional agencies, where they can help you set up a hall, offer you a toastmaster, and also create an individual scenario with humor, competitions and songs. This task can also be entrusted to close friends of the hero of the day. There must be a host who should brighten the atmosphere with jokes, hold cool competitions, tell funny and touching stories from the life of the birthday boy, and also offer toasts in honor of the hero of the day.

Feast and dancing

When the solemn part of the holiday comes to an end, the feast begins. The presenter gives the floor to the guests and family of the hero of the day so that they can express their warmest words to him. An excellent solution would be to hold a compliment contest at this time to further honor the birthday person. The guests start with the same phrase, and then the results are summed up, at which the hero of the occasion chooses the best compliment and gives the winner a prize. During the entire event, the birthday person should receive only the most sincere and warm words addressed to him.

Be sure to include in the event plan dance competitions for all those present, where they will have to move energetically to cheerful music or dance in pairs. Such competitions should be interspersed with games at the table, and intellectual competitions with active games.

Anniversary celebration program

To celebrate the 45th anniversary, we have prepared our own version of the script, which you can use as a basis, so let's begin.

Who has a holiday today?
Everyone around knows for sure!
Who receives gifts?
From everyone's friends and girlfriends?
Congratulations to the hero of the day
Nowadays everyone is not too lazy
45 is coming
Not every day!
The right to be the first to congratulate our birthday boy goes to his wife!

My beloved, dear and most desired
I hasten to congratulate you!
As handsome as he was, he remains so,
You are my star in the sky!
Be happy, may there be plenty of health
That's what I can wish for!
May everything you secretly wish come true
And I’ll help you!

Leading: I know that the child of the hero of the day is present here. I'm sure he'll also want to say a few words to his father.

Congratulations from the children

My beloved dad, I can’t tell you
How proud I am of you in these forty-five!
May your temples already be gray,
But I read joy in your eyes!
No you are wiser, no you are stronger
You make people happy with your personality!
I wish you to always be like this
Brave and courageous, cool, mischievous!

Leading: For such kind words, you definitely need to drink to the bottom!
And now it’s time for the hero of the day’s friends to say their warmest words to him.

Congratulations from friends

With you we are not afraid of either the wind or the heat
You sometimes lend a shoulder to all of us.
We will describe you in just one line:
“A wonderful man with the purest soul!”

Quiz “Who knows the hero of the day better.”

Leading: Now we will finally find out who understands the hero of the day the most! Don’t be shy, show your knowledge, and just tell the truth about this man!

Questions for the competition:
When was the birthday boy born?
What is the name of the city in which the hero of the day was born?
The very first toy of the hero of the occasion?
When did you start school?
First rating?
What is the name of the class teacher?
What was the name of your first high school crush?
School friend's name?
When did you get married?
Where and how did the hero of the occasion meet his wife?
Favorite flowers of the hero of the day?
When were the children of the hero of the day born?
Favorite dish from your wife?
Does he like to wear a bow tie?
Favorite hobby?
Where did you go abroad for the first time with your family?
Favorite song?
Favorite singer?
What kind of car does the hero of the occasion have?

When the questions are over, the results are summed up. The person who answers the most questions is given a medal “For a brilliant mind.”

Song for the birthday boy.

Host: Since we have learned so much about the hero of the occasion, let's sing him his favorite song!
The invitees sing a song.
Well, what about such a great choir,
None of us have had a drink yet?
Let's fix it quickly
Pour champagne into your neighbor's glass!

Ode to the birthday boy

Leading: Let's continue the celebration! Poems should be sung at any celebration. But since serious people have gathered here, we must make their task more difficult. (Addresses the guests.) You all have to... write a poem yourself! And not just a poem, but an ode praising the hero of the occasion! The words must be present in the ode: life, strength, mind, builder, home, family, destiny. To help you out, here are a few rhymes you can rely on:

  • hero of the day;
  • radar;
  • hit;
  • case.

To encourage the newly minted poets, the presenter shows the main prize: a bottle of champagne.
All guests, divided into 2 teams, begin to write poems. After a few minutes, the creations are read out. The hero of the day chooses the best poem, and the members of the winning team are awarded the “Honorary Poet” prize and medals.

Competition for the birthday boy's wife

Leading: Everyone knows that a wife should be able to recognize her husband from a thousand. Let's see if this is true! Since our birthday boy is such a sweetheart, his wife will need to smell the scent of her beloved’s heart, ignoring all the steel ones.

The wife is offered different hearts with spices, one of them contains pepper. The wife must choose him (Guessing the heart of the hero of the day.). For the correct choice, she receives a medal “For a keen sense of smell.”

Oh yes woman, there are no words!
I'm ready to faint!
Let's do something like this
Let's fill the glasses to the limit!

Competition "Forecast for the hero of the day"

To predict the fate of the birthday person, an ordinary lotto is used. Each guest pulls out one barrel with a number. Next, each participant must predict what significance this number will play in the fate of the hero of the occasion. For example, the number “6”: “Let 6 apple trees grow in your garden at once.” Number “14”: “I wish that in 14 days unheard of wealth will fall on you” and the like.

Competition for the birthday boy

Presenter: Today we have already seen what a wonderful wife the hero of the day has. Now let's check the spouse himself! (The birthday boy is called to the center of the room) Now we will blindfold the hero of the day, and he must find in the room the one who spent his whole life with him.
Five women, including the wife of the hero of the day, line up in a row. The birthday boy approaches each one and tries to guess where exactly his wife is standing. If he guessed right, he will receive the Man of the Century medal.

Portrait kissing competition

Leading: In the times of Ancient Rome, a man under 45 years of age was considered only a youth, as soon as he reached this age - a youth, and only then - a mature man. We are glad to announce that from now on the birthday boy is officially considered a real young man, which means we must transfer him to the category of kissers. Women, please help us do this by leaving your hot kisses on the portrait of the hero of the occasion in numbered places.
(They bring in a portrait of the birthday boy. The women kiss him in turn on the places under the numbers).

And now for a surprise! We will define happy kisses! (the birthday boy randomly takes out 2 pieces of paper with numbers from the bag. The winners are given a gift containing wigs, false ears and lips with an elastic band, as well as a text with words)

Oh, how good our ladies are!
Now they wish you well from the bottom of their hearts!
(The winners read the text)

1 winner: When we came to the holiday, we found a bachelor party here!
2nd winner: We didn’t expect this, look, our hair stood on end!
1 winner: And our cheeks turned red when they wanted to start without us.
2nd winner: We wanted to pout our lips so much, since you decided to drag us into an adventure!
1 winner: But we will tell you anyway, without regret, only one thing! Our hero of the day is a great guy! We offer you a drink for this!

Since we decided to have a drink,
And everyone has already been poured,
We give our guests the opportunity to
Decide what we're drinking for now!

Competition "Anniversary Disco"

Leading: It's time to stretch your bones a little, a dance competition is announced!
Participants must sit down and dance without getting up from their seats. Each round is danced with different elements of the body.
Round 1 – Lezginka – dance with the whole body.
Round 2 – gypsy girl – don’t move your legs – dance with your shoulders.
Round 3 – cancan – only the legs move.
Round 4 – oriental dance – dance with one hands.
Round 5 – rock and roll – depict the dance with facial expressions.

This ends our amazing evening, which is dedicated to a truly incredible person. And finally, a little competition!

There's no such thing as too much chocolate
It lifts our spirits!
Therefore, I ask without delay
Give chocolate to all the guests!

So that you all have everything “Chocolate!” Let each guest take a bite and say why he thanks the hero of the day.

This concludes the formal part of our evening, but the feast and dancing continue!

So that he will remember it for the rest of his life. But not every birthday person is responsible for organizing his own holiday. Sometimes this task falls on the shoulders of friends and relatives, and in this case, developing a scenario for a woman’s 45th birthday is our main responsibility. But how to do that? How to come up with fun competitions? How to find a good theme? We hasten to please you! Everything is simpler than you might imagine.

At any time you can take a ready-made script for a woman’s 45th birthday on the Vlio website. Specifically, this section presents many interesting scenarios that can turn any celebration into a real hurricane of fun and positive emotions. Not only the hero of the occasion, but also all the guests of the holiday will be surprised. We guarantee this to you.

Spend some of your precious time and find a cool 45th birthday script for a woman on our website. In the end, we work precisely so that you do not lose face at the most crucial moment. Give yourself, your guests and the birthday boy an unforgettable holiday! Take advantage of this chance!

Scenario for a woman's 45th birthday

Any anniversary should be celebrated joyfully and solemnly. And of course, a date such as the 45th anniversary cannot do without it. Therefore, we invite you to lead him through this interesting and very tasty scenario.

"Berry mood" And you will understand why the topic is this way from the first words of the presenter. The holiday can be celebrated at home, but if your financial situation allows, then in a cafe or even a restaurant. We decorate the room with everyone’s favorite holiday detail – balloons. Napkins and tablecloths should have images of different berries. You can also draw posters with a photo of the Anniversary Girl in the middle, and around her a large number of different berries.

And they say that at “45”,
The woman is a berry again,
And true words
Ours is so good
All so ripe
Juicy and ripe,
Let's call her strawberry
And together we will call together!
One-two-three, Hero of the Day (name) - come out!
(they call the hero of the day in chorus, she enters, applause sounds)

This age suits you
Ripeness, juiciness, throughout,
We solemnly welcome you,
We call it a sweet strawberry
And with all our hearts, we solemnly congratulate you on your 45th Anniversary!
(husband or another man of his choice hands the Anniversary a bouquet of 45 inflorescences of her favorite flowers)

Well, now, please come to the table,
And I will hasten to say a toast:
For you (name), my dear,
May you always have complete happiness!
(musical break, meal)

I announce a very tasty competition,
And I invite family couples to come!

The competition is called: “Strawberries and Cream”. 4-5 couples take part. Each couple is given two plates, one with strawberries and the other with whipped cream. Task: a woman takes a berry with her teeth, dips it in cream and gives it to a man, he also takes it with his teeth, all this is done without the help of hands, to rhythmic music. The couple that eats all the berries the fastest will be the winner. Prize: a jar of strawberry jam.

Presenter (toast):
The entertainment was successful
The mood has lifted
Now we will drink to the hero of the day,
Congratulate and praise her!
(musical break, meal)

And now I’m announcing a riddle competition.
And I give gifts to those who answer correctly!

The competition is called: “Berry Riddles”. The presenter asks riddles, the answers to which are the names of different berries. Whoever answers correctly receives gifts. The best gifts for gifts are: good teas with berry additives, kitchen towels and their images, air fresheners for cars with berry scent, etc.


It helps with vision
And does it help with vitamins?
(answer: blueberries)

Her appearance is like a painting to bears,
So juicy and ripe...?
(answer: raspberry)

We collect it red, in the cold,
And in case of a cold, do we close it in jars?
(answer: cranberry)

Everyone is happy to eat it.
Green, black - …7
(answer: grapes)

She's red like a carnation
This forest...?
(answer: strawberries)

Although it is tasty, it has a little bones,
And the name of this berry is yellow -...?
(answer: cloudberry)

This berry is the largest and tastes very sweet,
For the summer harvest, and its name is...?
(answer: watermelon)

This berry blooms like this in spring,
That we all forget about the fruit!
(answer: cherry)

Presenter (toast):
Well, what a berry mood,
It’s a great birthday for our (name),
We congratulate her on this.
And we wish you all the best!
(musical break, meal)

And now a competition for those with a sweet tooth!

The competition is called: “Elusive Jelly.” Everyone is welcome to participate. Everyone is given a table, a chair, a plate of berry jelly and toothpicks are placed on the table. At the command of the presenter, all participants, using toothpicks, begin to hook the jelly and put it in their mouth. But all this is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the jelly slides and it is very difficult to bring it to the mouth. Whoever eats everyone first will be the winner. Prize: large desk calendar with images of berries.

Let's entertain the hero of the day,
And we raise our glasses,
For her 45,
So that she can become even better!
(musical break, meal)

And now the competition is unusual,
A little groovy, but where is the aesthetic!
We will dance with you,
And the berries are delicious to eat!

The competition is called: “Dancing for elimination”. Everyone is welcome to participate. A small table is placed in the middle of the hall, and all sorts of berries are laid out on it on different plates. As soon as the good, rhythmic music starts, everyone turns their backs to the table and starts dancing. But as soon as the music stops, the presenter shouts loudly one of the names of the berries lying and the participants must eat them. Whoever takes a long time to think or who doesn’t get berries is eliminated. And so on until one person, until the winner. Prize: cake.

And now everyone is dancing
With a smile and tipsy!
(good fast music is turned on, all guests dance if desired)

Now let's all take a break,
And again we will invite family couples!

The competition is called: “Blind Taste”. Couples take part. Everyone is blindfolded and given a plate of berries of different varieties and tastes. Taking turns, they blindly begin to put one berry in their mouths, and whoever eats it must guess its name. Whoever doesn't guess correctly is eliminated. And so on until one pair. Prize: 1kg. Strawberries and whipped cream.

Well, now it’s time for a couple of congratulations,
It's time for gifts, smiles, sayings,
I ask you guests to approach the hero of the day.
And say every wish!
(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day)

This is a holiday, this is an anniversary,
And my soul becomes brighter,
How many relatives and how many friends are there?
And there is nothing more expensive or shallow!

Presenter (closing speech):
They say that at 45, a woman is a berry again,
We don’t say this, but confirm it, and again (name), congratulations on your Anniversary! Hooray!
(the holiday continues, meals, dancing, fun)

The scenario can become the basis for celebrations in honor of a woman’s 45th birthday

1) Leading:
So the solemn day has come when exactly 45 years ago our beautiful birthday girl was born. And I want to say these words in honor of her anniversary:
What for woman of the year
It's not a problem at all
and even for 45 years
will not make you sad!
And so today,
We wish you good health
Let happiness sparkle in your eyes
Let luck knock on your house.
Don't look at the years
Be beautiful always!
Let's sing a song:
Yubileynaya (to the tune of “It’s time to hit the road”)
Congratulations are fun, fun
A pleasant duty fell on our shoulders,
In honor of the birthday girl we sing
At this festive table
We'll drink wine and vodka to her today!

on this day we wish:
May there be luck

And we like you, we like you, we like you
And you are rightfully famous for your kindness
And on this day and at this hour
Any of us will confirm to you,
That our hero of the day is simply awesome!!
We congratulate you and wish you, wish you
on this day we wish:
May there be luck
And you are not too lazy to go to work!
We are brave, brave, brave guests

We are very happy to congratulate you on your birthday!
For your young years we will drink once and drink twice
But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!
We congratulate you and wish you,
We wish, we wish well
Health and happiness
Love and joy for all years
Birthday girl's word:
Me on my birthday
I give the order:
Don't fall asleep until the morning,
Drink alcohol
Sing songs, read poems,
Dance and don't get bored!
All to the fullest
Celebrate the birthday!
2) Presenter: And now I want to give the floor to people who have known the birthday girl since birth: I give the first word to your parents.
Now I want to give the floor to congratulate your aunts, uncles, etc. of your choice. We have a drink and a snack

3) Presenter:
Do you know what the name of our birthday girl means:
We take the meaning of your birthday girl’s name from any horoscope and read it out.
Let's raise our glasses and drink to our birthday girl.
4) Presenter:
We have balls, they are multi-colored, but each of them means something, which we will now honestly tell you everything about:
1.Ball one (green) - the grace of childhood, a fun time.
Where you can kick the air. Unfortunately she passed.
Studying school years. Friends from those school years
Where mom and dad are young, and not that old either.
2. Love (red)- she excites the blood, you were a loving wife. We give this ball to you, and it will be with you.
3. (Blue) Meanwhile, the years fly by and my daughter grows up
And she is waiting for her mother at home and misses her.
And the time of maturity is here third ball.
We put work, connections and friends in it.
4. (Yellow) And here’s another fourth ball
We strictly keep the score
We know for sure in this ball
There's a little bit of everything:
Fun, joy, sadness and pain,
Hopes, sorrows,
All this is the essence of our life,
Beautiful moments
5. (Blue)A fifth let the ball fly
We're letting him go
About something personal, dear,
Let him remind you
May your life be sweet even after your anniversary (chocolate)
And tart, like a sip of wine that makes you drunk
Beautiful, bright. Like the flowers that we gave you
Live and be healthy for many years
Add health
To you dear 45
Not a little and not a lot
And you still have ahead
Happy journey.
And enjoy everything in life,
And don't count the years
Dream about a blue ball
Always be young.
I want to give my word to your children. Children congratulate.
5) Presenter:
We join these wonderful words and want to add that today friends and people close to you have gathered at our table. And each of these friends can tell their own story about you and how you met. But it will take a long time. So we'll just raise a glass to your friends. But before I do this, I want to read these words:
Here, for example, is an ant,
Could have been among the guests.
This nice worker
I'll tell you, I'm not a miser at all.
For such a celebration
He has tons of gifts.
But today he's not there
But there's a neighbor nearby
And I want you to have a drink with your neighbor for brotherhood.
6) Presenter:
“Dear friends, I have prepared a congratulation here, but I have problems with adjectives, and please name any adjectives that come to mind, and I will write them down.” We call adjectives on the topic Berries and fruits and everything connected with them

“On this ______________ and ________________ day, when the ______________ sun is burning in the ____________ sky, ________________ ladies and no less than __________________ gentlemen gathered at this ____________ table in this _____________ apartment to congratulate our __________ hero of the day (name).
We wish her ______________ friends, ______________ love. smiles, success and
Today, in honor of (name), we will sing ________________ songs, give ______________ gifts and drink ______________ wine. At our ______________ party there will be ______________ jokes, ______________ gags, ______dances. We will play ______________ games and put on __________ skits. Let our hero of the day be the most __________.”

7) Well, we drank a little and ate well, and now I propose to hold, so to speak, a competition for the guests without leaving our seats. We prepare questions and answers in advance and let guests read them. Very fun and funny.
Sample questions and answers:
1. Does your loved one torment you with jealousy?
2. When do you have to smile forcibly?
3. Do you compliment your boss?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. Do you often put wine on the table?
6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?
7. Do you respect alcoholic drinks?
8. Are you ever delighted with erotica?
9. Do you remember those who previously loved you?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you step on others’ toes?
12. How often do you quarrel with friends?
13. Are you jealous of your other half?
14. Is your character sometimes intolerable to others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like playing the fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?
19. Do you want to go to America?
20. Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family?
21. Do you use obscene words in conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Do you feel tired from work?
24. Do you criticize our government?
25. Are you capable of noble deeds?
26. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?

Sample answers.

1. It never happened and never will.
2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
3. It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
5. Only when you are in a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and more than once.
9. Whenever I go to bed.
10. I had to suffer from this.
11. Only half asleep and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in a restaurant.
13. I won’t tell you under torture.
14. This is my hobby.
15. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
16. It happened once.
17. When there are guests in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without it.
20. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.
21. If there is no other half nearby.
22. When kicked out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant to me.
24. When my loved ones don’t see me.
25. At night under the blanket.
26. Only in thoughts.

8) Leading:(Competition "Delicious chocolate")
Our birthday girl (name) is a flower and a mystery, this chocolate will help us congratulate her. I ask two teams to take part in this competition - those sitting on the right and those sitting on the left. You are given half a chocolate. Each person, having bitten a little, passes the chocolate hands-free to his neighbor, who then passes it to the next one, etc. When the last one has eaten, the whole team shouts in unison: “Congratulations to the hero of the day!” Who will complete this task faster?
It's a strange thing, Friends!
Somehow the glass rises up on its own and presses itself to the lips. He brings us wine and asks for kisses. So, we need to drink together for the birthday girl (name)!
Dear birthday girl, our downstairs neighbors came to congratulate you, let's give them the floor
Congratulations from Vietnamese friends. We made our own hats from whatman paper and wrote XY and LI on them
From Vietnam to you here
We have arrived, friends.
This is Hu, and this is Li,
If together then Hu...Li
Both are completely happy.
After all, we have a wife each
Ha-one, the other-Na
If together, then Ha...Na
We will make you all happy
What kids do we have?
Daughter He, son Nya.
If together, then He...Nya
We are funny Hu..Li
Us (name). don't bullshit.
We brought it as a gift
Vietnamese fruits for you
(handed over a basket of exotic fruits)
From Vietnam Hu and Ly
We drove for a long, long time.
Stop singing songs
We need to pour Hu Li.
We must respect our dear guests and pour them a glass.

10) Presenter:
Well, we laughed, now let's dance. Competition for the most accurate dance. That is, we give each of the participants a piece of newspaper and he stands on it and starts dancing. When the music ends, he folds his sheet in half and starts dancing again. And so on until there is only one winner left. And the one who leaves the aisles of his paper in the dance will lose. Then we sit down at the table

11)Leading: And now the floor for congratulations is given to the guests of honor. (The “pioneers” enter, dressed in caps, with ties, children’s pipes for humming, instead of a drum we used a saucepan)
Congratulations from the pioneers.
1. We, pioneers, children of our country!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today,
We came to congratulate Aunt (name)!
2. Her whole life serves as an example for children.
Both Octobers and pioneers.
We will continue to follow her example,

3. We came to you to learn from our elders,
How should you drink so as not to get completely drunk?
How should you eat to keep your figure?
We came to congratulate Aunt (name)!
4. We - pioneers Soviet country.
Aunt (name) has been in love with you for a long time.
We can't find a better friend -
We came to congratulate you today!
5. We say without despondency and laziness:
We don't know about generational conflict.
You, Aunt (name), are younger than us,
We must take your example in this too.
(everyone sings a song together)
Let the blue nights fly like fires!
We, pioneers, we want a glass.
It's high time for us adults to pour:
We came to congratulate Aunt (name)!

Your friends and work colleagues played the role of pioneers today. Let's give them a few words.
12) Presenter:
Now let's warm up a little and play
a) Competition with a cap: Candy on the cap:
Take two old baseball caps, make a hole in the visor with an awl, push it through it and tie a thread so long that its end reaches your chin.
Invite two volunteers to participate in the competition. Tie a candy to the thread of each baseball cap. Participants must catch the candy with their mouths without helping themselves with their hands. After the candy is caught, the presenter cuts it off and gives it to the participant as a sweet prize. The girl who is the first to catch the candy also receives a prize - a chocolate bar.
b) Competition: dance with a mop.
Draw a funny head of a man on whatman paper (we had a bald head with a big nose - front and back views), glue the two halves together, leave the middle to insert a mop stick. And the guests perform an erotic dance with a man.
13) Leading: What is this noise and din, who is knocking on our door? Baba Yaga enters (We found a wig, made big breasts, instead of a broom we used a hose and a brush from a vacuum cleaner)
Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where have you taken me?
Well, I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?!
Oh tell me honest people -
Anniversary is not here?
(guests answer)

I see ___name_______ sitting here
Just something strange looking!
Pale, red nose,
Don't you have diarrhea?

I messed around in the closet here
Yes, I collected some medicine!
Search the whole world,
There are no better drugs!

My first advice is this:
To stay young
Smear manure on your face -
It will be smooth as an egg!

Watch your figure
Drive less - walk more!
So that the forms do not sag
Especially in front!
So that the waist is
Fat so as not to swim
At night only horseradish and radish,
Yes, love affairs!

To maintain tone -
Learn to fly on a broom! (we give a broom)
Balance on a broom
Not the same as in the saddle!
Will you listen to advice?
Everything will benefit from this!
You will be a sex symbol
And the house will be prosperous!

This is jelly made from mold!
Haven't you drunk it yet?
So drink it when it starts
The body is a carousel! (a bag of dry jelly)
It doesn't taste that good
But it does remove the yeast!

And a cold is no problem!
Eat a bug from the pond!
There is no more reliable medicine
Than the natural environment! (bag of dried squid)

If your heart hurts,
And my chest is burning with fire,
This is listed as ______name_______
You have encephalitis!
Eat aspen bark
And you will cheer up for the time being!
Tea is not chemical!
Tea is natural gifts! (you can have a small chocolate bar)

And the pressure will go away,
Try hare droppings!
It is much more healing than honey,
At least the color is like honey (Kirieshki)
It certainly tastes cool,
It makes people die!
Only those who survive -
Everyone lives to old age!

And it crunches in the back,
Don't sit on the ballot!
Sink naked into the nettles,
And ride under the moon!

And when you're a friend,
Can't sleep on a stuffy night
Drink a decoction of flea legs!
You'll sleep like a groundhog! (green tea bag)

That's all my order!
How did you have fun???
Anniversary girl! Happy Birthday!
Have fun until the morning!

Lastly, I’ll drink a glass,
Otherwise I’ll die on the road!
14) Leading. Well, Baba Yaga was seen off and again an unexpected guest. Dear friends! Cheburashka came to visit us and, having learned that there was an anniversary here, he wanted to congratulate you . (They made cardboard ears and put them on a man, a song to the tune of “Let them run clumsily...)
We didn't come in vain -
This is clear to everyone -
And we sat down at this table.
Congratulate the hero of the day
And leave it as a memory
This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you,
In life, be visible
Unfortunately, it's my birthday,
Only once a year!

The hero of the day, our friend,
Come out to our circle

And pour us some stronger wine!
It's not often that we're here
Let's get together
On your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Remain the same as you are:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful...
We cannot count all your merits.

Let your life flow
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
May your health be strong
For fifty years!
15) Presenter:
Our birthday girl has one serious drawback: every year she becomes cuter and more attractive. But we will forgive her for this shortcoming. Let's wish her to continue to be so young and energetic!
I'll tell you my toast
Although it may be simple:
On this holiday, dear
Let's drink the glass to the bottom
So that your dream is big
It was brought to life!

Dear birthday girl! Long-awaited guests arrived for our holiday - from sunny Italy. Let's greet them with applause! (Italian woman and translator enter)
Italian - Brilliant, blooming, winter scented, hero of the day.
Translator - Dear hero of the day!
I. - And sitenahlyavu, drunkenly dormoedotuto.
P. - Dear guests!
I. - Get out of here with the figato.
P. - We welcome everyone who is here.
I. - The convict worker hasn’t received a damn dollar.
P. - Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.
I. - Teach, read, read, write and write, and then kick out.
P. - Workers of media, education, and culture.
I. - Bandit, shot, caught, imprisoned.
P. - Militia workers, police, security departments.
I. - Their other lords are lazy.
P. - And other other workers.
I. - Slurp on anything.
P. - I arrived on a special flight.
I. Italy has a stubborn light in his eyes.
P. - From sunny Italy.
I. - Congratulations to the hero of the day (name).
P. - Congratulate the hero of the day (name)..
I. - Toshitopochertoboltato from Italiano in Chechanto different nonsense.
P. - I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends.
I. - It’s all unnecessary.
P. - And small modest gifts.
I. - First of all, italian life is growing, fat accumulation, ekreketiro.
P. - First, our Spaghetti straws
I. - It’s very tasty, sauce, rewarding.
P. - Add sauce to the straw for color
I. - It stinks a mile away, bashkachipollinna from the mafioso structure.
P. - For the smell especially from the Sicilian mafia - onions.
I. - Spilled, poured and underfilled.
P. - The famous Amaretto liqueur
I. - Pomeranto wish you farewell.
P. - In conclusion, I would like to wish.
I. - The back is not painful, the nose is not chihanto, the catfish are cusanto, the legs are shaganto.
P. - Health.
I. - Copanto in the garden, tidying up in the house, taskanto bags, success everywhere.
P. - Youth, long life.
I. - Don’t swear, always love and respect your friends.
P. - Friends, happiness.
I. - Always pour a drink for the hero of the day (name).!
P. - Let's drink to the hero of the day (name).
Dear guests. We have here your friends, classmates with whom you studied for a decent number of years. This is Zhanna and Natasha. I give them the floor to congratulate.
Do you know that our girls sing very well and I think that they will be happy to sing their favorite song (of the birthday girl) about female friendship. They sang Lolita Milyavskaya’s song “Let them say that there is no such thing as friendship with a wife.”
Let's sing a few more songs. You can prepare the words of different well-known songs and just sing them together
Birthday is cool
It's like the Kama Sutra
For an enthusiastic soul -
It’s so nice, at least dance!
Birthday is nice
You are the most important today!
Everyone says this -
My ears burn all day long!
Birthday is awesome
So it’s not at all in vain
You came to me today
Because alone
So go crazy with pleasure -
This is just a perversion!
In general, happy birthday to me!..
A glass... That is, I shake hands with all of you!
45 is not old
45 - joy comes again in life
Live hunting and walking.
They say that 45 is a big deal again.
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
It will still bloom for up to 100 years.
To be loved and beautiful
Always young, happy.
There are no tears or grievances in life.
Never lose heart.

What's in your name

The presenter announces that the bag contains prizes for the competition participants. The name of each prize begins with the letter contained in the name of the hero of the day. If the participant guesses which prize corresponds to the next letter, then he receives it. The one who collects the most prizes during the competition wins.

The competition participants are divided into teams, each of which will have three people. The presenter holds three ribbons in each hand. Each participant takes one end of the ribbon, and at the signal from the team leader, they weave a braid from the ribbons. You cannot let go of the ribbon from your hands, so the participants will have to squat, step over each other, etc. The team that braids the hair faster wins.

Anniversary hedgehog

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives an apple or other fruit, into which 60 toothpicks or skewers are stuck. Participants take out one toothpick (skewer), while pronouncing one compliment to the hero of the day. The winner is the team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments.

Collective congratulatory ode

Participants in the competition write one phrase on a sheet of paper, then fold the sheet so that the phrase is not visible and pass it to the next participant. The condition is rhyme. That is, each participant voices the last word of his phrase to the next one, and he comes up with his own phrase so that it rhymes first. Then the presenter reads the resulting ode to the hero of the day. The winner, the author of the funniest phrase, is determined by the hero of the day himself.

You need to prepare rubber gloves in advance according to the number of participants in the competition. They will need to be filled with water, tied at the top and hung on a rope, securely secured with clothespins. The leader quickly walks along the rope and pierces one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which he gives the command “Start”. Participants grab bowls or other containers and try to milk all the liquid from the glove into the container as quickly as possible. The fastest milker or milkmaid wins.

King of beasts

The hero of the day is usually chosen as the king of beasts, the lion. He sits down on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, tries to explain to him with gestures and facial expressions who he is. And this guest must, according to his role, approach the lion. If the guest was shown long ears by gestures, and he decided that he was a hare, then he should gallop towards the lion, and if he was shown a writhing snake, then he should crawl, and so on. When all the animals have gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most intelligent and skillful with something tasty.

Participants are divided into teams. In each of them, one “nurse” is selected. Instead of a bandage, they receive a roll of toilet paper. The presenter announces how many and what wounds each nurse must “cure” and gives the “Start” command. The winner is the “nurse” who completes the task faster and bandages the indicated parts of the participants’ bodies.

Family budget

The props are prepared in advance: they inflate balloons and put a coin or a bill into each one; their denomination may be different. The balls are placed in one pile. Participants receive symbolic bags. At the command of the leader, they all rush together to the balls, begin to burst them and collect the money they find in their bag. Then the amounts are calculated and the winner is declared the one that replenished the family budget more.

Competitions for anniversaries 30, 35, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 years
A large collection of competitions and games on the PozdravOK.RU website. Exclusive games and anniversary competitions will decorate any event, making it interesting for everyone!

This scenario is suitable for celebrating an anniversary in a banquet hall or in a spacious room.

Characters :

Props: cards with images of berries (for 2 competitions), cards with lines of toast, cards with numbers, small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons, songs for the competition, gifts for participation in competitions.

The guests take their seats.

Presenter (starts):
Berry, beauty, Goddess,
A soul of extraordinary beauty,
Today we congratulate you on your anniversary,
Your family, loved ones, friends!
And on this day, the lights shine brightly,
And music can be heard in all houses,
(name of the hero of the day) I wish you happiness on my own behalf,
And may your soul always bloom!

Dear guests, we owe today’s event entirely to the beautiful, amazing, mind-blowing (name of the hero of the day). The right to the first toast, I would like to convey it to my parents (if there are no parents, then you can start with the closest relative).

(Parents make their toast)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Berry holiday, berry day,
And I’m not too lazy to have fun today,
There are congratulations, songs, poems,
And dreams come to life today!
And to make it more fun for all of us,
Dear guest, spare no effort,
I will announce our first competition,
And I’ll ask for volunteers!

Competition “You are our berry”.
The presenter selects several men and gives them cards with pictures of berries. Their task is to compare the hero of the occasion with the berry that they got. Whoever comes up with the most comparisons will win. You can't repeat yourself.
Props: cards with images of cards.

Perfect! You see how diverse our Anniversary hero is, just a real berry!

For the berry to bloom,
May she be sweet
So that she shines in the sun,
I admired everyone in the world,
This is what I want
And also kindness and warmth!

I think he would like to join your congratulations (says the guest's name), he/she might have some berry toast on the way!

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

I continue our evening
I'm announcing a new competition
Berry, lovely,
Joyful, wonderful!

Competition "Berry Poems".
The presenter invites 4 guests. They are given cards with pictures of berries. The participants' task is to do what the verse says when it comes to their berry.

Raspberries and strawberries
We were discussing something
And new clothes
We chose together.

And strawberries and blackberries,
Standing aside
Beautiful for a manicure,
They look at theirs.

And here they are, dressed up
Everyone goes to the holiday
Strawberries and raspberries
They sing songs.

And the strawberry thinks
Composing a toast
Blackberries nearby
Carrying a bouquet of roses!

Strawberries for the Anniversary,
In a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry,
Kiss her beautiful
She's flying, flying!

And the strawberries are dancing,
I've already found everything
And the style is special,
Found it instantly!

And blackberries too
Wants to kiss
Happy Anniversary,
Hug tight!

Raspberry with an expression
Reads poetry to her
Kisses tenderly on the cheek,
And gives her flowers!

This is where I end,
Berry poem,
Everything turned out great
The end of beautiful lines!

Props: cards with images of berries.

We raise the third toast,
And we praise Love,
We pass the word to our other half,
We are waiting for your cherished congratulations!

(The toast is given by the Anniversary’s partner. If there is no such person, you can skip the toast or give the floor to one of the guests)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Dear guests,
I suggest you sing,
And berry songs,
You need to be able to sing!

Competition "Berry Songs".
The host divides the guests into two teams and takes turns asking questions about songs that talk about berries. Each team must not only guess the answer, but also sing the song. The one who guesses the most songs will win.

Questions for the song quiz:
1. Berry blooming by the stream? (“Oh, the viburnum is blooming”)
2. A berry that Varum loved so much? ("Winter cherry")
3. In this song K. Orbakaite sings about the sky, and about love, and about the fact that some bush is leaning over ("Currant")
4. Where did Friske and Disco Accident go? ("Raspberries")
5. Igor Nikolaev really praised the wine made from this berry ("Raspberry Wine")
6. Which berry beckoned ("Raspberries").

You are all so great,
I'm surprised, I'm delighted
And to your talent, gentlemen,
I bow to the floor!

Everyone knows, and I know,
What's most important is friends
We can't live without them
We'll find trouble!

I convey my word
Well, you understand who!
But I’ll complicate the task,
I'll give them cards!

Hands out cards with a line from the toast written on them. The task is to assemble and read the toast. Time to complete is a minute.

Props: cards with toast lines.

Toast option:
You are our dear berry,
We drink to you today,
And we wish you happiness,
We will always find time for you!
We've known you for so many years,
We are grateful to fate
That she became our friend,
We hasten to wish you earthly blessings!

(After this, you can announce a dance break lasting 10-15 minutes)

Game "Berry Dance".
2 pairs of participants are selected. For this game you need to select musical cuts of songs about berries. The participants' task is to dance in pairs to rapidly changing music. The task is complicated by the fact that the leader sets certain movements, for example, raising your arms up, dancing on one leg. The couple that does it better will win.

Need to rest a little
Remember the past, dream a little,
And for this I propose,
Guess the date for the birthday girl!

Game "Scraps of the Past".
Before the start of the holiday, some guests receive cards with numbers. The guests take turns raising the cards, and the hero of the occasion names the events related to the numbers. For example, the number 3 is shown on the card, which means that at this age the hero of the day went to kindergarten, etc.
Props: cards with numbers.

(After this game, the Host offers a drink to the memories)

(A 5-10 minute banquet break is announced)

But I wonder how dexterous and skillful our guests are?

What do you mean?

Now you'll see!

Berry picking competition.
The presenter invites 4 participants, who are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives one laundry basket, and the leader scatters small balloons that they will need to collect. The task is complicated by the fact that the participants become attached to each other. The competition is held to rhythmic music.
Props: small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons.

(After this competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 20-25 minutes)

Everyone in the world loves poetry
And (name of the hero of the day) is no exception,
Let's read them to her,
In the form of congratulations!

Game "Berry Rhymes".
The host sets the first line and passes the floor to one of the guests, who must continue. He, in turn, passes the floor to the next one who gets confused and carries out the task of the Leader (sing a song, do squats, etc.). First line: You are like a sweet raspberry.

(After this, the guests make a toast, and a banquet break is announced, lasting 5-10 minutes)

And there is a competition in stock,
Very interesting,
He is groovy, cheerful,
Joyful, wonderful!

Competition "Guess the song".
The presenter selects 2 participants. Each person takes turns wearing headphones and must show the song without words. Display time 45 seconds. The one who the guests guess the most will win.
Props: Songs for the competition.

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

What's a holiday without cake?
It’s so bad, it’s impossible,
There will be, there will be a treat,
Candles, happiness, congratulations!

While the cake is being brought out,
I give the floor to our hero of the day,
Everyone around her loves her madly,
And life is much sweeter with her!

(The hero of the day says words of gratitude to the guests, after which the cake is brought out)

Our evening is coming to an end,
It's time for us to say goodbye
Berry day is over
Goodbye friends!

It was sweet, it was loud
We laughed heartily
Finally, I wish
Let your dreams come true!

If desired, you can add several competitions.

Cool scenario for a woman’s 45th birthday “Berry Holiday”
The best anniversary scenarios. A huge collection of heartfelt anniversary scripts on the website. Exclusive!

How to organize an anniversary for a woman: fun competitions at home. What competitions can be held on a woman’s anniversary?

If a woman decides to celebrate a milestone anniversary with her family, without resorting to the services of holiday agencies, keep in mind: celebrating an anniversary at home is a troublesome and responsible task, requiring considerable financial investments, organizational skills and creativity.

This is not an easy matter: decorate the table beautifully, come up with an original scenario with heartfelt wishes, riddles and fun competitions at home, especially if the hero of the day is a woman.

I really want the evening to become not a boring banal event, but a bright, joyful event in the family chronicle. And for the hero of the occasion - the embodiment of a short, but magical fairy tale with the fulfillment of her cherished desires.

What underwater reefs await the organizers of the anniversary in preparation for such a significant day?

Organizing a feast at home is easily possible for every hospitable family, and in this case you can fully rely on the help of junior female staff. The daughters and granddaughters of the birthday girl will willingly take on the usual care of housewives - they will find something to surprise the invited guests and how to decorate the birthday girl’s house.

But as for the scenario with pleasant surprises and competitions for the anniversary, the choice of a sparkling, cheerful presenter - you will have to rack your brains over this for more than one day. It is advisable that a familiar man become the home toastmaster- perhaps the owner of the house, talkative, self-confident, a humorist without complexes and a bit of a ladies' man.

We offer a choice of gaming competitions in various directions that will help you leave the most pleasant memories of this day:

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: intellectual

  • Competition for the development of deductive abilities

Suitable for any family party. Participants are divided into two teams, for example, women's and men's. The presenter or one of the players thinks of a specific item and describes some of its features and properties. The team, paying attention to the narrator's clues, must guess what is being said.

Female examples:

1. – Any woman will be upset if she finds it on a man’s shirt,

- Every woman has her own,

“Men have to taste it.”

2. – Not a single woman can do without him,

– It can be of any shape and size, and breaking it is not good,

Male examples:

1. – Every man dreams of having her,

– He is ready to wash her, cherish her, look after her with trepidation and even without a reminder,

“He doesn’t spare any money on it, and is ready to take out a loan, paying it off for years, just to own it fully.”

2. – Any man is powerless before this weapon,

- It tastes salty.

Answer: women's tears

The winner is the team that answers the maximum number of questions correctly.

  • Competition for better awareness of the life of the hero of the day

You can jokingly call it "Yellow press". It is necessary to find out in advance from the hero of the day events from her biography that are not known to everyone. And rewrite them on a piece of paper, at the same time writing down fictitious false facts about the life of the birthday girl.

At the celebration, the host reads out a list of false and true stories. And if the player thinks that this happened, then he raises the YES sign, otherwise - the NO sign. Those who make two or three mistakes are eliminated from the game. This should continue until there is only one person left who becomes the winner.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: creative

  • Poetry competition "for the best acrostic"

Participants in the competition can show off their talents by coming up with funny quatrains in which the initial words at the head of each line are the name or word of the previous player. For example, the name Galya:

Glamorous and beautiful

And sometimes it's dangerous

It's easy and pleasant with her

I'm happy many times over

There may be multiple winners in this competition.

  • Competition “Draw a portrait of the hero of the day with your eyes closed”

A very funny competition for a woman’s anniversary at home, the essence of which is to try to depict the intended subject - that is, the birthday girl, blindfolding the artist. It will take several players willing to demonstrate their creative abilities and measure them against each other.

Each participant in the game is blindfolded, given a pen or pencil, a piece of paper, and they simultaneously or one by one begin to paint a portrait. You can turn on the music and finish the competition when the melody ends. What happens in the end will amuse everyone.

  • Competition for the best compliment for the hero of the day

The players take turns singing praises to the birthday girl. The hostess of the banquet will evaluate the results and choose the winner.

  • Competition for the funniest Paparazzi photo

At the very beginning of the evening, several players are selected to participate and given a secret task: to film the most fun and interesting moments during the anniversary evening on the phone. At the end of the program, it is advisable to display all photographs, if possible, on a wide screen. The competition can be a surprise moment of the anniversary and cause unpredictable reactions, so photographers need to be extremely careful when photographing participants. However, this is also the most interesting competition at home - guests will eagerly look at the photographs with great pleasure, giggling at themselves and at each other.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: mobile

  • Competition "Cavaliers and Ladies"

Rules of the game: the team of gentlemen is male, just select several people. Each gentleman must give his lady a flower, which is located at a distance of 10 meters.

The playing gentlemen line up at the starting line. The players' task is to travel a given distance on a tricycle as quickly as possible and be the first to reach the flower, and then deliver it to its destination. The first one to give a flower is the winner.

  • Balloon fight competition

Each participant in the game has a balloon tied to his right leg. After the leader’s signal, players try to pierce the competitors’ balls, while protecting their own ball. Those whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last player who manages to keep his balloon intact is declared the winner.

  • Competition "Tug of War"

This type of competition is popular in a school environment, but it is quite acceptable for celebrating an anniversary at home. It entertains well and develops a sense of teamwork. The participants of the evening are divided into two teams. The leader passes the rope, the middle of which is marked with a colored ribbon, and draws a dividing line between the two opponents. At his signal, the teams grab the rope and try to pull it to their side.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: musical

  • Competition "Karaoke Star"

Now almost every home has a computer and a microphone for it, or a karaoke system is installed. You can use the special Karafan program or on the Internet to find a selection of the necessary backing tracks and lyrics for songs. Anyone can sing, and the winner will be chosen by the audience.

As an option, you can offer the “Battle of the Choirs” competition with various nominations: women’s choir, men’s choir, children’s choir or mixed choir. This type of competition at home is one of the most interesting, since everyone loves to sing, but not everyone can risk performing solo, and in the choir the participants feel more relaxed.

  • Competition for the best ditty

If one of the invitees knows how to play the accordion, or there is a corresponding recording, be sure to hold a ditty competition. Distribute the finished texts on pieces of paper to the guests, and they can also sing their own prepared ditty, if desired, invented on the go. The winner will be determined by a competitive jury, which can be selected in advance. In this game, the most mischievous and resourceful performer who managed to cause the biggest burst of laughter wins.

  • Musical Hat Competition

The players stand in a wide circle, the host announces the rules of the game: while the music is playing, you need to have time to take off your hat and put it on the head of the neighboring player. When the music stops, the one who remains in the hat is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner left.

  • Competition "Dancing on the Newspaper"

This is a game that is always a huge success and goes off with a bang at any event, especially at home. The participants in this fun game are married couples or mothers with children. The rules are as follows: a newspaper is spread under the feet of each dancing couple, with the condition that they do not step beyond its boundaries. They turn on slow music, couples dance, and after a while they pause - at this moment the newspaper needs to be folded in half - the dance floor should be halved. The dance continues, then the music is stopped again - the newspaper is folded in four, and so on until the most persistent and resourceful couple remains, managing to maintain balance on a small piece of paper.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: unusual

  • Competition "Wish Granters"

The birthday girl’s wishes are the law for guests. Notes with tasks for the hero of the day are placed in balloons and scattered around the room. These can be the most ridiculous and ridiculous requests - read a poem, sing a verse of a famous song, crow, and so on.

The players catch each of their balls, then they must remove the notes, after bursting the ball, and do what they read on the enclosed sheet. The winner is chosen by the hero of the occasion.

  • Competition "Guess what's in the bag"

Several items or items of clothing are placed in a colored bag made of not very dense material. The presenter offers to guess by touch what is there. Each player who guesses correctly takes the item they have won. A very cool option is when the players wear what they have won - it could be funny women's underwear, men's family panties.

  • Competition "Make the princess laugh"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams - the team “Ivanushki” and the “Tsarev-Nesmeyan” team. The first team sits on chairs - these are the princesses, who take on the saddest dejected appearance. The second team's task is to make them laugh in any way possible without touching them. You can tell jokes, show pantomime, make grimaces and funny faces. Each princess who smiles is eliminated from the game. After this, the teams can switch roles.

All competitions are indicative, to which you can and should add your own additional nuances.

Each winner will be given a memorable prize, let it be any pleasant little thing - a beautiful fountain pen, a chocolate medal or a badge. At the end, you can arrange a game with a super prize, in which only the winners of previous games have the right to participate.

The main thing in holding an anniversary evening is the resourcefulness and organization of the program host, the ability not to get lost in force majeure situations. It is equally important to prepare the necessary attributes for the game, provide musical accompaniment, and cheer up the hero of the day and all participants in the celebration.

How to organize an anniversary for a woman: fun competitions at home
Holding competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home.