List of creative groups, circles, studios and amateur associations of municipal cultural and leisure institutions. The name of the arts and crafts club, work program, development. A beautiful name for a sewing club.








The focus of the program is artistic

The name of the program"Creative handicraft"

Age of students: 11-15 years

Program implementation period – 1 year

Program level – introductory

Program developer – teacher of secondary school No. 1 Olga Nikolaevna Arsentyeva


2016-2017 academic years

    Explanatory note.

The focus of the program is artistic

Profile – arts and crafts

Type of activity – artistic work

The form of organization is group,

In terms of scope and content of activity - profile,

The duration of the program is 2 years.

The number of students in the group is 15 people.

Weekly load for 1 year of study – 2 hours per week, 74 hours

The work program “Creative Handicraft” was created in accordance with the concept of modernization of Russian education, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Laws of Russia “On Education”.

Handicraft as a type of decorative and applied art is one of the most important and oldest types of art.

Works of decorative and applied art have artistic and aesthetic properties, having a practical purpose in everyday life and work.

The student becomes a participant in the exciting process of creating useful and beautiful products. Decorative and applied art, like no other type of educational and creative work for schoolchildren, allows, simultaneously with the revelation of the enormous spiritual value of the products of folk craftsmen, the formation of aesthetic taste, to equip students with technical knowledge, develop their labor skills, provide psychological and practical preparation for work, to choosing a profession. In the classroom, students use the basics of many sciences; in the process of creating decorative items, children put into practice knowledge of fine arts, drawing, labor and other subjects taught at school.

Products of decorative and applied art organically combine aesthetically expressive and utilitarian aspects. They concentrate the unity of creativity and labor; they constitute the objective environment surrounding a person and influence his way of life. This art has its roots in folk art. Folk craftsmanship has long been passed down from generation to generation. And now, handicrafts are reviving the old traditions of craftsmen, introducing modern methods of decorative and applied art.

This program involves the study of various types of needlework: flowers made of revelour, temari balls, patchwork technique, textile toys “Tilda”, guilloche.

The focus of the program is artistic. Throughout human history, folk art (handicrafts) has been an integral part of culture. Handicraft influences the formation of artistic tastes and aesthetic standards.

Justification of relevance

The relevance of this program is due to the fact that it helps to improve artistic and aesthetic culture through the production of original products using various techniques of decorative and applied art. It is also important that the program shapes students’ worldview about the cultural heritage of both the whole world and the Russian people.

This program promotes the student’s self-development and self-determination in creative activities, which is an important factor in social adaptation in modern society.

Pedagogical feasibility is explained by the fact that it is necessary to instill in children a sense of beauty, which can evoke in a person a feeling of aesthetic pleasure and joy. This course program “Creative Handicrafts” will help awaken children’s interest in new activities, expand knowledge, master and improve skills in types of arts and crafts, handicrafts.

Novelty. Distinctive features.

The program is focused on the use of an expanded complex modern arts and crafts: flowers made of revelour, temari balls, patchwork techniques, textile toys “Tilda”, guilloche. This makes it possible for students to discover all the richness and beauty of modern needlework, based on the origins of folk art.

The program is aimed at:

    Creating conditions for child development;

    Development of motivation for knowledge and creativity;

    Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

    Introducing children to universal human values;

    Prevention of antisocial behavior;

    Creating conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, its integration into the system of world and domestic cultures;

    Intellectual and spiritual development of the child’s personality;

    Strengthening mental and physical health;

    Interaction between the additional education teacher and the family.

The main goal of the classes– comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of students in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities in the manufacture of original products in various techniques of decorative and applied arts.

Circle tasks:

    To give students an idea of ​​different types of handicrafts.

    Develop the necessary practical skills to perform various types of manual and machine work.

    Develop skills that ensure successful performance of independent work.

    Develop individual creative imagination and creativity.

    Develop the communication abilities of pupils.

    To develop students’ skills in the integrated use of knowledge in various subjects.

    Develop the ability to work in groups and a sense of teamwork.

    To promote aesthetic, spiritual and moral education through arts and crafts.

Justification for choosing the age category of students.

The age of the students is 11-15 years, these are students in grades 5-8.

The number of students in the group is 8 - 15 people.

At this age, everything that a teenager has become accustomed to since childhood - family, school, peers - are evaluated and re-evaluated, acquiring new significance and meaning. It is important to properly guide the student during this period. Socially useful activities have a significant impact on the formation of a student’s personal values. In this context, a change in leading activity also occurs. The leading role in adolescence is played by socially significant activities, the means of which are: learning, communication, socially useful work. Trying to establish himself in a new social position, the teenager tries to go beyond student affairs into another area that has social significance. To realize the need for an active social position, he needs activity that receives recognition from other people, activity that can give him meaning as a member of society. It is typical that when a teenager is faced with the choice of communicating with friends and the opportunity to participate in socially significant activities that confirm his social significance, he most often chooses public affairs. Socially useful activity, in this case, participation in the children's association “Handicraft Fantasies” will be for a teenager an area where he can realize his increased capabilities, the desire for independence, satisfying the need for recognition from adults, “creates the opportunity to realize his individuality.

Taking into account their age-psychological characteristics presupposes the following organization of the educational process:

    Recruitment of students for classes is carried out solely on request.

    The psychological atmosphere is informal and not regulated by obligations and standards.

    Students are given the opportunity to combine and change the direction of activity within the prescribed program.

    Students can work in groups based on their interests.

Classes are organized in groups, with no more than 15 people in one group. The composition of the group is permanent, enrollment of children is free. The group type is profile. Depending on local conditions and the interests of students, changes may be made to the program: a decrease or increase in educational material on certain topics, the sequence of sections of the program may change. The time allocated for additional activities can be used to get acquainted with other types of decorative and applied arts, to work with gifted children, to study a fascinating topic that has arisen spontaneously.

Implementation period program - 2 years.

Forms and mode of classes

Group form, mode: duration of classes 1 hour 2 times a week, training sessions with a specific type of activity are 45 minutes, organizational events and short breaks - 15 minutes.

Expected results and how to check them(compliance between tasks and results).

When mastering the course program, the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of students’ activities is ensured.

Personal results mastering the program of the “Handicraft fantasies” circle:

    the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge; mastering the elements of organizing mental and physical labor;

    self-assessment of mental and physical abilities during work in various fields from the perspective of future socialization;

    development of hard work and responsibility for the results of one’s activities; expressing a desire to learn to meet future needs;

    the desire to bring beauty to home life;

    the desire to master new types of activities, to participate in the creative process.

Meta-subject results

    independent determination of the purpose of one’s learning, setting and formulating new tasks for oneself in creative and cognitive activities;

    algorithmized planning of the process of cognitive and labor activity;

    formation and development of competence in the field

    use of information and communication technologies (ICT);

    choosing various sources of information to solve cognitive and communicative problems, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and other databases;

    organization of educational cooperation and joint activities

    with the teacher and peers; coordination and coordination of joint cognitive and labor activities with other participants; objective assessment of the contribution of one’s cognitive and labor activity to solving the general problems of the team;

    compliance with norms and safety rules of cognitive and labor

    activity and creative work; compliance with the norms and rules of work culture in accordance with the technological culture of production;

    assessment of one’s cognitive and labor activity from the point of view of moral, legal norms, aesthetic values ​​according to the requirements and principles accepted in society and the team.

Subject results students’ mastery of the “Handicraft Fantasies” club program:

    developing students’ understanding of various types of handicrafts;

    development of the necessary practical skills to perform various types of manual and machine work;

    developing skills that ensure successful performance of independent work;

    ability to produce arts and crafts products of your own design.

In the process of performing work on the manufacture of products, current control is used. The head of the circle continuously monitors the progress of students’ work and promptly directs students to correct inaccuracies in practical work. Students use self-control as current control. Current control allows, if necessary, to make timely adjustments to activities and not damage the product.

In addition to current control, final control is used. After completing each product included in the program, an exhibition of children's work is organized. Joint viewing of completed samples and products, their collective discussion, expert assessment of creative works, photographing. At the end of the year, a portfolio is prepared electronically in PowerPoint.

Participation of students in school and city exhibitions of creative works.

Methods for determining effectiveness:

    Pedagogical supervision;

    Pedagogical analysis of the results of questionnaires, testing, surveys, participation in events, defense of projects, student activity in the classroom.

    Pedagogical monitoring, including tests, diagnostics of personal growth and advancement, questionnaires, pedagogical reviews, keeping a logbook or pedagogical diary, maintaining an evaluation system;

    Monitoring of children's educational activities, including student self-esteem, keeping a student's creative diary, and preparing a photo report.

Forms of control and summing up.

    Initial control: determining the initial level of knowledge and skills.

Questionnaires, conversations, surveys.

    Current control: determining the level of mastery of the studied material using tests, surveys, monitoring the quality of products.

Tests by sections, checking notebooks, lessons-competitions, current exhibitions, filling out individual cards for students.

    Intermediate control: determination of learning outcomes.

Pedagogical monitoring, including tests, diagnostics of personal growth and advancement.

    Final control: Determination of work results and the degree of mastery of theoretical and practical knowledge, development of personal qualities.

Open lessons, defense of creative projects, virtual excursions, exhibitions.

The results of each student’s work are documented in a portfolio of creative achievements

II . Curriculum for 1 year of study



Revelure flowers

Temari balls

Patchwork technique

Textile toys "Tilda"



III . Contents of the program for 1 year of study


    Flowers from revelour (16 hours)

    1. Flower manufacturing technology (stamping, molding and other processing of leaves and petals, sequence and nuances of their connection; 2 hours)

      Practical work: making rosebuds (5 hours), peonies (4 hours), fantasy flowers (3 hours).

    Temari balls (16 hours)

    1. The history of the emergence of Temari art, the necessary materials and tools, working techniques (1 hour)

      Manufacturing technique (making the base of the ball from textiles, marking for embroidery with a contrasting thread, embroidering the ball according to the "Chrysanthemum (Kiku)" pattern; 3 hours)

      Practical work: making temari balls of your own design (12 hours)

    Patchwork technique. Patchwork style. (14 hours)

4.1. History and modernity of patchwork. Types of hand and machine seams. Ornament. Color spectrum. (2 hours)

4.2. Working methods. Designing patterns, assembling ornaments. Sewing on the base (2 hours)

4.3 Practical work:

a) Types of hand and machine seams. (2 hours)

b) Making templates. (2 hours)

c) Making potholders in the style of patchwork technique. (6 hours)

    Textile toys “Tilda” (16 hours)

5.1.History of the emergence of textile toys. Folk toys. Features of the toy “Tilda” (1 hour)

5.2 Tools and accessories. Rules for constructing patterns. The main lines of the drawing. Preparing fabric for work. Types of toys. Decorations and accessories. Padding. Drawing up a technological map. (3 hours)

5.3. Practical work: (12 hours)

a) Preparation of toy patterns to choose from: “cat”, “dog”, “snail”, “girl”, “boy”, etc.

b) Open the toys

c) Sewing a cat toy.

d) Stuffing and design of the toy

6. Guilloche

6.1 History of guilloche. Rules for safety, industrial safety. Tools and devices for burning onto fabric. The order of work in the office. Rules for using TB burning. Preparing the burner for working with synthetic fabrics. Types of synthetic fabrics. Basic techniques in guilloche technique (2 hours)

6.2 Practical work: (7 hours)

a) Drawing up sketches of the selected product (panel, set of napkins, tablecloth, etc.).

b) Choice of fabric, color.

c) Making fabric products using the guilloche technique.

7. Summing up (2 hours)

Monitoring the quality of students’ knowledge (1 hour)

Exhibition of student works. (1 hour)

Participation in the Olympiad on technology, visiting master classes. (2 hours)

Excursions to exhibitions of decorative and applied arts. (2 hours)

II . Curriculum for 2nd year of study



Revelure flowers

Modeling from polymer clay

Textile dolls "Tilda"


III . Contents of the program for the 2nd year of study

    Introduction. Safety regulations. Familiarization with the work of the circle. Identification of children's creative abilities and interests. (1 hour)

    Flowers from revelour (16 hours)

    1. The history of making flowers from revelour, features of the choice of basic and additional materials, color combinations and texture (1 hour)

      Technology for making flowers (stamping, molding and other processing of leaves and petals, the sequence and nuances of their connection; 1 hour)

      Applied use of colors and compositions. (1 hour)

      Practical work: making buds of spray roses (2 hours), peonies (2 hours), orchids (1 hour), freesias (1 hour), hydrangeas (2 hours), fantasy flower (2 hours); making a box decorated with flower arrangements (3 hours).

    Felting (Dry felting technique) (18 hours)

    1. The history of the appearance of felting (wool felting), necessary materials and tools, working methods (2 hours)

      Toy making techniques (2 hours)

      Practical work: making a toy using the dry felting technique (14 hours)

    Modeling from polymer clay (24 hours)

4.1. History and modernity of modeling. Types of modeling. Necessary materials and tools. (2 hours)

4.2. Features of working with polymer clay. Working methods. (3 hours)

4.3 Practical work: (19 hours)

a) Making refrigerator magnets (3 hours)

b) Modeling flowers. (8 hours)

c) Making topinary decorated with flower arrangements. (8 hours)

    Textile dolls “Tilda” (14 hours)

5.1. History of the textile doll. Folk toys and dolls. Features of the “Tilda” doll (1 hour).

5.2 Tools and accessories. Rules for constructing patterns. The main lines of the drawing. Preparing fabric for work. Types of dolls. Decorations and accessories. Padding. Drawing up a technological map. (2 hours)

5.3. Practical work: (11 hours)

a) Preparation of doll patterns (1 hour);

b) Opening the dolls (1 hour);

c) Sewing parts, connecting them (2 hours);

d) Toning the doll (1 hour);

e) Making clothes for a doll (3 hours);

f) Decorative finishing of the doll (3 hours).

7. Summing up (1 hour)

Exhibition of student work, monitoring the quality of student knowledge (1 hour).

Participation in the Olympiad on technology, visiting master classes, competitions (2 hours).

Excursions to exhibitions of decorative and applied arts (2 hours).

IV . Methodological support of the program

The classes use an explanatory and illustrative teaching method, which is implemented through the widespread use of information technology. When studying sections, a partially search method of learning is used. This method helps children find the right solution when choosing a technique for making a product. When conducting practical lessons in practice, students can realize themselves. Observation methods are widely used during excursions to determine the means and working conditions of needlewomen. When studying the sections, the research method of labor training is used.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods when organizing classes:

    Verbal (oral presentation, conversation, explanation);

    Visual (display of video materials, illustrations, demonstration of working methods, observations, demonstration based on a sample);

    Practical (training exercises).

The “brainstorming” method (heuristic method), the use of this method makes it possible to activate the interest of students during classes; this method is important to carry out when choosing a research front, choosing a project topic and setting a project goal.

The entire work of the classes is structured so that the children can deeply assimilate this program through the project-based learning method - a technology for organizing educational situations in which the student poses and resolves his own problems, and a technology for supporting the student’s independent activity in resolving the problem of choosing creative work and the direction of applied art.

Forms of conducting classes.

1) Lessons - workshops where children develop a personal plan;

2) Travel lessons, where children go on an extramural trip to get acquainted with the types of applied arts

3) Disputes after excursions;

4) Skills in using business communication techniques when collecting information about types of applied art, which develops the ability to work on a specific task. This form of lesson is also implemented when defending a project.


6) Organizational conditions that make it possible to implement the content of the training course require the presence of a special training room-workshop. Didactic support requires the presence of sewing equipment and accessories, multimedia, musical accompaniment: music and video recordings, technological maps, and a printer for printing patterns.


1. Project-based learning technology.

2. Technology of developmental education.

3. Problem-based learning technology.

Forms of training.

Interactive learning (work in pairs, in a group). Project-based learning (project work can be performed individually, frontally, or as part of a specific group). Elements of problem-based learning.

V . Logistics of the program

Organizational conditions that make it possible to implement the content of the training course require the presence of a special training room-workshop. Didactic support requires the presence of sewing equipment and accessories, multimedia, musical arrangement: music and video recordings, technological maps, a printer for printing patterns.

The program is based on the educational and methodological set “Technology. Service work" for educational institutions (Authors: O.A. Kozhina, E.N. Kudakova, S.E. Markutskaya) (Drofa Publishing House).

Screen-sound aids (Computer slide presentations)

Revelure flowers

Temari art

Patchwork technique

Textile toys "Tilda"


Equipment class

Set of hand sewing tools and accessories

Set of drawing tools

Types of seams, ornaments

Set of equipment and devices for WTO

Samples of products made using various handicraft techniques

Sewing machines


Ironing board



Tables and chairs for students and teacher

Cabinets for storing products and materials

VI . Conditions for the program

Classes are held in an office equipped with individual work tables, a chalkboard, electric sewing machines, an overlocker, a flat-seam sewing machine, ironing boards with irons, and a fitting room with mirrors. The office has the necessary tools and equipment for practical work: scissors, needles, pins, rulers, tailor's chalk, measuring tape.

Students can use additional literature on different types of needlework. Visual aids are used in classes.

Before performing practical work, a safety briefing is carried out, and subsequently constantly reminded of safe work practices.

VII . Bibliography.

List of references used to write the program:

    Arefiev I.P. Entertaining technology lessons for girls. 5th grade: Manual for teachers. – M.: School press, 2005. – 80 p.

    Arefiev I.P. Entertaining technology lessons for girls. 6th grade: A manual for teachers. – M.: School press, 2005. – 48 p.

    Arefiev I.P. Entertaining technology lessons for girls. 7th grade: A manual for teachers. – M.: School press, 2005. – 64 p.

    Kozhina O.A., Kudakova E.N., Markutskaya S.E. "Technology. Service work" 5th grade. M.: Bustard, 2014. – 254 p.

    Kozhina O.A., Kudakova E.N., Markutskaya S.E. "Technology. Service work" 6th grade. M.: Bustard, 2014. – 288 p.

    Kozhina O.A., Kudakova E.N., Markutskaya S.E. "Technology. Service work" 7th grade. M.: Bustard, 2014. – 256 p.

    Kozhina O.A., Kudakova E.N., Markutskaya S.E. "Technology. Service work" 8th grade. M.: Bustard, 2014. – 256 p.

    Markutskaya S.E. Technology in diagrams, tables, drawings. “Service work” grades 5-9 (for any textbook). M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2008.

    Work programs. Technology. Grades 5-8: educational and methodological manual / comp. E.Yu. Zelenetskaya. – 2nd ed. – M.: Bustard, 2013. – 150 p.

Club program “Country of Handicrafts”

artistic and aesthetic orientation

Explanatory note.

Of all the variety of types of creativity, decorative and applied arts are the most popular. It is directly related to a person’s everyday environment and is designed to aesthetically shape and design the life of people and their habitat. Looking around, you will notice that arts and crafts bring beauty to the environment at home, at work and in public places.

Since ancient times, a huge part of the products have been created at home. Women wove cloth, sewed clothes, knitted, and created beautiful paintings. Over all these years, humanity has collected bit by bit the experience of skilled craftsmen, passing on and improving it from generation to generation. Interest in individual crafts either waned or increased again, many new crafts appeared, and some were forgotten forever.

Decorative and applied art enriches children’s creative aspirations to transform the world, develops in children non-standard thinking, individuality, the ability to peer and observe, as well as to see novelty and elements of fairy tales in real objects of decorative and applied art. In the process of creating objects of applied art, children consolidate their knowledge of the standards of shape and color, and form clear and fairly complete ideas about objects of decorative and applied art in life.

Fostering love for the Motherland is one of the main tasks of moral and patriotic education. When introducing children to works of decorative and applied art, it is important to introduce them to the original creativity and applied art of their people. Children show interest, and this is an emerging feeling of love for their native land, its history, nature, and the work of people. And it depends on us whether our children will love their land, understand it, reach out to it, support, respect and develop traditions. The relevance of the program is determined by the social need to educate a citizen and patriot who knows and loves his homeland; this task cannot be successfully solved without a deep knowledge of the spiritual wealth of one’s people and the development of folk culture.

The moral education of children is significantly influenced by the collective nature of the work: children, each creating their own product, together make up the overall composition. In the process of practicing arts and crafts, children also develop moral and volitional qualities: the need to complete the work they have begun, to study with concentration and purpose, and to overcome difficulties. When creating collective work, children develop the ability to unite for a common cause, agree on the implementation of common work, take into account each other’s interests, the ability to act in concert, develop the ability to give in, do their part of the work independently, and, if necessary, help another.

The inclusion of a child in various types of artistic activities based on the material of folk arts and crafts is one of the main conditions for the full aesthetic education of a child and the development of his artistic and creative abilities. Sewing from scraps, embroidery with silk ribbons, modeling from salt dough, appliqué from natural materials, getting to know a new type of paper plastic - quilling, jute filigree - is an interesting and creative activity. This is a real art with a centuries-old history and rich traditions. In addition, all arts and crafts also bring practical benefits.

This educational program has artistic and aesthetic orientation. The program was developed on the basis of the author’s program “AdekART” by M.S. Mitrokhina (modified).

Novelty program is that it shows the developing functions of the decorative and applied arts of the peoples of Russia as an integral ethnic, cultural, historical and socio-pedagogical phenomenon. That these functions in their integrated form are aimed at ensuring the personal growth of children. Based on this, the program is built on the aesthetic education of schoolchildren, combining reliance on cultural tradition and an innovative focus. In classes in the association, children master not only craftsmanship, but also find new original combinations of traditions and styles with a modern plastic image solution that meets the aesthetics of our days.

Expediency. We live where it is not possible to see the direct technological process of making artistic compositions, household items and toys. Therefore, I set a goal for myself - to teach children to create household items and toys on their own. introduce the history of folk art, show examples of modeling from salt dough and working with a brush, introduce figurative stylization of plant and geometric patterns.

Purpose of the program: formation and development of the foundations of a child’s artistic culture through folk arts and crafts.



1.Introduce students to the history and modern trends in the development of arts and crafts;

2. Teach children to master various techniques for working with materials, tools and devices necessary for work;

3.Teach technologies for different types of needlework.


1. Introduce students to a system of cultural values ​​that reflect the richness of culture;

2.Encourage to master the basics of moral behavior (kindness, mutual understanding, tolerance towards people, culture of communication);

3. Foster a respectful attitude between team members in joint creative activities;


1. To develop the creative potential of each child: observation, thinking, artistic taste.

2.Develop figurative and spatial thinking, memory, imagination, attention, positive emotions and volitional qualities;

3. Develop the need for creative work, the desire to overcome difficulties, and achieve successful achievement of set goals.

Feature of this program is that it gives each child the opportunity to realize their abilities in different types of arts and crafts, choose a priority direction and realize themselves to the maximum in it.

Pedagogical principles:

Love and respect for the child as an active subject of upbringing and development main operating principle.

Creating situations of success for every child.

Providing conditions conducive to self-determination, self-development, self-realization, and adequate self-esteem of the individual.

Age of students- 9-12 years.

When organizing the educational process, we take into account

leading activities in different age groups of students, During the lessons, respectful communication between children and each other is accepted; mutual assistance is encouraged; Free movement in the office is allowed.

An individual approach is applied to each child:

Awareness and recognition of the individual’s right to be different from others;

Showing respect for the individual;

Assessment not of the child’s personality, but of his activities and actions;

The ability to look at a problem through the eyes of a child;

Taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the child (type of nervous system, temperament, characteristics of perception and memory, thinking, motives, status in the team, activity).

A personal approach, which requires the teacher to create conditions in the classroom under which the student feels like an individual and feels the mentor’s attention to him personally.

The duration of the additional educational program is 1 year. Just 54 hours – 27 weeks.

Basic forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

Basic form

Educational task solved in the classroom


1.Cognitive lesson

Transfer of information.

Conversation, story, report, listening

2. Practical lesson to develop a specific skill.

Education. Develop the ability to handle objects, tools, materials. To teach to apply theory in practice, to teach work activity.


3.Independent activities of children

Finding a solution to the problem yourself


4.Creative exercises

Application of knowledge in new conditions. Exchange of ideas and experiences

Exercises, peer review, temporary group work

5. Game form

Creating an entertaining situation

Short game, shell game

6. Competitions

Control of knowledge, development of communication relationships. Correction of knowledge, skills, development of responsibility, independence

A game

7. Exhibitions

Mass information and visual information, promotion of creativity, assessment of skill growth


8. Lesson - competition

Consolidation of skills, knowledge, skills

A game

9. Lesson - lecture

Formation of motivation, setting for active perception

10. Final lesson

Summing up, identifying awareness of knowledge, increasing responsibility for the result of one’s work

Individual or group lesson, interview, test

The practical work planned during the classes is not strictly regulated. Students realize their creative ideas, prepare crafts and souvenirs for their family celebrations and favorite holidays. This allows students to increase their knowledge and interest.

Having mastered several types of needlework and combining them, the child gets the opportunity to create highly artistic products using various techniques.

Lesson mode.

Classes are held once a week for 2 hours.

Expected results and methods of determination

their effectiveness.

Students will need to know:

Types of arts and crafts;

Name and purpose of manual labor tools and devices;

Name and purpose of materials, their elementary properties, use, application and available processing methods;

Rules for organizing the workplace;

Rules for occupational safety and personal hygiene when working with various


Students will need to be able to:

Organize your workplace correctly;

Use manual tools, applying acquired skills in practice;

Observe occupational safety and personal hygiene rules when working with various materials and tools;

Perform work independently according to technology, using the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in classes;

Cooperate with your peers, help a friend, and show independence.

Monitoring learning results.

1. Incoming control (conversation, questioning).

2. Current control, determining the degree of students’ assimilation of educational material, increasing the responsibility and interest of students in learning, identifying children who are behind and ahead of their learning (pedagogical observation, survey, independent work).

3. Final control – determination of learning outcomes. Determination of changes in the level of development of children, their creative abilities (collective reflection, self-analysis).

Practical results and the pace of mastering the program are individual indicators, as they depend on the level of creative potential, that is, on the natural abilities and primary training of the student.

Forms for summing up the program implementation: final classes, festive events, games, exhibitions based on the results of training, demonstration of models, presentation of creative works, participation in competitions of various levels, monitoring.

Monitoring the educational level of students:

Low level.

The student shows interest and desire to make a craft, but does not relate what he perceives to personal experience. With the active encouragement of an adult, he can possess certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but does not use them consciously and independently. Creativity does not show creativity.

Average level.

The student shows interest and need in making various types of crafts. Sees characteristic signs of similarity and difference, distinguishes between types of artistic work - appliqué, design, manual labor, etc.. Can perform this or that work together with the teacher. Shows initiative and creativity. Uses knowledge, skills and abilities in his own activities when working with various tools to create an expressive image.

High level.

The student discovers a constant and sustainable interest, a need to communicate with the teacher, and experiences pleasure and joy from the upcoming work. Sees and understands how a variety of existing knowledge, abilities, skills can be used to produce this or that work. Knows the purposes of various tools and safety rules when working with them. Owns them. Shows initiative and creativity in solving certain problems, provides assistance to peers. Adequately assesses his abilities and capabilities.

Educational and thematic plan.

Topic name

Number of hours



Theoretical classes

Practical lessons



Introductory lesson.




Working with fabric.




Artificial flowers made of fabric. Safety briefing. Tools, materials, devices for making artificial flowers.

Preparation of material for work: starching, gelatinization. Making stencils of flowers and leaves. Cutting out parts. Working with waste material. Making a souvenir “basket with flowers”.

Stylized flowers.

Making a rose.

Making a composition of artificial flowers from fabric.

Patchwork applique.

(custom made product)


Working with paper.




ABC of paper plastic.

Technique – quilling.

Elements of quilling.

Making flowers.

Making a butterfly.

Making a composition using the quilling technique of your choice.


Artistic painting.




Introduction to types of artistic painting on wood.

Art painting on wood. Gorodets. Elements of painting.

Cutting board. Gorodets painting.


Embroidery ribbons.




Introduction to the history and types of embroidery. Safety precautions.

Labor safety rules.

Ribbon in embroidery. Necessary tools, devices and materials.

Stitches used in ribbon embroidery.

Smooth seam. Loop stitch.

Seam "front sight", "knots".

Tape seam, “basket”.

Making flowers from ribbons.

Development of a design for making a holiday card.

Making a holiday card.


Modeling from salt dough.




Materials and tools for working with salt dough.

Methods for making products from salt dough.

The sequence of performing a round toy.

Sequence of execution of flat figures.

Sequence of execution of a wall panel on a solid background.

Making a composition from salt dough on a hard background of your choice.


Jute filigree.




Introduction to the technique - jute filigree. Materials and tools for working with jute cord. Safety briefing.

Decorating a vase with jute cord.

Volumetric crafts made from jute cord. Casket.


Final (final) lesson







Section 1. Introductory lesson.

Topic 1.1 Introductory lesson. Safety precautions.

Organizational matters. Safety briefing. Work plan of the association, goals and objectives of the classes. History of needlework.

Section 2. Working with fabric.

Topic 2.1 Artificial flowers made of fabric. Safety briefing. Tools, materials, devices for making artificial flowers.

Introductory lesson. Safety precautions.

Topic 2.2. Preparation of material for work: starching, gelatinization. Making stencils of flowers and leaves. Cutting out parts. Working with waste material. Making a souvenir “basket with flowers”. Working with stencils, patterns, templates, patterns.

Topic 2.3. Stylized flowers. Making a rose.

Topic 2.4. Making a composition of artificial flowers from fabric.

Basic techniques and elements of patchwork sewing. Finishing elements: stitching, gathering, ruffles, scallops.

Topic 2.5. Patchwork applique. Basic techniques and elements of patchwork appliqué. Production of application on a solid base of your choice.

Section 3. Working with paper.

Topic 3.1. ABC of paper plastic. Technique – quilling. Safety precautions. Labor safety rules.

Topic 3.2. Elements of quilling.

Topic 3.3. Making flowers.

Topic 3.4. Making a butterfly.

Topic 3.5. Making a composition using the quilling technique of your choice.

Section 4. Artistic painting.

Topic 4.1 Introduction to types of artistic painting on wood. Safety precautions.

Labor safety rules.

Topic 4.2. Art painting on wood. Gorodets. Elements of painting.

Topic 4.3. Cutting board. Gorodets painting. Development of a pattern for making a cutting board. Painting a cutting board.

Section 5. Embroidery with ribbons.

Topic 5.1. Introduction to the history and types of embroidery. Safety precautions.

Labor safety rules.

Topic 5.2. Ribbon in embroidery. Necessary tools, devices and materials.

Topic 5.3. Stitches used in ribbon embroidery. Smooth seam. Loop stitch.

Topic 5.4. Seam "front sight", "knots". Tape seam, “basket”.

Topic 5.5. Making flowers from ribbons.

Topic 5.6. Development of a design for making a holiday card

Topic 5.7. Making a holiday card.

Section 6. Modeling from salt dough.

Topic 6.1. Materials and tools for working with salt dough. Safety precautions.

Labor safety rules.

Topic 6.2. Methods for making products from salt dough.

Topic 6.3. The sequence of performing a round toy.

Topic 6.4. Sequence of execution of flat figures.

Topic 6.5. Sequence of execution of a wall panel on a solid background.

Topic 6.6. Making a composition from salt dough on a hard background of your choice.

Section 7. Jute filigree.

Topic 7.1. Introduction to the technique - jute filigree. Materials and tools for working with jute cord. Safety briefing.

Topic 7.3. Volumetric crafts made from jute cord. Casket.

Section 8. Final (final) lesson

Methodological support for additional

educational program.



"The Good and the Bad"

1. Winter, summer, spring, autumn.

"Add a sentence"

2. Notebook, monkey, owl.

5. Pillow, cheerful, chew.
6. Cow, light, fly.
"Walking with the Clouds" .

Game-exercise “I am a flower” .

- What is he like?

"Box with a fairy tale."

Progress of the game

"The Magic Trumpet"

Progress of the game

"Help Kolobok"

Progress of the game

"An old fairy tale in a new way" .

Progress of the game
The presenter recalls a fairy tale with the children using pictures. Ask the children to come up with a “reverse fairy tale”: the bears got lost and ended up with a girl. What would they do, how would they behave? The presenter suggests using circles to act out a new fairy tale. "Analogies"
Children are asked to name objects similar in shape to the given one (plate - disk, moon, sun, clock); by structure (fluff - snow, cotton wool, foam rubber, foam); by color (sun - dandelion, yolk, cheese, lemon); depending on the situation (a box of toys - a bus with passengers, a bowl of fruit, a jar of nuts).
We come up with new words (objects, phenomena)
The meaning of the game is based on the combination of two words, objects, situations, phenomena that are separated by a certain distance, unusualness, and dissimilarity. The game activates the imagination and imagination of children. For example, we tell the children two words and invite them to name a new one (banana + pineapple = bananas; cow + crocodile = corodile). You can invite preschoolers to talk about the way new objects exist.
"The good and the bad."
Purpose: the game is aimed at developing the ability to see opposing properties in one object, find opposites, evaluate the same phenomena from different points of view.
Directions for implementation: the more common category of assessment for children is “good - bad”. Using this category, invite children to evaluate natural phenomena, objects, and deeds:
1. Winter, summer, spring, autumn.
2. Rain, snow, wind, fire, sun.
3. Eat, sleep, walk in the forest, climb mountains.
4. Drink medicine, do exercises, wash.
5. Knife, plate, glass, paint.
For example, summer: good - it’s warm, you can swim, you don’t have to dress for a long time, bad - it’s very hot, you sweat, you can get sunburned. Knife: good - easy to cut, bad - you can cut yourself.
“Make a sentence.”
Goal: develop the ability to generate ideas
Directions: the task is to use three given words to make as many sentences as possible. For example:
1. Car, wet, shepherd.
2. Notebook, monkey, owl.
3. Bell, steps, stand.
4. Light bulb, wood, tall.
5. Pillow, cheerful, chew.
6. Cow, light, fly.
"Walking with the Clouds"
Goal: development of imagination and fantasy
Directions: While walking, ask the children to look carefully at the clouds and imagine what they look like. In amazing images, which often change, you can see animals, birds, fairy-tale characters, etc.
Game-exercise “I am a flower.”
Goal: be aware of your name; train creative imagination
Children sit in a circle on the carpet. Instructions. Close your eyes and imagine a summer day in a garden or forest clearing. Feel the warmth of a summer day, listen to the birds singing, look at the flowers near you. Now imagine a flower that you could call after yourself.
- What is he like?
Look at the flower, feel its aroma, pick it up... Try to remember how your hands feel. You can take a deep breath and open your eyes. After completing the exercise, tell us how you felt (optional). You can draw a flower.
"Box with a fairy tale."
Goal: development of imagination, coherent speech, creative thinking
Material: 8-10 different figures, box
Progress of the game
The presenter offers to randomly remove figures from the box. You need to figure out who or what this object will be in a fairy tale. After the first player has said 2-3 sentences, the next one takes out another object and continues the story.
When the story is over, the items are put back together and a new story begins. It is important that each time a complete story comes out, and that the child in different situations comes up with different options for actions with the same object.
"Magic Trumpet"
Goal: the child’s assimilation of the opposite qualities of objects; development of cognitive function, imagination.
Material: magazine or sheet of paper rolled into a tube.
Progress of the game
The presenter shows the “magic pipe” and says that if you look through it at an object, it will change its characteristics to the opposite. The presenter asks the children to look through the pipe at objects and tell how they have changed.
“Help Kolobok.”
Goal: education of good feelings, development of imagination, creative thinking, coherent speech.
Material: fairy tale “Kolobok”; cards made from two books; multi-colored circles: yellow (Kolobok), gray (wolf), white (hare), brown (bear), orange (fox).
Progress of the game
The presenter asks the children to remind him of the fairy tale about Kolobok, using pictures or colorful circles. Ask the kids to think about how they can save Kolobok. Let the children figure out what will happen to Kolobok if he escapes from the fox, who he will be friends with, where his house will be. These and other questions will help kids come up with an interesting story.
"An old fairy tale in a new way."
Goal: development of speech, imagination, creative thinking, mastering the concepts of “big - smaller - even smaller”
Material: fairy tale “Three Bears”, circles that represent bears (brown, different sizes), red circle (girl)
Progress of the game
The presenter recalls a fairy tale with the children using pictures. Ask the children to come up with a “reverse fairy tale”: the bears got lost and ended up with a girl. What would they do, how would they behave? The presenter suggests using circles to act out a new fairy tale.

Games and exercises for training to develop creativity and creative abilities.

The proposed game exercises are aimed at developing and activating creativity - the system of creative abilities.

The purpose of these exercises is to teach a person to act productively in situations of novelty and uncertainty, relying on his creative potential; navigate in rapidly changing circumstances, make adequate decisions when the initial information for this is incomplete.

What, Where, How.


Participants sitting in a circle are shown some unusual object, the purpose of which is not entirely clear (you can even use not the object itself, but its photograph). Each participant must quickly answer three questions in order:

What is this?

Where did this come from?

How can this be used?

However, repetition is not allowed; each participant must come up with new answers to each of these questions.

The easiest way to get props for this exercise is to take not whole objects (their purpose is usually more or less clear), but fragments of something - such that it is difficult to understand from them where they came from.

The meaning of the exercise

A light “intellectual warm-up” that activates the fluency of the participants’ thinking, stimulating them to come up with unusual ideas and associations.


Which answers to questions do the participants remember and seem to be the most interesting and original?

The earth is round


“Everyone knows that the Earth is round. But what specific meaning can be put into these words? As psychological studies show, many children understand these words completely differently from what adults expect from them. For example, they believe that the Earth is a flat circle that floats in the sea or floats freely in space. At the same time, when asked what shape the Earth has, they quite reasonably answer: “Round!” - and this answer does not contradict their ideas about the structure of the world. Come up with as many other options as possible, as erroneously as possible, but from the point of view of logic it is consistent to imagine the “roundness” of the Earth.”

The exercise is performed in subgroups of 3-5 people, work time is 6-8 minutes.

The meaning of the exercise

In addition to developing the ability to generate ideas, the exercise allows you to demonstrate the possibility of ambiguous interpretations and, as a result, the occurrence of errors even when understanding “truths” that seem obvious.




Participants are given short descriptions of several situations and asked to come up with situations that could be considered the opposite of those proposed. The exercise is performed in subgroups of 3-4 people, the work time is determined based on the calculation of 2-3 minutes per situation. Then representatives of each of the subgroups take turns voicing the invented options and arguing why they can be considered as opposite to the proposed situations.

For example, the following situations can be suggested:

The boxer enters the ring.

A girl rides down a hill on roller skates.

A photojournalist sends photos from competitions to the editor.

Of course, you can offer other situations, but you should avoid too simple options in which the opposite situations are obvious, and choose those where the opposites are not so obvious or, at least, they can be identified on the basis of different signs.

The meaning of the exercise

Training in thinking “by contradiction” - a way of finding solutions to problems in which, in order to more fully understand their essence, their opposite is presented. Development of flexibility in the perception of life situations. Search for non-obvious solutions.


What was the meaning of the concept of “opposite” when performing this exercise? In which situations was it easier to come up with opposite options, and in which was it more difficult? What is the reason for this? Give examples of life situations where the “by contradiction” approach to solving problems can be useful.

Unusual actions


Each of the participants is asked to remember some unusual, original action, a strange and not entirely explainable act from the perspective of common sense, committed over the past one or two months (1-2 minutes are given for reflection). Then participants are asked to briefly talk about it and also comment:

What exactly do they see as unusual about this action?

What, from their point of view, prompted him?

How do they evaluate this action “in hindsight” - what is it for?

led, was it worth doing?

If there are fewer than 12 participants in the group, it is advisable to perform the exercise together; with a larger number of participants, it is better to divide the group into 2-3 subgroups that will work in parallel.

The meaning of the exercise

The exercise helps to transfer knowledge and skills related to creativity to consideration of one’s own life, increasing the degree of openness to new life experiences.


How do unusual actions affect our life - do they make it brighter, more interesting, more complex, more dangerous, or change it in some other way? Have the participants recently had situations when they wanted to do something unusual, but something stopped them? If so, what exactly stopped them and how is this assessed “retrospectively” - is it right that the action was not completed, or would it have been better to have done it? Whose unusual actions did the participants want to repeat?

Using skills


Each of the participants names some sports skill that he owns (for example, snowboarding or rollerblading, doing pull-ups on a bar, throwing a ball in a precisely given direction, etc.). Then the other participants offer possible options for using these skills - not only in physical education and sports, but also in other areas of life. Exercise

performed in a general circle.

The meaning of the exercise

The exercise teaches you to generate ideas about ways to practically use the resources available to participants, helps to increase self-esteem, and also increases motivation to develop new skills and improve existing ones.


Participants exchange their impressions and thoughts about what new skills and methods of application interest them.


Exercise “Anagram” (hidden word).

Goal: to develop the child’s mental operations of analysis and synthesis)

Task: write down the name of the flowers by rearranging the letters.


Exercise "Comparison"

Goal: teach the child to compare objects.

Assignment: name the common characteristics: CHAMOMILE, CORNFORNOW;

How they differ: TREE SHRUSH.

Exercise "Classification"

Goal: teach the child to classify.

Task: large and small, black and white circles are divided into 2 groups. On what basis are the circles divided: a) by color b) by size c) by color and size

List of used literature.

    K. Mititello “Applique. Technology and art." Moscow. Ed. LLC "Eksmo", 2005

    M.I. Nagibin "Miracles for children from unnecessary things." Yaroslavl "Academy of Development" 1997

    T.O. Skrebtsova, L.A. Danilchenko “Salted dough: ideas for the interior.” Rostov-on-Don. Ed. "Phoenix", 2007

    N.N. Golubeva “Applique from natural materials.” Moscow. Ed. “Culture and Traditions”, 2002

    D.K.Di Fidio, V.S.Bellini “Silk ribbons. We embroider original gifts and decorations.” Moscow. Ed. "Content", 2009.

All children are very talented. At an early age they are open to creativity, knowledge, experimentation, they are courageous and decisive, they try and are not afraid to make mistakes. One of the important creative areas, along with musical development or drawing, is needlework.

Handicraft is the art of doing something with your hands. This area includes many different areas of everything you can think of and implement with your fingers. Such activities are very important for children and adults, solving different problems at different ages. In childhood, various areas of needlework and related applied arts develop fine motor skills (which ensure mental development), spatial imagination, imagination, sense of taste and style, perseverance and patience, accuracy, attentiveness, diligence and many other qualities that are irreplaceable in life. From a psychological point of view, creating objects with your own hands helps you realize yourself, find a way of self-affirmation for complex children, provide energy through your hands, find inner harmony, and find friends with similar interests.

Doing different types of needlework is especially beneficial for girls. After all, it brings up many useful feminine qualities. And if you look at it from the point of view of modern pragmatism - the ability to sew, knit, weave, decorate, invent, etc. In our time of template patterns, it allows you to be interesting, originally and tastefully dressed, fashionable, relevant and unsurpassed in any society and at any level of material security.

Today we have collected in one review most of the Tomsk clubs in which girls from 5 to 18 years old can learn handicrafts. Almost all classes are permanent. We did not take creative workshops that conduct lessons and master classes in various techniques; you can follow them according to your taste and wallet. But before listing the addresses and the “circles” themselves, I would like to say about the picture we saw in Tomsk.

Almost every children's creativity center has classes in beadwork and creating soft toys. Perhaps these are the most popular activities - accessible, interesting, diverse.

Beadwork is one of the oldest crafts, widespread throughout the world. These are not only jewelry, although jewelry with the proper level of skill turns out to be original and very fashionable, these are artistic compositions, toys, keychains, gifts, embroidery, clothing items and everything that your imagination can handle.

Usually, beadwork classes are not limited to just beads; many different related techniques and friendly types of needlework are used. Beading is very useful for children, because it very well develops fine motor skills, finger muscles, memory, the desire to finish what you start, adherence to rules, imagination, spatial thinking and a love of beauty. It is worth noting that working with beads is a significant strain on your eyesight, so most likely you will be asked for a certificate from an ophthalmologist.

Activities succinctly called “Soft Toy” usually conceal a whole world within themselves. Here children study history, ethnography, national customs, rituals, beliefs and everything related to toys and dolls. Girls and boys learn to work with different materials - fabric, fur, wool (felting), plaster, clay, paper, wood - from all this they make wonderful toys. The creation process begins with a pattern or diagram, then manufacturing, painting or decoration occurs. They sew, weave, knit for dolls, collect clothes, create installations of life around them, in general they spend a very interesting time!

Another popular area is Floristry - creating crafts, bouquets, paintings and everything else from natural (and not only materials). Many teachers write on their pages that working with natural materials transforms children, makes them look at every branch and, of course, at the whole world in a completely different way, with admiration.

A separate area can be distinguished among various kinds of “Couturier” mugs. Here they learn to model, draw, cut and sew clothes, work with sewing and knitting machines, crochet, knit and even bobbin knitting, decorate and then proudly parade in their products at shows.

For those who want everything or cannot decide on one direction, there are many universal clubs where children do a little bit of everything. Perhaps this will be a good option for the initial stage - to receive diverse development, master many skills, see the world of handicrafts in all its glory, and then choose which path to delve into.

When choosing an activity for your child, don’t be lazy to go to the children’s club - look at the exhibition stands, talk with teachers, look for reviews. After all, here, as elsewhere, the personality, thoughts and even taste of the teacher are of great importance.

Blue bird

  • City of Masters (5-7 years)
  • Magic bead (7-11 years old)
  • Origami (5-7 years)
  • DIY gifts (9-13 years old)
  • Textile doll (7-14 years old)


Elizarov St., 2,

  • “Nature, creativity, fantasy” (7-12 years old)
    making artificial flowers from fabric, appliques from straws, artistic appliques from semolina, etc.
  • ABC of knitting (7-15 years old)
    Knitting, crocheting, fork

Kosareva, 9

  • “Soft toy” (7-11 years old)

Gogolya, 23

  • City of Masters (7-11 years old)
    Making soft toys, bead weaving, salt dough modeling, quilling, decoupage

Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth

  • School for girls, costume theater "Businka" (7-16 years old)
    Beading, creation of costumes from inception to full implementation, demonstration of models in the show

Fairy Tale House

Krasnoarmeyskaya st. 63 st.1, 32-05-12,

  • Magic chest (2-3 years and 3-5 years)
    Appliques, scratch paper, plasticineography, mosaic of cereals and seeds and much more.
  • Clay fairy tale - modeling from clay. Children under 6 years old with their mothers, over 6 years old - alone.

House of Childhood and Youth "Fakel"

  • Skillful fingers (6-12 years old)
    Beads, modeling, paper plastic, quilling, decoupage, mosaic, trimming, paper art, working with waste and natural materials.
  • Creative Studio "Joy" (7-11 years old)
    Includes two blocks: classical fine art and applied art (beads, paper, fabric, wool, wood)
  • Nail design (14-17 years old)
    Manicure, nail extensions, nail design
  • Image studio (14-18 years old)
    Basics of hairdressing, professional etiquette, development of taste.

Hobby center

  • Little designer (4-6 years old)
    Modeling, modeling from paper and other natural materials
  • Knitting workshop “Needlewoman”
  • "Stylish things"
    Creativity from different materials, in different techniques (interior items, jewelry, handbags, etc.)

Children's Art House "At the White Lake"

  • Association "FLiKO" - floristry and bobbin weaving (lace weaving)
  • Association “Crazy Hands” - beading, decoupage, felting.

Children's Art House "Constellation"

  • Beading (7-13 years old)
  • School of Floristry “Tsvetik seven-colored” (7-11 years old) - working with natural materials
  • Hairdressing art "Beauty" (11-18 years old)

Republic of the Vigorous

  • Beadwork workshop “Pearl”
  • Creative workshop Art Life

Children's club "Olympia"

lane Derbyshevsky, 24, 406-275

  • Beading studio “Our style”

Our Harbor

  • Soft toy (6-14 years old)
  • Creative association of beadwork “Pearl”
    Decorating clothes, creating jewelry, crafts and souvenirs.
  • Young designer (grades 5 to 11)
    Cutting, making and decorating clothes.
  • Creative association “Floristry. Landscape design"

Multidisciplinary children's club "Ogonyok"

  • Wizards Workshop (7-12 years old)
    The history of the origin of dolls, souvenirs, various toys, sculptural plastic, paper plastic, textiles, papier-mâché, etc.
  • Needlewoman (7-14 years old)
    Sewing, crocheting and knitting, mastering a knitting machine, weaving baubles and belts, decorating with satin ribbons, souvenirs made of leather, fabric, waste and natural materials

Center for Children's Creativity "Luch"

  • “Soft toy” Making toys from various materials, using various techniques, sewing, knitting clothes, etc.

Children's Center "Dominanta"

Pervomayskaya 65/1

  • Creative workshop “Straw” (7-11 years old)
    Crafts made from straw, paintings, crafts made from natural materials, burning.
  • Creative workshop “Living Bead” (7-12 years old)

House of children's creativity "Iskorka"

Smirnova 7.

  • Creative workshop “Mosaic” - beading
  • Creative workshop “Stylish little thing” - souvenirs, crafts from various materials
  • Creative workshop “Confetti” - crafts from waste materials, scrapbooking
  • Creative workshop “Handicraft chest”
  • Design studio "Souvenir"

Children's center "Teremok"

Mira Ave., 31

  • Creative workshop “Decor” (7-12 years old)

Bülerby, a place of co-creation for children and adults

microdistrict Sunflowers, Gerasimenko 1/17,

  • Workshop of designer toys (girls from 5 years old and mothers)
  • Bead (jewelry making)
  • Couturier (wardrobe for a doll)

The First Museum of Slavic Mythology

The museum regularly hosts interesting master classes and activities for adults and children, including:

  • Painting wooden and plaster toys
  • Clay crafting
  • Charms and dolls
  • Felting and much more.

In addition to orphanages for creativity in our city, you can find quite a lot of “interest groups” where master classes of varying complexity are held. They are good because they do not limit the age of the participants to the upper limit of 16 years, which means that you, mothers, can try yourself in a new field. You can learn, see and do a lot of interesting things with your own hands in the centers

1. For children 3 years old and their parents. 2 times a week in the morning and evening.
In a study group there are 3-4 children with their parents. The circle is aimed at adaptation and conscious development of the child’s living space, working with didactic material and developing the baby’s motor skills.

2. From 4 to 6 years.

Development of creative abilities and preparation for school. Development of speech, artistic, creative and musical abilities, writing, reading, counting, and mathematical thinking skills. Groups consist of 6-8 children.

3. From 3 years old.
2 times a week in the morning and evening.
Development of speech, attention, memory and logical thinking based on psychological games. Testing is carried out periodically; if necessary, individual work with each child is possible. Groups consist of 6-8 children.

4. For children from 2 years old and their parents.
Once a week in the morning and evening.
Development of fine and gross motor skills, sensory perception, enrichment of vocabulary. Activation of visual, auditory, tactile and taste analyzers. Formation of behavior regulation and development of self-image as an independent person in this world. Classes include elements of the M. Montessori method.

5. From 6 years old.
2 times a week in the afternoon and evening
Preparation for school, development of cognitive interests and intellectual abilities, speech. Learning literacy and mathematics through educational games and learning activities.

6. From 4 years old.
Integrated learning of the English language (drawing, development of fine motor skills, rhythm). General intellectual development using elite methods of the Cambridge and Longman courses, developed specifically for children of preschool and primary school age. There are 6-8 children in groups.

7. From the age of 7.
2 times a week in the morning and evening.
Learning English based on traditional methods using innovative materials.

8. From 4 years old.
2 times a week in the morning and evening.
Development of musical ear and the ability to hear and correctly reproduce what is heard. Awakening a sense of rhythm based on singing and elementary music-making on children's noise instruments (xylophone, metallophone, bell, maracas). There are 6-8 children in groups.

9. For school age children.

Classes are held according to a licensed program of music-free training. Voice training, learning to independently select songs of various styles and directions.

10. From 6 to 18 years old.
Once a week on Sundays.
Groups are divided by age:
Junior - from 6 to 11 years old
Senior - from 12 to 18 years.
Classes are held according to the methods of the acting departments of the Moscow Theater School. B.V. Shchukin and the St. Petersburg Academy of Music, Theater and Cinema.
The program of classes includes: acting lessons, artistic reading, stage speech, the basics of stage movement and plastic arts.

11. From 4 years old.
2 times per week.
There are 7-10 children in groups. Dance, vocals, stage practice.

12. From 4 years old.
2 times per week.
There are 8-10 children in groups. Drawing, painting, applied arts.

13. From the age of 7.
2 times per week.
There are 8-10 children in groups.

14. From the age of 9.
2 times per week.
Groups of 8-10 children
Preparatory department of art school. Drawing, painting.

15. From 5 years old.
2 times per week.
There are 8-10 children in groups.