Create an individual curriculum. Individual learning at school - what is it? How to transfer to an IUP

Individual curriculum

The profile level of the standard of secondary (complete) general education can be implemented in various ways. The choice of path depends on the resources of the educational institution and the characteristics of each individual student. One of the models for implementing specialized training is an individual curriculum (IEP). The trend of using IUP in general educational institutions of the city of Kaluga has not yet become sustainable and requires methodological guidance in order to become a strong and active tradition. In order to provide methodological assistance to institutions in understanding the purpose, specific content, mechanism for developing and implementing the IUP, these recommendations have been written.

The regulatory and legal basis for training according to individual curricula are:

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which indicates that “students of all educational institutions have the right to receive education in accordance with state educational standards, to study within these standards according to individual curricula, to an accelerated course of study<...>. Education of citizens according to individual curricula within the state educational standard<...>is regulated by the charter of this educational institution” (clause 1 of article 50);

The concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

Federal basic curriculum approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia;

Charter of a general education institution implementing the practice of individual curricula.

What is an Individual Education Plan?“An individual curriculum is understood as a set of academic subjects (courses) selected for mastering by students from the curriculum of a general education institution, compiled on the basis of the Federal Basic Curriculum. As part of the network interaction of educational institutions (organizations), when drawing up an individual curriculum, it is possible to use educational subjects (courses) from several educational institutions (organizations)”*.

Based on this definition, we can conclude that one of the functions of the IUP consists for a high school student in forecasting: “I choose subjects to study.” However, a “bare” clock grid will not allow any of the participants in the educational process to see the sequence and timing of studying courses, the means of implementing educational tasks, the leading methods of student activity when mastering the content, the types of control and self-control adequate to the goal declared by the high school student, and the very goal that it serves to achieve. compiled by the IEP. This means that a curriculum in the form of a grid of hours is insufficient. To be useful strategic document , first of all, to the student himself, he requires an “Explanatory Note” that allows the high school student to develop an IUP realize

Goals and results (including intermediate) of educational activities;

Types of educational activities (research, projects, practices), control and certification;

Criteria for the success of an educational route.


In this case, the IEP “grows” to individual educational program, which, in addition to the forecasting function, is also decisive normative, motivational, organizational and other functions(see picture).

The structure of the federal basic curriculum allows all subjects at the basic, specialized levels and elective courses to be included in the IEP. Each student has the right to independently indicate the set of academic subjects he is interested in (basic, specialized, elective) from those offered by the school within the permissible study load (maximum - 36 hours, minimum - 30 hours). However order from consumers of educational services to study in a specialized school on the basis of an IEP requires the school to have a reasonable approach to solving problems “from the customer.” Recently, the need for the work of general education institutions to meet the needs of students, their families, vocational education institutions, the local labor market, etc. has given rise to schools imaginary readiness to any “order”, including for specialized educational services provided on the basis of individual educational programs. We draw attention to the danger of underestimating the main criterion for the real attractiveness of a general education institution. It does not lie in the readiness to take on any order, but in the results of education and the quality of execution of the “order.” In this regard, we emphasize the importance of the principles and conditions that must be observed when organizing the educational process based on individual curricula:

1. Adequate assessment of institution resources, allowing for high-quality implementation of the state standard of specialized education in the chosen direction(s) and organizational options offered to students. The number of organizational options for mastering the content of specialized education, including IEP, depends on a number of factors:

From the educational and material base of the school (availability of the required number of equipped classrooms, educational literature, provision of the educational process with materials, tools, reagents, etc.);

From the correspondence of the number of students at the school to its design capabilities (i.e., the presence or absence of a second shift);

From the school's ability to find ways to finance this curriculum;

From the ability of the deputy director to draw up a schedule based on the basic curriculum, but taking into account the educational routes of formed groups of students, etc.

2. A clear understanding of the law by all participants in the educational process: the choice of specialized subjects must be correlated with the set of exams that the school graduate will take.

3. A clear understanding by the institution that the organization of the educational process on the basis of IEPs involves the organization of multidisciplinary training.

4. Multi-stage organization of preparatory work of the teaching staff to ensure the specialization of high school on the basis of IEPs:

4.1. a catalog of popular courses for each academic subject;

4.3. explaining to students and parents the features of organizing the educational process based on IEPs;

4.4. mastering by teacher-curators of new principles of organizing students into groups of variable composition, changing from lesson to lesson;

4.5. mastering the technology of scheduling classes and maintaining school documentation, in particular the parallel maintenance of a “class journal” with a “teacher journal.”

Development mechanism the individual curriculum (individual educational program) is presented in the stages of preparatory work (see above, paragraph 4). It should be noted that it begins with defining the boundaries of supply and demand, and is compiled for two academic years of the third level of education. And based on the results of the development of individual curriculum projects, a stage of coordination and correction of the projects submitted by students is necessary in order to develop a consolidated curriculum for a multidisciplinary school.

Let us note the organizational features of the educational process, built on the basis of IEPs, which are not typical for traditional practice:

Student self-determination is promoted

Systematic conduct of classes based on differentiation of requirements for the level of mastery of the subject;

Organization of short-term elective courses;

Career guidance work;

Organization of diagnostic and advisory activities aimed at self-knowledge, identifying motives for choice and real educational needs, etc.

2. Stage of direct selection of profile and preparation of IUP

In our case, it involves the high school student drawing up a draft of his own individual plan (program).

actions of the teaching staff of the institution



student actions


about 1) the need to study subjects and courses during two years of study, 2) the level (depth) of study, 3) the timing, by filling out the individual curriculum form (appendix)


a list of popular subjects indicating the level of their study and elective courses;



during an interview with the deputy director (curator), a list of selected subjects and courses, the level of their study, workload standards


for students and their parents, the peculiarities of organizing the educational process based on the IUP (reserve time for a significant amount of individual work);

during the second half of the academic year

(until the end of April)


An explanatory note to the curriculum, recording in it

Goals and results (including intermediate) of educational activities;

The workload standard and the reason(s) for choosing exactly this number of hours for two years of study at the senior level;

Sequence, timing and means of implementing the curriculum;

types of educational activities (research, projects, practices), control and certification;

Criteria for the success of an educational route


new principles for organizing students into groups of variable composition

during a year


teachers' workload in accordance with the number of formed study groups

(April – draft, August – approval)


technology for scheduling classes and maintaining school records

(before the start of the school year)


system of forms of certification, control and recording of student achievements

(June August)


IEP projects submitted by students with the capabilities of the institution, adjust the projects, develop a consolidated curriculum for the institution


IUP (program) by parents (legal representatives)

3. The stage of control and correction of the IEP, self-analysis during the implementation of the curriculum. It should be remembered that an individual educational route is essentially a sequence of stages in the implementation of what is planned, taking into account the specific conditions of the educational process. Since these conditions change, an individual educational program cannot be some kind of constant given once and for all. The student retains the right to correct the time sequence of studying topics, sections, courses; forms and types of organization of educational activities, as well as interaction between teachers and students; nomenclature of types of work, etc.

In conclusion, we draw your attention to the following important fact: the IEP, denoting the individual route for a student’s advancement in education, guides the teacher to search the most favorable conditions conducive to the achievement of educational results by students; development and implementation of the necessary types of pedagogical assistance to the student.

We wish you success!


Individual curriculum

(form to be completed by students)

Full Name student


Academic subjects,

elective courses

Level of study and number of hours per week



Russian language


Foreign language


Parents signature


Note: The student is asked to mark (by ticking, underlining) the requested number of hours.

Training according to an individual plan: content of the concept

When organizing such training, it is necessary to consider what the concept of IEP is. In fact, the essence of such a plan is perfectly expressed in the relevant federal law, where the concept is stated in precise form. So, the IEP is an individual educational trajectory that helps to master the curriculum of a specific category of students; it is created on the basis of certain characteristics of the student’s personality as well as educational needs. This interpretation of the concept differs significantly from the previously used one, where the individual curriculum of a child with disabilities, for example, was interpreted as a set of school subjects or academic courses chosen by the student from the basic general education curriculum. The new interpretation obviously increases the chances of getting an education for children with congenital health problems. At the level of a particular case, a specific educational organization, IEP is defined as training according to an individual plan based on a lesson route sheet, individually oriented to one student. At the same time, there is no practice of using IEP for children who show amazing success in specific academic subjects or those who are engaged in additional general developmental, professional educational programs. Modern practice of implementing an individual educational trajectory is manifested in home schooling or specialized training. In fact, IEP can theoretically be introduced into the educational process at any level, under a variety of conditions and forms of training.

Training according to an individual plan: program features

So the goals of the standard IEP program are obvious:

  • Support outstanding students and young talents.
  • Prepare students who are at the level of mastering the curriculum to master more complex subjects.
  • Develop at least one individual curriculum for a child with disabilities.
  • Satisfy the needs of students enrolled in a specialized or advanced program.
  • Provide education to children with obvious forms of maladjustment in large groups.

Features of training according to an individual plan:

  1. The IUP is compiled exclusively for students in educational institutions.
  2. Such a training system can be created at any level of a previously mastered curriculum for students: those who are especially capable of mastering the program (motivated and talented); studying additional subjects at an in-depth and specialized level; those wishing to receive an individual educational trajectory and finally pass exams; those who have not repaid academic debts on time; categories not defined at the institutional level within the framework of the current laws of the Russian Federation.
  3. The material and technical base of the educational process must be fully equipped so that students in the IUP can freely study educational subjects.
  4. The standard individual curriculum for a child with disabilities must be completed in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution.
  5. The IEP learning process takes place on the basis that the student's previously acquired knowledge is taken into account and a plan is drawn up accordingly.
  6. The procedure for studying the program is determined solely by the educational organization itself.
  7. The main program may consist of several curricula, including training according to an individual plan.

Consequently: studies within the framework of the IEP can only take place in educational institutions and cannot go beyond the scope of the student’s main program, but takes into account the educational needs of the student, his personal characteristics, as well as health problems. Accordingly, an individual educational trajectory is created. This does not mean at all that the student will undergo a simplified program; on the contrary, he will have to master the standard program in full. The maximum student hours of the IEP are determined in accordance with the requirements of the general education institution. The minimum is the standard number of hours for the curriculum of a school or university.

The structure of training according to an individual plan in a standard educational institution

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the author’s vision of the IEP structure for students of educational institutions, which is based on information, methodological and regulatory documents, as well as the compiler’s personal experience in the field of education. The individual educational trajectory plan consists of an explanatory note and a clock grid. Below is the gist of the two sections of the explanatory note:

  1. General position: here is a complete description of the development of the IEP, the basics, the duration of study per year, the form of mastering the standard program, passing exams and intermediate certifications.
  2. The student’s own IEP, which indicates the features of the program and the approach to creation.

The grid of training hours according to an individual plan is represented by graphic tables that indicate the subjects studied, the hours spent on studying them, as well as forms of knowledge sections and intermediate certifications. It should be noted here that a specific table corresponds to a specific training plan. For example: for the individual curriculum of a child with disabilities, the sample No. 1 presented below can be used, and samples No. 2 and No. 3 can be used for the IEP as part of specialized education.

The basis for the formation of an IUP is a decision of the collegial governing body of an educational institution, as a rule, the pedagogical council, adopted on the basis of an application / application from students and (or) parents (legal representatives) and enshrined in an order for the organization, for example, “On the formation of training according to an individual educational plan for educational 20__/__ academic year”, published in January - February of the current academic year, i.e. during the period when work is underway to formulate the curriculum for the entire educational institution. If we are talking about a more correct approach to an individual educational trajectory, then we should talk about the development (if there was no OEP of this level of general education in the educational institution) or about the correction of OEP at the appropriate level. An exception may be those IUPs, the need for which arises depending on the current situation during the academic year, which is decided in each specific case and in each individual educational institution independently. When forming an IUP, a student, if there is a financial opportunity, can be offered extracurricular activities that will complement and enrich its content.

Documentation when accompanying students studying under an individual plan

The procedure for dealing with academic debt, which means unsatisfactory results of intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, is defined in Art. 58 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 58 students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject no more than two times within the time frame determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt.

Part 9 art. 58 provides a choice of three options for resolving the issue if there is academic debt at school at the end of the academic year. Such students are 1) retained for repeated training, 2) transferred to training according to adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, or 3) transferred to training according to an individual curriculum.

Parents have the right not only to receive information about all types of planned examinations (psychological, psychological-pedagogical) of students, but also to give consent to conduct such examinations or participate in such examinations, as well as refuse to conduct them or participate in them, to receive information about the results of examinations of students (clause 6, part 3, article 44).

Parents also have the right to be present when children are examined by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, discuss the results of the examination and recommendations received based on the results of the examination, and express their opinion regarding the proposed conditions for organizing the education and upbringing of children.

Training according to an individual curriculum with a shorter training period

In accordance with the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, they can take advantage of the right to study according to an individual curriculum with a reduction in the period of study the following persons:

  • those with higher education in any field of training (specialty) - the estimated duration of study is 4 - 4.5 years;
  • graduates of colleges or technical schools who have received a specialized specialization in secondary vocational education for the chosen profile at the University (for example, a college diploma in the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” is considered core in relation to the program mastered at the University in the profile “Industrial and civil construction”) - duration of study 4.5 years;
  • previously studied at a higher educational institution and have a certificate of study or academic certificate - the duration of study depends on the extent of overlap of disciplines.

General rules:

  1. All applicants, regardless of previous education, are enrolled based on the results of a competitive selection in the chosen field of study for the first year of the full training program, see the admission rules. Reducing the duration of study is possible only by re-crediting or re-certifying the studied disciplines in a previous educational institution, on the basis of which an individual curriculum for the student is drawn up.
  2. see Regulations of the National Research University MGSU on the procedure for organizing training according to individual curricula, see Regulations of the National Research University MGSU on the procedure for organizing training and implementing educational programs of higher education according to individual curricula in an accelerated time frame.
  3. Only those disciplines that were studied in an educational organization of higher education are re-credited, provided that they have similar names, the same complexity of mastering (not less) and the form of certification in relation to the curriculum of the National Research University MGSU. Diplomas of higher education or certificates of study at a university/academic certificates are taken into account without limitation of how long ago they were received, but subject to state accreditation of the university.
  4. If a discipline has a difference in name, form of certification (test/exam/differentiated test) or less labor intensity (number of hours of study), it can be re-certified by decision of the certification commission of the relevant department. Re-certification of disciplines is carried out by the certification commission of the relevant department in the personal presence of the student during the first semester of study according to the schedule (usually the month of November). During recertification, the commission surveys the student in the discipline and makes a decision on whether the student has or does not have knowledge and competencies corresponding to the University program. For persons living in remote regions of the Russian Federation, the recertification procedure can be carried out using telecommunication technologies, subject to the identification of the person being certified.
  5. If desired, any of the disciplines that fall under the category of “retest” or “recertification” can be studied again by the student.
  6. The results of re-testing and re-certification are included in the student’s individual curriculum. The individual curriculum is agreed upon with the student, after which an additional agreement is drawn up to the agreement on paid educational services, which determines the new term of study and changes in tuition fees according to the IEP, calculated in accordance with the order. The cost of training is determined for each academic semester separately, depending on the actual labor intensity, without taking into account re-credited or re-certified disciplines. That is, the total cost of training is reduced by the volume of re-credited or re-certified disciplines.
  7. Transfer to training according to an individual curriculum is made during the first semester of study after completion of the recertification procedure.

For reference, using the example of the direction of training “Construction”, the profile “Industrial and Civil Construction” are given:

  • an approximate list of disciplines that a college graduate who has received a secondary vocational education diploma in the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” can apply for recertification;

Approved by order of the director
(name of educational organization)
from ________ No. ____


I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation “On the procedure for training according to an individual curriculum in an educational organization” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was developed on the basis of:

1.1.1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

1.1.2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education”;

1.1.3. Charter of the educational organization.

1.2. Taking into account the capabilities and needs of the individual, general education programs can be mastered according to an individual curriculum. Education according to an individual curriculum is a type of child mastering general education programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education independently, under the supervision of a teacher, with subsequent certification.

1.3. Training according to an individual curriculum can be organized for students:

1.3.1. with persistent maladjustment to school and inability to master educational programs in a large group of children, as well as the situation in the family;

1.3.2. with a high degree of success in mastering the programs;

1.3.3. with disabilities;

1.3.4. for other reasons.

1.4. Students who have not eliminated their academic debt from the moment of its formation within the established time frame may be transferred to study according to an individual curriculum.

1.5. Individual curriculum is a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student. In relation to students with academic debt, this is a curriculum that contains compensatory measures in those subjects for which this debt has not been eliminated.

1.6. The procedure for carrying out training according to an individual curriculum is determined by the educational organization independently, and the implementation of the individual curriculum is carried out within the framework of the educational program being mastered.

1.7. Training according to an individual curriculum is subject to federal state educational standards of general education.

1.8. The main task of teaching students according to an individual curriculum is to meet the needs of children, taking into account their characteristics, by choosing the optimal level of implemented programs, the pace and timing of their development.

1.9. Parents (legal representatives) of students are familiarized with these Regulations at parent-teacher meetings when children are admitted to an educational organization. This Regulation is subject to publication on the official website of the educational organization on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

II. Transfer to training according to an individual curriculum

2.1. An individual curriculum is developed for an individual student or group of students based on the curriculum of the educational organization.

2.2. When forming an individual curriculum, a modular principle can be used, providing for various options for combining academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), and other components included in the curriculum of an educational organization.

2.3. An individual curriculum, with the exception of an individual curriculum providing for accelerated learning, can be provided from the 1st grade.

2.4. An individual curriculum is drawn up, as a rule, for one academic year, or for another period specified in the application of the student or his parents (legal representatives) for studying according to an individual curriculum.

2.5. The individual curriculum determines the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution over periods of study (if the individual curriculum is designed for more than one year) of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other types of educational activities and forms of intermediate certification of students.

2.6. An individual curriculum is developed in accordance with the specifics and capabilities of the educational organization.

2.7. When implementing educational programs in accordance with an individual curriculum, various educational technologies can be used, including distance educational technologies and e-learning.

2.8. Transfer to training according to an individual curriculum is carried out at the request of parents (legal representatives) of minor students or at the request of adult students.

2.9. Transfer to study according to an individual curriculum for students who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation is carried out upon the application of the parents (legal representatives) of the student.

2.10. The application indicates the period for which the student is provided with an individual curriculum, and may also contain the wishes of the student or his parents (legal representatives) to individualize the content of the educational program (inclusion of additional academic subjects, courses, in-depth study of certain disciplines, reduction of time for mastering basic educational programs and etc.).

2.11. Applications for transfer to study according to an individual curriculum are accepted during the academic year until May 15 (you can set a different date that gives both the student and the educational organization the opportunity to plan and organize training according to an individual curriculum).

2.12. Training according to an individual curriculum begins, as a rule, from the beginning of the school year.

2.13. Transfer to training according to an individual curriculum is formalized by order of the head of the educational organization.

2.14. The individual curriculum is approved by the decision of the pedagogical council of the educational organization.

2.15. The organization of training according to an individual curriculum is carried out by the educational organization in which the student is studying.

2.16. A person studying according to an individual curriculum is given the opportunity to receive the necessary consultations on academic subjects, literature from the library fund of an educational organization, use subject rooms for laboratory work, practical work, continue studying in an educational organization in the manner determined by the educational organization and enshrined in its Charter.

2.17. Taking into account the desires and abilities, the student may be provided with free classroom space, study of individual courses and topics in the form of self-education and other forms provided for by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2.18. The educational organization, taking into account the requests of parents (legal representatives) of students and students, determines the timing and level of program implementation. An individual schedule of classes, a list of training programs in subjects, the number of hours, forms and terms of current and final control, teachers conducting training, are formalized by order of the head of the educational organization.

2.19. Students are required to follow the individual curriculum, including attending training sessions provided for by the individual curriculum.

2.20. Interim and final state certification, student transfer is carried out in accordance with Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

III. Requirements for an individual curriculum for primary general education

3.1. In order to individualize the content of the educational program of primary general education, the individual curriculum of primary general education provides for:

3.1.1. training sessions for in-depth study of the English language;

3.1.2. training sessions that provide for the various interests of students, including ethnocultural ones;

3.1.3. other educational subjects

3.2. To conduct these classes, school hours are used in accordance with the part of the basic curriculum formed by the participants in the educational process (in 1st grade, in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, this part is absent).

3.3. Individualization of the content of the basic general education program of primary general education can be carried out through extracurricular activities.

3.4. The individual curriculum of primary general education includes the following compulsory subject areas: philology, mathematics and computer science, social studies and natural science (the environment), the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics, art, technology, physical education.

3.5. At the choice of the parents (legal representatives) of students, the fundamentals of Orthodox culture, the fundamentals of Jewish culture, the fundamentals of Buddhist culture, the fundamentals of Islamic culture, the fundamentals of world religious cultures, and the fundamentals of secular ethics are studied.

3.6. The number of training sessions over 4 academic years cannot be less than 2,904 hours and more than 3,345 hours.

3.7. The standard period for mastering the educational program of primary general education is four years. An individual curriculum may provide for a reduction in the specified period due to accelerated learning. The recommended reduction in the period of mastering the educational program of primary general education is no more than 1 year.

3.8. The standard period for mastering the educational program of primary general education for children with disabilities can be increased taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission).

IV. Requirements for the individual curriculum of basic general education

4.1. In order to individualize the content of the educational program of basic general education, the individual curriculum of basic general education may provide for:

4.1.1. training sessions for in-depth study of the English language;

4.1.2. increasing the teaching hours allocated to the study of individual compulsory subjects;

4.1.3. introduction of specially designed training courses that meet the interests and needs of participants in the educational process, including ethnocultural ones;

4.1.4. organization of extracurricular activities focused on meeting the individual needs of students;

4.1.5. other educational subjects (taking into account the needs of the student and the capabilities of the educational organization).

4.2. The required hours are allocated through part of the basic curriculum of basic general education, formed by participants in the educational process.

4.3. The individual curriculum of basic general education includes the following compulsory subject areas and academic subjects:

4.3.1. philology (Russian language, literature, foreign language);

4.3.2. social scientific subjects (history, social studies, geography);

4.3.3. mathematics and computer science (mathematics, algebra, geometry, computer science);

4.3.4. natural science subjects (physics, biology, chemistry);

4.3.5. art (visual arts, music);

4.3.6. technology (technology);

4.3.7. physical culture and basics of life safety (physical culture, basics of life safety).

4.4. The number of training sessions over 5 years cannot be less than 5,267 hours and more than 6,020 hours.

4.5. The standard period for mastering the educational program of basic general education is 5 years. An individual curriculum may provide for a reduction in the specified period due to accelerated learning. The recommended reduction in the period of mastering the educational program of basic general education is no more than 1 year.

V. Requirements for the individual curriculum of secondary general education

5.1. The basic general education subjects required for inclusion in the individual curriculum are: “Russian language”, “Literature”, “Foreign language”, “Mathematics”, “History”, “Physical education”, “Fundamentals of life safety”, “Social studies (including economics and law)".

5.2. The remaining academic subjects at the basic level are included in the individual elective curriculum.

VI. Necessary conditions for the implementation of the curriculum

6.1. To create an individual curriculum you should:

6.1.1. include compulsory academic subjects at the basic level in the curriculum (invariant part of the federal component);

6.1.2. the curriculum may also include other academic subjects at the basic level (from the variable part of the federal component);

6.1.3. include a regional component in the curriculum;

6.1.4. the compilation of the curriculum ends with the formation of a component of the educational organization (in the amount of at least 280 hours over two academic years).

6.2. If the selected academic subject at the profile level coincides with one of the compulsory academic subjects at the basic level, then the latter is excluded from the invariant part.

VII. Terms of work according to the individual curriculum

7.1. The total study time allocated in the curriculum for academic subjects of the federal component (basic compulsory + specialized + basic electives) should not exceed 2,100 hours over two years of study.

7.2. If after the formation of the federal component there remains a reserve of hours (up to 2,100), then these hours are transferred to the component of the educational organization).

7.3. The hours allocated to the component of the educational organization are used for: teaching subjects offered by the educational organization; conducting educational practices and research activities; implementation of educational projects, etc. They can also be used to increase the number of hours allocated for teaching basic and specialized educational subjects of the federal component.

7.4. The standard period for mastering the educational program of secondary general education is 2 years. An individual curriculum may provide for a reduction in the specified period due to accelerated learning. The recommended reduction in the period of mastering the educational program of secondary general education is no more than 1 year.

VIII. Monitoring the implementation of the individual curriculum

8.1. The educational organization monitors the development of general education programs by students who have switched to training according to an individual curriculum.

8.2. Current monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students transferred to study according to an individual curriculum are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the current monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students of an educational organization.

IX. State final certification of students

9.1. State final certification of students transferred to study according to an individual curriculum is carried out in accordance with current legislation.

9.2. A student who does not have academic debt and has completed the individual curriculum in full is allowed to take part in the state final certification, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting the state final certification for the relevant educational programs.

X. Financial support and material and technical equipment

10.1. Financial support for the implementation of the main educational program of an educational organization in accordance with the individual curriculum is carried out on the basis of expenditure obligations based on the municipal assignment for the provision of municipal educational services in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards.

10.2. The material and technical equipment of the educational process should ensure the possibility of implementing individual educational plans for students.

XI. Control order

11.1. The competence of the administration of an educational organization includes:

11.1.1. development of regulations on the organization of training according to an individual curriculum;

11.1.2. submission within a week to the governing body in the field of education about the organization of training according to an individual curriculum, which indicates the surname, first name, patronymic of the student, class, reason for switching to training according to an individual curriculum, date of the decision of the pedagogical council, period of study, information for tariffs teachers;

11.1.3. ensuring timely selection of teachers, conducting examinations of curricula and monitoring their implementation;

11.1.4. control of the timely conduct of classes, consultations, attendance of classes by students, keeping a log of training according to the individual curriculum at least once a quarter.

11.2. When organizing training according to an individual curriculum, the educational organization has the following documents:

11.2.1. application from parents (legal representatives) of students;

11.2.2. decision of the pedagogical council of the educational organization;

11.2.3. order of the education management body on the student’s transfer to training according to an individual curriculum;

11.2.4. order of the head of the educational organization;

11.2.5. schedule of classes, consultations, agreed in writing with parents (legal representatives) of educational organizations and approved by the head of the educational organization;

11.2.6. training log according to the individual curriculum.

XII. Procedure for adoption and validity period of the Regulations

12.1. This Regulation is considered and adopted by the pedagogical council of the educational organization and approved by order of the head of the educational organization.

12.2. This Regulation is adopted for an indefinite period and comes into force from the moment of its approval.

12.3. This Regulation can be amended and supplemented in accordance with newly issued regulations of the municipal, regional, and federal educational authorities only by decision of the pedagogical council.

12.4. Changes and additions to the Regulations are adopted by the pedagogical council of the educational organization as part of the new edition of the Regulations, which is approved by order of the head of the educational organization. After the adoption of a new version of the Regulations, the previous version becomes invalid.