Speech development tasks on the topic of vegetables. Summary of GCD on speech development in the middle group on the topic: Vegetables - fruits. Demonstration material for the lesson

Outline of the direct educational activities of a preschooler in the preparatory group for the development of coherent speech

Theme "Vegetables"

Training period I.


  • updating and enriching the dictionary on the lexical topic “Vegetables”.


  • repetition of acquired knowledge (what grows where - on the ground, underground...)
  • activate the vocabulary of nouns on the topic “Vegetables”
  • consolidate word formation of relative adjectives
  • consolidation of the use of prepositions (with, on, from under, in - from)
  • consolidate the skill of writing a story according to an outline

Equipment :

  • object pictures depicting vegetables, models of vegetables, a plate, a basket, a diagram for composing a story.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment:

I. Listen carefully to the poem.

The hostess came from the market one day,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,
Parsley and beets, oh!
Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas
Parsley and beets, oh!
And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good!
(Y. Tuvim)

What vegetables were mentioned in the poem? (cabbage, carrots, peas, etc.)

What vegetable do you like? Describe it.

II. “What grows where?”

Here are pictures of vegetables. It is necessary to distribute what grows on the ground, what is underground, and what is on the bush.

  • The bush grows cucumber, tomato, pepper, eggplant.
  • On the ground - zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage
  • Under the ground - potatoes, onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, beets.

How will people collect vegetables? What grows on the ground will be (cut)

What's on the bush (pluck). And what’s underground (dig).

III. Physical education lesson “We are surprised by nature.”

We are standing in the garden
We are surprised by nature.
(Stretching arms to the sides)
Here is the salad, and here is the dill.
We grow carrots there.
(Touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa).
We will work with you
Let's declare a fight against the weeds -
We'll tear it out by the roots
Yes, squat lower.
Everyone is amazed at the fence
Nettles grew luxuriantly.
(Stretching - arms to the sides).
We won't touch her -
We've already been burned a little.
(Stretching - arms forward).
We watered everything from a watering can
And we sit on the benches.

IV. “Whatever happened.”

There are vegetables in front of you, remember them carefully. Close your eyes. The speech therapist removes one of them. Open your eyes and see what vegetable is gone?

V. “Where is everything?”

Place the cabbage in the basket, the cucumber on the plate, and the pumpkin under the chair.

Where did you put the cabbage? Tell me the full answer, (I put the cabbage in the basket).

Where did you put the cucumber? (I put the cucumber on the plate)

Where did you put the pumpkin? (put the pumpkin under the chair)

Now take a vegetable and tell me where you will get it from.

I'll take the cabbage from the basket. I'll take the cucumber from the plate, I'll take the pumpkin from under the chair.

VI. "A story about a vegetable."

Write a story about your favorite vegetable according to the diagram.

1) What is this?

2) Where does it grow?

3) What color?

4) What shape

5) What does it taste like?

6) What can you cook?

Bottom line: Thank you for the lesson! I liked what you did today.

Ostankova E.A.,
teacher speech therapist

for children of the senior speech therapy group


  • Systematize and activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables”. Develop grammatical skills, inflection skills, and word formation.
  • Develop the ability to compose a descriptive story according to the proposed scheme.
  • Create positive motivation in class.
  • Develop control over your own speech.


1. Ogre. moment: mystery

Joy has a friend in the form of a semicircle.

She lives on the face, then suddenly goes somewhere.

Then it will suddenly return, sadness and melancholy are afraid of it. (smile)

Hold hands together and smile at each other.

2. Senor Tomato came to visit us. Listen to my riddle:

According to mysterious laws still incomprehensible

The cucumber grows green, next to it is a red tomato.

Blue eggplants next to yellow melon.

And the earth is black and black, and the earth is the same for everyone.

How to call all these objects in one word? (vegetables)

Tomato: That's right, all these are vegetables, they are all different colors, they grow in a vegetable garden.

3. The game is played "Big small"

Senor Tomato says that many children have appeared in the vegetable country.

Tomato - tomato, cucumber - cucumber, pepper - pepper, beet - beetroot, onion - onion, garlic - garlic, carrot - carrot, etc.

4. Finger gymnastics:

Tomato: Guys, what grows in your garden bed? (showing the picture “in the garden”).

What's growing in our garden bed? Alternating palm-fist clapping

Cucumber, sweet peas, bend one finger at a time

Tomatoes and dill

For seasoning and for testing.

There are radishes and salad.

Our garden bed is a treasure! Alternating palm-fist clapping.

5. Guys, Senor Tomato and other vegetables love to play hide and seek. But hide and seek is not simple. (I offer the children a diagram for describing vegetables). You need to create a riddle description according to this scheme without naming the vegetable. The first description riddle is made by Senor Tomato. Next, the children choose an object picture and make up a riddle description themselves with a little help from the teacher.)

6. Physical exercise “In the garden”

And now, guys, it’s time for us to go to the garden and harvest.

We'll go to the garden and collect the harvest. Children walk in a circle one after another.

We will grow carrots and dig up potatoes. Imitation of actions.

We'll cut a head of cabbage,

Round, juicy, very tasty.

We'll pick a little sorrel and head back along the path.

7. Tomato: How many vegetables have you collected? Do you know what you can cook from vegetables?

(I post pictures: glass, plate, salad bowl)

Juice from carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes...

Mashed potatoes, carrots...

Salad of beets, cabbage, carrots...

8. Summary. Generalization.

Tomato: Well done, guys. I see that you know a lot about vegetables.

Vegetables are the main food that a person cannot live without for a day. Vegetables contain many vitamins and other beneficial substances. Some vegetables (onions, garlic, radishes) have healing properties. Eat, drink vitamins - you will be healthy. Goodbye.

Lexical topic “Vegetables. Garden".

Goal: activation of vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables”, development

Correctional educational tasks. Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Vegetables. Vegetable garden", expanding ideas about the importance of adult work, improving the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of numerals with nouns, use of nouns in the genitive case).]

Corrective and developmental tasks. Develop coherent speech, visual attention and perception, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, creative imagination.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, independence, responsibility.

Equipment. Typesetting cloth, magnetic board, finger pool filled with peas; small plastic vegetables, an album “All works are good”, a game “In the garden of the goat Lisa”, notebooks for the number of children, a container with colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

- Place on the table what you took out of the bag. Tell me what is this?

Carrot. Beet. Cucumber. Tomato.

Speech therapist.How can you call them in one word?Children.Vegetables.

Speech therapist.Where do vegetables grow?

Children.Vegetables grow in the garden, in beds or in greenhouses.

Speech therapist.Today we will talk about harvesting vegetables in the fall, learn how to talk about vegetables, play and read.

2. Examination of the painting “Harvesting vegetables” [Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Vegetables. Garden". Development of dialogical speech. Expanding ideas about the importance of adult work.] ("All works are good." Album of demonstration paintings. - SPb., CHILDHOOD-IIRESS, 2005.)

The speech therapist removes the plastic vegetables and places the painting “Harvesting Vegetables” on the canvas.

Speech therapist.Look at the picture. What season do you think the artist depicted on it? Pay attention to the forest, grass, flying birds. Talk about what people do - Start with wordsdepicted in the picture...

Children.The picture shows autumn. The forest is already yellow. The grass has dried up. Birds fly south. People are harvesting.

Speech therapist.Today we will talk about the people who harvest the crops. Talk about what they clean up.

Children.People dig up potatoes. Trucks are carrying cabbage.

Speech therapist.Right. Vegetable growers harvest crops to store vegetables for winter storage. These people are doing a necessary and important job, preparing vegetables for the residents of a big city. List their work activities.

The speech therapist draws the children's attention to the people depicted in the picture.

Children.They drive a tractor, a potato digger, trucks, dig up potatoes, collect them in boxes, stack the boxes on top of each other, and transport the potatoes for storage.

3. Game “In the garden of the goat Lisa” [Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Vegetable garden. Vegetables".] (NishchevaN. IN. Game 1-SPb., CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2003.)

The speech therapist removes the picture and places the playing field on the magnetic board.

Speech therapist.Lisa the goat is also harvesting in her garden and calling us for help. Let's help the goat Lisa.

The speech therapist lays out object pictures with images of vegetables on the table.

Speech therapist.You must take a picture, talk about what kind of vegetable it is, and pin the picture next to the goat Lisa.

1st child. This is a round red tomato.

2ndchild.This is a long orange carrot.

3rdchild.This is green crispy cabbage.

4thchild.And these are sweet sugar snap peas.

1st child: These are green crispy cucumbers.

2ndchild.And this is a thick purple eggplant.

3rdchild.This is a red juicy radish.

4thchild.This is bitter white garlic.

Speech therapist.Well done. List what other vegetables grow in the goat's garden.

Children.Potatoes, lettuce, beets, onions, dill, turnips, peppers, parsley, squash.

Speech therapist.This is what a rich harvest the goat produced. She thanks you for your help, and I can praise you for

you know so many names of vegetables and they told you so well what they are.

4. Game "What Notbecame? [Development of visual perceptionAnd attention. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the use of nouns in the genitive case in the singular and plural).]

The speech therapist removes the playing field and puts the subject pictures in a pile for use in the next game. He places four pictures on the magnetic board.

Speech therapist.And now we’ll play the game “What’s missing?” Look at the pictures. What do they show?

Children.Eggplant, lettuce, beets, dill.

Speech therapist.Remember these names. Now you close your eyes, and I will remove one picture. You will have to say what is missing.

Speech therapist.What's missing?


Speech therapist.Right.

The speech therapist places the following set on the board.

Speech therapist.What do the pictures show?

Children.Potatoes, peppers, parsley, peas.

The speech therapist removes one of the pictures.

Speech therapist.What's missing?


Speech therapist.Right.

The speech therapist places another set of pictures on the board.

Speech therapist.What do these pictures show?

Children.Cucumbers, turnips, onions, garlic.

The speech therapist removes one of the pictures.

Speech therapist.What's missing?


Speech therapist.Right. You were very attentive.

The speech therapist removes the pictures.

5. Finger gymnastics “The landlady once came from the market.” [Coordination of speech with movement, development of fine motor skills, sense of rhythm.]

The speech therapist invites the children to go out on the carpet and invites them to do finger exercises.

Mistress once

They squat, “walk” with their fingers along

I came from the market


The hostess brought Potatoes home from the market,




Parsley and beets.



Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table -

Alternately strike with fists and

Who is better, tastier

clap their hands.

Bend one finger at a time on the name

and more needed on earth

hand holding.





Parsley or beets?



The hostess meanwhile

They knock with the edge of their palms.

I took the knife

And with this knife

Bend one finger on the name

started crumbling

hand holding.





Parsley and beets.



Covered with a lid

They fold their arms crosswise.

in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water

Potatoes, Cabbage,

Bend one finger at a time on the name on the hands.



Parsley and beets.



And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good!

Show how to eat soup

Y. Tuvim

6. General articulation gymnastics. (Development of articulatory motor skills.]

The speech therapist invites children to the mirror.

Speech therapist.Let's do the “Delicious Jam” exercise. Open your mouth wide and use the tip of your tongue to run across your upper lip from left to right and back. Watch me do this exercise. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move.

Children, under the supervision of a speech therapist, perform exercise 3 - 4 times. The speech therapist provides children with the opportunity to rest after each exercise.

Speech therapist.Now let's do the "Clock" exercise. We will lick our lips in a circle with the tip of our tongue, first in one direction, then in the other. Watch me do it.

Children do exercise 3 -4 times. The speech therapist monitors the correct execution of the exercise.

Speech therapist.Now let's do the “Bridge” exercise. Curving the back of the tongue, we rest its tip against the lower teeth. Slowly bring your teeth together and clench, close your mouth. Let's do the exercise together.

Children, together with a speech therapist, perform the exercise 3-4 times. The speech therapist does not forget to remind children what to swallow saliva.

Speech therapist.And the last exercise is “Nut”. With the mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue either on the left or on the right cheek.

Children do the exercise. The speech therapist monitors them.

7. Work in a notebook. [Development of fine motor skills. Prevention of writing disorders.]

The speech therapist invites children to the table, hands them notebooks, and places a container with colored pencils on the table.

LOgopedistOpen your notebooks to the second page. What do you see?

Children.These are vegetables.

Speech therapist.What vegetables do you see?

Children.Tomato, cucumber, carrot.

Speech therapist.Listen to a riddle about one of these vegetables.

It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light.

Among vegetables

There is no juicier...


Speech therapist.Right. Color a tomato and tell me what it is.

Children paint a tomato and then talk about how it turned out.

Children.It is round, smooth, red, soft, juicy.

Speech therapist.Now choose the color pencils you need and outline the carrots and cucumber.

Children complete the task. The speech therapist monitors how they sit and how they hold pencils.

Speech therapist.What are the colors of carrots and cucumbers?

Children.Orange carrots, green cucumbers.

Speech therapist.Close your notebooks. You did very well.

8. Exercise “Let’s repeat and play.” [Improving sound analysis and word reading skills.]

The speech therapist collects notebooks, puts away pencils and distributes the ABC books to the children, opened on page 30.

Speech therapist.Look at the bottom of the page. What pictures do you see?

Children.Phone, ball, skittles, tree stump, bride.

Speech therapist.Identify the first sound in each of these words.

If it is difficult for children to complete this task, the speech therapist himself clearly pronounces the first sounds of these words.

Speech therapist.Listen to me do it. Telephone. The first sound is [t". It is pronounced softly.

1streBenOK.Ball. Sound [m"].

2ndchild.Skittles. Sound [k"]. 3rdchild.Stump. Sound [p"].4th child.Bride. Sound [n"].

Speech therapist.These are soft consonant sounds. When we pronounce them, there is also a barrier in the mouth. These sounds also cannot be sung, but some of them can be played. We will denote them with green circles. Now you know that the letterP denotes the sounds [p], [p"|, and the letter N denotes the sounds [n], [n"]; the letter M also has two sounds: [m], [m"]; and the letterTO there are sounds [k], [k"].

9. A game “What did the truck bring?” [Improving the grammatical structure of speech (using nouns in the accusative case). Improving the skills of composing and reading words. Strengthening the skill of color discrimination.]

The speech therapist suggests closing the ABC books and putting them away. Then he places a flat image of a truck on a magnetic board, in the back of which there are flat images of vegetables.

Speech therapist.Look what the truck brought us.

Children.These are vegetables.

Speech therapist.Now each of you will choose two vegetables of the same color and tell which vegetables he took.

1stchild.I took a red tomato and a red radish.

2ndchild.I took yellow onions and yellow carrots.

3rdchild.I took green dill and green cucumbers.

4thchild.I took purple eggplant and purple beans.

Speech therapist.Very good, now turn over the cards with

image of vegetables.

Children turn over the cards, and the speech therapist removes the picture of a truck from the board.

Speech therapist.Make words from the syllables on the cards and read them.





Speech therapist.Well done! You have completed a difficult task.

10. End of class. [Assessing children's work.|The speech therapist removes the manuals and invites the children to tell what they did, and then evaluates the activities of each child.

Zukhra Bagavdinovna

Goal and tasks:

1. Formation of the ability to distinguish by appearance vegetables;

2. Develop attention and memory in the game;

3. Develop the ability to include hand movements on an object in the process of getting to know it (circle parts of the object with your hands, stroke them);

4. Develop the ability to answer questions;

5. Cultivate a desire to listen.

Planned results:

1. Distinguish vegetables;

2. Communicates in dialogue with an adult;

3. Emotionally responds to the game proposed by an adult, imitates his actions, accepts the game task.


soft toy – hedgehog;


game bag;

cards with vegetables;

vegetables: tomato, cucumber, carrot and onion.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look, a hedgehog has come to visit us. Let's say hello to him.

Children: Hello, hedgehog.

Educator: Guys, what does a hedgehog have and what color is it?

Children: A hedgehog has ears, small paws and a tail. It is spiny and brown in color.

Educator: And look what the hedgehog brought us. This is a basket, and in it vegetables. Let's see which ones exactly The hedgehog brought the vegetables(Children go up to the basket one by one and take out one vegetable and call it: tomato, cucumber, carrot, onion).

Educator: Guys, this is a cucumber, let's touch it with our hands and tell you what it is...

Children: Cucumber – green, cold, hard, not smooth.

Educator: Well done! What kind of tomato do we have?

Children: Red, smooth, hard.

Educator: What can we cook with tomato and cucumber?

Children: Lettuce, tomatoes added to pizza, etc.

Educator: Well done, now please sit down at the table. Children sit down in their seats, on the table in front of them there are cards with vegetables(4 pieces).

Educator: In front of you guys, there are cards with vegetables. I will show you one of vegetables, which are in the basket, and please show me vegetables on cards. And our Hedgehog will watch us how we cope with the task.

Educator: Now I will show you the first item that is in the basket. Guys, what is this?

Children: This is a cucumber.

Educator: That's right guys, now I'll take out the second item and what is it?

Children: tomato.

Educator: What is the name of this item?

Children: Carrot.

Educator: What color are carrots?

Children: Orange.

Educator: Guys, do you have a card that I didn’t show you?

Children: Yes, we also have onions.

Educator: Guys, I don’t have any onions in my basket. Let me show you what's in my basket. These are tomato, carrot and cucumber. Guys, how can we call all these objects in one word?

Children: Vegetables.

Educator: Well done guys, everyone coped with the task well.

Educator: Guys, now I suggest playing on the carpet. (Children sit on chairs). Guys, I have a magic bag, I will call you to me one by one. The one I call will put both hands into the bag, take one object, feel it and name it without taking it out of the bag. You can get the item after you name it. And the hedgehog and I will check whether you named the object correctly or made a mistake.

Educator: Maxim, please come to me and put your hands in the bag, what did you take?

Maksim: Cucumber.

Educator: Let's check, take your hands out of the bag with the object you took. And this…. Cucumber! Look younger Maxim, now come to me Anya (the game continues until all children have participated).

Educator: Well, the game is over, and everyone has dealt with it. Well done to me!

Educator: Guys, Hedgehog really enjoyed staying with us, but it’s time for him to go home. Let's hug the hedgehog and say goodbye to him.

Children: Goodbye Hedgehog, see you again!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities on the development of speech and drawing in the middle group “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products” Purpose of the activity:.

OD summary on speech development in the middle group “Vegetables” Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group on the topic “Vegetables.” Goal: to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Vegetables” OBJECTIVES: To teach children to listen to the teacher’s speech and correctly follow his instructions; answer questions in complete sentences; Right.

Summary of a subgroup lesson on the development of speech of children with special needs in the second year of study on the lexical topic “Vegetables” Summary of a subgroup lesson on speech development of children with special needs development in the second year of study. Lexical topic “Vegetables” Purpose: generalization of children’s knowledge.

Purpose: to check how children distinguish and name vegetables; learn to distinguish vegetables by touch and taste; use the words raw, boiled, in speech.

Khalilova Gulfiya Kasimovna, teacher
Ufa city Republic of Bashkortostan

Formation of children's ideas about healthy food; about vegetables and fruits that are beneficial for children’s growing bodies.

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Goal: Formation of children's ideas about healthy food; about vegetables and fruits that are beneficial for the growing body of children.


1. Form initial ideas about vitamins A, B, C.

2. Distinguish between vitamin-containing foods (vegetables, fruits).

3. Introduce how vitamins affect the human body.

4. Intensify the use in speech of nouns with a general meaning (vegetables, fruits).

5. Recognize vegetables and fruits using various analyzers.

6. Arouse interest and need for proper nutrition.


Develop children's thinking, memory, and speech abilities.

Develop cognitive interest; children's perceptions.

Activate the dictionary.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health,

independence, endurance.

Preliminary work: didactic games to repeat material, reading poems and stories about fruits and vegetables, conversations about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

Materials and equipment: illustrations depicting food products; pictures depicting various fruits and vegetables; vegetables and fruits (whole and cut into slices), fairy-tale character Dunno, baskets.

PROCEDURE: 1. Organizational moment: Q: Guys, today a guest came to our lesson. Who is this? (Dunno). Let's get to know him. D/game “Say your name affectionately.”

Q: Dunno brought us gifts. They are all in the basket. And we will find out what Dunno brought us when we guess the riddles (apple, onion, lemon, cucumber, potato, carrot, beet).

I am strong, crispy,

The miracle is real.

Yellow and red -

The skin is satin.

And also ruddy

What is desired by all children! (apple)

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And you don't need a green tail,

All you need is a red nose.


Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,

And in the fall they began to dig -

Not just one was found, but ten!

What's its name, kids? (potato)

Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (onion)

It's hard to live without her -

You definitely can’t cook borscht

And don’t make a vinaigrette,

So that it is red. (Beet)

It's good for everyone to eat it

It helps with colds,

It makes the dishes tastier and spicier.

Break off a tooth quickly - do you recognize it? (Garlic)

(we guess the riddle - we take out vegetables and fruits, help Dunno sort them).

Q: What do we call everything that is in the basket? (vegetables).

What do we have in the vase? (fruits)

Q: Guys, tell Dunno what vegetables and fruits are needed for?

D: Vegetables and fruits are needed in order to eat, prepare delicious food,

strengthen human health with vitamins.

We are vitamins, not pills

And not tasty sweets!

We live in products

Vegetables and fruits.

We bring health to you,

We help here and there.

Q: Now let’s listen to what Dunno tells us about vitamins.

N: Vitamins come in tablets. Like these ones. They also live in different products. Vegetables and fruits are especially rich in vitamins, which makes them tasty and healthy. There are many vitamins, each has its own name, they are all important, but the most important of them are vitamins A, B, C.

Q: If you want to grow well, see well and have strong teeth, you need vitamin A (children name vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin A).

Q: Vitamin B helps our most important organ, the heart, work. It improves your mood. If you cry often, you need vitamin B (we name the pictures).

Vitamin C is a health vitamin. It strengthens the entire body, helps protect against colds, and stay alert. If you get sick often, you need vitamin C (we show and name the products)

Physical exercise “Fruits”

We will cook compote (they march on the spot)

You need a lot of fruit. Here.

Let's chop the apples (they show how they chop)

We will chop the pear (they show how they chop it)

Squeeze the lemon juice (they show how to squeeze it)

We'll put in some drainage and sand. (show how to place and pour sugar)

We cook, we cook compote, (turn around themselves and clap their hands)

Let's treat honest people.

Q: And now, guys, Dunno invites us to his favorite country, “Igralia”. Let's play the game "Answer quickly":

1.Where does pumpkin grow?

2. What can you cook from potatoes?

3.What can you make a salad from?

4. Guess - round, red, add to salad (tomato).

5. Which vegetables need to be peeled before eating?

6. What vegetables can be eaten raw?

7.What do we cook from fruits?

Q: Game “Which?”:

Raspberry juice – raspberry juice.

Apple juice -

Pear juice -

Plum juice –

Orange juice -

Q: And now we’ll play the game “Guess”: we identify vegetables or fruits by touch and tell them what can be prepared from them.

Q: Dunno really loves the game “Guess the Taste.” Let's play!

Q: Bottom line: guys, all vegetables and fruits are very healthy and the vitamins in them are strong friends. Vitamins are essential for human health. Therefore, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Especially for children to grow up strong, strong and healthy. Let's remember the proverbs about vitamins and health:

Vegetables and fruits, bread and water are healthy foods.

An apple for dinner - and you don't need a doctor.

Eat a carrot too, since there is no apple.

Those who are friends with vegetables and fruits and clean water avoid diseases.

Q: We say goodbye to Dunno. To be healthy and strong, you must love vegetables and, of course, fruits. All without exception, There is no doubt about it!