Fiona from the cartoon Shrek. Fairy tale characters "Shrek": list, characteristics and interesting facts. Notable cartoon characters



Poisonous color [which one?] , tube ears, height 3.37. Clothes:

  • Beige shirt, brown vest, brown checkered pants, boots.


We know little about Shrek's childhood and youth. But we know that his father constantly wanted to eat him (Shrek mentioned one of these cases in the third cartoon). In Shrek: The Musical, we know that he left home at age 7, moving to a new house in a swamp. In the cartoon "Shrek Forever After" the writers wanted to show him as a teenager.


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Excerpt characterizing Shrek (character)

Since Prince Andrei had not seen him, Kutuzov had grown even fatter, flabby and swollen with fat. But the familiar white eye, and the wound, and the expression of weariness in his face and figure were the same. He was dressed in a uniform frock coat (a whip on a thin belt hung over his shoulder) and in a white cavalry guard cap. He, heavily blurring and swaying, sat on his cheerful horse.
“Fu… fu… fu…” he whistled almost audibly as he drove into the yard. His face expressed the joy of reassuring a man who intends to rest after the representation. He pulled his left leg out of the stirrup, falling down with his whole body and grimacing from the effort, with difficulty brought it to the saddle, leaned on his knee, grunted and went down on his hands to the Cossacks and adjutants who supported him.
He recovered, looked around with his narrowed eyes, and looking at Prince Andrei, apparently not recognizing him, walked with his diving gait to the porch.
“Fu… fu… fu,” he whistled and looked back at Prince Andrei. The impression of Prince Andrei's face only after a few seconds (as is often the case with old people) was associated with the memory of his personality.
“Ah, hello, prince, hello, my dear, let’s go ...” he said wearily, looking around, and heavily entered the porch, creaking under his weight. He unbuttoned and sat down on a bench on the porch.
- Well, what about the father?
“Yesterday I received news of his death,” said Prince Andrei shortly.
Kutuzov looked at Prince Andrei with frightened open eyes, then took off his cap and crossed himself: “Kingdom to him in heaven! May the will of God be over all of us! He sighed heavily, with all his chest, and was silent. “I loved and respected him and I sympathize with you with all my heart.” He embraced Prince Andrei, pressed him to his fat chest and did not let go for a long time. When he released him, Prince Andrei saw that Kutuzov's swollen lips were trembling and there were tears in his eyes. He sighed and grabbed the bench with both hands to stand up.
“Come, come to me, we’ll talk,” he said; but at this time Denisov, as little shy before his superiors as before the enemy, despite the fact that the adjutants at the porch stopped him in an angry whisper, boldly, banging his spurs on the steps, entered the porch. Kutuzov, leaving his hands resting on the bench, looked displeasedly at Denisov. Denisov, having identified himself, announced that he had to inform his lordship of a matter of great importance for the good of the fatherland. Kutuzov began to look at Denisov with a tired look and with an annoyed gesture, taking his hands and folding them on his stomach, he repeated: “For the good of the fatherland? Well, what is it? Speak." Denisov blushed like a girl (it was so strange to see the color on that mustachioed, old and drunken face), and boldly began to outline his plan for cutting the enemy's line of operations between Smolensk and Vyazma. Denisov lived in these parts and knew the area well. His plan seemed undoubtedly good, especially in terms of the force of conviction that was in his words. Kutuzov looked at his feet and occasionally looked back at the yard of a neighboring hut, as if he was expecting something unpleasant from there. Indeed, during Denisov's speech, a general appeared from the hut he was looking at with a briefcase under his arm.
- What? – Kutuzov said in the middle of Denisov’s presentation. - Ready?
“Ready, your lordship,” said the general. Kutuzov shook his head, as if saying: “How can one person manage all this,” and continued to listen to Denisov.

In 2001, the cartoon “Shrek” was released on world screens, which won the hearts of millions of viewers of different ages. Its characters aroused particular sympathy among the audience: Shrek, Princess Fiona and their friends are described with a fair amount of humor and satire. So, who are they - the heroes of the famous cartoon?

Ogre Shrek

The series of cartoons about the ogre Shrek mainly involves unoriginal characters. Shrek and his friends came to us from the plots of well-known fairy tales, their images were simply slightly adjusted and presented in a postmodern light.

The main character, named Shrek, is a typical cannibal giant from Western folklore. This image was first used under that name by writer William Steig in his children's book "Shrek!" Based on this work, an entire animated franchise was later filmed.

The hero of the cartoon of the same name has green skin and elongated tube-shaped ears. Shrek is tall and his belly sticks out a little. The ogre wears a beige canvas shirt, vest, and dark brown pants.

Shrek is unsociable and prefers to live exclusively in swamps. He is not very kind to guests and is most often sullen. The only ones who agree to tolerate such behavior are the sociable Donkey and Princess Fiona, who sincerely loves the good-natured giant.

Cartoon character "Shrek" Princess Fiona

At the beginning of the first part of the franchise, Fiona appears before us as a beautiful princess in human form. She lives in an abandoned castle and waits for her prince charming to save her. But instead of the prince comes the rude and ugly Shrek. A certain Lord Farquaad sent him for the princess, promising in return to free the ogre’s house from fairy-tale creatures. Fiona has no choice but to obey and follow the green liberator to the castle of her future groom Farquaad. This is how the main cartoon characters meet.

Shrek is not very friendly with the princess. And yet, during their journey, they managed to develop feelings for each other. Then it turns out that Fiona is under a curse: at night she becomes as green and ugly as Shrek. After much thought, Fiona gives up her beauty, kisses the unattractive but loyal and good-natured Shrek, and then turns forever into an ogre.

In subsequent cartoons, Fiona and Shrek got married and had three children.


The cartoon is filled with interesting characters, but there are simply unforgettable characters. Shrek goes to rescue Fiona from the tower together with the annoying Donkey. The donkey talks a lot and may seem stupid, but in reality he is just a sociable and good-natured animal.

With his habit of saying out loud everything he thinks, Donkey annoys the ogre. But it is this hero who manages to convince Shrek that for the sake of his love he must take a risk, go to the wedding ceremony of Fiona and Lord Farquaad and confess his feelings to the princess.

Subsequently, Donkey will become a friend of the family and will compete for the title of best friend with Puss in Boots. Another juicy fact: Donkey will begin an affair with the Dragon, who was guarding Fiona in the castle, the characters will get married and have hybrid children.

Puss in Boots

Not only the ogre Shrek is considered a colorful hero in the animated series. The characters whose names never left the lips of delighted children were Puss in Boots, Robin Hood, and the Fairy Godmother.

Puss in Boots appears in the second part of the franchise and becomes a full member of the ensemble of the main characters of the cartoon. He wears a tiny sharp saber on his belt, and also often uses a distracting maneuver in battle: he makes big sad eyes, but as soon as the enemy takes pity on him, he hits him in the most vulnerable place.

According to the story, Puss in Boots worked as an assassin before he met the ogre. Fiona's father hired the Cat to eliminate the inconvenient groom. But during an attack on the ogre, the Cat choked on his fur, and Shrek did not take advantage of the enemy’s weakness and saved his life. After that, the hot Spanish Cat said that Shrek became his friend forever.

The donkey did not like this news: he was jealous of Shrek for the Cat, so for a long time he tried to survive the red purr from their friendly company.

Fairy Godmother

Shrek found a new life in this project. So the good Fairy Godmother from the fairy tale about Cinderella unexpectedly turned into the main antagonist in the second part of the franchise.

In Shrek, the Fairy appears to the viewer as a prudent businesswoman. She keeps incriminating evidence on the top officials of the fairy-tale state, including the king. By force, she forces Fiona's father to intervene in his daughter's family relationships and make sure that she recognizes Prince Charming (the Fairy Godmother's son) as her husband. However, the machinations of this heroine go to waste: Shrek still found a way to avoid death and arrived at the ball to free Fiona from the evil spell with a kiss. Out of anger, the Fairy Godmother burst and turned into soap bubbles.

Beautiful Prince

Over the course of two cartoons, Shrek, Donkey and Puss in Boots confront the treacherous Prince Charming.

Prince Charming in ordinary fairy tales is a positive hero. But in Shrek, this character is the son of the hypocritical Fairy Godmother, and by nature he is a narcissistic, self-confident scoundrel.

In the second part of the franchise, Prince Charming tries to convince Fiona that he is her husband Shrek. Allegedly, Shrek drank a potion and turned into a human specifically for her. But this lie is exposed at the end of the animated film. Prince Charming returns to the screens in the third issue: this time he is trying to take the throne from Fiona and Shrek. The villain manages to bring his insidious plan to life: Fiona and other fairy-tale heroines go underground, while Shrek tries to convince Prince Arthur that the young man is worthy to rule the Far Away Kingdom.

At the end of the third film, Charming is defeated again, and King Arthur ascends to the throne.


The most comical couple in the cartoon can be called the Dragon and the Donkey. They met when Donkey came to rescue Fiona and Shrek. Being incredibly charming, he immediately won the heart of a large and fiery lady. It was the Dragoness who carried Shrek and Donkey on her back to the church so that they could upset the marriage of Fiona and Lord Farquaad.

Then, in each film, the Dragoness helped the main characters defend their interests. In one of the episodes, Donkey and Dragoness get married and have “dragon faces”.

Characters from "Shrek": list of minor characters

Which other famous fairy-tale characters can be seen in a cartoon about a cannibal giant?

1. Merlin. The famous magician and wizard from British folklore appears in the third part of the franchise.

2. King Arthur. Although the Knight of Camelot is a real historical character, in the cartoon the biography of the famous ruler was interpreted a little differently.

3. Rapunzel. The long-haired princess turned out to be a traitor and in the third film of the franchise she helped Charming carry out a coup.

Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rumplestiltskin and many other fairy tale heroes also appear briefly in Shrek.

Shrek is an ogre, a character from a book by American author William Steig and a series of animated films by Dreamworks Animation.

The ogre Shrek first appeared in the children's book "Shrek!", written by American writer William Steig. A relatively short story - only 32 pages long - tells the story of the green swamp ogre (cannibal giant) Shrek, creepy in appearance and kind in his soul. However, a series of cartoons brought real fame to the swamp monster; The main idea of ​​the book was retained, but the details were changed considerably.

The original cartoons didn't tell much about Shrek's early years; in the musical that was released later, it was stated that at the age of 7, Shrek, according to the old tradition of ogres, was expelled from home. In one of the cartoons it was mentioned that the father even tried to eat Shrek; Naturally, such an experience did not have the best effect on the ogre’s character. For a long time, Shrek wandered around the world; The reception awaiting him everywhere was openly unfriendly - his appearance aroused only ridicule and fear among those around him. During all the time of his travels, Shrek had the chance to meet only one friendly person - the then very young Princess Fiona; V

However, their acquaintance did not last long - the king and queen did not allow their daughter to communicate with such a monster. Ultimately, Shrek wandered into a deserted swamp - where he decided to settle.

For a long time, Shrek lived away from everyone, enjoying the modest delights of swamp life and easily getting rid of uninvited guests; From time to time, local peasants tried to organize a hunting expedition against the ogre, but they clearly did not have enough strength to resist Shrek. The peaceful existence of the ogre was disrupted by a completely unexpected guest - a talking Donkey; as it turned out later, he became only one of a large number of magical creatures who decided to find peace in the swamp - in the nearby kingdom a formal hunt was announced for various kinds of wonderful creatures, and only “close by” the ogre could fairy-tale characters feel safe. Shrek was fairly embarrassed by his new neighbors, but the ogre was unable to drive them out of the swamp - his appearance did not frighten the newcomers, and the cannibal did not like to show physical aggression. W

Rivers decided to seek help from the ruler of the surrounding lands, Lord Farquaad, who organized the hunt for fairy-tale creatures; he agreed to help, and even officially transfer the swamp to Shrek for use, in exchange for saving Princess Fiona, who was languishing in a distant tower.

After a long journey, Shrek - and Donkey, who became attached to him - managed to find Fiona; By cunning they managed to defeat the dragoness guarding the princess and save the girl.

The princess had been waiting for rescue for a long time, but she did not expect this kind of knight; Shrek, however, did not waste time on convincing and decided to deliver the princess to the castle by force. Along the way, Shrek and Fiona, however, not only became friends, but also fell in love; Unfortunately, due to a catastrophic misunderstanding, Shrek became disillusioned with Fiona and ended up giving her to Farquaad. Later, however, the ogre realized the error of his decision, saved the princess and defeated Farquaad. Due to a spell once cast on Fiona, Shrek's kiss turned her into an ogre; however, for me

Since Shrek himself, this transformation only benefited Fiona.

Shrek and Fiona lived happily for some time; everything changed during a trip to Fiona’s parents – the king and queen of the Far Far Away Kingdom. Fiona's parents clearly did not like the choice she made, and Shrek was clearly not happy with the excessive pomp of Fiona's usual life. Additionally, the situation was worsened by the machinations of the Fairy Godmother - also the mother of that same Prince Charming, who was destined to save Fiona according to the original plan.

After long adventures, meeting Puss in the Boots and a short stay in the guise of a handsome human man, Shrek managed to defeat the Fairy and reconcile with his beloved's parents.

Shortly after the incident with the Fairy, the king of the Far Far Away State died; Shrek was declared the heir, much to his displeasure. The ogre had no intention of ruling the state - he had more than enough power.

Fiona's pregnancy problems; Shrek had to go in search of a second potential heir, young Arthur Pendragon. Prince Charming took advantage of Shrek's absence and decided to take revenge on his enemies; however, Shrek - with the help of Arthur, Fiona and their many friends - managed to win another victory over the blond villain.

Shrek's life gradually returned to normal; from a certain point, routine began to oppress the hero. The ogre chose a not entirely successful way to unwind - the contract he concluded with the evil dwarf Rumpelstiltskin sent Shrek to a rather unpleasant alternative dimension in which the ogre never existed. However, this time Shrek and his friends managed to defeat evil.

Initially, the studio planned to make 5 cartoons about the green ogre; however, in the end, the company's management came to the conclusion that the 4th cartoon put a worthy end to the story, and there was no point in continuing the epic any further.

In this article you will learn:

Fiona - princess from the Far-Far Kingdom, ogre. The main character of the cartoon “Shrek”. The image of Princess Fiona harmoniously fits into the coloring of the unusual characters of the cartoon "Shrek". This seemingly harmless beauty, in fact, turned out to be a warrior, an ogre woman “with a spark.”

Childhood and youth

Fiona was born in the Far-Far Kingdom, the prototype of which is Hollywood, in the family of the King and Queen. All residents of nearby kingdoms were invited to the beauty's birthday. The feast turned out to be the most global since the birth of Sleeping Beauty.

From birth, the girl was surrounded by fairy-tale characters. She grew up in the same sandbox with Snow White, Belle, Cinderella and other princesses. They remained her friends throughout her life.

At the age of 7, the princess met an ogre in the forest, whom she was not at all afraid of. In the future, it was this ogre who became her husband.

Her mother Lillian was a wrestler. Therefore, Fiona began to master the basics of martial arts from a young age. By the age of 10, she was already fluent in karate and kung fu.

The girl's father, Harold, was a frog in the past. His love for Lilian made him a man. There was some witchcraft involved. Fairy Godmother helped transform the frog into a charming man. However, she asked a high price for it.

The Fairy had a well-thought-out plan from the very beginning: she wanted to bewitch the princess, and the kiss of a handsome prince, the son of the Godmother, could disenchant her. The fairy was thus going to arrange her child’s personal life.

At the age of 16, Fiona was placed in a tower guarded by the Dragoness. Here the girl had to wait for her betrothed.

He appeared, but in the guise of an ogre named . The girl fell in love with him, and soon the witchcraft disappeared. Fiona became a full-fledged ogre. She almost married Lord Farquaad, but the love of the green good monster still won.

Shrek and Fiona


The princess's adult life began with her marriage to.

She introduced her husband to her parents, and for a long time they could not come to terms with their daughter’s choice. However, soon after the Fairy Godmother event, they accepted Shrek as their son.

Fiona then became the mother of three adorable ogre babies: Fergus, Farkle and Felicia. Life flowed like a happy stream.

Fiona and Shrek's family


In 2009, she was voted the seventh sexiest cartoon beauty. The voting was carried out by Komsomolskaya Pravda.

In the ranking of fantastic couples in love, Fiona and Shrek took an honorable first place. Their relationship was called the most honest among animated characters. The rating was compiled by Mikhail Popov in the World of Fantasy magazine.

Based on the cartoon "Shrek" and its sequels


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Character Groups

Total characters - 36

Arthur "Artie" Pendragon

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Son of King Pendragon, orphan. At the age of six he was sent to Worcestershire Academy.

Slightly depressed and frail in build, he was an outcast and a target for bullying in Worcestershire.

Appears only in the third film.

Snow White

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One of Fiona's princess friends

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Appears in the cartoon "Shrek", where, at the request of Lord Farquaad, he shows him a choice of brides: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Fiona. The latter, in the end, is chosen by Lord Farquaad as his wife.

In the second cartoon, the Mirror plays the role of a magic TV, showing the characters who remain in charge of Shrek's house a ball in the Far Far Away Kingdom.

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Villain and criminal. Jill's colleague and husband.

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Criminal. Jack's comrade and wife.

Appears only in the cartoon "Puss in Boots".

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Doris is one of Cinderella's stepsisters, the owner of the Poison Apple Tavern, the place where all the former great villains gather.

He first appears in the cartoon "Shrek 2", where he helps King Harold find a mercenary to kill Shrek. But in the cartoon "Shrek 3" she is already among Fiona's friends.

He escapes from prison with them when Prince Charming seizes power.

3 1 0

Guarded Fiona when she was locked in the tower. Donkey's wife.

First appears in the cartoon "Shrek".

The dragoness helps Shrek and Donkey prevent Fiona's wedding by eating the groom. After this, Donkey and she become a permanent couple and they give birth to 5 dragonfaces - the children of the Dragoness and Donkey.

In the future, periodically appears in cartoons.


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The same luxurious, white Stallion that the Donkey turned into after taking the magic potion. This happened to him in the second part. By the end of the cartoon, the spell disappears and the Donkey takes on its real form.

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The caretaker of the shelter, became the "mother" of Puss in Boots

James Hook

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Captain Hook is one of the misfit villains. A frequent visitor to the Poisoned Apple, as well as a pianist in the same tavern.

First appears in the cartoon "Shrek 2"

He supports Prince Charming in Shrek 3, but after the latter's failure he repents of his actions and goes over to the side of good.

Kitty Softpaws

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Black and white cat with pale blue eyes. The tips of the paws, muzzle, chest, eyebrows and tip of the tail are light white. Like the Cat, she is dressed in dark boots with heels and a wide belt. No hat. A thief of the highest class, she is not inferior to the Cat in fencing.

Queen Lillian

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King Harold's wife, Fiona's mother.

First appears in the cartoon "Shrek 2".

Lillian is neutral towards Shrek, not wanting to interfere with her daughter’s happiness.

She is very strong in martial arts, which she proves in the third cartoon, breaking through a stone wall in the dungeon with her forehead, where she was locked together with Fiona and other princesses by the treacherous Prince Charming.

King Harold

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Ruler of the Far Away Kingdom. Fiona's father.

First appears in the second cartoon.

In his youth he was turned into a toad by an evil witch.

In the third cartoon, King Harold dies, having managed to name the heir, since Shrek does not want to become king.

Puss in Boots

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This is a striped red cat, wearing a black hat with a yellow feather, a leather coat and, of course, boots.

First appears in the second film. He is hired by King Harold to kill Shrek. Subsequently, he becomes his friend and, together with Shrek and Donkey, participates in all adventures.

Puss in Boots is rather cocky, and constantly argues with Donkey, which does not prevent them from being friends.

The Cat has a special ability to “make eyes”. He uses it in battles to stun and slow down the enemy.

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The first mention of the character is found in the sinister legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The magic pipe that drives out rats is in the fairy tale about the boy Niels by the famous author Lagerlöf. The Pied Piper in the Shrek cartoon has an even more functional pipe that tunes to witches, ogres and even socks! Apparently this was done to add irony to this hero, exactly as he was in the legend: tall, thin and gloomy. This mysterious character meets the ogres instead of Rumplestitskin, and makes the warlike ogres dance, but Donkey (who was not affected by the magic) takes Shrek and Fiona away from the insidious music.

Sir Lancelot

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Appears only in episodes of the cartoon "Shrek 3". Was one of those who mocked Arthur in Worcestershire.

Lord Farquaad

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Appears in the first part.

A man of small, very small stature. Usually dresses in red. Owns the town of Duloc, dreamed of marrying Fiona.

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Sister of Doris and stepsister of Cinderella.

She became the next owner of the Poison Apple tavern after Doris.

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Appears in the third part.

Former magic teacher at Worcestershire Academy. After a “nervous breakdown” he was sent into retirement. An eccentric old man with magical powers.

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Giant gingerbread man. Mongo appears only in the second part. It was created by the Baker for Shrek and his friends so that they could sneak into the castle. In the end, he drowns but still helps Shrek.

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For a long time, Donkey was in the service of an old grandmother, who tried to sell him because he talked incessantly. The first meeting of Donkey and Shrek took place in the first part.

Talking Donkey became attached to the good-natured Shrek against his will. However, he turned out to be a good friend, and Shrek little by little got used to his manner of chatting all the time.


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One of Shrek's friends. Wooden puppet doll. He can speak, but if he tries to lie, he grows a long nose.

He was among the fairy-tale characters who were driven to Shrek's swamp by Lord Farquaad.

In the second cartoon, he was one of those who “looked after” Shrek’s house while he was away.

His cherished dream is to become a real boy.

In an alternate reality, Pinocchio tried to make a contract with Rumplestiltskin to make him a real boy, but failed.

Prince Charming

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Son of the Fairy Godmother. Appears in the second part.

From childhood he was under the tutelage of his fairy mother. From the age of six years old, his mother assured him that he was the prince and rightful king of the Far Far Away Kingdom. His mother inspired him to save Princess Fiona from the Dragon's lair and become king. But in the end I was left with nothing.

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Gingy, or the Gingerbread Man, or Gingerbread, is one of Shrek's friends. Gingy first appears in the first cartoon. He is one of the fairy-tale creatures who were driven out of the city of Duloc to the swamp to Shrek. And at the end he dances at Shrek and Fiona's wedding. In the second cartoon, Gingy rescues Shrek from prison and then invites him to his creator, the baker Cupcake, who created the huge Gingerbread Man (Mongo). Subsequently, the Gingerbread Giant helps them get into the castle.


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Princess, former friend of Fiona, lover of Prince Charming.

Appears only in the third cartoon.

She betrayed Fiona and the other princesses and went over to Prince Charming's side.

At the end of the cartoon it is revealed that her long hair is not real, but false.

Further fate is unknown.


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Appears in the fourth part.

A failed magician who once persuaded Queen Lillian and King Harold to give him the Far Far Away Kingdom in exchange for saving the princess.

Creates magical contracts that are tempting for the inhabitants of the Far Away Kingdom, and which are quite difficult to terminate.

Big Bad Wolf

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One of the fairy-tale creatures who was driven out to the swamp by Shrek from the Kingdom of Duloc.

Appears sporadically in cartoons.

This character appears in many fairy tales. Obviously, this Gray Wolf came from the fairy tale about "Little Red Riding Hood", but the latter is not seen in the cartoon. A wolf in an alternate reality serves Rumplestitskin. He takes care of his three wigs - a business wig, an oratorical wig and an unkind one. At the request of his master, he gives him this or that wig. At the same time, the Wolf is dressed in a lady's outfit - a dress and a cap, probably all this he got from his grandmother Little Red Riding Hood.

Sleeping Beauty

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Princess, Fiona's friend

A very beautiful girl with long brown hair. Likes to sleep. Queen of the Three-Fifths Kingdom.

Three pigletts

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The Three Little Pigs from the famous tale of the Three Little Pigs. Actually, they have names - Nif-nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf, but they are not mentioned in the cartoon. They were banished to the swamp with many other fairy tale characters. In the fourth part, the Piglets "accidentally" eat a birthday cake for Shrek's children. And in an alternate reality they are forced to take care of Rumplestitskin's huge goose.

Fairy Godmother

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Appears only in the second part.

Prince Charming's mother and Fiona's fairy godmother. She imprisoned Fiona in the tower and placed a curse on her. All the magic of the Fairy Godmother lies in her magic wand. As shown in Shrek 2, without a wand she is just a plump lady with wings. Can summon magical lightning and turn animals into people.

The owner of a large potions factory.

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Princess of the Far Far Away Kingdom, daughter of King Harold. Shrek's wife from the first part.

In Shrek Forever After, she was the main ogre commander against Rumplestitskin. This character is an analogue of the main characters of such fairy tales as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast (also known in the form of classic Disney cartoons) exactly the opposite, parodying the image of the classic “Disney princess”.

Princess Fiona has become a prisoner of an evil spell, which at night turns her into a terrible green monster. Only a kiss of love can return her to her “true appearance.” Having been rescued from the Dragon Tower by Shrek, Fiona is indignant because she expected to see a handsome prince. Shrek cares little about her experiences - he acted only in personal interests, since the narcissistic Lord Farduad “ordered” him to save the princess. But in the end, Shrek feels that Princess Fiona is little like an ordinary girl and gradually becomes attached to her. The result of this story is their mutual love, and Fiona acquires her “true” appearance, remaining a giantess.

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Rumplestitskin's strange magical goose seems to be the only living creature to which he is truly attached. It is with her feathers that the insidious contracts of the cunning little man are signed. Before he became the master of Fiona's parents' castle, Rumplestitskin rode around in a carriage pulled by his goose and looked for fools who dreamed of fulfilling some wish. Perhaps Fifi, the magic goose, was borrowed from the fairy tale "Dwarf Nose" (with the difference that in this fairy tale, the goose serves good and helps the dwarf get rid of evil spells).

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Shrek is the main character of the entire series. A huge green, good-natured ogre who lives in a swamp. Little is known about Shrek's childhood and early life. In the third cartoon, Shrek mentioned his father, who, according to him, always wanted to eat him. Shrek himself is good-natured by nature and values ​​home comfort and tranquility. He is wearing large boots, a shirt, a brown vest and plaid pants. Shrek is economical and quite neat, although in general his habits and gastronomic preferences remain as specific as those of an ordinary ogre. In the first cartoon, he leads a measured, lonely life in the middle of his Swamp. Nevertheless, villagers sometimes come to him, believing that he, like any ogre, poses a great danger. Of course, Shrek has to fight them off.

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A tall, dark-haired, good-looking guy, into whom the ogre Shrek turned after he took a magic potion stolen from the fairy godmother’s office. He stays like this only for 24 hours. He believes that this is what will help him return his betrothed. But, oddly enough, Shrek’s true appearance turns out to be different, original.