All swear words are in Russian. Russian swearing: history and meaning of obscene words

Russian swearing, as a phenomenon of national language and culture, has its roots in ancient times. The word mat itself, according to some philologists and linguists, comes from the word mother. Mother (the word) has not been used before outside the verbal construction Yo... your mother. Only after Catherine the Second introduced restrictions on the use of obscene expressions in society, the word mother acquired a slightly different meaning. And by the eighteenth century, affectionate derivatives of this word appeared - mother, mommy, mommy, mother, and so on.

Other scientists (including the famous researcher of Russian obscenities A. Plutser-Sarno) it is believed that the word mat meant a loud cry, the cry of animals during the period of mating flirtations or the process of copulation itself.

Why did the Russian rulers relegate swear words, traditionally used in everyday life to denote their mental states, to the category of unacceptable and prohibited, which can be explained, perhaps, only by European influence. To the extent that foreign culture, primarily German and French, and their words and expressions penetrated into Russia and were adopted by the ruling class, traditionally Russian words and expressions disappeared in this environment.

Gradually, only the lower classes of Russian society began to use obscenities in their speech, where the expression “fuck - dig” was used on a par with “give us our daily bread today.” But among the nobles and high clergy, swearing went into the realm of dark legends and historicisms. And if one of the nobles did not refrain from using a “strong” word in his speech, then this was considered bad form and ignorance. In French, please. Just not as Russian men say. This is how the taboo of swearing was introduced. And he himself began to be considered obscene language. It was among the nobility that swear words were considered prohibited swearing. It was there that he acquired his “bad” fame, as something base and overly negative.

But, nevertheless, despite official prohibitions and moral protests, the mat survived. Moreover, it has developed and grown stronger. This was greatly facilitated by Russian educators and writers, who unearthed piles of hitherto unknown literature and philological emeralds among dusty historical evidence. The expressions dug up in this way were used by the writers themselves in friendly correspondence, where they wanted to outdo each other in the art of selective Russian swearing. Writers such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Barkov, Alexei Tolstoy, the Zhemchuzhnikovs, Yesenin and many others made a special contribution to the popularization of swearing.

In modern Russia, swearing is also taboo. Everyone swears and yet, well, or almost everyone, stands for the complete eradication of swearing, cutting down the defenders of obscene language with the penultimate words.

Everyday mate, which we meet here and there has nothing in common with literary swearing. Today’s swearing has become so boring that you involuntarily don’t notice it at all. Gradually, swear words lose their social function of expressing dissatisfaction and protest and pass into the category of everyday words and expressions. This is also facilitated by the extraordinary flexibility of the “cuss words”. Separate words can express almost anything, including concepts and phenomena that are opposite in meaning and meaning.

Actually, everyone swears and swears. Even young, unintelligent children are attracted to the simple philosophy of swear words. But only a few of this number swear in an ornate, lengthy, competent, funny manner and in accordance with all the rules of the Russian language. Proper swearing is a big science that requires detailed and in-depth study.

Swearing can be expressed in individual words, in phrases containing up to five obscene words, and maybe in inflections. There are several types of obscene bend.
Thus, there are small obscene bends, large obscene bends, large Petrovsky bends, small sea and large sea bends, and so on.
The obscene bend is the simplest and at the same time rigid and extensive scheme according to which the construction of an abusive sentence is carried out.
The bend is distinguished by its strength. It is difficult to replace one word with another.

Obscene bends (large and small) differ, first of all, in the number of irregular words they contain. A small bend should include from fifteen to twenty words (prepositions and conjunctions are not included in their number). Large, respectively, contains thirty or more words. The number of obscene words is known to reach one and a half hundred or even more. Such works of folk art look colorful and are usually spoken in patter.

There are also unverified rumors about the existence Big Petrovsky Bend, which contains several hundred fastened phrases and is a model for constructing nine-story mats. It seems that this work can be attributed mostly to the realm of legends and legends. Although you can often find something similar. A paraphrase of Peter's curse.

Skilled swearers were highly revered in Russia and were invited to all mass celebrations, in order to please the ears of tipsy hosts and guests with his rollicking abuse. Talking in curves back then was like having a flashing light on your car today. That is, those who possessed such talents could almost freely enter any establishments and attend any events. Today, championships and competitions are often held among bearers of the “great and mighty.”

So, ladies and gentlemen, learn Russian. You might find it useful.

Swearing has accompanied Rus' since its inception. Authorities, social formations, culture and the Russian language itself change, but swearing remains unchanged.

Native speech

Almost the entire 20th century was dominated by the version that the words that we call swear words came into the Russian language from the Mongol-Tatars. However, this is a misconception. Swearing is already found in Novgorod birch bark documents dating back to the 11th century: that is, long before the birth of Genghis Khan.

Revolt against matriarchy

The concept of “checkmate” is quite late. From time immemorial in Rus' it was called “barking obscene”. It must be said that initially swear language included exclusively the use of the word “mother” in a vulgar, sexual context. The words denoting the genital organs, which we today refer to swearing, did not refer to “swearing.”

There are a dozen versions of the checkmate function. Some scientists suggest that swearing appeared at the turn of society’s transition from matriarchy to patriarchy and initially meant the authoritative assertion of a man who, having undergone the ritual of copulation with the “mother” of the clan, publicly announced this to his fellow tribesmen.

Dog tongue

True, the previous version does not explain the use of the word “laya”. On this score, there is another hypothesis, according to which “swearing” had a magical, protective function and was called “dog tongue.” In the Slavic (and Indo-European in general) tradition, dogs were considered animals of the “afterlife” and served the goddess of death Morena. A dog who served an evil witch could turn into a person (even an acquaintance) and come with evil thoughts (to cast the evil eye, damage, or even kill). So, having sensed something was wrong, Morena’s potential victim should have uttered a protective “mantra”, that is, sent him to “mother”. This was the time when the evil demon, the “son of Morena”, was exposed, after which he had to leave the man alone.

It is curious that even in the 20th century, people retained the belief that “swearing” scares away devils and that swearing makes sense even “for the sake of prevention,” without seeing a direct threat.

Calling the good

As already mentioned, ancient Russian words denoting the reproductive organs began to be classified as “foul language” much later. In the pagan era, these lexemes were commonly used and did not have an abusive connotation. Everything changed with the arrival of Christianity in Rus' and the beginning of the displacement of old “filthy” cults. Sexually charged words were replaced with “Church Slavinisms: copulate, childbearing, penis, etc. In fact, there was a serious rational grain in this taboo. The fact is that the use of the previous “terms” was ritualized and associated with pagan fertility cults, special conspiracies, and calls for good. By the way, the word “good” itself (in the old Slavic - “bolgo”) meant “many” and was used at the beginning precisely in the “agricultural” context.

It took the Church many centuries to reduce agrarian rituals to a minimum, but the “fertile” words remained in the form of “relics”: however, already in the status of curses.

Empress censorship

There is one more word that is unfairly classified today as swearing. For the purposes of self-censorship, let’s call it the “B” word. This lexeme quietly existed in the elements of the Russian language (it can even be found in church texts and official state documents), having the meanings “fornication”, “deception”, “delusion”, “heresy”, “error”. People often used this word to refer to dissolute women. Perhaps during the time of Anna Ioannovna this word began to be used with greater frequency and, probably, in the latter context, because it was this empress who banned it.

"Thief" censorship

As you know, in the criminal, or “thieves”, environment, swearing is strictly taboo. For a carelessly dropped obscene expression, a prisoner may face much more serious punishment than an administrative fine for public obscene language on the outside. Why do the “urkagans” dislike Russian swearing so much? First of all, swearing can pose a threat to “feni” or “thieves’ music.” The keepers of thieves' traditions understand well that if swearing replaces argot, they will subsequently lose their authority, their “uniqueness” and “exclusivity,” and most importantly, the power in prison, the elite of the criminal world - in other words, “lawlessness” will begin. It is curious that criminals (unlike statesmen) understand well what any language reform and borrowing of other people's words can lead to.

Renaissance mate

Today's times can be called a renaissance of swearing. This is facilitated by the boom of social networks, where people have the opportunity to swear publicly. With some reservations, we can talk about the legitimization of obscene language. There is even a fashion for swearing: if previously it was the lot of the lower strata of society, now the so-called intelligentsia, the creative class, the bourgeoisie, women and children also resort to “sweet words”. It is difficult to say what is the reason for such a revival of “barking obscenities”. But we can safely say that this will not increase harvests, matriarchy will not win, and will not drive out demons...


Russian ballet, Russian caviar, Russian vodka, Russian swearing. Which of these national treasures has not become scarce in recent years? Only the fourth and to some extent the third.

And about the fifth - about Russian literature - there is nothing to remember. Unless - in connection with the holiday of foul language on printed pages.

Mat is the most expressive area of ​​the Russian language. Our “three-letter” ones jokingly beat the English “four-letter” ones. They say respectfully about a person: “Talentedly swears!”

Politicians and military leaders, writers and artists, bankers and businessmen swear. Only in the criminal environment are other curse words accepted - innocent to the uninitiated ear.

The new large dictionary of obscenities is not the first publication of its kind, but the most complete and original. It is original, in particular, in that the author of the dictionary managed to mercilessly ridicule in print all the predecessor dictionaries published both in Russia and abroad.

Well, the flag is in his hands!

Alexey Plutser-Sarno

Experience in building a reference and bibliographic database of lexical and phraseological meanings of words


"And it's all about him"

0. Introductory remarks

1. Castration and phallus

2. Phallus and dick

3. Instead of a conclusion


Language and body

1. Towards knowledge of the hidden

2. Something about Slavic “expletive” lexicography

3. "The most powerful word"

4. Dictionary of one, “the most powerful word” of the language


Swearing dictionary as a phenomenon of Russian culture

1. Sanctification of the obscene

2. Find in the Department of Manuscripts

3. Mayhem according to Phlegon

4. American dictionaries of Russian obscenities

5. An amazing story about how the famous writer Pyotr Fedorovich Aleshkin skimmed Russian obscene lexicography, or Notes about the book of the non-existent professor T.V. Akhmetova “Russian Mat: Explanatory Dictionary”, published in the third edition in Moscow by the Kolokol-press publishing house "in 2000 (521 pp.)

b. Checkmate in heaven

7. Plagiarism in Russian

8. Mat in thieves' dictionaries

9. Mat in the dictionary of dialects

10. Dictionary without words

11. Mat in etymological dictionaries

12. The lexicographer’s Procrustean bed

About the semantics of the word "mate"

DICK, m. Neodush. and shower (1-7th digits); and also: unism. in func. neg. places (8th value); adv. (9th digit); in funk, tale. (12th digit), frequent. (11th digit), int. (12th digit);

[Grammar of substantive forms:]

[Meanings, sub-meanings, shades of meaning, shades of use:]

[Phraseology, language clichés:]

The concept of a database of a dictionary of Russian “obscene” vocabulary

General remarks

Russian swearing database structure

List of abbreviations

List of dictionary database sources

A consolidated alphabetical index of handwritten anonymous sources processed during the preparation of the database contained in the pseudo-Barkovian lists, as well as some compilations of these sources published in the 1990s.

Conventional abbreviations in the text index:

Bibliography of dictionaries containing obscene vocabulary and used in preparing the database

List of informants

Alexey Plutser-Sarno

Experience in building a reference and bibliographic database of lexical and phraseological meanings of words


19 values,

9 subdivisions,

9 shades of meaning,

23 shades of using the word dick,

523 phraseological articles,

which presents

about 400 idioms and language cliches and more than 1000 phraseologically related meanings of the word dick

Introductory articles by Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head. Department of Slavic Studies of the University of Tartu, Academician A. D. Dulichenko and Doctor of Philology V. P. Rudneva


E. A. Zhdanova took part in compiling the database. She also carried out scientific editing of all dictionary entries in this volume, compiled the “Database Sources” section and verified all citations in this volume with citation sources.

E. A. Belousova took part in compiling the observable part of the database.

The principles of construction were discussed with A. S. Gerd at the Department of Mathematical, Applied and Structural Linguistics of St. Petersburg State University, which he heads. The help and support provided by A.S. Gerd cannot be overestimated.

In 1994, draft materials of the database were edited by I. A. Bogdanova (dictionary department of the St. Petersburg State University Publishing House).

I express my gratitude to Yu. S. Stepanov and Yu. N. Karaulov, who reviewed the manuscript and provided support to the author.

Preliminary materials of the database were discussed in 1994 with A. N. Baranov in the Sector of Experimental Lexicography of the Institute of the Russian Language, which he led.

Yu. D. Apresyan, E. E. Babaeva, A. K. Bayburin, A. D. Dulichenko, E. V. Dushechkina, M. M. Bolduman, Yu. A. Kleiner kindly agreed to read and discuss fragments of the obscene database , V. D. Lukov, S. Yu. Mazur, N. V. Pertsov, V. P. Rudnev, A. L. Sobolev, S. A. Starostin, V. N. Toporov and M. I. Shapir, critical whose comments and advice were extremely valuable for the author.

Thanks to A.K. Zholkovsky (Santa Monica), M.A. Kolerov (Moscow), I.P. Smirnov (Konstanz), A.M. Pyatigorsky (London), who showed interest in this work.

Computer assembly, networking and software have been carried out over the past five years by Alexander Mozhaev, to whom the author expresses his endless gratitude.

V. I. Belikova, A. F. Belousova, Alexandra Brenera, V. V. Gushchina, D. Ya. Kalugina, T. Yu. Kibirova, R. V. Klubkova, V. K. Kondratiev, Vladimir Kotlyarov ( Tolstoy), T. M. Levin, A. I. Mashnina, E. Yu. Podvalnaya, E. I. Revzin,

S. A. Savitsky, A. I. Sosland, V. Yu. Stepantsov, M. S. Trofimenkov, A. E. Shaburov, Y. Shilov and V. I. Erlya.

The author is infinitely indebted to the editor-in-chief of the Logos magazine V.V. Anashvili, the executive secretary of the Logos magazine V.P. Rudnev, the director of the Ad Marginem publishing house A.T. Ivanov, the editor-in-chief of the Languages ​​of Russian Culture publishing house A.D. Koshelev, editor of the magazine "New World" A. A. Nosov, editor-in-chief of the magazine "New Literary Review" I. D. Prokhorova, editor of the magazine "New Literary Review" K. R. Kobrin, editor of the magazine "New Russian Book" G. . A. Morev, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Ex libris" I. A. Zotov and editor-in-chief of the magazine "Entourage" E. Yu. Men for their selfless support of this project.

I also wanted to express my deepest gratitude to my teachers L. I. Sobolev, who carried me away with professional philological work, I. A. Chernov and A. D. Dulichenko, who supported the author during the Tartu period, Z. G. Mints and Yu. M. Lotman, who, by their personal example, doomed the author to fruitless attempts to complete this endless work.

"And it's all about him"

(“Hui”: Phenomenology, anthropology, metaphysics, pragmasemantics)

0. Introductory remarks

"Dick" is the most important object in human life, starting from early childhood, as well as in the history of human relations, culture, science, art and philosophy - and accordingly the most important word in the language (even if it is not actually pronounced). The present study will mainly be devoted to substantiating this thesis.

1. Castration and phallus

One of the most important discoveries of psychoanalysis (the first devotees of which at the beginning of our century were just as accused by ordinary people of frivolity, immorality, depravity, etc. (see about this in detail, for example, the biography of Freud [Jones 1998]), as they were at the end of the century Vladimir Sorokin, Viktor Erofeev, Oleg Kulik, Alexander Brener are accused of the same thing, and as, of course, the author of this book will also be accused) there was the discovery of several fundamental facts regarding the subject of our research (here we must apologize to the enlightened part of our readers for several paragraphs psychoanalytic educational program, without which we will not be able to move forward in the study of what we are talking about). The fact is that, as Freud has shown, the small child, whether boy or girl, believes that all people are or should be endowed with a penis.

In 1908, in the article “On the Theory of Infantile Sexuality,” Freud wrote: “Already in childhood, the penis is the leading erogenous zone and the main autoerotic object...

At the end of June, the State Duma supported a bill providing for increased penalties for using swear words in the family and in public places. There have been attempts to tighten liability for obscene language more than once - both under tsarism and after the revolution. Lidia Malygina, associate professor of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, scientific director of the distance learning system, spoke about how unprintable words penetrated public life here and in the West, about the history and meaning of the obscenity “KP”.

– If there were no problem, there would be no law. The question arises: who originally taught Russian people to swear?

– One of the common versions is the Tatar-Mongols. But in fact, this vocabulary has nothing to do with them. Russian mat of Slavic origin. Four roots known to every Russian person can be found in Macedonian, Slovenian, and other Slavic languages.

Most likely, swearing was an element of pagan cults associated with fertility, for example, with the spell of cattle or the call of rain. The literature describes in detail this custom: a Serbian peasant throws an ax into the air and utters obscene words, trying to make it rain.

– Why did such words become taboo?

– When Christianity came to Rus', the church began an active fight against pagan cults, including swear words as one of the manifestations of the cult. Hence the strong taboo nature of these forms. This is what distinguishes Russian swearing from obscenities in other languages. Of course, since then the Russian language has actively developed and changed, and with it Russian swearing. New swear words have appeared, but they are based on the same four standard roots. Some previously harmless words have become obscene. For example, the word "dick". “Her” is a letter of the pre-revolutionary alphabet, and the verb “poherit” was used to mean “cross out.” Now this word is not yet included in the category of swear words, but it is already actively approaching this.

– There is a myth about the uniqueness of Russian obscene language. Is it so?

– The comparison with the English language is interesting. Obscene words have always puzzled British philologists with their nature. As early as 1938, the linguist Chase emphasized: “If someone mentions sexual intercourse, it does not shock anyone. But if someone says an ancient Anglo-Saxon four-letter word, most people will freeze in horror.”

The premiere of Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion in 1914 was highly anticipated. A rumor was started that, according to the author's plan, the actress playing the main female role should utter an obscene word from the stage. Answering Freddie's question whether she was going to walk home, Eliza Dolittle had to very emotionally say: “Not bloody likely!” The intrigue remained until the last moment. During the premiere, the actress still uttered an obscene word. The effect was indescribable: noise, laughter, whistling, stomping. Bernard Shaw even decided to leave the hall, deciding that the play was doomed. Now the British are complaining that they have actually lost this favorite curse word, which has already lost its former power, because the word has begun to be used too often.

Lidia MALYGINA - Associate Professor of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University Photo: "KP" Archive

– Probably, after the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the situation changed a lot, and obscene words literally poured onto the pages of the press?

- Certainly. Think about Great Britain at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Back then, even the legs of the piano were covered in covers so that they would not evoke random erotic associations! In the second half of the twentieth century, contraception developed rapidly and the pornography industry grew. Marriage for life and fidelity between spouses began to look like old-fashioned prejudices. And heterosexuality in marriage has ceased to be a prerequisite. It is noteworthy that at this time the attitude towards obscene words also changed. Two linguistic collections dedicated to obscene language appear. The first was published in the USA in 1980. The second was published in the United Kingdom and the USA in 1990. These reference books already contain several articles about vulgarisms. Examples of the use of obscene language were given in plain text.

– And yet they were punished for swearing. There is a well-known case when, at the height of anti-war protests in the United States in 1968, a young man who did not want to serve under conscription was prosecuted for wearing a jacket with the inscription: “F... the draft!”

- Yes. Another well-known case is the 12-minute radio program “Obscene Words.” Satirist George Carlin listed seven words that should not be said on the radio, and then began to discuss the problem. One of the listeners was driving in a car with a child and accidentally heard the program. He immediately called the show's editor and complained.

Another famous scandal was caused by newspapers in the late 1970s. published an obscene statement that a player uttered to a referee during a sporting competition: “f... cheating cunt.” And even in works of art, the rudest words began to appear without any disguise. In the guide to St. Petersburg, Western authors do not hesitate to explain Russian vulgarisms, for example, b... (whore) – which is usually rendered as simply b... (short version of the word - Ed.) – and plays an equivalent role to 'f ...' in English for those who use it as a verbal stutter.

– Russian journalists also like to use obscene words and expressions, slightly disguising them so as not to formally violate the law banning swearing in the media...

– Yes, softer expressions, instead of rude ones, often cover up in the text easily recognizable obscene expressions, swear words and curses: “Dick Advocate: UEFA for himself!”; “Hugh Hefner and Dasha Astafieva: Hugh knows her...”; “And he stole 2 billion worth of deposits... But he himself ended up in complete “khopra””; or “Russia in CHOP” - the title of a special report about private security companies or the title of a film about weight loss “I’m losing weight, dear editors!”

– Are there other languages, besides Russian, in which obscene vocabulary is divided into ordinary swear words and strictly taboo words, the use of which is prohibited in any situation and in any context?

– In this sense, the Russian language is unique. Although, for example, the obscene vocabulary of the Spanish language is also associated with the sexual sphere, unlike German (in German this is the sphere of excrement). But in the Spanish language there is no such taboo, therefore the first academic dictionaries of the Spanish language contained similar vocabulary, but the dictionaries of the Russian language did not. In general, the first dictionary fixation of obscenities dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. We are talking about the third edition of Dahl's dictionary, edited by Baudouin de Courtenay. But such activities of dictionary compilers quickly ended, since the Soviet government banned the use of obscenities, and the third edition of Dahl’s dictionary was sharply criticized.

Let's figure out where this infectious thing came from. The mystical origins of such a phenomenon as swearing go back to the pagan past. To protect themselves from the attacks of the demonic world, people of the pre-Christian era contacted it.

Where did the mats come from?

The spells that were addressed to pagan idols consisted of their names. And it was precisely during that period of time that the cult of fertility was widespread. Thus, most mats are associated with the genitals of a man and a woman.

The Slavs were also familiar with swearing. For example, the swear word of a girl of easy virtue “b...” is found on Novgorod notes and birch bark documents of the 12th century. It just meant something completely different. The meaning of the word was the name of a demon with whom only sorcerers communicated. According to ancient beliefs, this demon punished sinners by sending them a disease, which is now called “uterine rabies.”

Another word, the verb “e...”, is of Slavic origin, and is translated as to curse.

The remaining swear words are the names of pagan gods, or demonic names. When a person swears, he calls demons on himself, his family, his clan.

Thus, swearing is an appeal to demons, only it consists of spells and names of certain demons. The history of swearing shows this.

In other words, swearing is the language of communication with demons.

The effect of swearing on human health

Let’s just give 6 facts about the influence of swearing:

1. The effect of swearing on DNA

Human words can be represented in the form of electromagnetic vibrations, which directly affect the properties and structure of DNA molecules responsible for heredity. If a person uses swear words day after day, a “negative program” begins to be developed in DNA molecules and they are significantly modified. Scientists say: a “dirty” word causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation exposure.

Swear words have a negative effect on the genetic code of the person swearing, are written in it, and become a curse for the person himself and his heirs.

2. Swear words travel along different nerve endings than ordinary words.

There is an observation by doctors that people suffering from paralysis, with a complete lack of speech, express themselves exclusively in obscenities. Although at the same time he is unable to say either “Yes” or “No”. At first glance, the phenomenon, although very strange, speaks volumes. Why does a completely paralyzed person exclusively utter obscenities? Is it really of a different nature than ordinary words?

3. The influence of the mat on water. Scientific experiment.

Sprouting technology has long been used in biology and agriculture.

The water is treated by some means, and the wheat grains are treated with this water.

Three types of words were used:

  1. Prayer "Our Father"
  2. Household mat, which is used for speech communication
  3. The mat is aggressive, with clearly expressed expression.

After a certain time, the number of sprouted grains and the length of the sprouts are checked.

On the second day

  1. 93% of the grains sprouted in the control batch
  2. In a batch of grains processed by prayer - 96% of grains. And the longest sprouts, up to 1 cm.
  3. In the batch treated with household mat - 58% grains
  4. The expressive mat had such an effect that only 49% of the grains grew. The length of the sprouts is uneven and mold has appeared.

Scientists believe that the appearance of mold is the result of the strong negative impact of mats on water.

After a while.

  1. The influence of household swearing - only 40% of sprouted grains remained
  2. The effect of the expressive mat - only 15% of sprouted grains remained.

Seedlings placed in mat-treated water indicate that this environment is not suitable for them.

Humans are 80% water. Draw your own conclusions, friends.

Here is a video proof of this experiment.

4. Swear words very often come out of people from whom demons are cast out.

This is recognized by all confessions: from Orthodox to Protestants.

For example, an Orthodox priest, Father Sergius, writes: “The so-called swearing is the language of communication with demonic forces. It is no coincidence that this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary. Infernal means hellish, from the underworld.” It is very easy to be convinced that swearing is a demonic phenomenon. Go to a Russian Orthodox church during a lecture. And take a close look at the person who is being chastised with prayer. He will moan, scream, struggle, growl, and the like. And the worst thing is that they swear a lot...

Thanks to science, it has been proven that because of swearing, not only a person’s morality suffers, but also his health!

Ivan Belyavsky is one of the first scientists to put forward this theory. He believes that every mat is an energy charge that negatively affects human health.

It has already been proven that swearing comes from the sacred names of the gods. The word "mate" means "strength". A destructive force that affects a person’s DNA and destroys him from the inside, especially women and children.

5. Swear words have a detrimental effect on women

Abuse of swear words is detrimental to a woman’s hormonal levels. Her voice becomes low, testosterone is in excess, fertility decreases, and the disease hirsutism appears...

6. The influence of swear words on a person in countries where there is no abuse against the reproductive organs.

Another very interesting fact. In countries where there is no swearing indicating the reproductive organ, cerebral palsy and Down syndromes have not been found. But in the CIS countries these diseases exist. Unfortunately…

How to get rid of the influence of swearing?

You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.

We have already proven the origin of swear words. Considered a scientific experiment. But the purpose of this series and the “Word of Encouragement” project is to encourage, to help overcome every vice that binds a person.

Here we will give a recipe for liberation from swear words, which is tested from personal experience. Just 5 simple steps.


It is very important to recognize that swear words are a vice that has a destructive effect on a person. It is to admit, not to resist.


Warm repentance before God is very important.

He is the Lord, He knows everything. And He will help, but first just repent of the fact that this dirty language came out of your mouth.

Accept yourself as a new creation

If you have prayed the prayer of repentance, then you have become a new creation, a child of Almighty God. Until then, every person is a sinner, a product of the devil.

Many in the world say “Why reject swearing - it’s normal!” It's okay if you are a sinful person. And if you repented before God and asked for forgiveness of your sins, you have already become a new creation.

And you need to accept it

The Word of God says:

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the ancient has passed away, now everything is new.

Start to think well of yourself, to think of yourself as God’s beloved child, as the one for whom the Lord gave His Son.

Trust God. You have become different inside.

Eph.5:8 You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light,

Believe that words are capsules filled with power.

That's essentially what this series is all about. What we say is what we have.

But you, if you have already cursed, need to accept it again. Your swearing produced one effect in your life.

Now you need your words to bring good.

Col.4:6 Let your word always be with grace

Eph 4:29 Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouth, but only that which is good for edification of the faith, so that it may bring grace to those who hear.

This means that every time you open your mouth, ask God for wisdom, so that your words will bring grace and benefit to those listening.

Dedicate your mouth, your tongue to God.

This is not just a resolution: “I’m quitting swearing since the New Year.”

It is a decision that your mouth belongs to the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. And with your lips you will only bless God and His creation.

James 3:9-10 With it we bless God the Father, and with it we curse men, created in the likeness of God. From the same lips comes blessing and curse: it should not be so, my brethren.

If you dedicate your mouth to God, it will not be easy. But even when you stumble, remember that the word of God says “it must not happen.” God does not give impossible tasks. If it is written in His Word, then it is real. And this means that it is possible to live in such a way as not to utter curses and swear words against loved ones.

Word of Encouragement

I want to end in a very good place.

Remember that you will give an account for every word. And if you say a lot of good things into the lives of your loved ones, bless your wife/husband, children, parents, employees - God will bring these words to judgment. And from these words you will be justified. So says the Word of God

Matthew 12:36-37 But I tell you that for every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment: 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.