Road signs 40 km. Effective area of ​​the speed limit sign: legal advice

Every person who wants to become a driver must know the speed limit sign. In general, this topic is very important. Anyone who dreams of getting behind the wheel should learn it. It’s not for nothing that there are rules that require adherence to a certain speed limit; they are often found on the roads, so you should learn them. However, first things first.

What you need to learn

The first thing you need to remember is that the maximum permitted speed in the Russian Federation is 130 kilometers per hour. But not everywhere. This maximum is only permissible on motorways. And these sections of the road themselves are very rare. And they always have a sign marked “130 km/h”.

On country roads you can drive at a maximum speed of 90 km/h. Naturally, it is not advisable to exceed. This is made clear by road signs with comments. Within the city limits, you are allowed to drive at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. And that's the maximum. However, it is not enough to know only these nuances. In fact, there are many more important points, and it’s worth talking about them in more detail.


3.24 is the first and most important sign. A speed limit, and a maximum one at that, is what he prescribes. And this sign is probably familiar to everyone. Even those people who were not going to get a license. It is round, has a white background and a red “edging”. It is categorically at a speed greater than the number indicated on it. It says 50? This means that the speedometer needle cannot rise above the 50 km/h mark.

But there is one interesting point that everyone should know about. Sometimes on country roads there is a sign indicating a maximum speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour. Although usually the number is thirty. At such moments, drivers passing by simply do not have time to slow down and, so to speak, slow down. And many traffic police officers, who, as a rule, are on duty there, take advantage of this.

In fact, the situation is ambiguous. Why? But because on country roads there should not be signs 3.24, and especially not marked “30 km/h”. This can be done, but subject to certain conditions. And they consist in the fact that in front of this sign at a distance of 150 meters there must be a 70 km/h sign, and then - 50 km/h.

End of restrictions

The speed limit sign, like all others, cannot be valid throughout the entire road. Naturally, there is also a “cancel” indicator. It is known by code 3.25. And this sign announces the end of the restriction. It is round, in a black frame, on a white background there is a number crossed out by several lines.

Sometimes they also put up other signs. This is permitted in numerous ways, and sometimes, to indicate an area of ​​any restrictions (including the maximum speed limit), they use a sign known as code 3.31 - a white circle with a black border, which is crossed out by several thin lines.

There is also a so-called speed limit addition. Usually this is plate 8.2.1., which defines the coverage area. It shows the length and arrows. If, for example, there is a sign “maximum speed 50 km/h” and under it a sign indicating the number 200, then this means that for two hundred meters the driver should not exceed 50 km/h. After the distance has been covered, you can return to the normal speed limit.

Danger zone

It is logical to assume that the “Speed ​​Limit” sign is placed where the dangerous section begins. As you know, you need to move along these roads with extreme caution. And the dangers can be of any nature.

But how to determine the beginning and end of such a section? Visually. If it is indicated that for three kilometers you need to move at a speed of 40 km/h and the driver sees that there are holes, potholes, and the road is broken on his way, then you need to rely on your feelings. As soon as he feels that the road surface has become smooth again, he can return to the normal speed limit.

There are also such devices - odometers. This is a car device that measures the mileage and distance traveled by the car. After the speed limit sign area has begun, it is worth looking at the odometer and calculating the readings that should be displayed on it upon completion of the dangerous section.

Crossroads and settlements

It is worth knowing that the coverage area of ​​the “Speed ​​Limit” sign is determined not only by signs that indicate meters and kilometers. Also, the sign, known as number 3.24, stops working after the driver enters the intersection. However, it is worth remembering the fact that leaving any adjacent territory or intersection (with forest or field roads) is not considered such. And since such places are not equated to intersections, then the effect of the signs is not canceled.

And finally, populated areas. The action of pointer 3.24 can be canceled by signs 5.23.2 and 5.23.1. This is the beginning of the settlement. The signs look like oblong rectangular plates, white background and black border. They can either have the name of the city written in black, or the silhouette of the locality can be drawn.

Signs 5.24.1 and 5.24.2 also provide cancellation. This is the end of the settlement. They look exactly the same as the previous two, only they are also crossed out with a red thick line. There is also a 5.25 sign. Blue background, white letters, crossed out with a red line - this is also the end of the settlement. Accordingly, it is not separated from the group of road signs that cancel a certain speed limit.

And the last pointer is 5.25. This is the beginning of the settlement. It does not cancel anything; on the contrary, it calls for moving at a maximum speed of 60 km/h. It looks like this: blue background, white letters that spell the name of the city.

Everyone knows that groups of road signs are numerous. So, in addition to prohibitions, there are also recommended ones. These include index 6.2. This is the one that should be observed on a specific road section. The coverage area also lasts until the first intersection.

The shape of such signs is square, with rounded corners. Characterized by a blue background and white numbers. It should be noted that these signs do not obligate motorists to anything. Whether to move at the specified speed or not is up to the driver to decide. But it’s not without reason that the sign was put there, so you should think about it.

Permissible minimum

It may seem strange to many, but there are signs that require compliance not only with the stated maximum, but also with the minimum. They are round and blue, with white numbers inside. And drivers are allowed to drive either at the posted speed or at a higher speed. That is, if the number “60” is visible on the sign, then you need to drive at least 60 km/h, but not less.

And the end of the zone in which this indicator operates is usually indicated by sign 4.7. The same round blue sign with a white number, only crossed out with a red line. This means that the stated minimum is canceled and may not be met.

It is interesting that if there is a 4.6 sign on the road section (that is, a minimum speed indicator), then the traffic police will not be able to stop the car only if the driver has violated the rules.

Fines for exceeding the speed limit

The speed limit on bridges, highways, and highways is marked for a reason. And if you break the rules, you can earn a fine. So, for example, you will have to pay 500 rubles per hour (but no more!). Now, as you know, if a motorist makes a payment in the near future, he is given a 50% discount.

If a motorist was driving at a speed 60-80 km/h higher than the norm, then he will have to pay 2000-2500 rubles. Or he may be deprived of his driver's license for 4-6 months. This depends on the decision of the traffic police. If the case is taken to court, then it can be contested; violators often do this if it is easier for them to pay the specified amount than to be left without rights.

If the excess is more than 80 km/h, then you will have to say goodbye to either five thousand or your license for six months. But when a person violates this requirement repeatedly, he may be deprived of the opportunity to drive a vehicle for a year.

Other fines

Do not think that only for speeding can a fine be imposed. There is also a penalty for driving too slowly. If a marking or sign requires driving at the specified minimum speed, but the driver ignores this, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed. But this violation is not punished as seriously as in the previous situation described.

It’s worth being more focused on the roads; it’s not for nothing that they already have yellow speed limit signs, which additionally attract attention.

There is no need to exceed the speed limit to astronomical levels, because the point is not even the fine, but the fact that the car is a vehicle of increased danger. And by “putting” the speedometer needle at 110, 130, 150 and above, a person puts the lives of many people at risk: himself, passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers. So think about whether it’s worth the haste.

The areas of validity of signs in the traffic rules for 2019 are regulated either by the Appendix to the traffic rules of the same name - road signs and markings, or by GOST R 52289-2004. In our case, the effect of a speed limit sign can be determined by the presence of an intersection, a sign indicating the length of the limit, as well as signs that remove such a limit, or the beginning or end of a populated area. But let's talk about everything in order!

What is the coverage area of ​​a speed limit sign?

Sign 3.24 "Speed ​​limit"

The "Speed ​​Limit" sign is installed on dangerous sections of roads near sharp turns or concentrations of accidents, where it is dangerous to move at the initially permitted speed. In addition, sometimes a sign is installed where it is allowed to drive at a speed greater than that required by the conditions of the city, highway or highway. For example, if in a city there is a speed limit sign of 80 km/h, then you can drive exactly up to 80 kilometers per hour, and not up to 60, as required by traffic rules in the city.

Also, according to GOST for 2019? You cannot limit the speed with such signs to more than 20 km/h. That is, if you are driving along a highway where the speed limit is 90 km/h, and along the way you come across a “Speed ​​Limit” sign with the number 60, then such a sign is installed illegally - if you want to limit the speed to 60 kilometers per hour, then first there must be speed limit sign up to 70 or 80, and only then, after 100-150 meters sign 60 (clause 5.4.22 of GOST).

Just like any other prohibitory signs, the speed limit sign is not endless, even if there is no corresponding sign for the end of the limit. The priority of the sign's operating conditions here is similar to the "No Stopping" sign, and let's look at all the conditions for limiting the coverage areas.

Effect of the "Maximum speed limit" sign with a coverage area sign

Everything is simple here: immediately under the sign 3.24 on the same column there is a sign 8.2.1 (see figure below), the number on which indicates the coverage area from the sign until the restriction is lifted. If, for example, the sign says 40, and the sign says 150 m, then this means that for the next 150 meters we must drive at a speed of no more than 40 kilometers per hour.

By the way, it is 40, and not 60 or 59 km/h, that is a violation, and there is a punishment for this violation. It is prohibited to drive at a speed above 40 - this is a violation, there is simply no punishment provided if the speed exceeded is less than 20 km/h. But in the event of an accident, for example, such an excess may not be taken into account in your favor.

Effect of speed limit until end of limit zone signs

If a sign is used without a sign with a speed limit zone, then after such a sign there may be a “End of speed limit zone” sign with the speed limit crossed out on a white background (and not on white with a red frame, like a prohibitory sign). Then the prohibition of the speed limit sign no longer applies after the end of the limit, and we can drive at the maximum speed allowed for this section of the road (city or other populated area - 60 km/h, highway - 90 km/h, highway - 110 km/h) . The same maximum speed ban is lifted by the sign “End all restrictions” - an empty sign with diagonal strikeouts on a white background.

In addition, signs at the end of the coverage area of ​​prohibiting traffic rules signs may be placed, including if the prohibition sign itself was standing with a coverage area sign. And this is logical, isn’t it, because we shouldn’t measure the distance indicated on the sign with a tape measure?!

Effect of the "Speed ​​Limit" sign to a new similar sign

If after sign 3.24 a new sign with a different restriction value is installed, then the previous restriction does not apply, which is quite logical. Less logical is the situation when a new constraint sign sets a greater value for such a constraint. For example, there was a sign “60” and after it there was a sign “80”. Then a new restriction also applies, and the previous one is removed.

Effect of the "Speed ​​Limit" sign before an intersection or populated area

If there are no signs under the speed limit sign and if there are no signs for the end of the speed limit or the removal of all restrictions of prohibition signs, then the speed limit prescribed by sign 3.24 is valid either until the nearest intersection or until the “Built-up area” or “End of built-up area” sign. What you see first along the way will cancel the effect of this prohibitory sign. Moreover, a roundabout intersection is also a full-fledged intersection.

At the same time, remember that not all intersections mean the end of the speed limit sign area. Various kinds of secondary exits or junctions of dirt roads into forests, exits into fields and other minor roads not marked with a road junction warning sign (warning signs are installed 50-100 meters in populated areas and 150-300 meters on highways), then is one of these signs:

Remember also that exits from adjacent territories are not intersections according to the interpretation of traffic rules and therefore do not cancel the effect of the “Speed ​​Limit” sign.

As for the end or, accordingly, the beginning of a populated area, this is not just a visible beginning or end, respectively, but their designation by one of the following information signs:

Also keep in mind that the Residential Zone sign overrides the restriction. In general, a residential area rarely just begins with a road, but, most likely, you drive off the road to another, and the new one has its own rules. But even if you find yourself in a rare exception, when a restricted road moves into a residential area, remember that the 2019 traffic regulations require a maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour in a residential area.

What is the coverage area of ​​the temporary speed limit sign?

Temporary speed limit signs are usually placed during road repairs or construction of structures near this road and in other cases of temporary concentration of a dense flow of cars on a section of the road. A temporary prohibition sign, unlike a permanent one, is made on a yellow background instead of white.

Temporary sign 3.24 "Speed ​​limit"

The end of the coverage area of ​​a temporary "Speed ​​Limit" sign, according to the Road Traffic Rules, is no different from similar areas of coverage of a permanent limit - it can be canceled by the nearest intersection, the end/beginning of a populated area, the sign of the end of the speed limit or all restrictions, or the spreading distance, if installed with with the appropriate sign.

In practice, in 2019, most often temporary signs are canceled with the “End of all restrictions” sign, because a significant reduction in speed with temporary signs is required, which means that several such signs have been installed, gradually limiting the speed lower and lower.

Also keep in mind that automatic photo and video recording of speeding is not allowed in areas where temporary signs are installed. Simply put, speed violators cannot be caught on auto-fixation cameras if such speed is limited by a temporary sign. But an inspector with a camera in his hand, which simply records the speed of the car for subsequent proof of excess, maybe if there was such a punishable excess.

What does not cancel the area covered by the speed limit sign?

So, above we looked at which road signs and intersections cancel the distribution of sign 3.24. Now, so that you are not mistaken, let us state that Not cancels the speed limit:

  • tunnels, bridges, overpasses;
  • if the road turns without forming intersections (even though it turns in the opposite direction);
  • the “Main Road” sign, if it is not installed in front of the intersection (according to GOST, this sign can be installed simply on a section of the road, prohibiting stopping according to traffic regulations);
  • traffic lights, if they are installed not at an intersection, but, for example, to allow pedestrians to pass.

If the coverage area of ​​the speed limit sign on the plate is greater than the distance to the intersection

If it suddenly turns out that the sign under the “Speed ​​Limit” sign says “2 km”, but after one kilometer you find an intersection or the end/beginning of a populated area, then know that the latter cancel the effect of the sign prohibiting moving at a speed higher than the specified speed on the sign. That is, an intersection or the beginning/end of a populated area in this case takes precedence over a sign. This is all because in this case, such an organization of the operation of signs contradicts GOST and means that the road workers placed the sign incorrectly. And GOST clearly states that the range of action on the sign cannot be greater than the distance to the intersection or the nearest populated area or its end.

What are the penalties for violating the "maximum speed limit" sign?

It makes no difference whether you exceeded the speed indicated on the sign or simply set on a given section of the road (for example, in the city 60 km/h). Fines for exceeding are imposed for the very fact of exceeding. In the table below you can see all possible penalties for violations of the speed limit ban for 2019.

Various penalties depending on the amount of excess and repetition of the violation.

rubles if he was caught by a traffic police inspector, or only receive a fine of 5,000 rubles if the excess was recorded by an auto-recording camera.

Is there a discount on speeding fines?

A 50% discount applies to fines for minor speeding. And it does not apply if you have exceeded it repeatedly or by an amount of more than 60 km/h (if the decision imposing a fine indicates Part 6 or 7 of Article 12.9 as imputed to you). Look more carefully, the resolution always indicates the charged article and its part.

If the discount is valid, then a fine of half the cost can be paid within 20 days after the date of the decision (not to be confused with the date of delivery or receipt of the decision by mail).

There are always various signs on the roads. Among them, the most common is “Speed ​​Limit”. Although it seems elementary to most motorists, when they see it on the road, some “dummies”—drivers with little experience—have questions. What do you need to know about the speed limit sign?

This sign looks like this: the value is indicated on a white circle, and its outline is outlined in red. The number indicated on the sign indicates the maximum permissible speed that can be reached in this place. This value cannot be exceeded.

When studying at a driving school, special attention is paid to this road sign. Sometimes even a couple of classes are devoted to it. But even at the same time, some students manage to forget everything. It is for them that the information below is provided.

The traffic rules indicate that the “Speed ​​Limit” is used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles of the above value. Its goal is to improve traffic safety. Therefore, you can see it both in the city and outside it.

If at one place on the road the speed limit differs from another by 20 km/h or more, then a stepped sign is installed in this place. That is, in the amount of several pieces, at each of which the value becomes smaller. However, this is not necessary if its visibility is more than 150 m.

Although this road sign sets a certain speed limit, it still does not require driving with exactly this indicator on the speedometer. An analogy with driving through a traffic light on a yellow signal is appropriate here. It is allowed to drive the vehicle at the speed indicated above, but it should not be exceeded by more than 19 km/h.

Previously this value was smaller. If it is more than 20 km/h or more, then this is already considered a violation. When passing cameras, you should not accelerate exactly to the maximum permissible value, since some speedometers have an error of 2–3 km/h. The driver will think that he is not breaking the speed limit, but in fact he will be exceeding the speed limit, albeit by a small amount. There is already a fine for it.

When you see a restriction sign, you must slow down to the permitted speed. Moreover, this must be done in advance, without resorting to emergency braking. A legitimate question arises: from what moment does it operate and where does it end?

It begins to act directly from the place of its installation. There are usually no problems with this. Motorists see it in advance and manage to brake.

"Speed ​​Limit" has a limitation:

  1. Crossroads. From the sign to the intersection you must adhere to the speed limit indicated. Then you can speed up. In the city, the speed limit is up to 60 km/h. Without violations, it is allowed to accelerate up to 79 km/h. Anything higher is already considered a violation and is punishable by a fine.
  2. The beginning or end of a populated area. If after a few meters after the sign there is a sign “Beginning of a populated area” with the name of the city or village on a white background, then this is where the restriction ends.

In the city or village itself, you cannot accelerate more than 60 km/h, and sometimes you need to drive even slower if there is another restriction. It is valid until the sign “End of a populated area” on a white background, provided that there are no intersections. After this, you can again accelerate to 90 km/h, but not in a populated area, but outside it.

Sometimes the sign is placed together with the “Length of coverage area” sign. Then it will operate at the distance indicated on the sign. It does not matter whether there is an intersection at this distance or not. Its presence does not matter. This issue is discussed in more detail below.

The sign can also be in areas where there are no intersections or populated areas. How to comply with the speed limit in such conditions? This is how “newbies” most often get confused.

The length of the distance where the sign is valid is indicated by a special sign. If there is a limit, but there is no sign, it will continue to apply until the “End of speed limit zone” sign. It looks the same as the sign discussed in this article, but with a line through it.

Sometimes the specified designation becomes invalid - after "End of all restrictions". It is easy to recognize - the white background is crossed out with a line diagonally. Although it implies the abolition of all signs, this is not so.

It only cancels:

  • minimum distance length;
  • prohibition of overtaking;
  • sound signal;
  • as well as parking and stops in various places;
  • and speed limit.

It may be located along with a sign indicating the distance. This means that the effect of the sign in this place is terminated.

The most common situations related to speed limits:

  1. The “Speed ​​Limit” action when repeated in one section. Sometimes there are several road signs that limit the speed of cars. Usually the values ​​​​are indicated in descending order. Such signs are often found in places of repair work so that drivers have time to prepare for the approach of a dangerous object, and sometimes even stop completely.
  2. Action before an intersection or populated area. If there are no information signs with the sign, then its effect will last until the nearest intersection, as well as until the beginning or end of the populated area. The restriction also loses its effect after passing the road from , since this is also an intersection. But, here, exits from the highway into courtyards or fields are not intersections. They do not remove the effect of this road element. In courtyards and residential areas, you can accelerate no more than 20 km/h. Not all signs with the name of a town or village override the restriction. “Start of settlement” or “End of settlement” must be on a white background. The blue background only informs drivers that they have entered a populated area, but does not oblige them to drive slower. In other words, it means that the route passes through this city or village.
  3. Effect of the "Speed ​​Limit" sign on a yellow background. It is temporary and is usually installed in places where repair work is being carried out, or before it, and is accompanied by an appropriate sign. Its essence is the same as that of a regular restriction. However, usually the yellow "Speed ​​Limit" sign must be observed until ", after which you can accelerate again. As a rule, “Speed ​​limits” are set to ensure that drivers drive slowly in a certain area. Therefore, to avoid emergency situations, several such signs, similar to stepped ones, are installed at once.

At the locations of the temporary “Speed ​​Limit” sign on a yellow background, there should be no cameras, since it is not here for a permanent period. If they exist and a violation is recorded, then it can be appealed. However, an inspector in such a place can stand and film violations on the camera of a patrol car, and then write reports for them. It will not be possible to appeal his actions in such a situation.

Situations when the effect of the sign is not canceled

There are circumstances in which the “Speed ​​Limit” remains in force and does not cancel its effect under the influence of other signs:

  • pedestrian crossings - in addition to violating the speed limit, you cannot overtake on them;
  • tunnels, bridges and overpasses - artificial lighting in them is worse than daylight on open roads, so you cannot accelerate or slow down here unless absolutely necessary;
  • smooth or sharp turn without exits - if there are no other paths when turning, then it is not considered an intersection and the speed limit will apply after passing it;
  • “Main road” - the restriction remains only when there is no intersection on the route;
  • traffic light - it does not cancel the sign only if it is located on a straight section of roads.

It is worth remembering these situations and never confusing them in order to make your movement by car safer. This will help you avoid sometimes ridiculous fines.

Fine for failure to comply with the speed limit sign

There is a fine for speeding. It is constantly increased over a certain period of time to improve the safety of motorists. According to statistics, this has a beneficial effect on safety, because not every car owner is ready to pay a huge fine.

Now, when some motorists see a speed limit sign, they reduce it, since such a violation is recorded by cameras, and it is more difficult to deceive them than the inspector. In addition, sometimes portable cameras are not visible on the track, so they can be installed anywhere. Of course, you can install a radar detector in the car itself, but it is also powerless with some cameras, since they are often “reflashed” and updated.

So, the penalties for failure to comply with the “Speed ​​Limit” sign are as follows:

  1. For speeding by 20 km/h, but not more than 40 km/h, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. If you pay within 20 days after the violation, there is a 50% discount.
  2. If the speed is exceeded by 40-60 km/h, then the fine will be from 1000 to 1500 rubles. If paid on time, a discount will also be provided. If such a violation is repeated, a fine of 2000-2500 rubles is provided, without deprivation of a driver’s license.
  3. When exceeding 60-80 km/h, the fine increases to 2000-2500 rubles. In some cases, it is possible that rights may be deprived by a court decision. If a repeated violation is recorded by the camera, the driver will be fined 5 thousand rubles. If the car owner is stopped by a traffic police inspector with such a violation, he will have to say goodbye to his license for 1 year.

To some motorists, even such fines seem small, and they continue to violate the speed limit. This is done, most often, because in order to be on time somewhere, to arrive before others, because nowadays life in cities moves very quickly and almost all of its residents are always in a hurry. However, traveling by car is a case where there is absolutely no need to rush. The few minutes saved are definitely not worth it.

According to traffic police statistics, very often accidents occur precisely because of non-compliance with the speed limit. Drivers are confident that they know how to control the car when driving fast, so they very blatantly violate this rule. However, do not forget that with this driving style, things can get out of control at any moment. In addition, at high speed the risk of serious injury increases significantly and even a seat belt may not save you. Sometimes such accidents end in the death of the driver and passengers.

What to do if the coverage area of ​​the “Speed ​​Limit” sign ends beyond the intersection

It happens that the “Speed ​​Limit” is located with the “Validity Area” sign, but the distance indicated in it is greater than the distance to the end of the intersection.

It's actually simple. Under such circumstances, the speed limit lasts until the vehicle has traveled the distance indicated on the placard. In this case, you must drive through the intersection at the same speed limit, without exceeding it by more than 19 km/h.

This sign is known to all car enthusiasts. It is very common on the road, and they are taught very well in driving school. The “Speed ​​Limit” sign has a round shape, on a white background there is a number that indicates the maximum speed of the car, and a prohibition on speeding is indicated by a red border. There may also be signs that have a rectangular shape, but the design on them is always the same.

What signs cancel the maximum speed limit?

There are not so many such signs and remembering them will not be difficult.

First of all, the effect of the “Speed ​​Limit” sign extends to the “End of all restrictions” sign. The “End of all restrictions” sign is very recognizable and is a circle with a black border, the white background of which is crossed out by diagonals.

Another sign that cancels the speed limit is the “End of speed limit zone” sign. It is similar to the “Speed ​​Limit” sign, but only on it the maximum speed of the car is crossed out, which indicates that the limit is canceled.

Also, drivers can often see a restriction sign at the same time as another sign indicating the operating distance. This sign indicates the effect of the restriction and after overcoming the specified distance, it automatically cancels its effect. The speed limit is also lifted at an intersection that has a corresponding intersection sign. It is also worth saying that the new restriction sign also cancels the effect of the previous sign.

What is not lifting restrictions?

Many traffic violations occur precisely because of speeding, but not because the driver deliberately violates, but because he is confused about what the limit is and what it is not. Therefore, having described above what cancels the effect of the sign, it is worth writing in which cases the restriction continues to apply. The effect of the sign should never be forgotten when:

  • traffic lights, which are designed to allow pedestrians to pass, installed outside intersections;
  • main road signs close to the intersection;
  • pedestrian crossings;
  • bridges and tunnels.

All this does not in any way cancel the effect of the sign, so you need to be very careful, otherwise you can easily break traffic rules and receive an appropriate punishment, which will not please anyone.

Area of ​​operation of the road sign "Speed ​​limit"

Many people, especially beginners, get confused about the areas of operation of the restriction sign. This is typical, as a rule, within a populated area and outside it, since the coverage areas are different here and there. And the sheer number of characters will differ, so it’s very easy to get confused.

Effect of a sign within a populated area

The effect of the sign in a populated area begins immediately upon entering the populated area. At the same time, you need to know that there may not be a sign that is familiar to us, but there is another sign that limits the speed. This sign represents the name of the locality on a white background. This means that you can now drive no more than 60 km/h. The speed can only change if there are corresponding signs in the populated area, otherwise you will have to drive at this speed limit to the end of the populated area.

If there is a restriction sign in the populated area itself, then its effect extends to the first intersection or to the end of the populated area. The sign indicating the end of a settlement is not much different from the sign indicating its beginning. The difference is that departure is indicated by the crossed out name of the point.

Also, to indicate the beginning of a settlement, signs with the name of the settlement on a blue background are used. A blue background means that traffic rules in a populated area do not apply to this road, and therefore there is no need to slow down.

Effect of a sign outside a populated area

When leaving a populated area, the driver can safely increase his speed, since the maximum speed outside the city is 90 km/h, and at the same time watch the road very carefully. Since there may be signs “Speed ​​Limit” or signs indicating a populated area, which means that the speed will have to be reduced. The effect of these signs, as already mentioned, extends to the signs or intersections that cancel them.

On highways you can find a maximum permitted speed of 130 km/h, but this is rare and most often you can find a lower permitted speed there, and there are not many highways themselves.

90 and 130 km/h are the default maximum speed allowed, if there are no signs limiting it. As already mentioned, 90 km/h is allowed to drive outside a populated area, and 130 km/h on a motorway, unless there are other speed limit signs.

An intersection that lifts the speed limit is considered an intersection marked with appropriate signs.

Effect of temporary speed limit sign

Installation of a sign with a temporary speed limit is usually carried out during road repair work. It is easy to recognize, because the only way it differs from the permanent sign is the yellow background, and everything else is exactly the same.

The actions of the temporary sign itself are in no way different from the actions of the permanent one. The same signs canceling the restriction and other points.

The only difference is that this sign is not permanent, that is, it will not always stand in a certain place. Once any work that caused it to be installed is completed, it will be removed.

Fine for non-compliance with sign requirements

For exceeding the maximum speed, as for any other traffic violation, sanctions will be applied to the driver, in this case a fine or deprivation of a license, and sometimes all together. However, not all so simple. The system of fines for excesses has its own scheme. The very fact of a violation affects only the presence of a fine, but not its size. The size of the fine is affected by speed. Namely:

  • If the driver exceeds the speed limit by 20 to 40 km/h, he will be fined 500 rubles. For better understanding, let's give an example. The permitted maximum speed is 30 km/h, and the driver is driving, for example, 65 km/h, that is, the excess is 35 km/h. Just right for issuing a fine of 500 rubles;
  • the same system and with an excess of 40 to 60 km/h, only the fine is already from 1000 to 1500 rubles, and for a repeated violation the fine will be from 2000 to 2500;
  • Exceeding the speed by 60 to 80 km/h is punishable by a fine of 2000 to 2500 rubles. They may also lose their driver's license for a period of 4 to 6 months. Repeated violation is punishable by a fine of 5,000 rubles, and deprivation of rights for 1 year is also possible.

It is worth thinking carefully about possible penalties before knowingly exceeding the maximum speed limit. It is also worth noting that the absence of traffic police officers does not mean that you can avoid punishment and drive as you please. Video cameras are installed on the busiest sections of the road to record such violations.

In 80% of cases, serious accidents occur while driving at high speeds. To prevent emergency situations, special road signs have been created that dictate that you slow down. It is important to understand that the coverage area of ​​the Speed ​​Limit sign always ends.

Road elements overriding the rule

The speed limit may not apply to the entire road. There are rules according to which the driver can return to his previous driving pattern.

Below are the signs that cancel the speed limit:

  1. If an additional numerical designation is located together with the road element, this indicates the distance after which the rule loses its relevance. So, if the limit is 40 and the number on the plate is 250, it means that for the next 250 meters you must observe the number 40 on the speed sensor.
  2. In the absence of a sign with additional designation, you may encounter another road sign along the way, which symbolizes the end of the previous restriction. After this, drivers are allowed to increase their speed on the next section of the route. This element is designated as follows: an underlined line on a white background with a red frame.
  3. Another overriding sign is the “End of all restrictions” (a line through it on a white background). Such a designation even cancels the distance that is assigned on the plate.

The action of the speed limiter in different situations

The speed limit applies up to a certain point.

The following situations are considered when the zone of the road to which the rule applies ends:

  • Until the next sign. Sometimes, at a certain distance from the speed limiter, a sign with another restriction is installed. In this case, the first of them ceases to operate. In other situations, the new designation allows you to drive faster than the previous one. And even in this case, the first limitation is lifted.
  • Until the first intersection or settlement. If there are no signs under the sign and along the way there are other signs that lift the ban, the speed limiter’s coverage area extends to the nearest intersection or sign symbolizing the beginning or end of a populated area.

When considering the situation with an intersection, it should be borne in mind that the rule is not canceled for a roundabout intersection.

IMPORTANT! Not all intersections may affect the end of the speed limiter. These do not include exits and junctions with dirt roads without additional markings. As well as departures from such territories.

If we take into account the beginning or end of a settlement, the features of movement are as follows:

  • The maximum permissible speed in a residential area is 20 kilometers per hour.
  • Moving to a residential area rarely starts from the road. And it happens that you find yourself on a different road where new rules apply.

Time limit

This designation is placed on sections of roads being repaired. This sign differs in appearance from others in this category in that it is located on a yellow background and functions in the same way as the standard one.

The end of a section of road with a similar designation is also no different. Often the rules for this category of road elements are canceled by the designation “An end to all prohibitions.”

On the path where a temporary restriction is encountered, the driver is required to reduce speed as much as possible. Therefore, on the road you can first encounter a number of limiters along the way, which allow the driver sitting behind the wheel to gradually slow down.

The coverage area of ​​a temporary sign may also, as in other cases, end at an intersection, the beginning or end of a populated area, and indicate the end of restrictions. Also, this element of road regulation may contain a sign underneath.

IMPORTANT! When it comes to a temporary sign, it is almost impossible to set up recording for it from a video camera. On these sections of roads, only a traffic police officer can catch you for violating the rules.

In which cases the validity of a sign is not cancelled:

  • Presence of markings for pedestrians.
  • Road turn without intersection with other roads.
  • The presence of complex road routes (tunnel, bridge, etc.).
  • There is a sign “Main Road” before the intersection.
  • A traffic light has been installed in the area to allow pedestrians to pass through.

Penalties for ignoring the speed limit sign

The amount of the fine for speeding in the wrong places is established depending on the number of kilometer units exceeding the speed limit, as well as the repeated nature of the violations. So, the fine for such disregard of the rules can be quite high.

In general, when exceeding the speed limit:

  • over 40 kilometers per hour - the driver faces an administrative penalty of 500 rubles;
  • up to 60 kilometers per hour - you will have to pay 1-1.5 thousand rubles;
  • within the limits of up to 80 kilometers per hour will cost 2-2.5 thousand rubles, and in some cases with deprivation of rights for up to six months.

For repeated violations of the restriction:

  • 40-60 kilometers per hour - charged up to 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • up to 80 kilometers per hour - a fine of 5 thousand rubles is imposed (if the offense is recorded by a camera) and deprivation of a driver’s license for 12 months (if the violator is caught by a traffic police officer).

Accidents that occur when the speed limiter is ignored are often fatal for many. Therefore, following speed limit signs is vital for every driver.

Video about fines

Remember that when you get behind the wheel, you become responsible for yourself, your passengers and other road users. Try to follow the signs, do not exceed the speed limit, and then your path will be the safest.