Power of attorney for cash payment. The procedure for obtaining a tax deduction for training, preparing a package of documents Power of attorney to pay for training for the tax authorities

You have the right to receive a deduction if the child is studying at a music or art school, attending paid additional classes. Compensation is also allowed for taking advanced training courses for working citizens, learning foreign languages, studying in a driving school, receiving a second additional secondary specialized, technical or higher education. education, and so on. But, as mentioned above, in all these institutions, training must be approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, which is confirmed by the presence of certificates and licenses. This is a very important condition, without which it is impossible to receive a social deduction. Examples from life

  1. Some citizen G works officially and undergoes paid training courses. All payments are made independently.

Power of attorney for tuition fees (sample form)

How to get a 13% tax deduction for education There are only two ways to apply for a social tax deduction for education:

  1. Filling out the 3-NDFL tax return and submitting documents to the tax office.
  2. Receiving a personal income tax deduction for training through your employer.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Independent tax refund The main advantage of receiving a tax deduction through the tax office is the ability to immediately return the entire amount required by law for training (from previously paid personal income tax) to your current account.
The disadvantage of this method is the certain complexity of filling out the 3-NDFL tax return, which is sometimes not so easy to figure out on your own.

Power of attorney for tuition fees for tax deduction

Principal: / / (signature)(full name) (Option if the principal is an individual entrepreneur: M.P.) (Option if the principal is a legal entity:: (position of the person authorized to sign powers of attorney in accordance with the law and constituent documents of the principal) / / (signature)(F.I.O.) M.P.) Information for information:<1 Согласно абз.

2 p. 1 art. 186 According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney that does not indicate the date of its execution is void.


By virtue of paragraph 1 of Art. 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the power of attorney does not indicate its validity period, it remains valid for a year from the date of its execution.

<3 Порядок передоверия определен в ст.

Question answer

FULL NAME. of the authorized representative in full) series N issued » » city, code of the unit registered at the address: , residing at the address: , (option: on staff in a position (Order N dated » » )) pay at the cash desk located at (name of educational organization) address: , funds for the Principal’s training (or: under the Training Agreement dated » » (

Full name, age of the student) N in the amount of () rubles, for which she (option: he) is given the right to sign for the Principal and perform all necessary actions related to the implementation of this order.


This power of attorney has been issued for a period of » »<2 без права (вариант: с правом) передоверия другим лицам <3.

Signature gr. I certify. (FULL NAME.

Social tax deduction for training

Who is not entitled to a social deduction? There are also certain categories of citizens who cannot take advantage of the tax benefit for paying for education.
These include:

  • Individual entrepreneurs, housewives, unemployed and other individuals without official employment and earnings from which personal income tax is withheld.
  • Elderly people whose only income is an old-age pension and therefore do not pay income tax.
  • Citizens who receive salaries “in envelopes,” that is, by verbal agreement with their employer, and do not pay mandatory taxes to the state budget.

IMPORTANT! If an educational organization does not have a mandatory state license and an appropriate certificate, then the tax authority will refuse to receive a deduction for training in such an institution.

Power of attorney for tuition fees for a child or spouse

The same applies to the public services portal - registration for access to the site’s online services can be completed at any MFC closest to you. After all documents are uploaded through your personal account, the system will display a message about acceptance of the documentation, and if everything is completed correctly, it will accept them for processing.

Money can be transferred to the taxpayer’s bank account no earlier than 1 month after filing the application; this period is allocated for a desk review of the submitted documentation.

The maximum tax refund period provided by law is up to four months. The main advantage of this method is its simplicity: to receive a deduction you do not need to fill out a declaration and submit it to the tax office. But you don’t receive the money right away, it’s just that income tax will not be calculated on your salary for some time (until its amount reaches the deduction amount).

Power of attorney for tuition fees

Documents for a tax deduction for studies A tax deduction for studies can be issued by preparing the following package of documents:

  • Certificate of income of an individual in form 2-NDFL (issued by the accounting department at the place of work).
  • Tax return in the form of personal income tax-3 on all income received and taxable. In it, in a separate line, you should declare the right to deduction; for details, see the instructions for filling out the 3-NDFL declaration.
  • Documents for the child: birth certificate or his general passport.
  • Certificate from the educational institution about the form of study.
  • A copy of the education agreement, certified by the educational institution (for example, at a university, a copy can be certified by the dean’s office).

Child education deduction

LLC not individual entrepreneur tags: Other Need a sample power of attorney for the sale of real estate tags: Sale of real estate where can I see a sample of writing a power of attorney to represent interests in Ukraine? do you need a power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle tags: Rules Rule Answer from Lyudmila Vakhrusheva[active]1) it is also necessary to take a copy of the license from the university, also make copies of the agreement on paid training, and copies of receipts (do not submit the originals), and fill out the 3nDFL declaration .

in 2013, you can return the tax for 2010 (i.e. for the 3 previous years) 2) if the tax is returned only for 2011 - then a certificate from the place of work for 2011, if for 2012, at two enterprises. 3) if the amount of training did not exceed the limit specified in the law, you can return it. limit 120,000 rub.
Tax refund for the education of a child, brother, sister Many citizens are interested in the question of whether it is possible to receive a social deduction not only for their own education, but also for the education of a child or brothers and sisters? Russian tax legislation allows for the return of part of the paid cost of education in the form of a tax deduction not only in relation to the taxpayer himself, but also to his immediate relatives, if they were the ones who made financial settlements with the educational institution.
Date (close to the date on the receipt). Signature (yours) ". There is no need to notarize the power of attorney. The power of attorney is included in the package of documents for the declaration. In this case, this payment will be accepted as an expense. Let me explain what the matter is: the Tax Code states that a citizen can participate in tax relations independently or through a representative. The authority of the representative is confirmed by a power of attorney, and according to the civil code it can be in a simple form (without notarization). By writing a power of attorney, you will make your MP your authorized representative, who has paid for you and with your money.

The fact that he is legally no one to you (not a relative or husband) does not matter.

A certain citizen Sidorov was promoted and, in order to meet his new professional responsibilities, he decided to receive additional higher education.

For the entire three-year course of study, he had to pay 300,000 rubles, which he did immediately. They then applied for a tuition tax credit.

  • Since during one calendar year it is allowed not to take into account the amount of personal income tax deduction in the amount of 120 thousand rubles, the amount to be refunded was 120,000 x 0.13 = 15,600 rubles.
  • For the same calendar year, the salary of citizen Sidorov amounted to 600 thousand.

    rubles, and they were assessed income tax in the amount of 600 x 0.13 = 78 thousand rubles.

  • Since the amount of personal income tax paid exceeds the declared deduction amount, the applicant received a tax refund in the amount of RUB 15,600.

The social tax deduction for education allows citizens to compensate part of the costs of paying for their own education (or close relatives) in public and private educational institutions, advanced training courses (studying in driving schools, learning foreign languages, etc.), as well as for children’s classes in paid preschool and out-of-school educational centers. Only those citizens who regularly transferred income tax to the state treasury in the amount of 13% on all types of their earnings can take advantage of preferential conditions. Who can receive a tax deduction for education The regulations for obtaining a credit for previously paid tax and the definition of the term socially significant deduction for expenses related to paying for education are given in Art. 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The situation, of course, is not good, but in practice it is common. Situations are common when contracts indicate that payments are made by parents, but receipts and other payment documents are issued in the name of the child, since he deposited money into the cash register. Tax authorities accept such receipts as a document confirming expenses only if the deduction application contains a special explanation that the parent gave the child money to pay for education and instructed him to deposit this money into the cash desk of the educational institution. It is best, of course, to issue a power of attorney. Such a power of attorney is drawn up in any form according to the rules established in Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, the ruling of the Constitutional Court dated September 23, 2010 N 1251-О-О states that as evidence of expenses for a child’s education incurred by a taxpayer-parent, a receipt for payment of tuition issued in the name of the student, in the aggregate, can be taken into account with other evidence (for example, a parent’s agreement with an educational institution and an instruction to the child to contribute the funds transferred to him to pay for the cost of education). If a contract for a child’s education is concluded with an educational institution by one of the parents, and the other parent contributes money to pay for school, then the latter can take advantage of the right to a benefit. In such situations, inspections usually, without further questions, provide a deduction to the parent who actually incurred the expenses. However, in order to avoid problems with tax authorities, it is better to indicate in the training agreement that both parents are payers. You can draw up a power of attorney from a notary, according to which the parent who actually pays for the child’s education instructs a third party to contribute funds.

Clarification from October 8, 2013 - 22:08
That is, in your case you need to draw up - an agency agreement; power of attorney in simple written form (clause 1 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation); a receipt in any form for the transfer of money to pay for education from the taxpayer to an authorized person. In accordance with Art. Art. 159, 971 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a contract of agency can be concluded orally, but it is better to formalize it in writing. There is no need to have the power of attorney and receipt certified by a notary. Civil legislation does not provide for mandatory notarization of a transaction between citizens, the subject of which is the deposit of funds (clause 2 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The power of attorney must be dated earlier than the date of tuition payment. Well, then, as they say, depending on your luck. Different tax authorities have different opinions in such situations. The right to deduction may have to be challenged in court. Although often these documents are enough to receive a deduction.

Clarification from October 8, 2013 - 22:15
There is no need to have the power of attorney certified by a notary, especially since it will not be certified to you retroactively. Write in simple written form and refer to what is in Art. 185 of the Civil Code does not provide for mandatory notarization of a transaction between citizens, the subject of which is the payment of funds to pay for the cost of education.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation); a receipt in any form for the transfer of money to pay for education from the taxpayer to an authorized person. In accordance with Art. Art. 159, 971 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a contract of agency can be concluded orally, but it is better to formalize it in writing. There is no need to have the power of attorney and receipt certified by a notary. Civil legislation does not provide for mandatory notarization of a transaction between citizens, the subject of which is the deposit of funds (clause 2 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The power of attorney must be dated earlier than the date of tuition payment. Well, then, as they say, depending on your luck. Different tax authorities have different opinions in such situations. The right to deduction may have to be challenged in court. Although often these documents are enough to receive a deduction.

Power of attorney for tuition fees (sample form)


The principal from the certifying organization (excluding a bank) must be connected by labor (official) relations or be in hospital treatment. Sample power of attorney to receive money To draw up a document, you can use a ready-made form or draw up a power of attorney to receive money for another person yourself using a sample.


However, for example, credit institutions practice filling out forms in the presence of people and, as a rule, a power of attorney to receive money from a bank is generated automatically by employees of the institutions. In the case of notarization, a form is also not required - the document is drawn up by the notary himself.

How to write a power of attorney to receive money The execution of the document is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 185.

The right to a deduction for a child’s education if the payment receipts are for different persons

Home Finance Banks There are not so rare circumstances when it is necessary to receive money from a credit institution for another person. In such cases, a power of attorney to receive money for another person is required - a document according to which the principal appoints a representative to perform specific actions, for example, allowing the specified person to receive pension payments or funds from the bank.

This need arises when applying for money not only in banks, at the post office, but also in other situations. What is a power of attorney to receive funds? A power of attorney is a document that has legal force and is subject to mandatory certification; it provides for the granting of specific rights of action to a certain person.
Without such an official document of trust, it is impossible to receive money on someone else's behalf.

Power of attorney for transfer of material and monetary assets

Even if the trustee has confidence in the person receiving the funds, the delegation of authority should be documented - this is a mandatory requirement based on legal norms. Such a power of attorney is a type of civil law written document.

It is issued by a legal organization or an individual to provide a citizen with certain rights to receive funds on behalf of the one who provides this trust document. This document requires mandatory certification.
In what cases is it necessary to draw up a document? A power of attorney to receive money for another person is issued in situations where, for various reasons, a person cannot receive funds in person. This may be due to health reasons, due to a long absence or other circumstances.
In such situations, you have to turn to the help of third parties.

Power of attorney to receive money for another person


To do this, you need to attach copies of powers of attorney to your existing payment documents confirming that a third party paid for your education on your behalf. This power of attorney is written by hand in free form (does not require notarization) (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. ED-4-3/8135).

The only thing, according to the tax authorities, payment documents must contain information about the person for whom the payment is made. Example: In 2017 Berezov A.A. studied at a university through correspondence courses, and also officially worked, and income tax (NDFL) was withheld from him at a rate of 13%.

His brother P.A. Berezov paid for the tuition. However, Berezov A.A. there is a power of attorney according to which he transferred funds to his brother to pay for training, and the payment document states that payment was made for the training of Berezov A.A. In 2018 Berezov A.A.

Good afternoon I'll ask the question again. I received two conflicting answers. Let me clarify the information: My daughter has been studying full-time at the university since 2010.

The contract for training was concluded in MY name, the payment receipts show my husband, daughter, son - they paid according to the Agreement that I concluded with the educational institution, the one who was free paid the receipt at the bank. Given that there are different people on the payment receipts, can I get 13% back for all three years of study? Thank you! The situation, of course, is not good, but in practice it is common.
Situations are common when contracts indicate that payments are made by parents, but receipts and other payment documents are issued in the name of the child, since he deposited money into the cash register.
About in full, passport details, place of registration.

  • Description of the authority being transferred. In this situation, the trustee is given the right to receive certain funds or payments on behalf of the principal.
    The type of such payment is indicated (for example, wages, pension, money transfer, etc.), the amount, place of receipt (for example, at the cash desk of the employing organization, at a bank branch, etc.), the period of time for which the payment is accrued this amount (for example, for February 2016, etc.). When indicating the place of receipt, the name of the organization and its address, if necessary, are also indicated.
  • Description of possible additional powers, for example, signing the necessary documents, receiving pay slips and certificates, etc.
  • Duration of the power of attorney.
    This detail is optional.

How to issue a power of attorney to transfer funds to pay for education

Tax authorities accept such receipts as a document confirming expenses only if the deduction application contains a special explanation that the parent gave the child money to pay for education and instructed him to deposit this money into the cash desk of the educational institution. It is best, of course, to issue a power of attorney. Such a power of attorney is drawn up in any form according to the rules established in Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In particular, the ruling of the Constitutional Court dated September 23, 2010 N 1251-О-О states that as evidence of expenses for a child’s education incurred by a taxpayer-parent, a receipt for payment of tuition issued in the name of the student, in the aggregate, can be taken into account with other evidence (for example, a parent’s agreement with an educational institution and an instruction to the child to contribute the funds transferred to him to pay for the cost of education).

Certification of a power of attorney to receive funds If in a power of attorney issued on behalf of an organization it is sufficient to affix the signature of the sole executive body or another person authorized to certify the power of attorney (Clause 4 of Article 185.1 Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), then a citizen as a principal cannot limit himself in this case to only with your signature. The document in question is subject to mandatory certification. There are two ways to certify a power of attorney to receive salaries and other related payments - to receive payment for the work of authors and inventors, pension payments, benefits and scholarships:

  • have the document certified by a notary (the service is provided for a fee);
  • to certify the document in the organization where the principal works, undergoes training or is in hospital treatment - certification is carried out free of charge (clause 3 of article 185.1 part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Appendix No. to the agreement No. dated "" 2018 for the transfer of material and monetary funds, "" 2018. I, passport series No. issued "" 2018, living at the address: , Telephone: , Personal account: , transfer to use of the following funds belonging to me: , as well as the following amount of funds in rubles.

The total cost is rubles. I trust the Company to carry out all necessary operations with the transferred funds, such as: selling, exchanging for other valuables, leasing for a period not exceeding the validity period of this power of attorney, buying other property in my Name at the expense of my property and the proceeds from its use, and /or other valuables, etc. In this regard, I trust the Company to carry out all the necessary operations for registering in my Name the acquired property and/or other valuables and registering in the name of the Buyer my property sold (transferred) to him.
If the validity period of the document in question is not specified, then it is taken to be equal to 1 year from the date of execution of such a power of attorney (Clause 1, Article 186, Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). A power of attorney can be issued for a one-time receipt of money or for a certain period of time - this should be explained in the document itself.

  • Possibility of transfer.
  • Signature of the principal.

A sample power of attorney to receive money can be downloaded from the link. Power of attorney - template. Power of attorney to receive funds from an organization In this case, a legal entity acts as the principal. A power of attorney to receive money is also drawn up in a free version. It is acceptable, but not required, to be placed on company letterhead: often such a requirement is established by local office management instructions.

A power of attorney to pay a loan is a form issued by one person to another in order to act as a representative to a third and filled out according to the form. In accordance with Russian legislation, a power of attorney can be drawn up either in a simple written form or certified by a notary. There are templates for designing different types of powers of attorney. The power of attorney form for the performance of actions that require notarization must be notarized. A power of attorney for the performance of actions that do not require notarization has legal force even without notarization. Below is a sample as an example of filling.

Sample power of attorney for loan payment

A power of attorney for loan payment is a document that allows the authorized person to deposit money with the bank to cover the debt on the loan. Please also note that a separate power of attorney must be issued for each operation.

To issue a power of attorney, you need to have a passport and a card. And to draw up a power of attorney that the current account has been replenished, you need to have bank account agreements and a loan agreement, which contains information about depositing money (the amount that must be deposited to close the debt).

Did you like a sample document, form or example of a finished form in .doc and .xls format? Download for free and CLICK on the most beautiful button!

Power of attorney for payment of services

Moscow city _____________ 201_

I/We _________________________________________________________________,

(in full: last name, first name, patronymic)

passport series _______ No. ___________, issued __________________________

G. residing at:_______________ _______________________


G. lived by the address: ___________________________________________

I trust gr. _____________________________________________________,

residing at the address: _____________________________________________________,

Sample - power of attorney

Ensk, September ninth two thousand and five

I, SERGEY PETROVICH IVANOV, born on July 25, 1966 (passport No. 68 02 730571, issued on December 16, 2001 by the Leninsky District Internal Affairs Directorate of Ensk, Ensk region), registered: Ensk, Ensk region, st. Rabochaya, house 143, apt. 75, I trust PETROV NIKOLAI SEMENOVICH, born May 13, 1970, registered in Ensk, st. Sobornaya, building 3, apt. 54 (passport No. 6802359167, issued on December 24, 2003 by the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern District of Ensk), to represent my interests in all judicial (any instance), state, administrative and other institutions, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office with all the rights of a plaintiff, defendant, third person, the victim, to perform all procedural actions on my behalf, including the right to conclude a settlement agreement, admit a claim, waive claims in whole or in part, change the subject and basis of the claim, increase or decrease the amount of claims, file a counterclaim, transfer dispute for consideration by an arbitration court, appealing a judicial act (decision, ruling) of courts of all instances, obtaining writs of execution and presenting them for collection, demanding forced execution of a court decision with the right to file cassation appeals, appealing against the actions of a bailiff.

Why do I give him the right to get acquainted with the case materials, file statements of claim with the right to sign statements of claim, make statements on my behalf, receive the necessary certificates, documents issued by order.

The power of attorney was issued for a period of one year.

Signature: Ivanov Sergey Petrovich

Ensk city, Russian Federation

September ninth two thousand and five

This power of attorney is certified by me, NIKOLAI PETROVICH SVIRIDOV, chairman of housing maintenance organization No. 4, Ensk, st. Sobornaya, house 7.

I read the text of the power of attorney aloud to the principal. The power of attorney was signed by SERGEY PETROVICH IVANOV in my presence.

His identity has been established and his legal capacity has been verified.


ZHEO No. 4 Ensk

(signature)/Sviridov N.P./

This power of attorney allows the representative to use the full scope of the rights of the represented person in civil proceedings. However, such rights of a representative as the right to sign a statement of claim, present it to court, submit a dispute to an arbitration court, file a counterclaim, complete or partial waiver of claims, reduce their size, admit a claim, change the subject or basis of the claim, conclusion settlement agreement, transfer of powers to another person (subassignment), appeal of a court decision, presentation of a writ of execution for collection, receipt of awarded property or money must be specifically stipulated in the power of attorney issued by the represented person. This rule is enshrined in Art. 54 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

The period for which the power of attorney is issued is not may exceed three years. If the validity period of the power of attorney is not indicated in its text, it is considered that it was issued for a period of one year from the date of its execution.

When filing a lawsuit with the court, the judge is provided with a copy of the power of attorney.

In support of legal expenses incurred to pay for the services of a representative, The statement of claim is accompanied by a contract of assignment concluded on the basis of a power of attorney between the principal and the attorney, as well as a receipt - proof of the fact of payment for the services of the representative ( see Attachment).

For certification of the powers of the legal representative of the power of attorney is not required: for it is enough to present to the court evidence of his authority to represent the interests of the person represented to him documents certifying his status and powers. These are refers, for example, to cases where, after concluding a loan agreement, the creditor was recognized by the court as having limited legal capacity or incompetent, went missing, etc.

A power of attorney is not required if the interests of the person participating in the case are represented by a lawyer. Law lawyer to represent the client's interests in court is confirmed warrant issued by a bar association, member which is a lawyer. The amount of costs incurred to pay for the services of a lawyer is confirmed by a contract of assignment drawn up between the lawyer and the person seeking legal assistance.

The powers of the representative can also be determined in an oral statement made by the principal during the court hearing. Statement is entered into the minutes of the court session, after it is satisfied by the judge, the representative is considered to have entered into the case. Below is an example of an application submitted in writing.

Samples of power of attorney for payment of tuition fees

This holiday concerns everyone, regardless of gender, age, social status, nationality and religion, since all of us, without exception, act as consumers of goods, works and services every day. The fact is that the taxpayer’s liability for failure to issue invoices to its clients or for issuing documents of this type in violation of the requirements of current legislation has not currently been established. Business printed products of all departments (letterheads, envelopes, business cards of managers) must be made in the same style using officially registered symbols and colors. To protect workers from the effects of dangerous and harmful production factors, the employer is obliged to develop labor protection instructions regulating the employee’s behavior in the event of an emergency. For managers and specialists of labor protection services, other employees of organizations dealing with practical issues of labor protection in an organization during construction activities, workers of construction organizations. Until an event happened that people don’t like to remember... In the desert lands located near the territories near which the Kagarsoth Empire is now located, the ruins of the Temple of the Ancients were discovered. An agreement on full financial liability can be concluded only with employees of certain categories specified in the relevant regulatory act or in the case of performing work provided for by the same act. If an act or conclusion is drawn up by another organization (for example, the control and audit service), then the day the damage was discovered should be considered the day of official receipt of such an act (conclusion) by the enterprise. If you want to draw your anime character from the front, now from the center of the circle (where the lines intersect), draw down a line that will extend beyond the circle to a distance slightly less than the radius. If it is not possible to reach an agreement, they will be obliged to draw up a protocol on the refusal of both parties from this conciliation procedure and begin negotiations on the consideration of the dispute in labor arbitration (part. If representatives of one trade union are nominated for negotiations with the employer workers or several such trade unions and authorized representatives of workers, they express a unanimous opinion. If the draft collective labor agreement as a whole is received, a written response is given no later than within one month, and in this response the party indicates its objections and proposals regarding this draft. . If the Agreement is terminated on the grounds provided for in the Agreement, but not established by law, the Agreement of the parties is indicated in the Manager’s work book as the basis for dismissal. Living sick leave Talking work book Talking sick leave Talking invoice Document compiler Webinars Simplified HR work Calendar Chief accountant Club The main accounting news is in your mail. Two months before the camp in college, in classes to prepare for summer practice, we were taught not only all sorts of chants, songs and games, but also how to correctly open a mail envelope so that it would not be noticeable. Postal order form f 112еyu Work order for piecework individual form 70a sample

for samples of power of attorney, training payment for At the end of each year, the nomenclature of cases is specified, approved by the Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk region and put into effect on January 1 of the next calendar year. It attracts numerous transit foreigners, travelers, as well as many refugees for whom Germany is a way station on the way to other countries. It uses various options for the piecework form of remuneration, and in intermediate calculations the time-based form in combination with additional pay and bonuses. It contains a lot of meaning, because physical culture is understood as a complex of hygienic measures and physical exercises that permeate the entire life of Soviet people. If necessary, the owner or a body authorized by him appoints a commission to verify the facts and causes of material damage by order of the enterprise. In November 1965, as a second-year student at the school, Pugacheva went on her first tour with Mosestrada as part of the national pop program A. In general, the courses gave me a certificate, a piece of paper bought for almost a million (the check, by the way, was only for the first payment of 100,000 ), you will have to obtain knowledge on your own. In organizations, enterprises, and institutions, prints are stored in metal cabinets and safes along with secret documents, and their records are kept in special books. In relations that arose before the entry into force of a local regulatory act, the specified act applies to the rights and obligations that arose after its entry into force. During the period of formation and development of capitalism, theories according to which labor was understood as examples of a power of attorney to pay for training in the survival of the worker and his family became widespread. In the last two school years, a tutor is hired and re-teaches the child this subject, usually one hundred hours is enough to be among the best in the class. In the last year of his life, he often played them and sang, marked something in the notes, corrected them, changed the harmony, varied the size and tempo, trying to catch the desired style. The latter may include, for example, the number and date of the document, the name of the supplied product (work, service), its quantity, as well as the buyer’s details, etc. Form for a hydraulic test report for the ventilation unit words for the game hat samples of a power of attorney for payment for training compliance

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When paying for the education of their children under the age of 24 (for the education of their parents (guardians) personally or by another person by proxy. Tax deductions are provided for payment for treatment, education, etc. I paid for my husband’s education, can I apply for a deduction, if he writes a power of attorney for payment? Is it possible to get part of the tuition fee back? Her son, A. When returning personal income tax for education, such documents are included. Born in 1984, on the basis of a power of attorney issued to him by his mother. Tuition fees at the university are 30,000 rubles. Download a sample power of attorney for tuition fees.

The procedure for processing a tuition deduction refund requires a standard package of documents; it will be supplemented depending on who the training was provided for.

Main list documents:

Depending on who paid for the training, The following documents may be added:

  • children;
  • certificates of completion of full-time studies;
  • certificates of relationship when the education was paid for a brother or sister.

The list of persons for whose tuition fees you can receive a deduction is final and is not supplemented, that is, you cannot receive a deduction for the tuition fees of spouses or parents.

Registration procedure

Before submitting documents for the provision of a social deduction for tuition fees, the taxpayer must decide how he wants to return it.

Get a deduction can be done in one of the following ways:

  • receive the entire deduction from the Federal Tax Service at once, that is, they will return to him a lump sum amount equal to 13% of the tuition fee. The maximum amount will be 6.5 thousand rubles per child and 15.6 thousand rubles in all other cases;
  • receive a deduction at the place of work, in this case, monthly income will not be subject to personal income tax until its amount reaches the deduction amount.

If the deduction is obtained at the place of employment, then this can only be done where the workplace is the main one for the employee, and in the case where it is planned to return the funds to the tax service, the declaration includes all income received, which was taxed at 13%.

Receipt from the tax office

In order to receive a deduction from the tax service, the collected package of documents needs attach an application on providing a social tax deduction for tuition fees. The application form can be downloaded from the tax office website, or you can receive it when submitting documents and fill it out manually.

In addition to the request for a tax benefit, the application contains following information:

The deduction papers are submitted directly to the tax authorities after the end of the calendar year in which the payment was transferred; this can be done at any time, not just until the end of April. This means that documents can be submitted even in December next year.

For consideration of the package of documents and making a decision on granting a deduction, legislation Allows three months, but this may happen earlier, depending on the workload of the tax authorities.

At the place of work

To receive a tax benefit at the place of work, the taxpayer also collects the necessary package of documents; it is identical to that required in the first case, with the exception of the income declaration, that is, form 3-NDFL is not needed.

Then a statement is being written, its shape is different from the previous one. In it, an individual asks to be given the right to receive a deduction from his tax agent, that is, at his place of work.

The application also indicates employer details:

In this case, a month is given to review the documents and, if a positive decision is made, the taxpayer is given a notice that he can receive a tax deduction at the place of employment, and its amount is indicated.

With this method of obtaining a deduction, it is possible to submit an application to the tax office even in the year in which the funds were transferred; the main thing to remember is that the notification is valid only until the end of the year in which it was issued.

Where to go

For any tax refund method, the required package of documents is submitted to the tax authorities at the place where the citizen is registered.

Submit documents can be done in several ways:

Power of attorney for tuition fees

Sometimes in practice there is a situation where a study agreement and payment documents are issued in the name of a child, but in fact the parents provide the funds. In this case, in order to have the right to deduction, they must draw up a power of attorney stating that the child pays school fees on their behalf. Such a power of attorney is drawn up in any form, the main thing is that it contains the above information.

This document is attached to the training agreement and financial documents. But it is worth remembering that the tax authorities do not give an unambiguous statement that this document allows you to claim a deduction, so they may refuse to provide it.

Features of provision for the unemployed

All tax deductions, including social ones, are given only to those citizens who are officially employed and pay personal income tax. If an individual receives part of their salary in an envelope, then this part cannot be included in the declaration in Form 3-NDFL and, accordingly, it will not be included in the deduction provided.

If an individual is not officially employed anywhere, that is, does not pay personal income tax, then he does not have the right to receive a deduction in the amount paid for training.

The exception is the case when he officially worked and paid income tax, since he can submit an income tax return for a refund of funds for the past three calendar years.

Thus, we can conclude that the right to receive a tax benefit in the form of a deduction can be claimed by a person who contributes income tax to the state budget. To do this, he needs to collect the necessary package of documents and submit it to the tax office. There are several ways to receive a deduction; the taxpayer chooses them at his own discretion.

The rules for obtaining a tax deduction for education are described in the following video: