Drobyshev and Samburskaya publicly ridiculed Olga Buzova. What did Victor Drobysh say about Olga Buzova? The producer admitted that he did not want to hurt the feelings of the TV presenter. Victor Drobysh explained what meaning he put into his words, which so hurt Olga Buzova. Music

Today Olga Buzova visited “Star Interrogation” to answer a number of questions from the host and viewers.

The presenter asked the singer questions that came from viewers of the program. He also touched upon the topic of Viktor Drobysh’s insults towards Olga.

Let us recall that not so long ago Drobysh actively invited Buzova to his project “Star Factory”. As many Internet users assume, Drobysh really needs ratings so that the program is not canceled ahead of time, and attracting Olga to the project will give him an influx of viewers.

However, a few days ago, he decided that he could act differently, pursuing the same goals and created a parody number, which Nastasya Samburskaya performed on the project. In the parody, she rudely ridiculed Olga Buzova.

Seeing that Samburskaya’s performance was featured in all the media news feeds, Drobysh, apparently, did not stop there and decided to develop his “success” by harshly criticizing Olga Buzova for what almost all pop performers are guilty of. For singing to “plywood”, the truth about which everyone is trying to hide and only Buzova came up with the idea to declare it openly. That’s why many of her “colleagues” turned against her.

During an interview on the “Star Interrogation” program, the presenter touched on the topic of the conflict, inviting Olga Buzova to come to the “Star Factory” and prove Drobysh wrong. To which she reasonably replied that she is not obliged to do this for the sake of a man with a woman’s hairstyle and low moral principles. and she will prove this to her audience at her concerts.

“To offend my work means to offend my people. This act is not worthy of a man. How can a man allow himself to offend a girl throughout the country, I don’t understand this,” Olga Buzova said through tears in a trembling voice. Olga Buzova called Drobysh “under-man.” It is worth noting that this “sub-man” received more offensive nicknames on social networks. For which they congratulate him. Is this the kind of “minute of glory” that half-forgotten producer Viktor Drobysh was looking for?

The musician noted that he is not an ardent fighter against lip-syncing performances, because sometimes technical equipment cannot provide high-quality live sound. After these words, Drobysh had to explain himself.


The master of Russian show business did not at all want to hurt the feelings of the aspiring singer. “Olga, if you took it personally, I’m sorry,” StarHit quotes the producer. He added that he lives in a free country where he can express own opinion in the field of activity in which he is a professional.

“As for Buzova, I, frankly, did not intend to offend her. I am against it when they shamelessly use the phonogram, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects,” Victor added. Drobysh noted that he is not going to continue to stir up a conflict that prevents him from doing what he loves.

The musician is immersed in the project" New Factory stars", where every week he has to prepare young artists for reporting concerts. “If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition,” he said to Buzova.

Publication from Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Oct 8, 2017 at 2:08 PDT

Earlier there was a scandal between famous producer Viktor Drobysh and aspiring singer Olga Buzova. Despite the fact that many show business figures admire her work, the producer did not find any compliments for the star. The musician emphasized that she allows herself to perform to a soundtrack.

A post shared by PE✪PLETALK.RU (@peopletalkru) on Oct 7, 2017 at 9:46am PDT

Viktor Drobysh (51), producer of “Factory,” liked the performance and said that the music was not the best strong point Buzova, she would rather work as a “nurse or cashier.” Olya first publicly responded to such a statement to the producer: “I thought that Viktor Drobysh only had a girl’s hairstyle, but it turns out that his actions and actions are also from the weaker sex.”

And then during a conversation with Andrei Razygraev on Muz-TV: “How can a man insult a woman? Unfortunately, there is no person next to me, no defender who would take it and drag him in.”

And it looks like there are tears in live were not in vain, because Viktor Drobysh decided to apologize. Yesterday, on Instagram live, Drobysh said: “As for Buzova, I, frankly, did not intend to offend her. I am against it when they shamelessly use a phonogram, although many stars use it, for example, in television projects. Olga, if you took it personally, I’m sorry.”

The conflict could be considered resolved if it had not been intervened in (32). “I try to either write good things or nothing. But today I want to support Drobysh in his statement. For the heroine herself, who claims that she is being insulted, let me remind you what this word means (Insult is a deliberate humiliation of the honor and dignity of a person, expressed in an INDENCY form) When did the professions “cashier and nurse”, which Drobysh proposed, become indecent?! Victor’s thoughts about plywood are also correct, “our show business is already not far from the ass,” and plywood, like a shovel, buries it even deeper with the earth. True, not only one “star” is to blame here, but many are making their “invaluable” contribution to hammer the last nail into our music industry. I don’t think it’s right to ban someone from their work, or even condemn them for it, but any artist is obliged to respect the viewer. And this manifests itself not in Instagram posts “oh, how I love you,” but in reality, in live sound, in real emotions that unite the artist and the viewer. I will not evaluate this, since the fact remains that popularity is growing, and all discussions, even mine, will only add popularity, albeit not much, with my two million, since quality is more important to me, not quantity! In terms of creativity, there is no comrade for taste and color, I don’t listen to this kind of music,” the actress said on her Instagram (The author’s spelling and paragraphs have been preserved - Ed.).

The musician noted that he is not an ardent fighter against performing with a soundtrack, because sometimes the technical equipment cannot provide high-quality live sound. After these words, Drobysh had to explain himself.


The master of Russian show business did not at all want to hurt the feelings of the aspiring singer. “Olga, if you took it personally, I’m sorry,” StarHit quotes the producer. He added that he lives in a free country, where he can express his own opinion in the field of activity in which he is a professional.

“As for Buzova, I, frankly, did not intend to offend her. I am against it when they shamelessly use the phonogram, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects,” Victor added. Drobysh noted that he is not going to continue to stir up a conflict that prevents him from doing what he loves.

The musician is immersed in the “New Star Factory” project, where every week he has to prepare young artists for reporting concerts. “If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition,” he said to Buzova.

Publication from Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Oct 8, 2017 at 2:08 PDT

Previously, there was a scandal between the famous producer Viktor Drobysh and the aspiring singer Olga Buzova. Despite the fact that many show business figures admire her work, the producer did not find any compliments for the star. The musician emphasized that she allows herself to perform to a soundtrack.


Singer Olga Buzova and producer Viktor Drobysh exchanged caustic comments on social networks. The subject of the dispute was variety career performers.

Today, during the reporting concert on the stage of the new “Star Factory,” a parody number by Nastasya Samburskaya was shown. The artist appeared on stage in the guise of a bride and caricatured several movements from Buzova’s choreography, and at the end of the performance, Nastasya lifted her skirt and showed the inscription on her underwear - “No to plywood.” The scandalous number dedicated to Olga “blew up” social media and provoked a big scandal.

The producer completely criticized Olga’s work and recommended that she change her profession.

"She certainly talented person, but no one still knows what her talent is! As a musician, I am sure that music is not her strong point. Moreover! By elevating plywood into officialdom, it makes everything bad Russian show business, which is already located not far from the railway station. Therefore, the Factory scene is best place for a talented ridicule of this impudent phenomenon - “Buzova”. Although she is a good person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier!” - Victor wrote in his microblog.

The producer admitted that he did not want to hurt the feelings of the TV presenter. Victor Drobysh explained what meaning he put into his words, which so hurt Olga Buzova. The musician noted that he is not an ardent fighter against performing with a soundtrack, because sometimes the technical equipment cannot provide high-quality live sound.

After such a statement, the producer had to clarify his words. As it turned out, he did not want to hurt the feelings of the aspiring singer. Victor apologized for the fact that his statement hurt the artist.

“Olga, if you took it personally, I’m sorry,” the producer said during a live broadcast on social networks.

Drobysh also noted that he does not intend to continue to stir up the conflict, which prevents him from doing what he loves. Now Viktor Yakovlevich is immersed in the “New Star Factory” project, where every week he needs to prepare young artists for reporting concerts. “If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition,” Drobysh said to Buzova.

Rustam Solntsev could not ignore the scandal and fought off all the producer’s attacks on Olga. "Olka, dear, stop crying about these wonderful people“, Rustam turned to Buzova. “Everything is simple here: Viktor Drobysh is known for borrowing music from Western authors in his compositions. Now regarding his managerial skills. Which of his charges did he bring to the status of megastar?” the showman asked a rhetorical question.

Solntsev is sure that the TV presenter should not worry about Drobysh’s words. Rustam is delighted that his girlfriend has achieved success in the music field, because very little time has passed since the appearance of her first song.

Moreover, the ex-participant of the reality show believes that the producer is haunted by the fame of the aspiring singer. “Don’t pay attention to anyone. You must understand that this is all professional envy,” Rustam noted. “How did it happen that in less than a year Buzova turned out to be the main singer of the Russian pop scene?” — Solntsev admired.

The showman advised Drobysh to leave his girlfriend alone, recalling that Olga did not have a husband who could stand up for her. Rustam turned to the composer. “Victor, it’s not right for you to laugh at a young girl. It’s clear that she’s not married and no one can protect her, but what now, should the whole village attack her? I pray to God, stop! I grew up with Olya on the same playground, she good girl, stop hurting her!” - quote former member"House-2" journalists.

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