Spiritual · Heart. Explanation of the Ten Commandments Given to Moses

6. Don't kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Don't steal.

Ten Commandments.

Text of the Ten Commandments Synodal translation Bible. Ref. 20, 2-17.

1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Let you have no other gods before Me.
2. Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth below, or that is in the water below the earth; You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who takes His name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy; six days thou shalt work and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: on it thou shalt not do any work, neither thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor [ your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your livestock, nor the stranger who is within your gates; For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, and rested on the seventh day; Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.
5. Honor your father and your mother, so that it may go well with you and that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
6. Don't kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Don't steal.
9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, [nor any of his livestock], nor anything that is thy neighbor's.

What kinds of sins are there?

Sins in Christianity

There are seven deadly sins in total.

Sins against the Lord God
- pride

- disbelief and lack of faith;

Sins against one's neighbor
- lack of love for others;

- bribery;

- poor parenting;
- cursing children;

- hypocrisy;
- anger;
- deception;
- perjury;
- jealousy;

Sins against yourself
- lies, envy;
- foul language;
- despondency, melancholy, sadness;

- gluttony, gluttony;

- excessive attention to the flesh;

- sodomy;
- bestiality;

What kinds of sins are there?

Sins in Christianity
According to Christian doctrine, there are a number of acts that are sinful and unworthy true Christian. The classification of acts on this basis is based on biblical texts, especially the Ten Commandments of the Law of God and the Gospel commandments.
Below is a list of acts that are considered sins regardless of religion.
According to the Christian understanding of the Bible, a person who commits a voluntary sin (i.e., realizing that this is sin and resistance to God) can become possessed (possessed in his aspirations).

There are seven deadly sins in total.
This term does not mean PHYSICAL death, but SPIRITUAL death, and their consequences are always grave and painful for the person committing these sins.
Sometimes this was deplorable for entire nations, incl. and in the twentieth century.
1. PRIDE (immense pride, considering oneself perfect and sinless, i.e. equal to God, inability to comprehend one’s own actions)
2. ENVY (vanity, jealousy)
3. ANGER (revenge, evil intentions)
4. LAZINESS IN ACTION (laziness, idleness, despondency, despair in difficulties, carelessness)
5. GREED (greed, stinginess, love of money)
6. Gluttony (gluttony, gluttony)
7. Voluptuousness (insane fornication, lust, debauchery and inattention to one’s own children)

Sins against the Lord God
- pride
- failure to fulfill the holy will of God;
- violation of commandments: the ten commandments of the Law of God, the Gospel commandments, church commandments;
- disbelief and lack of faith;
- lack of hope for the Lord’s mercy, despair;
- excessive trust in God's mercy;
- hypocritical veneration of God, without the love and fear of God;
- lack of gratitude to the Lord for all His blessings - and even for the sorrows and illnesses sent down;
- appeal to psychics, astrologers, fortune tellers, fortune tellers;
- practicing “black” and “white” magic, witchcraft, fortune telling, spiritualism;
- superstition, belief in dreams, omens, wearing talismans, reading horoscopes even out of curiosity;
- blasphemy and grumbling against the Lord in the soul and in words;
- failure to fulfill vows given to God;
- calling on the name of God in vain, without necessity, swearing in the name of the Lord;
- blasphemous attitude towards the Holy Scriptures;
- shame and fear of professing faith;
- non-reading of the Holy Scriptures;
- going to church without diligence, laziness in prayer, absent-minded and cold prayer, absent-minded listening to readings and chants; being late for service and leaving the service early;
- disrespect for God's holidays;
- thoughts about suicide, attempts to commit suicide;
- sexual immorality such as adultery, fornication, sodomy, sadomasochism, etc.

Sins against one's neighbor
- lack of love for others;
- lack of love for enemies, hatred of them, wishing them harm;
- inability to forgive, repaying evil for evil;
- lack of respect for elders and superiors, for parents, grief and offense to parents;
- failure to fulfill what was promised, non-payment of debts, open or secret appropriation of someone else’s property;
- beating, attempt on someone else's life;
- killing babies in the womb (abortion), advice to have abortions for neighbors;
- robbery, extortion;
- bribery;
- refusal to stand up for the weak and innocent, refusal to help someone in trouble;
- laziness and carelessness at work, disrespect for the work of others, irresponsibility;
- poor parenting;
- cursing children;
- lack of mercy, stinginess;
- reluctance to visit patients;
- not praying for mentors, relatives, enemies;
- hard-heartedness, cruelty to animals, birds;
— destruction of trees unnecessarily;
- contradiction, non-yielding to neighbors, disputes;
- slander, condemnation, slander;
- gossip, retelling other people's sins, eavesdropping on other people's conversations;
- insult, enmity with neighbors, scandals, hysteria, curses, insolence, arrogant and free behavior towards neighbors, ridicule;
- hypocrisy;
- anger;
- suspicion of neighbors of unseemly actions;
- deception;
- perjury;
- seductive behavior, desire to seduce;
- jealousy;
- telling indecent jokes, corrupting others (adults and minors) with one’s actions;
- friendship for self-interest and betrayal.

Sins against yourself
- vanity, considering oneself better than everyone else, pride, lack of humility and obedience, arrogance, arrogance, spiritual egoism, suspicion;
- lies, envy;
- idle talk, laughter;
- foul language;
- irritation, indignation, rancor, resentment, grief;
- despondency, melancholy, sadness;
- doing good deeds for show;
- laziness, spending time in idleness, sleeping too much;
- gluttony, gluttony;
- love for the earthly and material more than for the heavenly, spiritual;
- addiction to money, things, luxury, pleasures;
- excessive attention to the flesh;
- desire for earthly honors and glory;
- excessive attachment to everything earthly, various kinds of things and worldly goods;
- drug use, drunkenness;
- playing cards, gambling;
- engaging in pimping, prostitution;
- performance of obscene songs and dances;
- watching pornographic films, reading pornographic books, magazines;
- acceptance of lustful thoughts, pleasure and slowness in unclean thoughts;
- defilement in a dream, fornication (sex outside marriage);
- adultery (infidelity during marriage);
- allowing liberties to the crown and perversion in married life;
— masturbation (defilement of oneself with prodigal touches), immodest views of wives and young men;
- sodomy;
- bestiality;
- belittling one’s sins, blaming one’s neighbors, rather than condemning oneself.

Confirm your actions with the above, and your life will become much more joyful, successful and happier, and your relationships with others will be smoother and kinder.

For now only sketches, to later be compressed, cut and peeled. As they say, trouble has begun...

Seven deadly sins:

  • Pride (I am my own sky and moon...)
  • Love of money (give me pills for greed, and more, more..)
  • Fornication (I will bring them together...)
  • Envy (well, the neighbors...they hide a two-room apartment in a one-room apartment...)
  • Gluttony (I love pasta... cakes, salads, sprats...)
  • Anger (wah, nah, zah... it was last summer...)
  • Dejection (everything will be fine...it won't get any worse...)
Seven Virtues:

  • Love (...any phrase from a Love candy wrapper)
  • Non-covetousness (no, Bobik...)
  • Chastity (modesty is not a vice...it is a virtue)
  • Humility (hit one, substitute the other)
  • Abstinence (I want, I can, but I won’t take it...)
  • Meekness (wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm writing it down...)
  • Sobriety (watch yourself, be careful...)
At the same time, I read an article about sins and virtues and made adjustments to the wording so as to more or less reduce, or rather remove, religiosity, but not lose the meaning either.

Deadly sins that are completely undesirable to commit:

  • Pride (Arrogance)
  • Envy
  • Gluttony (Gluttony)
  • Fornication (Lust)
  • Anger (Malice)
  • Avarice (Greed)
  • Dejection (Idleness)
In order not to commit them, you need to replace them with something, since simply abandoning them means torturing yourself, since there will be a huge hole in your soul. What needs to be done to replace the 7 deadly sins?

So, 7 virtues as opposed to 7 deadly sins:

  • Humility (Shame)
  • Congratulations (Goodwill)
  • Asceticism in food
  • Chastity
  • Kindness (Meekness)
  • Selflessness (Generosity)
  • Love of life (Industriousness)

Theological interpretation from St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

The Book of Proverbs (965 - 717 BC) says that the Lord hates seven things that disgust Him:

  • Proud look
  • Lying tongue
  • Hands shedding innocent blood
  • A heart that forges evil plans
  • Feet running fast towards villainy
  • False witness telling lies
  • Sowing discord between brothers
The Bible does not give an exact list of sins, but it does warn against committing them in the Ten Commandments. The list goes back to the eight thoughts of Evagrius of Pontus (Evagrius developed some of the unorthodox ideas of Origen, for which he was condemned as a heretic at the Fifth Ecumenical Council (553):

  • Γαστριμαργία
  • Πορνεία
  • Φιλαργυρία
  • Ἀκηδία
  • Κενοδοξία
  • Ὑπερηφανία
They were transferred to Catholic prayers in the following way:

  • Fornicatio
  • Avaritia
  • Tristitia
  • Vanagloria
  • Superbia
In 590, Pope Gregory the Great revised the list, reducing despair to despondency, vanity to pride, adding lust and envy, and removing fornication. The result was the following list, used by both Pope Gregory I and Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy:

  • luxuria (lust)
  • gula (gluttony)
  • avaritia (greed)
  • acedia (despondency)
  • ira (anger)
  • invidia (envy)
  • superbia (pride)
They are also used by the Catholic Church

However, in Orthodoxy there is a concept of 8 sinful passions:

  • Gluttony,
  • Fornication,
  • Love of money
  • Anger,
  • Sadness
  • Dejection,
  • Vanity,
  • Pride.
Passions are a perversion of natural human properties and needs. In essence, sinful passion is the use of a benefit (gift) from God outside of God. In human nature there is a need for food and drink, a desire for love and unity with his wife, as well as for procreation. Anger can be righteous (for example, towards enemies of faith and the Fatherland), or it can lead to murder. Thrift can degenerate into love of money. We mourn the loss of loved ones, but this should not develop into despair. Purposefulness and perseverance should not lead to pride. A detailed examination of these passions was made by Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) in his essay “The Eight Main Passions with Their Divisions and Branches.”

Conventionally, one can try to present the concept of distortion of natural human properties and passions as follows:

Natural good from God - Sinful passion:

  • The pleasure of eating in moderation is a distortion of this God-given ability and becomes the passion of gluttony.
  • The pleasure in an honest marriage from the physical union of the flesh with the wife is a distortion of this God-given ability and becomes the passion of fornication.
  • Possession of the material world for the glory of God as an increase in love is a distortion of this God-given ability and becomes a passion for the love of money.
  • Righteous anger at evil and untruth, protecting one’s neighbor from evil is a distortion of this God-given ability, becomes a passion of anger (unrighteous) at the dissatisfaction of a need.
  • The pleasure of moderate rest after work is a distortion of this God-given ability and becomes a passion for sadness (boredom, laziness)
  • Joy in the soul, regardless of external circumstances - a distortion of this God-given ability, becomes a passion for despondency (despair, thoughts of suicide)
  • The joy from the created creation (realized thought, word, action), which is based
  • A good beginning - a distortion of God-given ability, becomes a passion of vanity
  • Love for God and neighbor, humility - a distortion of God-given ability, becomes the passion of pride
The danger of sinful passions is that they enslave the soul and alienate God from it. Where passion is present, love leaves the human heart. First, passions serve to satisfy the perverted, ungodly, sinful needs of people, and then people themselves begin to serve them: “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34).
Type Characteristic role Ego fixation Holy idea Basic fear Basic desire Temptation Vice/Passion Virtue Stress Security
1 Reformer Resentment Perfection Corruptness, evil Goodness, integrity, balance hypocrisy, hypercriticism Anger Serenity 4 7
2 Helper Flattery Freedom Unworthiness of love Unconditional Love Manipulativeness Pride Humility 8 4
3 Achiever Vanity Hope Worthlessness Value to others Pleasing everyone Deceit Truthfulness 9 6
4 Individualist Melancholy Origin Commonness Uniqueness, authenticity Self-castigation, withdrawal Envy Equanimity 2 1
5 Investigator Stinginess Omniscience Uselessness, helplessness Competency Overthinking Avarice Non-Attachment 7 8
6 Loyalist Cowardice Faith Isolation and vulnerability Safety Suspiciousness Fear Courage 3 9
7 Enthusiast Planning Work Boredom Experience of life Moving too fast Gluttony Sobriety 1 5
8 Challenger Vengeance Truth Loss of control Self-protection, autonomy Self-sufficiency Lust Innocence 5 2
9 Peacemaker Indolence, self-forgetting Love Loss, annihilation Stability, peace of mind Giving in Sloth Action 6 3


Theological virtues

  • Hope
  • Love
Moral, cardinal virtues

  • Wisdom
  • Justice
  • Courage
  • Moderation
Major sins and their opposite virtues

  • Pride -- Humility
  • Stinginess - Generosity
  • Impurity - Chastity
  • Envy -- Benevolence
  • Intemperance -- Moderation
  • Anger -- Meekness
  • Laziness - Diligence

Theological virtues (English Theological virtues, French Vertus théologales, Spanish Virtudes teologales) are categories that postulate ideal human qualities.
The composition of the three Christian virtues - faith, hope, love - is formulated in the First Epistle to the Corinthians (~50 AD)

The cardinal virtues (from Latin cardo "core") are a group of four cardinal virtues in Christian moral theology, based on ancient philosophy and having parallels in other cultures. The classic formula includes prudence, justice, moderation and courage.

In the Catholic catechism, the seven Catholic virtues refer to the combination of two lists of virtues, the 4 cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, restraint or temperance, and courage or fortitude, (from ancient Greek philosophy) and the 3 theological virtues of faith , hope, and love or charity (from the letters of Paul of Tarsus); these were adopted by the Church Fathers as the seven virtues.
The seven heavenly virtues were derived from the Psychomachia ("Contest of the Soul"), an epic poem written by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (c. AD 410) entailing the battle of good virtues and evil vices. The intense popularity of this work in the Middle Ages helped to spread the concept of holy virtue throughout Europe. Practicing these virtues is considered to protect one against temptation from the seven deadly sins, with each one having its counterpart. Due to this they are sometimes referred to as the contrary virtues. Each of the seven heavenly virtues matches a corresponding deadly sin
There's still a good sign there, but you have to do a lot of fiddling to get it out

The text of the Ten Commandments according to the Synodal Translation of the Bible.

  • I am the Lord your God; Let you have no other gods before Me.
  • You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of anything in the sky above, or on the earth below, or in the water under the earth. Do not worship them or serve them; For I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth [generation] of those who hate
  • Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  • Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who takes His name in vain.
  • Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Work six days and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: on it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your maidservant, nor your livestock, nor the stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.
  • Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
  • Dont kill.
  • Don't commit adultery.
  • Don't steal.
  • Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  • Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.
In Judaism

Parchment with the text of the Decalogue from the Sephardic synagogue of Esnoga. Amsterdam. 1768 (612x502 mm)

Comparison of the texts of Ex.20:1-17 and Deut.5:4-21 (via links) in the original language, with an approximate translation into English language(KJV), allows us to more accurately understand the content of the commandments.

  • You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain [literally “falsely” - that is, during an oath], for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who takes His name in vain [falsely]. In the original it means “do not bear (Heb. תשא, tisa) the name of the Lord falsely (in vain, vaingloriously, unlawfully).” The original verb נשא nasa" means "to lift, carry, take, exalt." Once again In a similar way the expression “bearing a name” is used only in Exodus 28:9-30, where, as a reflection of the commandment, God commands the high priest Aaron to carry on his shoulders into the sanctuary the names of the tribes of the children of Israel, carved on two onyx stones. Thus, the one who professes faith in the God of Israel, according to the commandment, becomes the bearer of His name, bearing responsibility for how he represents God to others. The Old Testament texts describe instances in which God's name was profaned by human hypocrisy and false representations of God or His character. Joseph Telushkin, a Modern Orthodox rabbi, also writes that this commandment means much more than prohibiting casual mention of God's name. He points out that a more literal translation of "lo tissa" would be "You shall not carry" rather than "You shall not take", and that thinking about this helps everyone understand why the commandment is equated with others such as "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not kill". Thou shalt not commit adultery."
  • Don't kill. In the original: "לֹא תִרְצָח". The verb used "רְצָח" denotes immoral premeditated murder (cf. English murder), as opposed to any killing at all, for example, as a result of an accident, in self-defense, during war or by court decision (cf. English kill). (Since the Bible itself prescribes the death penalty by court order for breaking certain commandments, this verb cannot mean murder at all, under any circumstances)
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery [in the original this word usually refers only to sexual relations between married woman and a man who is not her husband]. According to another opinion, this commandment includes all the so-called “prohibitions of incest,” including incest and bestiality.
  • Don't steal. The prohibition against theft of property is also set forth in Lev. 19:11. Oral tradition interprets the content of the commandment “Thou shalt not steal” in the Ten Commandments as prohibiting the abduction of a person for the purpose of enslavement. Since the previous commandments “do not kill” and “do not commit adultery” speak of sins punishable by death, one of the principles of interpretation of the Torah prescribes that continuation should be understood as a severely punishable crime.
  • “Thou shalt not covet...” This commandment includes the prohibition of theft of property. According to Jewish tradition, theft is also “theft of an image,” that is, the creation of a false idea about an object, event, person (deception, flattery, etc.)

Eastern philosophy also had its own lists of main virtues.
In Confucianism, these were identified as

  • ren (philanthropy),
  • and (justice, sense of duty),
  • li (decency),
  • zhi (knowledge, intelligence)
  • and xin (truthfulness).
Mencius put forward a similar concept of the “five connections”:

  • master and servant
  • parents and children,
  • husband and wife,
  • older and younger,
  • between friends.
In Indian philosophy there was the concept of five principles of yama and five principles of niyama.

Yama (Skt. यम) - (in yoga) these are ethical restrictions or universal moral precepts. Yama is the first stage of Ashtanga yoga (eight limb yoga), described in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.

“Yama” includes five basic principles (according to the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali):

  • ahimsa—non-violence;
  • satya—truthfulness;
  • asteya - non-appropriation of someone else's property (non-stealing);
  • brahmacharya - abstinence; control of lust and preservation of chastity before marriage; internal composure, non-promiscuity;
  • aparigraha - non-acquisitiveness (non-acceptance of gifts), non-accumulation, non-attachment.

Niyama (Sanskrit: नियम) - spiritual principles in dharmic religions; “the adoption, cultivation, practice and development of positive virtues, good thoughts and the adoption of these virtues as one’s system.” The second stage of Ashtanga yoga.

The Niyama level consists of five basic principles:

  • Shaucha - purity, both external (cleanliness) and internal (purity of mind).
  • Santosha - modesty, satisfaction with the present, optimism.
  • Tapas is self-discipline, diligence in achieving a spiritual goal.
  • Svadhyaya - knowledge, study of spiritual and scientific literature, formation of a culture of thinking.
  • Ishvara-pranidhana - accepting Ishvara (God) as one’s goal, the only ideal in life.

For every Christian, God's law is the guiding star. It is he who points the way to the Heavenly Kingdom. IN modern world The life of any person is very complex, which indicates the need for clear and authoritative guidance from God's Commandments. This is the reason why most people turn to them.

But in practice this is not at all easy. Completely exclude from your Everyday life the seven mortal sins and keeping the ten commandments is very difficult and practically impossible. But we must strive for this, and God, in turn, is very merciful.

The 10 commandments of God in Russian say what is needed:

  • believe in one Lord God;
  • do not create idols for yourself;
  • do not take the name of the Lord God in vain;
  • always remember about the day off;
  • honor and respect parents;
  • do not kill;
  • do not commit adultery;
  • don't steal;
  • don't lie;
  • don't be jealous.

The list of God's commandments allows you to live correctly, in harmony and understanding with the Almighty.

  • The first three of the ten commandments relate directly to the relationship with God. A Christian must worship the true God, and others should not exist in his life. They also say that a person should not have idols or objects of worship, and the name of the Almighty is pronounced only in situations of a complex nature.
  • According to the fourth commandment, a Christian must honor and remember the Sabbath day. For six days, people work tirelessly and do all their business, which makes it possible to devote the seventh day to the Almighty.

This commandment is violated not only by those who work on Sunday, but also by people who are lazy and shirk their daily responsibilities throughout the week. The covenant of the Lord God is also violated by those who have fun and amuse themselves on their days off, indulging in revelry and excess.

  • The fifth commandment states that one must honor one's mother and father, regardless of age or situation. This will allow you to live not only happily, but also for a long time. The concept of respect for parents includes love, care, respect and support, as well as constant prayer to the Almighty for their health and well-being. Those Christians who slander their parents are punished with death.
  • The next commandment says that you cannot take the life of not only yourself, but also other people, regardless of the current situation and offense. A very serious sin is suicide, which is caused by despair, lack of faith or murmuring against the Almighty. A person is guilty even if he did not take the life of his neighbor and did not stop the murder.
  • One of the 10 commandments of God's law says that one must not commit adultery. The Lord God commands to remain faithful to your husband or wife throughout your life, as well as to be absolutely pure in your thoughts, desires and spoken words.

Observing this commandment, it is strongly recommended to avoid foul language, shameless songs and dances, viewing photographs and films of a seductive genre, as well as reading immoral magazines. Based on this, we can conclude that sinful thoughts must be suppressed in the very bud.

  • The next commandment of the Lord says that false witness in relation to a loved one is unacceptable. In his commandment, He prohibits any lie, denunciation or slander, as well as false judicial testimony, gossip and slander.
  • The last three commandments state that it is unacceptable to steal, lie and envy. God says that you need to rejoice in everything that you have, and not your neighbor. Only in this case can you receive the blessing of the Almighty.

In addition to the 10 Orthodox commandments of God, there are seven deadly sins:

  • pride;
  • envy;
  • angry state;
  • laziness;
  • greedy attitude towards one's neighbor;
  • gluttony and gluttony;
  • fornication, lust and voluptuousness.

God's commandments and mortal sins

The most vicious of the seven deadly sins is pride, which the Lord God cannot forgive.

The commandments of God in Orthodoxy allow us to live correctly and harmoniously. It is undoubtedly very difficult to comply with them in everyday life, but you should always strive for the best. Many people who managed to begin to live according to God’s laws, after a short period of time simply stopped noticing changes in their daily existence. And, undoubtedly, the Lord God helped them in this.

The commandments listed above will definitely benefit you only if you make them your own. In other words, allow them to completely guide your worldview and actions. They must be in your subconscious, which will allow you to avoid their possible violation.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that people who live according to God’s law are always lucky, and their lives work out the best way. They also manage to create strong families and raise a good generation. Live with the Lord, and he will definitely bless you with good luck and luck not only in life situations, but also in all, even the most hopeless, endeavors.

God's first commandment was given to Adam and Eve in paradise. By violating it, our ancestors were deprived of pristine living conditions and direct communication with the Creator. Having lost God's grace, human nature turned out to be unprotected and vulnerable to sin. But the Lord did not leave his beloved creation to the mercy of fate, protecting man in every possible way and guiding him on the right path.

Interior spiritual law , originally laid down by God and conscience-controlled, could no longer remain a powerful deterrent for people. Therefore, an external law was needed that would coordinate the actions of people and streamline their way of life.

As described in Old Testament, the Lord established a number of certain requirements for man, which he conveyed to the people of Israel through the prophet Moses. This happened after the liberation of the Jews from Egyptian slavery on the way to the land of Canaan at Mount Sinai.

Rules of human life or the commandments were inscribed by the Lord Himself on two tablets (stone tablets). This division of the Law of God into two parts is not accidental. The first four points define a person's duties towards God, the remaining six contain instructions that form harmonious relationships between people.

There are 10 commandments of God in total. Orthodoxy views them as life guide And guide to salvation. They are as follows:

  1. Worship the One True God.
  2. Don't create idols for yourself.
  3. Do not take the name of the Lord God in vain.
  4. Honor the day off of the week: work six days, and devote the seventh to God.
  5. Honor your father and mother, which will give you prosperity and longevity in earthly life.
  6. Don't kill.
  7. Don't commit adultery.
  8. Don't steal.
  9. Don't bear false witness.
  10. Don't be jealous.

Interpretation of God's Ten Commandments in Orthodoxy

Reveal the meaning and meaning of each point God's Law study helps Holy Scripture, apostolic works and patristic literature.

First commandment

In it, the Lord points to Himself and commands man to cognize and honor only Him, and also strive for Him as the One True God. Therefore, people should:

  1. Engage in knowledge of God: listen to teachings about God in church, read Bible and the works of the holy fathers.
  2. Show inner reverence for God: believe in Him, fear and revere Him, hope in God, love Him, obey and worship Him, glorify, give thanks and call on His name.
  3. Express outward worship of God: to confess the Most Holy Trinity, without renouncing one’s faith even under the threat of death; participate in church services and Sacraments established by God Himself.

Sins that break the first commandment:

  • atheism, i.e. denial of the existence of God;
  • polytheism - worship of imaginary deities;
  • lack of faith in God's providence and revelation;
  • heresy - expression of opinions contrary to Divine truth;
  • schism – deviation from unity Orthodox Church;
  • apostasy - renunciation true faith;
  • despair - loss of hope for salvation;
  • magic - asking for help dark forces;
  • superstition, in which an ordinary thing is given magical meaning;
  • laziness in performing the duties of piety;
  • a greater manifestation of love for the creature than for the Creator;
  • pleasing man instead of pleasing God;
  • Reliance on man is hope in human strength, and not in God’s help.

Second Commandment

Warns against worshiping idols - pagan deities, as well as those objects to which all human thoughts and desires are attached.

In modern developed countries that are not subject to pagan influence, violations of this commandment are quite common in everyday life.

Sins that break the second commandment:

  • pride, hypocrisy;
  • love of money, covetousness - love of gain;
  • – excessive enjoyment of food and eating it in large quantities;
  • drunkenness, drug addiction;
  • computer addiction.

In contrast to the listed sins, this instruction from God teaches humility, generosity and self-control.

It should be noted that the veneration of holy icons in Orthodox Christianity does not contradict this prescription. Word icon translated from Greek means image, or image. In his prayer, a person turns not to the icon, but to the image imprinted on it. The Lord Himself commanded Moses to install golden images of Cherubim in the tabernacle, and in that part of the temple to which the people turned to pray to God.

Third Commandment

Forbids pronouncing the name of God in vain, without special need and reverence, in useless and vain conversations.

Sins that break the third commandment:

  • blasphemy, i.e. words that offend God;
  • – desecration of sacred objects or mocking attitude towards them;
  • murmur - dissatisfaction with life circumstances;
  • a false oath that asserts something that does not actually exist;
  • perjury - violation of a legal oath;
  • failure to keep promises made to God;
  • bozhba - a frivolous oath in ordinary conversations;
  • inattentive prayer.

IN Holy Scripture The Savior warns people against all kinds of gods: But I say to you: do not swear at all... But let your word be: yes, yes; no no; and anything beyond this is from the evil one (Matt. 5, 34 and 37).

We are not talking here about an oath provided for by public law in especially important cases. A legal oath and oath must be taken and remain faithful to it to the end, without violating it under any circumstances.

Fourth Commandment

Teaches people to dedicate the seventh day of the week to the Creator. IN Bible It describes how God created the world for six days, and on the seventh he rested, having completed his work. The Old Testament Church revered the Sabbath, which is the seventh day of the week. After the Holy Resurrection of Christ, Sunday began to be revered - the first day of the week, following six working days.

To keep the fourth commandment and sanctification Sunday necessary:

  1. Abstain from work and worldly affairs.
  2. Visit God's temple by participating in church services.
  3. Devote part of your time to reading Holy Scripture and spiritual literature.
  4. Serve God with works of mercy, visiting the sick, prisoners, giving alms.

It should be noted that the Lord commanded to work six days a week, therefore idleness and relaxation during the time designated for work is a direct violation of God’s commandment.

Fifth Commandment

Speaking about the need to honor parents, the Lord points to the responsibilities of children towards them. Fulfilling his duty to his father and mother, every Christian must:

  1. Treat them with respect.
  2. Be in obedience to them.
  3. Take care of them during illness and old age.
  4. Pray for their health during life and for the repose of their souls after death.

Based on the fifth commandment, family and public relations. Therefore, given its importance for the formation of order in the spheres of mutual coexistence, the Lord promises a prosperous and long earthly life as a reward for fulfilling this requirement.

Mentors, superiors, and elderly people should also be treated with respect. From childhood, a child needs to be instilled with respect not only for mom and dad, but also for educators, teachers, and representatives of the older generation, demonstrating such behavior in by example.

Sixth Commandment

Warns against committing murder. Life is God’s priceless gift, which no one has the right to take away except the Creator Himself. Every person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, an attempt on human life is a daring, blasphemous crime, for which you will have to answer to the fullest extent not only in this life, but also in the future.

Sins that violate the sixth commandment:

  • directly killing another person;
  • directing the actions that led to bloodshed;
  • incitement to suicide;
  • failure to provide timely possible assistance to a dying person;
  • harboring a criminal who committed murder;
  • harming the health of others;
  • bad habits(smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction);
  • suicide.

It should be noted that the last of all the listed sins is the most serious. When a person voluntarily leaves life, he dares to dispose of what does not belong to him, rejecting the gift of God and thereby turning away from the Creator. A suicide does not have the opportunity to repent and change his fate in any way. The Church does not pray for those who have passed away in this way.

It is not a violation of the sixth commandment:

  1. Punishment of the criminal by justice.
  2. Destruction of the enemy while defending the Fatherland.

Seventh Commandment

Through her, the Lord calls everyone to bodily purity and chastity.

Holy Bible teaches that the body of a Christian should become a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore it is unacceptable to desecrate it with illegal and unnatural relationships.

Sins that break the seventh commandment:

  • fornication - intimate relationships between a man and a woman who are not legally married;
  • adultery - adultery;
  • incest – carnal relations between relatives;
  • same-sex relationships and other forms of sexual perversion.

IN New Testament The Savior gives a more subtle explanation of this instruction: But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matt. 5:28). With these words, the Lord makes it clear that people must not only act according to the Law, but also carefully monitor the purity of their thoughts.

Eighth Commandment

Prohibits the appropriation by a person of what rightfully belongs to another.

Sins that break the eighth commandment:

  • robbery - depriving a person of his own property using violence;
  • theft - secretly stealing something;
  • appropriation of other people's funds or property through deception;
  • extortion;
  • corrupt practices;
  • parasitism;
  • reluctance to repay debts.

These sins are counterbalanced by such virtues as mercy, selflessness, and generosity.

Ninth Commandment

Requires people to be honest with each other.

Sins that break the ninth commandment:

  • giving false testimony in court;
  • slander in everyday life;
  • unfair censure;
  • any lie.

In Orthodox Christianity it is also considered impermissible to reproach or condemn a neighbor for his vices if this is not permitted by certain duties: Not a trialú let you not be judged (Matt. 7:1).

Tenth Commandment

Warns people against unkind desires and thoughts, which subsequently lead to sinful acts. It is necessary to suppress any unclean thoughts so that they do not feed and do not allow the destructive passion called envy. To counteract this mental illness you need to:

  1. Maintain purity of heart.
  2. Be content with what you have.
  3. Thank God for everything.

The foundation laid down God's law is Love. When asked which commandment in the Law is considered greatest, the Lord answers: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind: this is the first and greatest commandment; the second is similar to it: love your neighbor as yourself; on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets(Matt. 22:36–40).

Deadly sins

The actions of a person that contradict God’s plan for him and separate him from the Creator, which leads to the inevitable death of the human soul, are called mortal sins. They are usually divided into seven groups depending on passions which underlies certain actions. This classification was first proposed in 590 by St. Gregory the Great.

Seven deadly sins, or passions:

  1. Pride - the passion that underlies all sins. It was the reason that a cherub named Dennitsa, who was close to God, considered himself equal to the Creator Himself, and was cast out of Heaven into the underworld along with other angels who stood on his side.
  2. Envy - a sinful feeling that pushed Cain to kill his brother Abel. Envy was the main reason for the condemnation and crucifixion of the Savior.
  3. Gluttony – a pathological condition of a person when the satisfaction of natural needs for food is replaced by gluttony. Gluttony gives rise to other sins - laziness, relaxation, inattention.
  4. Fornication - a passion that can completely stupefy the human mind, inducing its victim to adultery, promiscuity and all kinds of perversions. For these sins, people suffered terrible punishment from God when fire rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.
  5. Anger - a destructive feeling that can completely take over a person and push him to the most terrible actions, even committing murder.
  6. Greed , or selfishness- an irresistible desire to possess material benefits. This passion is based on substitution life values when a person spends his energy on acquiring earthly wealth, neglecting the acquisition of eternal wealth.
  7. - a sin based on mental and physical relaxation that paralyzes a person’s will. Dejection turns into murmur, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction with existing circumstances, when what is desired does not correspond to reality.

Falling into mortal sin destroys human nature and entails tragic consequences. But even when committing the most serious crime, one must not fall into despair and lose hope in God’s mercy, becoming like Judas in this. While a person is alive, he has the opportunity to cleanse his soul by sincere repentance and again enter into a union with God, uniting with Him in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Raising a child according to God's commandments

The basis of Orthodox education in the family has always been and remains God's law, opening in front of the child real picture life and forming in him the correct attitude towards the world around him, people and himself. Seeds Orthodox faith sown in a child’s soul will definitely bear fruit in adulthood.

To ensure that the educational process takes place in a form that is accessible and interesting for the child, special publishing houses have published a large number of Orthodox children's literature, including God's law And Bible for children, as well as individual publications representing ten Commandments in pictures in Russian.

A child who cannot read will be able to master the basics of Orthodoxy not only with parental help, but also independently, simply by looking at the pictures. For a child who knows how to read, a book outlining God’s commandments should become a desktop read, so that in any life situation the young Christian learned to be guided by eternal truths.

But no matter how much effort is put into educating and instructing one’s own child, the main and determining part of Orthodox education should be the personal example of parents who honor God's law and in fact striving to observe all the commandments of the Creator.

God's law for every Christian - guiding star, which shows a person how to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. For many centuries now, the importance of this Law has not diminished. On the contrary, human life is increasingly complicated by conflicting opinions, which means that the need for authoritative and clear guidance from God’s Commandments increases. That is why many people turn to them in our time. And today the commandments and the seven major deadly sins act as regulators of our lives. The list of the latter is as follows: despondency, gluttony, lust, anger, envy, greed, pride. These are, naturally, the main, most grave sins. The 10 commandments of God and the 7 deadly sins are the basis of Christianity. It is not necessary to read mountains of spiritual literature—it is enough to avoid what leads to a person’s spiritual death. However, this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. It is not easy to completely eliminate all seven deadly sins from your life. And keeping the Ten Commandments is also not an easy task. But we must at least strive for spiritual purity. God is known to be merciful.

The foundations of Orthodoxy are the commandments of God. You can compare them with the laws of nature, because the source of both is the Creator. They complement each other: the first give human soul moral basis, and the latter regulate soulless nature. The difference lies in the fact that matter obeys physical laws, while man is free to obey moral laws or ignore them. God's great mercy lies in giving each of us freedom of choice. Thanks to her, we improve spiritually and can even become like the Lord. Nevertheless, moral freedom also has another side - it imposes responsibility on each of us for our actions.

The Seven Deadly Sins and the 10 Commandments are the basis on which a person’s entire life should be built. If we deliberately violate God's Commandments, we degenerate spiritually and physically. Failure to comply with them leads to suffering, slavery and ultimately to disaster. We invite you to familiarize yourself in detail with the commandments of God. They underlie both modern and ancient legal systems.

How did the commandments come about?

The most significant event of the Old Testament is their receipt from God. The very education of the Jewish people is connected with the 10 commandments. Before they were received, a tribe of brutalized and powerless Semitic slaves lived in Egypt. After the appearance of the Sinai legislation, in fact, a people called to serve God arose. Subsequently, the apostles, great prophets, and saints of the first times of Christianity emerged from it. From him, according to the flesh, Jesus Christ was born. Having accepted the commandments, the people promised to keep them. This is how the Covenant (that is, union) between the Jews and God would be concluded. It consisted in the fact that the Lord promised his protection and mercy to the people, and the Jews had to live righteously.

First three commandments

The first 3 commandments are dedicated to the relationship with the Lord. According to the first of them, a person should not have other gods than the true one. The second warns us against creating an idol, against worshiping false deities. The third commandment calls not to take the name of the Lord in vain.

We will not dwell in detail on the meaning of the first three commandments. They are connected with the attitude towards God and, in general, are understandable. Let's look at the other 7 commandments of God in detail.

Fourth Commandment

According to it, it is necessary to remember the Sabbath day in order to spend it holy. For six days a person should work and do all his work, and the seventh day should be dedicated to God. How should we understand this commandment? Let's figure it out.

The Lord God commands us to study necessary things to do and working for six days is understandable. It's unclear what should be done on the seventh day, isn't it? It must be devoted to holy deeds and service to the Lord. The works pleasing to Him include the following: prayer at home and in the temple of God, concern for the salvation of the soul, enlightenment of the heart and mind with religious knowledge, helping the poor, religious conversations, visiting prisoners in prison and the sick, consoling the mourning, as well as other works of mercy.

The Sabbath in the Old Testament was celebrated as a remembrance of how God created the world. It says that on the seventh day after the creation of the world, “God rested from His work” (Gen. 2:3). Jewish scribes after the Babylonian captivity began to explain this commandment too rigoristically and formally, prohibiting any deeds on this day, even good ones. It is clear from the Gospels that even the Savior was accused by the scribes of “breaking the Sabbath” because Jesus healed people on that day. However, it is precisely “a man for the Sabbath”, and not vice versa. In other words, the peace established on this day should benefit the spiritual and physical strength, and not deprive us of the opportunity to do good deeds and not enslave people. Weekly withdrawal from everyday activities provides an opportunity to collect thoughts, think about the meaning of earthly existence and one’s work. Work is necessary, but the salvation of the soul is the most important matter.

The fourth commandment is violated not only by those who work on Sunday, but also by those who are lazy and shirk their duties on weekdays. Even if you do not work on Sunday, but do not dedicate this day to God, but spend it in entertainment and amusements, indulging in excess and revelry, you also do not fulfill God’s Covenant.

Fifth Commandment

We continue to describe God's 7 commandments. According to the fifth, one should honor one’s father and mother in order to live long and happily on earth. How can we understand this? Honoring parents means loving them, respecting their authority, not daring to offend them with actions or words under any circumstances, obeying them, taking care of them if they need something, helping parents in their labors, praying to God for them, as in life. , and after the death of parents. Not respecting them is a great sin. Those who slandered their mother or father were punished by death in the Old Testament.

Being the Son of God, Jesus Christ treated his earthly parents with respect. He obeyed them and helped Joseph with carpentry. Jesus reproached the Pharisees for denying the necessary maintenance to their parents under the pretext of dedicating their property to God. By doing this they violated the fifth commandment.

How to treat to strangers? Religion teaches us that it is necessary to show respect to everyone, in accordance with his position and age. One should respect spiritual fathers and shepherds; civilian leaders who care about the well-being, justice and peaceful life of the country; teachers, educators, benefactors and elders. Young people who do not respect old people and elders sin, considering their concepts obsolete, and themselves as backward people.

Sixth Commandment

It reads: “Thou shalt not kill.” The Lord God with this commandment prohibits taking the life of oneself or other people. Life - greatest gift, only God can set its limits for each person.

Suicide is a very serious sin, because in addition to murder, it also involves others: lack of faith, despair, murmuring against God, as well as rebellion against His providence. It is also terrible that a person who has violently ended his own life does not have the opportunity to repent of the sin committed, since repentance after death is invalid. A person is guilty of murder even when he does not kill himself personally, but contributes to it or allows others to do so. In addition to physical murder, there is also spiritual murder, which is no less terrible. It is committed by the one who seduces his neighbor to a vicious life or to unbelief.

Seventh Commandment

Let's talk about the seventh commandment of God's law. “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” it reads. God commands to remain mutually faithful to wife and husband, to be chaste when unmarried - pure in words, deeds, desires and thoughts. In order not to sin against this commandment, one should avoid everything that arouses unclean feelings in a person, for example: “piquant” jokes, foul language, shameless dances and songs, reading immoral magazines, viewing seductive photographs and films. The seventh commandment of God's law indicates that sinful thoughts should be stopped at their very appearance. We must not let them take over our will and feelings. Homosexuality is considered a grave sin against this commandment. It was for him that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, famous cities antiquities.

Eighth Commandment

God's 7 commandments concern various aspects of human life. The eighth is devoted to the attitude towards the property of other people. It says: “Thou shalt not steal.” In other words, appropriation of property belonging to others is prohibited. There are various types of theft: robbery, theft, sacrilege, bribery, extortion (when, taking advantage of the misfortune of others, they take a lot of money from them), parasitism, etc. If a person withholds an employee’s wages, weighs and measures during a sale, conceals what was found, evades payment of a debt , then he commits theft. In contrast to the greedy desire for wealth, faith teaches us to be merciful, hardworking and selfless.

Ninth Commandment

It says that you cannot bear false witness against your neighbor. The Lord God thus prohibits all lies, including: slander, denunciations, false testimony in court, slander, slander, and gossip. Slander is the work of the devil, since the very name “devil” means “slanderer.” Any lie is unworthy of a Christian. It is not consistent with respect and love for others. We should refrain from idle talk and watch what we say. The Word is God's greatest gift. We become like the Creator when we speak. And the word of God immediately becomes action. Therefore, this gift must be used only for the glory of God and for a good purpose.

Tenth Commandment

We have not yet described all 7 of God's commandments. You should stop at the last, tenth. It says that it is necessary to abstain from impure desires and envy of one's neighbor. While the other commandments focused primarily on behavior, the last one focuses on our desires, feelings and thoughts, that is, what happens inside a person. It is necessary to strive for spiritual purity. It should be remembered that a bad thought is where every sin begins. If a person dwells on it, a sinful desire appears, which pushes him to commit the corresponding act. Therefore, in order to fight various temptations, it is necessary to nip them in the bud, that is, in thoughts.

For the soul, envy is poison. If a person is subject to it, then he will always be dissatisfied, he will always lack something, even if he is very rich. In order not to succumb to this feeling, we should thank God for being merciful to us, sinners and unworthy. For our crimes we could be exterminated, but the Lord not only endures, but also sends His mercies to people. The task of every person’s life is to acquire a pure heart. It is in him that the Lord rests.


The commandments of God and the Gospel beatitudes discussed above have great importance for every Christian. The latter are part of Jesus' commandments that he spoke during the Sermon on the Mount. They are included in the Gospel. They received this name because following them leads to eternal bliss in eternal life. If the 10 Commandments prohibit what is sinful, then the Beatitudes tell us how one can achieve holiness (Christian perfection).

Seven Commandments for the Descendants of Noah

Not only Christianity has commandments. In Judaism, for example, there are 7 laws of the descendants of Noah. They are considered the necessary minimum that the Torah imposes on all humanity. Through Adam and Noah, according to the Talmud, God gave us the following 7 commandments of God (Orthodoxy, in general, states approximately the same): the prohibition of idolatry, murder, blasphemy, theft, adultery, as well as the prohibition of using flesh that has been cut off from a living animal, and the need to create a fair judicial system.


Jesus Christ, when asked by a young man about what should be done in order to inherit eternal life, answered: “Keep the commandments!” After that he listed them. The Ten Commandments above give us the basic moral guidance we need to create life, both public, family and private. Jesus, speaking about them, noted that they all essentially boil down to the teaching of love for neighbors and God.

In order for these commandments to benefit us, we must make them our own, that is, allow them to guide our actions and worldview. These commandments must be rooted in our subconscious or, figuratively speaking, must be written on the tablets of our hearts by God.