Full name Dusya. Interesting name Dusya, full name - Evdokia

Female name Dusya is original and funny. This is a diminutive form of... Oh, that’s how it sounds full name, and what it means, I will tell you in this article.

Origin of the name Dusya

So, the name is Dusya, the full name is Evdokia. This name originated in Byzantium, it came from the ancient Greek word “eudocia”, which means “benevolence”. It means the following: “good fame”, “fragrance”. In Rus', a variation of this name appeared - Avdotya, and in Belarus and Ukraine there is a consonant name Evdokha (Yavdoha). Dusya is also often called Dunya, Donya, Dosya. The patron saint of the name is the holy sufferer Evdokia, Princess Stolichnaya. She was baptized and, renouncing her own wealth, dedicated her life to serving God. It was believed that in recognition of this she was awarded the gift of miracles.

Dusi's character

As a child, Dusya is a very lively and mischievous girl, causing a lot of trouble for her parents with her restlessness. But as she gets older, she changes dramatically. It turns out that Dusya, whose full name is Evdokia, has a gentle and good disposition. She is usually an excellent housewife, a diligent mother and wife. Peace and harmony reign in her family, because she has the ability to avoid all conflicts and reconcile warring parties. It is precisely for her lack of conflict and balance of character that Dusya is valued at work. Colleagues see her as competent and always ready to help an employee. And her bosses often entrust her with the most important tasks. But there are also negative aspects in Evdokia’s life. Because Dusya, whose name means “good fame,” is a very naive, conscientious person who strives for justice, she is very tormented by her own naivety and innocence. If she is greatly insulted, she may withdraw inside herself forever.

The most popular Dusya

The most popular Dusya is Dusya Kovalchuk, who was a revolutionary and participated in the civilian war in Russia. She married a man twice her age at sixteen and bore him four children. Dusya mastered reading and writing without the help of others. Her husband younger sister introduced her to the underground activities of the Bolsheviks. In 1918, she became the leader of the underground work of the RCP (b). Her house was a meeting place for underground workers. After her comrades were shot by Bolshevik opponents, she organized the funeral of her own comrades. She also raised funds to help the children of arrested and executed revolutionaries. Thanks to her own decisive character, Dusya (full name Evdokia) hid accomplices in her house and helped arrested associates escape from prison. An ardent revolutionary, she believed that it was necessary to organize uprisings and demonstrations of workers in big towns, while her comrades relied on the uprising of farmers in the countryside. In 1919, Dusya Kovalchuk was arrested by white counterintelligence and shot. A street in the town of Novosibirsk is named after her.

Here is such a fascinating and daring Dusya, whose full name is Evdokia. This name is not popular these days. It’s a pity, because it carries warmth and kindness within itself.

Today, many are interested in how to address a woman, who in everyday life is called Aunt Dusya, respectfully by her first name and patronymic. The full name from the diminutive cannot always be easily guessed. And in order to determine the name of this or that person according to his passport, sometimes you need to really rack your brain.

Reasons for the appearance of abbreviated names

As a child, it is quite inconvenient to call your baby by his full name. And the desire to put emotion, tenderness, and love into the address pushes adults to choose a different, less formal version. That is why children are often addressed using diminutive names, short ones, and not those registered in documents.

Often they “stick” to a person for life. And adult uncles and aunts continue to call each other: Tanya, Sasha, Zhenya, Sveta, Lyusya, Dusya. The full name is only used at work or in other formal settings.

Nickname from childhood

Is there an indisputable rule for forming a diminutive name from a full name? The answer cannot be clear-cut. There are definitely rules. But this fact is interesting: according to sociological surveys, people who admitted that their loved ones call them Dusya had the full name Evdokia, Daria, Diana, Ida, Ada, Yadviga, Lydia, Fedosya, Yavdokha, Fedora, Dulcinea, Dunia, Dalila, Damira , Avdotya, Lyudmila, Radmila.

There is even a young man among them, whose parents call Dusya! His full name is Andrey. But as a child, he had trouble pronouncing the word “Andryusha.” Instead, he came up with a funny “Dusya.” And so the nickname stuck to the boy.

And who has the right to forbid parents to call their offspring as they want: Chanterelle, Mushroom, Hedgehog, Mutenechka, Lapushka, Deer, Kuleya, Yaleya? As everyone knows, a parent’s fantasy has no boundaries.

Method of forming a diminutive name ending in "-usya"

Among Russian-speaking peoples, many names used to communicate with children or loved ones are sometimes formed by using part of the full name with the addition of “-usya” at the end. This is how you get from Maria, Marina or Marianna Marusya, from Tamara - Tomusya, from Lydia - Lidusya, from Lyudmila - Lyudusya, from Tatyana - Tatusya, from Natalya - Natusya, from Ruslana - Rusya.

The second option is to add “-usya” to the first consonant of the name. So, for example, Nyusi from Ann, Musi from Marus, Marin, Militin, Milen appeared; Rus from Radmil, Regin; Lucy from Ludmil, Lucien; Dusi from Id, Hell, Jadwig, Darius, Dalil, Dian, Dulcinea.

“Legalized” origin of the name Dusya

Meanwhile, there are sources that specifically indicate full options, from which certain diminutive forms have the right to be formed. It says nothing about the fact that Lyudmila, Lydia, Dulcinea, Daria can also be called Dusya. After all, traditionally it was Ida, Jadviga, Avdotya and Evdokia who officially had such an abbreviated form. Dusya, by the way, has synonyms Dunya, Dunyasha. In some places, Evdokia may be called Dosya and even Donya.

The female name Dusya, formed from Evdokia and Avdotya, apparently also appeared on the principle of adding the ending “-usya” to the first consonants. But the inconvenience in pronouncing the word “Vdusya” led to its transformation into “Dusya”.

So, from the above it is clear that using the abbreviated diminutive version it is not always possible to accurately determine what full name was assigned to a person at his birth, as he is registered in documents. Not every Dusya will be happy if you address her by the name Evdokia. After all, she could easily be Ida, Ada, Dulcinea, Delilah, Daria, Diana, Lydia or even Jadwiga.

Meaning of the name Evdokia: This name for a girl means “favorable”, “in good repute”, “good reputation”, “favour”.

Origin of the name Evdokia: from Ancient Greece. In Rus', the name Evdokia became widespread along with Christianity.

Diminutive form of name: Evdonya, Donya, Donyata, Evdosya, Dosya, Evdosha, Dunya, Dunyatka, Dunyasha, Avdonya, Avdosha, Avdusya, Dusya.

What does the name Evdokia mean: Dusya can wear a mask of indifference. Work does not bring her much joy; after marriage, as a rule, she becomes a housewife. A girl named Evdokia will choose an affectionate and compliant man.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Evdokia celebrates name days twice a year:

  • March 14 (1) – The Venerable Martyr Evdokia first led a sinful life, then she turned to Christ, labored in the monastery for fifty-six years and died a martyr in 152.
  • August 17 (4) – The Venerable Martyr for the spread of the faith of Christ in Persia was beheaded after suffering in the 4th century.

Signs: March 14 - Evdokia the Ivy, wet the threshold, whistling, freckle, wet the hem. As Evdokia is, so is the summer: either clear or cloudy. If the rook has flown to Avdotya, the summer will be wet and the snow will melt early. Avdotya's Day is red - harvest of cucumbers and milk mushrooms. However, Evdokia is still covered in snow when the dog stands up, and the frost comes - and so March sets in!


  • Zodiac – Pisces
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Color - blue
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • Treasured plant - violet
  • Patron – seal
  • Talisman stone – turquoise

Characteristics of the name Evdokia

Positive features: Dunya is distinguished by diplomacy, the ability to adapt, but at the same time preserve her “I” in any living conditions. The owner of this name strives for harmony with herself and the world.

Negative features: A woman named Evdokia knows how to adapt to the environment, she is ready to obey generally accepted rules, but she also knows how to deliver unexpected and strong retaliatory blows and carry out a plan for revenge.

Character of the name Evdokia: What character traits does the meaning of the name Evdokia determine? Her character is flexible and not very irritable. She is inquisitive and purposeful, calculating and often envious, she thinks through her every step. A woman with this name has a highly developed sense of justice: having caught someone in a lie, she experiences it as a great shock. Evdokia is a very homely woman; for her there is no more pleasant activity than arranging her home and taking care of someone. A young woman with a name is very a kind person and is able to forgive everyone everything.

Evdokia and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of the name with Averyan, Akim, Anania, Vavila, Gerasim, Dementy, Evgraf, Evdokim, Emelyan, Kasyan, Orest, Parfen, Pakhom, Ratibor is favorable. The name Evdokia is also combined with Fedot, Photius. Difficult relationships likely with Artyom, Venedikt, Vladislav, Vseslav, Izyaslav, Custodius, Nikifor, Sumorok, Filaret, Khotislav.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Evdokia promise happiness in love? In the love sphere, Doucet needs stability. A woman named Evdokia gives great value peace. But to improve her external charm, she needs an incentive, so Dunya sometimes starts innocent romantic relationships.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The girl achieves success thanks to her ability to collect and analyze information, correctly understand people (she, like a psychologist, sees people through and through), persistently, gradually follow her line and wait for the favorable moment to implement her plans. People like Dusya make good lawyers, diplomats, advisors, and consultants.

Business and career: She can be an excellent business partner, because she looks at life realistically and knows how to make profitable deals. attaches great importance to intuition. She manages successfully commercial enterprise, knows how to avoid trouble and solve complex financial problems.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Evdokia: Dusya may have a weakened skeletal system. Possible problem with teeth, osteoporosis.

The fate of Evdokia in history

What does the name Evdokia mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Evdokia Fedorovna (1669–1731) - the first wife of Peter I, daughter of the boyar Fyodor Lopukhin.
  2. Avdotya Meshcherskaya (1774 - 1837) - in monasticism - Evgenia, nee Tyutcheva; Abbess, founder of the Boriso-Gleb Anosin Convent.
  3. Evdokia Plyushchikha, Evdokia Vesnovka, Evdokia Kapluzhnitsa, Avdotya Podmochi Porog, Avdotya Svistunya, Evdokia Plyushchikha - popular name day of remembrance of the Holy Venerable Martyr, which Orthodox Church celebrates March 1/14.
  4. Evdokia Strelnikova (1739 - ?) - one of the first dancers of Russian ballet. Was considered one of best soloists Russian ballet, organized by Fusano and later Lande, of whom she was a student. She took part in ballets by Locatelli and Sacco (Orpheus and Euridice, Foxal in London, Apollo and Daphne). Since 1748 she was in the service of the Imperial Theaters.
  5. Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto (born 1966) is a Finnish politician.
  6. Evdokia Chernysheva (1693 - 1747) - née Rzhevskaya, general's wife, nicknamed "Avdotya Boy-Baba", given to her by Peter I; the countess, one of Peter the Great’s mistresses, according to Vilboa, “with her disorderly behavior had a harmful effect on Peter’s health”; mother of the Chernyshev brothers - prominent figures in the reign of Catherine II.
  7. Evdokia Vorobyova (1768 - 1836) - nee Volkova, in some sources - Yankovskaya; opera artist (soprano).
  8. Evdokia Elagina (1789 - 1877) - nee - Yushkova, by first marriage - Kireyevskaya; mother I.V. and P.V.Kireevskikh, hostess of the famous social and literary salon, translator.
  9. Evdokia Glinka - Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, wife of F.N. Glinka.
  10. Avdotya Golitsyna (1780 - 1850) - née Izmailova, known by the nicknames “princesse Nocturne” (“night princess”) and “princesse Minuit” (“princess of midnight”); princess, one of the most beautiful women of her time, the owner of a literary salon. Until 1809 - the wife of Prince S.M. Golitsyn, owner of the Kuzminki estate.
  11. Evdokia Mikhailova (1746 - 1807] - actress, opera (soprano) and drama artist, one of the first Russian dramatic actresses; mother of actress E.V. Mikhailova.
  12. Evdokia Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna are a comic pop duo of actors Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov, which existed in the USSR from 1971 to 1985.
  13. Evdokia Panaeva (1820 - 1893) - Russian writer and memoirist.
  14. Evdokia Smirnova (born 1969) - screenwriter, TV presenter, film director, author of numerous articles and essays.

Evdokia in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language Dunya is translated as - Eudoxia, in German: Eudokia, in Italian: Eudossia, in Danish: Eudokia, in French: Eudoxie.

Names and their meanings depend not only on the origin, but also on the time of year when the child was born. We recommend reading how a name influences character and destiny and familiarizing yourself with the list of names suitable for all zodiac signs.

It is important to know what a name means so that it is harmoniously combined with its owner - in sound and phonosemantic significance.

Dunya... This name appeared in my life suddenly, out of nowhere, as if out of thin air, or from the depths of my family, historical memory. Although even my great-grandmother, God bless her, does not remember women in our family with that name.

Pregnancy is a slightly mystical time for a woman. It was then that this strange name for our family arose. Rolling around in my tongue and in my mind “Dunya, Dunyasha, Dusya, Duska...”, I simply could not imagine any other name for my child.

Of course, it turned out to be a girl. Having endured many wars with family and friends, as well as their acquaintances, I still named my newborn daughter that.

Soul, Donya, Doki, Eudoxia or, as in some foreign languages- Eudokia.

Evdokia- translated from ancient Greek - favor, goodness, goodness. Who doesn't want this for their family? So the now grown-up Blago lives with us.

The name came to Russia from Byzantium along with Christianity. Among the people it has become more popular as Avdotya or Ovdotya. By the way, the widespread opinion is that this is a purely peasant name - a literary cliche. Just the rapid development of literature in Russia at the end of the 18th and in 19th centuries, which came down to us, coincided with the spread of this name in the villages. In the cities among the townspeople and in high society by this time other names began to predominate. It is precisely the cross-section of that time that is reflected in the literature that is so well known to us. And initially the name Evdokia prevailed among the nobility - there were Dunks and Lopukhins, and Rostopchins, and Romanovs.

The people’s love for the name Evdokia was not accidental; Evdokia had 12 name days a year - this was called in honor of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia, Grand Duchess Moscow, extremely revered by the Russian people.

Nowadays it is rarely remembered that Evdokia was the wife of the famous Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy. The couple faced many trials. And the fire that practically destroyed Moscow, and the subsequent epidemics, the war with the Lithuanians and the invasion of the Tatars. But, having lived, according to contemporaries, a happy family and spiritual life, not only did she not lose her fortitude and virtue, which had been inherent in her since childhood. According to the surviving chronicles, it is known that she helped and strengthened the spirit not only of her husband and family, but also ordinary people- in deed, in word.

After the death of her husband (who, despite the fact that the eldest son was 17 years old, a considerable age for that time, bequeathed the reign to his wife), Evdokia ruled Moscow wisely and virtuously. And then, having transferred the reign to her son and renouncing all benefits and wealth, she devoted herself to serving God. She possessed the gift of miracles. There were legends miraculous healing. She became a saint during her lifetime. The Russian people revered St. Evdokia as the intercessor of the Russian land.

March 14 is another reason to remember Evdokia. According to the old style, the first day of spring is March 1, and according to the new style, it was celebrated in Rus' New Year— Ovsen Maly. It was celebrated widely - a new time was coming, field work began. After the adoption of Christianity, the pagan holiday became the day of Saint Eudoxia - in the minds of the people she became a symbol of Spring, life, renewal.

This is the “simple” and “difficult” name Dunya, Evdokia.

Today, many are interested in how to address a woman, who in everyday life is called Aunt Dusya, respectfully by her first name and patronymic. The full name from the diminutive cannot always be easily guessed. And in order to determine the name of this or that person according to his passport, sometimes you need to really rack your brain.

Reasons for the appearance of abbreviated names

As a child, it is quite inconvenient to call your baby by his full name. And the desire to put emotion, tenderness, and love into the address pushes adults to choose a different, less formal version. That is why children are often addressed using diminutive names, short ones, and not those registered in documents.

Often they “stick” to a person for life. And adult uncles and aunts continue to call each other: Tanya, Sasha, Zhenya, Sveta, Lyusya, Dusya. The full name is only used at work or in other formal settings.

Nickname from childhood

Is there an indisputable rule for forming a diminutive name from a full name? The answer cannot be clear-cut. There are definitely rules. But this fact is interesting: according to sociological surveys, people who admitted that their loved ones call them Dusya had the full name Evdokia, Daria, Diana, Ida, Ada, Yadviga, Lydia, Fedosya, Yavdokha, Fedora, Dulcinea, Dunia, Dalila, Damira , Avdotya, Lyudmila, Radmila.

There is even a young man among them, whose parents call Dusya! His full name is Andrey. But as a child, he had trouble pronouncing the word “Andryusha.” Instead, he came up with a funny “Dusya.” And so the nickname stuck to the boy.

And who has the right to forbid parents to call their offspring as they want: Chanterelle, Mushroom, Hedgehog, Mutenechka, Lapushka, Deer, Kuleya, Yaleya? As everyone knows, a parent’s fantasy has no boundaries.

Method of forming a diminutive name ending in "-usya"

Among Russian-speaking peoples, many names used to communicate with children or loved ones are sometimes formed by using part of the full name with the addition of “-usya” at the end. This is how you get from Maria, Marina or Marianna Marusya, from Tamara - Tomusya, from Lydia - Lidusya, from Lyudmila - Lyudusya, from Tatyana - Tatusya, from Natalya - Natusya, from Ruslana - Rusya.

The second option is to add “-usya” to the first consonant of the name. So, for example, Nyusi appeared from Ann, Musi from Marus, Marin, Militin, Milen-Rusi from Radmil, Regin-Lucy from Lyudmil, Lucien-Dusi from Id, Hell, Jadwig, Darius, Dalil, Dian, Dulcinea.

“Legalized” origin of the name Dusya

Meanwhile, there are sources that specifically indicate the full variants from which certain diminutive forms have the right to be formed. It says nothing about the fact that Lyudmila, Lydia, Dulcinea, Daria can also be called Dusya. After all, traditionally it was Ida, Jadviga, Avdotya and Evdokia who officially had such an abbreviated form. Dusya, by the way, has synonyms Dunya, Dunyasha. In some places, Evdokia may be called Dosya and even Donya.

The female name Dusya, formed from Evdokia and Avdotya, apparently also appeared on the principle of adding the ending “-usya” to the first consonants. But the inconvenience in pronouncing the word “Vdusya” led to its transformation into “Dusya”.

So, from the above it is clear that using the abbreviated diminutive version it is not always possible to accurately determine what full name was assigned to a person at his birth, as he is registered in documents. Not every Dusya will be happy if you address her by the name Evdokia. After all, she could easily be Ida, Ada, Dulcinea, Delilah, Daria, Diana, Lydia or even Jadwiga.

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