Double consonants at the end of a word. Double consonants

1. Replace the phrase with one word.

* Making designs from glued or sewn pieces

paper, fabric.

* Device, technical device.

* Great desire to eat food.

* Belts, ropes for controlling horses.

* A substance from microscopic fungi that causes fermentation.

Words are helpers: a......etit, vo......i, a......arat, dro......and, a......lication.

2. Read the words. Write them down alphabetically, separating them for transfer. How do you understand the expression “fresh press”?

Applique, trolleybus, press, hippopotamus, tennis, score, commentary, metals, racks.

3. Read and guess the riddle.

Warm water splashes

on cast iron banks.

Guess, remember:

What kind of sea is in the room? (B__ __ ___a,)

Write down the riddle and the answer. A word with a double consonant is divided for hyphenation.

Gru pp ah, gri pp, A pp arat, and pp lication, and pp awesome, Fili pp.

Ho kk to her, and kk urate, and kk hord.

Dro LJ and, in LJ and, zhu LJ ah, mo LJ evelnik.

Co. ll active, and ll hey, Kiri ll, A ll a, e ll a, ta ll in, mi ll ion, co ll lecture, and ll justration, and ll jumination, meta ll, tro ll eybus, bree ll iant, Chipo ll ino, mi ll imeter, vi ll a, bah ll He.

Gra mm atika, telegra mm ah, su mm ah, kilogram mm, gra mm, E mm ah, Ri mm A.

That NN a, wa NN and those NN IS, A NN a, I NN a, but NN ah, Zha NN ah, Suza NN a, Ge NN adiy, ra NN yy, long NN oh, morning NN oh, ose NN yay, weight NN yay, podoko NN ik, odi NN hello, foliage NN Itsa, Kolo NN a, ante NN A.

Ma ss ah, ka ss And what ss e, cla ss, pa ss Azhir, Komi ss and I, ss ora, ba ss ein, ra ss kaz, ra ss vet, cro ss, prof ss op, ru ss cue, cla ss ik, daffodils ss, lawsuit ss yours, Ro ss Iya, Novoro ss Iysk, Ode ss ah, warm up ss, express ss, compre ss, A ss istent, rezhi ss er, compromise ss, process ss.

Those pp history, ne pp he, those pp asa, co pp respondent, co pp section, those pp op.

Su bb ota.

E ff ect, su ff X.

Sa bb A.

Charlot tt A.

5. Write down the words in alphabetical order: first proper names, and then the rest of the words. Underline the doubled consonants and the spelling - the capital letter in proper names.

Perron, Inna, class, Alla, alley, Kirill, neat, Anna, Philip, hockey.

6. Strip for transfer.

Alley, program, cavalry, highway, passenger, application, buzzing, yeast, cashier, grammar, apparatus.

7. Read. What topic are these words about? Compose and write down 3 sentences on the topic “At the station”. Highlight the doubled consonant.

Saturday, class, excursion, museum, station, ticket office, platform, tickets, electric train, carriages, passengers..

8. Selective dictation. Write down words with double consonants. Emphasize them.

During a Russian language lesson, teacher Alla Sergeevna dictates words with double consonants. The guys write: balloon, certificate, collection, attraction. After the Russian language lesson there will be a physical education lesson. The guys will run cross-country along the school alley.

(According to A. Foroshchuk).

9. Emphasize double consonants. Form and write words that answer the questions Which? which? which? which?

Early - …………………, …………………., ……………….. .

Morning - …………………., …………………., ……………….. .

Spring - …………………., …………………., ……………….. .

1. Early spring has arrived.

2. Saturday is a day off.

3. Anna has a good collection of butterflies.

4. In the morning they brought a telegram.

5. A group of guys from our class visited the museum.

10. Copy the text, inserting the consonants N or NN where necessary.

The weight has come...ah. Snowdrops and other colorful flowers appeared. Summer will pass. The heavenly golden axis will come. The wasp's sun will still shine tenderly. But every day it will get colder, the first morning frosts will begin.

Emphasize doubled consonants.

11. Read. Make up the correct combinations of words and write them down. Underline the doubled consonants.

urgent class

spelling friendly

the alley is complicated

shady program

familiar telegram.

Name the words that have a common element - “gram”. What does it mean? What other words with this element do you know?

12. Insert the consonants PP, KK, LJ.

Gru......a, dro......i, ho......ey, gri......,, a......arat, a......uratny, a......lication, a......ord, mo......evelnik, a ……fucking, in……and, Fili…… .

13. Insert the consonants LL, MM, NN.

Dli......y, gra......atika, wa......a,, Ri......a,, Kiri......, su......a, A......a,, Ge ......adiy, But......a, mi......ion, I......a, co......section, Zha......a, A......a, E......a, Suza......a, and......justration, odi ......adsat, telegra......a, meta......, ose......ii, gri......, tro...eibus, then......a, and......jumination, weight......ii, kilogram......, morning......ii, co……active, ra……i.

14. Insert the consonants SS, RR, BB, FF, TT, BB.

Ma......a, ka......a, sho......e, Ode......a, cla......, pa......azhir, Sa......a, Komi......iya,,......ora, su ......ix, ba......ein, ra......kaz, te......asa, cro......, prof......or, te......itory, eh......ekt,, cla......ik, lawsuit... ...your, su......ota, narci......, Ro......iya, Novoro......iysk, Sharlo......a, pe......on.

15. Guess the riddles, write the answers.

* As always, needle and green,

I look quite similar to a Christmas tree.

But relatives, in fact,

Cypress and thuja for me.

(M - - - - - - - - - - - .)

* There is no fire on the river,

Burning over the river……. .

(R - - - - - -)

* What kind of room is this -

Very light, big,

Desks in straight rows,

And at the desks - we ourselves?

16. Vocabulary dictation.

Anna, bath, sum, mass, class, Russia, Russian, Alla, alley, group.

Cool, early, autumn, spring, morning, slow.

17. Write it down in one word.

1. School premises (classroom).

2. Day of the week (Saturday).

3. One of the types of ball games (tennis).

4. Playing on ice with skates (hockey).

5. Place where tickets are sold (box office).

6. Road with rows of trees on the sides (alley).

7. Road covered with asphalt (highway).

8. Female names (Alla, Anna, Rimma, Zhanna, Inna).

18. Vocabulary dictation.

Autumn day, spring wind, morning frost, early vegetables, Russian language, cool magazine, Saturday evening, eleven years.

19. Selective dictations.

1. The jokes died down in the younger group,

Lost appetite.

Mishutka got the flu -

The doctor threatens with vaccinations.

2. Inna slowly stood up,

Hearing the early bird cry.

I yawned eleven times

I wiped my eyes sleepily,

Afterwards I took a bath.

And, of course, I was late

For a spring matinee.

3. Saturday in a shady park

went to Alla Kirill, carried


He looked through the collection

carefully in the morning

brought them back in the spring.

20. Visual dictations.

1. The autumn wind rises in the forests,

It's noisy going through the thicket.

(I. Bunin)

2. Made a gray bunny

Ears are too long.

(A. Barto)

3. In a cozy, spacious classroom

There is silence in the morning.

4. It was a cheerful day

Early spring.

5. Lady on the Wire

It goes like a telegram.

6. Lots of fun on the road

The passenger is seven years old...

7. The autumn moon is bright,

The lace alley sleeps.

8. The school is quiet and bright

At this early hour.

Through the window glass

The branches look straight into the classroom.

(S. Marshak)

21. Creative dictations.

I. Compose and write down a story of 4-5 sentences using the given words.


Saturday, group of guys, class, museum, ticket office, cashier, tickets;

guide, interesting story;

rich collection.

O g o r o d.

Spring day; seedling; long beds; excellent harvest.

III. Form other words from these words so that they contain -НН-.

Autumn - autumn, spring, antiquity, length, stone, lemon, sleep, window, desert, horse.

22 Form and write down adjectives.

Co......section, gra......atica, co......ective, tro......eybus, mi......ion.

23 Replace the phrase with one word.

* Acute viral disease.

* An executive person who maintains order in everything.

* Several objects or people located close

from each other or connected together.

* Combination of several musical sounds of different pitches

* Produce a monotonous rattling sound, whistling noise.

Words are helpers: a......curate, gr......, a......ord,, gr......a.

24. Guess the riddles of Anatoly Arsirius. Say the words of the answer syllable by syllable and write it down. Indicate the spelling. Divide the words - guesses for transfer. Make up sentences with one of them and write them down.

1. I have two To, Do not forget,

always be like me:

I'm precise, clean, and neat,

in other words - ……………..

2. He is always at the station,

trains approach it

double R it contains

and is called ……………. .

3. The riddle is simple and easy:

I always write in two To ;

Hit both the ball and the puck with your stick,

and my name is …………..

25. Read the titles of the books. Do you know their authors? Which of these books are you already familiar with? Write down the names of the books (they are written in quotation marks), underline the doubled consonants.

"Rikki - Tikki - Tavi"

"Pippi Longstocking"

"Winnie the Pooh and everything - everything - everything"

"The Adventures of Cipollino."

Hint: Rudyard Kipling, Astrid Lingren, Alan Milne, Gianni Rodari.

26. Insert double consonants.

Long......y, ro......iyskoe, va......chka, ma......ovoe, a......ordnaya, ho......eyny,, su......otnik, ra......yaya, a......etitny, graphic......atic, group......ipovalised, for e......ekta, cla......icheskoe, os....ii, weight......yaya, ka......ovy, sho......eynaya, pa......azhirskoe, ra......kaz , A….points.

27. Copy the words. Explain the spelling of one and two letters n.

Spring - spring, autumn - autumn, length - long, early - early, stone - stone, lemon - lemon, sleep - sleepy, telephone - telephone, window - window, fog - foggy, nebula.

28. Select the root and suffix. Explain the spelling of one and two letters n.

At the horse-drawn, desert, to the eggplant, behind the long, spring, on the carriage, in the stone, with a suitcase, spring, pasta, to the suitcase, from the balcony, lawn, in the booth, balcony.

29. Open the brackets. Explain the spelling of one and or two n.

Beto(n,nn)oe, card(n,nn)ka, empty(n,nn)aya, balo(n,nn)aya, ko(n,nn)b, telefo(n,nn), ra(n ,nn)him, weight(n,nn)imi, with diva(n,nn)yh, makaro(n,nn)y, ose(n,nn)b, ra(n,nn)o, baraba(n, nn)aya, with lemon(n,nn)th, in stone(n,nn)th, beam(n,nn)chick, at weight(n,nn)him.

30. Remember all the words you covered with double consonants LL, MM. Open parenthesis.

Co(l,ll)ective, gra(m,mm)atika, a(l,ll)oe, a(l,ll)ea, Kiri(l,ll), po(l,ll)kovnik, telegra(m) ,mm)a, A(l,ll)a, co(l,ll)section, so(l,ll)onka, ki(ll,l)o(m,mm)eters, tra(mm,m)vay , Ri(m,mm)a, Di(mm,m)a.

31. Creative work.

Come up with and write down the text of the telegram (1-2 sentences), include 1-2 words with double consonants in the root.

32. Read the names and surnames of famous foreign authors of literary fairy tales. Name the famous fairy tales that these authors wrote. Write it down, underline the doubled consonants and the spelling - capital letter in proper names and surnames.

The Brothers Grimm (Wilhelm and Jacob), Charles Perrault, Selma Ottilie Lagerlöf, Joel Harris.

33. Fill in the missing letters.

Swimming pool, a huge the......history, and......justifications for the fairy tale, a collection of......stamps, a friendly team.......

34. Copy words with double consonants from S. Bondarenko’s couplet.

1. If there is a lot of litter in the house,

A quarrel may break out in the house.

2. Salt and cereals are needed,

To cook porridge for the group.

3. Today there will be a “cinema panorama”.

What an interesting program!

4. It’s more pleasant to find a mushroom under the tree,

How to get a sore throat or flu.

Divide words with double consonants for hyphenation. In which couplets did you hear the same sounding words? How do you write them down? Explain.

35. Open the brackets.

Kla(s,ss), ve(s,ss)na, pa(s,ss)azhir, mi(s,ss)iya, plya(s,ss)ka, so(s,ss)na, ba(s ,ss)ein, (s,ss)ofa, ra(s,ss)kaz, o(s,ss)en, ru(s,ss)kiy, profe(s,ss)or, but(s,ss) ok, ka(s,ss)ka, ka(s,ss)a, shaking(s,ss)ka, sho(s,ss)e, narci(s,ss), Novoro(s,ss)isk, Ro (s,ss)iya, Mo(s,ss)qua, anana(s,ss).

36. Form and write adjectives.

Dro......and, gr......a, ho......ey, a......urtness.

Replace the phrases with one word.

A person with great internal culture.

An urgent message sent by telegraph.

Explanatory drawing.

Units of mass measurement.

Decorative lighting of parks, streets, on the occasion of some celebration.

Helping words: kilogra…., gra……., then…..a, telegra……a, and……jumination, inte…..agent, and…….justration.

37. Creative dictations.

Class, excursion, group, autumn leaves, collection, story

Anna, telegram, cash register, visit, spring flowers.

Make up sentences using these words.

38. Educational dictations.

Yesterday our class was in the park. Beautiful autumn park! The guys collected autumn leaves. In Russian language class we made up a story about autumn. (23 words)

Our class.

I'm in second grade. We have a friendly team. On Saturday, a group of children held a matinee. They wrote a story about this in a cool newspaper. (24 words)

39. Preventive dictation with visual preparation.

Read it. Which words have double consonants? ? Underline these consonants. What other spellings did you see? Label them. Take dictation.

1. In Africa there are sharks, in Africa there are gorillas, in Africa there are big angry crocodiles…. (K. Chukovsky)

2. Here is a telegram from a hippopotamus! (K. Chukovsky)

3. We have four Asya, four Vasya, five Marus and two Petrovs in the class. (A. Barto)

Open the book, check yourself.

40. Take dictation. Underline the doubled consonants.

The hippopotamus is a powerful animal.

His body weight is more than two tons.

And one ton is a thousand kilograms.

And with such weight, the hippopotamus is very fast

swims and dives well!

41. Explain the spelling of one and two letters.

Give in to your sister - go to the mountains, hold a hammer - support a friend, forge a document - do gymnastics, give in to the heat - give an idea.

42. Open the brackets. Explain the spelling of one or two letters.

Un(z,zz)working, un(z,zz)uchny, ra(s,ss)pad, (s,ss)oda, po(d,dd) removable, ra(z,zz)adorit, ra(s) ,ss)kaz, without(z,zz)dna, (s,ss)ora, po(d,dd)arit, ra(s,ss)olnik, o(t,tt)optat, s(t,tt) aschil, ra(z, zz) burn, ra(s, ss) drilled, o(t, tt) ayat, be(s, ss) urgent.

43. Write words with the same root and one letter n

Early - ………, spring - …………, autumn - …………,

long - …………., foggy - …………….

44. The vowels “escaped” from the words. Restore the words.

PP - gr...pp..., gr...pp, ...pp...r...t, ...ppl...k...c..., ...pp...t...t, Fi...l...pp.

KK -,, ...kk...rd.

LJ – dr...zh..., v...zh..., w...zh...t, m...zh...v...flax...k.

LL - k...ll...kt...v, ...ll......, K...r...ll, ...ll..., T...ll...n, m...ll......n, k...ll...kts... …, ...ll…str…t……. .

MM -,,,, .

BB - S...vv... .

TT - .

45. Selective dictation with preparation. Read it. Fill in the missing letters and open the brackets. Indicate spelling patterns, explain spellings, write only words with a double consonant.

Dre (ss, s)ist and le...

“How meek: (without) a command - step….

That’s how I tamed him, the damn thing!”

That's how the dre (ss, s)ist (po) thought about

Le... reasoned, by the way, like this:

“How brave! No fucking... yeah...

If only he were not so clever and brave,

I would oblige him... but I... ate!”

(A. Shibaev)

46. ​​Page - test. Open the brackets.

Kla(s,ss), weight(nn,n)yaya, pa(s,ss)azhir, ka(s,ss)a, ose(nn)yaya, a(l,ll)ya, tro(ll,l )eybus, do(k,kk)tor, balaga(nn,n), ra(n,nn)iy, ra(n,nn)ka, co(l,ll)section, ra(z,zz)loaded, Ro(s,ss)iya, let(nn,)iy, (s,ss)ora, Ode(s,ss)a,

kame(n,nn)oy, makaro(n,nn)y.

47. Warning dictation with continuation. Visual preparation. Read the text. Find words with a double consonant at the root of the word. What other spellings did you find in the text? Explain the spelling.

In one zoo, a small gorilla refused to eat. The director of the zoo volunteered to save the animal.

Every day in front of the cage he ate a delicious lunch with gusto. Soon the monkey began to imitate the man.

And the director is now losing weight.

(based on materials from the magazine “Klepa”)

Write down the text from dictation. Identify all familiar spellings. Come up with a continuation of the text of 1-2 sentences. Include the word kilogram. Check what you wrote.

48. Dictation - text.

In su bb otu ra NN im in the morning A ll and Kiri ll ova walked along a narrow path near a kk urate green fence. Behind the bushes LJ meta was visible ll ical roof of a country house. Coming soon A ll and married those pp history of the village of Chashniki and walked along the bank of the Smorodinka River. Ma grew in the meadow ss and flowers. Zhu LJ or bees. The meadow seemed beautiful pp lication or colorful and ll illustration from a children's book. There was a gru standing by the water pp and weeping willows with long NN with flexible branches. A ll and dived into the water. I rose up ll splash ion. Have a good morning NN no swimming! (72 words)

If a student made mistakes in the highlighted spellings, then there are gaps in the study of the topic “Double Consonants”. To eliminate them, you need to continue doing exercises on this topic.

49. Guess the riddles and write the answers.

Christmas tree or not a Christmas tree?

Green needle,

And not a peg at all! (L - - - - - - - - - - .)

I become myself in captivity of fire.

There wouldn't be a world without me

No bicycles, no machines,

No cars, no skates. (M - - - - - .)

A steeplejack stands on the roof

And catches news for us. (A - - - - - - .)

This eye is a special eye

He will quickly look at you -

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you. (F - - - - - - - - - - .)

50. Replace the words with opposite meanings with words with a double consonant.

Sloppy, tasteless, evening, sunset, late.

Words are helpers: morning….iy, a…..uratny, ra…..iy, a…..etitnyy, ra…

51. Dictation - preparation.


On a ll her in the bushes LJ An old pine tree fell over the tree. How to remove it kk hurriedly? She has a long NN th trunk. She weighs more than that NN s. Ra NN im overweight NN im in the morning Kiri ll and Ge NN Adiy took a saw and began to cut down the tree. I'm chewing in the meadow LJ or the first insects. According to sho ss Rare cars passed by. Kiri ll and Ge NN adiy sawed the tree and removed it from the ll ee. Left ma ss and sawdust. Sawers a kk they removed them quickly pp history.

If a student makes mistakes in the highlighted spelling, he needs to write down the words in which the mistakes were made and select words of the same root for them.

52. Dictation - test.

Autumn time.

Days of ra NN it's autumn in Ro ss and they are very beautiful. Sometimes in the morning the fog spreads over the NN oh valley. Ma ss and bright leaves cover the grass, paths, paths, and ll hey, sho ss e. Mi ll Leaf ions still remained on the branches. In the rays of the sun NN my foliage, how wonderful and ll jumination. Growing at the edge of the forest pp and green Christmas trees. YU NN aty E mm ah, Zha NN a, and Sa bb and on those pp history of forest school kk carefully remove leaves. Kiri's friends are on the set ll and Fili pp play those NN is. Length NN on winter evenings they will play ho kk to her. (74 words)

If a student makes more than four mistakes in spelling a double consonant, then it is necessary to repeat the rules and exercises.

Words with double consonants are some of the most difficult to spell. The thing is that these letters are not pronounced as a pair. As a rule, only one sound sounds in their place. Hence the difficulty - the inability to notice the spelling. That is why spelling of words with double consonants begins in elementary school and ends only in the 7th grade. There are quite a lot of rules governing this spelling: they relate to the spelling of various parts of the word. Particular attention should be paid to those words where doubled consonants are at the junction of morphemes.


Words with a root, as a rule, belong to the category of dictionary words (their spelling should be remembered). In Russian this combination is LJ And ss.

So, the words “burning”, as well as “reins” or “yeast” must be remembered - they do not obey any rule. Here you need to be especially careful and keep in mind that consonants - zg(d)/-zzh-, when pronouncing [zh] for a long time, you should still write [zzh]. Eg: squeals(name, unit) - you squeal[zh]i.

As for the combination - ss-, then it is used in the word “quarrel” and words derived from it ( quarrel). You should also write - ss- fundamentally - Ross-: Russia, Western Russian, Little Russia.

It should be remembered that - rus- should be written with one - With-, if there is no suffix after it - sk-: Russologist, But Russian. Exception - Belarus.

Don't forget about numbers. So, in the word “eleven” the root is written double n. The thing is that the lexeme came from the phrase eleven(ten).

At the junction of prefix and root

Words with double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root are quite numerous in the Russian language. There are several rules to consider here.

Firstly, if the first sound of the root is voiced, at the end of the prefix it is necessary to use the letter denoting the voiced sound: starless, provoke, threshold.

Here, too, alternation plays an important role, so the word “heartburn” will not be written double and(even though it can be heard) because there is a special alternation.

And the exact opposite principle: a double voiceless consonant is used if the root begins with a voiceless consonant: b sleeplessness,disperse, shameless, run out. It is important to adhere to the basic principle of using double consonants: they can only be used in pairs, and never in threes. If it involves the confluence of three identical letters side by side, one of them is truncated.

Let's look at an example: quarreled. This word is derived from the verb quarreled using the attachment dis-. Accordingly, there should be three in a row With: two from the root argue and one from the console dis-. However, according to the well-known principle of spelling, one of them is truncated.

It should be remembered that in the word “calculation” one is written With. The same rule applies to derived words, for example: prudent, calculated.

In the suffix

Words with double consonants in the suffix are adjectives and participles. So, words like provocative or cranberry will be written with double n. It's all about the suffixes - enn- And - he N-.

Let's give an example of 3 more words with double consonants in the suffix: constitutional, positional, revolutionary. Please note that all these adjectives are formed from s from nouns to - tion: constitution, position, revolution.

Two -n- have three exception words in the suffix: glass, tin, wood.

In adjectives starting with - bathed and derivatives from them (for example, adverbs) are also written double - n-(exception words - forged, chewed): stuffed, pampered, uprooted, excited (excitedly),

As for participles, the suffix occurs in these parts of speech -nn-. It takes place if the word in front of us is in the past tense. People often get confused with this rule, because data can be distinguished from verbal adjectives, which are written with one letter n.

Let's look at similar words with double consonants. Examples are: read book book read all evening(participle) - finished book(participle). Another example: wounded soldier(verbal adjective) - soldier wounded in heavy battle(participle) - wounded soldier.

Looking at these examples, it is easy to conclude that the double participle -n- A suffix is ​​distinguished by the presence of dependent words or prefixes. These signs may be present both collectively and individually: soldier wounded in heavy battle.

At the border between root and suffix

Words with double consonants can have them at the junction of the root and the suffix. This applies, first of all, to adjectives and adverbs formed from them. Teachers claim that this rule is where students get confused most often.

For example, let’s look at word-formation chains: fog - foggy - foggy. As you can see, the adjective foggy is formed from a noun whose stem ends in -n-. hence the double consonant in the word, which remains in the adverb formed from the adjective - foggy.

Sleep - sleepy - sleepy- here there is also the formation of an adjective from a noun with a base on -n- using the same suffix ( sleepy). Moreover, double n is also present in the adverb.

Another case when a double consonant stands at the junction of a root and a suffix - a word with a root -sk-. Only in this version will it be written -ss-. For example: Odessa - Odessa(third -With- cut down according to the principle of the impossibility of combining three identical consonants); Gudermes - Gudermes; Rus - Russian, Kotlas - Kotlas. As you can see, the rule applies to all kinds of toponyms.

Dictionary loanwords

Dictionary words with double consonants, as a rule, belong to the category of foreign languages. It should be remembered that in derivatives of these lexemes the doubled letter remains.

Here are some examples:

- group - group;

- compromise - compromise;

- score - ten points;

- ton - two-ton;

- corrosion - anti-corrosion;

- mass - massive.

Algorithm for writing and transferring

To correctly write a word with a double vowel, you must:

  1. Determine which part of the word it is in.
  2. Find out how this word is formed.
  3. Check if the consonant is at the junction of morphemes.
  4. Determine the part of speech (participle or verbal adjective).
  5. Find out the lexical meaning. The fact is that there are words in which the doubled consonant at the junction of the root and the prefix depends on the meaning. These are, for example: fake(copy) - and craft(self-made product). In the first case, two letters d at the junction of morphemes, and in the second - a prefix By-. Another example: run around(run several times) - run around(to be in several places in a short time). In the first word there is a prefix O-, in the second - about-

The hyphenation of words with double consonants is subject to the following rule: one letter remains on the line, the second goes to the next one: morning, dedicated, foggy, angry.

Place in school course

In the school course, the topic of double consonants is introduced gradually: in elementary school, children are introduced to dictionary words and their derivatives, such as “group”, “gram”. Also, younger schoolchildren learn the rules for carrying them.

Further, in secondary school, when studying morphology, the topic is introduced when studying the spelling of a particular part of speech. In grades 8-9, the studied material is consolidated, systematized (for example, the topic “N and NN in various parts of speech”), and knowledge is deepened (analysis of the most difficult cases).

It should be noted that in the GIA and Unified State Exam tests one of the questions is always devoted to this topic.

Today, all of us who have gone through a modern comprehensive school habitually read spelling “edifications”, such as:

However, at the same time, those who know do not forget how they used to write without spaces at all. Imagine, today we write prefixes together with the root, and prepositions separately. And earlier, when prefixes and prepositions (and everything!) were written together, in continuous text, HOW to distinguish in continuous text, for example, the prefix “ at» ( pier) from the preposition " at» ( at the camp…)?..

It is clear that they were guided by meanings and meanings. But what and how did they think about this when there were no spellings with spaces, when there were no spelling rules like today, when they focused more on meaning?

It is clear that no one (even those who are not literate) deliberately wrote two identical consonants, that they actually appeared at the border of parts of words. This means you need to see these boundaries and understand.

It is also clear that the modern Russian language develops, through formal rules and new word creation, the previous established logic and individual traditions.

But why was it necessary to lose meanings, without which the whole is destroyed!?

Double consonants are obtained if two identical consonants appear next to each other in different parts of a word (for example, in a prefix and a root): underD + Hold, OT + Drag, Ras + Build etc.

(In fact, the prefix here is “Raz”, not “ras”, but more on that later.)

It’s a pity that now even prefixes and roots turn into almost “signs”, without meaning, with some kind of conventional meaning. But in Antiquity it was different: what we now read as “ support", the ancient intelligent ancestors read meaningfully as “Under Hold” (i.e. “to hold the basis, basis, essence, foundation”), where “Under” is a name, and not some kind of service unit of language, some "prefix".

And further. There is something to think about here, why this is done.

When we combine two bricks to make one large brick, then in life we ​​remember that the brick is “double.” Even when we attach another brick to this double brick.

But such common sense does not apply to the strange world of modern linguistics, where logical chains are very short, and even then only formal. In addition, some kind of “sclerosis” interferes: therefore, where there were just two bricks, suddenly only one is seen. We're not kidding. Here's an example:

And they get a new education, not related to the previous one: “ calculate+calculate", and not as it actually appears: " race+s+read", while maintaining consistency and continuity in origin.

This is not “academic nonsense” at all, but a methodical formation in the minds of those mastering the Russian language of incoherent logical chains, suspended as if in emptiness, i.e. actually torn off from the living, unshakable foundation of the Living Russian Language and Living Russian Speech. Why oppose one to the other when they are clearly connected in continuity and meaning?

C + Even = Count, Ras + Even = Ra With even

Without + With + Even = Be zs honest

(And in this place, only by the artificial assumption of the language reformers of 1917, the prefix “non-existent in the Russian language” is written demon", resulting in the modern " countless", to the laughter of all sane people who discern stupid subtext and know how to read what is written, and not what is made up: " demon countable"!).

The same situation applies to other similar words:

Ras + C + Triple = Ra ss triple(although in fact here it is necessary “ Ra zs triple" based on the real prefix "Raz").

Without+With+Fatal(from Rock) = Be ss fatal(pre-reform: “ Be zs fatal»)…

Introduction of “false prefixes” Ras-" And " Demon-", along with real prefixes " Once-" And " Without-”, in fact, does not result in the “ordering and development of language”, as the reformers wanted, but in the destruction of ancient living meanings in Language and Speech, where every sound, every letter has meaning!

It’s the same here, as a result of the “simplification” reform, i.e. compounds of “normal” words formed by prefixes (such as “Woz+Zha” = Vo zzh A), with those that can be classified as “onomatopoeic” (such as Zhu LJ at).

Although “prefix, prepositions, suffixes” are all quite conventional things for the Living Language (in Antiquity they meant living words, independent ones, and not some kind of “additional parts”), this is not what we are talking about.

The meaning of a word, according to an artificial rule, is nevertheless destroyed and removed. What remains is an incomprehensible but “progressive” neoplasm: “ rein", the spelling of which must now be remembered according to the new rule.

In case of " yeast“It’s also not very clear why one option was chosen, although there are other, more meaningful options (see Dahl’s dictionary): Dro railway and, Dro zzh And. In our opinion, an unspoiled option: Drozzhi, as a more typical case, because we know a lot of such words in the Russian language, where exactly this combination occurs: in zzh And, in and zzh here, there zzh dude zzh ah...

"Juniper" also has the same more meaningful version: mo zzh ear.

It seems that the same situation is with “ LJ tion": this word comes from the original versions, which most likely had " ZZH" But let's not guess.

And, as a conclusion, it is no coincidence that this sound combination ZZh (“ZaZh”), which refers, if it’s a pun, to everything that “ Z A AND izn"! And this is in almost all words that do not have simple onomatopoeia.

And one gets the impression that the selection from the commonly used options was made according to the principle of “as bad and incomprehensible as possible.”

This is what can be said today about the rule, which, according to modern spelling, suggests writing formally, without comprehension LJ.

Ss ora- this noun actually comes from the form “ argument» ( rubbish): you remember well the phraseological unit “ don't wash dirty linen out of the house" Apparently, a situation has been recorded where conflict begins small, “with rubbish.”

They now simply want to include a kind of “neologism” here: Russian, formed through Western (in particular, Polish borrowings of the 17th-18th centuries) forms of word formation relatively recently, at a time when the previous names were removed at the turn of the 18th century " Tartary», « RU sya " And " RU ss and I» (« Rus+Siya" - from Rus with other similar relatives, like: “ Po+Rus+Siya", modern Pru ss and I). When written in continuous text, without spaces, the title was unambiguous “ Rus", but with a kind of adjective form " Siya” (“shining, radiant” - because in Antiquity, as is known from the remaining old handwritten books, scribes very often wrote well-known and frequently repeated concepts in abbreviated form!).

Foreign words, since they were introduced into the Russian language, memorize them as is customary now (including for passing tests and exams): A ll her, and pp Arat, Komi ss yeah, those NN is, ho bb and, to mm ersant, uh ff ect, those pp history, oh kk upation, co tt edj, zha NN A…

We won't touch them. They themselves will die out and go out of use as the Native Speech revives.

But we must remember that among them there are also ones that seem to be ours, but have been preserved in other countries, i.e. ancient words common to many peoples, such as: Drama(“Before Ram”), etc. Naturally, they cannot contain double consonants.

1. The doubled word is used in the roots of native Russian words (reins, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper) and some of the same roots (burnt, buzzing, juniper, etc.).

2. Doubling other consonants in native Russian words is possible only at the junction of morphemes and components of compound words.

For example, at the junction of prefix and root: introduction, uprising, pull away, pry; root and suffix: Russian, cast iron, rushed.

Contains complex abbreviated words: maternity hospital, Obllegprom, Mosselmash.


1. It is necessary to pay attention to the spelling of words like squeal, come, in which the combination zzh is written, and not double zh (the sound zh in combination is the result of alternations g - zh, d - zh, cf.: squeal - squeal, arrival - come) .

2. In the words mesentery (fold of peritoneum), mesentery (collar) one word is written.

3. In the word quarrel and in words derived from it, a double s is written.

4. When three identical consonants collide, only two are written: five-ton (from ton + ny), Odessky (from Odessa + ski), quarrel (from races + quarrel), etc.

Exercise 60. Write down the words with the same root, choosing the ones related to the following in the spelling dictionary: reins, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper.

Exercise 61 Write into separate groups words with double consonants at the junction of a) prefix and root, b) root and suffix, c) parts of compound words. Mark the boundaries between the indicated parts of words.

Arzamas, heartless, dishonest, Belarusian, ascended, restore, divrach, Kotlas, thaw, transferred, support, pommaster, consider, upset, count, calculation, ancient, through the grain, cheresedelnik, Circassian, young nat.

Exercise 62. Orally explain the spelling of doubled consonants in the highlighted words. Write these words down.

1. And my mother is alive and well. Lately I've been writing letters from Frunze, asking how her precious junk is. (Sim.) 2. The skis slid forward by themselves. Climb? Give it up, Valya! Descent into decay? Eh, pine trees! Make way, I'll hurt you! (Mite.) 3. The path along which the train with the diplomatic post was supposed to pass, this path was mined at night in two places. (Chaik.) 4. And Pavlo did not know and did not think that his fate would be so bitterly intertwined with the fate of Lieutenant Zvantsev there, at the Kherson lighthouse. (Kuch.) 5. The sun burns mercilessly, and the light white uniform number one was forbidden to wear. (Kuch.) 6. The coachman knew where his master could go at this late time; he whistled for the horses, pulled the reins, and the phaeton rushed first along Koblevskaya, then along Preobrazhenskaya. (Mikhail.) 7. All this was written on their pale, hungry faces, and Vera Nikolaevna immediately caressed them, canned food “Cod in Oil” immediately appeared on the table - still from the polar supplement, cookies, tea, butter, bread - plenty of everything. (Germ.) 8. On the slope outside the window, it seemed at arm’s length, pale lilac immortelle flowers fluttered disembodiedly. (Pan.)

Exercise 63. Match the use and spelling of the highlighted words in the examples given. Make up and write down your own examples using these words.

a) 1. Breathing heavily, like driven horses, they wiped the sweat pouring from their faces with their wide palms. (Field.) 2. The newcomer took off his sheepskin coat and began to scrub his young, very boyish face with eyelashes stuck together from the snow. (Lead.)

b) 1. Shmelkov immediately turned the car around and began to back it up, as if to refuel. (A.N.T.) 2. The brown horse walked briskly and fervently. (Hide.)

Exercise 64. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

I.1. Tired people entered the ferry one by one, two by two, and rejoiced right on the floor. (Ivan.) 2. A soldier jumped out of the cab of the ambulance, walked around the car and began, together with the driver Serpilin, to nod it from behind. But the car continued to slip. Then the rear doors of the ambulance opened, and a woman jumped out onto the road and began pushing the car along with the men. (Sim.) 3. Under the sultry sun, a... stale tree, softened, and... gave off a faint smell of either resin or paint. (Pan.) 4. A cart drove along the street, and for a long time the rattling of a bucket tied to the back could be heard. (Yamp.) 5. Bakhor is not afraid of anything, looks at the world with bold, wide-open eyes. What sparkling eyes the Nega has - it sparkles with anger, sympathy, and commerce! (Rush.) 6. “I see,” said Krainyuk. He should have gone, but he still stood among the stones and ruins. (Heap.) 7. The sailors took out a light ladder and, holding the women, put everyone in an open truck. (Kuch.) 8. Saying goodbye, the geophysicist calmly squeezed Victor’s palm. (Mite.)

II. 1. Riga was tall, long, designed to receive a whole load of bread at once. (Mark.) 2. And despite the fact that the whole tone of the letter, as always everything that came from Zhenya, was unpleasant to Volodya, he thought for a long time...I thought about the offer for...the position of the head...of the head. (German) 3. Vasya found both the medical platoon and the reserve...I was there in individual packages

. (Lev.) 4. The ceremonial meeting of the Moscow Council was not for him, as for Kuprin, the first in his life. (Lev.) 5. The sailor went to bed, and the sailor seemed to be deliberately taking a long time to clean up the dishes. (Stan.) 6. A sailor battalion was lined up at the exit, leaving with an armored train for the front. (Translated) 7. A fifth truck was actually walking along the alley towards the workshop, its wheels crashing deeply into the muddy road. (Ivan.)

Double n in adjectives formed from nouns is written in the following cases:

a) if adjectives are formed from nouns with a stem in n using the suffix -n- (including from words in -mya: time - time-): long, window, ancient, temporary, nominal, etc.;

b) if adjectives are formed from nouns using the suffixes -enn-, -onn-: straw, revolutionary, etc.

Adjectives formed from nouns using the suffixes -an- (-yan-), -in-, are written with one n: leather, hemp, chicken, etc.

Exceptions: wooden, tin, glass.


1. The adjectives mutton, crimson, black, green, spicy, red, ruddy, pork, blue, young are written with one n. They are formed without the suffix -n-.

The word windy is also written with one n, however, formations derived from it with prefixes have two ns in writing: windless, windward, leeward.

2. You should also pay attention to the spelling of the double consonant in the suffix in the word green (green shop, cf.: green shop).

Exercise 65. Rewrite, emphasizing the suffixes of the adjectives; write down the non-suffix formations separately. Explain the spelling of adjective suffixes.

Epic, majestic, enthusiastic, passerine, windy, windy, windy, clay, wooden, firewood, natural, legal, artificial, mosquito, indigenous, red banner, commission, linen, windy, oil, public, fiery, sandy, clothes, ruddy, craft, pork, seed, session, sleepy, essential, young, barley.

Exercise 66. From the given nouns, form adjectives with the suffixes -n-, -enn-, -onn-, -an- (-yan-), -in-. Write down the adjectives, explaining their spelling orally.

Agitation, ram, disease, razor, goose, length, wonder, boldness, tin, life, greens, snake, name, root, bone, ice, lemon, oil, mobilization, oil, defense, autumn, fatherland, opposition, song, letter, canvas, revision, craft, silver, glass, cloth, falcon, tradition, telephone, grass, celebration, price, hawk.

Exercise 67. Match the usage and spelling of the highlighted words. Make up and write down your own examples using these words.

a) 1. The smell of rust, oil paint and dampness filled the room. (Gorky) 2. Kyiv. A wonderful city, all like a rich, glorious butt with buttery eyes. (Cupr.)

b) 1. The day broke out into a sultry, windless day, and there was a drowsy silence in the air. (Pav.) 2. In the pre-dawn darkness, a windmill loomed, looking like a sleeping raven with a broken wing. (Tyutyun.) 3. On the gloomy, windy days of late autumn, Pastukhov rarely went out. (Fed.)

Exercise 68 Explain the spelling of -н- and -нн- in adjective suffixes. Write down these adjectives, highlighting their suffixes with vertical lines.

1. After shaving, he, as usual, got up under the shower in the bathroom: the steady sound of cool water, warm needles all over his body, a terry towel - and he felt in an excellent mood, when it seemed that everything beautiful in himself and in life was only that I understand and it should not disappear. He knew that this feeling was before dusk. In the evening or especially in the foggy December twilight, when the lanterns burned in foggy circles, this feeling of fullness of life disappeared, and pain, strange, almost physical pain and melancholy overwhelmed Sergei. (Bond.) 2. In front of the portrait, a table covered with green cloth stretched out across almost the entire width of the hall; to the right, against the wall, there were two wooden benches behind bars; to the left, there were two rows of crimson armchairs. (Gork.) 3. The hillock was not captured: first they ran into a minefield, then they were covered with mortar and machine-gun fire. (Sim.) 4. Tall, skinny, with a long horse face, he stood surrounded by his soldiers and told them something. (Pav.) 5. Precisely intercepting my thoughts, Vallon asked the neighbors who remembered the attack on the prisoner of war camp. (Kram.)

Today, all of us who have gone through a modern comprehensive school habitually read spelling “edifications”, such as:

However, at the same time, those who know do not forget how they used to write without spaces at all. Imagine, today we write prefixes together with the root, and prepositions separately. And earlier, when prefixes and prepositions (and everything!) were written together, in continuous text, HOW to distinguish in continuous text, for example, the prefix “ at» ( pier) from the preposition " at» ( at the camp…)?..

It is clear that they were guided by meanings and meanings. But what and how did they think about this when there were no spellings with spaces, when there were no spelling rules like today, when they focused more on meaning?

It is clear that no one (even those who are not literate) deliberately wrote two identical consonants, that they actually appeared at the border of parts of words. This means you need to see these boundaries and understand.

It is also clear that the modern Russian language develops, through formal rules and new word creation, the previous established logic and individual traditions.

But why was it necessary to lose meanings, without which the whole is destroyed!?

Double consonants are obtained if two identical consonants appear next to each other in different parts of a word (for example, in a prefix and a root): underD + Hold, OT + Drag, Ras + Build etc.

(In fact, the prefix here is “Raz”, not “ras”, but more on that later.)

It’s a pity that now even prefixes and roots turn into almost “signs”, without meaning, with some kind of conventional meaning. But in Antiquity it was different: what we now read as “ support", the ancient intelligent ancestors read meaningfully as “Under Hold” (i.e. “to hold the basis, basis, essence, foundation”), where “Under” is a name, and not some kind of service unit of language, some "prefix".

And further. There is something to think about here, why this is done.

When we combine two bricks to make one large brick, then in life we ​​remember that the brick is “double.” Even when we attach another brick to this double brick.

But such common sense does not apply to the strange world of modern linguistics, where logical chains are very short, and even then only formal. In addition, some kind of “sclerosis” interferes: therefore, where there were just two bricks, suddenly only one is seen. We're not kidding. Here's an example:

And they get a new education, not related to the previous one: “ calculate+calculate", and not as it actually appears: " race+s+read", while maintaining consistency and continuity in origin.

This is not “academic nonsense” at all, but a methodical formation in the minds of those mastering the Russian language of incoherent logical chains, suspended as if in emptiness, i.e. actually torn off from the living, unshakable foundation of the Living Russian Language and Living Russian Speech. Why oppose one to the other when they are clearly connected in continuity and meaning?

C + Even = Count, Ras + Even = Ra With even

Without + With + Even = Be zs honest

(And in this place, only by the artificial assumption of the language reformers of 1917, the prefix “non-existent in the Russian language” is written demon", resulting in the modern " countless", to the laughter of all sane people who discern stupid subtext and know how to read what is written, and not what is made up: " demon countable"!).

The same situation applies to other similar words:

Ras + C + Triple = Ra ss triple(although in fact here it is necessary “ Ra zs triple" based on the real prefix "Raz").

Without+With+Fatal(from Rock) = Be ss fatal(pre-reform: “ Be zs fatal»)…

Introduction of “false prefixes” Ras-" And " Demon-", along with real prefixes " Once-" And " Without-”, in fact, does not result in the “ordering and development of language”, as the reformers wanted, but in the destruction of ancient living meanings in Language and Speech, where every sound, every letter has meaning!

It’s the same here, as a result of the “simplification” reform, i.e. compounds of “normal” words formed by prefixes (such as “Woz+Zha” = Vo zzh A), with those that can be classified as “onomatopoeic” (such as Zhu LJ at).

Although “prefix, prepositions, suffixes” are all quite conventional things for the Living Language (in Antiquity they meant living words, independent ones, and not some kind of “additional parts”), this is not what we are talking about.

The meaning of a word, according to an artificial rule, is nevertheless destroyed and removed. What remains is an incomprehensible but “progressive” neoplasm: “ rein", the spelling of which must now be remembered according to the new rule.

In case of " yeast“It’s also not very clear why one option was chosen, although there are other, more meaningful options (see Dahl’s dictionary): Dro railway and, Dro zzh And. In our opinion, an unspoiled option: Drozzhi, as a more typical case, because we know a lot of such words in the Russian language, where exactly this combination occurs: in zzh And, in and zzh here, there zzh dude zzh ah...

"Juniper" also has the same more meaningful version: mo zzh ear.

It seems that the same situation is with “ LJ tion": this word comes from the original versions, which most likely had " ZZH" But let's not guess.

And, as a conclusion, it is no coincidence that this sound combination ZZh (“ZaZh”), which refers, if it’s a pun, to everything that “ Z A AND izn"! And this is in almost all words that do not have simple onomatopoeia.

And one gets the impression that the selection from the commonly used options was made according to the principle of “as bad and incomprehensible as possible.”

This is what can be said today about the rule, which, according to modern spelling, suggests writing formally, without comprehension LJ.

Ss ora- this noun actually comes from the form “ argument» ( rubbish): you remember well the phraseological unit “ don't wash dirty linen out of the house" Apparently, a situation has been recorded where conflict begins small, “with rubbish.”

They now simply want to include a kind of “neologism” here: Russian, formed through Western (in particular, Polish borrowings of the 17th-18th centuries) forms of word formation relatively recently, at a time when the previous names were removed at the turn of the 18th century " Tartary», « RU sya " And " RU ss and I» (« Rus+Siya" - from Rus with other similar relatives, like: “ Po+Rus+Siya", modern Pru ss and I). When written in continuous text, without spaces, the title was unambiguous “ Rus", but with a kind of adjective form " Siya” (“shining, radiant” - because in Antiquity, as is known from the remaining old handwritten books, scribes very often wrote well-known and frequently repeated concepts in abbreviated form!).

Foreign words, since they were introduced into the Russian language, memorize them as is customary now (including for passing tests and exams): A ll her, and pp Arat, Komi ss yeah, those NN is, ho bb and, to mm ersant, uh ff ect, those pp history, oh kk upation, co tt edj, zha NN A…

We won't touch them. They themselves will die out and go out of use as the Native Speech revives.

But we must remember that among them there are also ones that seem to be ours, but have been preserved in other countries, i.e. ancient words common to many peoples, such as: Drama(“Before Ram”), etc. Naturally, they cannot contain double consonants.