Electronic fairy tales for children. Audio fairy tales for young children

Collections of children's audio stories for middle-aged children under the age of 13. Stories about friendship, emotions, fantasies, short stories about animals or just funny stories who accompany them from the first years. Choose from a large selection of children's writers and listen to their stories and play them to your children in mp3 format.

Audio stories for children are a good and only gaining popularity element of life. I often hear: “It’s just impossible to listen to, isn’t it better to just read the story?” Or, I won’t allow my children to listen to audio stories, it’s not right to read them . Listening to stories is certainly different from reading, but is it wrong or harmful? No one argues about the importance of decoding in learning the reading-writing process, but, text comprehension, critical thinking content, using imagination, and making connections in the heart of the person reading or listening, and why children learn to love books.

What does an audio story provide for children?

  • It allows you to listen to books that the student would not be able to read on his own due to his young age.
  • Creates good motivation for reading.
  • Emphasizes humor in books with intonation.
  • Introduces new genres that students may not consider otherwise.
  • Introduces new terminology or complex names or words...
  • Provides a foundation for reading aloud.
  • Provides a bridge to important topics for discussion for parents and children to listen together while on the go (in the car).
  • Develops the ability to listen to other people.

In addition, many audio stories are read by the author or contain comments from the author. This information can be provided to children to develop a connection with the author, as well as an understanding of the author's thoughts during the writing process.

I still prefer to read books for studying, but I have realized that audio stories are also good for this purpose and much more. If you're not sure audio stories are for you, here are seven reasons why you should start incorporating audio stories into your life.


Some people prefer audio instead of text to study material, and maybe you are one of them. If you don't like to read, experiment with audio stories and see if it helps you learn.

Better capture of the essence of the story.

I haven't found any conclusive evidence that reading is better than listening (I know reading is an inefficient way of processing information), but I do know that if you combine the two, you get the best of both. Audio stories perfectly complement previous knowledge to reinforce information.

If you read a book before and then listen to the audiobook version, you will retain and retain much more information.

For example, I read it several times children's story Nikolai Nosov's "Merry Family", but I remembered some details of the story when I finished listening to the audio version of the story. I noticed this and it’s the same story with other stories.

Accelerated learning.

One of the main advantages of audiobooks is that you can change the speed of the information you listen to. Some listen to stories at 1.5x or 2x speed and this does not affect their understanding of the text. If you want to get a lot of information, this is a great way.

Saves time

As much as we encourage multitasking, sometimes it can be useful and effective. Audio stories are great for this. You can listen while you clean the house, fold clothes, go to school, or anything else that doesn't require much attention.

This is especially effective when you're commuting to work. On the way to work I have many multifaceted stories.

Correct perception.

Some stories are better to listen to than to read. Why? Sometimes we read stories because we were assigned to read them at school. The goal is to read, not to understand. When you listen to a story read by a professional reader, who correctly places emphasis, correctly highlights important passages, conveys the atmosphere of what is happening, with voice intonation.

From time to time they ask complex stories, and sometimes they are boring to read. Sometimes it is difficult to get through the “dry” part of the story, but if you try to listen to it, you will find it interesting. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you know the content of a book is great but it's hard to read, pick up the audio version of the story and listen with pleasure.


Audio stories are really convenient. You can download them on your phone, iPod, computer and listen to them in the car. This makes the content accessible and you can easily pick up where you left off last time.

A wonderful collection of audio fairy tales to introduce young children to the magical world of fairy tales. Each story comes to life, is memorable and suitable for very young children. The collection includes classic Russian fairy tales, fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors.

You can listen to a large selection of the best children's audio fairy tales for free. The best children's fairy tales, about animals, legends, folklore, and folk tales! Children from three years of age kindergarten or at home, small stories about nature, or simple short tales, for example "Sweet porridge". Children over three years of age are often ready to hear "sequential" tales, such as the tale of the turnip. The turnip has grown so big that the grandfather cannot pull it out by himself, so one after another the grandmothers, the grandson, the dogs, the cats and finally the mouse come. Everyone together was then able to pull out the turnip. These sequential stories have the added benefit of being a relatively easy introduction to fairy tales. The advantage of audio fairy tales is the fact that you can always listen to them, even if you don’t have a book at hand to read to your child, turn on the fairy tale and the child will listen to it with interest.

7 reasons explaining why listening to audio fairy tales for young children is very useful.

Fairy tales help my children learn to do right choice is one of the biggest challenges I've experienced as a parent. Heroes in fairy tales are faced with constant choices. Sometimes they make the right choice and sometimes they don't. The beauty of a fairy tale is that the heroes almost always get to reap what they sow. Good choice will be rewarded, there is no bad choice

Along with the above theme, fairy tales for young children provide a fantastic opportunity for adults to discuss right versus wrong decisions, the consequences of choices. Character-discussed choices are the safest way for children to talk about good and bad, as it is not directly related to the child.

Fairy tales are a fantastic way to increase lexicon. Even more, they introduce children to words and terms that they would not normally use and this gives them rich soil for language enrichment.

Fairies, talking animals, flying children - everything is possible in a fairy tale! I truly believe that the world needs young children with more inventive and creative thoughts. When our minds are open to all sorts of ideas and possibilities, we begin to think outside the norm. When children are faced with a problem or problems, a child with a vivid imagination will come up with amazing unique ways overcoming these difficulties.

Audio tales this incredible a nice place, full of incredible people. But bad things happen too. Fairy tales give children hope and courage to face difficult situations and keep in their hearts the message that good will prevail in the end. This is very important for young children.

Some tales are downright terrifying. So scary in fact that I didn't read them to my little kids. But many people disagree with this. But they weren’t talking about those fairy tales that turn into children’s nightmares at night! However, there are several scary tales, which I read to my kids and they love them. Fairy tales present big emotions - such as fear and sadness - in a safe and comfortable environment. This is a very powerful thing.

First of all, fairy tales open up a world of fantasy, adventure and magic for our children. The excitement and participation on a child's face while listening to a story really says it all

In this section of the Hobobo library we have collected the best audio fairy tales for children. All works can be listened to online at good quality or download for free to your computer, phone or tablet.

We have made selections of children's audio fairy tales based on domestic and foreign storytellers, both original and folk. The most famous works announced professional actors and theater and film stars, and are also available in text form. For each author there is a separate page with the best works, sorted by rating.

Each fairy tale can be downloaded, without restrictions on the number of downloads, just in one click. All entries include an annotation to help you choose the best story.

The best children's audio fairy tales: how to choose?

Adults rarely manage to allocate at least half an hour of free time to read magical stories to children. Children's audio fairy tales will help your child learn to perceive information by ear and develop imagination. Our free online library is quick and easy to use. A specific audio tale can be found through a search within the section, and if you need a new work, it is better to search by rating or in alphabetical order.

Listening to fairy tales online will be an excellent basis for the formation of children's moral principles, consolidating in the subconscious the centuries-old wisdom of our ancestors. Expressing through the magical genre of folklore the beauty of oral folk art, people thereby preserved history for their descendants national traditions own country.

Dear visitors! On our website you can listen to audio fairy tales for children online. For your convenience, all audio tales are sorted into categories:

  • folk tales
  • fairy tales by famous authors
  • thematic collections

Audio works of great authors are very useful for the education of children because by listening, the child develops imagination and begins to fantasize better, which is undoubtedly a plus. Thanks to the perception of information by ear, it is easier for the child to navigate and musical notation, expand your vocabulary, and enrich your speech. Using the examples of heroes, the child learns to distinguish intonations and begins to understand the characters’ personalities.

Audio tales to download or listen to online?

Both methods are presented on the site. You can listen to audio fairy tales for children for free not only from your computer, but also from your tablet or phone. And if you are going on a trip, then you can download children's audio fairy tales to your phone or tablet for playback in places where there is no Internet.

For better perception, the text of fairy tales is read by professional speakers. At the same time, each fairy tale is accompanied by audio effects, helping kids to fantasize and select the right associations. Audio works are also accompanied musical compositions classical authors. Listening to bedtime stories is a pleasure for babies and their parents.

We have specially created collections of audio fairy tales, which, when listened to comprehensively, form a positive emotional background and provide many examples for the development of morality in a child, which is undoubtedly a plus. You can listen to audio fairy tales for children for free

It has been noticed that if you listen to children's audio fairy tales, the baby becomes calmer and gains pleasure and new knowledge from listening, which cannot be said from watching cartoons.

- invention is not today. The adult generation grew up listening to stories recorded on gramophone records. But even today, free audio fairy tales for children do not lose their relevance for modern caring mothers. We offer you an extensive selection of wonderful audio fairy tales that you can freely listen to online at night or download for free. Each fairy tale presents short description, which will help you or your child with the choice.

Title of the audio tale Source Rating
Swan geese Russian traditional 242072
Aladdin's magic lamp Arabian tale 302875
Quiet fairy tale Samuel Marshak 247554
Masha and the Bear Russian traditional 1156700
Fox and crane Russian traditional 176155
The Scarlet Flower Aksakov S.T. 177660
Kolobok Russian traditional 1011205
Aibolit Korney Chukovsky 362453
Moidodyr Korney Chukovsky 261969
Teremok Russian traditional 720511
Baba Yaga Russian traditional 643340
Fly Tsokotukha Korney Chukovsky 253434
Little Red Riding Hood Charles Perrault 179943
Twelve months Samuel Marshak 764275
Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian traditional 278790
sleeping Beauty Charles Perrault 148538
turnip Russian traditional 354655
Snow Maiden Russian traditional 216008
Princess Frog Russian traditional 269097
Puss in Boots Charles Perrault 176787
Tom Thumb Charles Perrault 140095
Fedorino grief Korney Chukovsky 198414
Thumbelina Andersen H.K. 301742
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Brothers Grimm 641291
The Bremen Town Musicians Brothers Grimm 871735
The wolf and the seven Young goats Brothers Grimm 644562
The Snow Queen Brothers Grimm 1009395
Mermaid Andersen H.K. 235174
Snowman Andersen H.K. 203703
Tale of stupid mouse Samuel Marshak 426841
Wolf and Fox Samuel Marshak 510012
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Arabian tale 140323
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor Arabian tale 211602
Mustachioed - Striped Samuel Marshak 407399
Barmaley Korney Chukovsky 144439
Magic pipe Russian traditional 241240
Little Rose and Little White Brothers Grimm 157149
Living water Brothers Grimm 146455
Rapunzel Brothers Grimm 199294
Rumplestiltskin Brothers Grimm 93038
A pot of porridge Brothers Grimm 139943
King Thrushbeard Brothers Grimm 63780
little people Brothers Grimm 60437
Hansel and Gretel Brothers Grimm 62317
golden goose Brothers Grimm 52326
Mrs. Blizzard Brothers Grimm 121534
Worn out shoes Brothers Grimm 98957
Straw, coal and bean Brothers Grimm 44922
twelve brothers Brothers Grimm 52997
Spindle, weaving shuttle and needle Brothers Grimm 50716
Friendship between cat and mouse Brothers Grimm 91764
Kinglet and bear Brothers Grimm 29446
Royal children Brothers Grimm 62236
Brave Little Tailor Brothers Grimm 44853
crystal ball Brothers Grimm 58699
Queen Bee Brothers Grimm 41473
Smart Gretel Brothers Grimm 28250
Three lucky ones Brothers Grimm 28396
Three spinners Brothers Grimm 28242
Three snake leaves Brothers Grimm 28253
Three brothers Brothers Grimm 28240
The Old Man of the Glass Mountain Brothers Grimm 28260
The Tale of a Fisherman and His Wife Brothers Grimm 28255
underground man Brothers Grimm 30009
Donkey Brothers Grimm 28246
Ocheski Brothers Grimm 40232
The Frog King, or Iron Henry Brothers Grimm 29862
Hare and hedgehog Brothers Grimm 48504
ugly duck Andersen H.K. 134778
Wild Swans Andersen H.K. 92047
Princess on the Pea Andersen H.K. 106916
Flint Andersen H.K. 131657
Chamomile Andersen H.K. 43593
The Steadfast Tin Soldier Andersen H.K. 54315
Shadow Andersen H.K. 29245
Swineherd Andersen H.K. 32957
Ole Lukoje Andersen H.K. 77466
The king's new dress Andersen H.K. 41267
Linen Andersen H.K. 28248
Shepherdess and chimney sweep Andersen H.K. 28253
Water drop Andersen H.K. 28254
Rosebush Elf Andersen H.K. 33472
Silver coin Andersen H.K. 31048
Happy family Andersen H.K. 40137
Little Match Girl Andersen H.K. 36142
Storks Andersen H.K. 43529
Hans Churban Andersen H.K. 28249
Fast walkers Andersen H.K. 28518
The Tale of the Golden Cockerel Pushkin A.S. 78292
Tale of dead princess and seven heroes Pushkin A.S. 96187
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Pushkin A.S. 107037
The Tale of Tsar Saltan Pushkin A.S. 244775
Green oak near Lukomorye Pushkin A.S. 166962
Nutcracker and mouse king Goffman E.T.A. 56472
Sandman Goffman E.T.A. 35794
golden pot Goffman E.T.A. 28618
Bread and gold Arabian tale 54281
Beggar and happiness Arabian tale 49648
The right remedy Arabian tale 47751
Chicken Ryaba Russian traditional 141840
Morozko Russian traditional 152084
Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber Russian traditional 154435
Porridge from an ax Russian traditional 145139
Cockerel and bean seed Russian traditional 82120
Grief Russian traditional 50732
Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo Russian traditional 82370
Princess Frog Russian traditional 176121
Three Bears Russian traditional 119712
Sivka-Burka Russian traditional 84077
Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf Russian traditional 105993
Fox and black grouse Russian traditional 34062
Goby - tar barrel Russian traditional 55790
Baba Yaga and berries Russian traditional 45214
Fight on Kalinov Bridge Russian traditional 30783
Finist – Yasny Sokol Russian traditional 39804
Princess Nesmeyana Russian traditional 43906
Tops and roots Russian traditional 37060
Winter hut of animals Russian traditional 62995
flying ship Russian traditional 83290
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Russian traditional 52505
Cockerel - golden comb Russian traditional 37726
Zaykin's hut Russian traditional 61082
Marya Morevna Russian traditional 44220
Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle Russian traditional 33501
Two frosts Russian traditional 34760
Most expensive Russian traditional 30423
Wonderful shirt Russian traditional 30682
Crane and Heron Russian traditional 28244
Frost and hare Russian traditional 33560
How the fox learned to fly Russian traditional 33530
Ivan the Fool Russian traditional 30657
Daughter and stepdaughter Russian traditional 28253
Magic ring Russian traditional 52632
Treasure Russian traditional 28252
Fox and Cancer Russian traditional 28248
Fox-sister and wolf Russian traditional 41126
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise Russian traditional 47382
Fox and jug Russian traditional 28246
bird tongue Russian traditional 28257
The soldier and the devil Russian traditional 28980
Crystal Mountain Russian traditional 28253
Tricky Science Russian traditional 28245
Smart guy Russian traditional 28243
Snow Maiden and Fox Russian traditional 28366
Word Russian traditional 28234
Fast messenger Russian traditional 28232
Seven Simeons Russian traditional 28234
About the old grandmother Russian traditional 154948
Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what Russian traditional 84162
By pike command Russian traditional 89352
Rooster and Millstones Russian traditional 28245
Shepherd's pipe Russian traditional 84573
Petrified Kingdom Russian traditional 32048
About rejuvenating apples and living water Russian traditional 43620
Goat Dereza Russian traditional 39522
How the dog was looking for a friend Russian traditional 53985
The Enchanted Princess Russian traditional 59238
Magic apple Russian traditional 105166

To listen to online audio stories It was a pleasure for children; professional announcers, actors and pop stars took part in their creation. The recording uses wonderful melodies and sound effects. Thanks to this, by listening to children's audio fairy tales online for free, the child, imagining the events taking place in magical stories, develops imagination.

Children's audio fairy tales allow kids to expand their vocabulary and enrich their speech with intonations. They also teach babies to concentrate. Many parents complain that after watching cartoons, children become overly excited. After listening to audio fairy tales, such an effect is not observed. Listening to bedtime stories, the child does not strain his eyesight - which, of course, is good for the health of the eyes.

It has been proven that the ability to listen will later help the baby more easily master foreign languages And musical literacy. Confident perception of information by ear will be useful for children in their studies. By allowing your kids to listen to audio stories, you make an invaluable contribution to their education.

Is listening to audio fairy tales useful?

Listening to fairy tales online is a great solution for modern parents and their children. Superbly voiced stories will entertain your baby while mom is busy with her chores. In such a situation, audio tales are simply irreplaceable. Just turn on the story, which you can select and download for free on the website, or press play online - and your child will be immersed in Magic world fantasies and will see vivid dreams.

You probably understand that listening to audio fairy tales is not only useful, but also extremely convenient. You don't have to have a computer to do this. You can listen to our fairy tales on your tablet, laptop or smartphone. By taking advantage of the opportunity to download audio fairy tales, you will always find entertainment for children on the go. Having several fairy tales pre-recorded on a smartphone or tablet, you will help your child usefully while away any wait, even if this moment you do not have access to the Internet.