Erich Maria Remarque: the best books. Last love e.m.remark What was the name of the remark full name

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Erich Maria Remarque was born on June 22, 1898 in Prussia. As the writer later recalls, little attention was paid to him as a child: his mother was so shocked by the death of his brother Theo that she practically did not pay attention to her other children. Perhaps it was this - that is, virtually constant loneliness, modesty and uncertainty - that made Erich an inquisitive nature.

Since childhood, Remarque read absolutely everything he could get his hands on. Not understanding books, he literally devoured the works of both classics and contemporaries. A passionate love of reading awakened in him the desire to become a writer - but neither his relatives, nor teachers, nor peers accepted his dream. No one became Remarque’s mentor, no one suggested which books to give preference to, whose works were worth reading and whose to throw away.

In November 1917, Remarque went to fight. When he returned, he seemed not at all shocked by the events at the front. Rather, on the contrary: it was at this time that writer’s eloquence awakened in him, Remarque began to tell incredible stories about the war, “confirming” his valor with other people’s orders.

The pseudonym "Maria" first appears in 1921. Remarque thus emphasizes the significance of the loss of a mother. At this time, he conquers Berlin at night: he is often seen in brothels, and Erich himself becomes a friend of many priestesses of love.

His book became literally the most famous at the time. She brought him true fame: now Remarque is the most famous German writer. However, political events during this period are so unfavorable that Erich leaves his homeland... for as long as 20 years.

As for the romance between Remarque and Marlene Dietrich, it was more of a test than a gift of fate. Marlene was charming, but fickle. It was this fact that hurt Erich most of all. In Paris, where the couple often met, there were always people who wanted to gawk at the lovers and gossip.

In 1951, Remarque meets Paulette, his last and true love. Seven years later, the couple celebrated their wedding - this time in the USA. Since then, Remarque has become truly happy, because he found the one he had been looking for all his life. Now Erich no longer communicates with the diary, because he has an interesting interlocutor. Luck also smiles on him in his creative work: critics highly appreciated his novels. At the peak of happiness, Remarque's illness makes itself felt again. The last novel, “The Promised Land,” remained unfinished... On September 25, 1970, in the Swiss city of Locarno, the writer died, leaving his beloved Paulette alone.

😉 Greetings my dear readers! The article “Erich Maria Remarque: biography, interesting facts” describes the main stages of the life of the outstanding German writer.

One of the popular writers of the German Empire of the twentieth century is undoubtedly Remarque. He represented the “lost generation” - a period when, at the age of eighteen, very young boys were drafted to the front, and they were forced to kill. This time later became the main motive and idea of ​​the writer’s work.

Biography of Remarque

In the city of Osnabrück of the German Empire, on June 22 (zodiac sign – Cancer), 1898, the future literary genius, Erich Paul Remarque, was born into a large family.

His father worked as a bookbinder, so their house was always filled with a lot of books. From an early age, little Erich was interested in literature and read with enthusiasm a lot and often. He was especially attracted to the works of Goethe and Marcel Proust.

As a child, he was interested in music, loved to draw, and collected butterflies, stones and stamps. The relationship with my father was complicated; they had different views on life. With his mother everything was different - he doted on her. When Erich Paul was nineteen years old, she died of cancer.

Erich took the loss seriously. This tragedy prompted him to change his name Paul to Maria (that was his mother's name).

Erich Maria studied at a church school (1904). Upon graduation, he entered the Catholic seminary (1912), followed by years of study at the Royal Teachers' Seminary.

Here the writer becomes a member of one of the literary circles, where he finds friends and like-minded people. In 1916, Remarque went to the front. A year later, he was wounded five times, and the rest of the time he was in the hospital.

The beginning of creativity

In his father's house, Erich equipped a small office where he studied music, drew and wrote. It was here in 1920 that his first work, “Shelter of Dreams,” was written. For a year he worked as a teacher in Lona, but later abandoned this profession.

He had many jobs in his city before he started making money as a writer. Erich worked part-time as an accountant, taught piano, worked as an organist in a chapel, and was even a seller of tombstones.

In 1922 he left Osnabrück and went to Hanover, and began work here for the magazine Echo Continental. He wrote slogans, PR texts and various articles. Remarque was also published in other magazines.

Working for the magazine Sport im Bild opened the door to the literary world for him. In 1925 he went to Berlin and began working as an illustration editor for this magazine. His novel “Station on the Horizon” is published here.

In 1926, one of the magazines published his novels “From Youthful Times” and “The Woman with Golden Eyes.” This was the beginning of his creative path. From that moment on, he did not stop writing, creating new masterpieces.

Literary career

In 1929, the novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” was published. Remarque in it described all the horror and ruthlessness of the war through the eyes of a nineteen-year-old boy. The work was translated into thirty-six languages, it was published forty times.

In Germany, the book created a sensation. More than one million copies of it were sold in just one year.

In 1930, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for this book. However, German officers were against this, as they believed that this work insulted their army. Therefore, the proposal for the award was rejected by the committee.

During the same period, a film was made based on the novel. This allowed the writer to get rich, and he began to buy paintings by Renoir, Van Gogh and other artists. In 1932 he left Germany and settled in Switzerland.

In 1936, another work of the writer was published, which became popular - “Three Comrades”. It was published in Danish and English. A film was made based on the novel “A Time to Live and a Time to Die,” in which Erich plays in one of the episodes. In 1967, for his services, the writer was awarded the Order of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Meser Medal.

Remarque: personal life

The first wife, Ilsa Jutta Zambona, was a dancer. They cheated on each other, so their marriage lasted only four years. In 1937, Remarque began a passionate affair with a popular actress

Marlene Dietrich and Erich Maria Remarque

She helped the writer obtain an American visa, and he went to Hollywood. Here his life was quite bohemian. A lot of money, alcohol and various women, including

Paulette Goddard and Erich Maria Remarque

In 1957, he married actress Paulette Goddard, his ex-wife, with whom he remained until his death. She had a positive effect on her husband, helped restore strength and get rid of depression.

Thanks to Paulette, he was able to continue his writing career. In total, he wrote 15 novels, 6 stories, a play, and a film script.

The literary genius died at the age of seventy-three in 1970 in Switzerland, where he was buried. Paulette, who died twenty years later, rests next to him.

Erich Maria Remarque: biography (video)

😉 Greetings my dear readers! The article “Erich Maria Remarque: biography, interesting facts” describes the main stages of the life of the outstanding German writer.

One of the popular writers of the German Empire of the twentieth century is undoubtedly Remarque. He represented the “lost generation” - a period when, at the age of eighteen, very young boys were drafted to the front, and they were forced to kill. This time later became the main motive and idea of ​​the writer’s work.

Biography of Remarque

In the city of Osnabrück of the German Empire, on June 22 (zodiac sign – Cancer), 1898, the future literary genius, Erich Paul Remarque, was born into a large family.

His father worked as a bookbinder, so their house was always filled with a lot of books. From an early age, little Erich was interested in literature and read with enthusiasm a lot and often. He was especially attracted to the works of Goethe and Marcel Proust.

As a child, he was interested in music, loved to draw, and collected butterflies, stones and stamps. The relationship with my father was complicated; they had different views on life. With his mother everything was different - he doted on her. When Erich Paul was nineteen years old, she died of cancer.

Erich took the loss seriously. This tragedy prompted him to change his name Paul to Maria (that was his mother's name).

Erich Maria studied at a church school (1904). Upon graduation, he entered the Catholic seminary (1912), followed by years of study at the Royal Teachers' Seminary.

Here the writer becomes a member of one of the literary circles, where he finds friends and like-minded people. In 1916, Remarque went to the front. A year later, he was wounded five times, and the rest of the time he was in the hospital.

The beginning of creativity

In his father's house, Erich equipped a small office where he studied music, drew and wrote. It was here in 1920 that his first work, “Shelter of Dreams,” was written. For a year he worked as a teacher in Lona, but later abandoned this profession.

He had many jobs in his city before he started making money as a writer. Erich worked part-time as an accountant, taught piano, worked as an organist in a chapel, and was even a seller of tombstones.

In 1922 he left Osnabrück and went to Hanover, and began work here for the magazine Echo Continental. He wrote slogans, PR texts and various articles. Remarque was also published in other magazines.

Working for the magazine Sport im Bild opened the door to the literary world for him. In 1925 he went to Berlin and began working as an illustration editor for this magazine. His novel “Station on the Horizon” is published here.

In 1926, one of the magazines published his novels “From Youthful Times” and “The Woman with Golden Eyes.” This was the beginning of his creative path. From that moment on, he did not stop writing, creating new masterpieces.

Literary career

In 1929, the novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” was published. Remarque in it described all the horror and ruthlessness of the war through the eyes of a nineteen-year-old boy. The work was translated into thirty-six languages, it was published forty times.

In Germany, the book created a sensation. More than one million copies of it were sold in just one year.

In 1930, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for this book. However, German officers were against this, as they believed that this work insulted their army. Therefore, the proposal for the award was rejected by the committee.

During the same period, a film was made based on the novel. This allowed the writer to get rich, and he began to buy paintings by Renoir, Van Gogh and other artists. In 1932 he left Germany and settled in Switzerland.

In 1936, another work of the writer was published, which became popular - “Three Comrades”. It was published in Danish and English. A film was made based on the novel “A Time to Live and a Time to Die,” in which Erich plays in one of the episodes. In 1967, for his services, the writer was awarded the Order of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Meser Medal.

Remarque: personal life

The first wife, Ilsa Jutta Zambona, was a dancer. They cheated on each other, so their marriage lasted only four years. In 1937, Remarque began a passionate affair with a popular actress

Marlene Dietrich and Erich Maria Remarque

She helped the writer obtain an American visa, and he went to Hollywood. Here his life was quite bohemian. A lot of money, alcohol and various women, including

Paulette Goddard and Erich Maria Remarque

In 1957, he married actress Paulette Goddard, his ex-wife, with whom he remained until his death. She had a positive effect on her husband, helped restore strength and get rid of depression.

Thanks to Paulette, he was able to continue his writing career. In total, he wrote 15 novels, 6 stories, a play, and a film script.

The literary genius died at the age of seventy-three in 1970 in Switzerland, where he was buried. Paulette, who died twenty years later, rests next to him.

Erich Maria Remarque: biography (video)

The secret of the stunning success of Remarque’s works is, apparently, that they reflect values ​​that are important to every person: loneliness and courage, perseverance and humanity. The themes of his works included a biography of Remarque on their pages. Three tens of millions of his books have been sold worldwide.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in Prussia in 1898. As expected, he studied at school and then worked as a teacher. But the war began, and he was called to the front. He quickly received a serious wound in the thigh from shrapnel. Then he was in the hospital for a long time - until the end of October 1918. Remarque's biography will receive the first terrible page, in which an unforgettable trace of the war will be written for life.

After the war

Since 1918, Remarque has been working, changing various professions, and in 1920 his first novel was published. By 1925, he had already learned the basics of working as a professional writer. Remarque moves to Berlin and marries a young beauty suffering from tuberculosis. The girl's name is Jutta, but all her friends call her Zhanna. Her image would later appear in several of his novels. She is best known as Pat from Three Comrades. After living together for four years, they will divorce, and Zhanna will take the blame.

But they will re-marry so that she can leave Nazi Germany. They will no longer live as one family, but Remarque will help Jeanne financially for the rest of his life and will leave her a significant inheritance. He will carry his noble attitude towards a stranger’s woman throughout his life. This is how Remarque’s biography is connected with his first marriage.

A huge success

In 1929, a novel was published that would cause fierce controversy in Germany. It's called All Quiet on the Western Front. The images of war-torn boys who, sitting in the trenches, learned only one thing - to kill and die are stunning. They are not ready for a peaceful life. His next work, The Return (1931), will show this. The first book will be made into a film. From the royalties for huge editions of the book, translated into different languages, and the film, Remarque will receive a decent fortune. In April 1932, the world-famous writer moved to Switzerland. There, free from material problems, he wrote “Three Comrades” (1936) and enthusiastically collected paintings by post-impressionists. Remarque's biography is marked by international success.

Fatal year

In September 1937, two people will meet in Venice, the son of a bookbinder and the daughter of a policeman. The City of Masks gathered celebrities from all over the world for the film festival. At a cafe table, Remarque caught the interested look of a woman.

He knew her companion and approached the couple. The writer introduced himself to the lady: Remarque. After meeting him, his biography will be filled with a disastrous and divine feeling of half-divided love, feeding on the crumbs of love. By this time, the rich and famous Remarque was drinking himself to death. At the time of the meeting he was 39 years old. Women preferred to remain friends with the writer, warrior, rake and dandy. There was discord in my soul. The world was collapsing not only inside, but also outside. The Nazis burned all his books and deprived him of his citizenship.

Game of feelings

A few hours later, Marlene invited him to her room. They talked all night. Oddly enough, Marlene understood him perfectly. She, too, hated fascism with all her heart, just as she hated everything ugly, she, too, was left without a homeland. Circumstances required Dietrich to leave for the United States. Remarque lived only by letters.

I stopped drinking and counted the days until the meeting. They met five months later. Remarque began a new novel about love, him and Marlene. He did not yet know where the plot of Arc de Triomphe would lead him. But Marlene did not promise anything and thereby promised everything. Remarque locked himself in his room and worked on a novel. This was the only way he could avoid the obsessive attention of reporters, parties and, most importantly, Marlene’s shameless flirting.

Precisely flirting. He forbade himself to think about more. Ravik thought for Remarque in Arc de Triomphe. Marlene was an ordinary woman, but Remarque preferred to see her as a queen with her own quirks. He could easily leave an ordinary woman, but he could not leave the queen.


The world was also coming to an end. Everyone understood that war was close. Marlene insisted that Remarque move to the United States with her. He hoped to share not only holidays with Marlene, but also everyday life. Remarque proposed to Marlene. She refused. Remarque had the courage to go to a house near Los Angeles. He drowned his melancholy with wine and bombarded Marlene with new letters. Sometimes they met. Marlene swore that she loved him as best she could, but, more precisely, she allowed herself to be loved, and again it seemed to him that happiness was possible. He lived in a state of depression until he met Paulette Goddard in 1951.

In agony and mental anxiety there existed Erich Maria Remarque, whose biography suddenly took a happy turn.

New creative successes

After the publication of Arc de Triomphe he did not write for a long time. But he started working with Paulette again. In 1952, “Spark of Life” was published, a novel dedicated to a sister destroyed by the Nazis. In 1954, a new work, “A Time to Live and a Time to Die,” was published. In 1956, in the novel “Black Obelisk,” Remarque described the real events of his youth. All this time Paulette Goddard is nearby. In this couple, Remarque allowed himself to be loved. Their wedding will take place in 1958, as will their return to Switzerland.

So in the fifties, Remarque’s biography took place on a creative upswing. Briefly, the writer will create two more novels: “A Borrowed Life” (1959) and “A Night in Lisbon” (1963).

Homeland Awards

Germany appreciates having such an outstanding contemporary writer. The government even awards him an order, but, as if in mockery, does not return his citizenship. This forced recognition of merit does not inspire respect. Living in Switzerland, Erich Maria Remarque, whose short biography spanned seventy-two years, is already more worried about his health under the supervision of his wife. When he dies quietly of a heart attack in a Swiss hospital, Marlene Dietrich will send roses to his funeral. But Paulette will forbid putting them on the coffin.

Today in Germany he is only respected, but in Russia he is still popular. His books have a circulation of approximately five million copies. Such is the biography and work of Remarque. In our country he is loved and read.

Erich Maria Remarque (born Erich Paul Remarque) is one of the most famous German writers of the twentieth century, a representative of the lost generation. The writer’s creativity was based on the collapse of accepted standards by society; he wanted to change the entire European world. During his life, he managed to write many novels, but Remarque’s very first book, “All Quiet on the Western Front,” remains the standard.

Reading Remarque's books is a pleasure. Of course, dramatic novels will appeal more to women and girls, but this is just an assumption. To be completely sure, we suggest you check it yourself. Moreover, we have for you a small list of popular books by Remarque that were also mentioned in the article. The most popular books by Remarque on our website:

Brief biography of Remarque

Remarque was born in Germany at the intersection of two centuries in 1898. His family were Catholics, his father worked as a bookbinder. He graduated from a church school and then studied at a Catholic teachers' seminary.

Since 1916, he fought in the militia of the German army; due to injuries received in 1917, he spent the rest of the war in various hospitals. In 1925, he married former dancer Ilse Jutte, who had been suffering from consumption for many years. She became the prototype for some of the main heroines of Remarque’s books. The couple's life together lasted four years, after which they divorced. However, the divorce officially took place only in 1957. The author helped Yutta financially until his last days, and upon his death he bequeathed 50 thousand dollars.

In 1929, his first work was published under a new name. The name Maria was chosen by the writer in memory of his beloved mother. The Nazis did not like Remarque's arguments on the topic of war and in 1933 they burned the books, justifying themselves by saying that Remarque was a descendant of Jews, which has still not found any documentary evidence.

Remarque managed to avoid the terrible reprisal, since at that time he lived in Switzerland. However, his older sister did not manage to escape punishment; Elfriede Scholz was executed in 1943.

In 1937, Remarque and Marlene Dietrich began an eccentric and stormy romance; the author dedicated the book “Arc de Triomphe” to this relationship. Since the beginning of the war, the writer sailed to the USA, and in 1947 he became a true American. There he met Charlie Chaplin's ex-wife, who helped him recover from depression. In 1957 he returned back to Switzerland, where he lived the rest of his days. The writer died in 1970.

Life on loan. Life when you don’t regret anything, because, in essence, there is nothing left to lose. This is love on the verge of doom. This is luxury on the verge of ruin. This is fun on the verge of grief and risk on the verge of death. There is no future. Death is not a word, but a reality. Life goes on. Life is Beautiful!..

The most beautiful love story of the 20th century...

The most fascinating novel about friendship in the 20th century...

The most tragic and poignant novel about human relationships in the entire history of the 20th century.

What remains for people who are choking in the fiery whirlpool of war? What remains for people who have been robbed of hope, love - and, in fact, even life itself?

What remains for people who have simply nothing left? Just a spark of life. Weak, but unquenchable. The spark of life that gives people the strength to smile at the threshold of death. A spark of light in pitch darkness...

The heroes of the novel by the famous German writer E.M. Remarque still lives with the soul-stirring memories that shocked the soldiers in the trenches of the Western Front of the First World War.


Three Comrades is a book about true friendship, about men's entertainment, about love and about the simple life of ordinary people in an ordinary small town in post-war Germany. Friends who survived during the war stand by each other like a mountain in peacetime. And when one of them falls in love, the beloved girl becomes not a stumbling block, but another comrade.

Remarque worked on the novel “Three Comrades” for almost four years. In 1933, the book “Pat” was published - the first step towards a grandiose novel. At that time, in Germany, Remarque’s books were already blacklisted; they were demonstrably burned in public squares. The writer was depressed by everything happening in Germany in particular and in the world in general. He lived in his villa in Switzerland, drank, got sick, and met with German emigrants. When work on the novel was nearing completion, Remarque received an offer from the German government to return to his homeland. Erich Maria refuses to make peace with the Nazis and goes to Paris for a congress of writers in exile. The novel was published in 1936 in Denmark, in Danish, and then published in the USA in English - in a magazine version. And only in 1938 the book “Three Comrades” was published in Amsterdam, published in German.

The novel “Arc de Triomphe” was written by the famous German writer E.M. Remarque (1898-1970). The author talks about the tragic fate of a talented German surgeon who fled from Nazi Germany from Nazi persecution. Remarque analyzes the complex spiritual world of the hero with great skill. In this novel, the theme of the fight against fascism sounds with great force, but this is a lone struggle, not an organized political movement.