Pop dances for children. What do we know about pop dance? Pop dance. Main characteristics

Is your child a fidget? Does he always need to somehow stand out from his peers, surprise, amaze? Does he dream of performing in the world, of becoming a real pop star? And also - wants to be fashionable and original in everything? It is precisely these children who will surely enjoy modern pop dances for children - a new direction of the Feeriya dance school.


Modern dances for children combine many modern styles and dance styles: aerobics, hip-hop, modern jazz, stage dancing. It would seem that the world of modern dance is an adult art with complex philosophy and psychology. However, today children often understand the essence and beauty of modern music and dance styles better than the classics. In addition, children and teenagers who strive for leadership and always strive to be in the center of attention cannot help but be attracted by the opportunity to effectively present themselves on stage: such an opportunity will be given to them by modern pop dances for children - a bright, spectacular, artistic art. At the same time, the dance school that modern pop dances provide for children is no weaker than the school of classical dance styles.

Modern pop dances for children are classes that begin with a traditional and very complete warm-up, including gymnastic exercises, elements of acrobatics and dance aerobics. Then dance sequences and etudes are practiced, and of course, the first number is prepared, with which the little dancers will appear on stage for the first time after a year of training.

Modern pop dancing for children is excellent physical training, which in terms of intensity and intensity can be compared with training in a sports section. During the classes, muscles and ligaments are strengthened and stretched, which become more elastic, and the flexibility of the spine develops. Much attention is paid to the positioning of the body, arms and legs in classes.

Excellent posture, strong arms and legs, excellent coordination and the ability to control your body - modern pop dancing for children very quickly leads to such excellent results. In addition, modern pop dances for children accustom schoolchildren to constant work, cultivate will and focus on results. Since modern pop dancing for children is a collective art, in classes children learn cooperation and mutual understanding.

Modern pop dances for children develop musicality, dance ability, and artistic abilities. Modern pop dances for children will help to cope with many psychological problems: overcome excessive timidity or, conversely, direct your irrepressible energy into the mainstream of art, learn to express your feelings and emotions in dance.

Almost any dance festival or competition includes this spectacular trend - modern pop dances for children. These are, for example, the International festival-competition of children's and youth groups TOP DANCE FESTIVAL, the dance festival "Talents of the New Century", the International Dance Olympics. You can find out about these and other dance competitions on the websites http://www.ortodance.ru and http://www.festivals.ru.

Dance... Variety, ballroom, folk, modern. How can he not be fascinating? As children, we all strive to move like our idols. We pose in front of the mirror, imagine and fantasize. And only the most determined of us eventually dare to enroll in the appropriate section or circle.

According to experts, this kind of physical exercise seriously helps in the formation of posture in the younger generation, who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. That is why, apparently, children's pop dances have recently become more and more popular. Everyone, regardless of age, strives and is attractive! It is always fashionable, which means it should be in demand.

But what is dance (pop, classical, modern - the type doesn’t really matter now)? Is it possible to give a sufficiently comprehensive definition?

We will try to discuss this in this article.

What do you mean by dance?

From the point of view of professionals, modern pop dance is considered to be a musical and choreographic miniature with a clearly expressed idea of ​​dramaturgical construction:

  • exposure;
  • tie;
  • denouement or climax;
  • the finale.

Also, the dramatic structure of a pop dance means not only its plot, but also expressive dance-game or dance episodes of an artistic number.

In addition, it is necessary to provide for an element of surprise in the production decision or in the nature of the dance performance.

Pop dance. Main characteristics

The main characteristics of variety performances include easy adaptability to a variety of conditions, concentration of artistic and expressive means, and short duration.

Depending on the genre technique used in pop dance, it is classified as everyday, classical, rhythmic (step, tap), plastic and acrobatic.

In pop dance, the synthetic nature of choreography, music, vocals, direction, scenography, lighting, costumes, scenery and various technical effects is clearly expressed. Thanks to these distinctive characteristics, pop dances created the basis for the emergence of shows - a new direction in pop.

Varieties of pop dances

There are the following types of pop dances:

  • classical pop dance, almost combined with acrobatic virtuosity of lifts;
  • acrobatic pop dance with defined internal trends of different thematic images: lyricism, heroics, grotesque;
  • plot-dance miniature or plot-characteristic pop dance;
  • folk pop solo or mass dance;
  • military pop solo or mass dance, created by elements of pantomime, drill exercises and folk dances performed to military and folk music;
  • rhythmic pop dance with techniques of ballroom, everyday dance, tap and tap.

As we see, modern pop dance includes many components borrowed from other styles and movements.

Why should kids take up dancing?

Children need to dance not only for the obvious joy and pleasure, but also for good physical fitness.

By practicing sports and pop dancing, children will be able to learn and study:

  • elements of modern dance;
  • elements of classical dance;
  • folk dance details;
  • exercises with objects (skipping rope, ribbon);
  • exercises without objects (jumps, turns, swings, waves, etc.);
  • rhythmic movements with music;
  • elements of sports and rhythmic gymnastics;
  • elements of pantomime;
  • exercises from different sports.

The rich variety and accessible exercises have an effective effect on the body and provide an opportunity for children of different age groups to practice dancing. Modern pediatricians often advise parents to find a suitable pop dance ensemble for children in their city and city and sign up for classes. There will definitely be no harm from such a pastime, and the benefits, as they say, are obvious.

What you need for dancing lessons

Parents often worry that such a hobby will become very burdensome for the family budget, although in most cases this is nothing more than a misconception.

To start dancing, you just need to have comfortable sportswear, dance shoes (Czech shoes, ballet shoes or jazz shoes) and a good mood.

All classes (no matter what direction you prefer: pop, ballroom or, say, classical) are conducted according to the principle from easy to complex, so first you study the basic connections, movements and small performances from various directions.

Variety dance- this is a direction in choreography that combines various dance styles, ranging from classics to. This direction is becoming more and more popular every year, various pop dance groups, one of the most popular is the “Inspiration” team. This group of dancers includes children and young people aged 4 to 18 years, who, under the guidance of famous dancers, participate in various competitions and festivals.

The first origins of pop dance can be traced back to the last century and include performances by gypsy dancers and folk choirs at village festivals.

Among other dance styles variety dance stands out because the dancer must have not only choreographic abilities and individuality, but also a high level of acting skills. This is due to the fact that such a dance is not just refined movements, but a whole theatrical performance.

Foundation pop dance- this is improvisation. A dancer must reveal his soul to the audience, and memorized movements will not give the desired result and will not penetrate their hearts.

Many performers of this dance claim that it is very similar to club dances. But still there are differences, and the main one is that the club dance dancer does not have the proper individuality and acting skills.

If you send your child to this particular sport, he will definitely develop an ideal sense of rhythm and reveal his individuality. In, where this direction is taught, there are two intertwined areas, acting and the study of movements. It is worth noting that much more attention is paid to the first, until the child reveals himself as an individual, they will not give much results.

There are many pop dance schools where real stars, winners of world tournaments, teach. Naturally, it is not so easy to get into such schools, you will have to shell out a tidy sum of money, but it is worth it. Such teachers will be able to explain to the child that dance is history. And to tell this story you need to put your soul into it.

3 courses from

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Methods of teaching jazz and pop dance
The course can be used over two or even three years as an excellent base for the development of your students. It will be very useful for those teachers who start working with children or teach a children's group from scratch.

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Course No. 200 can be used throughout two or even three years as an excellent basis for the development of your students. There is a lot of material here that allows the teacher to develop in beginners physical abilities, hearing, sense of rhythm, coordination, emotionality, the ability to navigate well in space, and teach “jazziness.”

All lesson material is logically structured from simple to complex. In the first lesson, the simplest movements are studied - releve, bounce, springboard jumps in parallel positions. Then these things are combined with the work of the hands, head, and point-by-point work is added. And by the end of the course, full-fledged jazz elements are performed: flat backs, hops, slides, chasse, pinch, pas de bourre, pirouettes ) and much more. Each innovation organically “grows” from the material already covered.

During the lesson, funny, cheerful combinations are taught, accompanied by lively music, which not only give the students a good mood, but also cultivate posture, develop attention, range of motion, teach them to work in space, and show the character of the dance. Olga asks teachers to immediately, from the first lesson, teach children that they “ introduced themselves”, were revealed in each combination: “If you take it, do it one hundred percent, and then it will be easier to show character, mood, image in dance.” Olga also constantly, starting from the first lessons, pays attention to the tightness of the feet, knees, posture, and the tightness of the buttocks. A lot of time is devoted to developing coordination and a sense of rhythm in students. The course contains many interesting findings that will help teachers develop in their children these qualities necessary for a dancer.

So unobtrusively, cheerfully, with the selection of material “in ascending order”, wonderful dancers are formed according to Olga Vernigora’s method.

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№ 200.1
Warm-up: releve - plie releve in I, II and IV parallel positions, alternating changes of legs, saute in I and II parallel positions, running with knees moving forward, straight legs forward and back, jumping with straight legs moving to the side and hand coordination, bounce along I and II parallel positions. Two dance combinations are also taught and made more difficult by working with changing angles.
Body roll block: After a dynamic warm-up, Olga introduces a body roll block into the lesson - it gives the children the opportunity to catch their breath and come to their senses. At the same time, work continues on the muscles of the legs and body. Olga teaches several different types of waves at once. “The movement should be endless,” she says. In the first lesson, roll down and roll up, snake, waves from bottom to top, top to bottom and waves in the IV position are mastered.
Contraction: taught in its “pure form”.
Block of work on coordination: 3 combinations are learned with gradual complication.
Isolation: all positions are taught slowly at first, with each center in its “pure form” with different accents.
№ 200.2
A new bow is being learned - more complex, using the coordination of different centers and rotation.
Warm-up: the tempo accelerates, two dance combinations are combined into one. Body roll block: waves in the IV position are complicated by advancement.
Contraction: steps are added, the tempo is quickened.
Isolation: the work of two centers is combined, the “eight” is taught back and forth, and it is complicated by advancement. The combinations of flat back, catch step, and dance combination are learned.
Cross: two step combinations, a chasse, a hop, two slide combinations, a side chasse and a combination with it are taught.
№ 200.3
Here we learn a new combination on flat back, pirouettes, pas de bourrée, a combination using these two elements, a step with contraction, a jumping combination, stretching, a combination with springboard jumps and a cartwheel.

Pop dance technique for children
The course is a variety dance methodology for children aged 4-7 years and includes dance and play sketches and learning basic movements.

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No. 408.3 (1 h 10 min)- children 4-5 years old:
- breathing exercises;
- finger games;
- dance-games in a circle “Borsch”, “Raking Hands”, “Four-Legged Run”;
- practicing basic elements - jumping (“Owl-owl”), running (“Hot frying pan”);
- stretch-fold (“Sandwich”), cross split (“Roots”, “10 Sleepwalkers”);
- setting up the body (“Gel ball”);
- added steps (“I’m on a rocket”, “Kisses”);
- game “Mirror”;
- construction in drawings: lines, circles, columns;
- bow;
- exercise in the middle of the hall (hand placement, half fingers, lunges, plie, counter move);
- breathing exercises (“Teapot”).
No. 408.4 (1 h 15 min)- children 5-6 years old:
- dance-game “Dyk-duk” (straight gallop);
- exercise in the middle of the hall (repetition + learning new elements);
- stretching;
- Cross exercises (“four-legged running”, jumps, gallops, jumps, steps);
- dance-game “Caterpillar” (in drawings);
- learning the production “Robot Bronislav”.
No. 408.5 (49 min)- children 5-6 years old:
- dance-game “Motor”;
- exercise in the middle of the hall (repetition + learning the elements passé, sauté, rotation, “pike”);
- stretching;
- flexibility exercises: rolls, “snake”;
- Cross exercises (“four-legged running”, steps in pairs);
- learning the acrobatic element “wheel”;
- dance-game “Toffee”, “Special Agents”;
- dance-game of improvisation “Disco”;
- game “Heap is small”.
No. 408.6 (41 min)- children 6-7 years old:
- variations on the theme “Locomotive”;
- partial learning of the production of “The Frog”;
- Cross exercises (jumps, steps, highway, “toffee”);
- preparation for the acrobatic element “coup”.

As a gift for the course, free application No.273. In this lesson, Anya presents the visual result of her work - children from the ensemble "Orange" (added to the order automatically)

Pop dance for children
The leader of the children's group "Orange", winner of many competitions, shares techniques for the successful and rapid development of little dancers.

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This disc features author's approach Andrey for children's pop dance. This is a dance for children and about children, using all the capabilities of a child at his age. An excellent course for teachers working in variety genre with children from 7 to 13 years of age of various levels - from beginners to pros.

Here you will see a fragment of a pop dance lesson, many interesting elements and dance sequences. And most importantly, you will understand: how to simple movements, accessible even to a first-year student, do “tasty” competition production; how to work with children to achieve results from them. How to teach a child to embody the character of a hero on stage, to splash out emotions.

Andrey is a generator of positivity and good mood, he understands what children need and how they see the world around them. He's with them "one wave", and the numbers turn out bright, emotional, juicy, tasty - just like "Orange"!

No. 20 (1 hour 15 minutes)
- Learn elements, small combinations, combinations of numbers: “Little Dwarf”, “Kesha the Parrot”, “Royalty-Royalty”, “Ma-Maria”;
- Cross: walks, rotations, rolls on the floor.

In the amount of 3200 rubles

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