Fedor dobronravov what happened. Fedor Dobronravov passed away, cause of death, biography, personal life. Detailed data. Actor Fyodor Dobronravov was discharged from the hospital

On Monday, March 19, society was shocked by the news about the illness of another people's favorite, artist Fyodor Dobronravov. As it became known, the actor was urgently admitted to the hospital for unknown reasons. In Svetlogorsk, where the performance “Freaks” with the participation of Dobronravov was planned, fans are most upset - the performance was cancelled.

What happened to Dobronravov was not reported until recently. The public immediately began to assume the worst, suggesting that the 56-year-old artist was seriously ill. At the same time, his agent made an official statement that there was no reason to panic - the crisis had passed and the artist would soon return to work.

Fans are not sure that official news can be trusted, because artists often hide their problems and illnesses from society, and then the situation turns out to be more than critical. As you know, only in 2017 several famous people suddenly passed away. Russian artists- Mikhail Zadornov, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Dmitry Maryanov. In March 2018, Oleg Tabakov, whose health was also called “strong”, passed away...

To the great joy of fans, the news about Dobronravov’s serious illness actually turned out to be false - the agent reassuring the public turned out to be one hundred percent right.

The director of the Satire Theater Alexander Shirvindt confirmed to the TASS agency that everything is fine with Dobronravov.

“Fyodor had some kind of small attack of a vascular nature. This happened in Sergiev Posad, today he is going to Moscow and will go to the clinic for an examination for a couple of days.”

Performances with Dobronravov’s participation, scheduled at the theater for the end of March, have not yet been cancelled.

Fedor Dobronravov - comedy film and theater actor. In 2011 he was awarded the title People's Artist Russia. He is known for such films and TV series as “Matchmakers”, “Liquidation”, “Radio Day”, “Golden Calf”. The actor has been serving at the Moscow Satire Theater since 2003. He has more than 80 film roles to his credit.

Dobronravov promised the public a continuation of “Matchmakers”

The famous series “Matchmakers” about the life and everyday life of a friendly family, filmed Ukrainian studio“Quarter 95?, in Lately arouses genuine interest among society. Fyodor Dobronravov played one of the main roles in it - he has been working in the series from the very beginning, but it was because of the artist that the film was in danger of disappearing.

Ukrainian authorities added Dobronravov to the blacklist of banned artists because of his civic position, because of which it is not possible to shoot a sequel to the film. The premiere of the seventh season in Ukraine and Russia was expected this year, but it never happened.

The series was banned from broadcasting, and the artists were prohibited from entering the country, which upsets fans of the multi-episode film. Dobronravov, who was assigned to the enemies of Ukraine, calmly reacts to the situation and claims that viewers will definitely see a continuation of their favorite film.

“Either they will rewrite the script to shoot at another time of the year, or we will wait until next summer to finish filming. The heroes are still the same. Director Andrei Yakovlev is afraid that this season will be worse. Five years have passed since season 6. We didn’t film due to circumstances that everyone knows. But I think everything will be fine. I feel that way, I want it so much!”

True, the main inspirer of “Kvartal”, Vladimir Zelensky, has already officially announced the closure of the “Matchmakers” project due to political reasons, having previously accused the Ukrainian authorities of a biased attitude towards both the film and his studio as a whole. Is it possible to continue filming in such conditions and whether Dobronravov will appear in the film if something happens remains a big question.

Having barely recovered from his illness, Fyodor Dobronravov went on tour to Ulyanovsk, where he is going to play in a production called “The Husband’s Trap,” Aktualnye Novosti reports.

Previously they said that the actor would be able to be discharged from the hospital on March 31, but this did not happen, so Fedor remains in the hospital for now. According to Agayev, the artist caught a cold, therefore medical specialists decided to extend the period of hospital stay on sick leave. Therefore, performances in the theater with Dobronravov’s participation will be replaced for now.

On March 23, artistic director of the Satire Theater Alexander Shirvindt reported that Fyodor Dobronravov’s health has now returned to normal and he is recovering. According to him, doctors plan to discharge Fedor from the clinic on March 31, so that on April 1 he will be able to go on stage again.

In addition to Dobronravov, the play stars People's Actress of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vasilyeva and Honored Artist of Russia Elena Safonova. “The Husband Trap” will be shown in Ulyanovsk on April 17 on the stage of the “Gubernatorsky” cultural center.

According to testimony, the artist’s well-being improved so much that doctors allowed him to recover at home. At the same time, they were categorically forbidden to go on stage in the near future. Restless the patient decided to disobey the strict doctors and announced that, despite his illness, he was going on tour to Ulyanovsk. Here he will appear on the local stage drama theater together with renowned colleagues Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Safonova in the production of “The Husband Trap”. How a weakened body will respond to such overloads is anyone’s guess.

Yesterday we visited the Song and Dance Theater on Prospekt Mira and watched a performance of 3 artists - DOBronravov - Khazanov and Irina Komarova– OUR favorite is alive - and what a WELL DONE ARTIST with a CAPITAL A - the only - irreplaceable - wonderful - played so that the viewer who did not know about the disease would NEVER have guessed that he had suffered a stroke HEALTH our beloved dear - we love you very much

Fedor Dobronravov family, photo, wife, children. Detailed data as of 09/02/2018

Director of the Moscow Theater of Satire Mamed Agayev told reporters that the actor will be discharged from the hospital no earlier than April 10. Also, according to him, Dobronravov caught a cold, and it was because of this that the decision was made to leave the actor in the hospital for a few more days.

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He always dreamed of becoming a clown; Dobronravov even staged circus acts at the Summer Theater in Taganrog. Fedor understood that to enter the circus school you need excellent physical preparation. He studied hard different types sports: basketball, boxing, volleyball, diving (for which he received a rank).

In 2017, Fyodor Dobronravov was involved in five projects: the film “Once Upon a Time,” the adventure film “Midshipmen-1787,” the children’s fantasy “The Crown of the Empress,” the saga “Crimea” and the crime comedy “Force Majeure.”

Fedor Dobronravov films. Last news.

After that, he became a favorite artist not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine and Belarus. In the series, he also performed the song “Where the Maple Tree Noises.” For some musical numbers, he learned to play the guitar right on the set.

The young people lived modestly - Victor worked as a fitter at a local factory, his wife, after several years of practice in kindergarten I was expecting my first child. The restless, merry fellow and optimist dreamed of the theater, trying year after year to become a student at Pike, where he went with enviable regularity every summer.

Fedor Dobronravov when is the funeral? Main news.

In mid-March, it became known that an accident happened to the well-known and beloved actor by many viewers, the star of the TV series “Matchmakers,” and he disappeared from view for a long time. Immediately, news appeared in the media that Fyodor Dobronravov had passed away, which, fortunately, turned out to be far from the truth, although unpleasant events did occur in the actor’s life. The fact is that Fyodor Viktorovich suffered a stroke right during a tour performance in Sergiev Posad, and he was urgently taken to the hospital.

The head of the Satire Theater Alexander Shirvindt, where the actor serves, said in order to reassure his fans:

“Fyodor had some kind of small attack of a vascular nature. This happened in Sergiev Posad, today he is going to Moscow and will go to the clinic for an examination for a couple of days.”

Due to the fact that he received medical assistance on time, information about the death of Fyodor Dobronravov, which appeared in many online publications, turned out to be far from the truth and upset many fans of the talented actor.

Some publications even rushed to name the date of death and funeral of Fyodor Dobronravov in order to advertise themselves, but these reports turned out to be lies.

But this news was the most painful for the family of Fyodor Viktorovich - his wife Irina and sons Victor and Ivan. They immediately arrived at the hospital where Dobronravov was taken from Sergiev Posad, and where he urgently underwent surgery.

Thanks to the efforts of the doctors and the fact that no time was lost, everything worked out and the operation was successful. Recovery is also going well, and in early April the actor was discharged home, where he will continue his rehabilitation.

For the fact that everything turned out well, Fyodor Viktorovich should thank not only the doctors, but also the actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, who played with him on the same stage. She was the first to notice that something strange was happening to Dobronravov and asked him to smile.

When he was unable to do this, the actress immediately sounded the alarm, suspecting he had a stroke, which, if the doctors had not arrived in time, could even have caused death, which often happens to people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What happened to Fyodor Dobronravov is to blame for the heavy workload experienced by the actor, who actively acts in films and plays on stage. Fyodor Viktorovich’s filmography consists of more than eighty films; he also has a large workload at the Satire Theater, where he has served since 2003.

Dobronravov starred in such famous films as “The Golden Calf”, “Liquidation”, “Radio Day”, and the comedy television show “Six Frames”. The role of Ivan Budko from the TV series “Matchmakers,” in which he began acting in 2008, brought him particular popularity.

Every new season The television series about the life of a large happy family enjoys constant popularity among viewers.

The release of the seventh season of “Matchmakers” was in question for political reasons, because the series was filmed in Ukraine, but Fyodor Viktorovich is confident that everything will be fine with his favorite film.

“Either they will rewrite the script to shoot at another time of the year, or we will wait until next summer to finish filming. The heroes are still the same. Director Andrei Yakovlev is afraid that this season will be worse. It's been five years since season six. We didn’t film due to circumstances that everyone knows. But I think everything will be fine. I feel this way, I want it so much!” said Dobronravov.

In the meantime, the actor’s fans wish him a speedy recovery and return to the stage and screens.

Fyodor Dobronravov has long been loved by viewers and TV series fans for his sparkling smile, subtle humor and infectious laughter. He played a lot famous roles, including in such popular TV series as “Matchmakers” and “Kadetstvo”. At the same time, his heroes were always close to the common people and immediately gained fame. It was this love that allowed Fedor to receive the title of People's Artist.

Case history of Fedor Dobronravov

More recently, or rather on March 17, it became known that Fedor Dobronravov was hospitalized in the Sergiev Posad hospital with some health problems. The actor was in this city with his theater to stage a play. And he felt bad right on stage. Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, who was nearby, literally saved his life. She immediately noticed that something was wrong with Fyodor and asked him to smile. When the actor was unable to do this, Tatyana realized that he had health problems. Fyodor Dobronravov was urgently taken to the nearest hospital, where he was given a full medical examination. He was diagnosed with a stroke and even needed surgery. Thanks to the coordinated action of all specialists, the actor’s life is now in no danger. He was subsequently transferred to a Moscow clinic for further treatment. What caused this sharp deterioration The artist’s health is not known for certain, but most likely this is due to his busy work schedule.

Along with this news, the news of the death of the people's favorite began to spread in many media, which, fortunately for his family and numerous fans, was not confirmed. With refutation this fact also spoke artistic director Theater of Satire Alexander Shirvindt, where Fyodor Dobronravov works. He spoke about this incident and emphasized that the actor’s life is not in danger now.

It was initially planned that Fedor Dobronravov’s inpatient treatment would last until April 10, but he was discharged home much earlier. He was prescribed complete peace and quiet. However, already in mid-April it became known that the actor would soon return to his direct duties. Because of illness popular artist I had to cancel a number of performances and tours. And just the other day the first performance took place at the Satire Theater, in leading role played by Fyodor Dobronravov immediately after recovery. After this, enthusiastic reviews from fans about the stamina and courage of this man appeared in online communities. All viewers are looking forward to new roles of this wonderful actor.

Fyodor Dobronravov’s whole life is connected with two humorous theaters. First it was the Satyricon Theater of Arkady Raikin, and then the Satire Theater of Alexander Shirvindt. In parallel with this activity, the actor manages to act in a huge number of films and TV series. Moreover, their count has long exceeded one hundred. The most famous films and TV series are Election Day, What Men Talk About, Matchmakers, Father's daughters and so on. Since 2016, in addition to acting Fedor became a producer. He opened a production center that is engaged in filming new films and selecting actors. Under the leadership of Fyodor Dobronravov, one picture has already been released - “Once Upon a Time”. Moreover, this movie became very popular due to the simplicity of its script.

The personal life of Fyodor Dobronravov is always connected with only one woman, his wife Irina, who worked as a teacher in a kindergarten. They met in their childhood hometown Taganrog and have not parted to this day. Fyodor and Irina gave birth to and raised two wonderful sons, Victor and Ivan, who followed in their father’s footsteps and also became actors. Having learned about what happened in Sergiev Posad, they immediately came to the hospital and were next to their father at the most difficult moments diseases. Perhaps it was the support and love of loved ones that helped Fedor quickly cope with his illness and get better.

Filming of the new season of the series “Matchmakers” should begin soon and all viewers hope that they will not be postponed, and Fyodor Dobronravov, as always, will play one of the main roles in it.

On Monday, March 19, society was shocked by the news about the illness of another people's favorite, artist Fyodor Dobronravov. As it became known, the actor was urgently admitted to the hospital for unknown reasons. In Svetlogorsk, where the performance “Freaks” with the participation of Dobronravov was planned, fans are most upset - the performance was cancelled.

What happened to Dobronravov was not reported until recently. The public immediately began to assume the worst, suggesting that the 56-year-old artist was seriously ill. At the same time, his agent made an official statement that there was no reason to panic - the crisis had passed and the artist would soon return to work.

Fans are not sure that official news can be trusted, because artists often hide their problems and illnesses from society, and then the situation turns out to be more than critical. As you know, only in 2017 several famous Russian artists suddenly passed away - Mikhail Zadornov, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Dmitry Maryanov. In March 2018, Oleg Tabakov, whose health was also called “strong”, passed away...

Fedor Dobronravov - what happened

To the great joy of fans, the news about Dobronravov’s serious illness actually turned out to be false - the agent reassuring the public turned out to be one hundred percent right.

The director of the Satire Theater Alexander Shirvindt confirmed to the TASS agency that everything is fine with Dobronravov.

“Fyodor had some kind of small attack of a vascular nature. This happened in Sergiev Posad, today he is going to Moscow and will go to the clinic for an examination for a couple of days.”

Performances with Dobronravov’s participation, scheduled at the theater for the end of March, have not yet been cancelled.

Fedor Dobronravov is a comedy film and theater actor. In 2011, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. He is known for such films and TV series as “Matchmakers”, “Liquidation”, “Radio Day”, “Golden Calf”. The actor has been serving at the Moscow Satire Theater since 2003. He has more than 80 film roles to his credit.

Dobronravov promised the public a continuation of “Matchmakers”

The famous TV series “Matchmakers” about the life of a friendly family, produced by the Ukrainian studio “Kvartal 95″, has recently aroused genuine interest among society. Fyodor Dobronravov played one of the main roles in it - he has been working in the series from the very beginning, but it was because of the artist that the film was in danger of disappearing.

The Ukrainian authorities added Dobronravov to the blacklist of banned artists due to his civic position, which is why it is not possible to shoot a sequel to the film. The premiere of the seventh season in Ukraine and Russia was expected this year, but it never happened.

The series was banned from broadcasting, and the artists were prohibited from entering the country, which upsets fans of the multi-episode film. Dobronravov, who was assigned to the enemies of Ukraine, calmly reacts to the situation and claims that viewers will definitely see a continuation of their favorite film.

“Either they will rewrite the script to shoot at another time of the year, or we will wait until next summer to finish filming. The heroes are still the same. Director Andrei Yakovlev is afraid that this season will be worse. Five years have passed since season 6. We didn’t film due to circumstances that everyone knows. But I think everything will be fine. I feel that way, I want it so much!”

True, the main inspirer of “Kvartal”, Vladimir Zelensky, has already officially announced the closure of the “Matchmakers” project due to political reasons, having previously accused the Ukrainian authorities of a biased attitude towards both the film and his studio as a whole. Is it possible to continue filming in such conditions and whether Dobronravov will appear in the film if something happens remains a big question.