The finalist of the “Weighted People” project almost lost her daughter due to doctor’s negligence. Weight loss of “Weighted People” on STS - before and after photos and diets of the main geors Haircut like a Vesta from Weighted People

Just yesterday this smiling stylish girl c unusual name I couldn’t tie my sneakers without feeling dizzy, I didn’t want to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and I lived by the “food-work-food-home-food” principle. Today from that sad life only memories remain. The finalist of the first season of the STS reality show “Vesta Romanova” managed to lose 50 kilograms and find happiness in her personal life.

Last year, Vesta took part in the reality show “Weighted People” (the second season of which has already started on STS) and reached the very final, losing a cash prize of 3 million rubles to 30-year-old Pyotr Vasiliev. However, the girl, despite everything, considers herself a winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, the ex-“weighted” one now willingly shares her acquired knowledge with those who need it. Romanova develops nutrition programs, helps find the right motivation and simply energizes her fans. good mood. Although the project made a star out of the blonde, she still remains a simple, modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if we’re going to share our story, then without any embellishments or cuts. Vesta told the portal why she at one time weighed almost 130 kilograms, why all women need to photograph themselves naked in the mirror, is it possible to lose excess weight at the snap of your fingers and how wonderful life “light” turned out to be.

About excess weight

— As my psychologist says, everything happened because of my personal life. And not because of her absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect myself from relationships that, as a rule, did not end well. I ate and gained weight in order to completely protect myself from communicating with men, not to attract their attention. Which, by the way, I never succeeded in doing. Even when I weighed 123 kilograms, I was in great demand among the stronger sex.

When I was at school, we didn’t have the concept of “fat” at all. My classmates and I were very active: we didn’t sit in front of computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all our time outside. I was an ordinary girl in body, but not fat. I did a lot of sports, so I didn’t gain weight. The problems started when I broke up with my boyfriend after seven years of relationship.

I felt great even with a weight of 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed the number 120 did I begin to experience discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend over. The worst thing is that I got lazy and didn’t want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain is also swollen with fat.

I came to work and just sat there all day. I was constantly eating and surfing the Internet. Then she returned home, ate again and went to bed. The state of an amoeba... Or a frog that sits in its swamp, croaks, and doesn’t need anything else in this life.

About the turning point

“One day it became completely unbearable.” I bent over to tie my shoes and my blood pressure suddenly rose. My face was filled with blood, my head was spinning, I couldn’t get up... Then I realized that I needed to pull myself together and do something. A couple of days later, I accidentally came across a casting announcement for a new reality show about weight loss. I submitted my application form and forgot about it, because I was sure that only people of their own were accepted into such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to the casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After this there was silence, which lasted more than a month. Just before the start of the filming process, I was informed that I was in the project.

About trying to become slim

— From time to time, like any normal woman, I was overcome by the desire to lose excess weight. And I immediately went for the “miracle pills,” mistakenly believing that this would help me lose weight, and quickly. I probably tried every possible diet and pill on myself. Now I understand that miracles do not happen. No matter how sad it is, from extra pounds you always get rid of it very slowly. It is a pity that many do not believe and continue to persistently search quick ways part with the hated fat.

About motivation

— The main motivation for me is the mirror! In general, as it turned out, many fat people They don’t look at themselves in the mirror, they are afraid to take pictures and post their pictures on social networks. You know, like that good principle defense: “I don’t see, that means it doesn’t exist.” That is why a sober look at yourself from the outside, or even better, a photo of yourself naked in the mirror, can help you lose weight. After all, every woman strives to be beautiful.

About the results of the first season of the show “Weighted People”

- I defeated myself! My achievement cannot be measured by money. On the project I was able to lose 40 kilograms, and after the end of the show another 12. The main thing is that I managed to overcome myself and refuse bad habits and tune in new life. And money... You can always earn it if you have the desire. On this moment I weigh 70 kilograms, and this is my ideal weight, I feel very comfortable at it. Soon I plan to do a light drying session so that my body will finally gain definition. After all, this was quite problematic before. Now I have also started to follow a sleep schedule: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. By the way, I also eat by the hour. In general, I have become more disciplined, I am not late for meetings, as I was before. I also completely gave up alcohol.

About keeping fit

— The morning begins with breakfast. Then, if I have time, I go to the gym for strength training. In the evening, according to the cardio schedule - cycling or running.

My approximate diet is:
Breakfast: buckwheat with milk.
Snack:“Caprese” for the poor is my anti-crisis recipe (smiles). Tomatoes, cottage cheese (instead of Mozzarella), herbs, spices, half a teaspoon of olive oil.
Dinner: bean soup(beans, potatoes, onions, carrots, chicken breast), chicken with millet (baked chicken, boiled millet).
Snack: fresh cabbage and carrot salad.
Dinner: stewed chicken with vegetables (chicken breast, white cabbage, onion).
Everything is simple, tasty and low in calories. I also monitor the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

About changes in personal life

- I got married. Matvey, my husband, is a man who really knows what he wants. He is an interesting conversationalist, very smart and well-read. What attracted me to him is that he never gives up when he takes on any task. Everything comes to an end. I am probably one of the most difficult projects for him (laughs), because Matvey sought my favor for a long time. My husband is my incentive to become better. After all, it was he who attracted me to the world of cycling, brought me into his social circle, and introduced me to new people. For his sake, every day I try to become a little better, because next to me is a correct, principled and slightly stubborn man. Before Matvey, my life was incomplete. Previously, I actively got tattoos that had a special meaning. In this way, I tried to attract into my life everything that I lacked: happiness, health, material well-being, peace of mind, Love. And I was constantly “swinging” like a pendulum from side to side, although I wanted stability and calm. Matvey became my weight on the second side of the scale. He is the one who will always find the right words. Even my outbursts of anger (and I am a fairly emotional person) are “extinguished” by my husband without doing anything special about it. His energy is powerful. By the way, I survived Petya Vasilyev’s betrayal only thanks to Matvey. He was there all the time, helping me not to give up, not to break under the weight of the gossip that spread when everything was revealed. Now, of course, I regret putting my relationship on display. But then my husband appeared in my life. This means that everything was not in vain.

About the nearest plans

— My most important project for today is a sanatorium in Sochi for those who want to lose weight. We opened it together with Vlad Ushakov, a participant in the first season of the show “Weighted People”. We have selected an excellent team of specialists - nutritionists, psychologists, trainers. I am leading the project as a trainer-administrator. Our program includes 21 days of rest, sports, handicrafts, excursions and, of course, the fight against excess weight. I'm sure it will be fun! Yes, I'm not a professional, but I have a lot of experience. I experienced it myself different kinds diets, workouts and I know what can be more effective. Therefore, I willingly share with everyone the knowledge that I received on the “Weighted People” project. I like to help people. It's nice to know that someone might find your advice useful.

- Work on yourself. Look in the mirror more often. Don’t be afraid to criticize yourself, soberly evaluate your figure. Indulgence will not lead to anything good. In order to become slimmer, you need to take action: don’t skip workouts, eat right, and follow a sleep schedule.

Always strive for the best and never give up! Even if you’re physically in pain or you’ve only lost a hundred grams in a week, don’t stop! And most importantly, a varied diet. If you sit on the same chicken and buckwheat, breakdowns are inevitable. So treat yourself to some tasty treats. Sometimes it’s good to lift your spirits!

Vesta Romanova advises counting calories. Vesta Romanova: — Until I was 22, I was subtle and loud. Throughout the project, Peter showed interest in a girl named Vesta Romanova. By the way, Vesta did not stop at the achievements of the project.

Now Vesta, who took third place in the STS channel TV show “Weighted People,” has more than three thousand subscribers. TV viewers blinked away tears when Peter, shortly before the end of the project, on his birthday, proposed to Vesta.

Vesta took third place, having lost almost 50 kilograms in four months. Thanks to the project, Vesta Romanova lost 50 kg and radically changed her life. Today she gives advice to everyone who wants to overcome excess weight and organizes master classes. The man not only regained his health and became famous, but also began an affair with the pretty blonde Vesta on the show.

I can’t say that I was very worried about being overweight. Then I had a young man who liked curvy girls, and that suited me,” Vesta admits. - But we parted. I say this once and absolutely seriously: I don’t know how to play love.

Vesta Romanova: “Fat brute, look at yourself in the mirror!”

“I met a young man, and he is wonderful,” Vesta smiles. - But I won’t show my personal life anymore. He is not a public person. Now Vesta, together with her lover, is preparing to hold a mass master class, at which the finalist of the show will talk about how to eat and exercise properly.

Golden rules from Vesta, for those who want to lose weight:

Nowadays people believe that everyone owes them something. And dried in the oven. The final of the show “Weighted People” took place over the weekend, the winner of which was Peter Vasiliev, who lost 58 kilograms during the entire project. As a result, the young people fell in love, so much so that Peter even proposed marriage to the smiling blonde.

I myself looked with rapture at people who were able to “pull themselves together” and lose an unrealistic amount of kilograms. I wrote a letter, passed the casting and ended up on the “Weighted People” project. At that time I weighed 123 kg. During the four months of the show, she lost 40 kilograms.

But I was also angry! Before the show, Pyotr Vasiliev lived in Kaliningrad. And it all ended with me returning to my city, and Vesta returning to hers. The euphoria passed, but friendly relations remained. At the very beginning of the project, the task of Semenikhin and Turchinskaya was to simply get the participants to move.

Every day new people come into my life. Someone leaves a mark in it and disappears, but someone stays seriously and for a long time. One of these “seriously and for a long time” was Sasha Rossinsky. I know for sure that he really has the Gift, that’s exactly how it is with capital letters! From June 18 to 25, Sasha will hold meetings in Moscow.

Host of the show “Weighted People” YULIA KOVALCHUK: I don’t owe my good figure to genetics

St. Petersburg Unfortunately, we have another problem, the person in whose apartment the kittens and their mother live is threatening to throw them out onto the street, he has given them until Monday. Because of this, I have now come home from the hospital for the weekend, but on Monday I have to undergo surgery. Today is my dear mother’s birthday. Mom is my dearest and dearest person in the world! There is no one closer to her and never will be. Mommy, happy birthday!

And once upon a time she herself searched on the Internet for all kinds of diets in order to lose at least a little weight. However, the lost kilograms, as a rule, returned. The days of training and the transition to proper nutrition began.

There was so much food that people simply could not eat everything. After a month, they were allowed to eat 700–600 calories, and by the end of the project - 500. All this was accompanied by cardio and strength training. It happened that I walked 30 kilometers on the path a day. According to the girl, many overweight people are simply lazy to exercise.

My status is strange... I set it, but it disappears... Hmm... It’s not clear...

Those who followed the project watched with interest not only how the show participants parted with extra pounds, but also for love story, unexpectedly unfolded on the screen. The producers suggested that we introduce this into the project.

How to find motivation

The young people supported each other in competitions, cheered at the weekly summing up, when the participant who lost the least kilo left the project. She lost weight from 130 to 82 kilos. And then an active discussion began on social networks - the future newlyweds separated. I made an exception for MK readers in St. Petersburg.” I was angry. I just couldn’t understand what it was like for that girl to date almost married man, - admits the finalist of the show. - And then we talked.

The motivation for the project was concrete - I want to become better, change my life. Now this is my reflection in the mirror

I wrote out training and nutrition plans for myself. In the summer I run and ride a bike,” says a girl who, thanks to own strength With the will and desire to lose weight, she turned from a plump woman into a slender beauty. I often don't find time to go to social media, to respond to all subscribers, but I always find it to ride a bike or meet with friends. Life became a pleasure. Many people now ask me: “Help me find motivation.”

And it's not just about feeling good and natural charisma. He and I are on the same wavelength, and our level of madness is the same. At first we thought of gathering everyone interested in outdoors, but when it became clear that more than 300 people wanted to come to the meeting, they realized that they needed to look for a room.

Petya is a handsome young man, and I liked him right away

I was exactly the same. The state is obliged to do something, in the gym the trainer is obliged to lose weight for you, and the nutritionist, apparently, spoon-feeds you. Now she weighs 74 kilograms and feels great. Avoid sugar and sweets. It loses unnecessary moisture. 25–30 grams per day is enough. If you are cooking for one person, screw on the spray and simply spray the pan.

How the relationship between Vesta and Peter strengthened. Someone accused the couple of being pretentious. While relaxing on VideoSea, you can watch online for free Vesta Romanova Exclusive Program Weighted People in high quality, subscribe to the newsletter for updates, export the video to any... Vesta does not intend to turn from a princess back into a frog.

Petersburger Vesta Romanova, a girl who was able to dramatically change her life. Having reached the final of the first season of the show “Weighted People” in 2015, Vesta lost 50 kilograms, and over time she only improved her result. In mid-June, the “weighted” countrywoman became a mother, her beautiful daughter Christina was born, but due to the negligence of the district pediatrician, the girl almost died.

After we arrived home, the child began vomiting, and every day it only got worse. The district pediatrician and a visiting nurse came to us three times for examination, also three times. Every visit I asked the question, “Is it normal for a child to constantly feel sick?”, to which they answered, “Yes, this is normal, do enemas.” The doctor was more interested in whether I had read books about feeding and made comments that there should be no TV in the room with the baby. This lasted 2.5 weeks,” Vesta told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

A few days later, the child began to feel even worse, Vesta rushed to a paid pediatrician and from there they were urgently hospitalized.

The child was severely dehydrated. She was born weighing 2800, and we arrived at the hospital weighing 2300. We were diagnosed with enterocolitis (this is inflammation of the intestines - editor's note). For four days she was only on IVs and did not eat anything; the inflammation was treated with antibiotics.

This is the girl’s first pregnancy and experience of motherhood. Now she is reproaching herself for not sounding the alarm sooner, but if medical worker, especially two, say that everything is fine, which means there is no reason to panic. We are used to trusting doctors.

After two weeks in the hospital the baby was born and she was eating well. I was told that if we had waited another two or three days, it would have been too late. More baby I couldn’t stand it, it’s scary to imagine,” Vesta recalls.

Children's city clinic No. 8, where the doctor came from for an examination, refused to comment on the situation and asked to make an official request. Komsomolskaya Pravda has made a request and will definitely keep you up to date. Vesta Romanova also plans to start proceedings with the clinic, but now the main thing for her is to improve her daughter’s health.

Now newborn Christina is actively recovering, eats well and smiles more and more often, and at the end of the week the baby and her mother will go home. We wish her a speedy recovery.


Petr Vasiliev, the finalist of the show “Weighted People,” who proposed marriage to Vesta in the finale of the show, is now godfather girl's daughter. The girl was baptized in the hospital. Vesta is now happy, she has a wonderful husband, whose name the girl does not reveal, and with Peter, they parted as friends and maintain a relationship.

What woman doesn't dream of ideal figure and the admiring glances of men? Finalist Vesta Romanova managed to lose 50 kilograms and find happiness in her personal life. But what’s interesting: even before participating in the project, she was not deprived of the attention of the stronger sex. the site talked to Vesta and found out why she at one time weighed almost 130 kilograms, why all women need to photograph themselves naked in the mirror, and whether it is possible to lose excess weight with the snap of a finger.

Just yesterday, this smiling, stylish girl with an unusual name could not tie her sneakers without feeling dizzy, did not want to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and lived by the principle “food-work-food-home-food.” Today, only memories remain of that sad life.

29-year-old Vesta Romanova took part in the competition last year (the second season of which has already started on STS) and reached the very final, losing a cash prize of 3 million rubles to 30-year-old Pyotr Vasiliev. However, the girl, despite everything, considers herself a winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, the ex-“weighted” one now willingly shares her acquired knowledge with those who need it. Romanova develops nutrition programs, helps to find the right motivation and simply charges her fans with a good mood. Although the project made a star out of the blonde, she still remains a simple, modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if we’re going to share our story, then without any embellishments or cuts. IN exclusive interview website Vesta Romanova told how wonderful life “light” turned out to be.

. Why did you collect so much?

As my psychologist says, everything happened because of my personal life. And not because of her absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect myself from relationships that, as a rule, did not end well.

“I ate and gained weight in order to completely protect myself from communicating with men, not to attract their attention. Which, by the way, I never succeeded in.”

Even when I weighed 123 kilograms, I was in great demand among the stronger sex. And the further it goes, the worse it gets.

V.R.: When I was at school, we didn’t have the concept of “fat” at all. My classmates and I were very active: we didn’t sit in front of computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all our time outside. I was an ordinary girl in body, but not fat. I did a lot of sports, so I didn’t gain weight. The problems started when I broke up with my boyfriend after seven years of relationship.

I felt great even with a weight of 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed the number 120 did I begin to experience discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend over. The worst thing is that I got lazy and didn’t want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain is also swollen with fat.

“I came to work and just sat there all day. I was constantly eating and surfing the Internet. Then she returned home, ate again and went to bed. The state of an amoeba... Or a frog that sits in its swamp, croaks, and doesn’t need anything else in this life.”

website: When did you come to the conclusion that it was time to change?

V.R.: One day it became completely unbearable. I bent over to tie my shoes and my blood pressure suddenly rose. My face was filled with blood, my head was spinning, I couldn’t get up... Then I realized that I needed to pull myself together and do something.

V.R.: Yes, just a couple of days later I accidentally came across a casting announcement for a new reality show about weight loss. I submitted my application form and forgot about it, because I was sure that only people of their own were accepted into such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to the casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After this there was silence, which lasted more than a month. Just before the start of the filming process, I was informed that I was in the project.

website: All this time before filming began, did you try to lose weight on your own?

V.R.:"Oh yeah (laughs)... From time to time, like any normal woman, I was overcome by the desire to lose excess weight. And I immediately went for the “miracle pills,” mistakenly believing that this would help me lose weight, and quickly.”

I probably tried every possible diet and pill on myself. Now I understand that miracles do not happen. Unfortunately, you always get rid of extra pounds very slowly. It’s a pity that many people don’t believe it and continue to stubbornly look for quick ways to lose the hated fat.

website: What was and is now your main motivation to keep fit?

V.R.: Mirror! In general, as it turned out, many overweight people do not look at themselves in the mirror, they are afraid to take pictures and post their pictures on social networks. You know, such a good principle of defense: “I don’t see, that means it doesn’t exist.”

“That’s why a sober look at yourself from the outside, or even better, a photo of yourself naked in the mirror can help you lose weight. After all, every woman strives to be beautiful.”

website: Are you upset that you didn’t win in the final of the show and 3 million rubles went to someone else?

V.R.: And I won! She defeated herself. My achievement cannot be measured by money. On the project I was able to lose 40 kilograms, and after the end of the show another 12. The main thing is that I managed to overcome myself, give up bad habits and tune in to a new life. And money... You can always earn it if you have the desire.

website: What weight are you now and do you plan to continue losing weight?

V.R.: At the moment I weigh 70 kilograms, and this is my ideal weight, I feel very comfortable at it. Soon I plan to do a light drying session so that my body will finally gain definition. After all, this was quite problematic before.

Now I have also started to follow a sleep schedule: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. By the way, I also eat by the hour. In general, I have become more disciplined, I am not late for meetings, as I was before. I also completely gave up alcohol.