Physical exercises for pregnant women. Exercises for pregnant women

A pregnant woman is a woman who is preparing to become a mother, and not a disabled person who is contraindicated to move and engage in physical exercise and labor. After all, without physical activity, muscles quickly atrophy, and the body ceases to be flexible. The fact that a woman tries to move as little as possible is understandable - she is afraid of harming the child. But will light gymnastic exercises really harm the fetus? During pregnancy without complications, doctors even advise expectant mothers to engage in special exercises, because this can benefit not only them, but also the unborn baby.

What are the benefits of exercise?

The muscles of the female body are much less developed than the male body. Even women are smaller and weaker, for example, their hearts and lungs are not as large. At the same time, a woman is more “nervous” and susceptible than a man, and this has negative consequences not only for the psyche, but also for the body. These are the first reasons why a woman should do exercises, especially when she is pregnant. In order for it to be successfully born, you need to have a strong muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic region and perineum, which can be achieved through physical activity. Also, thanks to them, you can make your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles stronger, and this will help avoid “sagging” and sagging abdomen after childbirth and prevent diseases of the internal organs. It has been noticed that during physical exercise they appear much less frequently on the legs and on the ankles. And who will like it? But they are unlikely to appear if you exercise. Your body will be almost the same as before giving birth, and maybe even more beautiful. In addition, an important argument is that medical research has shown that pregnant women can shorten the duration of labor by more than 5 hours, and reduce the risk of any complications during childbirth and after, if they do gymnastics.

What exercises are there for pregnant women?

Before you independently practice gymnastics for pregnant women at home, you should consult with your doctors whether these exercises are useful or contraindicated for you. Be sure to obtain consultation and permission from your physician.

There are a variety of exercises for pregnant women. There are universal ones, and there are special ones. There are those that can be done at home, lying on the floor, and there are those that can only be done under the supervision of a specialist. There are whole sets of exercises that are similar to each other and belong, say, to the same style. For example, aerobics.

Aerobics is rhythmically repeated vigorous exercise. Beneficial changes from aerobics:

  1. The body of mother and child receives more oxygen. Aerobic exercise stimulates the functioning of the heart and lungs, muscles and joints. The fact that the body, thanks to these activities, begins to use more oxygen is very useful for mother and child. Aerobics also improves blood circulation, and this has a positive effect: more nutrients are supplied to the fetus, which also reduces the risk of varicose veins.
  2. Pain in the spine decreases when carrying a child. Pregnant women know better than anyone that the fetus they are carrying is an additional and rather difficult weight. Aerobics allows you to become stronger and increase your muscle tone, and this prevents or reduces spinal pain and constipation, and “helps” you bear additional stress.
  3. Childbirth is easier. Childbirth is not always easy. Sometimes a mother needs to show patience and endurance in order for the baby to be born. Due to the fact that the muscles work and are accustomed to tension, basic endurance increases, which makes it easier to endure childbirth.
  4. Extra calories are burned. Everyone is afraid of extra pounds. Aerobics helps get rid of them. But in this case, out of caution, you still need to adhere to an additional diet rich in vitamins, without the threat of gaining excess weight.

Another, less intensive set of exercises for pregnant women, which is recommended by experienced specialists, is callanetics or callanetics. This is a type of physical activity that, with minimal activity, allows you to burn the maximum number of calories. Quite light rhythmic exercises are aimed at correcting often incorrect posture, as well as toning and developing muscles. But, since some of the Callanetix exercises may be unsafe, you need to choose those that are designed specifically for pregnant women. They will have the same effect as aerobics.

Pregnant women can also do relaxation exercises, which are similar to yoga. They are aimed primarily at relaxing the body, concentrating, and developing proper breathing. All this will be useful during childbirth. In addition, they are not contraindicated during complicated pregnancies.

There is one exercise that almost all women can do at any month of pregnancy. This is a Kegel exercise. It is simple and boils down to the fact that a pregnant woman, in the correct starting position, strains the muscles in the anus and vagina for 8-10 seconds (be sure to read the detailed description of this exercise!). Despite its simplicity, the effect of Kegel exercises is irreplaceable, because it prepares the corresponding muscles for childbirth. And even after childbirth they are useful.

There are many more sets of exercises, as well as single exercises that can be combined with others. You can even do some sports during pregnancy - from jogging to mountain climbing! The main thing, no matter what you choose, is to feel comfortable doing any type of physical education for pregnant women. In order to feel more confident and relaxed, it is also recommended to use aromatherapy, and while performing gymnastics, turn on music that corresponds to the set of exercises. If it is yoga, then some calm melody, aerobics - more active. And also remember about contraindications.

Rules for performing exercises and contraindications

No matter how strange it may sound, even when performing simple exercises, you need to adhere to some rules. For example, you need to perform exercises only in loose sportswear that “breathes” (made from natural fabrics). During pregnancy, jumping, skipping, and active leg movements are contraindicated. You can't pump up your lower abs. Exercises should not be done on an empty stomach, but also immediately after eating. The room where you will do physical education should be spacious and ventilated, but drafts should not be created under any circumstances. If you notice changes in your blood pressure, or if you simply feel unwell, stop exercising and be sure to contact your doctor.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

Greetings, gentlemen and especially ladies! As you probably already guessed from the title of the note, today we will dedicate it to young mothers and their proper physical activity while in an interesting position. To be honest, this article might not have existed if it weren’t for the readers of the project, who are familiar with this interesting situation firsthand. And exercises for pregnant women are exactly the topic that worries them. It was they, my dear friends, who asked to shed light on the issues of keeping fit during pregnancy. We will soon find out what came out of this casting of light.

So, take your seats, it will be interesting, let's go.

Exercises for pregnant women: everything you need to know about fitness during pregnancy

So it happened...One fine day you discovered two stripes. Please accept my congratulations - you will soon become a mother, there will be a new addition to your kingdom! Motherhood is the main goal, the mission of a woman on this planet, it is through it that she is realized as a person and an individual. A lady who did not give birth of her own free will can hardly be called a full-fledged woman. They live for themselves, take care of themselves, maintain their figure in its original form, but let's be honest, no matter how rude it may sound, they are selfish. Of course, every woman decides and chooses her own path in life, the main thing is that it is conscious, and at the end of her life she does not have to regret the wrong choice of pill. Well, closer to the topic...

Pregnancy is the process of sacrificing the health, and sometimes physical beauty and attractiveness, of a woman in favor of another new person. It is during childbirth that ladies lose their pristine youth, beauty and accumulate all the additional bad things, such as: excess weight, stretch marks, diastasis, cellulite and other problems. You were thin and loud, but it passed 9 months, and your youthful forms have fallen, and your beauty has faded. However, what are our women good for? The fact that a certain percentage of them are not ready to put up with “getting fat” and want to keep themselves in shape in every possible way even during pregnancy. It was from these “form holders” that applications were received with a request to tell about the correct process of organizing physical activity for women in labor, in particular, exercises for pregnant women. All the details in a few seconds...

Of course, we will start our article from afar, from Kamchatka, because there is little useful information on the Internet for pregnant women, and the number of the latter is growing every day. So get ready for theory, let's pour water :).


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Stages of pregnancy: every woman should know this

Below we will describe the course of the entire pregnancy process, which on average lasts 40 weeks, grouped into three trimesters. This way you will have an idea of ​​what is happening with your child at each of the three stages. So let's start with...

First trimester (1-12 weeks)

The most intense period during which a woman’s body undergoes many changes. The most important hormonal changes affect almost every organ of the woman in labor. The main changes include:

  • increased fatigue, fatigue;
  • swollen mammary glands, protruding nipples;
  • upset stomach, morning sickness;
  • strong cravings/aversions to certain foods;
  • increase in body weight (fat mass);
  • headache, mood swings.

As you enter trimesters, your body and body condition will change, so you need to quickly make changes to your current pregnant life schedule. These include: going to bed earlier at night, taking naps during the day, increasing caloric intake (on average per 250-300 kcal), number of meals and reduction in the volume of single servings. During this period, if there are no contraindications, a woman can perform special exercises for pregnant women.

Second trimester (13-28 weeks)

Usually it proceeds easier than the first one, although everything is individual. Some symptoms (nausea, fatigue) subside, but noticeable physical changes occur in your body, in particular, your stomach expands in volume and begins to protrude forward. Your body (especially the stomach) inflates to provide the necessary space inside you for your growing fetus. The main changes include:

  • body aches - back, stomach, groin, hip pain;
  • stretch marks on the stomach, chest, hips, buttocks;
  • tingling hands, carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • itching of the abdomen, palms, soles of the feet;
  • swelling of ankles, fingers, face.

Third trimester (29-40 weeks)

The finish line, just a little patience left. The baby gains its final weight, which makes it harder for the woman to breathe during this period and she has to run to the restroom more often. The latter occurs due to a critical enlargement of the fetus and greater pressure on the organs of the woman in labor. The main changes include:

  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • heartburn;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • enlarged breasts, from which water-milk fluid (colostrum) may leak;
  • navel enlargement and protrusion;
  • the child begins to actively push or move down the abdomen;
  • the appearance of contractions;
  • the cervix becomes thinner and softer, which helps open the birth canal.


In general, the course of pregnancy and changes in a woman’s body composition can be compared to pumping air into a rubber doll. Visually (externally), everything is the same, only a bunch of internal bonuses are added, from which the inflatable woman is spared.

In the picture version, the process of changing a woman’s body by trimester looks like this:

Visually you will change as follows:

So, now you know what to expect and in what trimester and, so to speak, you are mentally prepared :).

Now let's get closer to the practical side of the issue, namely physical activity during this “interesting” period. And let's start with...

Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy: is it worth the bother?

It's no secret that the process of finding an interesting position goes differently for the vast majority of women. Someone on maternity leave throws himself into all seriousness:

  • getting up late;
  • indulgence in sweets;
  • constant stress and depression;
  • minimal physical activity - shopping, cooking at home, walking livestock (not husband:);
  • getting stuck on TV shows;
  • Constantly communicating with friends on the phone.

However, there are also more conscientious citizens (and I think they are reading these lines now) who want to be active and stay in shape as much as possible, although they don’t know exactly how and what to do in this situation. This is what we will talk about now. The main criterion for all actions taken by a woman in labor during an interesting period should be the preservation of common sense, the appropriateness of actions and the avoidance of extremes - this also applies to such topics as exercises for pregnant women. A few words about the last incarnation...

Fitness and physical activity during pregnancy is hyperactivity, which in the extreme can lead to miscarriage and premature birth. In turn, a woman’s low activity and amoebic state can lead to complications and complications of childbirth. Thus, in everything you need to look for the golden mean, namely, the optimal level of stress that corresponds to your state of the body and its degree of fitness.


Numerous studies show that women who exercise moderately during pregnancy subsequently give birth to healthier and stronger children than inactive mothers.

So, the first step, after you have decided to go to fitness (or study at home), is a consultation with a professional gynecologist. It is his competence that includes assessing your condition, the course of pregnancy and giving the green light for this or that physical activity. Attention! Only his positive decision is a pass to self-care. Not the advice of acquaintances, girlfriends, not your own opinion, but a professional medical opinion.

Actually, you went to see a specialist, he said that everything is fine and does not see any obstacles to your fitness classes.

And here the cards are in your hands. And the second step is some understanding of the benefits and dangers of some exercises and physical activity in general during pregnancy.

By performing special exercises, a woman in labor receives the following positive effects:

  • optimal level of pregnancy and simplification of childbirth;
  • subsequent (after the birth of the child) effective fight against excess weight;
  • increasing the level of endorphins (happiness hormone) in the blood and improving mood/well-being;
  • decreased pain threshold;
  • increased regeneration of body tissues after childbirth and a faster process of getting into shape;
  • increasing muscle strength and endurance, which will allow you to better cope with a newborn;
  • exercise can prevent gestational diabetes, which develops during pregnancy;
  • exercises develop not only the strength of the mother’s muscles, but also the child’s brain; as a result, the child of an active mother may be smarter than the child of an inactive mother;
  • babies of active mothers are less colicky, sleep better and are therefore calmer (long live good nights!);
  • during training, babies in the womb of an active mother are stimulated by the sounds and vibrations during her training, which has a positive effect on their internal development;
  • important point! In active mothers who were physically active during pregnancy, childbirth proceeds without outside intervention (including caesarean section). Statistics say that the average probability of a favorable birth increases by 40 %.

Not many mothers know, but during pregnancy their blood sugar levels jump. This extra sugar is passed through the placenta to the baby, and he may gain more weight than he should.

It has been scientifically proven that physical activity and exercise during pregnancy do not give rise to gestational diabetes, and the baby of such mothers is born at a normal weight.

It is also useful for young mothers to know about the other side of the coin, namely:

  • for its full development, the fetus requires more generation/consumption of water, oxygen, energy/calories;
  • Hormones produced during pregnancy affect ligaments, joints and muscles (especially lower back/pelvis), as a result of which there is a greater risk of injury;
  • growth of the uterus leads to;
  • excess weight and its uneven distribution shifts the center of gravity of the body;
  • increased blood pressure and heart rate;
  • excessive loads (both in intensity and time) provide blood flow to the muscles, which reduces blood flow to the uterus and deprives it. This can negatively affect the condition of the fetus and the health of the baby;
  • holding your breath and various fitness belts lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which can also negatively affect the fetus;
  • too intense exercise can cause irregular breathing, oxygen starvation, dizziness and fainting;
  • increased sweating, release of salts and insufficient drinking during exercise lead to thickening of the blood and disruption of the delivery of nutrients/oxygen to the fetus.

: timing of classes and list of prohibited exercises

Young fitness moms should also remember the following important gynecological instructions.

Rule #1.

The first and third trimesters are periods when physical activity should be limited, i.e. they do exist, but their character must be “super lite” (both in terms of time and degree of load). Stress in the first weeks of pregnancy can lead to its termination due to the fact that the fetus is still extremely small and the placenta has not completed its formation. In the third trimester, preparations are underway for childbirth, which is associated with careful and careful behavior of the mother.

Thus, we can outline the following optimal time frame for including exercise in your pregnant activity schedule. Start - 4-5 week of first trimester and up 30-31 weeks of the third trimester.

  • All exercises are done in a lying position on your back/stomach. For example, abdominal crunches, planks, reverse hyperextensions. The supine position causes compression of the vena cava and reduced blood flow to the uterus and brain;
  • exercises that twist the waist, for example, pulley presses, cable side crunches;
  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders/chest, jump squats, jumping rope, ordinary jumping jacks (including from side to side), swinging your legs up/to the side, abducting your legs in a crossover from the lower block;
  • cardio exercises (treadmill running, elliptical, stepper).

All these exercises/activities can increase the level of oxygen deprivation of the fetus, tone the uterus and contribute to the occurrence of miscarriage.

As for the picture version, the approximate atlas of avoidable exercises during pregnancy looks like this.

Rule #3.

The most optimal types of activity for a pregnant woman are:

  • swimming (including on the back);
  • aqua aerobics;
  • stretching/stretching;
  • yoga and pilates movements;
  • group lessons with an instructor (including on fitballs);
  • low intensity cardiovascular activity;
  • walking distances up to 45 minutes;
  • walking on a treadmill (including with an incline);
  • stationary exercise bike.

Water has a relaxing effect on the body and has a calming effect on the fetus. Walks in the open air (especially outside the city) saturate the mother’s body and, as a result, the baby with oxygen. What is especially important during this period.

Rule #4.

When exercising yourself during this period, it is important not to overdo it, and as soon as you notice the following symptoms, immediately stop your current workout. These include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis;
  • dizziness and slight fainting;
  • difficulty breathing, vaginal bleeding and fluid loss;
  • difficulty walking;
  • cramping urges.

Strength exercises for pregnant women: is it possible?

We all considered light types of exercise, but there are probably active mothers who want to work with dumbbells, weights and exercise machines. It is precisely for such “active fitness girls” that we will analyze a training program called “Come on, baby!”

The technical parameters of the training are as follows:

  • 3 power, 2 aerobic training per week;
  • type of training - separation of muscle groups, split;
  • moderate-light weights;
  • number of approaches 3 , reps 15 ;
  • rest time m/b approaches 1,5-2 minutes;
  • after training, exercises for the pelvic floor muscles ();
  • total training time 50-60 minutes minutes = 5 minutes of stretching+ 5 minutes of brisk walking on the track+ 5 minutes cool down;
  • intensity medium-moderate (on completion of the approach you can talk without gasping);


Performed on an ongoing basis before pregnancy and at the beginning of pregnancy (first 4-7 weeks) exercises on the pelvic floor muscles, in particular Kegels, will allow labor to proceed like clockwork. The fact is that strengthening/development of the deep pelvic muscles contributes to more efficient pushing of the fetus. In other words, by doing the Kegel exercise (and its variations) you won't have to tear your veins and push until you lose your pulse. As soon as the obstetrician gives the command, after a while you will see the result :).

The Ideal Workout Plan for Pregnant Moms

Now we will look at a specific example of a training program that takes place for a young mother who has received permission for physical activity and exercises for pregnant women from her obstetrician-gynecologist

The training split itself looks like this:

  • Monday – chest, arms;
  • Tuesday – aerobic activity (swimming, 1 session in the pool);
  • Wednesday – legs;
  • Thursday - aerobic activity (swimming, 1 session in the pool);
  • Friday – back, shoulders;
  • Saturday/Sunday – rest.

In schematic form, the training program for pregnant women looks like this.


Today we devoted time to ladies who are in an interesting position. I am sure that now you have a general picture of what loads and what exercises can be performed by pregnant women, which means you can spend a little time working on your charms. Therefore, let’s finish reading these lines, collect our money and... success!

PS. Girls, how do you feel about being in an interesting position? I wonder? Will you go to the gym or are you shy?

P.P.S. Attention! 07.06 the ability to send questionnaires for and food became available. I will be glad to see you working together!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

During a normal pregnancy, regular special gymnastics classes are useful. In women who systematically engage in special gymnastics for pregnant women, childbirth proceeds faster, easier and with fewer complications than in women who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Many women do morning exercises every day and play various sports. You can continue playing sports during pregnancy, but you should definitely consult your doctor to find out what sports you can do.

Gymnastic exercises involving jumping and sudden movements are unacceptable. Smooth movements are recommended, designed to strengthen the respiratory muscles, abdominal and perineal muscles. The total duration of classes should not exceed 10 minutes, including a 1-2 minute break. The number of repetitions should be appropriate to the woman's strength and training. After gymnastics, the body should be wiped with a towel moistened with water at room temperature, or take a shower, and then rub the body with a hard towel.


Physical exercises for pregnant women are indicated for all healthy women with a normal pregnancy and are contraindicated in the following cases: acute stages of diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory disorders; with pulmonary tuberculosis in the acute phase, complicated by pleurisy; for all acute inflammatory diseases (endometritis, thrombophlebitis, etc.); for diseases of the kidneys and bladder (glomerulonephritis, nephrosis, pyelocystitis, etc.); with pathological pregnancy (toxicosis, bleeding, habitual interruptions, etc.).

Systematic exercise during pregnancy helps improve the function of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems, respiratory organs, and metabolism; providing sufficient oxygen to mother and fetus; strengthening the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor; eliminating congestion in the pelvis and lower extremities; teaching a pregnant woman to breathe correctly.

For physical exercises, the antenatal clinic has a specially equipped room with good ventilation.

Classes are conducted in two ways: group and individual at home. In the latter case, you should visit a doctor every 10-15 days to check the correctness of implementation.

Classes are divided into three main complexes depending on the woman’s motor capabilities at different times: 1 - up to 16 weeks, II - from 17 to 31 weeks, III - from 32 to 40 weeks. As the period increases, they become easier and their number decreases.

Methodological guidelines for gymnastics are distributed according to periods

First trimester (weeks 1-16)

The purpose of the classes is to teach a woman the skills of full breathing, voluntary tension and relaxation of muscles, to provide optimal conditions for the development of the fetus and its connection with the mother’s body, to begin the gradual adaptation of the mother’s cardiovascular system to physical activity.

The first trimester is characterized by restructuring of the body in connection with conception. Metabolism and oxygen demand increases. Insufficient oxygen supply can adversely affect the development of the fetus. During this period, there may be a risk of miscarriage, so caution is required in the dosage of the load and the use of activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure. The cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester is easily excitable, so fatigue occurs faster during physical activity than in an ordinary girl.

In the introductory section of the classes, loads are used for the distal and proximal parts of the arms and legs, static and dynamic breathing, as well as general strengthening.

The main section includes training for abdominal and thoracic breathing, pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles.

For the abdominal press, exercises are performed in the starting position, lying on your back, on your side, standing, or in a knee-wrist position.

During this period, you should not prescribe activities that cause a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure (raising straight legs, moving from a lying position to a sitting position, sudden bending and bending of the body). For the rest, all starting positions can be used. In the final section of the lesson, general strengthening exercises without the inclusion of large muscle groups, breathing exercises of a static and dynamic nature are used.

Particular caution is required during periods corresponding to menstruation. At this time, it is advisable to reduce the number of repetitions, eliminate complex ones and reduce the time of classes by 5-7 minutes.

Second trimester (17-31st week)


In the second trimester, intensive fetal development occurs.

The purpose of the classes is to ensure good blood supply and oxygenation of the fetus, strengthen the abdominal muscles and increase the elasticity of the pelvic floor, promote the preservation and development of flexibility and plasticity of the spinal column and pelvic joints, and increase the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to physical activity.

In the second trimester, a new endocrine gland begins to function in the body - the placenta. The heart rate gradually increases, the minute volume of blood increases, oxygen consumption increases, the total blood volume reaches a maximum by the 25-32nd week. This is a time of significant stress on the cardiovascular system and the highest performance of the heart. The increasing need for oxygen requires maximum coordination of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Due to the enlargement of the uterus, the center of gravity of the woman’s body deviates anteriorly, and the lumbar lordosis and pelvic tilt angle increase. Due to this, the long back muscles begin to experience significant static tension in a standing position. Due to the general increase in body weight and some limitation of general mobility towards the end of the trimester, conditions are created for the development of flat feet, which is often observed in pregnant women.

It is necessary to pay special attention to training the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, increase the mobility of the pelvic joints, develop the flexibility of the spinal column and begin training the long back muscles. All starting positions are used, except for the prone position. It is advisable to continue classes on volitional relaxation of the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, gluteal and thigh muscles, breathing exercises with a primary emphasis on chest breathing. At this time, it is necessary to teach the woman to relax the pelvic floor muscles while tensing the abdominal muscles.


The introductory section of the lesson consists of dynamic breathing with the participation of hand movements, general strengthening exercises that do not have a special purpose, relaxing the abdominal and pelvic floor exercises. The starting positions are used: standing, lying on your back, on your side, sitting on a chair, on a gymnastic bench. In a standing position, repetitions are performed with symmetrical load on the upper or lower limbs to maintain a stable posture. Free walking and long strides are used.

The main section mainly includes special exercises for the abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, pelvic diaphragm, developing the flexibility of the spinal column and the mobility of the hip joints.

In the final section of the gymnastics class, repetitions with a gradually decreasing load are used: general strengthening static breathing, dynamic breathing with an incomplete range of arm movement, walking.

During the period of the most intense work of the heart (from the 26th to the 32nd week), it is advisable to slightly reduce the overall physical activity due to less repetition and the introduction of a larger number of new exercises in static breathing and muscle relaxation. In addition, starting from the 29-30th week, you need to exclude them while simultaneously moving with straight legs. The classes include repetitions that strengthen the long back muscles, so that it is easier for a girl in an interesting position to maintain the center of gravity shifting anteriorly, and gymnastics to stretch the pelvic floor. They are widely used for both the adductor and abductor muscles of the thigh.

During pregnancy, venous pressure in the lower extremities increases. This is facilitated by higher pressure in the veins of the uterus and gradual compression of the pelvic veins by the enlarging uterus, which also impedes the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. The obstruction of outflow is associated with the appearance of swelling in the legs in healthy women at a later date. For some, veins begin to dilate during this period. Considering the above, the initial standing position in gymnastics should be used in no more than 30% of all exercises. The largest number is performed in the supine position, lying on the side. However, when using the initial position lying on your back, you need to remember about the possibility of compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava by the uterus in the second half of pregnancy (in 15% of cases). Compression of the inferior vena cava significantly reduces the flow of venous blood to the heart and reduces the systolic and cardiac output. As a result, blood pressure decreases. Transferring her to a position lying on her side or with the head of the bed raised 45" relieves this condition.

Before classes during this period and in the future, you need to ask the woman every time whether her health is worsening in the position of lying on her back. In the presence of inferior vena cava compression syndrome, the initial position lying on the back is contraindicated.

The introductory and final sections of the lesson are structured as at the beginning of the second trimester. The main section includes loads for the long muscles of the back, pelvic floor, oblique abdominal muscles (alternate movements of the leg while lying on the side, turns of the body combined with a slight bend forward and to the side, etc.), for the adductor and abductor muscles of the thigh (crossing, bringing and spreading legs while sitting and lying down with resistance, shallow squats with legs wide apart, swaying the body, etc.), static and relaxing.

Third trimester (32-40th week)


The purpose of the classes is to stimulate breathing, maintain good peripheral circulation, combat venous stagnation, strengthen the long back muscles, further increase the mobility of the spinal column and hip joints with a slight decrease in overall physical activity.

In the third trimester, the growth and development of the fetus continues, the woman’s abdomen and body weight increase. The abdomen is tense, the abdominal wall is stretched, and the navel begins to flatten. The diaphragm is pushed upward as much as possible, the spleen and liver are pressed against the diaphragm. At this time, when performing exercises while lying on the right side, you may experience difficulty breathing and pressure of the uterine fundus on the liver. Unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium can occur in any initial position with any sudden movement of the body. The woman's motor capabilities are limited, there is weakness in the ligamentous apparatus of the lower extremities, the range of motion in the hip joints decreases, and the arch of the foot is somewhat flattened. The work of the heart is intense until the 32-36th week, and the respiratory system is also under great stress. The excursion of the diaphragm is limited to the maximum; this period is characterized by a lower tidal volume.

Due to the peculiarities of this period, the overall load in classes decreases somewhat, the nature of the distribution of the load on the muscles changes: a greater number of repetitive movements fall on the arms and shoulder girdle, and a smaller number on the leg muscles. The range of motion of the lower extremities should be somewhat limited, especially flexion at the hip joints. The range of body movements (side bends and turns) is reduced, and forward tilt of the torso is eliminated. Movements should not cause a pronounced increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Those initial positions are used that do not cause discomfort in the pregnant woman. The starting standing position is used for no more than 20% of the total number of repetitions. In addition, all of them are performed in the initial standing position with the hand resting on the rail of the gymnastic wall, the back of a chair or bed.

Of particular importance is the development and consolidation of skills used during childbirth: breathing with tense abdominals, relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles with tense abdominals, volitional tension and relaxation of the abdominal wall, further strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor. Gymnastics of a general strengthening and special nature alternate with static breathing movements while relaxing all muscles and with rest pauses in the appropriate starting position with voluntary breathing.

From the 36th week, the general condition of the pregnant woman improves somewhat. The fundus of the uterus descends, the function of the respiratory system improves, blood mass, cardiac output, and blood flow speed decrease. The intensity of the heart's work decreases, which is a protective reaction of the body aimed at preserving the reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system at the time of childbirth. There is frequent urination and difficulty in bowel movements.

Gymnastics classes use breathing exercises with an emphasis on chest breathing and starting positions that help relax the long muscles of the back and abdominal wall, strengthening the muscles of the arch of the foot (in the starting position sitting and lying down).

The focus is on relaxing and stretching the pelvic floor muscles, increasing the mobility of the sacroiliac joints, hip joints and lumbar spine.

In the last two weeks before giving birth, it is advisable to introduce into the gymnastics complex those activities that the pregnant woman will perform in the first stage of labor. In addition, she should be taught to accept different starting positions and move from one to another without much effort and high energy expenditure. The skill of deep rhythmic breathing and the skill of relaxing the necessary muscle groups in any possible starting position continues to improve.

In the last 3-4 weeks, frequent repetitions for the abdominal muscles in the starting position lying on your back are excluded. In the introductory section of the lesson, static and dynamic breathing exercises that enhance peripheral blood flow in the upper and lower extremities are used.

Thus, doing gymnastics in the third trimester leads to stimulation of breathing, blood circulation, combating congestion, stimulating intestinal function, increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor, strengthening the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall, increasing the mobility of the sacroiliac joint, hip joints, and spinal column. Physical activity is carried out in parallel with psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth and is a mandatory element of the system of physiopsychoprophylactic training conducted by a doctor-instructor at the antenatal clinic.

Many modern women believe that pregnancy is not a reason to neglect their own physical condition. Today, there are a great many special techniques that allow expectant mothers to maintain muscle tone, keep themselves in great shape and control excess weight gain.

Experts believe that light physical exercise during pregnancy is not harmful, but, on the contrary, is beneficial both for the health of the mother and for the well-being of her unborn baby. You just need to know exactly what exercises you can do in the current trimester, and what rules you must follow during exercise.

Physical exercise during pregnancy brings with it vigor and a good mood. They promote the development of breathing, which, in turn, can play an important role in the birth process. To maintain good physical shape in any trimester, expectant mothers are advised not to neglect aerobics, walk a lot and swim. In addition, physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the psychological health of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother needs to remember that during exercise she is advised to avoid excessively sudden movements, jumping and running. It is strictly forbidden to pump up your abdominal muscles. When doing gymnastics, you need to carefully monitor your pulse. The blow frequency should not exceed 150 per minute.

If you feel any discomfort during exercise, you should stop immediately. The set of exercises directly depends on the stage of pregnancy. In each trimester, experts advise doing special exercises.

Physical exercises for pregnant women can be divided into several groups. Some are performed standing, others sitting, and others lying on their sides.

Exercises for the first trimester

The first few weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult. At this time, the formation of the fetus and complete hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother occur. Up to 12 weeks there is still a threat of spontaneous miscarriage; the woman is often tormented by toxicosis.

It is not easy to work out in such conditions. Therefore, the emphasis is on establishing proper breathing. What exercises can you do in the first, most difficult, trimester?

Here are a few such exercises:

  • take a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and make smooth body tilts to the sides;
  • from a standing position, bend forward, inhaling deeply, and return to the starting position, exhaling;
  • also, from a standing position, bend back, taking a deep breath, then return to the original position, exhaling;
  • To prevent spasms and cramps in the calves, as well as the development of varicose veins, make circular movements with your feet, then rise up on your toes and lower to the floor.

Exercises for the second trimester

In the second trimester, a woman can relax a little. The threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced, the woman no longer suffers from heartburn and toxicosis.

Now gymnastics can bring much more pleasure and bring significant benefits to the future baby:

  • sit comfortably on the floor, cross your legs in front of you, and make smooth turns of your head from one side to the other;
  • maintaining a comfortable position while sitting on the floor, spread your arms and turn your body first to the right and then to the left;
  • standing, bring your arms together at chest level. Press your palms together with pressure. During this exercise, the tension in the chest muscles is clearly felt;
  • sit on your heels, bend your knees and spread your legs slightly apart so as not to create pressure on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, bend over with your whole body and try to touch your forehead to the floor;
  • Take a standing position and make smooth rotations with your torso, leaving your pelvis motionless.

In this trimester, you can devote up to half an hour a day to gymnastics.

Exercises for the third trimester

The third trimester forces a woman to be careful. During this period, it may no longer be easy for the expectant mother to endure physical activity. Experts recommend using a fitball for exercise. It helps reduce blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and heart function.

With this ball you can perform gymnastics to strengthen and develop the muscles of the chest, hips and buttocks:

  • sitting on the ball, carefully move your body from one side to the other. In this case, you can hold light dumbbells or bottles of water in your hands, and take turns bending your arms;
  • sit on the floor in a “Turkish” position, rhythmically squeeze the ball with your hands, feeling the tension in the chest muscles;
  • sit on the ball and make turns with your body, trying to put your hand behind the opposite leg. This exercise helps stretch the back muscles;
  • Having assumed a standing position, spread your legs, bend down and roll the ball with relaxed hands from side to side, relieving tension and fatigue from the joints of the shoulder girdle;
  • Lie with your back on the ball, rest your feet on the floor, and roll back and forth on the ball.

In this trimester, you can spend a few minutes on each of the proposed exercises. In this case, you need to listen especially carefully to your own feelings. If during exercise you experience nagging pain in the abdomen or your pulse quickens, you should immediately stop exercising. Instead of exercise, you can do a few simple breathing exercises.

Reasons to take care of yourself

In some cases, regardless of which trimester we are talking about, it is better for the expectant mother not to tempt fate and refuse to play sports.

The following can be considered as contraindications:

  • severe form of toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting;
  • predisposition to miscarriage;
  • placenta previa is too low;
  • periodic occurrence of pain in the abdominal area;
  • the uterus is in a state of tone.

In addition to physical exercises, experts recommend that expectant mothers do breathing exercises. Breathing can significantly relieve pain during childbirth. During pregnancy, a woman has the time and opportunity to train in order to be ready for an important event and not get confused at the most crucial and stressful moment. In addition, breathing exercises will help avoid baby hypoxia.

First you need to try to develop a diaphragmatic breathing method. To do this, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach and take deep breaths in and out through your nose. In this case, you need to ensure that the chest remains at rest and the stomach is filled with air.

In addition to diaphragmatic breathing, there is also chest breathing. It can be developed in a similar way. The only difference is that with this type of breathing the stomach should remain static and the air should enter the chest.

If a woman doubts whether she should do gymnastics or whether physical activity will harm the unborn baby, she should seek advice from her doctor. By monitoring the current condition of the expectant mother, an experienced gynecologist will be able to give appropriate recommendations and recommend a suitable set of exercises that takes into account her individual characteristics.

Physical activity during pregnancy is necessary not only to keep fit, but also to stimulate muscles, maintain flexibility and improve mood. At the same time, you need to know what exercises can be done by pregnant women: some of them may be unsafe for carrying a baby.

What exercises are necessary during pregnancy

Most exercises for pregnant women are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic area and abdominal muscles to prevent diseases of the internal organs, the appearance of stretch marks, dilated veins and mainly for effective labor. Breathing exercises are necessary for a pregnant woman to saturate herself and the fetus with oxygen; in addition, they reduce the fetal load on the internal organs. It is necessary to alternate between slow and fast breathing: such gymnastics is also preparation for childbirth, where proper breathing is important.

In the third trimester, the load on the back and lower back increases, so exercises are needed to strengthen these muscles. To prepare the muscles of the perineum for childbirth, you need to perform Kegel exercises: squeezing and unclenching it, which can be performed at any time. Daily walks for half an hour are necessary for pregnant women to generally strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and oxygen saturation. Another enjoyable exercise is dancing to your favorite music. You can sign up for special classes for pregnant women, which may include water aerobics and yoga, and you can also chat with other mothers.

Exercises for pregnant women to do independently

  • From a lying position, arms along the body, bend and straighten your legs, keeping them together;
  • Sitting on your knees, move your hands to the right and left alternately;
  • Lying on your side, raise your legs together and alternately, holding them suspended for several seconds;
  • Standing on all fours, arch your back up and down;
  • While sitting on a chair, roll a bottle or rolling pin with your feet;
  • Lying on your back, place your arms along your body and bend your legs at the knees: lift your pelvis up and slowly lower it down;
  • Tilts in different directions, as well as forward and backward;
  • Lean forward and sway lightly to the sides, relaxing your back and spine;
  • Circular rotations of the feet and standing on tiptoes;
  • Turn the body to the sides, standing, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Bring your hands together at chest level with your palms and press on them to strengthen the pectoral muscles;
  • Sit on your knees, stretch your arms forward, touching the floor with your forehead;
  • Sitting on the floor with your legs straight, stretch your hands to your feet, trying to touch them.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to do not only a special set of exercises, but also exercises after waking up, stretching your hands, arms, neck, back and legs. From the above exercises, you can create sets of 3-5 and change them every day to add variety and work out different muscle groups. Exercises should be carried out between meals in loose, breathable clothing in a well-ventilated room. It is worth consulting with a doctor, since in case of some complications of pregnancy, exercises cannot be done; you should also refrain from physical activity in the first trimester, and in the third, when the tone of the uterus increases, do breathing exercises, interrupting exercises.