Fortune telling on the clock 11.11 what does it mean. The meaning of the same numbers on the clock

Each of us looks at the clock and often observes the coincidence of numbers on the dial. The meaning of such coincidences can be explained using numerology.

Thanks to numerology, it is possible to find out the main character traits of a person, his destiny and inclinations. Using a certain combination of numbers, you can even attract wealth, love and good luck. So what do these coincidences on the clock mean, and are they random?

Meaning of matching numbers

Repeating numbers often carry a message of warning and warning to a person. They can promise great success, which should not be missed, or warn that you should pay close attention to the little things and work thoughtfully to avoid mistakes and blunders. Particular attention should be paid to combinations occurring on Tuesday and Thursday. These days are considered the most truthful in relation to prophetic dreams coming true, random coincidences and other mystical manifestations.

Units. These numbers warn that a person is too fixated on his own opinion and does not want to pay attention to other interpretations of affairs or events, which prevents him from grasping the whole picture of what is happening.

Deuces. These coincidences force you to pay attention to personal relationships, try to understand and accept the current situation and make compromises in order to maintain harmony in the couple.

Threes. If these numbers on the clock catch a person’s eye, he should think about his life, his goals and, perhaps, rethink his path to achieving success.

Fours. The combination of numbers draws attention to health and possible problems with it. Also, these numbers signal that it’s time to change something in life and reconsider your values.

Fives. Seeing these numbers means being warned that you will soon need to be more attentive and calm. Risky and rash actions should be postponed.

Sixes. The combination of these numbers calls for responsibility and honesty, not so much with others, but with yourself.

Sevens. Numbers denoting success often appear on the path of a person who has chosen the right goal and will soon realize everything planned. These numbers also indicate a favorable time for self-knowledge and identifying oneself with the world around us.

Eights. The numbers warn that in important matters an urgent decision must be made, otherwise success will pass by.

Nines. If the clock constantly shows you this combination, it means that you need to make an effort to eliminate the unpleasant situation before it provokes the appearance of a black streak in your life.

The meaning of identical combinations

00:00 - these numbers are responsible for desire. What you wish for will come true soon if you do not pursue selfish goals and do not act to the detriment of the people around you.

01:01 - ones in combination with zeros mean good news from a person of the opposite sex who knows you.

01:10 - the business or task you started is unsuccessful. It requires revision or abandonment, otherwise you will fail.

01:11 - this combination promises good prospects in the planned business. Its implementation will bring you only positive emotions and material stability. These numbers also mean success in teamwork.

02:02 - twos and zeros promise you entertainment and invitations to entertainment events, including going to a restaurant or cafe on a date.

02:20 - this combination warns that you should reconsider your attitude towards loved ones, compromise and be softer in your criticism and judgment.

02:22 - an interesting and fascinating investigation awaits you, a mystery that, thanks to your efforts, will become clear.

03:03 - triplets promise new relationships, romantic connections and adventures with a person of the opposite sex.

03:30 - this combination means disappointment in the man for whom you feel sympathy. Be careful and do not trust him with your secrets and plans.

04:04 — fours call for considering the problem from a different angle: its successful solution requires an extraordinary approach.

04:40 - this position of the numbers on the clock warns that you need to rely only on your own strength: luck is not on your side, be vigilant.

04:44 - Be careful when communicating with senior management. Your correct behavior and informed decisions will protect you from production errors and dissatisfaction with your boss.

05:05 - fives in this combination warn of ill-wishers who are waiting for your mistake.

05:50 - these meanings promise trouble and possible pain when handling fire. Be careful to avoid burns.

05:55 — you will meet with a person who will help solve your problem. Listen carefully to his rational opinion.

06:06 - sixes in this combination promise a wonderful day and good luck in love.

07:07 - Sevens warn of possible troubles with law enforcement agencies.

08:08 - this combination promises a quick promotion, occupation of the desired position and recognition of you as an excellent specialist.

09:09 - Monitor your finances closely. There is a high probability of losing a large sum of money.

10:01 - this meaning warns of a quick acquaintance with people in power. If you need their support, you should be more vigilant.

10:10 - tens mean changes in life. Whether they are good or not depends on you and your behavior strategy.

11:11 — ones indicate a bad habit or addiction that needs to be gotten rid of before problems and complications begin.

12:12 - these numbers promise harmonious love relationships, rapid developments of events and pleasant surprises from your significant other.

12:21 - a pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance awaits you.

20:02 - your emotional background is unstable and requires adjustment. Quarrels with loved ones and relatives are possible.

20:20 - these meanings warn of an impending scandal in the family. You need to take steps to avoid this incident.

21:12 - this meaning promises quick good news about the arrival of a new family member.

21:21 — the repeated number 21 indicates an imminent meeting with a person who will offer you a serious personal relationship.

22:22 — a pleasant meeting and relaxed communication with friends and like-minded people awaits you.

23:23 - this combination warns of envious people and ill-wishers who have invaded your life. Reconsider your attitude towards new acquaintances and do not talk about your plans.

Girls first hear about fortune telling from fairy tales and films at a young age. Mothers share their secrets with their daughters, telling them what methods of fortune-telling they used in their youth.

Many adult women today are interested in predicting the future.

What's wrong with fortune telling? This question is asked by every girl who hears many warnings associated with this mysterious matter.

To find the answer, think about who you are asking the question when guessing about love, luck or destiny? Who opens the curtain of secrecy on the other side?

If you think that this is a special fortune-telling angel, you are mistaken. Orthodoxy strictly forbids people from trying to look into the future. But, the more interest flares up - the forbidden fruit is sweet.

Methods of fortune telling using identical numbers on an electronic watch

Fortune telling differs from each other. There are especially dangerous methods that are prohibited even among experienced fortune tellers.

Danger weighs in with truthfulness. The famous method of our grandmothers: lock yourself in a bathhouse at night, undress, sit in front of two mirrors.

The girl says the phrase three times, after which she waits for her betrothed to appear in the mirror.

This is her soul mate for life. The guy appears in a mirror image, standing behind the girl’s shoulder.

If you do everything right, you will know your fate. Before you have time to interrupt the ritual, the evil spirits will strangle you.

There were many legends about how girls remained crippled after such fortune-telling: some were mute from fear, others received mental trauma.

In contrast to these, there are simple fortune telling that do not require the calling of dark forces. They are based on numerology - the science of numbers.

Everything in the universe is ordered and has a certain mathematical meaning. Today this area is not a science, since it is under study.

How to guess by numbers:

  1. Fortune telling involves a lack of deliberate interest in the dial.
  2. You write down the meanings of the numbers that can be seen on the clock, store them in an accessible place.
  3. If it turns out that when you look at your watch, you find an unusual combination, look at its meaning. This will be the prediction.
  4. Predictions are more accurate on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Is it a coincidence if, when looking at your watch, you always see the same combinations? After all, accidents are the most non-random things in this world.

Full description of the meaning of the numbers. Table No. 1:

Time Deciphering the meaning based on numerology
1 00:00 Fulfillment of a long-standing strong desire, hopes will come true
2 01:01 Good news from a loved one
3 02:02 Meeting with friends
4 03:03 New love, strong feeling
5 04:04 A search for an alternative is required: options for getting out of the current situation
6 05:05 Gossip, unpleasant conversation
7 06:06 A solemn event in life, attending a large-scale event
8 07:07 Be careful with people in power
9 08:08 Success at work
10 09:09 Money difficulties, be vigilant
11 10:10 The long-awaited hour of triumph
12 11:11 You will become dependent on someone else
13 12:12 Success in love affairs
14 13:13 They are plotting evil against you, be careful
15 14:14 Love and understanding
16 15:15 Listen to advice, random phrases and signs
17 16:16 Be careful on the road
18 17:17 Beware of aggression and injustice
19 18:18 Not a good day. Try not to leave home unless necessary
20 19:19 Pleasant event, success
21 20:20 Argument. Show restraint
22 21:21 Passion, love and tenderness
23 22:22 New people will appear in your life. Take a closer look
24 23:23 You will be on a dangerous path. There will be serious consequences as a result of the actions taken, think again

These values ​​are precise by definition. The combination of certain numbers carries a semantic load.

Scientists who are trying to prove that numerology should long ago be considered one of the exact scientific teachings have long worked to unravel the mystery of numbers.

The most accurate forecasts are made based on a person’s date of birth, with a description of his fate and main character traits.

Fortune telling by the hour differs from other methods in that it has a scientific basis. This will not result in bad consequences, since it is not associated with forbidden rituals.

What is the Inpot online service

There is a powerful website where the largest number of different fortune tellings are collected. There you will find a lot of interesting things.

Even if you are not into fortune telling, you will be amazed by the amount of material collected there.

What's interesting on the Inpot online service:

  • A huge number of fortune telling online.
  • Fortune telling from the book of Fate.
  • Predictions based on various cards.
  • Methods for recognizing fate by objects.
  • Fortune telling of the countries of the world.
  • Numerological predictions.
  • Compatibility schemes.
  • Methods of predictions using Slavic symbols.

This is just the tip of the iceberg - an incomplete list of all kinds of fortune telling techniques.

The Inpot portal is a whole world of the mysterious and unknown. No online resource will give you such a collection of thematic material.

The developers have tried to please fans to look into the future. The site is wildly popular on the Internet.

It’s worth a look even for those who don’t believe in fortune-telling, preferring a measured life, without getting ahead of themselves.

The information collected is amazing. You will expand your horizons and learn a lot of interesting things.

Important! The world of fortune telling is an unpromised land, a territory of the unknown. Humanity has been unable to either prove or disprove the veracity of fortune telling.

Everyone knows about the existence of methods to find out fate, but it has not been possible to study the mechanism.

People attribute everything that cannot be rationally explained to myths, turning a blind eye to the obvious. Look into the future carefully, don't tempt fate.

Useful video

Since ancient times, people wanted to know their own future and for this they used various types of fortune telling and turned to all kinds of magicians and sorcerers for help. However, there are many different ways to find out future events without the help of outsiders. We just need to be attentive to the little things and to the world around us, because every day we receive various signs that reveal the secrets of what has not yet happened.

Fortune telling by the clock is a great opportunity to find out your future, which appeared simultaneously with the invention of the first clock, and a person can still take advantage of it today.

As soon as people learned to measure time, they noticed a pattern in the numbers. For such fortune-telling, you can use any watch: electronic and mechanical mechanisms, wrist watches, wall watches, mantel watches, pocket watches and any others. Any type of watch can be used to find out your own future.

A method of telling time on a clock

There are a huge number of different methods of fortune telling, some of them arose not so long ago, while others have existed almost as long as man himself has existed. Clock fortune telling is based on numbers and time, and time is something that has always been and will be even after the last of us dies.

When we take a casual glance at a watch and notice the same values ​​on the hour and minute hands, we think about what this could mean, whether there is some hidden meaning in these readings. We subconsciously feel that there really is a meaning in the position of the arrows; we just need to understand what higher powers want to convey to us through such a sign.

Among various nations, a combination of any odd numbers is considered successful, and this is also true for fortune telling using a watch. The only exception to the rule is the number 9, which is considered the final number, meaning the completion of a certain life stage and foreshadowing some serious changes.

The repetition of even combinations most often means danger, a warning, an obstacle in the face of ill-wishers or envious people.

Such “coincidences” should be treated more carefully than lucky combinations, because a warning may also contain a guide to action, recommendations that allow you to get out of any difficult situation. In any case, if you looked at your watch and saw a repeating even combination, you need to think about what exactly the higher powers want to warn you about, what test and what difficulties the watch is telling you.

But the meaning lies not only in the coincidence of numbers, but also in any other combination. In some cases, the meaning is one number that constantly catches your eye. If you try, you will definitely be able to remember at least one moment in your life when, looking at your watch several times in a row, you saw the same number.

For example, you saw the minute hand at the “12” mark several times a day; you may not pay any attention to this, but if you know the meanings of the numbers, then you will immediately understand that higher powers are telling you that soon You are about to meet an interesting person who can radically change your whole life.

Mirror reflections of numbers are also of particular importance, for example, if you saw the value on the clock: 10:01, then this is a clear sign, and you should not miss it, because knowing about your future, you can simplify your life and not miss your lucky chance .

Having formed a connection to numbers, you can calmly interpret the clues of intuition

This is why many esotericists take watches and fortune telling by this mechanism extremely seriously.

Fortune telling rules

Like any other type of fortune telling, working with watches has its own rules that must be followed if you want not to make mistakes and not receive deliberately false information.
First of all, it must be said that the watch provides the most important and accurate information only twice a week - on Tuesday and Thursday.

It is on these days that the so-called coincidences are especially important and the clock values ​​​​should never be missed.
Under no circumstances should you deliberately try to guess the time so that you can look at the clock and see a lucky combination. Such a “coincidence” certainly has no power and certainly does not predict the future.

The meaning of the numbers on the clock

Each numerical value can be interpreted differently, depending on the life situation in which a person finds himself. Only numerical matches with a distinct meaning are shown here.

  • 00:00 – your most cherished wish will come true if it comes from a pure heart and does not harm other people.
  • 01:01 – in the near future you will receive good news from a man.
  • 01:10 – your current activity may not bring the desired result.
  • 01:11 – today there is no need to refuse offers.
  • 02:02 – an invitation awaits you.
  • 02:20 – a word of caution, you need to watch your own words.
  • 02:22 – soon you will find out someone’s secret.
  • 03:03 – the appearance or revelation of a love relationship.
  • 03:30 – the desire for changes in life will not come true soon.
  • 03:33 – great luck awaits you.
  • 04:04 – look at your life from the outside.
  • 04:40 – be careful on this day, luck is not on your side.
  • 04:44 – problems at work are possible.
  • 05:05 – intensification of the actions of ill-wishers.
  • 05:50 – beware of the power of the elements.
  • 05:55 – expect to meet an interesting person.
  • 06:06 – you will soon learn about the wedding.
  • 07:07 – beware of people in uniform.
  • 08:08 – rapid career growth is possible.
  • 09:09 – be careful with your money.
  • 10:01 – introduction.
  • 10:10 – good luck awaits you.
  • 11:11 – dependence on people or circumstances is possible.
  • 12:12 – success in love.
  • 12:21 – introduction.
  • 13:13 – you will have an opponent.
  • 13:31 – the wish will come true.
  • 14:14 – you are controlled by love.
  • 14:41 – an unpleasant situation is possible.
  • 15:15 – listen to the advice of your elder.
  • 16:16 – be careful on the road.
  • 17:17 – beware of evil people.
  • 18:18 – beware of transport.
  • 19:19 – success in business.
  • 20:02 – quarrel.
  • 20:20 – family quarrel.
  • 21:12 – appearance of a new project.
  • 22:22 – new acquaintance
  • 23:23 – communication with a dangerous person.
  • 23:32 – health problems are possible.

Basic rules of fortune telling

Fortune telling is a ritual aimed at establishing contact with otherworldly forces in order to obtain knowledge about the future. A type of magic. They include occult methods, techniques and rituals that exist in the cultures of many peoples and supposedly make it possible to find out future or simply unknown facts.

Ancient written sources about the Slavs contain information about some types of fortune telling. Thus, Procopius of Caesarea (6th century) testified that the Sklavins and Antes performed fortune telling during sacrifices to the deities. The casting of lots before the start of responsible acts is spoken of in the chronicle of Thietmar (11th century) and in the writings of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (10th century). A wide variety of methods of fortune telling are mentioned in Western Slavic acts of processes of the 16th-17th centuries. about witchcraft: throwing bones, beans, casting wax or tin, fortune telling by the entrails of animals, by shadows, by the Psalter, etc. These and other techniques of medieval fortune-telling were reflected in the monuments of Slavic literature, specifically intended for predicting the future.

Fortune telling allows a person to find out the future and adjust something in his destiny, to solve certain problems. In addition, fortune telling rituals, if performed regularly, develop intuition. But for them to be effective and at the same time safe, special rules must be followed.

Slavic fortune-telling is carried out on certain days, when a channel connecting the real world with the other world opens (on Christmastide, Epiphany, etc.). If you need to perform the fortune telling ritual at another time, you should keep in mind that it is best to do this during the full moon. Thanks to the influence of the moon, the energy on which magical actions depend is enhanced. During the full moon, intuition sharpens and a person’s connection with invisible spheres strengthens. During this period, the most effective rituals are aimed at increasing (attracting money, increasing attractiveness, etc.). It should be borne in mind that when the moon is full, the well-being of people suffering from hypertension, as well as those who react too strongly to stress, worsens.

Not all full moon days are good for fortune telling. Fortune telling rituals are best performed on the second, fifth, sixth, tenth, twelfth and thirteenth days of the lunar month. But even at this time, the effectiveness of the ritual will depend on the weather. It is better to tell fortunes on quiet, clear nights, and if the weather is rainy or just cloudy, the ritual should be postponed. Certain days of the week are also unlucky for fortune telling. It is not recommended to perform the ceremony on Friday or Saturday.

Not all months of the year are suitable for certain types of fortune telling. Thus, rituals for well-being and wealth are best carried out in October, November or February. January is the best month to determine life expectancy. Esotericists advise fortune telling about love and marriage in April, and for making decisions in July. It is undesirable to perform a fortune-telling ritual in the presence of people who regard magical actions with ridicule or distrust.

It is necessary to prepare for the ritual of fortune telling. To remove obstacles to the path of magical energy, you need to loosen your hair, untie the knots on your clothes, remove your belt, foreign jewelry (especially chains, bracelets, rings - amulets that close the energy and protect its owner from the invasion of foreign energy), as well as a pectoral cross and others Christian symbols. But pagan amulets that can protect against harmful influences, on the contrary, will come in handy. Candles provide additional energy protection, so they are recommended for use in all types of fortune telling.

Items used for fortune telling should not be in plain sight. You cannot borrow them and store them together with ordinary things. The fortune-telling ritual must be carried out in a room protected from extraneous sounds - the voices of people behind the wall, the sound of the TV on and the noise of traffic outside the window. Before starting the ritual, you must wash your hands with soap, since the attributes of fortune telling (mirrors, candles, rings, etc.) can only be touched with clean hands, so that energy dirt does not get on these objects. During fortune telling, you cannot cross your arms or legs, which is a barrier to free movement, as a result of which the channel between reality and otherworldly spheres narrows.

Usually, fortune telling begins with special rituals that help you get in the right mood. This could be prayer, meditation, or some other action that has symbolic meaning for the one doing the fortune telling. In any type of fortune telling, the rule applies: during one session, each question can be asked only once. You also only need to make one wish per session. At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to cleanse yourself of negative emotions and negative energy - take a shower or at least wash your face and wash your hands. The room where the fortune telling took place must be ventilated.

If you are performing the ritual not for yourself, but for one of your friends or relatives, take a symbolic fee from this person (a small coin, candy, or any other not particularly valuable item). When reading the signs and determining the results of fortune telling, be objective and try not to give in to emotions. It happens that a person tries to “fit” the results of fortune telling to the existing realities. Should not be doing that.

If the results of fortune telling are not pleasing, do not take this as a verdict. Keep in mind that people's fates are influenced by a huge number of different factors. In addition, there is a possibility of incorrect interpretation of the signs, so the fortune-telling ritual can be repeated, but not immediately, but after some time.

Scientists have found that a person can program himself, without anyone’s help, for success or failure, for a short or long life. This is why it is not recommended to go to professional fortune tellers: someone’s selfish interests can serve a person, especially an overly impressionable one, badly and have a fateful impact on his life. You don't need to trust strangers. But you won’t wish anything bad for yourself, so take care of your health.

Just try to tune in to the positive before fortune telling, and then the results will definitely please you.

A familiar object - a watch - can tell a lot, including detailed details of the future. It becomes especially interesting when, when casually looking at the dial, people see the large and small hands in the same position. Fortune telling by the hour is a special magic that requires an individual attitude. It is worth understanding this unusual force, capable of revealing the unknown.

Clocks can predict the future

For a long time people have tried to find the relationship between time and current events. For this reason, many superstitions arose, among which the most common were signs about the dead. And people still believe that there is nothing to do in the cemetery after sunset. It was also forbidden to guess by the hourglass at this time.

In modern times, you can cast magic on any mechanical or electronic mechanism. Sundial fortune telling is also interesting, but one of the legends about it can terrify even a cold-blooded person.

A special ritual with them involved the creation of Teraphim. In ancient times, this bronze idol in the form of a sundial could predict the future by offering sacrifice to a higher power in the form of killing the firstborn and then writing the name of some evil spirit on a gold plate. Such barbarism was later eradicated.

Rules for fortune telling by clock

To carry it out, some points of decoding by numbers are important:

  1. No cheating. Deciphering the prediction will not cost anything if a person is constantly waiting for favorable coincidences of arrows for him.
  2. Observation. Such fortune telling by numbers on a clock requires paying attention to both even and odd numbers on the dial. Usually the emphasis is on an even pair of matching mathematical symbols on the mechanism field.
  3. Foresight. Repeated appearance of identical symbols on the mechanism field can mean not only happy events in the future, but also temporary difficulties in the form of the machinations of envious people.
  4. Correct interpretation. Every minute when deciphering fortune telling is worth its weight in gold, and a successful coincidence of numbers when studying the dial will tell you a lot. To do this, you should carefully read the table below.
  5. Moderation. You cannot guess more than 2 times a week, and it is advisable to do this process on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Fortune telling by time on a clock does not tolerate fuss, so it is worth understanding a clear decoding of the relationship between the two hands.

Many people are interested in the question of what object should be used to carry out the cognitive process.

It is best to guess by hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Fortune telling on the clock using the same numbers and their different indicators can be done in different ways. There is not much difference in such actions if you want to learn about changes in your life.

The meaning of the numbers on the clock

Wall-mounted, fireplace and hand-held instruments for determining time are suitable. The most popular are manipulations with electronic devices.

Identical numbers in a single tandem are most welcome because they announce the most important events in a person’s life. However, this factor does not prevent you from paying attention to the discrepancy in the position of the hands when fortune telling using an electronic or mechanical watch.MorningDayEvening

06:06. A wedding celebration with close relatives or a new addition to the family.

07:07. A warning sign because it's time to be wary of people in uniform. It is better to avoid visiting crowded places if there are likely problems with the law.

08:08. Career growth. It is possible that such a promotion promises a high rank in the future.

09:09. The coincidence of the arrows warns of excessive squandering.

10:01. Nice meeting you. It is possible that a certain person from your inner circle declares his love.

10:10. You can relax, because soon the troubles will leave the life of the fortuneteller.

11:11. Identical numbers warn of a difficult situation in which close friends will be involved. In very rare cases, such an intervention will be beneficial.

11:15. Solving a global problem in life or a big win.

11:31. Temporary problems at work that will be resolved quickly.

11:51. The numbers announced are a chance to become a wealthy person within a short period of time.

12:00. A warning to think about the problems that have arisen in a couple with a long duration of marriage.

12:12. Lovers will finally be reunited after a quarrel or a long separation.

12:21. Alarming numbering is a reason to think about new relationships.

13:13. The appearance of a rival on the love front.

13:31. The wish will come true if you spread out the Tarot cards after fortune telling.

14:41. Dependence on a partner in a love relationship. The combination of numbers 1441 means the occurrence of an unpleasant situation.

15:15. Advice to listen to the opinion of a wise person.

17:17. Serious problems in open conflict with spiteful critics.

17:19. The need to figure out love problems. It is best to do this in a romantic place.

17:55. A period of contemplation has arrived, which should be practiced throughout the week.

18:00. Time to think about the advisability of further arguing with fate. Some prospects are best postponed to avoid serious consequences.

18:18. Warning about following traffic rules.

19:19. Success in business with a partner will not be long in coming.

20:20. A family quarrel that can separate a couple completely.

21:21. 2121 is a treasured chain that foretells success in any endeavor.

22:22. A new acquaintance that will end in a strong friendship or love relationship.

23:22. Communication with a dangerous person with bad intentions.

23:23. Identical numbers portend calm and family idyll.

23:32. Such fortune telling on the dial is a sign of serious health problems or short-term illness.

00:00. Fulfillment of a cherished desire that does not infringe on the rights of other people.

01:01. Advice to change your field of activity.

01:10. A successful completion of the planned event is not expected.

01:11. Receiving a valuable offer that you cannot refuse.

02:02. An invitation either to visit or to a new job.

02:20. Advice to start monitoring your own


02:22. Soon someone close to you will share a secret that needs to be kept.

03:03. A chance to find your love or hear a confession of warm feelings from a pleasant person.

03:30. Advice to stop in your zeal to conquer the entire planet in one fell swoop.

03:33. Great success in life.

04:04. A warning to live with caution.

04:40. Advice to settle down, because the fortuneteller will face troubles in the coming week.

04:44. Trouble at work.

05:00. Achieving your cherished goal without much effort.

05:05. The machinations of ill-wishers.

05:25. Good news.

05:50. Threat from fire or water.

05:55. Meeting an interesting person both socially and personally.

Rare fortune telling on the dial

In addition to the traditional study of arrows, there are unusual ways to lift the veil of the future.

Fortune telling on a painted clock

This type of fortune telling is becoming increasingly popular. To carry it out, you need to draw a conventional dial on a sheet of paper and place a rotating object on it (any writing object or stick).

You need to draw a dial on paper, using a pen or pencil as an arrow.

When asked a question about the future, you should spin the arrow thing. Stopping it at a certain number can tell a fortuneteller a lot:

  1. 1 - vacation outside your hometown or the need for support from an influential person;
  2. 2 - the onset of difficult times that need to be overcome with dignity;
  3. 3 - not all endeavors will end in success, but you shouldn’t sit still;
  4. 4 - a quick date with a very dear person in the future;
  5. 5 - advice to prepare for moving due to unexpected circumstances;
  6. 6 - recommendation to become active in everything;
  7. 7 - a warning to take care of your health and the well-being of your loved ones;
  8. 8 - return to a relationship of tenderness and affection;
  9. 9 is a good period to start organizing a business;
  10. 10 - current affairs will be completed successfully, but with a slightly different result;
  11. 11 - advice to beware of quarrels that could cause separation from loved ones;
  12. 12 is a period of complete relaxation, during which everything will be fine.

Fortune telling by stopping the clock

If the hands have stopped moving and do not show the time, then you should decipher the exact place where they stopped running:

  1. 24.00–13.00. Don't lend.
  2. 13.00–14.00. Control your angry emotions.
  3. 14.00–15.00. Don't trust flatterers.
  4. 15.00–16.00. Don't offend your loved ones.
  5. 16.00–17.00. Be careful on the road.
  6. 17.00–18.00. Keep your secrets secret.
  7. 18.00–19.00. Don't overload yourself.
  8. 19.00–20.00. Avoid hypothermia.
  9. 21.00–22.00. Think about the words.
  10. 22.00–23.00. Avoid scandals.
  11. 23.00–24.00. Don't eat more than normal.

Fortune telling using an electronic watch or using a mechanical device should be carried out periodically and in compliance with the specified recommendations. Only in this case can one hope for a correct interpretation of one’s destiny.

Since very ancient times, people have been peering into their future and analyzing the past, its connection with the present and with various events, in the hope of finding a pattern, a connection that will help them navigate the future and change their destiny at will. As they say: informed means armed; accordingly, a person who knows his future is ready for it, one way or another he is waiting for it, and it will not become a fatal surprise for him.

Since time immemorial, people have turned for information about themselves and the future to specialists in this field - sorcerers, magicians and astrologers, for any available information, any thread that will point to the future as a guiding star.

Sometimes we don’t need to turn to fortune tellers or we simply cannot physically get to them, but an answer to an important question is necessary! In this case, you can simply take a closer look at the little things - dreams or the time on the clock. Today we will talk about the last case - fortune telling by the clock. Different masters of their craft offer different methods of fortune telling, we have collected the best of them and presented them to you.

Attention! For the most accurate result, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions, otherwise the result may be unpredictable.

Fortune telling by the clock is a great opportunity to find out about your future; it was born exactly at the same time as the first clock, but today it is a method proven over the years that deserves a lot of attention.

Fortune telling on the clock - same numbers

Fortune telling by the hour involves the interpretation of identical numbers, but some other combinations also have magical meaning. Just look at your watch and find out what the combination you see promises (of course, if this combination of numbers has a magical meaning).

Fortune telling by the clock is a simple and familiar thing to many, and most people even somehow unconsciously, intuitively make a wish if they see a beautiful number or identical numbers on the clock. For example, 20:02, or 12:21. And they do it right!

In fact, this is not a mere coincidence, this is a very subtle moment when a person can really establish a connection with higher powers for just a few moments, and a wish can come true. Especially for someone who believes in fortune telling by the clock!

Such “coincidences” should be treated more carefully than lucky combinations, because a warning may also contain a guide to action, recommendations that allow you to get out of any difficult situation. In any case, if you looked at your watch and saw a repeating even combination, you need to think about what exactly the higher powers want to warn you about, what test and what difficulties the watch is telling you.

But the meaning lies not only in the coincidence of numbers, but also in any other combination. In some cases, the meaning is one number that constantly catches your eye. If you try, you will definitely be able to remember at least one moment in your life when, looking at your watch several times in a row, you saw the same number.

For example, you saw the minute hand at the “12” mark several times a day; you may not pay any attention to this, but if you know the meanings of the numbers, then you will immediately understand that higher powers are telling you that soon You are about to meet an interesting person who can radically change your whole life.

Mirror reflections of numbers are also of particular importance, for example, if you saw the value on the clock: 10:01, then this is a clear sign, and you should not miss it, because knowing about your future, you can simplify your life and not miss your lucky chance .

This is why many esotericists take watches and fortune telling by this mechanism extremely seriously.

What time is it now? What will come true?

There is fortune telling by the time on the clock, in addition to simply making wishes at the sight of identical numbers. There are special combinations of numbers that are not only very beautiful and harmonious, but also have a special magical meaning.

This fortune telling can be done on any watch with an electronic dial - not only on a wrist watch, but even on a computer monitor. Find out what awaits you!

  • 00:00 - if you looked and saw these numbers, at exactly midnight, higher powers warn you - the day will not be the most successful for new beginnings. Do not plan any new projects or bold actions for this day; if possible, postpone it. Try to spend the day calm and quiet.
  • 3:33 – this beautiful combination of threes is very successful for the one who saw it. Threes indicate that today the things you have started will certainly end in a very successful way, or will develop correctly and successfully. Today you can start new things, make bold plans and take decisive steps. It's your day!
  • 10:01 is a combination that is hard to miss. If you see 10:01 on your watch, rest assured that today will be very successful in everything. Thus, higher powers seem to be encouraging you and pushing you to take bold actions - build your destiny, don’t be afraid of anything, you will succeed! Today luck is on your side.
  • 10:10 is another lucky morning coincidence. These numbers on the clock indicate good luck in the work and business sphere, so if you see them, be bolder and more decisive! All projects will develop perfectly, and negotiations will go in your favor.
  • 11:11 – today you will receive gifts from fate. By the way, we are also talking about material gifts from loved ones, because today is a time when you will receive surprises and pleasant surprises. You will be pleasantly surprised more than once!
  • 12:12 is an unusual combination and not often noticed. If you are lucky and find 12:12 on your watch dial, rejoice! Today, absolutely everything you undertake will go well, everything will work out, no difficulties will interfere with you.
  • 12:21 is also a beautiful combination of ones and twos, it’s hard to miss it, because it must mean something! Of course, like other unusual and rare combinations, 12:21 is special. This is a sign that today you will fall in love, or you will spend the whole day in romantic thoughts about someone. Perhaps today you will receive a very romantic surprise from your loved one, a date or a pleasant proposal.
  • 14:41 is a lucky combination that can have several meanings. For example, for young people and unmarried girls, 14:41 means love affairs, new acquaintances, flirting and all the most pleasant things associated with the romantic sphere. For family people and adults, the numbers 14:41 promise pleasant communication, relaxation, reconciliation in the family , a harmonious and calm day, full of joy.
  • 15:15 is not the best combination of numbers. This fortune telling says that if you see 15:15 on the clock, be careful today - don’t take risks and don’t start new things. An unpleasant surprise or an unwanted meeting may happen; try to treat everything as calmly and wisely as possible.
  • 15:51 – on the contrary, a good combination. The combination 15:51 promises you a pleasant surprise and a good evening. Even if this day is difficult and full of various unwanted events, stress and failures, know that by the evening everything will change for the better.
  • 20:02 is an unusual number. This is not a prediction, but advice to you, if you see 20:02 on the clock, then be more restrained this evening. The combination 20:02 consists of twos and zeros, and can promise a quarrel with a loved one or loved one. Keep your emotions under control, know how to remain silent.
  • 21:12 - will be successful for you and will bring new joy.
  • 21:21 – warning, be careful and weigh your actions. You may have already made a mistake that you will regret - think about it.
  • 23:23 – Great luck and joy await you tomorrow. Go to sleep with good thoughts!

Fortune telling by hours and numbers is something that will help you navigate your reality, not forget that you need to live and act according to your conscience, and avoid mistakes.

Additional meanings

Some peoples believe that a lucky combination of numbers on a clock will only be one in which only odd numbers are present. However, people living in the East believed that they should be wary of numbers that contain the number 9, because it speaks of imminent changes in life. But no one can say for sure whether they will be positive or negative.

Also, some peoples believe that if many even numbers are repeated in a combination, this indicates that the person is in a dangerous situation.

Even numbers try to warn a person that they have ill-wishers who may cause damage in the near future. This suggests that it is worth protecting yourself from potential enemies and “laying low” for a while.

Rules for fortune telling with a clock

Any fortune-telling, on paper, with coins, on sticks, on Tarot cards, has its own rules that must be followed in order to get an accurate result. This is no exception.

Remember, the exact result can only be obtained on Tuesday and Thursday. Other days of the week are not of particular value and any coincidences of numbers that you saw not on the specified days do not have logical meaning.

Also, you should not specifically select the right time. It will just be an artificial coincidence and will have no real power.

Fortune telling by the number of clocks in the house

In addition to the common ritual that allows you to find out your future by the same numbers on a digital clock, there is also this less common fortune telling. You can find out the energy of the house and the owner by the number of hours spent in the room.

  • Some - the house is filled with love, understanding, well-being.
  • Two - the room retains positive energy, the owners are in harmony with themselves.
  • Three - the owner of the house is a very pragmatic person, a realist who loves to defend his rightness.
  • Four - there is little warmth and love in this room.
  • Five - the owner of the house loves guests, he is always friendly, happy to meet new people and make acquaintances.
  • Six - it’s hard to relax in this house, there’s a rush and bustle everywhere, the owner of the room is probably a very busy and scandalous person.
  • Seven - there is no energy of calm and well-being in the room; the owner of the house needs to establish relationships with his loved ones.
  • Eight also indicates a lack of energy of comfort and coziness. The owners of the house are concerned about small matters and devote little time to each other.
  • Nine - there is an atmosphere of calm and well-being in the room, here any guest can feel at home.

If there are more than 9 hours in the room, then to get the result you need to add the numbers, for example: 14 = 1+4 = 5.

If you decide to conduct any fortune-telling, prepare yourself for a positive result in advance. Because even if the numbers warn of something negative, it is just a guide to be more careful, but not a guarantee that something bad will happen.

Fortune telling on an electronic watch

Fortune telling today is different and there are many signs, some fortune telling came to us from ancient times, some we ourselves acquired in the modern world. Clocks and time are eternal, which has always been, perhaps initially people did not have clocks, but this is how they determined time by the sun, but still a lot of fortune-telling and omens are associated with clocks. But since you and I live in the modern world, let’s consider fortune telling using electronic watches, which we can observe not only in the office or at home, but also in stores, at train stations, on the streets, in the subway, etc.

A lot of signs are already associated with numbers, and on an electronic watch they change every now and then, and every person intuitively looks at the time and sees different numbers not by chance.

It has been proven that some higher powers are trying to convey something important to a person, to suggest or warn him using numbers. And an electronic watch is precisely that item where numbers are constantly present and they constantly carry different information.

What conclusions do you draw for yourself when you look at a digital watch several times a day and not necessarily the same ones and the numbers catch your eye all the time: 12 or 48? Most likely, you will answer this question like this: I don’t notice it at all, I don’t attach importance to it, or I don’t focus on it.

But it’s in vain that higher powers are trying to tell you something and warn you. For example, the same 12 all the time before your eyes not only tell you, but “shout” that a new interesting acquaintance awaits you, and the number 48 already foreshadows a whirlwind romance.

But according to many opinions of magicians and experts, the numbers that mirror them have magical meaning, i.e. these are, for example, 12.21 or those that repeat 13:13, which resemble an electronic clock even when recorded. Therefore, fortune telling by electronic watches makes sense to study and apply every day in order to know what awaits us in the near future.

The only thing you need to take into account are just two simple rules in order for fortune telling to be truthful and actually come true. If you do not take them into account, then the fortune telling will not be truthful and you will soon say that fortune telling using an electronic watch is nonsense, so follow the rules and see for yourself from personal experience that fortune telling is really truthful and really tells us the truth.

  • So, rule number one. You can resort to the help of a digital clock and its numbers only twice a week - this is Tuesday and Thursday, when the numbers are most tuned to tell the truth.
  • Rule number two. There is no need to deliberately guess the time or cheat, since it is unlikely that something will work out on purpose and the clock will tell you the truth, only accidentally seen paired or identical numbers can predict the truth for the future time.

When you see those same numbers, look at the interpretation on our website and discover the veil of the future.

But don’t forget the two cherished rules; only an intuitive look can tell you the truth and advise you on what to fear or, conversely, what good things await you.

Interpretation of the meanings of numbers, fortune telling using an electronic clock.

  • 00.00 - if your wish comes from a pure heart without evil thoughts, it will definitely come true
  • 01.01 - expect good news from a man
  • 01.10 - unfortunately, the business you started will not bring the desired result
  • 01.11 - I advise the stars not to refuse any offers today
  • 02.02 - an invitation awaits you either to the club or just to visit
  • 02.20 - a warning for you: watch what you say, don’t get irritated
  • 02.22 - a secret or secret will be revealed to you
  • 03.03 - love is rushing to you on its wings, open the doors to it
  • 03.30 - unfortunately, if your wish is related to changes in life, it will not come true at the moment
  • 03.33 - happiness and luck are on your doorstep
  • 04.04 - try to look at the current situation from the other side
  • 04.40 is not your day. Fortune is not on your side
  • 04.44 - you will get it from the authorities
  • 05.05 - enemies are planning something against you
  • 05.50 - fear water and fire
  • 05.55 - you will soon meet a smart person
  • 06.06 - wedding soon
  • 07.07 - be careful around people in military uniform
  • 08.08 - career takeoff
  • 09.09 - take care of your money and purse
  • 10.01 - you will meet a very influential man
  • 10.10 - your time comes
  • 11.11 - you will be dependent on someone or something
  • 12.12 - great success in love awaits you.
  • 12.21 - you will meet a beautiful girl
  • 13.13 - opponents be careful
  • 13.31 - finally you will get what you wanted for a long time
  • 14.14 - love rules your show
  • 14.41 - an unpleasant situation awaits you
  • 15.15 - listen to the advice of a smart person
  • 15.51 - a short but whirlwind romance awaits you
  • 16.16 - be careful on the road
  • 17.17 - be careful there may be hooligans on the street
  • 18.18 - be careful on the road
  • 19.19 - success awaits you in business
  • 20.02 - quarrel with a person you care about
  • 20.20 - there is a quarrel in your family
  • 21.12 - a new project will be born in your head, or these numbers foreshadow the birth of a child
  • 21.21 - romance of stormy passions
  • 22.22 - new acquaintance.
  • 23.23 - you may have a dangerous relationship.
  • 23.32 - health problems may arise.