Fortune telling on cards for a man. A simple and fast way of fortune telling. Fortune telling on cards for a guy

What could be more exciting, unpredictable and incomprehensible than a love relationship with the opposite sex? No matter how you study a person, no matter how much you think through your actions and words, you can never know for sure whether the young man you like will reciprocate, whether today’s date will go well, or whether the guy you’re dating will ever propose. Fortune telling with cards for a guy helps answer many important questions in your personal life, tells you what to expect and how to act.

Ritual of fortune telling for a young man

You can do card fortune telling for a guy as follows. First, choose a king who will symbolize your chosen one. If you are not yet familiar with him, then it is better to choose the king of spades; if he is young and handsome, then the king of diamonds is better; if he is a respectable man, then choose the king of clubs; if he is married or seriously dating someone else, then he is the king of hearts . Place your chosen king in the deck and place cards one at a time, face up, until your chosen king appears.

At the same time, the following slander is read:

King of Diamonds (or another chosen suit, with these words the first card is removed)
Reveal the truth (the second card is removed and laid out)
Do you love me (third card)
How I love you (fourth card)
You love with all your soul (fifth card)
You wish with your whole body (sixth card)
Otherwise there will be another one (seventh card).

If you laid out seven cards and the hidden king did not appear, continue to lay out cards, saying the same words over and over again, until he finally appears. If you pulled out the desired king with the words “reveal the truth” or "do you love me", which means that he himself has not yet figured out his feelings. If in words “you love me with all my heart”, it means that he is really in love with you, but something is preventing you from being together. If the king came out in words “you want with your whole body”, which means you can have a passionate affair, but without any obligations and prospects. If you pulled the king out with words “there will be another”, it means that the man in your life is not at all the one you are wondering about, and you should not waste time on him. If this happened in the words “... king,” then fortune telling on the cards for the guy predicts your happiness together!

Card fortune telling is an old and well-known way to lift the veil over the present and future. Many people, especially girls, who have some uncertainty in their personal lives, resort to this method of “searching for the truth.” After all, thanks to fortune telling, you can find out how the “object of adoration” treats you.

How to tell fortunes about a guy on cards: method one

To tell fortunes about the feelings of a young man, mix the deck well and remove the top part with your left hand towards you. It is very important at this moment to concentrate all your attention on the chosen one: imagine his appearance, habits, voice.

  • Place all the cards into piles. Moreover, their number must match the guy’s name. For example, if you are telling fortunes for Alexander, then there should be 8 stacks, for Sergei – 6.
  • Look at the bottom cards of each pile. They must match the “suit” of the beloved: red cards are suitable for fair-haired guys, black ones are suitable for dark-haired guys. Set the “wrong” piles aside.
  • Carefully fold the remaining cards, without mixing them in any way. Now you need to arrange them into the number of piles corresponding to the diminutive name of the chosen one or his nickname. For example, to tell fortunes about Alexander, you need to make 4 piles (Sasha).
  • Take any of them and arrange them into two identical piles.
  • After that, take the next one and do the same. As a result, you will end up with two identical stacks of cards.
  • At the same time, remove the top card from each pile and look at them.
  • If the value matches (two jacks or two sixes), then put them aside - from these doubles we will recognize the future.

After both piles have been turned over and all paired cards have been selected, you can begin the interpretation.

What do duplicates mean:

  • Sixes are marriage. If you are lucky and you get all four, then such a set speaks of the devotion of the chosen one.
  • Sevens - a quick meeting with your lover. Two couples - a romantic date.
  • Eights - conversation. Two pairs of eights - a disagreement is possible.
  • Nines - love. Four cards - incredible love.
  • Tens – interest. Two pairs of these cards warn of the chosen one’s prudence.
  • Jacks come up for troubles. Two pairs mean a lot of fuss.
  • Ladies are hope. Two couples fall out to gossip.
  • Kings symbolize friendly relations. Two couples - kinship of souls.
  • Aces fall for intimacy. Two pairs of these cards speak of violent passion.

For such fortune telling, you will need a regular deck of 36 cards. It is desirable that it be new. And in general, if you are thinking about guessing in the future, then get yourself an individual deck. You can predict the fate of your girlfriends if you wish, but it is not recommended to give it to anyone.

Method two

Thanks to this fortune telling, you will be able to find out how your lover feels about you, as well as what kind of relationship awaits you in the future. Choose a king who will represent your chosen one:

  • The suit of diamonds suits a young man;
  • Clubs - to a respectable and wealthy chosen one;
  • Chervovaya - for a married man;
  • Spades - to a stranger.

Place your king in the center of the table and place the other three at the top. Shuffle the deck well. Now you need to deal the cards into three “foreign” kings. Place the last one face down on your chosen one. Shuffle the deck again and repeat the layout. This “procedure” must be carried out three times. Now look at the cards that you debugged for your king and begin to interpret the layout:

  • Ace speaks of strong feelings in a partner, but you need to wait a little until the situation improves.
  • A lady is a bad sign. It means that you have a rival. If this card was drawn first and is closest to the king, then your position is very difficult.
  • Jack warns you against making hasty decisions. Your "king" is not the best option. This person is either selfish or doesn't love you at all.
  • Ten is not the best card for a woman in love. It symbolizes only friendly relations. Maybe it’s worth finding another object of affection?
  • Nine speaks of strong feelings, but happiness will not come to you too easily. Most likely you will have to face obstacles. We must try to maintain this connection at all costs.
  • Eight predicts a serious conversation at which your future together will be decided.
  • Seven symbolizes surprise and unexpectedness. An offer will be made to you soon.
  • Six indicates that the person does not deserve your love and affection. Relationships will not bring you happiness, even if you become his chosen one.

Method three

The previous methods of fortune telling are suitable for girls who have decided on their chosen one. But what if you have several candidates for this role? In this case, it is worth playing a solitaire game called “Four Jacks”. To do this, select four of these cards and wish for a chosen one for each of them. After this, mix them well and place them face down in front of you in a horizontal row.

Take the remaining cards and shuffle well. Place them face up under each jack in a row. As a result, you will get an 8*4 rectangle. Remove adjacent cards of the same value in each vertical row. But do not mix them, but place the matched pairs under the “gentleman” in whose row you found them. It is also necessary to remove the first and last card in each horizontal row if their value matches. After this, collect the rest, mix and repeat the layout three more times. After that, take the pairs from under your jacks and open the gentlemen. All that remains is to explain what each of them is experiencing:

  • Sixes represent the road, which means the jack wants to pay you a visit.
  • Sevens talk about wanting to meet.
  • Eights predict a serious conversation.
  • Nines mean love.
  • Dozens are seriously interested in your person.
  • Queens mean that the jack has a chosen one, and nothing awaits you here.
  • Kings symbolize jealousy.
  • Aces speak of all-consuming passion.

Such simple fortune telling options will help you deal with the feelings of your chosen one. The main thing is, do not despair if the result does not suit you, because the cards only speak of opportunity, and you are the master of your destiny.

    Does anyone know why cards need to be shuffled only with the left hand? Where did this come from? I see women in villages doing similar arrangements all the time. Whether they come true or not, they don’t say)

    I, like any girl of my age, really like to make out with guys. I have a lot of friends and fans, and I always wonder how this or that person treats me and whether it is worth planning any relationship with him that goes beyond friendship. It’s always better to check than to regret your actions later. And there are so many useful layouts!

    I remember wondering, but the scheme was different - that’s why it didn’t work out, probably =)) And thank you for this article, I tried it using it and it turned out to be both more interesting and closer to the truth. Only the young man’s hair color didn’t quite match, but that’s because he dyes it, I think that’s why it is so. And in the long term, so far everything is coming true, I hope it will continue to be so! Love and happiness to you!

    I have been interested in fortune telling with cards for a long time. Even as a child, I often told fortunes with my friends. Now sometimes I wonder too. Very interesting article, I learned a lot.

    Like most young girls, I like to tell fortunes for my beloved from time to time. But I don’t know much fortune telling. only 2) It’s good that I found an article about fortune telling using ordinary cards. I learned a lot of new things! Fortune telling is described in detail and clearly. Well, I’m off and running, I’ll tell my fortune, maybe I’ll find out about my soulmate)

    I generally love playing cards, solitaire is my weakness) it’s just a pleasure to shake the decks in my hands. If even the most ordinary cards fall into my hands, I will definitely spread them out)) and then I believe in what they show, and even often comes true))

    Fortune-telling is described everywhere, but mostly these are either very “childish” options or very “serious” ones using special fortune-telling decks. I only have playing cards at home and I always wanted to try to tell fortunes with them and find out what awaits me. I will definitely try all the options! Does anyone know if I need a new deck of cards or if I can use the one I was playing with?

    It turns out there are so many guesses about the guy. You can get a lot of information about a guy’s attitude towards you, about your future with him. Very interesting methods of fortune telling with cards, I will definitely try them. Cards provide answers to the most intimate questions. This is time-tested. After all, sometimes it’s interesting to find out what awaits you in the future with your beloved man, what a man wants from you and what trials or happy moments await you ahead. Believe in the power of cards. When used correctly, they rarely make mistakes.

    I had no idea that there were so many ways to find out your fate, tell fortunes about your betrothed, about your already loved one, and everything! Such interesting ways of fortune telling on cards. I already knew some of it, but there is still so much unknown! I agree with the statement that cards should be trusted. After all, they will really tell the truth and will always help!

    Thanks for the info! As a child, we always used cards to tell fortunes by the name of a guy we liked! It was very interesting! I couldn’t even think that such a method really existed (I thought as a child that someone just invented it for fun). But it turns out it's true! Not only that, there are many more ways to tell fortunes with cards, which I learned from this article

    I went to a fortune teller a couple of times and she told me three husbands using cards! Of course, I’m shocked, I always considered myself a monogamous person and wanted to have only one husband! I really hope that she was wrong. Now I want to try to tell fortunes myself, today I’ll go, buy cards and have a fortune telling evening with my sister! Your article was very useful and clear, thank you very much! Have a nice day, everyone!

    You know, I have always been a skeptic in such matters. But at one time, events in life led me in despair to cards. Now I can say that I was shocked by what I heard and returned to fortune telling a couple of times. Because it warned me against certain events that influenced the subsequent outcome in life. After that, I am very respectful. I don’t understand how this is possible, but I checked it on myself.

    So interesting. I remembered that in childhood, during my school years, we used to guess the name, it’s very similar in description, but how we knew this, I can’t even remember. But after reading the article, I wanted to buy cards))) Only for a guy, otherwise my husband wouldn’t understand)) and to see about our future life. There are some interesting questions. And my husband definitely won’t let me go to someone.

    They guessed four times. The first time everything came true, after which I understood. how important this is as an assistant, more like a psychological aid, the cards constantly help me overcome all sorts of crises, they show where I will find it, where I will lose it... the only time it didn’t come true was that the fortune teller said that MCH would return to me after a specific date. Thus, she helped me, I calmed down, because... I couldn’t find a place for myself, but when he didn’t return, the wounds had more or less healed…. and I was still grateful to her for her help. One thing I understood is that you must always be prepared for such knowledge, because if you are not ready to hear everything, then it is better not to try.

    Twice I was told fortunes using ordinary cards; not everything came true, but a lot came true. What was happening now at that moment was said everything clearly, but the future did not come true. I admit that we are still changing our destiny. In general, it is interesting that the present can be analyzed very accurately, but predictions for the future do not always come true in the specified time period.

    I once had a fortune told by my hand (I went to her not because of problems, but because of great curiosity)... a really unfamiliar aunt (in the sense of a person who saw me for the first time) looked at my hand with a magnifying glass and said almost everything about me as it is... I was in a slight shock... at that time I had not yet studied anything, neither cards nor astrology, but I was directly “pulled” in that direction... and when this woman told me that I would “find what I was looking for” - it simply inspired me and I I flew from her like on wings, although I didn’t feel any certainty about this at the time... Now, a year later, I’ve delved deeply into this topic.

    And my friend’s grandmother always tells fortunes using cards when we come to visit her. Everything comes true for everyone. First, she talks about the past, making your hair stand on end. I ask how she knows this, and she answers that the cards speak. Then about the future: he describes his future husband, says how many children he will have. And I believe her, because for many, as she said, everything, as she said, has already come true.

    I didn’t know there were so many fortune telling for guys! Very interesting, I succeeded in finding the guy I wanted that he loves. I believe this is true. I have much more confidence in card layouts, even on the Internet, than in reading information by hand; it always scared me personally.

    Previously, I didn’t believe in all this and had a negative attitude, but after some events that happened with friends, I reconsidered my point of view. Somehow I found myself in such a difficult situation, which led me to fortune telling with cards. Everything was so plausible that after that incident she resorted to fortune telling by cards more than once.

    When I was not yet married, a grandmother-fortune teller in the village laid out everything on the cards for me so that it was scary to live further. I guessed everything well, I was just afraid that it might not come true. And in some situations, she seemed to warn me from bad things, saved me. After that, I really trust card layouts, especially in the area of ​​relationships.

    After this article, I wanted to buy cards and remember my teenage years, oh, how much excitement and worry there was then, how I wanted to find out the truth from a deck of cards, I constantly laid them out with my friends. And I had to take information from libraries and on the sly from my parents, for some reason they didn’t welcome this, but my friends and I did it all the time, thanks for the memories it brought back!

    To be honest, at first I was busy laying out the cards out of boredom, but then I noticed that from time to time, seemingly “comic” predictions tend to come true. And now I look at this whole matter differently; for the last 5 years, in difficult situations in my life, I immediately turn to the cards, see how best to act and behave.

    I was guessing the guy's name. It didn’t work out the first time, only the 3rd time everything worked out as it should, as it is, but I’m afraid to guess about the future, what if something bad happens, and then I’ll wait for something to happen. My friends were guessing, they liked it and everything came true. We'll be guessing Christmas time soon.

    3 years ago I had a book on fortune telling; a friend gave it to me. There are exactly the same layouts of cards and meanings, I wondered, it turned out that a happy marriage awaits, and marriage. But I didn’t have to wait long, I married my husband, we are already expecting a baby and I still use cards. I don't let anyone touch them.

    I sat with my friends and read it, but as soon as I left the site, I started discussing it and decided to guess. While we were buying cards, my friend was left alone. I told myself all sorts of things on playing cards; the whole room played with these cards. How should she accept this? Do the cards lie or not? Because we read that no one should touch them.

    Fortune telling on cards has long been known as the fastest way to find out the past and future. Many fortune tellers say and write that if there is a virgin on the cards, then the cards will tell only the truth and will never be mistaken. As always, the cards are often old and make mistakes. It’s better to make cards yourself and guess.

    The fortune telling is written clearly, I tried it on the guy’s relationship with me, but it turned out to be a rival. I didn’t believe it, everything was perfect with him, we walked together in a cafe and visited friends, but a month later he said that he was leaving for his ex. Because she's pregnant. When I came home and saw the cards, I took them and spread them out again and saw this lady very close. So it works.

    I also like to tell fortunes using ordinary cards; they are always at hand, but I don’t allow anyone to take them. I’ve been guessing since I was young, my grandmother gave me a book with an interpretation, I gradually learned everything and now I can guess without these notes. Like a real fortune teller) My girlfriends always come to me for Christmas, we spend time with pleasure - telling fortunes and dreaming.

    I tried to guess how the young man feels about you. The Queen has fallen out - beware of your opponent. The appearance of this card may indicate either another woman, or some person who has designs on your lover. I was very upset, I didn’t notice anything like that about him. Now I will watch and follow (

    I liked fortune telling by the 4 Kings and fortune telling by the name of a young man. Only in the article everything is written correctly, you need to carry out the ritual in a calm, balanced state and always alone. That's why I don't like it when people gather around Christmas and tell fortunes. I think this is an intimate process.

    There are so many options, it's dizzying. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for such a useful article. I use a special deck, store it in a secluded place and lay it out when I’m alone. It turns out that I had done everything correctly before, and now I am convinced that I was right.

    I didn’t think that telling fortunes for Friday the 13th is not only possible, but also necessary. I haven’t liked this day since school, something always happened. and here's some advice. It’s a pity that the next Friday falls on the thirteenth only in July, maybe some special prediction awaits. I'll have to try it.

    I remember those times when at school we collected various fortune-telling stories and wrote them down in a special notebook, decorated it in different ways and kept it as a treasure. And now, everything is so simple: you set a parameter and find the necessary options for fortune telling, especially since you can not only try it in real life, but also online, great!

Fortune telling about a loved one has interested girls at all times. After all, asking a person directly about his feelings is scary, so I want to find other ways to find out about it.

Playing cards will help you understand the feelings of another person

Fortune telling with playing cards will help you figure this out. To do this, it is not necessary to turn to professional people. A girl can tell fortunes on her own at home.

Basic Rules

Any rituals require compliance with special rules, fortune telling is no exception. To make the meaning of the cards as plausible as possible, you must adhere to the following:

  1. Any rituals related to a boyfriend or love should be performed late in the evening. The best time is from 18:00 to 24:00. At this time, the most plausible predictions occur.
  2. It is allowed to perform rituals on cards for a loved one on any day, except Orthodox holidays and weekends.
  3. It doesn’t matter whether fortune telling is done in the name of a guy, desire or love, the fortuneteller must be completely alone during the ritual. Therefore, all windows and doors should be closed, and all distracting devices should be turned off.
  4. When performing rituals with cards, you should only use a fortune-telling deck. If there is none, then you can use a completely new regular deck. It is important that no one ever plays this deck.

For fortune telling, it is important to use a new deck of cards

If we take into account all these rules, then there is no doubt about the resulting prediction.

The simplest layout

These fortune tellings on cards in a person’s name can be performed by any person. To perform this ritual, you need to mentally imagine your beloved. The ceremony is carried out in the guy's full name.

To carry out the ritual, you will need to prepare a deck of 36 cards. Mix it thoroughly and begin arranging it into as many piles as the number of letters the person’s name consists of. At the end, we take the packet where the last card was placed. We arrange it among the remaining piles. Thus, one pack of all cards should be formed.

We begin to turn over the cards one by one. If two cards of the same value come out (two aces, two kings, etc.), then we put them aside.

After this, we look at the menu of cards and think about their meaning when they match:

  1. Two aces. The man has mutual feelings.
  2. Two kings. He likes your character.
  3. Two ladies. There is a rival.
  4. Two jacks. Often thinks about you.
  5. Two tens. A person has sympathy, but he does not dare to take the first step.
  6. Two nines. There is interest.
  7. Two eights. They promise a conversation with your lover soon.
  8. Two sevens. Possibly a date.
  9. Two sixes. Traveling together.

Did you get two sixes? Congratulations on your journey together!

Fortune telling on cards by name can only be done once a day. Even if the situation is unsatisfactory, it is forbidden to repeat the ritual.

Double name layout

Fortune telling about a loved one can be done as follows. A deck is taken, mixed thoroughly and laid out in piles in accordance with the number of letters in the full name.

After all the cards have been laid out, the piles are turned over and the last card is looked at. If they are guessing on a person with blond hair, then the suit should be red, if with dark hair, then black. If there is a mismatch, the top card is removed until the desired suit is obtained.

After this, all the piles are stacked on top of each other without mixing. Next, you should remember the abbreviated name or pet name of your lover. We count how many letters there are in the word and begin a similar layout.

We take the first pile and turn over the fortune cards one after another. If two cards of equal value coincide, we put them aside. We do this with all the stacks.

  • six: two talk about marriage, four talk about devotion;
  • seven: a pair means a meeting, a four means a date;
  • eight: a couple promises a conversation, four - a squabble;
  • nine: a couple speaks of love, four - lifelong love;
  • ten: a pair denotes interest, four - prudence;
  • jack: a pair promises troubles, four - a lot of troubles;
  • lady: a couple gives hope, a four talks about gossip;
  • king: a couple predicts strong friendship, four - brotherhood;
  • ace: a pair denotes physical intimacy, a four - a passionate relationship.

Both layouts are suitable for people who do not have much experience in fortune telling. You can practice at least every day, because a person can treat a fortuneteller completely differently today and in a week.

There are also fortune telling for the betrothed without knowing the names. In this case, a jack or king is taken as a man. Don’t forget about the cards you get, sometimes their meaning plays a significant role. If you follow the alignment according to all the rules, you will be able to understand not only a person’s feelings, but also find answers to other exciting topics.

Fortune telling with jacks

On ordinary cards, which have not previously been used in card games, you can cast a spell not only on one person, but also on four men at once. For such fortune telling on cards for love, you will need the most ordinary deck of thirty-six cards.

How to guess:

  1. Draw jacks from the deck. Name each of them by the name of the man you are telling fortunes about.
  2. Remember or write down the name-jack correspondence. Stir the valts.
  3. Place the jacks in a row so that you cannot see which jack is which (the shirt should be on top).
  4. Lay out the deck one card at a time under all the jacks, face down, that is, so that you can see their meaning.
  5. You received four piles of cards of nine each, with one jack on top.
  6. In each pile, find all the same pairs of cards lying next to each other, that is, two adjacent cards that have the same value (six-six, king-king).
  7. Place the pairs in a separate pile above the pile where you found them.
  8. Repeat steps six, seven, eight and nine two more times.
  9. Look and analyze the collected pairs.


  • Six-six - this person likes you, he would not mind meeting you in a more private setting.
  • Seven-seven - this man likes you, but you have very different characters, you should be careful.
  • Eight-eight - he takes you seriously, very soon you will have to talk about it.
  • Nine-nine - here it is: sincere, true love.
  • Ten-ten - you have a lot in common, but you are not destined to be together.
  • Lady-lady - a man has another girl in mind, and if you want to be with this man, you should do something.
  • King-king - a man feels you as one of his own, feels jealous.
  • Ace-ace is that person with whom you will always feel good, but who will not always be comfortable with you.

Two dropped aces predict that the girl will always be comfortable with the mysterious man

Thus, from the cards you can easily determine how which guy treats you and whether you have a future together.

Fortune telling on an incomplete deck

You can tell fortunes about a guy using an incomplete deck. This fortune telling is truthful and quite accurate, it makes it possible to find out about your future. For divination you will need a new deck of thirty-six cards.

Choose one king from the deck to match your lover:

  • it is appropriate for an elderly person or a much older man to be baptized for you;
  • a spade would suit a recent acquaintance or stranger;
  • for a young guy or a guy much younger than you, a tambourine is suitable;
  • for a man who already has a soul mate (legal or illegal), a heart is suitable.

The king must remain in the deck. Shuffle it thoroughly. Start laying out the cards in a row, while saying:

“King of my heart! You sank into my soul and started a terrible fire. I’m suffering, answer me: how do you feel about me?”

Repeat this phrase until “your king” appears among the cards. If it appeared when reading the plot for the first time, then your chances of being together are thirty percent (or so). If it appeared during the second reading, then the man is not indifferent to you, and if everything goes well, you will be happy together.

If it appeared during the third reading or later, then you do not have a future together. This simple fortune telling for a guy allows you to find out about your future and whether there is one at all or not.

Fortune telling "N"

This specific name is explained by the fact that the cards are laid out exactly in the shape of the letter H, and the cards are numbered as the hand moves on the letter (the first card is upper left, the last card is lower right).

Choose one king to symbolize your boyfriend during the reading. The principle of choosing a king is the same as in the previous fortune telling:

  • Elderly and old men - the cross.
  • The stranger is a pike.
  • A young, young guy is a tambourine.
  • A man with a chosen one is a heart.

If a man has a chosen one, he must take a card of the heart suit

After choosing the king, shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your right hand. Place the shifted part underneath. Remember what your loved one looks like, think about him. Start divining your feelings. Place the cards on the table in the shape of the letter H, saying:

“King, my king! Ali have feelings for me? Do you need me? Give me a sign, let me know. As for me, you are wasting away, I will dispel all your torment, all your boredom. If you don’t need me, then I’ll be someone else’s wife!”

If during the first reading the king does not appear in the layout, start reading again and again laying the cards on top of the first ones. As soon as you have met “your king”, pay attention to where he lies.

If the king’s position is one, seven or four, then it’s too early to count on the guy’s love: he hasn’t decided yet. Come and talk to him, maybe that’ll work out. If the king is in position two or three, then the young man sincerely loves you. If he appeared in position five or six, then forget about feelings: he doesn’t like you.

Fortune telling with cards for a loved one is very popular among girls. It allows you to find out not only the future together, but also how a man relates to his beloved.

Among the fair half of humanity, fortune telling about a beloved man is becoming increasingly popular

Fortune telling with playing cards has helped many people find out their future and build strong relationships. Often the girl she loves lives in dreams of a guy who is absolutely indifferent to her. So, if you have a similar situation, then such fortune telling will quickly solve this problem.

Which card symbolizes a man in fortune telling?

In order to tell fortunes about your loved one using 36 cards, you need to decide which one symbolizes your man. Its suit and color are selected depending on the skin and hair color of the young man. Fair-haired people are symbolized by red, and dark-haired ones by black.

The card that describes your man is not included in the layout. Fortune telling on cards is carried out in order to find out what he is doing now and how he treats you. Such fortune telling will reveal spiritual secrets.

After one of the 36 cards is selected, it is removed from the deck and placed on the table. Next, you need to mentally repeat the name of the hidden person and the question that interests you. To tell fortunes correctly, you need to pay special attention to the name of the person you wished for; it must be repeated seven times. This makes it possible to restore the connection between the card and the person for whom fortune telling is being done.

The most common type of fortune telling

Fortune telling about a loved one can be either simple or very complex. If you have never worked with cards before, then this option is perfect. First you need to select the main card. After one of the 4 kings is selected, it must be placed in the center.

Next you need to mix the deck well and remove half of it with your left hand. Now you need to lay out four cards around the king, you need to do this clockwise. This will show the lover’s attitude, how he feels and how he treats the girl. But in order to correctly understand the meaning of fortune telling, you need to know the interpretation of the main cards:

6 means that a long separation awaits the couple in love

  1. 6 – a long separation awaits you from this person.
  2. 7 – in the near future you will have a pleasant evening, which you will spend with your lover.
  3. 8 - soon you will have an unpleasant conversation with this person, it may be that he will initiate the separation.
  4. 9 - everything will be fine, maybe soon he will propose marriage to you.
  5. 10 – the mysterious person cannot decide on his feelings for you.
  6. B – experiences and hopes for the best.
  7. D - a girl will appear on the horizon who will become the reason for your separation.
  8. K - your loved one will support you in this situation.
  9. T - the hidden person loves you and these feelings are mutual.

If an ace comes up in fortune telling, it means the girl’s feelings are mutual

In order to get an accurate picture of the prediction, it is necessary to combine the meanings of all four cards. The interpretations of each of them give only a general picture, but to really understand what awaits you, you need to try to combine them in a layout.

Fortune telling with cards on a guy's attitude

Fortune telling on cards interests every girl who has not yet started a family. There are different ways to do this, but the most popular is to answer the question. How to guess?

To do this, you need to immediately decide on the king, who will symbolize the mysterious guy. At this moment, it is advisable to formulate a clear question and speak it out. The question should sound so that the answer is yes or no.

Next, you need to take the deck and mix it thoroughly, at this moment the selected card should be on the table. Next to it we lay out three more, which will answer the question. If you get a spade and hearts, then your answer is positive, and a club and diamond is negative.

If you were lucky and everyone got a positive answer, then the answer to this question cannot be different. But if you only get two “yes”, then you will have to try a little to bring your plans to life. If there are two “nos,” then you don’t have to dream that what you want will come true.

Fortune telling with playing cards on relationships allows you to get a 100% answer. Its big advantage is that everyone can make such a layout on their own. This method of fortune telling can be done as many times as you like.

Fortune telling for a loved one using six cards

Fortune telling using six cards for feelings allows you to find out your attitude towards me. All you need to do is ask a question. Six cards will reveal the true attitude of the guy you are interested in towards you.

In order to carry out the ritual, you need to mix the cards well, only without the one that symbolizes your beloved. Take out one card from the whole mass and place it next to the king. Continue shuffling the deck and laying out the card again and do this until there are 6 of them on the table.

How do you understand what each of them means? There is a clear interpretation for this:

  1. The first card reveals the thoughts of the hidden person.
  2. The second is what is in the heart of a loved one.
  3. The third talks about events that will happen in the near future.
  4. The fourth says what the guy wants.
  5. Fifth, what he does not want to happen in his life.
  6. The sixth card speaks about the events that are happening at the moment.

Each suit has its own clear interpretation, but it is worth knowing that the entire layout is combined into one chain. Therefore, to understand which one, you need to study the meaning of each card. Interpretation:

Worms symbolize feelings

  • 6 – the road awaits you in the morning;
  • 7 are those desires that will never come true;
  • 8 – you and your loved one will be separated;
  • 9 – mutual relationships in which passions will seethe;
  • 10 – your loved one will invite you on a romantic date;
  • B – troubles for the person symbolized by the king;
  • D - an unmarried woman will meet on your way;
  • K – a man who has never been married;
  • T – a pleasant pastime.

The Ace of Hearts predicts a pleasant pastime

The peaks symbolize the time when this or that event occurs

  • 6 - you will be going somewhere late in the evening;
  • 7 – problems await you;
  • 8 - maybe you will get sick soon;
  • 9 – you will be left alone;
  • 10 – your circle of interests will change;
  • B – your enemy is trying to harm;
  • D – a whirlwind romance awaits you with the king;
  • K - maybe you will get married soon;
  • T – you will be very interested in someone.

Bubs symbolize time

  • 6 – an important work trip awaits you;
  • 7 – in the near future you will conclude a profitable contract;
  • 8 – sadness and sadness walk next to you;
  • 9 – you will achieve what you have long dreamed of;
  • 10 – you will receive a good profit from the work done;
  • B - the king will have to solve important financial problems;
  • D – there is a married girl near your man;
  • K - symbolizes a married man;
  • T - you will be invited on a date that you have dreamed of all your life.

Ace of Diamonds - the girl asking will be invited to a long-awaited date

Clubs speak of creative moments in life

  • 6 – travel at a late time;
  • 7 – in the near future you will have to attend an important interview;
  • 8 - a sad event will befall your fate;
  • 9 – you will be overwhelmed with feelings;
  • 10 – worries;
  • B - you will part with your boyfriend very hard;
  • D – next to you is an elderly woman with a lot of money;
  • K - symbolizes a man in good condition;
  • T is a serious establishment.

Simple fortune telling using paired cards

Fortune telling for a loved one using paired cards allows you to get to know people better, their attitude towards you and feelings. This method can be used by both girls and boys. For this fortune telling, you do not need to use special cards; an ordinary deck, which is sold in any store, is enough.

To tell fortunes this way, you need to take the cards and mix them well. Next you need to lay out 6 rows, which will contain 6 cards. If there are those on the diagonal that have the same dignity, they must be removed, and others should be put in their place. This is done until there are no matches.

The next layout is made of 5 rows and 5 cards. You need to do this until you reach a layout with 2 cards and 2 rows. In this scenario, you need to count the number of remaining pairs. This will be the meaning of the prediction, and it is interpreted as follows:

  1. If there is only one couple left, then you will soon get married.
  2. If two, then your feelings are mutual.
  3. Three couples indicate that the guy is interested in you.
  4. Four is about him missing you.
  5. Five means that you are constantly on his mind.
  6. Six indicates betrayal in the near future.
  7. Seven cards indicate that the guy is absolutely indifferent to you.

If seven cards fall out, it means that the guy is absolutely indifferent to you.

You can learn a little more from special fortune telling cards, and more often than not, cards like the Tarot determine destinies. The main thing is to feel the cards in any fortune telling and it doesn’t matter what kind of layout you make.

Fortune telling on cards for treason

Treason for any person is a great betrayal, which is not so easy to forgive, but it is also not easy to find out about it. Therefore, you can conduct fortune telling for treason. It allows you to find out whether your significant other had physical intimacy with someone else during your relationship or not.

The cards will tell you the whole truth, which will help you decide what to do next. A similar layout is most often done on Tarot cards, but if you wish, you can also use a regular deck of 36 cards. But this is only if you can correctly understand the meaning of the prediction. Such fortune telling can even show a love spell.

The scenario for betrayal is quite complicated and in order to do it you need to be in the mood.

Throw out all negative thoughts and think only about your soulmate. Try to get rid of everything unnecessary that may distract you at the time of fortune telling. You can even meditate or play soft music.

Shuffle the deck well and start laying out the cards. Place the first, and under it the second and third, the fourth and fifth under the previous ones, and the sixth will be located at the very bottom. The seventh and eighth should lie under the sixth. After the cards are laid out, you can interpret them:

  1. The first card talks about how you feel about your soulmate; these are sensations and feelings that even you yourself may not know about. It happens that this card shows hidden desires.
  2. The second indicates the reasons why you began to suspect your loved one of infidelity.
  3. The third one describes the overall picture of your relationship.
  4. The fourth card speaks specifically about the fact of betrayal, whether it happened or not. You need to pay special attention to it.
  5. The fifth should be interpreted only if the fourth showed the fact of treason. This card tells how events will develop further after the betrayal.
  6. The sixth card will tell you what to do to prevent this from happening in the future. But if the betrayal continues, then she will tell you how to get your loved one back.
  7. The seventh shows how you will treat your significant other in the future.
  8. And the eighth card talks about how your loved one will treat you after this incident.

There is another way to tell fortunes about betrayal; it allows you to find out not only about physical intimacy, but also about emotional intimacy.

Fortune telling will help to identify even emotional betrayal

You need to mix the deck well and lay out 3 rows, each of which will have 3 cards. And their meaning is:

  1. The first card speaks about what is happening in your soul at the present time.
  2. The second characterizes your loved one.
  3. The third talks about how your boyfriend feels about cheating.
  4. The fourth indicates that there was physical betrayal.
  5. The fifth card indicates that your soulmate loves another.
  6. The sixth is a card that says that your significant other is uncomfortable with you, but he loves you.
  7. The seventh tells why he or she cheated.
  8. The eighth talks about what will happen to your relationship after cheating.
  9. The ninth will show what conclusions your significant other will draw after this incident.

This method of fortune telling helps many people to get rid of love addiction, because it often happens that a person falls in love so much that he does not even notice the betrayal.

Fortune telling with playing cards for a loved one is the best way to arrange your personal life. Both teenagers and older women love to tell fortunes and find out their fate with the person they like. Maybe after this you will decide that you don’t need him, or maybe, on the contrary, you will start a family with this person.