Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen for love - how to do it. Fortune telling on paper for a loved one: secrets of the future and present

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

Fortune telling using various objects is very popular. How do you perceive this type of activity? Do you believe that everything predicted will come true? Or, on the contrary, do you think fortune telling for love is just entertainment, a pleasant pastime? It doesn't matter how you feel about fortune telling. After all, it's a great way to relax.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen is very simple. For them you will need a blank checkered sheet of paper and a ballpoint pen. Usually such fortune telling is based on mathematical theories. In essence, it’s the same daisy: if it comes true, it won’t come true. They are quick and easy to perform; you can conduct several fortune telling sessions in an evening. No need to buy cards, dice or other magical attributes. You can guess together with your friends or alone.

Do fortune telling on paper come true?

On paper we display symbols - letters and numbers. Entire stories are recorded on it. Paper and pen are numerological tools. The exact numbers on which any information about this world is based cannot lie. They will also talk about compatibility between two people. At the same time, the symbolism of numbers always means something. Thus, it is the focus of human energy.

Of our own free will, we make changes on paper just as we can make them in our lives. Fortune telling for love has a special character, they allow you to find out the present and predict the near future, predict it. How to find out the thoughts of the guys who occupy your head? Just take a piece of paper and start guessing. Numbers and letters will tell you about the future themselves.

Telling fortunes about love with paper and pen is not scary. You just need to understand well how to do it correctly.

Love formula

This fortune telling helps determine what awaits you and your lover in the future, whether any problems may arise in the relationship. Uncover all the secrets using the formula. Love fortune telling on paper is very simple, but informative. You just need to answer the questions and calculate the number of love using the proposed formula.

A table to simplify the conversion of letters to numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Questions to answer:

  1. How many letters are in your name?
  2. How many letters are in his name?
  3. If your name has the letter O? Which one? (if not, set it to 0)
  4. Is there an O in his name? Which one? (if not, set it to 0)
  5. What is the numerical value of the first letter of your name?
  6. What is the numerical value of the first letter of his name?
  7. How many L's are in your names?

Love Formula: ? = (? - 7) x 2,

Where? = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 (sum of answers to all questions).

For example. There are Yulia and Alexey. Let's calculate the love formula for these names.

  1. Julia – 4.
  2. Alexey – 7.

Love formula: 4+7+0+0+5+1+2 = (19 – 7) x 2 = 24.

Let's shorten for a single-digit number: 24 = 2+4 = 6.

So, the love formula for Alexey and Yulia is 6. Decoding this number will be their key to happiness. What did you get?

Number 1. This is true love at first sight, like in a fairy tale or romantic film. Are you still not together? Do everything to become the best couple in the world. Think, maybe the young man is afraid to take the first step? Help him, be confident in your abilities.

If you already have a strong union, take care of it. Rare quarrels and insults need to be forgiven to each other; you will quickly make peace because you really love each other. There is a place for miracles and adventures in your relationship. Your emotional manifestations are very close to each other.

Yes, both of you are stubborn and ambitious, but this should not bother you. What could be better than a sincere expression of strong feelings? And you both are capable of this. But you have much more fun together than those who spend all day together watching TV and live this life sluggishly.

The main difficulty in your relationship can only be related to mutual selfishness. Don't try to dominate another person. Don't keep your bird in a cage. Build harmonious relationships, develop in other areas of life. To avoid putting pressure on your partner, always be able to get involved in other things. A little freedom will only strengthen your union, which has every chance of becoming strong, beautiful and long.

Digit 2. You have a soulful relationship that many envy. The secret of success is in your similarity, you are literally kindred spirits, halves of one whole. People around you get the impression that you have known each other for 100 years, although the duration of your relationship may be quite short.

You are like doves who are always nearby. Support and solidarity - these words can describe your union. What problems could such a harmonious and happy couple have? First of all, this is the boredom of one of the partners. If everything is too good and measured, the relationship becomes boring, and there is a lack of spice, even small conflicts. Take quarrels from a philosophical point of view. They will only strengthen your organic union.

Digit 3. The motto of your relationship: “Equality and respect.” On this foundation you can build very beautiful and long-lasting relationships. Surely at the beginning of your love the young man showered you with bouquets and toys. The ability to give nice little gifts makes romantic girls very happy, and you are one of them.

For those whose love formula is “3”, it is important to be able to preserve feelings. Try not to humiliate yourself and your partner, do not bring the relationship to baseness. True love can overcome enormous difficulties. You are different people, you have different interests, but it is precisely because of this that you are drawn to each other like a magnet.

Read also: We guess and find out about the feelings of our loved one

You rarely argue because you have nothing to share. You easily and quickly make a general, informed decision and know how to negotiate. Your happy union is built on this. But be afraid of betrayal. One will never forgive another for betrayal.

Digit 4. You feel good together, but not for long. At the same time, you miss each other when you are far away. If there is a certain passionate force of attraction that supports your union, but there are still conflicts and bickering. This is the character of each of you; there is nothing common in your worldview.

Time passes, but relationships do not improve. You break up again and again, and the next day you run into each other’s arms. A series of problems is very exhausting, your friends laugh when you break up again, because they know that everything will return to normal very quickly.

Living like this is always very difficult. The time has come to seriously think about whether this union is worth maintaining. Analyze for what reasons you quarrel most often. Think about who has to make sacrifices more often and whether it’s worth it. As long as you are a couple, you are still a force that can move mountains. You have a chance to be happy, don't miss it.

Number 5. The basis of your relationship is ardent passion. This is a blinding love that is not interested in everything around except the object of adoration. Finally, take off your rose-colored glasses and realize that everything may not be what it seems.

Your partner is imperfect, although you picture him in your imagination as the best of men. Is it worth continuing to develop the relationship? They are stuck in place. You just look at one point and don't move anywhere. Accept a person as he really is, and not as he is in your rose-colored dreams.

If you can get along with your partner’s shortcomings, you will have great happiness for the rest of your life. If the real essence of a person is disgusting to you, it is better to stop building castles in the air right now. There are no ideals; all people have their own small and large shortcomings.

Number 6. This is a relationship where there is no passion. The union is more friendly than love. You have many common interests, there is something to talk about, but the emotional component is very small.

For those who love measured tranquility, such a union represents the best solution. You will be able to realize your area of ​​interest, find common points in your worldview and understand each other perfectly. Basically, this is a stable, happy life.

But think about whether such a relationship without storms and passions is enough for you. Of course, not every couple manages to achieve such harmony, but you may also have problems. They are based, oddly enough, on jealousy. You and your partner are owners who do not want to lose your interlocutor and soul mate. If there is no trust, the relationship will fizzle out. If he can resist temptations, everything will be very good.

Number 7. The sphere of influence is strong here because one of the partners is a born leader. He has only one correct point of view, and that is his. Another person in such a union is given an insignificant place. If he is satisfied with this, the relationship can even be happy.

The good thing here for both is that they can get the emotions they want. Both are active, but one is still quieter and calmer. Since one of you is not trying to conquer the other's space, everything can be fine for a very long time.

But if betrayal occurs, the mistake will not be fatal. This couple can survive this. They both have enough strength to forgive. The most important thing is that in this alliance someone must still take the partner’s side, express their point of view gently and not insist. Then everything will be fine. If both take leadership positions on principle, soon the formula of love between them will fall apart.

Number 8. Complicated, painful relationships. Perhaps in the beginning you both hoped that everything would be fine and that the romance would last forever. But, as it turned out, you could not resist everyday life. The passion has cooled down, only scandals and misunderstandings remain.

One of you constantly criticizes the other. Compliments are heard less and less often. It is difficult for you to find a common language and come to a joint decision. A new relationship is the way to go, but wait. Is it necessary to destroy what has already been built?

You need to have a serious conversation without running away from the problem. Stay alone with your conflicts, appreciate each other. Show some respect and patience. You need each other if you are still together.

You still have the opportunity to become happy and friendly again. Work on your relationship. Accept your shortcomings, understand that there are no ideal people in nature. You need more patience to keep your love alive. And she is in your couple, there is no doubt about it.

Number 9. It’s very strange that you even decided to guess about compatibility. The partners are completely different, there can be no talk of any harmony. You have completely different views on life. It's simply not possible to adapt. Two strong and complex characters do not get along together.

Finding a compromise is almost impossible. An unhealthy struggle for leadership is not the best option for building harmonious relationships. Both of you will be disappointed; you shouldn’t try to build love if you don’t feel strong enough to do it.

If you still decide to build a relationship, then you need to clearly understand that only two people are capable of making changes to the union. You both need to make an effort, change your character, show more respect. Otherwise everything will crumble to dust.

Read also: Classic, gypsy love fortune telling


Ask a question that worries you at the moment. It should concern the love sphere and be formulated in such a way that it can be answered unambiguously “yes” or “no.” Think about your question and start drawing lines on the paper. Like this: “\” or “/”. When a line ends, move on to the next one. Draw until you feel it’s time to stop. Now go back to the beginning of the line and cross out two strokes at a time. You will have a certain number of such crossings. If in the end there is only one stick left, then the wish will not come true.


The strange name is quickly remembered, because fortune telling is the most popular among girls. You need to think of three names under the numbers 0, 1 and 2. Let's say 0 - Anton, 1 - Denis, 2 - Ilya. Take a piece of paper and write the letters L U R N I S T E X B from top to bottom. Draw strokes opposite the letters without counting them. When you feel it's time to stop, count the number of strokes. This time you need to cross out 3 pieces. If there are no free strokes left opposite the letter after such a crossing out, write 0, if 1 remains, write 1, if 2 remain, write two. Calculations must be made in each row.

Now comes the fun part. The guy written under the number 0, in our case Anton, experiences feelings indicated by the letter opposite which there is a 0. The same with the others. Where there is 1, the guy number 1 feels for you, where 2, there is the 2nd.


U (respects)


D (thinks about you)


And (interested)


T (pulling towards you)

E (there is another)

X (wants to be friends)

B (will be friends)

For the future of relations

You will need a checkered piece of paper, clean on both sides, and any pen. Close your eyes and draw a fairly large heart on one side. Now look what happened. If the upper arcs do not connect at one point, draw a straight line between them. Now count the even cells, whole ones, that are inside the heart. We don’t take into account those that the pen has crossed out even just a little. Then cross out six whole cells in a row until there is a number left that cannot be divided by 6. This number is not a multiple of 6 and will be the answer about the relationship perspective. So, how many whole cells are left after counting?

1: You have a future and love together.

2: Don't spoil your friendship with relationships.

3: Now you both are not indifferent to each other, but this is not love, the relationship has no future.

4: Too much jealousy reigns between you.

5: He thinks about you, he dreams about you.

If there are no cells left at all, the young man, alas, is indifferent to you.

Fortune telling for a guy by name

Does the guy love you? Before asking this question, you need to find out how compatible you are. On a simple sheet of paper, write your full name and his name. Cross out duplicate letters in your first, middle and last names. For example, in the name Alexey and Anna there is one common letter, we cross it out, leaving L E K S E Y N. Now we cross out the letters that are repeated here, in our example it is E. What remains is L K S Y N.

We do the same with last name and patronymic. How many different letters do you have left?

1: Probably marriage and great strong love.

2: You are too different, you should not start a relationship.

3: Passion is possible, but nothing more.

4: The guy has feelings for you.

5: Someone in a relationship has only benefits, there will be no love.

6: You are in harmony, long-term relationships are possible.

7: Stop trying to gain favor; it’s better to remain friends.

8: You are 100% suitable for each other.

9: The compatibility of characters is not bad, but there may be difficulties in everyday life.

Thus, fortune telling on paper is easy. We have given some of the most popular and effective fortune telling with a pen and a piece of paper. They will help you clarify your own feelings and perspective on relationships, look into the future and analyze the present. But remember that you yourself are the mistress of your destiny and fortune telling allows you to only partially look into the sphere of relationships.

These fortune telling on paper with a pen are not difficult and can be used at any convenient time, but they should be taken quite seriously.

Quick fortune telling “Will my wish come true?”
Take and draw on paper an uncountable number of sticks /////// - as many as you want, and then connect them in threes with a pen. If one stick remains when connected, then your wish will come true, if there are two sticks, then it will not come true, if there is none, then it is unknown whether it will come true or not.

Fortune telling “Couple or not a couple”
Use a pen to write your name and the name of the person you love on paper. For example, your name is
I R I N A C O L O D Y A ZH N A YA, and his name
M A K S I M B E L O U S O V, cross out all the repeating letters in your first and last name and that person. In this case there is the letter I, K, O even twice, A, L,
In the end there will be
There are 17 letters left, we reduce them to the prime number 1+7=8.
Meaning of numbers
1 – you are a couple and you have a future, maybe you will soon become spouses.
2 – you are not a couple, you are completely different people, so don’t waste your own time.
3 – you have great love, but this feeling is temporary.
4 – you are loved, but can you say the same about yourself? Therefore, first of all, weigh the pros and cons.
5 – you have a mercantile relationship, so you are not a couple.
6 – you are made for each other.
7 - you have a future together, but you will only maintain friendly relations.
8 – you are loved and you are loved.
9 – you are like a key and a lock. You are a couple, you just need to try to maintain these feelings.

Fortune telling “What awaits me?”
You need to write your last name, first name, middle name on paper, then the date that interests you, and count the number of letters you get.
For example, you are Olga Aleksandrovna Sergeeva, you are interested in the eleventh of October - this is Tuesday. So we write.
Sergeeva Olga Aleksandrovna October eleventh Tuesday – 52 letters – 5+2= 7.
This number will tell you what awaits you on October 11th.

The meaning of the numbers in this fortune telling on paper with a pen
1 – the day will be difficult for solving financial problems. But on the love front, many surprises await you - perhaps you will spend today with your loved one, but if you don’t have a partner yet, today you can meet your destiny.
2 – do not rely on other people, today they will not help you, but rather the opposite. On this day, try not to get distracted by trifles, as a serious event awaits you ahead, for which you must be prepared both morally and financially.

3 – today is your day of fun and relaxation; even the most seemingly complex problems will be solved with ease. Everything planned will come true.
4 – it’s better not to plan trips on this day, they will be useless. Rather spend the day in the office, working on site, you will end up getting more than you even expected.
5 - a great day for new beginnings - today you can start playing sports, get a job, make friends - in the end you will win.
6 is an unlucky day for those who cannot control their emotions. Today you will have to hear a lot of unflattering words addressed to you, and only the right reaction can solve this problem without effort.
7 – today you can dream about anything - and everything will come true.
8 – you should not plan important business negotiations on this day; spend it with people you know well.
9 – a great idea for today is to spend it at home, otherwise conflicts with the people around you are possible.

To get an answer to the question you are interested in, write it with a pen on paper in any form, for example: - “Does (name) love me?” Now count the number of letters in your question (no need to count commas, question marks). If there are 10 or more letters, add them up to a single digit number. Example: “Will I marry Ivan?” There are 20 letters in the question, add 2+0, we get the fortune telling result - 2. Now look what this or that number means.

  • 1 - you yourself know the answer to your question.
  • 2 - yes, your wish will come true.
  • 3 - no, it’s not destined to come true.
  • 4 - of course it will come true!
  • 5 - maybe yes, maybe no.
  • 6 - in order for your wish to come true, you will have to put in a lot of effort.
  • 7 - you will succeed, but not soon.
  • 8 - the wish will come true in the near future.
  • 9 - no, don’t even hope.

Fortune telling for the day

This simple method of fortune telling with pen and paper will tell you what surprises to expect from a particular day. The fortune-telling technique is as follows: on a blank sheet of paper, write the day of the week on which you are going to fortune-tell, and then your first, middle and last name. Write down all the same letters that you come across in the appropriate column.

After this, you will need to cross out all the paired letters and count how many unpaired letters remain. Depending on the number of letters remaining after crossing out, you can judge the day for which you are fortune-telling. If there are 10 or more remaining unpaired letters, add the numbers together. If you come across a letter that you have already written, put it under the one you wrote first.

Interpretation of the obtained values:

  • 0 - you shouldn’t expect anything special from the day you are fortune-telling;
  • 1 - portends receiving good news;
  • 2 - you will be disappointed;
  • 3 - predicts a trip or journey;
  • 4 - fate will intervene in your plans and force them to change;
  • 5 - a favorable day for a romantic date;
  • 6 - an unexpected meeting with a pleasant person awaits you;
  • 7 - you will spend the day in melancholy and despondency;
  • 8 - love adventure;
  • 9 - day will not bring you anything good.

Fortune telling for love

Using this fortune telling with paper and pen, you can find out about the fate of your relationship with your partner. Just as in the previous fortune telling, write down your partner’s last name, first name and patronymic on a blank sheet of paper. Arrange identical letters that you come across in columns.

Count how many pairs of identical letters you have and see what fortune telling predicts for your relationship.

  • 1 - your partner thinks only about himself, he is not interested in you;
  • 2 - future relationships will disappoint you. Consider whether you need them;
  • 3 - love, peace and mutual understanding will always reign in your couple;
  • 4 - constant quarrels over trifles are possible in your union;
  • 5 - if you are not ready to indulge your partner in everything, then it would be better to break off the relationship;
  • 6 - in your couple you are the strong link;
  • 7 - a good couple who can live for many years in love and harmony;
  • 8 - you understand each other perfectly and that’s great;
  • 9 - fortune telling promises you a long and happy family life.

Fortune telling by wish

With the help of this fortune telling, you can get a definite answer as to whether your wish will come true. Take a blank piece of paper and a pen and focus on your desire. Next, randomly, without counting, draw a lot of vertical strokes. After this, draw horizontal lines through each pair of strokes. You should end up with the letters "H".

Now look at the result of your fortune telling - if all your strokes turn out to be paired, then your wish will come true in the very near future. If you still have an unpaired stick, then, alas, your expectations are in vain.

Relationship fortune telling

To find out how the person you like treats you, you will need a piece of squared paper and a pen. If you are right-handed, draw a heart on a checkered piece of paper with your left hand. If you are left-handed, you need to draw the heart with your right hand. Now cross out squares of four whole cells inside the outline of the heart. Depending on how many cells you have left that cannot be crossed out, you can judge your lover’s attitude towards you.

  • If all the whole cells were crossed out, he loves you more than life itself.
  • If there is only one cell left, he has not yet decided on his attitude towards you.
  • There are two cells left - only friendship is possible between you.
  • There are three cells left - he is afraid to confess his love to you.
  • If there are four cells left, he is jealous.
  • There are five cells left - you occupy all his thoughts.
  • There are six cells left - he is completely indifferent to you.

Girls love to dream. In their thoughts they have a big family, a prestigious job and a man who will carry them in his arms. How do you know if this will actually happen? Looking at your life in the future can be very intriguing.

Why do you need fortune tellers if you can do a simple fortune telling on paper with a pen for a guy? After all, she is vulnerable and always in love with someone. Answers to simple questions: “Is the feeling mutual? Future husband's name? Will we be together?” can be obtained in a simple way, without special preparation, and at the same time you can enjoy your free time.

Internal mood

With a love handle for girls, it is popular among high school girls because of its simplicity. This way they have fun during boring lessons, which is why not everyone can take it seriously, which is a big mistake. The main thing in magical rituals is the mood. If you really believe in what the numbers predict, and feel the magic emanating from them, then you can get a true prediction that will come true after a while. Everything is decided by a person’s mood even before the smallest ceremony.

The conclusion is this: if you just want to “kill” time in an interesting way, then don’t be surprised by the results you get and don’t take them to heart. But if you really want to know the answers to questions about the future, then tune in before fortune telling, calm down and think about the person you want to tell fortunes about.

An ancient Christmas ritual

There has long been a ritual with which one could find out about one’s future. This fortune telling was done on New Year's Eve or Christmas. Before going to bed, you need to cut the sheet into 12 equal parts. On each of them you need to write a question of interest and make a note “will come true soon” or, conversely, “will not come true soon.” Questions can relate to any area of ​​life, both ordinary and fateful. All these leaves are folded under the pillow and the one who tells fortunes goes to bed with good thoughts.

The next morning, without getting out of bed, you need to put your hand under the pillow and pull out the first piece of paper you come across. What is written on it is a prediction. This method was used 50 years ago.

Ritual with straws

There is also a fortune telling on paper with a pen for a guy, which also requires small pieces of paper. To do this, you need to cut the sheet into 10 equal parts. On one part the name of a loved one is written, the rest remain white. Each leaf is rolled into a tube, they are all placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly.

Next, you need to pull out the tubes, while the fortuneteller has only 3 attempts. After reading, the tube must be rolled up and put back into the bag. If you get one blank sheet and his name twice, then he is indifferent to you and there will be no relationship. If once is his name and twice is a blank sheet, then you are his dream and luck will favor you. If the name of your loved one comes up all three times, then you should be together.

Fortune telling for today

There is a very simple fortune telling that will help determine what the events of today will lead to. It is not associated only with love and is suitable for all life situations. You need to write your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the date and month in words on a piece of paper. You can use a future date if you are interested in events that will happen in the future.

Next, you need to cross out the repeating letters. When those that do not repeat remain, they are counted. There should be one number, that is, if you have, for example, 12 letters left, then you add 1 and 2, and see 3 in the answer.


  • 0 - ordinary, unremarkable day;
  • 1 - good news;
  • 2 - sad events;
  • 3 - interesting road;
  • 4 - lead;
  • 5 - pleasant words addressed to you;
  • 6 - unexpected meeting;
  • 7 - melancholy;
  • 8 - there will be love;
  • 9 - possible betrayal.

Simple fortune telling on paper with a pen for girls about a guy

A simple fortune telling called “Heart”, which is great for determining whether a guy loves a fortune-telling girl. The heart itself symbolizes love, and with the help of this symbol you can find out the future. To do this, you need to draw a heart on a checkered piece of paper, while your eyes should be closed, you need to think about the object of love, and you need to write with your non-dominant hand, that is, right-handers write with their left hand, and left-handers write with their right.

  • 1 - the guy has feelings;
  • 2 - only friendship is possible;
  • 3 - there is a little sympathy;
  • 4 - jealousy;
  • 5 - his dreams are filled with your special one;
  • 6 - there will be no relationship.

Fortune telling that doesn't require math

There are also fortune telling for a guy on paper with a pen for which you don’t need to count. For example, the simplest game of tic-tac-toe can answer some questions. In this game, the prerequisite is that you make a wish and play a simple game without thinking about your next move. Place crosses and toes thoughtlessly, and if the cross wins, then the wish will come true, if the zero does not.

Chamomile is the simplest and most ancient method for fortune telling for love, but now you can tell fortune telling for a guy on a piece of paper with a pen using a drawn flower. It is necessary to depict a chamomile with the same number of petals as there are letters in the name of your loved one. Write a letter on each leaf, starting from the column of the flower, moving clockwise. Next, you need to enter your full name in the same order. If the letters don’t fit, it doesn’t matter, you can’t write everything in.

Next, you need to see if there is a piece of paper where any vowels and consonants match. If there are matches, then there is a chance that you will be together. The more matches, the greater the probability.

Popular fortune telling "Sotka"

This fortune telling on paper with a pen for a guy again requires small mathematical calculations. First you need to take a sheet of paper in a cage and a pen. You need to determine any horizontal boundaries on the sheet and put dots at the ends. Next, you need to enter numbers from 1 to 99 in the cells, but you cannot use zeros. That is, when reaching 10, for example, you need to write 1, up to 30 - write 3, etc.

Horizontally, the numbers must be written from border to border, all rows must be the same length, vertically they can occupy different places. At the end, after the numbers, you must write the full date when the ritual was performed. Next, you need to cross out two numbers that add up to 10, for example, 7 and 3 or 6 and 4. You can also cross out identical numbers, for example, 4 and 4. The pair can be located both horizontally and vertically. In addition, you can cross out numbers between which there are already some crossed out pairs.

When there is not a single pair left, on the piece of paper you need to write in a row in each cell the full name of the guy you are guessing for. Write down the remaining numbers in a row under the letters and cross out the existing pairs again. Continue until there are no pairs left to cross out. Next, you need to add the remaining numbers so that you get from 1 to 16.


  • 1 - loneliness;
  • 2 - in the future you will be close to each other;
  • 3 - he has a girlfriend or someone he loves;
  • 4 - he is indifferent;
  • 5 - he secretly loves you;
  • 6 - he has feelings for another girl;
  • 7 - he is jealous;
  • 8 - the road awaits him;
  • 9 - separation;
  • 11 - you will meet him soon;
  • 12 - a serious conversation awaits you;
  • 13 - wedding;
  • 14 - he has feelings for you;
  • 15 - you are in his thoughts;
  • 16 - he is not indifferent.

In this article:

Fortune telling on paper is a favorite type of fortune telling among young girls who want to find out something about their betrothed. The popularity of these fortune tellings is due to their simplicity, because you can tell fortunes right in class, and for this you only need a piece of paper, a pen and the desire to get answers to your own questions.

As already mentioned, fortune telling on paper attracts mainly young girls, therefore the most popular questions in such rituals are:

  • Does the guy like me?
  • What will your relationship with your lover be like?
  • will your loved one call?
  • Am I destined to be with a guy?
  • What exactly does the guy feel for me?
  • What will my husband's name be?
  • who loves me?
  • etc.

Many people take this type of fortune telling lightly, as if it were just entertainment, a pleasant pastime, something that can be done during boring lessons. With this approach, of course, one cannot even hope for any truthful results. Only if you approach fortune telling with all seriousness and responsibility, and follow the basic rules for conducting magical rituals, only then will you be able to get truthful answers to any questions posed.

Fortune telling for a specific day with a pen

With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out what awaits you on a particular day. To perform this ritual you will need a sheet of paper and a simple pen. Write on a piece of paper your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the exact date of the day and time that interests you (write the numbers in letters). All information must be written on one line.

Now you need to distribute identical letters in pairs and cross them out. The answer to your question lies in the number of remaining letters that have not been crossed out. If there are more than 10 of these letters, this number must be reduced to elementary, that is, from 1 to 9. This is done by adding all the individual numbers. For example, if you get the number 15, you need to add 1 and 5, and the answer to your question will be the number 6.

Decoding fortune telling answers:

  • 1 – important events are unlikely to happen on this day, but you will still receive a charge of positive emotions;
  • 2 – expect unpleasant news that can make you angry;
  • 3 – an interesting journey is possible on this day;
  • 4 – expect good news;
  • 5 – on this day you will not suffer from lack of attention from interesting people;
  • 6 – a pleasant meeting awaits you;
  • 7 – unpleasant events are possible that will cause depression;
  • 8 – a meeting with a future lover or the beginning of a romantic relationship is possible;
  • 9 – a dangerous omen, beware of betrayal and betrayal;
  • 0 – no interesting events are expected on this day.

Classic fortune telling on a sheet of paper

To carry out this magical ritual you will need: a sheet of paper, a saucer and a church candle. The ideal day for this type of fortune telling is Christmas, but on any other day the ritual shows true results.

Secure the candle so that it stands next to a vertical light surface on which the shadow of the flame will be reflected. After sunset, light a candle and concentrate on the question to which you are most interested in the answer. Write your question on a piece of paper, say the question to yourself again, crumple the paper and place it on a saucer. Set the papers on fire and watch the flames turn the paper to ash.

The answer to the question posed will be hidden in a handful of ashes remaining on the saucer. All that remains to be done is to correctly interpret the information received. Place the saucer so that it is between the wall and the candle so that the shadow of the burnt paper is reflected on the vertical surface.

Interpretation requires skill, so turn off extraneous thoughts and focus on what you see

In fact, interpreting the resulting image is not so difficult; remember that the most accurate is the first impression; you don’t need to peer at fancy images for a long time and try to find some figure you know or like. If you can't figure out what the ash looks like at first glance, you can carefully rotate the dish until you can interpret the answer.
As a result of this fortune telling, a variety of figures can be obtained on paper, however, you can often see the following images in the ashes:

  • an animal is a warning sign against deception;
  • a person is a symbol of soon meeting a person who will become an important part of your life;
  • a flower is a symbol of the imminent start of a new romantic relationship or wedding;
  • stripes - travel or change of residence;
  • The cross is a negative image that indicates imminent troubles or failures.

Fortune telling for your beloved boy "LI"

The main feature of this fortune telling is that all questions asked must imply an unambiguous answer “yes” or “no”, in addition, the question must contain a verb with the particle “whether”, for example, does he love..., will it work out..., is he jealous …, etc. In addition to the question itself, you will also need to write down your own date of birth on a piece of paper. The subsequent actions are completely identical to those described in the ritual for a specific day - cross out the same letters, count the remaining ones and interpret:

  • 1 – rely on your intuition, only it will allow you to get the right answer;
  • 2 - yes;
  • 3 – no;
  • 4 – rather yes;
  • 5 – most likely;
  • 6 – obstacles interfere;
  • 7 - most likely not;
  • 8 – yes, but later;
  • 9 – put off your plans for later.

On sticks

This is a simple way of fortune telling, which allows you to find out the main desire of your lover, namely, what he wants from you.

To carry out this fortune telling on paper, you will need a sheet of paper and a pen. Sit at the table, concentrate on your desire, and then start drawing sticks on paper. Draw them in one row until your intuition tells you to stop. Thus, you need to draw three rows of sticks.

After this, cross out three sticks at a time from each row until there are 0.1 or 2 sticks left. Based on the results obtained, you will not only be able to find out about the desires of your lover, but also receive additional information about him. If you have 2 sticks left in the first row, 1 in the second, and 0 in the third, then your combination is 210.

Results and values:

  • 000 - he wants to be with you;
  • 001 – wants to meet;
  • 010 - he is in love;
  • 011 – loves, but hides;
  • 100 – doesn’t like;
  • 101 – loves many women;
  • 110 – wants to kiss;
  • 111 – hides love;
  • 002 – he likes you;
  • 020 – he is indifferent;
  • 022 – just wants to be friends;
  • 202 – good for you;
  • 200 – I like you;
  • 220 – will invite you to a meeting;
  • 222 – loves another;
  • 012 – only friendship;
  • 102 – all girls are friends for him;
  • 112 – in love with you;
  • 120 – ideal pair;
  • 121 – will soon show his attitude;
  • 122 – will write to you soon;
  • 201 – does not trust anyone;
  • 210 – thinks about you;
  • 212 – jealous;
  • 211 – sympathizes with you;
  • 221 – I like you, but not more than others.