Geographical professions. Professions related to geography: geologist, surveyor and ecologist. What professions do specialists study the world's population?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Secondary school No. 1 named after. M.A. Bukhtueva" Kyzyl Republic of Tatarstan

XVIIIschool scientific and practical conference for students

Geography in the world of professions

Head: Nikitina N.L.,

geography teacher


January 2017



Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 3 – 4

Chapter I Geography in the world of professions…………………………….……… 4

    1. Agronomist…………………………………………………………….. 5

      Ecologist…………………………………………………………………. 6

      Forester…….…………………………………………………….. 6 – 7

      Geomorphologist ……………………………………………………... 7 – 8

      Climatologist…………………………………….…………….………... 8

      Surveyor…………………………………………………………..…… 9

      Meteorologist……………………………………………………………. 9

      Medical geographer……………………………………………………... 9 – 10

      Landscape designer………………………………………… 10 – 11

      Cartographer………………………………………………………..... 11

Chapter II Practical part

2.1. Student survey.

2.2. Information brochures about professions

Conclusion………………………………………………………………….…. eleven

References………………………………………………………..... 12

Appendix……………………………………………………………….. 13 – 14


With many responsibilities of a person in society, he is judged, first of all, by his work for the common good, since spiritual wealth, the essence of personality, the measure of each person’s consciousness are best manifested in his labor achievements. After all, work helps a person to reveal his personality and develop his abilities.

To understand what a person’s specific real work consists of, it is necessary, first of all, to thoroughly study the content of his work, his profession. You need to know a lot, have not only general, but also professional education.

The true treasures of mastery are knowledge, skill, and hard work. To become a true citizen of his homeland, everyone needs to work day after day, rising higher and higher in their skill. And how important it is immediately, at the very beginning of life’s journey, without mistakes, to begin accumulating these greatest human values, regardless of who you want to be, so that, upon becoming an adult, you can realize them with maximum benefit for society and for yourself. You need to take a good look around the world of work and professions and, from a variety of activities, choose a job that you would like to do with pleasure. And if you feel a calling to your chosen profession, you see all its pros and cons, advantages and difficulties - then choose it.

There are tens of thousands of professions in the world, different and dissimilar from each other. Some professions are based on physics and mathematics, others are based on chemistry, and still others are based on computer science.

In my work I want to talk about how geography has become the basis for many professions.

Relevance of the work:

I conducted a social survey and concluded that many do not know why they need geography.

80% do not know where knowledge of geography is needed in ordinary professions;

65% do not know professions closely related to geography;

90% wanted to know.

Therefore, this project is relevant in that it will show how geography is related to most professions and will help current graduates decide on their choice of profession.

Novelty of the work: of this scientific research is that I presented many professions related to geography to successfully influence the future fate of students by choosing a suitable profession.

Target works:

Study and research of professions based on knowledge of geography, its laws and patterns.

Job objectives:

1) Familiarize yourself with where knowledge of geography is needed in ordinary professions;

2) What professions are directly related to it.


Professions directly related to geography.



Working with printed material;

Work with the library collection;

Processing and systematization of materials.

Expected Result:

I wanthelp students with career guidance, expand the range of ideas about professions directly related to geography, as well ascontribute to the development of students’ interest in the right choice of profession.

Geography in the world of professions.

There are many professions in the world that are based on geography. Researching and studying the composition, structure and purpose of a particular profession, which are based on geographical knowledge and laws, to create my work, I identified the following professions of people:









Medical geographer (epidemiologist);

Landscape designer.

Each profession I have chosen for research and study uses certain knowledge and laws of geography and other sciences. It is impossible to single out a profession where the knowledge of only one particular science would be used. In writing my work, I focused on using knowledge of geography, its laws and patterns.

And now I want to talk in more detail about professions that are based on knowledge of geography, its laws and patterns.


Agronomy– the science of the use of solar energy by green plants, the creation and processing of organic matter, which is the source of human existence.

On the territory of our country, agriculture arose in the Stone Age.

Agronomists are faced with the task of increasing the production of durum and strong varieties of wheat with a high content of protein, gluten and high glassiness. He must not only be able to breed them, but also be able to control the life activity of plants. And for this you cannot do without knowledge of geography, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geodesy, meteorology, mechanics and other sciences. An agronomist creates conditions for plant life, regulates water, light, heat and nutritional regimes, and the flow of water into the soil in connection with the period of plant development.

Having studied the composition of the soil and climate conditions, in each specific case he designs technological methods for cultivating the soil, determines the tools for cultivating it, and monitors the timing of the work. Depending on the type of crop, the agronomist determines the soil cultivation system and planting, taking into account the growing season of the plants.

Under the guidance of an agronomist, new varieties are propagated, germination and other sowing qualities of seeds are determined, and they are prepared for sowing. They determine the methods and depth of sowing, the rate of sowing seeds per hectare. He carries out quality control of all sowing work.

During all types of work, the agronomist has to recommend the use of certain implements, agricultural machines, tractors, combines. Therefore, an agronomist must know all the basic agricultural equipment and be able to practically put it into work.

The difficulties encountered in the work of an agronomist, unfavorable weather conditions, make it difficult to carry out agrotechnical activities and require the specialist to have will, self-control, and the ability to overcome difficult situations.

Extracting various substances from plants, converting them from one to another, determining the content of these substances in plants, forcing the soil to serve the needs of plants and regulating their life to create maximum yields - these and other interesting phenomena are in the field of activity of an agronomist, a fascinating, ancient and eternal.


Ecology is the scientific basis for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, since it is possible to communicate competently with nature only by knowing all its complex relationships. It is on the basis of geographical patterns that laws on nature protection, a system for creating nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, and Red Books with lists of plants and animals to be protected are developed. Environmental knowledge is necessary for the development of practical measures to protect the environment and human health.

Research activities occupy a large place in the work.

In experimental ecology, the influence of individual environmental factors on living organisms is studied under controlled conditions, according to a specific experimental design. Various laboratory instruments and installations, phytotrons, as well as experimental planting and sowing of plants are used.

The study of complex and diverse relationships in nature makes it possible to know and understand the beauty and harmony of natural phenomena. The specificity of ecology - the study of living organisms in nature, observation of animals and plants “at home” - involves close communication with the living world, and makes it possible to visit remote and unique corners of our country.

There are also difficulties in the work of an ecologist. The diverse connections of ecology with other sciences require specialist knowledge in many related fields.

It is possible to work in harmful and dangerous conditions. In such cases, the regime is regulated by the relevant labor legislation.

The work of an ecologist has certain requirements. This includes good general training, the ability to think analytically, and a love for all living things, a willingness to protect them, and the proverbial observation skills of a geographer and biologist, so necessary for research in nature. An ecologist must have the ability to persuade, scientific and civic courage, especially in the field of nature conservation. Field ecologists require good health and stamina.

Ecology and nature conservation specialists work in nature reserves, in environmental institutions, in biological, geographical and environmental scientific institutions, and in universities. During these years, ecologists are required at industrial enterprises, where they conduct environmental assessments and forecasts, and participate in the environmental assessment of various economic activities and projects.


Forester– the first working position of a forest guard. In addition to protecting the forest, he participates in all forestry work carried out in his bypass. He also controls the quality of these works and monitors the rules for using the forest.

The position of a forester requires a certain theoretical training in geographical, biological and technical data, which foresters acquire in forestry schools, forestry schools, vocational schools and in special classes in forestry enterprises. And yet, theoretical knowledge alone, which a person who decides to become a forester receives, is not enough. There are talents that manifest themselves only directly in contact with the work. And among them is the profession of a forester.

They decide how to intensify the process of growing forests, how to improve the selection of forest species, how to create industrial plantations of highly productive, fast-growing forest crops. The main goal of a forester is to achieve maximum production from a minimum area.

You have to know the forest thoroughly.

A good forester knows what plants and animals live in the forest, what soils the forest areas grow on, where wetlands or forest rivers and streams are located, and where livestock grazing is allowed without damaging the forest. The forester will timely order the felling of a diseased tree and cover up inconspicuous clearings. He looks after bird nests and animal homes, takes into account forest life, and protects valuable plants. The forester predicts in advance where a forest fire may break out in dry, hot weather and how to get to the place in time without suffocating halfway from the smoke.

O. Dmitriev dedicated his poem to foresters and forest workers:

I treated the trees as if they were smarter, more important.

The trees treated me as if there was no truer friend.

Without them I seemed tall, huge in my movements, -

Who would I be without them and what would I do without them?

Probably on a flat expanse that is sad and bare,

I would stand with longing in my eyes, or maybe I would walk and walk,

I would search, without knowing peace, in my own and distant country -

The sun would burn me and the wind would knock me to the ground,

And the dust would fill my mouth, and I would drink black water!

If only the stones would give me shade, and I would sleep, oppressed by the heat,

In some dark basement, in some damp hole.

And if only in a dream there was a light noise above me in the heights

Green and gold, alive, so necessary for me...


In the taiga wilderness, on the tundra plains of the Arctic, in the mountains and deserts, as well as in human-developed landscapes, you can meet expeditionary groupsgeomorphologists– researchers studying the topography of the earth’s surface, the results of the interaction of the earth’s crust with the outer shells of our planet: the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere.

Geomorphologists study the relief of the earth's surface both in connection with the solution of many economic problems and for scientific purposes: when searching for minerals, during the construction of mines and gas pipelines, roads, for the needs of agriculture and nature conservation.

In hydraulic engineering surveys, relief is one of the main factors determining the location of the construction of dams and reservoirs. Geomorphologists select a dam site and a reservoir thicket, assess the conditions of water filtration, siltation of the reservoir thicket, and predict the development of the banks of the future water basin, which affects the relief.

In field work - when compiling profiles or detailed geomorphological diagrams - they often use leveling and tachometer surveys. Photographing and sketching of relief forms are used. On their instructions, special types of aerial photography are sometimes carried out.

A geomorphologist needs: a developed eye, the ability to distinguish colors and their shades, visual memory and a developed imagination.

At the desk stage, geomorphologists process factual material, study analysis results, aerial photography materials, satellite images, and interpret geophysical research. When processing, he is required to have a non-standard approach to his analysis and assessment, the ability to think logically and clearly present the main provisions and conclusions in the final report.

The profession of a geomorphologist requires knowledge of geological disciplines and disciplines of the geographical cycle.

Almost any healthy person can choose to work as a geomorphologist.


The climate of the planet... The climate of the state... The climate of the east of the country... The climate of a small town...People have long been accustomed to these words, and are very interested in the problems that arise in connection with them. How is the planet's climate changing? What does the future hold for us? How does human activity affect the climate?

All these issues are dealt withclimatologists. They study the role of climate in natural processes. Knowledge of climate features is important for many sectors of the national economy. A rational choice of sea routes and air routes, obtained on the basis of climate control, improves the economics of public funds, and the correct choice of sites for the construction of sanatoriums can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The breadth of approach to problems and the complexity of climate problems, explained by the interaction of various natural factors - all this attracts a climatologist to the profession. Doesn’t such a typical complex problem as the transfer of excess water from northern and Siberian rivers to dry areas require attention? The participation of a climate scientist in this work will maximize opportunities and minimize unwanted side effects.

A climatologist needs skills in physical and mathematical research, the ability to carry out research and meteorological observations in expeditionary conditions. And this requires knowledge of geology and geography, physics and mathematics.

The variety of directions and tasks of climate research allows you to choose areas of work in accordance with the inclinations, qualifications and health status of specialists.

Climatologists work in hydrometeorological service institutions, in agricultural, medical and service institutions, in design institutes, in the Russian Academy of Sciences, and republican academies.


“People with a device in the form of a telescope on a tripod and slats are surveyors whose work we often watch on the streets. They perform an operation called leveling.” The field of geodetic knowledge is divided into higher and lower geodesy. Higher geodesy deals with the study of the Earth as a whole, determining its size, shape, gravitational field, as well as the study of theories and methods of geodetic work. The subject of lower geodesy is the study of a section of the earth's surface, displaying it on maps, and taking measurements on the ground for various purposes. First of all, they are faced with a topographical survey to create a large-scale plan of the proposed construction site with all existing buildings and structures, underground and overhead communications.

The work of a surveyor is extremely responsible. Even minor mistakes can lead to serious property damage.


The profession of a meteorologist is one of the rare professions.Meteorologists- indispensable participants in various expeditions. They winter at polar stations, work in sparsely populated areas, on high mountain plateaus and passes, on board ocean ships, at airfields, and fly on airplanes and balloons. The main distinguishing feature of the work of a meteorologist is that it requires punctuality, perseverance and perseverance in performing everyday, everyday duties.

A meteorologist must know what is happening and can happen in the atmosphere: the movements of cyclones and anticyclones, what precipitation falls and in what quantity, be able to explain various natural anomalies and much more.

Meteorologists are people with special education. They include weather observers, weather radar operators, technicians, engineers and scientists. The meteorological service also employs people from other specialties - radio engineers, mechanics, electronics engineers, programmers and computer operators, and others. Without their help, it is impossible to imagine the work of meteorologists.

There are three main specialties for which meteorologists are trained: meteorological, climatological and agrometeorological.

In recent years, there has been a tendency towards the development of another specialization - satellite meteorology, which is dictated by the continuously increasing need to use information from meteorological satellites for economic needs.

Who are medical geographers and what do they do?

The word "geographer" is associated with mapping or exploring exotic countries. However, now the scope of geography has expanded significantly.

Medical geographers are engaged in plotting the incidence rate of a disease on geographic maps, which gives a complete picture of its distribution. Medical geographers combine a variety of social, economic, and environmental information with epidemiological data about a disease outbreak. Images from space highlight what is happening in regions of the globe and help establish what is causing it.

Medical geography– a science that studies the geographical distribution of human diseases and pathological conditions, the causes of this distribution and the influence of the geographical environment on the health of the population.

Medical-geographical maps are maps that display the features of the influence of the geographic environment on human health, the spread of diseases and the state of healthcare organization. According to the content, the cards are divided into 3 groups:

1) Maps reflecting the properties of the natural environment, social and industrial conditions, conditions affecting the health of the population.

2) Nosogeographic maps show the geographic distribution of diseases and their connection with the conditions of the geographic environment, and for infectious diseases - the degree of risk of contracting them.

3) Maps of healthcare organizations showing the provision of medical care to the population, a network of medical institutions, sanatoriums, resorts and holiday homes.

Landscape designer

Landscape design and landscaping can solve a complex of problems associated with creating a truly comfortable space around a person.Landscape design– a special type of activity aimed at creating an artificial environment on a site or in a garden through the active use of natural components. Landscape design creates a comfortable and harmonious human environment. The scope of landscape design includes gardening art, landscaping and improvement of residential areas, streets and roads, city centers, industrial areas, agricultural enterprises, historical landscapes, and protected areas. Landscaping of a summer cottage should be done by professionals, and a garden by a specialist.

Teaching the ability to see and understand beauty is the most important task of the new educational program in the field of landscape design. The recently created Department of Landscape Design at VSUES is the first professional school of its kind in the Russian Far East.

Professionlandscape designerhas a long and rich history. In the 17th-19th centuries in Russia it already existed and was called not a designer, but “an organizer of gardens and parks.”

Specialists in the field of landscape design, candidates and doctors of science, members of the Union of Architects and the Union of Designers of Russia have developed a special program that includes the following professional disciplines:

    architectural graphics and volumetric-spatial composition;

    drawing and landscape painting;

    methods of spatial and computer modeling;

    synthesis of arts;

    landscape design;

    design of small forms;

    soil science and architectural dendrology;

    history of art;

    landscape gardening and urban planning art;

    theory of landscape design;

    floriculture and phytodesign;

    basics of topographic survey and vertical planning;

    marketing and management in green building.

This program will develop dynamically in accordance with the latest trends in landscape design and architecture.

Cartographer and the latest technologies.

Cartographersengaged in the development and creation of various maps, atlases, and globes. Cartography is closely related to physical and economic geography.

TOarts are used in scientific research, the national economy, military affairs, they are used as teaching aids in schools and universities, and serve as means of disseminating information. Cartography methods are necessary to solve many practical problems. Maps are used to navigate ships and aircraft, plan the development of industry and construction, develop agricultural lands and environmental measures, predict the distribution and presence of mineral deposits, and predict the weather. The creation and use of maps permeates the life of modern society. Currently, cartographic production is based on materials from space photography, on the achievements of automation and computer technology; it uses methods for automatically producing maps from space images.


There are many different professions in the world that are based on knowledge of geography. Of course, it’s impossible to tell about everything in one work. I chose the most interesting, in my opinion, professions that are currently widespread both in our country and abroad.

Geography is many things, it is the expanses of your region and your country, this is our huge planet. When you study geography, you are a meteorologist, an archaeologist, a geologist, a hydrographer, a topographer, and in general you can imagine yourself in the place of any professional. Is it necessary to study geography? In principle, no, but where are you without geography? Nowhere!


1) S. N. Levieva. "The world of professions". Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 2005.

2) B.K. Parchment maker. "Surveyor". Moscow, “Geodesy”, 2008.

3) G. K. Selevko. “Assert yourself.” Moscow, Public Education, 2006

4) E. V. Pchelov. "In the world of professions." Moscow. "Russian Word", 2002

5) G. Ivanov, L. Lyamzina. “How many professions are there in the world?” Moscow. "Enlightenment", 1999

6) Magazine “World of Professions”, 2004. No. 6.

7) Magazine “World of Professions”, 2005. No. 8.

8) Magazine “World of Professions”, 2005. No. 9.

9) Magazine “World of Professions”, 2005. No. 11.


Conclusion: According to these data, we see that the most popular professions among graduates of the 9th and 11th grades are, to one degree or another, related to geography.

Conclusion: In Central Russia the climate is favorable, which is why the percentage of agriculture here is higher than in Siberia. But in turn, many types of industry are developed in Siberia. Because of this, professions related to agriculture are in greater demand in Central Russia, namely professions such as agronomist, ecologist and many others.

Professions related to geography are distinguished by their diversity. You can master them in different educational institutions. Right now in the Russian Federation, students are studying at 24 faculties with a geographical focus. These are just university departments. In addition, there are 41 geographical departments of pedagogical institutes.

All this means that professions that require knowledge of the designated science are in demand, and there are not as few of them as it might seem.

What are the specialties in this area?

Not all professions are listed below in the text, but the most relevant and in demand of them in our time are touched upon. So the list looks like this:

  • biogeography;
  • landscape science;
  • land hydrology;
  • soil science.

Based on this list, you can form an opinion about what profession a student studying at the Faculty of Geography needs.


It implies the study of the fauna and flora of the entire Earth. In biogeography, two more promising “branches” can be distinguished: medical geography, as well as the ecological direction of the subject. In turn, the first involves studying the centers of spread of various diseases, and, most importantly, their primary sources. Also, the medical industry does not ignore hotbeds of disease.

If we define the area where biogeographers work, then their workplace most often becomes various reserves, parks and arboretums. The most common activity of these people is the search for wild animals and various kinds of plants for their further domestication. They are also hired to select the most favorable places for the future construction of cities and other settlements.

Landscape science is a classic specialty for all people who want to study geography. Representatives of this field of science deal with all factors that in one way or another relate to the subject, analyze the relationship of all natural components: from the smallest elements (forest, park, meadow, river, field, pond) to the largest of them - the geographical envelopes of the planet.

People in this profession have the goal of learning absolutely the entire history of a particular landscape. They need to try to predict the development of the soil, not forgetting to include in their field of view a huge number of various factors. Concurrently, landscape scientists should understand not just one area of ​​geography, but absolutely all scientific fields, even biology.

Of course, this profession is divided into various areas, among which the most popular are:

  • geochemistry;
  • geophysics;
  • ethnocultural landscape studies;
  • environmental assessment of the territory;

Experts in geochemistry study various chemical processes that in one way or another affect the soil of a certain area. In turn, geophysics analyzes physical phenomena. Ethnocultural landscape science studies how people and plants influence the soil and, by extension, how the land influences them.

It is important to note that the profession requires mobility from people, because the field of study of its workers is the entire globe. Most often, of course, they can be observed on the territory of Russia, but knowledge of a foreign language allows you to go on business trips around the world. It is noteworthy that the Russian school of landscape design is known throughout the world as the best. And it was founded back in the nineteenth century by the famous geographer Dokuchaev.

Land hydrology

Unfortunately, in the twenty-first century, humanity is faced with a huge shortage of fresh water. It gets to the point where entire wars are broken out between individual states over its possession. Currently, a project is even being developed that involves various ways of transporting glaciers from the poles to the arid places of the Earth. It is people who have chosen the profession of “Terrestrial Hydrology” who undertake to rationalize the balance of water throughout the world, thereby providing fresh liquid to all corners of the planet.

Ever since school, everyone has heard about the water cycle in nature. This is precisely the phenomenon that hydrologists study. They also touch upon the influence of man himself on this cycle and analyze various regimes of water flows in various places. In addition, hydrologists try to forecast and assess the optimal consumption of all resources and are directly involved in projects for the construction of canals, reservoirs, dams, dams, hydroelectric power stations and even beaches.

If the question arises, which branch of geography is best to delve into in order to study land hydrology, then it is worth asking:

  • biology;
  • ichthyology.
  • hydraulic engineering;
  • chemistry.

Lake Baikal is also considered by hydrologists to be a promising object for research. Based on some forecasts, it will become a real ocean in the future.

Soil science first began to emerge in Russia. This is due to the fact that it is here that the largest tracts of the most fertile land in the whole world are located. This science includes knowledge not only of geography, but also of biology. She is engaged in the objective use of land resources, studying:

  • dynamics;
  • origin;
  • development;
  • soil condition.

Soil science is taught not only in the departments of geography, but also in biological areas. But people who finished first spend additional time:

  • spatial analyses;
  • soil assessments;
  • mapping.

All notes of these specialists are entered directly into the databases of the Unified Land Cadastre of the Russian Federation.

The task of soil scientists is to study such phenomena as:

  • soil geography;
  • geochemistry;
  • biogeochemistry;
  • hydrology;
  • genesis;
  • hydrogeology.

Indeed, there are a lot of professions related to geography. Based on the descriptions of this or that specialty, you can form your own point of view on the question of which one people need most now.

Geographers are scientists who specialize in geography.

This word is also used to refer to a geography teacher in colloquial school slang.

Georgaf studies the geographic envelope of the Earth - the sphere of interpenetration and interaction of the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and noosphere, its structure, dynamics. The most important subject of geographical study is the processes of interaction between man and nature.

The main goal is the scientific substantiation of ways of rational territorial organization of society and environmental management, the creation of the foundations of strategies for environmentally safe development of society.

A geographer can specialize in local history, physical geography, geomorphology, glaciology, economic geography, and geoinformatics. A local historian collects material about his native land, studies it, and conducts educational work. A physical geographer comprehensively evaluates natural complexes and determines their suitability for a particular purpose, develops geographical forecasts of the state in which the landscape may be influenced by various reasons in 10, 20, 50 years. Studies the relief of the earth's surface and the results of the interaction of the earth's crust with the outer shells of our planet. This is done when searching for minerals, during the construction of mines, gas pipelines, roads, in hydraulic construction, for the needs of agriculture and nature conservation.

The work of a geographer most often consists of three stages: preparatory, field and office. At the preparatory stage, the problem is stated, available materials, maps, and the results of previous research are studied, and a program of field work is determined. During the field stage, factual material is collected. All data is recorded in field diaries. At the desk stage, the collected material is processed and the research results are interpreted.

The word geography itself (ancient Greek land description, Earth and write, describe) has two definitions:

A unified set of sciences that study the geographic envelope of the Earth and focus on identifying spatiotemporal patterns. The main objects of study of geographical sciences are the geosphere (biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and soil cover) and geosystems (landscapes, natural areas, biogeocenoses...)

A body of knowledge about the spatiotemporal features of any territory, object, phenomenon or process (geography of continents and oceans, geography of Russia, geography of the tundra, geography of the spread of bird flu, geography of karst processes in the N region)

The object of study of geography is the laws and patterns of placement and interaction of components of the geographical environment and their combinations at different levels. The complexity of the object of study and the breadth of the subject area determined the differentiation of unified geography into a number of specialized (industry) scientific disciplines that form the system of geographical sciences. Within its framework, natural (physical-geographical) and social (socio-economic) geographical sciences are distinguished. Sometimes geographic cartography is distinguished separately as a separate geographical discipline.

Geography is one of the most ancient sciences. Many of its foundations were laid in the Hellenic era. This experience was summarized by the outstanding geographer Claudius Ptolemy in the 1st century AD. e.

We can say that a geographer is a person who studies the earth and everything that happens on it.

Geographical culture is most often understood as the culture of geography as a science. The culture of geographical knowledge of both geographers and the population. In his works “Geographical Culture” and “Geographical Picture of the World,” V.P. Maksakovsky examines these interrelated concepts from the perspective of modern geography. It includes the following components in geographic culture:

1) geographical picture of the world,

2) geographical thinking,

3) methods of geography,

4) the language of geography. Unfortunately, there is a gap between popular and scientific geographical culture, since society is mainly faced with descriptive geography and has no idea about the language and methods of modern geography.

There are different types of geography: physical geography, economic, political, medical and others.

There are basically two types:


Socio-economic geography

The geographer works not only indoors, but also in open areas; there may be field trips (expeditions, field observations, even excursions with students or schoolchildren - if this is a geographer-teacher).

This specialist must be a physically strong person.

A geographer must also know mathematics, physics, geology, biology, soil science, and chemistry.

Professionally important qualities


A penchant for research;

Eye gauge;

Developed memory;

Good location orientation;


Ability to analyze and think logically;

Physical endurance.

Medical contraindications

Infectious and skin diseases;


Mental and nervous diseases;

Poor vision and hearing.

Paths to obtaining a profession are higher education institutions.

Related professions

Ecologist, hydrologist, geologist, geochemist, geophysicist, geomorphologist.

In my geography lessons at school, I especially enjoyed working with visual materials, one of which was boxes with mineral samples. I learned that the science of applied geology deals with the study of earth minerals. With its help, humanity will learn how to use the bowels of the Earth and its surface as best and more productively as possible.

Geology and its professions

This science was created as if in opposition to theology, which studies the laws of the structure of the spirit (theo - God). In the process of studying the planet, many derivative specialties were founded that study the lithosphere and surface of the Earth:

  • Seismologists monitor the movement of lithospheric plates.
  • Soil scientists - examine the thinnest top layer of the surface.
  • Surveyors - measure the earth's surface.
  • Volcanologists study lava emissions from the bowels of the Earth.

The daily work of these professionals helps humanity develop and live in more or less comfortable conditions. Volcanologists and seismologists will warn about the impending danger of earthquakes and eruptions, a soil scientist will show the best place for agricultural crops, and a surveyor can draw up an accurate map and make the necessary measurements for construction. Even cryptozoologists can be classified as geological professions, because they also study the remains of ancient people located in the ground.

Applied Geology

Graduates of this specialty were previously called mining engineers and were supposed to “know everything that happens underground.” They were the first oil drillers and created mines.

Unlike general geologists, who even study other planets, “applied scientists” are completely focused on turning the Earth’s riches into human favor. But applied geology is not only concerned with direct drilling and development of mines. With the development of high technologies, geomodeling received an impetus, i.e. construction of dynamic models showing deposits of raw materials. Also, with the help of such models, it is possible to predict the movement of lithospheric plates, recognizing the easiest places for drilling.

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1.1.In the worldgeographical professions.

Purpose of the research work: Research and study of professions based on the application of knowledge and laws of geography.

Methods of the research: Statistical and analytical methods were used for the study.

Relevance. Recently, there has been a change in the range of subjects studied at school. I really like geography and I would like my profession to be related to it. Therefore, I decided to study professions that require knowledge of geographical laws in order to decide on the further choice of my profession.

There are many professions related to geography in the world, but which of this many to choose, which profession is the most useful? Of course, all these professions are useful and very important. And to understand their importance, let's look at the most interesting and important of them.

In my work I want to tell and show you how this wonderful science about planet earth is reflected in the development of many human professions. I believe that the topic I have chosen is very relevant today, since in recent years more and more new professions related to geography have appeared.

In all of these professions, geography is an important element. Geography is the science of planet earth, its natural patterns, population and its economic activities.

I set myself the following goal:

    Study the professions I have chosen related to geography and the professional qualities required for them.

Based on this goal, in my work I set the following tasks:

I will conduct a study of selected professions regarding the use of geography.

    Conduct a sociological survey of school students to identify the importance of the subject of geography when choosing a profession;

    I will find out what qualities a person should have in these professions.

1.2. Research methods

For the research I used statistical and analytical methods. To prove the hypothesis, I developed questions for the questionnaires. Based on them, a sociological survey was conducted among students of our school, the result of which was an analysis of the results obtained and conclusions were drawn about the importance of geographical knowledge in life and when choosing a profession.

Features of the audience being studied

Children from grades 9 to 11 took an active part in conducting a sociological survey. On the basis of which, I concluded that the students of our school understand the need for geographical knowledge in life and when choosing professions.

Research results

To conduct the survey, a questionnaire was compiled from the following questions:

1. Is it possible for a person to do without geographical knowledge?

2. Is geography necessary after finishing school?

3. What professions related to geography do students know?

After analyzing the data obtained, I concluded that students understand that geographical knowledge is needed even in everyday life, regardless of their profession. But there are not many professions that are based on the application of knowledge and laws of geography. Therefore, I decided to study the professions that most interested me and talk about them in more detail.

1.3.There are two directions in geography:

1.Physical-geographical - a direction that studies the nature of the earth's surface.

2. Economic - the direction studies the population and its economic activities.

In my work, I chose physics - geographical direction, since in this direction, in my opinion, the most important professions related to geography are.

Geographical professions are divided into three categories:

    Traditional: geomorphology, agriculture, climatology, etc.

    Modern: bioclimatology, geography of tourism, geographic planetology, etc.

    Rare: volcanologist, meteorologist, oceanologist, climatologist, etc.

1.4.I want to tell you about the rarest and most interesting professions in geography.

1.First profession - Volcanologist.

The volcanologist develops methods for predicting eruptions and using volcanic heat and hot water for the needs of the national economy. Studying volcanoes is quite problematic. Monitoring the life of volcanoes is carried out around the clock. Seismic stations record volcanic earthquakes. These are the most reliable harbingers of an upcoming eruption. Volcanologists also study extinct and destroyed ancient volcanoes. The accumulation of such observations and knowledge is very important for geology. In addition to scientific observations, the volcano station also brings other benefits. When an eruption occurs, volcanologists monitor the direction of the ash plume and, based on their forecast, aviators adjust plane routes.

In the profession of a volcanologist, physical endurance, an analytical mind, logical thinking, observation, a penchant for natural sciences, good hearing and vision are important.

    Physical endurance

    Analytical mind

    Logical thinking


    A penchant for natural sciences

    Good hearing and vision.

    Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeniy Gordeev

2. Oceanologist.

Oceanologists study the waters of oceans and seas. They study their composition, properties and structure. They monitor physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in the seas and oceans. It is necessary to have a good understanding of technology, because... Most studies are carried out using special equipment. The depth of the World Ocean has been poorly studied, so oceanographers also use good knowledge of English; oceanographers have every chance of working in oceanographic institutes in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan

Professionally important qualities:

    Physical endurance

    Good memory


    Logical thinking

    Love for nature

Below are the universities where you can get this profession:

    Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

3. Ecologist

Modern ecology is a rapidly developing science; its objects belong to very different levels of organization: from the entire biosphere and large ecosystems to populations. Ecology is closely related to economics, legal and moral aspects of environmental management, and politics. Modern ecology is not only a biological science, but, to a certain extent, also a social one.

There are several sections of ecology:

General ecology - the study of entire ecosystems and particular sections (ecology of plants, animals, etc.); - field ecology - the study of living organisms in a natural environment; - experimental ecology - the study of the influence of individual environmental factors on living organisms using laboratory instruments and installations.

Currently, there are types of activities close and related to this profession: environmental engineer, environmental physicist, environmental chemist, process safety engineer, etc.

Professionally important qualities:

    analytic skills;

    mathematical abilities;

    logical thinking;

    good mnemonic abilities (short-term and long-term memory);

    mental flexibility (the ability to change plans, ways of solving problems in accordance with changing circumstances);

    the ability to withstand prolonged physical and mental stress in various weather conditions;








Below are the universities where you can get this profession:

    SPbSU - St. Petersburg State University

    TPU - National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


Exploration geologist and pioneer. He finds and marks mineral deposits on the map, draws up a “portrait” of the area being studied in the form of diagrams, maps, plans and diagrams. The work of a geologist begins with the study of comparable rocks taken from the surface of the earth, from the seabed or from wells, the selection of samples, and their laboratory examination. A geologist must understand whether there are mineral resources in a given area, what kind of minerals they are, how they are located, and how feasible their industrial development is.

Work for courageous, determined and at the same time romantic people. The firm hand of a comrade is the only thing you can count on in extreme situations, which are common here

Professionally important qualities:

    Physical endurance.

    Spatial imagination.



    Logical and visual-figurative thinking.

    Emotional-volitional stability.

    Mathematical abilities.

    Independence and flexibility of thinking.

    Ability to work under irregular working hours.


Below are the universities where you can get this profession:

    KFU - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

5. Meteorologist.

The profession of a meteorologist is surrounded by an aura of romance, because they are indispensable participants in various expeditions; conduct observations at polar stations and high mountain plateaus, from airplanes, balloons and ocean liners. However, it is not romance, but strict objectivity when taking measurements and high accuracy of their recording that comes to the forefront of the profession of a meteorologist.

Meteorologists study the composition and structure of the atmosphere; heat circulation and thermal regime in the atmosphere and on the earth's surface, moisture circulation and phase transformations of water in the atmosphere, movement of air masses; electrical, optical and acoustic phenomena in the atmosphere. A great variety and variability of weather conditions allows you to brighten up some of the monotony of work; Each time you have to deal with a new situation and solve newly emerging problems.

Professionally important qualities:

    Analytic skills.






    Skill to work in team.


    Large amount of short-term memory.

    Forecasting ability.

Below are the universities where you can get this profession:

    Russian state

hydrometeorological university

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - Moscow State University

6. Hydrologist- explores the water cycle in nature, the influence of human economic activity on it; analyzes the regime of water bodies and the water regime of individual territories; provides an assessment and forecast of the state and rational use of water resources; participates in the design and monitoring of reservoirs, hydroelectric power stations, canals, irrigation structures, sea dams, river dams and bridges, ports, beaches, water intakes for settlements and enterprises; compiles catalogs of water bodies

Below are the universities where you can get this profession:

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

    TSU - National Research Tomsk State University

7.Mine surveyor- a mining engineer or technician, a specialist in spatial and geometric measurements in the bowels of the earth and in the corresponding areas of its surface with subsequent depiction on plans, maps and sections during mining and geological exploration work

Below are the universities where you can get this profession:

    National mineral resource

University "Mining"

    National Research Technological University MISiS (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys) (NUST MISiS Mining Institute)

1.5. Among the professional geographers there were and are famous generals, admirals, statesmen, writers, TV presenters, journalists... For example:

Nikolai Drozdov (host of the TV program “In the Animal World”),

Alexander Belyaev (“chief teleforecaster” on television),

Ivan Zatevakhin (TV and radio presenter of programs about animals),

Fyodor Konyukhov (famous navigator and solo traveler),

Vadim Glusker (NTV's own correspondent in France),

Alexander Kondakov (CEO of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie"),

Boris Sokolov (a well-known writer on military-political topics in Russia),

Jacques-Yves Cousteau (world-famous oceanographer, inventor of scuba gear),

Augusto Pinochet (military dictator of Chile),

Crown Prince Harry of England (son of Princess Diana and Prince Charles)

and many, many others.

Among the abundance of geographical specialties, there are “old” and “new”, “male” and “female”, the most and least popular.

The highest competition at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. Lomonosov have such specialties as world economics, geoinformatics, regional politics, and tourist geography. And at Moscow State Pedagogical University the specialty “teacher of geography and English” is becoming very prestigious. The Academy of the General Staff teaches military geography (military weather forecaster, military cartographer, photogrammetrist-decoder of aerospace intelligence.)


In my work, I analyzed professions related to geography and found out why they serve us. I found out what qualities a person needs to work. I realized that work related to geography is not only useful and difficult, but also interesting. I think my work will be of interest to many people who have not decided on a profession and may push them to choose one of the ones discussed above. Work results

There are many different professions in the world that are based on knowledge of geography. Of course, it is impossible to tell about everything in one work. Practical significance

Based on the information received and conclusions drawn, I plan to produce and distribute booklets about professions related to geography. This will help students decide on a career choice and show greater interest in studying geography.


1. BOU "Omsk Career Guidance Center"


3. Universities of Russia

4. Capital career guidance center “Wise Choice”