Annual plan of educational work for children's education. Annual plan of dow Organization of work with personnel

Galina Odymchuk
Methodological development “Annual work plan for preschool educational institutions”

Annual plan municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the child development center - kindergarten of the first category No. 61 "Cheburashka" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) is a normative document regulating the organization of the educational process in an educational institution, taking into account the specifics of the Institution, educational and methodological, personnel and material and technical equipment.

The regulatory framework for drawing up annual plan of the Institution are:

Law of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2012. "About Education" № 273 (Clause 6, Article 2, Clause 2.6, Article 32);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013. No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education”

SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the regime work preschool educational organizations" (approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education” (FSES DO).

Charter of MBDOU.

Preschool education concept;

Educational program MBDOU No. 61 "Cheburashka" combined type;

Sample program of education and training in kindergarten "Childhood", ed. / T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze O. V. Solntseva\. based on Federal State Educational Standards of Education.

Defining tasks for the new 2018 -2019 academic year

Target: construction work Preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.


1. Formation of cognitive interests in mathematics through interaction with objects of the surrounding world.

2. Improving children’s independent creative activity; development of prerequisites for perception and understanding of the world of art; formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality.

3. Formation of social and personal relationships with the outside world.


FOR 2018-2019 academic year.

Position Full name

Head of MBDOU

Musical director*


group Full name of teacher Full name Jr. teacher


II Junior

3 – 4 years



Term: throughout the year.

Responsible: manager.




2 “The significance of dramatization games in the joint activities of the teacher and children in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard” Consultation

1 “Development of a child’s personality in the light of gender education of the Federal State Educational Standard”

2 "Danger in the Forest" Consultation

1 "Individual working with children, as a form of pedagogical activity"

2 “Caution—thin ice!” Consultation

1 “Background music in the life of a preschool organization”

2 “New Year’s holiday as a way to improve parent-child relationships” Consultation

1 “The influence of didactic games on a child’s intellectual experience”

2 “Requirements for visual material when introducing preschoolers to the place of man in history and culture” Consultation

1 “The formation of a child’s logical-mathematical experience”

2 "Home toy library for children and their parents" Consultation

“Introduction to non-traditional drawing techniques and their role in the development of preschool children”

“Learning to diagnose the Federal State Educational Standard” Seminar workshop September Senior teacher

“The importance of the practical application of mathematical knowledge in various types of activities” Seminar workshop October Senior teacher

“Formation in children of ideas about the need for a careful and conscious attitude towards nature through project activities” Seminar workshop November Senior teacher

"Technology of speech development" Seminar workshop December Senior teacher

“Family reading as a source of developing interest in books and spiritual enrichment of the family” Seminar workshop January Senior teacher

“Civic education of preschool children” Seminar workshop February Senior teacher

"Social and health work in kindergarten» Seminar workshop March Senior teacher

"What forms and methods can building relationships with parents be used in kindergarten?” Round table for teachers September Senior teacher

« Permission conflict situations between children in the process of role-playing games" Round table for teachers October Senior teacher

"Raising children at work, "for" And "against". Round table for teachers November Senior teacher

“Conditions for successful adaptation of children in a preschool institution” Round table for teachers December Senior teacher

“Sports and recreational activities for preschoolers during the day” Round table for teachers January Senior teacher

“Swimming is one of the main types of physical development of children” Round table for teachers February Senior teacher

"Safety in kindergarten" Round table for teachers March Senior teacher

Preschool educational institution's readiness for the new school year.

Target: updating the developing subject-spatial environment in the group and the living space on the site in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. Competition September Senior teacher Teachers

Municipal competition

"Ecolyats - preschool children"



Competition October Senior teacher Teachers

Municipal competition

"Pedagogical train"

Competition October November

Senior teacher Teachers

Municipal competition

"Patriotic education



Competition December Senior teacher Teachers

Contest: “Best group decoration for the New Year”Target: Create a joyful pre-holiday mood. Intensify interaction with parents of students. Competition December Senior teacher Teachers

Municipal competition

"Let's step forward"


Cognitive forms

interaction with parents,

Leisure forms

interaction with parents,

Visual information

forms of interaction with


Competition February Senior teacher Teachers

Municipal competition

"Little Stars"



theatrical skill,

performing skills,

Literary reading)

Competition April Senior teacher Teachers

1. Development presentations for parents "One Day in Kindergarten".

2. Developing a plan events for organizing a museum in groups. Creative group meeting April Senior teacher Teachers


Conduct training with educators on the prevention of children's road injuries. briefing September

Exhibition methodological literature, didactic games, manuals, methodological developments on traffic rules. Exhibition October

Assisting educators in drawing up promising work plans on the prevention of children's road injuries. September-October

on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries in preschool educational institutions" Consultation October-November

Update and supplement corners for studying traffic rules, role-playing games on traffic in groups and in play areas of preschool educational institutions. December Teachers

Consultation "Rules of conduct in motor transport" Consultation December TV

Self-education of teachers on the topic Throughout the year Educators

Conducting open classes to familiarize children with traffic rules and regulations throughout the year. Educators

Preparing and conducting entertainment to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road Entertainment May Educators



No. Topic Date Responsible


1. Results of LOC.

2. Results of the review competition for the new academic year.

3. Adoption and approval of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution

4. Monitoring at the beginning of the school year August-September


"Math at home".

Results of monitoring the development of the educational program at the beginning of the year;

2. Development of cognitive and mathematical concepts in preschoolers through musical and theatrical activities (from experience work) .

3. Formation of mental activity of preschool children through the use of new methods teaching in mathematics. (from experience work)

4. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in integration with other types of activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education (from experience work) . October

Art. teacher


1. Results of thematic control

"State work Preschool educational institution for patriotic education"

2. Development of creative abilities of preschool children through theatrical activities (from experience work) .

3. Formation of the educational process for the artistic and aesthetic development of children during regime moments (from experience work) .

4. Improving the activities of preschool educational institutions in the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children (from experience work) . January


1. Results of thematic control

“Organization of the educational process to develop communication skills.”

2. Organization of social and pedagogical work with preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (from experience work) .

3. Formation of professional competencies of preschool teachers, their impact on relationships with children (from experience work) .

4. Organization of play activities for preschoolers, like method social and personal development of the child (from experience work) .


1. Results of thematic control


2. Completing tasks for the academic year.

3.Acceptance and approval of documents for the new academic year:

- plan in the summer - health period;

-annual plan for the 2019-2020 academic year;

Training plan for the 2019-2020 academic year;

GCD schedule for the 2019-2020 academic year.

4. Results of monitoring the implementation of the educational program at the end of the year. May




Meeting No. 1.

Report “The readiness of preschool educational institutions for the new academic year in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”.

Target: coordination of actions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in the institution"

Meeting No. 2.

Public report on the topic: "Results work for the 2018-2019 academic year".


May Manager

Senior teacher


Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees

N Activities Duration Responsible

1 1. Development regulatory documents, local acts, instructions regulating work all services of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool educational institutions.

2.Checking conditions:

1) readiness of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year;

2) analysis of the state of technological equipment;

3) registration of certificates of readiness of all premises for the beginning of the school year.

3. Meeting of the labor collective “Familiarization, approval and coordination of all local acts and normative documents regulating work Preschool educational institution in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education." September

2 1. Work with personnel“Compliance with internal regulations. Protecting the life and health of children and employees.”

2. Raids and inspections of the sanitary condition of groups (administrative bypass commission). October

3 1. Preparation of documentation for the operational management of the building.

2. Continued work to prepare the building for the winter period.

3. Purchase of equipment for physical education (balls, jump ropes, hoops, etc.). 4. Ensuring compliance of the material and technical base of the OO Federal State Educational Standard. November

4 1.Preparing the premises for the New Year holidays: analysis and training on fire safety rules. Drawing up reports of readiness of all premises for holidays.

2. Instruction on safety precautions and protection of life and health of children in winter (manager) January

5 1. Conducting raids of the joint commission on occupational safety.

2. Drawing up an agreement on labor protection January

6 1. Drawing up a list of preschool educational institutions’ cases.

7 1. Preparation of equipment for work on site.

2. Compliance with SanPiN standards in preschool educational institutions.

3. Preparing the territory of the preschool educational institution for the spring-summer period. March

8 1. Organization of a summer health campaign. Briefing of all employees

2. Whitewashing of trees, delivery of soil, sand, preparation of the area for the summer season (supply manager).

3. Preparing the institution for admission to the new academic year. April

9 1.Forming groups for the new academic year: availability of all documents, drawing up lists, contracts with parents (manager, teacher).

2. Instruction “Protecting the life and health of children when conducting and organizing walks in the summer. Protecting the life and health of children in the spring-summer period.” Consulting teachers on organizing educational activities in educational institutions

3. Preparing preschool educational institutions for admission to the new academic year.

4. Preparing the institution for work in summer. Clarification of the number of children and staffing for July-August. May

10 1. Improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution.

2. Continued work on the preparation of regulatory documents.

3. Instructing all employees. June




2. Patriotic education

3. "System" work on developing a culture of relationships among preschoolers"

4. “Improving the pedagogical skills of educators”


No. Topic Date Responsible

1 “Review of the readiness of groups in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2013.” September

2 “Carrying out educational activities work during the day" October

3 “Compliance of the program content of morning exercises with the age and level of development of children” November

4 “Preparation and implementation of cultural hygienic skills” December Medical worker

5 “Organizing and conducting games with children in the morning” January

6 “Preparation and conduct of GCD”

7 “The quality of children’s mastery of program objectives for physical development” March

8 “Organization of meals, education of a culture of behavior in preschool children”

9 “Following a daily routine”

"Organization of children's activities in the book corner" May

10 « Job on studying life safety and traffic rules by preschoolers" During the year


No. Topic Date Responsible

1. Analysis work educators when conducting educational activities on physical development “Providing health-preserving conditions for motor activity.” October

2. "Analysis" work teacher with children in special moments" November



IX Holiday “So we have become a year older”

Holiday "Day of Knowledge"

Sports entertainment "Autumn Marathon"

X Harvest Festival

Holiday "Osenins"

Holiday “Hello, golden autumn!”

Holiday "Autumn Fair"

XI Concert dedicated to Mother's Day.

XII New Year holidays:

"Christmas tree's birthday"

“The Christmas tree came to visit us!”

"Adventures in the Winter Forest" "New Year's Tale"

Sports entertainment "Winter Fun"

I Sports entertainment

- "Small winter games"

Musical entertainment "Christmas carols"

II Sports entertainment “I’m like dad!”

Sports festival “Dad can do anything!”

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day!"

Holiday "We are heroes!"

III Theatrical entertainment "Broad Maslenitsa"

Holiday "Mommy's Beloved" Entertainment "Visiting Grandma"

Holiday "Spring drops"

Holiday "Music cafe"

IV Entertainment "Visiting the Sun"

Sports leisure "Road to Space"

Entertainment "Day of the Ugly" "Red Easter"

V Graduation party: “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Concert "Victory Day"


N Events Date Responsible

1. Exhibition of crafts from vegetables and fruits “We all really like Autumn Beauty” (together with parents) September

2. Exhibition - action "Bird's Dining Room" (together with dad) november

3.Traditional New Year's exhibition of creative New Year's crafts: "New Year's serpentine" (together with parents) December

4 Exhibition of arts and crafts February - March

5 Exhibition of children's drawings: “Thank you to my grandparents for the great Victory” May


1 Excursions and targeted walks:

“The rules of the road are all, without exception, children should know.”

Pedestrian traffic monitoring

Traffic monitoring

Observation of traffic light operation

Consideration of modes of transport

Walk to the crosswalk

Getting to know the street

Traffic monitoring and driver's work

During the year

2 Conversations:

What do you know about the street?

We are pedestrians - places where pedestrians move, their name, purpose

Rules of conduct on the road

Cars on city streets - types of transport

Do's and don'ts

Helpers on the road - signs, traffic lights, traffic controllers

Be careful!

Transport in the city: parking places and rules, pedestrian zones, limit signs

3 Role-playing games:

Traveling through the city streets

Street and pedestrians

Traffic light

Traveling with Dunno

Travel by car

Car parking

Service station

Auto repair shop

4 Didactic games:

Our street

Traffic light

Put up a road sign

Guess what sign

City street

What for what?

Road signs: prohibiting and permissive

Yellow, red, green

What's missing?

Answer quickly

5 Outdoor games:

Sparrows and car

Be careful

Colorful cars

We go, we go, we go...

Multi-colored paths

Whose team will get together sooner?

Bicycle racing


Find your color

6 Fiction for reading and memorization:

S. Mikhalkov "My street", "Cyclist", "Bad Story"

S. Marshak "Policeman", "Ball"

V. Golovko "Traffic Rules"

S Yakovlev "Advice from Doctor Aibolit"

O. Bederev "If…"

A. Northern "Traffic light"

V. Semernin "It is prohibited - allowed»

7 Entertainment (By teachers' plan)

Throughout the year Creative microgroup

8 Exhibitions of drawings:

At the crossroads

Traffic light, traffic light, our friend for a long time

In the land of road signs



No. Activities Deadlines Responsible

Tasks of educational work with children for the 2018-2019 academic year;

Election of the Institution Council;

Results work for the year.


2. -Results work kindergarten for the school year;

Our plans for the summer health period;

Questioning parents “Satisfaction with the quality of the educational process” April


1 Consultations:

What parents should know when being outdoors with their child

Traffic rules - for everyone

Be careful, children! – statistics and typical cases of childhood injuries

So that no trouble happens! – measures to prevent child injuries

Parents are an example for children

2 Information stand:

The safety of your child is in your hands

Memo “For adults about the rules of the road”

Discipline on the street is the key to pedestrian safety

What future schoolchildren need to know about traffic rules


No. Topic Date Responsible


“The nature of a child. The quest for freedom"

"Family atmosphere";

Stand design:

“Everyday routine and order. Train as early as possible". September

2 Stand design:

“Colds during the cold season. How to avoid them?

“Getting ready for winter, clothing for the season”


-“Formation of a culture of dining” november

3 Stand design:

“Around conflicts. How of us "twist the ropes";


“Culture and traditions of celebrating the New Year holidays”

“Child by a pond, dangers of winter”. December

4Design of stands:

"Road safety in winter";

"Clothing for the season"


“Should I always be serious? Sense of humor" February

5 Stand design:

“Prevention of spring diseases”

“Vacation with a child in the summer”


“Our communication. Children to parents"



1.Target: Establishing business cooperation between preschool and school teachers, preparing children for successful adaptation to schooling During the year

2 Discussion and approval of joint work plan schools and preschool educational institutions September

3 "Round table": discussion of the continuity of the OOP sections of primary school and kindergarten. October

4 Observation of lessons in 1st grade by teachers of the preparatory group. November

5 Observation by primary teachers of classes on speech development, mathematics, ecology in a preparatory school group. December

6 Introducing preparatory group teachers to the requirements of the 1st grade school curriculum January MBDOU No. 61 "Cheburashka" MBOU Krasnosadovskaya Secondary School

7 Joint exhibitions of drawings by children of the preparatory group and 1st grade students of school February MBDOU No. 61 "Cheburashka" MBOU Krasnosadovskaya Secondary School.

8 Mutual visits by teachers and primary school teachers to lessons, activities, matinees, sporting events, "Open Days". March

9 Participation of school teachers in the parent meeting of parents of preparatory group children as part of the seminar “A family on the threshold of a child’s school life”. April

10 Joint discussion between kindergarten teachers and school teachers about the results of preparing children for school. May


1. Joint planning health and preventive measures

2. Educating parents on the issues of preserving and promoting the health of preschool children

3. Medical participation workers at parent meetings at preschool educational institutions (video consultations)

4. Medical examination of the health and physical development of children (routine examinations, vaccinations) During the year Nurse


1 1. Participation in conversations, quizzes, KVN

2. Attending holidays. Throughout the year, teachers


1 Visit to the exhibition works for the Day of the Elderly.

Participation in the competition "Do-it-yourself miracles"

Watching a New Year's fairy tale in a cultural center

Preparing to participate in the village festival "Carnival"

Performance by children from MBDOU No. at a concert dedicated to "Victory Day" Throughout the year, teachers

The work of an actively developing kindergarten is based on strategic planning data, which is carried out annually, taking into account the features identified during the analysis for the previous reporting period. Annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2019-2020 academic year, compiled in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards- a basic document of local significance, which:

  • regulates all priority areas of the kindergarten’s work;
  • involves setting and solving problems that are relevant for preschool educational institutions, improving the performance of the teaching staff;
  • involves the development and approval of a network of events with the participation of teaching and medical workers, preschoolers and family representatives;
  • takes into account the professional level of teachers, the specifics of cooperation with secondary schools and other institutions.

The choice of document form - textual, tabular, schematic-block, cyclical - rests with the head of the preschool educational institution. At the same time, during the planning process, it is important to ensure that the chosen form of presentation is understandable to all administrative staff, methodologists and educators.

Annual plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2019-2020 academic year: features of preparation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Actually the development process annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2018-2019 academic year in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard begins long before the document is issued. In order to correctly determine the goals and objectives of organizational, methodological, pedagogical work for a long period of time, it is important for the manager to study and analyze the success of completing the tasks that were assigned to the organization in the previous reporting period, as well as to update the strengths and weaknesses of the educational process in key aspects of activity , which include:

  1. Work to preserve and strengthen the health of children (to assess the morbidity rates of pupils and their workers, data on the effectiveness of implemented treatment and preventive measures). Based on monitoring, it is necessary to make a forecast of the incidence of preschool children for the next year in order to develop a set of measures to reduce the risks of epidemics.
  2. Assessing the success of mastering program requirements (based on indicators of psychophysical, personal, speech, creative development of students for all age groups).
  3. The level of success of graduates, illustrated by rapid adaptability to school conditions.
  4. The current system for improving the professional skills of teachers (in order to find opportunities for its improvement), the staffing of the methodological room.
  5. Parents' satisfaction with the level of educational services provided (assessed based on survey data and the results of targeted surveys).
  6. The state of the material and technical base necessary to provide the educational complex.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which is based on the idea of ​​increasing the efficiency of preschool education through the rationalization of pedagogical work and the individualization of education, has led to an increase in the importance of planning. Formalism, which for many years remained the only possible approach when drawing up policy documents and reports, had to be forgotten during the development work plan at the preschool educational institution for the next year due to the need to take into account a number of indicators of the institution’s performance. A well-written document of this type allows you to solve a number of important problems for a kindergarten:

  1. Outline the main working issues, ways to implement the preschool development program in the course of carrying out effective core activities.
  2. Systematize the list of activities taking into account acceptable time frames, determine those responsible for their implementation.
  3. Increase labor efficiency indicators through the development and consistent implementation of motivational measures.
  4. Ensure interaction with various institutions and structures in order to create optimal conditions for the education of preschool children and the implementation of strategic educational tasks.

For completing the course - a diploma of professional retraining. Educational materials covering important administrative issues and managing the development of a kindergarten are presented in the format of visual notes with video lectures by experts.

Structure of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2019-2020 academic year

Despite some changes in the current regulatory and legal system for providing preschool education, structurally annual plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2019-2020 academic year should not be changed. It is only advisable to expand the content by developing measures to provide the necessary material, technical, personnel, and methodological conditions for the provision of services for the supervision and education of preschoolers and toddlers and to outline ways of individualization and personalization of the educational process.

The approximate structure of the annual work plan of a preschool educational institution for 2018-2019 is presented in the table.

Section title Section Contents
1. General information about the preschool educational institution
  1. Contact information, operating hours.
  2. Information about the license for educational activities.
  3. Information on staffing levels, indicating the education and length of service of employees (representatives of the administration of preschool educational institutions, educators, specialized specialists).
  4. Number of groups with numbers.
  5. Current educational conditions (availability of necessary material, technical and didactic support).
  6. Software content used.
  7. List of partner organizations.
2. Goals and objectives of the work

The determination of the strategic goals of the annual plan in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out after an analysis of the organization’s work for the previous reporting period. It is important to note that setting a large number of goals overloads the plan and reduces the efficiency of its implementation, therefore education experts recommend, based on the data of the analytical work carried out, to identify no more than two goals that reflect problematic issues in the work of the preschool educational institution and meet the requirements of the municipal education department.

3. Regulatory framework Legislative acts and local regulations according to which the kindergarten operates are listed, and the educational program is indicated. It is planned to work on systematization, amendments to regulatory documents, consultations and briefings, and the creation of personal files for preschoolers and teachers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
4. Work with personnel

In order to provide conditions for ensuring the continuous improvement of the professional level of preschool teachers, within the framework of this section it is necessary to develop a procedure for organizing activities in the following organizational areas:

  1. Completion of advanced training courses (remotely and internally).
  2. Preparation for certification (a preliminary schedule for completing a planned certification assessment is formed) and control measures.
  3. Conducting thematic meetings of methodological associations, organizing pedagogical forums, round tables, conferences.
  4. Self-education of educators.
  5. Organization of open reviews of teaching activities (primarily innovative ones, requiring further dissemination), mutual attendance of classes, exchange of experience.
  6. Participation of preschool educational institutions employees in professional competitions of city, regional and municipal significance.
5. Organizational and methodological work In order to organize the effective activities of the teaching staff, in this section annual plan at the preschool educational institution for 2018-2019 gg. It is necessary to plan regular and thematic meetings of the teachers' council, the order of activity of innovative and creative groups, and events to study best teaching practices.
6. Internal monitoring system As part of the information and analytical activities of the kindergarten, it is advisable to plan types and forms of internal control, which include conducting express surveys of teachers, questioning representatives of the families of pupils, and conducting operational and thematic control. Additionally, it is worth highlighting the maintenance of the institution’s website and online portfolio of teachers.
7. Interaction with parents Ensure continuity of the work of preschool educational institutions and family education. In order to increase the degree of involvement of parents of preschoolers in the life of the kindergarten and their pedagogical competence, and to activate the pedagogical potential of the family, annual planning includes holding events together with the families of pupils, thematic meetings, psychological trainings and seminars.
8. Interaction of the kindergarten with public organizations In the light of preparing children for school, cooperation with general education institutions, as well as children's art schools, clubs and sports sections, libraries, and theater studios is of particular importance. Planning involves not only creative, but also business contacts that the caretaker, teachers and manager establish with local and district administrations, food and equipment suppliers, and social partners.
9. Administrative and economic activities Having assessed the current equipment of the preschool educational institution, it is important to plan for strengthening the material, technical and financial base of the institution. The manager should present information concisely and systematically, proving it with facts presented in the form of tables and diagrams.

Education experts note that due to some changes in industry standards in annual work plan for the kindergarten for 2019-2020 according to the new rules The following content blocks should be included:

  1. Opening of a nursery group. One of the significant priorities of state policy in the field of preschool education has become the task of providing 270 thousand places for pupils of infants (age - from 2 to 12 months) and young children (age - from 1 to 3 years), which requires preschool educational institutions to search for opportunities to provide targeted human, methodological, material and technical resources.
  2. Increasing the content of teacher councils by attracting specialized consultants, experts on early childhood development and the implementation of inclusion, and authors of advanced pedagogical developments.
  3. Inclusion in the list of topics of teacher councils is the development of AOEP, which became possible thanks to the presentation in the spring of 2018 of seven exemplary educational programs for preschoolers with special educational needs.

At the planning stage, it is important for the heads of preschool educational institutions to understand that refusal to include in the content of the target document is not a mandatory regulatory requirement, but at the same time, conducting management work “proactively” makes it possible to implement the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, ensure high levels of parental satisfaction with the level of educational services and consistently develop a successful kindergarten.

How to determine the goals and objectives of the annual plan of a preschool educational institution for the 2019-2020 academic year?

Set of tasks annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for 2019-2020 The academic year, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, is built on the basis of determining the goals of the institution. Kindergarten is an area for the comprehensive development of preschool children, where optimal conditions must be created for their progressive psychophysical, intellectual, moral, emotional development, high-quality preparation for schooling, and stimulation of children's creativity. Therefore, the strategy of a modern preschool educational institution provides for the need to:

  • adequately prepare children for school and social life;
  • develop the physical potential of preschool children and their mental qualities;
  • teach tolerance, tolerance, respect for elders as the basis of the culture of a modern person;
  • ensure life safety;
  • introduce to sports and a healthy lifestyle.
  • to guarantee the professional growth of educators, as a result of which the level of upbringing and education of children will increase.

Based on the set targets, tasks are formed that are reflected in the annual work plan. These include the following:

  1. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, stimulate the all-round activity of children, creating conditions for creative and cognitive activity, individualized education.
  2. Organize the educational process based on the independent activities of preschoolers and the use of innovative pedagogical technologies.
  3. Introduce modern technologies to optimize the educational process.
  4. According to the age characteristics of the pupils, systematically carry out work on speech development.
  5. Create a developing space in kindergarten that stimulates the activity of preschoolers.
  6. Take care of the emotional well-being and psychophysical health of children.
  7. To promote the growth of professional competence of educators, the development of new state standards, and the introduction of design and research activities into their work.
  8. Establish cooperation with parents of preschool children, intensify the work of parent committees.
  9. Lay the foundations for the adoption of family values ​​and a sense of patriotism, introduce children to the culture and history of their native land.

As part of the implementation of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in annual plan of the preschool educational institution 2019-2020 gg. It is advisable to reflect the introduction of inclusion, provision of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, work with personnel, ways to build up advanced pedagogical experience and its dissemination. At the same time, each kindergarten director, relying on the available managerial, methodological, material and technical capabilities, has the right to independently determine the goals of annual planning in order to guarantee the possibility of implementing the institution’s development program and provide opportunities to meet the expectations of consumers of educational services.

Drawing up an action plan in accordance with the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

One of the main conditions for successful planning is the development of a procedure for implementing the set goals and objectives through the consistent application of various organizational decisions. IN annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2019-2020 academic year, compiled with taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to reflect the list of events that determine the provision of optimal educational conditions - teacher councils, methodological conferences, parent meetings, informational, cultural and recreational events.

In order to avoid low performance indicators, in order to prevent professional burnout of educators and educational overload of students, one should not strive to include as many activities of various types in the annual plan as possible. It is much more logical to divide them into substantive blocks, including personnel work, organizational and methodological activity, interaction with representatives of families and other organizations, administrative and economic activities, and then appoint those responsible for carrying out each event, as well as develop mechanisms for monitoring the results achieved . Such an organizational solution will make it possible to build competent pedagogical work and guarantee the reality of the implementation of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan.

Activities that for some reason cannot be included in the structure of the main strategic planning document can be presented in appendices.

Innovative activities in kindergarten according to the annual plan of the preschool educational institution 2019-2020

The development of a preschool educational organization cannot be satisfactory without the search and application of innovative methods for organizing the educational process, which should be reflected in annual work plan for the kindergarten for 2018-2019 years, compiled according to the new rules. The use of innovations in preschool gardens is due to the possibility of quickly solving managerial, methodological, pedagogical difficulties, improving the quality of services provided, meeting the consistently increasing expectations of parents of preschool children, as well as maintaining high rates of development of the institution. Thus, it is advisable to reflect any types of innovative activities - health-saving, personality-oriented, research, design, gaming technologies - in the planning document to ensure their inclusion in all areas of educational work.

When drawing up a work plan for a preschool educational institution for the 2018-2019 academic year, it is important for the manager to maintain a balance of traditional and innovative organizational and pedagogical approaches in order to prevent the likelihood of a decline in quality indicators. Thus, innovation can be organically “fitted” into the main planning document only if the set goals are correlated with the capabilities of advanced approaches. The plan should necessarily indicate the Internet and media resources that will help educators master pedagogical innovations, present a plan for attending seminars, meetings of members of the methodological association, and allocate time for studying innovative forms of work and the latest programs.

Interaction with parents and family members of preschool children

For a long time, the interaction between teachers, parents of preschool children and the administration of preschool educational institutions, provided for annual work plan in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, consisted of holding planned and thematic parent meetings:

  1. Introductory - the results of summer recreational work are summed up, members of the parent committee are elected, and a plan of meetings for the year is determined.
  2. Final - the parent committee reports on the work done, the teacher sums up the results of work with the students, developmental and health work is planned for the summer period.

Today, parents are actively involved in the activities of the kindergarten, and therefore they take part in group parent meetings, surveys, come to open viewings of classes, creative and sports competitions, exhibitions of children's creativity, organize excursions, trips to the movies and theaters, and picnics. A promising way of interaction is the organization of a “Helpline” or “Hotline”, which allows you to quickly resolve pressing issues.

It is mandatory to conduct sociological research to assess the psychological microclimate in families and their social status. Teachers and staff psychologists conduct conversations with family members of pupils on the topic of computer use, the influence of bad habits of parents on their children, and the benefits of hardening.

Among the events in which family members of pupils participate, the most popular are:

  • theatrical event “Day of Knowledge”;
  • exhibition of children's works "Autumn, autumn we ask you to visit";
  • talent competition “New Year is on the threshold”;
  • spring holiday “Spring bouquet for our mothers!”;
  • excursion to the forest “Nature is our friend”;
  • a holiday of respect and honor “A low bow to veterans”;
  • family holiday "Children's Day";
  • farewell concert “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

In conclusion, I would like to note that when designing annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2019-2020 academic year Typical planning mistakes should be taken into account: avoid vague formulations, enter too small (less than 30) or large (more than 70) number of activities, do not monitor the even distribution of activities and workload on employees, refuse to develop methods of control and self-control, pay excessive attention to secondary ones, insignificant details.

In fact, there are 5 groups, the number of people is 107 people. Also short-term stay group 1.

Group 1 – 18 children (1st youngest);

Group 2 – 25 children (2nd youngest);

Group 3 – 23 children (senior);

Group 4 – 24 children (preparatory);

Group 5 – 22 children (middle).

Short-term stay group – 10 children

Total: 122 children

Arrangement of teaching staff for the new academic year

Age group


1st junior

Buravtsova I.V.

Bigwava L.O.

average special (ped.)

higher (school)

2nd youngest

Ivanyutina Yu.V.

Gorecheva V.S.

Higher (ext.)

average special


Bulansha N.V.

Ulyanova E.V.

Higher ped. (school)

secondary specialization (additional education)

Stankoy S.V.

Zhilinskaya N.V.

Higher. (school)

secondary specialization (med)

Mikhailova N.A.

Krivonenkova M.A.

average special (doshk)

Higher (school)

Highest category

Group of multiples stay

Shalashova V.I.

Incomplete secondary - special

Physical education teacher

Dikov D.A.

Not a full higher education

Music worker

Zhukova A.L.

higher (ped)

Highest category

Art teacher

Belkina O.V.

Higher (general)

Highest category

Educational psychologist

Sokolova I.I.

Speech therapist teacher

Skotnikova O.V.

higher pedagogical

Speech therapist teacher

Alekseeva A.V.

Higher pedagogical

Gavryuseva L.V.

Secondary vocational

Swimming instructor

Dikov D.A.

Not a full higher education

Senior teacher

Tsepkova S.S.

higher education (preschool).


Shcheglova N.A.

higher (ext.)

highest qual. cat.

Analysis of team work

During the academic year, teaching staff worked at State Educational Institution d/s No. 2329:

7th category – 1 person;

8th category – 1 person.

Total: 21 teachers.

In September 2009, the kindergarten was assigned the following tasks:

1. Development of creative imagination, musical abilities of children, to help create a comfortable environment in the state educational institution.

2. Improving the work of the kindergarten to form the foundations of environmental culture in preschoolers.

To solve the first task, a pedagogical council was held on the topic: “Development of creative imagination through the musical abilities of children.” At the teachers' council, teacher Zhilinskaya N.V. spoke with the salary “Artistic and aesthetic direction with the family.” The following work was carried out in this direction. Consultations were held for educators (“Creative development of children in the process of working with natural materials”, “Emotional and psychological comfort of children in state educational institutions” (lesson notes, practice), “Formation of the foundations of artistic culture in children of senior preschool age”, “Structural components of basic culture child”, “Family theater - a form of interaction between state educational institutions and families”, “Formation of morally valuable behavior in preschoolers”, for the early age group “Music in a child’s life” Open viewings of the classes “Use of benefits for the formation of legal issues in children” were also held. education" dedicated to World Children's Day. "What does my name mean?", Open lesson in group 4 (topic: World THANK YOU Day).

The need to solve this problem was also discussed at parent meetings. An operational control was carried out and after preliminary work a thematic control “Development of children’s creative abilities in music classes” was carried out. The work of educators: actively participate in music education. The main focus is on developing the ability to perceive and compare various musical works, which contributes to the further development of musical abilities. Teachers work closely with the music director and consultations are held. Work with parents is carried out in each group. The stands are visually designed aesthetically, the information constantly changes depending on the topic, offers for joint work, there is a special section where parents can read and use important information on the musical development of the child. Teachers always give a mini-report at parent-teacher meetings about the importance of musical development. Starting from the older group, they recommend and give homework. (for example: visit theaters, excursions to museums, involve children in musical works at home, etc.)

Thematic control showed that thematic planning contributes to the effective and systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by children; working with parents brings them closer to communication with educators and they get to know their children more from a different perspective, care about the comprehensive development of the child, and pay attention to their own. Teachers and parents believe that it is necessary to saturate a child’s life with art, to introduce him to the world of music, fairy tales, theater, and dance.

Considering that mental education develops in the process of various types of activities of attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, we decided it was necessary to continue work in this direction and take one of the annual tasks: - to develop verbal creativity and expressiveness of speech, using different types of theatrical activities. Continue to develop children’s artistic skills in the field of various arts: drawing, singing, expressive movements, using a system of creative tasks.

To solve the second problem, a pedagogical council was held on the topic: “Environmental education of preschool children.” The teacher M.A. Krivonenkova made a presentation. "Ecological fairy tales in a child's life."

Consultations were held for teachers: “Environmental education of a preschooler in everyday life”, “Nature is an irreplaceable source of development of the senses”, “Introducing children 6-7 years old to nature: interaction between state educational institutions and families”, “Social and ecological direction of the state educational institution’s work in the summer” .

In the kindergarten, an exhibition of drawings was organized: “Winter-Winter”, “Planning and Design of the Site” - dedicated to World Earth Day, open viewings: “On the formation of children’s ideas about environmental education”, “Earth Day”, “Our Birds”.

A thematic control was carried out “The state of educational work on environmental education of preschool children”, which showed a good level of work of educators, as well as the knowledge, skills and abilities of children. Children have a well-formed idea of ​​environmental education. Thematic control showed that thematic planning contributes to the effective and systematic acquisition by children of knowledge, skills and abilities in environmental education. Topics are repeated in each group. Only the content, volume of cognitive material and complexity, and therefore the duration of the study, change. It should be noted that work on environmental education will continue within the framework of the program.

Taking into account the “Capital Education” program 5 - aimed at improving the system of work on the physical education of modern children, as well as cooperation with parents in the practice of partnership. It was decided to take the second task: to improve the interaction between family and kindergarten in preserving and strengthening the physical health of preschool children. Continue work to create optimal conditions for the successful adaptation of young children.

In the 2009-2010 academic year the following were trained (CPC):

Bulansha N.A. – MIOO, topic: “Modern pedagogical technologies in working with preschoolers”, 72 hours, 2009

Bigwava L.O. - MIOO topic: “Features of raising young children in preschool educational institutions”, 72 hours, 2010

Study in higher educational institutions: Ulyanova E.V. (teacher), Dikov D.A. (swimming instructor), and UPK Mitino-18 - Shalashova V.I.

In the 2009-2010 academic year, they were certified: for the highest qualification category: Bulansha N.A., for the first qualification category: educators: Krivonenkova M.A., Ivanyutina Yu.V., Zhilinskaya N.V., Stankoy S.V. .

In the premises of the 1st junior and 2nd junior groups, gaming aids for sensorimotor development were purchased. Play equipment for a psychologist's office. Few play forms for young children. Equipment for the development of play in all groups (houses, large Lego sets, upholstered furniture (playroom). Various types of puppet theater and costumes for theatrical activities were purchased for the music room.

The teaching room and groups have been updated with illustrative material on speech development and mathematics. Methodological literature on various areas of development and correctional work with preschool children, as well as didactic material in various areas, were purchased.

Participation of preschool educational institution No. 2329 in municipal, district and city events in the 2009-2010 academic year:

Open day for future kindergarten students.

Winners in the regional children's song competition "Rainbow", (3rd degree)

Winners in the regional exhibition of children's creativity "Space through the eyes of children"

Winners in the 2nd district competition “Spring. Talents and inspiration" (2nd degree)

Winners in the regional exhibition “Our Security”. 1st place, Ksenia Pushkova.

Participants in the district exhibition of drawings “Fire is friend, fire is enemy.”

Exhibition of drawings at the Department (on work at UNESCO), dedicated to the 210th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin.

In November 2009 and April 2010, open days were held for newly admitted children. On this day, a tour of the kindergarten was held for future pupils and their parents. Each specialist spoke about programs and recommendations, and a video presentation about the kindergarten was also shown. The guests who visited our preschool were interested in the excursion and asked questions to the specialists. The open day was held in a friendly and favorable atmosphere.

During the school year, on the prevention of children's health, the head nurse, together with the senior teacher, conducted consultations for teachers and parents: “About correct posture”, “Summer health period”, “Vitamins for children”, an oxygen cocktail and vitamin supplementation were also carried out, children were given daily juices, fresh fruits. Joint work is carried out with children's clinic No. 140; a doctor assigned to the kindergarten visited the kindergarten weekly and left his recommendations. The incidence rate for 2009-2010 was 92%.

Analysis of diagnostics of children 2009-2010 school year

High level

Intermediate level

Low level

1st half of the year

2nd half of the year

1st half of the year

2nd half of the year

1st half of the year

2nd half of the year

Speech development

Child and the world around

Artistic and aesthetic education

Labor education


The kindergarten has been interacting for many years with schools No. 1900 and 1062, plans for joint work have been developed, excursions to schools are conducted, teachers attend parent-teacher meetings in the kindergarten. This school year, children of senior preschool age were invited to a play staged by students in grades 1 and 2. Our kindergarten organizes a reunion of graduates twice a year, a mini-concert is organized, and conversations are held. Where children from the preparatory group communicate with graduates.

In 2010, the kindergarten staff entered into an agreement with district library No. 32. Two excursions have already been conducted on the topic: “We are always happy to welcome guests” - introductory. An action plan has been developed for the next school year on topics where educators can visit the library to consolidate the material covered.

The work of the State Educational Institution team in the 2010-2011 academic year was aimed at solving the following tasks:

1. Develop verbal creativity and expressiveness of speech using different types of theatrical activities. Continue to develop children’s artistic skills in the field of various arts: drawing, singing, expressive movements, using a system of creative tasks.

2. Improve the work on interaction between family and kindergarten in preserving and strengthening the physical health of preschool children. Continue work to create optimal conditions for the successful adaptation of young children.

1. Organization of work with personnel

1. Pedagogical Councils


about the implementation

No. 1 Installation:

  • Results of the control “Readiness of state educational institutions for the new academic year”
  • Priority tasks of the institution for the 2010-2011 academic year. year.
  • Organization of experimental work for the 2010-2011 academic year. year.
  • Preparing a kindergarten for participation in the “Kindergarten of the Year” competition


  • Head d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Senior teacher Alekseeva A.V.

No. 2: Interaction between family and kindergarten in maintaining and strengthening the physical health of children. Preventive work for risk groups.

Results of thematic inspection December

Senior teacher for correctional work Kuznetsova L.A.

Orthopedic doctor Starikova N.V.

Head nurse Kemaeva N.I.

  • Teacher-psychologist Ivanova I.I.
  • Gavryuseva L.V.

No. 3 “Development of verbal creativity and expressiveness of speech using different types of theatrical activities”

  • Thematic control “development of children’s creative abilities in theatrical activities”
  • Speech by the music director “Theater in a child’s life”
  • Competition for the best design of a theatrical corner in a group.
  • Independent study of literature section “Developing speech environment” in the program “Education and training of children in kindergartens”
  • speech by Art. m/s “Hygienic requirements in the group”, morbidity analysis.
  • Senior teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Speech by music director Zhukov A.L.

No. 4 Final “Implementation of the main tasks of the institution”

  • Analysis of educational work
  • Creative reports from educators and specialist teachers
  • Main tasks of work for the 2011-2012 academic year
  • Status of work on implementing the operating day plan.
  • Preparing for the new school year
  • GOU work plan for the summer period
  • Head d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Senior teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Group teachers, specialists.

2. Consultations, seminars, workshops, round tables


about the implementation

  • Consultation “Play at an early age”
  • Consultation “Motor activity as a factor in the formation of the full development of the child’s body”


  • Teacher Kozlova Yu.V.
  • Consultation “Morning exercises in kindergarten”
  • Consultation “Child activity is the key to health”
  • Educator Ulyanova E.S.
  • Zhilinskaya N.V.
  • Consultation “Basic principles of physical education and health activities for children”
  • Consultation “Formation of correct posture and prevention of its violations”
  • Swimming instructor Dikov D.A.
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Physical education teacher L.V. Gavryuseva
  • Head nurse Tsarkova P.I.
  • Consultation “Formation of motor activity of children 2-3 years old”
  • Consultation “Verbal and logical games in the development of children of senior preschool age”
  • Teacher Buravtsova I.V.
  • Teachers: Zhilinskaya N.V., Stankoy S.V.
  • Workshop “Organization of work on physical education in winter”
  • Consultation “Games that develop visual abilities and creative imagination”
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Physical education teacher L.V. Gavryuseva
  • Teacher Bulansha N.A.
  • Consultation “theatrical activities in the senior group, introduction to puppet theater”
  • Consultation “Education of cultural and hygienic skills, healthy lifestyle skills, life safety skills in preschool children”
  • Educator Krivonenkova M.A., Mikhailova N.A.
  • Consultation “Formation of creative personality qualities in the process of theatrical and gaming activities”
  • Consultation “What are the benefits of theatrical games”
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Musical director Zhukova A.L.
  • Consultation: “What is origami?”
  • Consultation “Theater as a means of development and education of young children”
  • Art studio teacher O.V. Belkina
  • Musical director Zhukova A.L.
  • Consultation “Characteristics of creative games as the main type of games for preschool children”
  • Consultation “Hardening activities in summer”
  • Educator Kozlova Yu.V., Gorecheva V.S.
  • Art. nurse Tsarkova P.I.

3. Shows, exhibitions, competitions


about the implementation

  • Exhibition "Family Vacation" (children's work competition)
  • City Day. Exhibition of collective works “Moscow is golden-domed!”


  • Group teachers
  • Rev. Fine art studio of Belkin O.V.
  • Exhibition of drawings dedicated to October 1, International Day of Older Persons “Thank you!”
  • October 9 World Post Day
  • Group teachers
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • An arts and crafts competition as a gift for mom dedicated to Mother's Day: “My Mommy.”
  • Exhibition of new children's books
  • Group teachers
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Review competition “Designing visual information for parents”
  • Head d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Group teachers
  • Review-competition “The best design of a site in winter”
  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A..
  • Group teachers
  • Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts "Zi-mushka-winter"
  • Group teachers
  • March 24-30 Celebrating Children's Book Week
  • Literary and artistic competition “My Favorite Poems”
  • Decorating book corners
  • Group teachers
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Teacher-psychologist Sokolova I.I.
  • Review - competition “Planning and site design” (dedicated to World Earth Day - April 22)
  • Participate in the drawing competition “Cosmonautics Day” - April 12
  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Group teachers
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Lecturer art studio of Belkin O.V.
  • Exhibition of methodological literature “Getting ready for summer”
  • Review - competition “Best Flowerbed”
  • Children's work competition "This Victory Day"
  • Art. teacher Alekseeva A.V.
  • Group teachers

4. Holidays and entertainment


about the implementation

  • Holding the holiday “Day of Knowledge”


  • Musical director
  • Art. teacher
  • Carrying out autumn holidays
  • October 1st Senior Citizens Day
  • October 9 “World Post Day” - leisure
  • Musical director
  • Art. teacher
  • Week "Games and Toys"
  • November 25 Mother's Day “Sat with Mom in the evening” - leisure time for senior groups
  • November 20 - World Children's Day
  • November 3, 120 years since the birth of S.Ya Marshak (1887-1964) Preparatory group mini-sketch children with their parents.
  • Senior teacher
  • educators
  • Celebration of New Year trees
  • Art. educator, educational psychologist
  • educators,
  • parents
  • Week of “Winter Fun and Entertainment”
  • January 11 World Thank You Day "Theme Day"
  • Musical director
  • Senior teacher
  • educators
  • Thematic leisure activities “Defender of the Fatherland Day”
  • Intellectual competition “Know-ka”
  • Musical director
  • Physical education teacher
  • Musical director
  • Week of spring games and fun
  • Carrying out the Maslenitsa holiday Matinees dedicated to March 8
  • Competition “Best Grandmother” among senior groups with the participation of children and grandmothers dedicated to March 4, Grandmothers’ Day
  • March 27 is International Theater Day. The play “The Princess and the Pea” (children of older groups is shown for younger groups.
  • Musical director
  • Senior teacher
  • April 7 Health Day
  • Theme day "Space" April 12
  • Physical education teacher
  • Group teachers
  • Senior teacher
  • Themed leisure activities “This Victory Day” Holidays “Goodbye, kindergarten”
  • Competition among senior groups together with parents dedicated to May 15 - Family Day", the name of the competition is "KVN"
  • Musical director
  • Senior teacher
  • Group teachers

5. Open views of teaching activities


about the implementation

  • Celebration “Meeting with kindergarten”
  • Carrying out morning exercises in the fresh air


Musical director

Group teachers

  • Themed autumn holidays
  • Mutual visits by school teachers and educators to groups of lessons and activities (literacy, mathematics)

Musical director

Senior teacher, head teacher

  • Using benefits to develop “Legal Education” in children dedicated to World Children’s Day. “What does my name mean?”
  • Sports festival in senior groups “Well done, daredevils”
  • Open lesson in group No. 5 (senior group), Lesson on speech development (familiarization with fiction)

Group teachers

Physical training instructor

  • Carrying out awakening gymnastics
  • Themed holiday “New Year tree”
  • Open lesson in group No. 3 (preparatory) Lesson on composing a retelling using modeling and drawing techniques

Group teachers

Musical director

Group teachers

  • Open lesson in group 3 (topic: World THANK YOU Day).
  • January 22 “Grandfather’s Day” leisure time in senior groups “Skillful Hands”

Group teachers

  • Senior teacher
  • Open viewings of classes in groups No. 4.2. Speech development (verbal creativity, expressiveness of speech).
  • Open classes on physical education for children.

Senior teacher

Physical education teacher

  • Open classes in senior and pre-school groups on speech development and literacy training
  • Open viewings of art classes.
  • Themed holiday "Mother's Day"
  • Competition “Best Grandmother” among senior groups with the participation of children and grandmothers dedicated to March 4, Grandmothers’ Day

Teacher-speech therapist Skotnikova O.V., group teachers.

Additional education teacher Belkina O.V.

group teachers

Musical director

Senior teacher

  • Open lesson in groups 3, 5 (topic: Space"
  • Water sports festival

Group teachers

Swimming instructor Dikov D.A.

  • Themed holiday for kindergarten graduates
  • Sports festival "Hello Summer"
  • Competition among senior groups together with parents dedicated to May 15 - Family Day", the name of the competition is "KVN"

Musical director

Physical education teacher.

6. Advanced training of teaching staff

Position, education

Name of courses

Krivonenkova Marina Anatolyevna


High school

Stankoy Svetlana Viktorovna


High school

Moscow State Pedagogical Institute “Psychological, pedagogical and methodological conditions for teaching literacy to preschool children”

Zhilinskaya Nadezhda Viktorovna


Secondary special

Gorecheva Valentina Serafimovna


Secondary special

Moscow State Pedagogical Institute “Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the education of sound culture of speech in the process of teaching the native language of preschool children”

Alekseeva Anastasia Valerievna

Speech therapist teacher

MGPPU "Fundamentals of early assistance to families raising children with severe developmental disorders."

Gavryuseva Larisa Vladimirovna

Physical education teacher

Secondary special

MIOO "Formation of cognitive activity of preschool children by means of physical education

7. Certification of teaching staff

Job title

1. Alekseeva A.V.

Speech therapist teacher

First qualification category

October – April

2. Ulyanova E.S.


Second qualification category

October – April

3. Skotnikova O.V.

Speech therapist teacher

October – April

2. Development of the material base and organization of development space


about the implementation

  • Replenishment of the subject-developmental environment of groups in the section “Theatrical activities”
  • Select and arrange a card library in the direction of “Development of the creative imagination of preschool children”


  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Caretaker Galitsyn T.K.
  • Equipping the methodological room with equipment for holding exhibitions
  • Continue equipping the library and compiling a card library.
  • Expanding the number of attributes and costumes for children's theatrical activities.
  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Senior teacher
  • Musical director
  • Equipping a sports ground on the kindergarten site.
  • Equipping the gym with training aids, purchasing furniture.
  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Caretaker Galitsyn T.K.
  • Physical training instructor
  • Continue equipping the psychologist’s and speech therapist’s room (educational games, construction sets, tape recorder, carpeting)
  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Senior teacher
  • Caretaker Galitsyn T.K.
  • Additional equipment of a vegetable garden on the territory of a kindergarten (fencing, paths between ridges)
  • Design and planting of an apple orchard.
  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Senior teacher
  • Caretaker Galitsyn T.K.
  • Equip an art studio (Russian toys, reproductions)
  • Decoration of flower beds
  • Landscaping
  • Head of d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Senior teacher
  • Caretaker Galitsyn T.K.

3. Relationship in work with family and school and other organizations

1 . Organization of work with parents


about the implementation

  • About the goals and objectives of the preschool institution for the year. About the results of summer health work. (general parent meeting)
  • Holding the Day of Knowledge
  • Consultation “Social adaptation of the child”
  • Parents' meeting "Tasks of educational work for the year"


  • Music directors
  • Senior teacher
  • Head d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • educational psychologist
  • Parent meetings in groups
  • Consultation “How to teach a child to read, write and be healthy.”
  • Meeting of the parents' committee and
  • board of trustees
  • Group teachers
  • Senior teacher, psychologist
  • Head d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • caretaker
  • Round table “Protecting the life and health of children”
  • Open Day
  • Joint competitions “Fun Starts”
  • Senior teacher
  • Head nurse
  • Group teachers
  • Physical education teacher
  • Round table “The role of the father in family education”
  • KVN for older preschoolers with the participation of parents “Aibolit says”
  • Senior teacher
  • group teachers
  • educational psychologist
  • Parents' participation in New Year's Eve
  • holidays
  • Parents' participation in non-
  • Delhi winter fun and entertainment.
  • Consultation “Why do children often get sick?”
  • Music directors
  • Senior teacher
  • Group teachers
  • Head nurse
  • Consultation “Child and school”
  • Senior teacher
  • Educational psychologist
  • Joint participation of parents and children in a theatrical performance.
  • Participation of parents in the preparation of spring holidays
  • Senior teacher
  • Educational psychologist
  • Musical director
  • Meeting of parents of graduating groups
  • Organization of territory improvement work
  • Open Day
  • Joint event “mom, dad, me – a sports family”
  • Questioning parents on issues of concern.
  • Group teachers
  • Educational psychologist
  • Senior teacher
  • Organization of preparation work
  • kindergarten for the summer health campaign and the new school year
  • On creating conditions for the safe life and activities of children in kindergarten. (general parent meeting).
  • Head d/s Shcheglova N.A.
  • Senior teacher
  • group teachers

2. Organization of work with the school


about the implementation

  • Holding the Day of Knowledge
  • Introducing children to works of art about school, students, teachers, looking at illustrations and paintings about school life, memorizing poems about school


During the year

Senior teacher

  • Week of open lessons at school

Senior teacher

Educational psychologist

  • Studying the literature on the topic “Psychological components of school readiness”

Senior teacher

  • Analysis of the academic performance of former kindergarten students.
  • Thematic conversation with children of the preparatory group on the topic: “I am a future first-grader”

Educational psychologist

  • Preparing and conducting a joint week of winter games and fun
  • Entertainment in kindergarten with the participation of “Sports and Health” graduates
  • Senior teacher
  • Physical education teacher
  • Group teachers
  • Musical director
  • Week of open classes for primary school teachers
Senior teacher
  • Diagnosis of children in preparatory groups for school readiness

Educational psychologist

  • Excursion to school for children of preparatory groups
  • Conducting a joint parent meeting for parents of preschool groups
Senior teacher
  • Analysis of the academic performance of former kindergarten students
Music directors

Educational psychologist

3. Organization of work with district library No. 32


about the implementation

  • Excursion to the library “We are always glad to see guests” (senior group)
  • Manager
  • Senior teacher
  • teacher
  • topic: “Writers of my childhood” S. Mikhalkov (senior group, preparatory group).

November – December

  • topic: “Writers of my childhood” K.I. Chukovsky (senior group)
  • Topic: “Writers of my childhood” S.Ya. Marshak (preparatory group)
  • Manager
  • Senior teacher
  • Educator
  • Manager
  • Senior teacher
  • Educator
  • Topic: “Children’s Page” (joint visit to the senior and preparatory groups)

4. Control over the educational process

1. Thematic control

Deadlines, responsible


Interaction between family and kindergarten in maintaining and strengthening physical health.

Implementation of the program for GOU d/s, work with parents.


Senior teacher


Organization of work in kindergarten on theatrical activities.

Determine how effective the work on theatrical activities is. Have the conditions been created for this (subject development environment).


Senior vo-pi

2. Operational control

During the year, operational control is carried out: over the protection of the life and health of children, the organization of nutrition, the adaptation of children, the implementation of a daily routine, recreational activities, work with parents, physical activity regime, work planning, a system of recreational work, the organization of a subject-development environment, development conditions children, health and correctional work.

Goal: preventing possible errors in the work of teachers, eliminating minor failures, regulating the activities of individual teachers and the entire team with the help of recommendations, advice, explanations, and instructions.


about the implementation

Compliance with: safety regulations, fire safety rules, “Instructions for protecting the life and health of children,” labor safety rules in the workplace.

Adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions


Senior teacher Occupational safety specialist

Educational psychologist

Maintaining a daily routine

Motor activity mode,

Organization of walks,

Reception of children at the site,

Morning exercises

Senior teacher

Organization of group and individual work with children.

Preparing for open events

Senior teacher

Respect and protection of the rights of the child in the family and in kindergarten

Preparing for the teachers' meeting

Working with parents

Senior teacher

Maintaining a daily routine

Mode of physical activity,

Organization of hardening procedures,

Morning exercises,

Compliance with air and temperature conditions,

Maintaining the maximum load on children in organized forms of education

Senior teacher

Senior nurse

Creating conditions for independent creative activity of children in the afternoon

Preparing for the teachers' meeting

Senior teacher

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Eating culture

Compliance with diet

Senior teacher Senior nurse

Compliance with the “Instructions for protecting the life and health of children”

Instilled safety and health regulations

Protecting the rights of the child in institutions and families

Senior teacher

Security Specialist

5. Psychological service



Conducting individual work with children in pre-school groups



Conducting individual diagnostic and correctional work with children of early age groups


During the year

Conducting developmental psychocorrectional work with children in subgroups


During the year

Consultation for parents “We’ll be going to school soon!”

Educational psychologist

Workshop workshop for educators “Pedagogical skills of an educator” methodological recommendations.


Workshop for parents “I myself”

“The importance of self-care in raising children”


Consultation for educators “Psychological features of the crisis of 3 years and 7 years”


Individual counseling for parents of all age groups


During the year

Individual counseling for teachers and staff of preschool educational institutions


During the year

6. Speech therapy service



Diagnostics of children. Filling out speech cards Consultation for parents “Speech alphabet for parents of preschoolers”

Teacher - speech therapist


Speeches at group parent meetings about the results of a speech therapy examination.

Consultation “Speech behavior of young children”

Teacher - speech therapist

Exhibition of children's sayings on the topic: “My beloved mother”

Consultation for educators “Journey through fairy tales”

Teacher - speech therapist

Consultation for parents “Preparation of articulation organs for production of sounds”

Teacher-speech therapist

Workshop for parents “Move, play, draw”

Teacher - speech therapist

Seminar-workshop for educators “Correctional group corner as part of a subject-development environment”

Teacher - speech therapist

Consultation for parents “Learning by playing. These difficult sounds"

Teacher - speech therapist

Consultation for parents “Difficulties are not scary for us! My favorite sounds"

Teacher - speech therapist

Diagnostics of children. Filling out speech cards

Celebration of “Beautiful Speech”

Teacher - speech therapist

Organizing meetings with parents of children suffering from speech pathology and with group teachers for the purpose of interaction and information about the condition and characteristics of speech pronunciation.

Speech development of preschool children.

Teacher - speech therapist

During the academic year

7. Diagnostics



2. Comprehensive diagnostics of children according to the program “Education and training in kindergarten”

Senior teacher

September, December, May

3. Child development map - preschooler

Teacher - psychologist

October, March

4. Diagnosis of speech development in children

Speech therapist teacher

September, May

5. Diagnosis of neuropsychic development of young children

Teacher - psychologist

During the year, according to epicrisis terms

6. Diagnosis of children's musical development

Musical director

September, May

7. Diagnosis of children’s physical fitness

Physical education teacher

September, May

8. Monitoring the physical development of children

Physical education teacher

September, May

9. Diagnostics of children's visual skills

Additional education teacher

September, May

10. Diagnosis of the child’s emotional-motor sphere

Teacher - psychologist

September, May

Leila Strakashina
Annual plan of the preschool educational institution





1.1. Meetings of self-government bodies

1.1.1. Pedagogical Council

1.1.2. Public Council

1.1.3. Work team meeting

1.1.4. Meeting of the trade union organization

1.2. Work with personnel

1.2.1. Advanced training of teaching staff

1.2.2. Certification of teaching staff.

1.2.4. Meeting with the head of the preschool educational institution


2.1. Pedagogical Council

2.2. Workshop

2.3. Consultations

2.4. Working with young professionals

2.5. Shows, competitions

2.6.Innovation activity:

2.6.1. Self-education of teachers

2.6.2. Dissemination (reporting to the audience) best pedagogical experience

2.7 Organization of the work of the methodological room


3.1. Entertainment and leisure activities for children.

3.2. Exhibitions.


4.1.1 Information and reference stands

4.1.2. Parent meetings

4.1.3. Seminars

4.1.4. Consultations

4.2. Joint activities of the educational institution and parents

4.3. Interaction with society

Fifth section. CONTROL

5.1. Comprehensive control

5.2. Thematic control


5.1. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees

5.2 Strengthening the material and technical base.

Annual plan of MKDOU"Zaoksky kindergarten No. 3 combined type" compiled in accordance with

Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation” (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ)

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 3013 No. 1155)

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions (SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13).

Approximate general education program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

PURPOSE OF THE WORK: Ensuring effective interaction of all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents, children for the comprehensive development of the preschooler’s personality, maintaining and strengthening his physical and emotional health.


1. Protecting the life and health of children

2. Create conditions in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, with preschool activity plan, in order to ensure equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education.

3. Organize work at the preschool educational institution to create an optimal subject-spatial environment.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development of younger preschoolers through learning to draw

5. Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers.

6.Continue work on the development of all components of children’s oral speech: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms; formation of a dictionary, education of the sound culture of speech.

7. Continue the joint work of the kindergarten and the family on design and creative activities;

8. Interconnect the entire teaching staff in the educational space of the preschool institution.


1.1. Meeting of self-government bodies

1.1.1. Pedagogical advice


Subject: “Priority directions of educational policy of preschool educational institutions for the 2017 – 2018 academic year”

Subject: “Teacher self-esteem. Its influence on the psychological and pedagogical process"

Subject: “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children. Learning to Draw"

Subject: “Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers”


1.1.2. Public Council

Public council meeting. Familiarization with regulatory documents governing the work of the Public Council. Statement plan work for the academic year.

Preparation of documentation for the Public Council of the preschool institution.

Public report by the head of an educational institution on the activities of the kindergarten for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Creating conditions in a preschool institution to preserve the health of pupils:

Organization and quality control of hot food;

surveying institution employees on issues of improving working conditions in kindergarten;

Holiday Teacher's Day.

Preparing the kindergarten building for winter

Organization of participation of pupils belonging to the categories of children with disabilities, with limited health capabilities, left without care in various competitive events at the district level, as well as at the level of a preschool institution.

Assisting in the preparation and holding of New Year's parties.

Analysis of software and methodological equipment of a preschool institution, formation of an order for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Organizing the participation of parents in the design of winter areas.

Report of the head of the kindergarten on economic and financial activities for the first half of the year.

Monitoring the sanitary condition of group premises.

Participation in the development of local acts and educational programs for preschool institutions.

On the state of work with children belonging to the categories of children with disabilities, with limited health capabilities, and left without care.

Organization of work of the parent community with families from "at-risk groups"

Organization and holding of Open Days.

Consideration of candidates from among the institution’s employees for awards for success in their work.

On the organization of cosmetic repairs in group rooms and walking areas in the summer.

Organization of events within the month “And the saved world remembers”.

Organization of summer holidays.

Preparing a preschool institution for the new school year (cosmetic repairs).

Consideration of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of teachers.

Analysis and compilation plan work for the next academic year.

Organization and holding of graduation matinees, a holiday dedicated to Children's Day.

1.1.3. Workforce meetings

Meeting No. 1. Prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions in the new academic year.

Target: coordination of actions to improve the conditions of the educational process.

1. Results of work during the summer health period.

2. The main directions of educational work of preschool educational institutions for the new academic year.

3. Adoption of local acts of preschool educational institutions.

3. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and preschool employees

Meeting No. 2. Results of the implementation of the collective agreement between the administration and the workforce.

Target: coordination of actions, development of uniform requirements and improvement of conditions for the implementation of preschool educational institutions.

1. On the fulfillment of standard indicators and the results of the financial and economic activities of the preschool educational institution for the year;

2. On the implementation of the Collective Agreement between the administration and the labor collective of the preschool educational institution

3. On the implementation of the agreement on labor protection. Safety engineer's report.

4.Review and introduction of changes and additions to local acts of preschool educational institutions:

Regulations on the procedure and conditions of incentive payments to employees of preschool educational institutions;

Internal labor regulations;

Work schedules;

Vacation schedules;

Labor protection agreement for the new year.

Meeting No. 3. On the preparation of preschool educational institutions for the spring-summer period, the new academic year.

Target: compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations, safety regulations.

1. About preparation for summer health work

2. On the state of labor protection for the 1st half of 2018.

3. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees of preschool educational institutions.

4. On preparation for the new academic year, on carrying out repair work.

1.1.4. Meetings of the trade union organization

Election of the chairman of the trade union organization

Statement plan work of the trade union organization

Report of the PC Chairman on current work

Results of PC work for the academic year

1.2. Work with personnel

1.2.1. Advanced training for teaching staff

Drawing up a schedule for advanced training of teaching staff

Completion of advanced training courses for management personnel.

Submitting applications for advanced training of teaching staff to the education department

Independent completion of advanced training courses by teaching staff of preschool educational institutions

Certification of teaching staff

Consultation on clarification of Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 N 276

“On the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions”

Self-analysis of teaching activities over the past 5 years

Monitoring the activities of certified teachers.

Conversation on portfolio design.

Presentation of the work experience of certified teachers.

Publishing materials on the Internet.

1.2.3. Teacher Assistant School

“The appearance of employees as one of the means of aesthetic education of preschool children.”

“Rules of Conduct for Doe Employees in the Group”

“Organization of routine moments in different age groups”

“Helping the teacher prepare for the lesson”

“The formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers is the concern of the entire preschool educational institution team”

"Organization of work in the summer"

1.2.3. Meetings with the manager

Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

2. Organization of control activities (familiarity with the control schedule)

3. Strengthening measures for the safety of all participants in the educational process (familiarization with the orders on health and safety for the new academic year.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

4. Preparing for the autumn holidays.

5. Preparing preschool educational institutions for winter (insulation of premises, cleaning of the territory).

6. Organization of work to protect the rights of pupils in preschool educational institutions and families. Working with socially disadvantaged families.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

3. Analysis of morbidity for a month.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities

3. Morbidity analysis.

4.Preparing for the New Year holidays:

Pedagogical work, music design. hall, groups, corridors

Approval of scripts and schedules for matinees;

Ensuring safety during the process.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Analysis of the incidence of children and preschool employees over the past year.

4. Preparation for the meeting of the labor collective.

5. Organization of work to ensure the safety of all participants in the educational process, occupational safety.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Morbidity analysis.

5. Interaction of preschool educational institutions with society, with "unorganized" children of the microdistrict, with "disadvantaged" families.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Morbidity analysis.

5. Carrying out "Safety Month".

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Analysis of incidence for the 1st quarter.

4. The results of an in-depth medical examination, the readiness of graduates of the preparatory group for school education.

5. Organizing a cleanup day for landscaping.

6. Statement plan repair work in preschool educational institutions.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Preparing for children to go to school.

4. Morbidity analysis.

6. About preparation for summer health work.

7. The effectiveness of the work of self-government bodies in preschool educational institutions.

8. Organization of work on the safety of all participants in the educational process for the summer recreational period.


: improving the work of the institution as a whole, the teaching staff, working with parents, identifying the level of implementation per annum and other dominant tasks of the preschool educational institution; improvement and development taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, obtaining positive results through teaching activities.

2.2. Seminars, workshops


Learning to diagnose

Stages of teaching drawing to younger preschoolers

Algorithm for developing projects in preschool educational institutions

Games that heal

Music in a child's life


Increasing the environmental competence of teachers

Music in a child's life

2.3 Consultations

For educators:

- “Sanitary requirements for the teaching process”

For teachers of senior and preparatory groups:

- “Distribution of study load during the day”

- “The problem of giftedness in modern pedagogy”


- “General diagnostics and identification of children with prerequisites for giftedness”

For educators:

Advanced pedagogical technologies.

The importance of artistic and aesthetic development of a preschooler.

For teachers of younger groups:

Methods and techniques for teaching drawing to younger preschoolers.

Surprise and playful moments. Their meaning.

For teacher assistants:

- "When there is an infection in a group"

For educators

Methods of teacher influence that stimulate children to creativity

For music directors:

Modern technologies in the work of a music director.

For teachers of correctional groups:

The role of fairy tales in speech therapy work with children

For educators:

Prevention of postural disorders in preschool children

Safety rules for preparing and holding New Year's parties

For teachers of primary and secondary groups:

Who is he "problem" child? What to do with him?

For teachers of older groups:

Visual modeling as a means of developing coherent monologue speech of a preschooler.

For teacher assistants:

Organization of duty in senior groups

For educators:

Tips for organizing self-education

Forming healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers

Overview of partial programs

Forms and methods of work to develop healthy lifestyle habits in older preschoolers

Portrait of a future first-grader

Organization of summer health work

For teacher assistants:

Features of work during the summer health period

2.4 Working with young professionals


1.Study of the regulatory framework:

Federal law "About Education".

Federal law “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Model regulations on a preschool educational institution

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations for preschool educational institutions.

2.Providing assistance in organizing high-quality work with documentation:

Structure of the perspective planning

Calendar structure planning

Structure of a complex thematic planning


2. Organization of work to adapt the child.


1. Organizing and conducting a walk.

2. Formation of knowledge about sensory standards in early childhood.


Drawing up a summary of the organization and conduct of a didactic game on sensory education.


1. Organization of GCD

2. Interaction between teachers, parents and students through the project method.


Drawing up a project outline


1. The importance of fine motor skills in the development of a child’s speech

2. Organization of leisure and entertainment in groups.


Drawing up a summary of entertainment in your group.


1. The importance of the regime for the successful development of the child

2. Development of graphic skills.


1. Safety and health of our children

2. Children's rights


Compiling a catalog of health-saving technologies


1. We develop by playing

2. Beauty is what man creates.


1. How to work during the summer health period

2. How to write a report on work for the academic year.

2.5 Shows, competitions

1.For teachers:

Competition of projects for teachers of primary and secondary groups on the use of natural materials.

2. Children's drawing competition "Colors of Autumn".

3. Project competition for early childhood educators “Child’s adaptation to preschool educational institution”

4. Review "Designing groups for the New Year's holiday"

5. Crafts competition "Winter's Tale" for teachers of all groups.

6. Children's drawing competition "Sorceress - Winter"

7. Review "Music corner in a group"

2.6. Innovation activity

1. Familiarization of teachers with the latest pedagogical and psychological literature

2. Study of the generalized pedagogical experience of teacher T. M. Strakhova in sensory education of preschool children

3. Study of the generalized pedagogical experience of teachers O. A. Vinogradova and S. A. Pridorogina in introducing preschoolers to the nature of their native land.

4. Study of the generalized pedagogical experience of the teacher Strakashina L.V. “Patriotic education of older preschoolers”

5. Games with massage.

2.7. Project activities

1. Development plan project activities of preschool educational institutions

2. Presentation of projects by groups

3. "Golden Autumn"

4. "Sorceress - Winter"

5. "Spring is red"

6. "Summer"

2.8. Organization of the work of the methodological room

1. Selection and systematization of materials in the methodological room.

2. Replenishment of the bank of pedagogical information.

3. Drawing up a passport for the methodological office.

4. Replenishment of the bank of pedagogical developments of preschool teachers.

5. Compilation of a data bank of preschool teachers.

6. Work with the creative team.

7. Production of manuals and materials on mathematics.

8. Creation of a card index of EORs.

9. Reporting.


3.1. Entertainment and leisure activities

1. Day of Knowledge

2. Music Festival

3. Sports festival

4. "Osenins"

5. Harvest Festival

6. New Year's parties

7. "Christmas time", "Kolyada".

8. Defender of the Fatherland Day

9. Winter sports festival

11. Cosmonautics Day

12. Victory Day

13. Graduation parties

3.2. Exhibitions

1. Photo exhibition "Summer"

2. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials and vegetables "Gifts of Autumn"

3. Exhibition of children's creativity "Golden Autumn"

4. Promotion "Bird's Dining Room"

5. Exhibition of group newspapers "Dad can"

7. Exhibition of children's works of artistic and productive activities "Space"

8. Exhibition of drawings for Victory Day "Victory May".


The purpose of the work to implement the block: providing parents with practical assistance in increasing the effectiveness of the upbringing, education and development of children

4.1. Pedagogical education of parents

4.1.1. Informational – information stands:

1. "In the kindergarten"

2. "What do cartoons teach"

3. “Moral education of a preschooler”

4. "About the future schoolchild"

4.1.2. Parent meetings

1. “Is a parent a customer, a sponsor, a partner?”

2. "Six steps to baby's health"

3. “Know, understand and respect the individual”

4. "Special Child"

4.1.3. Consultations

1. Formation of legal competence of parents with preschool children.

2. Formation of the child’s worldview.

3. Mathematics is interesting.

4. Development of fine motor skills.

4.2. Joint activities

1. Photo exhibition "Summer"

2. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials

3. Joint preparation of groups for winter.

3. Promotion "Bird's Dining Room"

4. Exhibition "New Year's Tale"

5. Parental involvement in fun activities "Christmas time", "Kolyada".

6. Open day.

7. Questionnaire "Study of family satisfaction with preschool educational institutions"

8. Promotion "Green blooming area"

9. Hike "Outdoor recreation"


The purpose of the work to implement the block: strengthening and improving relationships with society, establishing creative contacts that increase the efficiency of preschool educational institutions

Department of Education of the Administration of the Zaoksky District Moscow Region, methodological service.

1. Participation in regional competitions and exhibitions.

2. Attending consultations and seminars.

3. Exchange of experimental materials.

4. Providing preschool educational institutions with regulatory documents and methodological literature.

5. Course training for teachers. During the year


1. Joint meetings on morbidity

2. Organizing regular examinations of children

doctors - specialists.

3. Control over vaccination work. During the year

1. Organization of control over compliance with sanitary rules and standards.

2. Training of preschool employees.

3. Disinfection and deratization of preschool educational institutions.

4. Medical examinations of preschool educational institutions.

5. Chamber processing of P/B

1. Training of preschool employees. Attending reporting concerts and performances.

2. Organization of joint holidays.

3. Visiting entertainment programs and exhibitions.

4. Excursions, targeted walks. During the year

DDT "Rainbow"

1. Participation in competitions, thematic exhibitions and other events.

2. Exchange of best practices. During the year


1. Joint teacher councils.

2. Attending lessons and activities

3. Excursions

4. Organization of joint entertainment events.

Children's library

1. Joint events and holidays

2. Use of the literary fund

3. Organization of excursions During the year


1. Joint meetings

2. Working with difficult families Throughout the year

1. Joint preventive measures (classes, entertainment, consultations, visual information)

Fire station

1. Organization of training for the evacuation of children

2. Employee training

3. Control of fire fighting equipment

4. Excursions for children to R/C

5. Working with parents on fire prevention.

District preschool educational institution

1. Joint events.

2. Sharing best practices

3. Participation in the RMO


The purpose of the work to implement the block: improving the work of the institution as a whole, identifying the level of implementation per annum and other dominant tasks of preschool educational institutions

Operational control

1. Planning educational activities

2. Diagnostics

3. Group documentation

1. Organization of the subject-developmental environment of the group

2. Visibility of the preschool educational institution

3. Compliance with the regime

1. Catering in groups

2. Organization of work on life safety

3. Use of TSO and ICT

1. Sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution

2. Observations in nature

3. Safe environment when preparing and holding New Year's matinees.

1. Organization of leisure activities on holidays.

2. Labor education

1. Organization of walks

2. Environmental education on walks

3. Compliance with the motor regime

1. Organization of work on aesthetic education

2. Aesthetics of everyday life

3. Organization of work on familiarization with fiction

1. Guide to role-playing games

2. Organization of 2 half days

3. Organization of theatrical games

1. Organization of a musical activity area

2. Diagnostics

3. Preparation for the summer health season.

Thematic control

1. Teaching drawing to younger preschoolers

2 younger "A"

2 younger "B"

2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers

preparatory "A"

preparatory "B"

Comprehensive control

2nd junior group "IN"


The purpose of the work to implement the block: improvement of psychological and pedagogical work using ICT.

1 Introduction of modern communication technologies into the practice of preschool educational institutions.

2 Creation of presentations of educational and other nature, selection of musical works by age.

In the practice of managing a preschool educational institution, there is still some formalism at the planning stage, and overcoming this formalism is an important factor in increasing the efficiency of managerial work in general. If we consider planning not only as the execution of a document on paper, but also as making a management decision, then we can say that planning is the basic principle of effective management of a preschool educational institution. Any planned target serves as a kind of starting point when determining labor productivity.

Currently, certain requirements are imposed on a preschool educational institution:

Execution of state order-tasks,

Improving the quality of various services, including educational,

Interaction with various organizations and structures to achieve set goals and objectives.

A number of mandatory documents constitute the regulatory framework for the activities of each preschool educational institution. From this point of view, the development and implementation of a plan are the two main stages of the management cycle.

Determining the main events, types of activities, specific performers and deadlines - this is the essence of planning.

The purpose of planning is to develop unity of action among the administrative and teaching teams. The ability to clearly formulate the goals and objectives facing the team based on an in-depth analysis of the level of achievement over the past academic year requires special knowledge and skills from managers. Currently, a system of plans has developed in the nomenclature of affairs: charter, development program, educational program, work plan for the academic year. Documentation requirements for preschool educational institutions require individual plans for each teacher, manager and specialist.

The main, target decision for the entire preschool educational institution team is the work plan for the year and the educational program, and the preschool development program is the long-term action plan.

Three important documents of the preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution development program, educational program, annual work plan) define a number of key goals and objectives for the entire teaching staff. These documents are interconnected by goals, objectives and even main activities.

Speaking about the work plan for the academic year, we know that a certain cyclicity has developed, which reflects the main stages and types of activities of the teaching staff.

The beginning of the school year is an adaptation period in the lives of children, both newly admitted and those returning to kindergarten after a summer holiday with their parents. These are competitions to determine the readiness of the entire preschool educational institution and each age group for the new school year. The beginning of the school year involves methodological interviews with teachers in order to identify knowledge about the age characteristics of the children in the group with whom they will work. This is a discussion of the organization of flexible modes, forms and content of work.

The academic year is a system of successive events: teacher councils, consultations, holding “open days”, organizing holidays, winter holidays and much more.

The end of the academic year means summing up the results and conducting monitoring, drawing up a “graduate portfolio” and preparing the institution for summer recreational work.

This regulation simplifies planning the work of preschool educational institutions, since a number of issues are cyclical in nature and are repeated from year to year.

The annual work plan can be considered as a tool for the operational management of a preschool educational institution.

The annual plan is a specification of the tasks and activities outlined in the development program and educational program.

The annual work plan of the preschool educational institution defines:

specific measures to resolve problems in the educational process,

a system of methodological support for teachers in their professional growth,

formation of work experience of teachers,

introduction of innovations to improve the quality of preschool education.

The annual plan is the focus of the team on the main tasks of a particular academic year.

The main planning tasks are as follows:

  • in ensuring the implementation of decisions of government bodies on issues of education, development and emotional well-being of children of early and preschool age;
  • in identifying the main, key issues in the activities of the teaching staff;
  • in determining specific activities, their timing
  • execution and responsible executors;
  • in instilling responsibility and discipline among team members.

Optimality, as a condition of necessity and sufficiency, is an important principle of effective planning.