Baltic singer voice. Intars Busulis: three children and culinary preferences. The singer's childhood and adolescence

How does Intars raise three children, what can he cook and what instruments does he play? Only here detailed biography one of the brightest vocalists of the Voice-3 project.

Zodiac sign: Calf.

City: Tulsa, Latvian SSR, USSR.

How long has he been making music? At the age of 8, following his older sister, he entered a music school.

"Behind her and in College of Music gave in,” says Busulis. “It was easier for the parents: both children are busy, and my sister will look after them if anything happens.” By the way, at school I had bad grades in music - threes, twos. Because they taught composers, but they didn’t let them sing, they didn’t even need notes. Just endless colloquiums.”

Education: Played in the National Armed Forces Brass Band and the Wet Point Jazz Band. In 1999, together with Raimonds Tigulis, Intars created the group Caffe, and four years later he started solo career. Performed at jazz festivals in Lithuania, Estonia and France, and in 2005, as a vocalist and trombonist, he joined the group of Danish bass guitarist Erik Mosuholm E.Y.J.O. In 2008, Intars, together with composer Kārlis Lacis, released his first album, which included songs in Latvian and Russian.

Family status: married, three children: Lanny, 12 years old, Emilia, 7 years old, Amelia, one year old.

“I come from a large family, I have two sisters and two brothers. My mother now already has 11 grandchildren. So for me, three children is nothing special; my wife and I are not going to stop at this number,” Intars assures. – When my first child was born, I was 23 years old, I served in the army, and they didn’t let me go to my wife. I was so upset, I thought I would definitely be rehabilitated the second time. And my daughter was born in December, all this New Year’s fuss, work, you understand. Again I was not with Inga at such a crucial moment. And only when Amelia appeared, I was present at the birth from beginning to end and even cut the umbilical cord myself. It was cool. On this day I fell in love with my wife even more. She's such a great guy for me; If there was an opportunity, I would give her an order.

Because of “The Voice,” I haven’t really been at home for several months, and Inga copes with the children alone. Her brother comes occasionally. But basically the main assistant is the son. Lanny told me the other day: “You shouldn’t have made it to the next round.” And it's cool that he said that. I immediately felt that he needed me. He's great for me. About two years ago I was dissatisfied with him, my son began adolescence, he became disobedient. And now, at 12 years old, I suddenly calmed down. He lets my mother and I go to the cinema and says: you go for a walk, I’ll sit at home with the children.

The middle daughter is a classic girl, exactly the way I imagined her. Everything falls out of her hands, she doesn’t look where she’s going, she quickly forgets everything and is interested in princesses. She is only 7 years old, but you can already see how much she loves being looked after.

The most important thing I want to teach my children is to love their homeland. The place where you were born is your foundation. I come from Talsi, my wife is from there, and my children were born there. Despite the fact that we have lived in Riga since 1999, we go to Talsi to give birth. My mother works in a local maternity hospital, you can imagine what conditions we have there.

Of course, I love music, but if I didn’t have my family, I don’t even know what I would live for. When I’m at home, the day is scheduled minute by minute: some to school, some to kindergarten, some to hockey, change diapers, fix something, run to the store. It’s like with us – you buy 2 liters of milk, the next morning it’s gone. Socks disappear every day. And in these troubles there is such happiness. After all, this is what a person lives for, to leave a mark, to raise happy children.”

The future star of the TV shows “The Voice” and “Exactly Exactly”, a famous Latvian pop and jazz musician, who home country considered by many today to be the “number 1 singer”, Intars Busulis was born on May 2, 1978 in large family. He has two brothers and two sisters. The older sister studied at music school- and when Intars was eight years old, his parents sent him there to study: it was more convenient to take two children to classes. Intars enjoyed studying in the music school, played the trombone, and played in the children's musical ensemble, studied folk dances as part of the Talsu Spridisi ensemble, at one time went to art school. As the musician admits, he is very grateful to his parents for not putting pressure on him and giving him so many opportunities to express himself. He tries to adhere to the same principle now in relation to his own children.

After school, following his sister Intars Busulis, he entered the Ventspils College of Music. While studying there, the young man played in the Ventspils Big Band group. In 1999, together with composer Raimonds Tigulis, he created the group Caffe, and in 2003 he began his solo career. Invars served in the army for five years - he played in the orchestra of the National Armed Forces of Latvia. At one time, Busulis was very interested in jazz: he played trombone in the jazz group Wet Point, and in 2005 he already worked as a vocalist in the project of the Danish bass guitarist Erik Musholm E.Y.J.O. (European Youth Jazz Orchestra). The young singer took part in many jazz festivals; in 2004, Intars won the Grand Prix of the youth competition jazz singers Baltic Sony Jazz Stage and Grand Prix International competition improvisers in Pärnu.

In 2005, Busulis met Raymond Pauls on the radio - it was Pauls who recommended him to take part in the New Wave 2005 competition, where the singer eventually won Grand Prize. Also in 2005, together with composer Kārlis Lacis, Intars Busulis released his first Shades album of Kiss with songs in Latvian and Russian. In 2009, Intars represented Latvia at Eurovision, the competition was held in Moscow and he sang in Russian. As the singer himself admits, he mainly performs songs in Russian, English and Latvian, but he can also sing in Italian or Serbian.

In 2013, Intars met Elena Vaenga, the result of the meeting was an interesting collaboration for both new success. Together they recorded the song “Neva”, which they presented in next year on solo concert singer in St. Petersburg and Intars' solo concert in Jurmala, as well as at the Golden Gramophone award. For a long time the composition did not leave the first lines of various charts. Inspired by success, in 2014 Vaenga wrote the composition “Lena” for Busulis, and also made a Russian version of his hit from his first album - Brivdiena. In the Russian version, the composition was called “Gravity”, and became another hit. In the fall of 2014, Intars became a participant in the third season of the TV show “The Voice” and reached the semi-finals. Moreover, he got into the TV show almost by accident: Russian friends wrote an application to participate in the program on his behalf, Busulis himself learned about the project only when e-mail received a letter inviting me to come to the audition.

In February 2015, the Latvian singer was again invited to Channel One for the second season of the show “Just the Same.” On the project he managed to be Boris Moiseev, Billy Joel, Nikolai Rastorguev, Joe Dassin, Phil Collins, Adriano Celentano, Mark Knopfler, Leni Kravitz, Garik Sukachev and even Tina Turner. Intars also plans to release a new album and a large concert tour in 2015.

In addition, since 2013, Busulis has been playing in the musical “Onegin” at the Riga Dailes Theater, appearing on stage as Pushkin himself.

Intars is a father of many children; he has three children - two daughters and a son. Eldest daughter Emilia and son Lenijs are studying at a music school, and the son, ironically, is also studying trombone: he wanted to play the guitar, but the only available instrument was the trombone - so Lenijs followed in his father’s footsteps. The singer does not like to talk about his personal life; he believes that love, politics and money are very intimate things. However, it is known that his wife’s name is Inga, she is also from Talsi, they met in 1996 at a disco, and at first they were just friends - it took the young musician time to win the girl’s heart. Now Busulis's family lives in Riga, although he never ceases to repeat that his hometown- Talsi, and that he really hopes to return there in a few years.


  • Intars Busulis grew up in a large family, he has two brothers and two sisters. The singer himself has three children - two daughters and a son, and assures that this is not the limit. The musician also calls children his main achievement in life. Intars's older children study at a music school, and his son, like him, plays the trombone.
  • The singer’s native language is Latvian, he also speaks excellent Russian and English, and understands German quite well. In addition, Busulis assures that he can still sing in Italian and Serbian.
  • While serving in the army, Intars played in the orchestra of the National Armed Forces of Latvia.
  • Despite the fact that his beloved wife Inga is in charge of the household, the singer is a good cook, among his signature dishes- pilaf and pancakes with potatoes.
  • At the “blind” audition for the show “The Voice” Intars Busulis performed famous song Duke Ellington's It Don't Mean A Thing. He came on stage with a trombone and sang while playing along with himself.

2004 Grand Prix Sony Jazz Stage, Grand Prix of the International Improvisers Competition in Pärnu.

Intars Busulis is a well-known pop and jazz performer in Latvia. He started in the Caffe group, and after a while, trying to find own style, decided to do solo career. Busulis was a participant in Eurovision 2009 and the show “The Voice” in 2014.

Childhood of Intars Busulis

Intars was born in the Latvian town of Tulsa into a large family. His older sister went to music school. When the boy turned eight, his parents also took him to study music, where he learned to play the trombone. Despite his success in music school, in a regular school he received only Cs and Ds in music. Busulis also attended art school and was a member of the group folk dances. It was as part of this group, whose name is “Talsu Spridisi”, that Intars first performed on stage.

After graduating from school, following the example of the same older sister, Intars went to the city of Ventspils and entered a music college. During his studies, the talented young musician played in the Ventspils Big Band, led by Ziedonis Zaikovskis.

The first songs of Intars Busulis

Busulis, together with Raymond Tigulis, organized the group “Caffe”. This project turned out to be long-lived and lasted four years. During this time, the group gained some popularity, and Intars became a singer.

Participation in “Caffe” was not the only activity of Busulis; at the same time he played in the jazz group “Wet point” and in the NBC Orchestra. As a vocalist, he participated in the project E.Y.J.O. - European Youth Jazz Orchestra, organized by Danish bass guitarist Erik Musholm. This was in 2005. Then the performances followed one after another. Busulis could be seen at the Lithuanian jazz festival “Kaunas Jazz”, and at jazz festivals in countries such as Canada, France, Finland, Estonia and Latvia. He was invited as a vocalist to musicals and musical productions, including famous musical, like "Notre Dame de Paris". Together with Uldis Markhilevich and Aja Vitolinja, the singer took part in music project called "Viva la bomba".

Intars Busulis at competitions

Intars was lucky enough to work with someone famous throughout Russia Raymond Pauls who suggested talented musician take part in “New Wave – 2005”. Busulis not only sang at this competition, he received the Grand Prix " New wave" Since then, the vocalist has been annually invited to the competition as a guest, where he performed along with the stars of the Russian stage. First solo album performer was recorded together with Karlis Lacis. Its title is "Shades of Kiss". It included both songs in Latvian and songs in Russian. The performer himself says that he is more comfortable singing in Russian than in English languages. During the release of the album, Busulis performed a number of concerts in many Latvian cities. His composition “Brīvdiena” gained particular popularity.

In 2009, Intars represented Latvia at Eurovision. He performed the song "Traffic". Busulis believes that this composition is about our Everyday life, about traffic jams not only on the roads, but also in our thoughts. The performance was held in Russian. After the competition, the song was recorded in English. Intars recorded a video for the competition song “Traffic”. The recording took place in the Stockmann supermarket with the participation of visitors.

Busulis and Elena Vaenga

Intars met in 2013 Russian singer Vaenga. Together they recorded the song “Neva”, presenting it at the singer’s solo concert in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Hall in January 2014. In the summer of the same year, the performers sang a duet at Intars’ solo concert in Jurmala in the Dzintari hall, and then at the well-known Golden Gramophone award.

In 2014, Vaenga wrote the composition “Lena” for Busulis, as well as the Russian version of his hit “Brīvdiena”. The name of the Russian version is “Gravity”. Both of these songs were performed at Vaenga’s solo concert in Oktyabrsky in the fall of 2014.

Intars Busulis on the show “The Voice”

In 2014, the vocalist became a participant in the increasingly popular show “The Voice”. At the first stage of the competition, accompanying himself on the trombone, the vocalist performed the song “It don’t mean a thing.” He turned to the show participant Leonid Agutin And Pelagia. Intars went to Agutin's team.

In the “fights,” Busulis’ opponent was Michael Blaze. Intars sang the song “Play that funky music” and won. At the knockout stage, the contestant won again. This time he sang in Russian, presenting the song “I draw you.” In the quarterfinals, the singer performed “I Love You More than Nature” and secured his place in the semifinals, where he performed Billy Joel’s “Honesty.”

Personal life of Intars Busulis

Among Busulis' musical preferences are: The Doors, Lenny Kravitz, Skunk Anansie, Deep Purple etc. He likes to listen different music, how to perform compositions in different styles- from rock and pop music to jazz.

Mine musical instrument Busulis considers the trombone his friend and does not leave him, despite his solo career. He calls it his friend and plays it from time to time.

Busulis is married. He has four children. Now the family lives in Riga, but often visits Tulsa, where both spouses are from.

His charming, attractive and bewitching voice won thousands of ladies' hearts. A talented singer, family man, father of three children and just a handsome man, Intars Busulis, talked to us early in the morning over breakfast on the sunny terrace of the Riga Le Dome restaurant.

LENA: Intars, you come from Talsi, a small Latvian town. How do you remember your life there?
INTARS: This is my hometown and I have only the best memories of it! Even youthful fights are remembered with some warmth! ( Laughs)

LENA: Do you still have many childhood friends close to you?
INTARS: Unfortunately no. Some went to Ireland to pick strawberries, others simply got drunk – it’s a small town. But now, by the way, there are a lot of English numbers in Talsi. Probably the local guys came on vacation. ( Smiling)

LENA: This is a tragedy of the periphery - people move away or drink themselves to death from idleness. But you are a completely different matter. What helped you break out not only to the capital, but also to conquer the Russian and European stages?
INTARS: Oh, still conquer and conquer! But Thanks a lot parents. I was always busy with something: music school, some clubs. I was taught not just responsibility, but responsibility to myself.

LENA: Do you raise your children according to the same principle?
INTARS: Trying! I want my children to be busy and not spend all their time at the computer. In our family, it’s like in the movies: there is a bad cop - me, and a good one - my wife. ( Laughs). But when they do something mischievous, the son immediately runs to his mother, and the daughter to me. Everything is just like in the book!

LENA: My son and daughter study at a music school. Do you want them to continue the dynasty?
INTARS: Absolutely not! I just want them to be musical, to be able to sing among friends and to be able to do it well. I have an example before my eyes - my neighbor. An adult man, a businessman, deals with cars, but as soon as the feast begins, an accordion appears in his hands and that’s it - before us is another person, the soul of the company, the ringleader!

LENA: Intars, you have long been popular not only in Latvia. After projects on Channel One, you began to be recognized abroad. It's time to “grab a star”, no?
INTARS: I don't have time for star fever! If people recognize us, that’s good, it means everything we do is not in vain. Why do I say “we”? Because I’m not alone, but there’s a whole team of us. ( Switches to a Caucasian accent) We try, we put passion into the music and the listener feels it, right?

LENA: Have you performed in front of children? Is it more difficult than in front of adults?
INTARS: We had charity concerts for children, and you know, it’s generally unclear what they need! As always with children - n-e-p-o-n-i-t-n-o! ( Laughs). In addition, children come to such events with adults, which means that it is necessary to interest both young listeners and “old people.” At such mixed concerts, we even developed a certain work scheme. For example, we invite those who are already eighteen to raise their hands or, let’s say, admit: who kissed? And we perform a song for these categories. Actually it's funny. Teenagers begin to feel embarrassed, giggle, and show bravado.

LENA: Your participation in the “Exactly Exactly” project. So many images! What was the most difficult? Tina Turner?
INTARS: It turned out to be easy to show Tina Turner! What is there to play there? The main thing is that she never straightened her legs on stage. This saved me! Of course, I practiced walking in heels...

LENA: (Laughs) He borrowed his wife’s shoes and walked them around the kitchen?!
INTARS: (Laughs) No, I wandered back and forth around the hotel room. But this is terrible! How do you walk on this?! All my legs hurt by the end of the evening!

LENA: So you suffered and suffered on stage?
INTARS: (Laughs) Exactly! I had to stand still for about fifteen minutes, I would raise one leg, then the other. And everyone thinks: that’s how it should be, that’s the number!

LENA: Which image was more difficult?
INTARS: ABOUT! It was the Frenchman Joe Dassin and the song “Champs Elysees”. French I don’t know, but when I sing, I have to know the literal meaning of each line. There were also difficulties in staging the performance: there was only one camera filming, I had to meet the operator halfway, and on the way greet the audience, remember the text and movements, the plastic movements characteristic of the artist himself. It was all very difficult!

LENA: Have you ever wanted to learn French? Such a beautiful language!
INTARS: I have long had a desire to learn French, Arabic and Spanish! There's just no time...

LENA: Now you're like famous cartoon: “Your mother is shown both here and there.” It seems like you are not resting at all! Do you have enough time for your family?
INTARS: I try to devote more time to my family, especially in the summer. In June I had a two-week vacation, then another week and a half in July, and in August I will also have two weeks free. But by the fall you will need to work a lot.

LENA: Creative people usually very emotional, are you easy to get angry, make you laugh, upset?
INTARS: It's easier to upset me than to make me laugh. I can laugh, but it takes effort to laugh until I cry!

LENA: And can you cry?
INTARS: Sure I can! We are all human. But I don’t cry over movies and cats from the Internet. Now, when I stand on stage or hear good song, I might shed a tear. True, only about myself!

LENA: Where is it more difficult for you to perform: in front of a large audience or at private events?
INTARS: It’s hard to say... Every performance is a huge responsibility. But small, intimate events are great for keeping fit. Otherwise you won’t sing for a week and you’ll have to sing for several hours. But whether it’s a big concert or a private “Christmas tree” - I go to the end! It is important for me that the viewer is satisfied and it is important to see the return from the listeners. If during a performance someone looks up from the plate and listens, if they start dancing, if they react, then everything is not in vain!

LENA: Are you a risk taker? Can you jump with a parachute?
INTARS: Oh come on! I regularly receive invitations to Dinner in the Sky, but I keep turning them down. I look at this crane that holds the platform, and I immediately remember how my brother suffered in the Talsi tragedy - he broke his legs, but, fortunately, he remained alive. Therefore, I will not risk my life for food. But driving a car or riding a roller coaster is welcome!

LENA: What brings joy in life?
INTARS: I love driving fast Pine forest, morning coffee is a ritual! Even my wife and I have learned to achieve zen - the children can go crazy, but we calmly drink coffee. I love traveling around Latvia, but I dream of going to Iceland. I really like to plan my vacation, communicate with friends at home, around a set table, so we have a large table, but no TV. And I love my family, of course!