“Woe from Wit” by Alexander Griboyedov: catchphrases, aphorisms, quotes. Aphorisms and catchphrases by Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”, Act II - catchphrases, aphorisms, quotes

SCENE 4 Chatsky How he fusses! what kind of agility? Famusov In pursuit of the regiment? * But, of course, there’s nothing else to follow you far. They know how to dress themselves up with taffeta, marigold and haze, * They won’t say a word in simplicity, everything is with a grimace; fire! And he will be known among them as a dreamer! dangerous!! - Uniform! one uniform! in their former life, he once covered, embroidered and beautiful, Their weakness, the poverty of reason; Chatsky So that you are left alone without help? Should I give you some drops? don't you need some peace? (He goes to his room.) APPEARANCE 14 Lisa Well! people around here!

Catchphrases from "Woe from Wit"

She can't sleep from French books,
And the Russians make it hard for me to sleep.

Pass us away more than all sorrows
And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Happy hours are not observed.
Anyone who is poor is not a match for you.

Signed, off your shoulders.

I don’t care what goes into the water.

Blessed is he who believes - he has warmth in the world!

And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

A confusion of languages ​​still prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

Tell me to go into the fire: I’ll go as if for dinner.

What kind of commission, Creator,
To be a father to an adult daughter!

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe.

Oh! tell love the end
Who will go away for three years?

How are you going to present yourself to the cross?
to the place
Well, how can you not please your loved one!..

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old

Who are the judges?

Ah, evil tongues are worse than pistols.

I don't read nonsense
And even more exemplary.

The liar laughed at me!

A certificate of praise for you: you behave properly.

Bah! All familiar faces!

The women shouted “Hurray!” and they threw caps into the air.

To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov

Read not like a panorama, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement

Where is it better?
Where we are not.

More in number, cheaper in price.

I don't go here anymore
Carriage for me! Carriage!

(25 works)
1st place 47. Secular Pavel. “beyond the edge... of the Light...” = A powerful polyphony of meanings, like rigid strands twisted into a compressed spiral that is about to straighten out.

2nd place 39. Viktor Kolesnikov 6. “Autumn” = Professional. I enjoyed reading it.

3rd place 16. Svetlana Shalyapina. “Look for your own” = This is the case when the poetic idea resonated with my inner mood as a reader

4th place 12. Vita Osennyaya. “I rejoice...” = Everything here - from the title, the internal poetic melody and verbal clothing - serves one idea - joy, dissolved in nature and in man.

5th place 29. Boris Shamraev. "Forest Lake" = Lively figurative natural picture

01. Vladimir Shestakov 03. "Night of Poetry"
02. Tamara Shumeiko. "Stranger"
03. Oleg Yakimchuk. "Sunset..."
04. Vladimir Sorochkin. "Three Days of July"
11. Summer Morning. "Spring Waltz. March"
13. Natalia Zaraiskaya. "My little hands are cold"
20. Ekaterina Padukova. "Ah, summer!"
21. Olga Altovskaya. "Overcoming and Thanks"
23. Old lady-Khokhlushechka. "State"
24. Alexander Reshetnikov5. "Good morning!"
26. Irina Druzhaeva. "Flocks of birds have driven away..."
27. Frida Polak. "Give Good"
28. Lunik. "Grace"
30. Alexander Volya 2. “And the light flows and gives everyone warmth...”
31. Yana Borisova. "The most wonderful..."
36. Repin V. “I hear the noise of grass growing...”
38. Tanita Rush "Time Rolled Down to a Pea"
40. Galina Kotenko. "Lacemaker. Based on the painting by V. Tropinin"
43. Killer whale Tata. "What does tenderness smell like?"
45. Angelina Khoros. "Violin of the Soul"


01. Eduard Asadov. "A Word about Love"
02. Svetlana Pugach. "We See the Light"
03. Vladimir Sorochkin. "Before Midnight"
04. Nikolay Sysoilov. "Bird of the Moon"
11. Frida Polak. "Hope to support..."
12. Lunik. "Soul is Full"
13. Alexander Volya 2. "To the hare..."
14. Yana Borisova. "And I want to whisper to you..."
15. Oksana Kharitonova-Tsven. "Mind, heart and soul."
16. Belov Yuri Peterhof. "Let love descend upon your beauty"
17. Viktor Kolesnikov 6. “So much sun”
20. Secular Pavel. "my filigree world..."

031. Competition. "The Light of My Soul...", 2014 © Flying Beyond the Clouds =
Vote. "The light of my soul..." =
Results of the Competition. "The light of my soul..." = ---

Posted by A.A. Bestuzhev: “I’m not talking about poetry, half of it should become a proverb.”

Many of Griboyedov’s aphorisms have become part of everyday speech:

We use popular expressions without thinking about their authorship.

Of course, quotes from “Woe from Wit” gained popularity not only thanks to Griboedov’s talent. After the coup of 1917, the accusatory play was included in school programs and theater repertoires.

Griboyedov's catchphrases given below are correlated with the characters in the play. Their characteristics were obtained through catchphrases. There are eighty proverbs in total.

The most popular, and therefore most appropriate proverbs for a given person are included in the headings.

Lisa - Pass us away from all sorrows and master's anger and master's love

Famusov - That's it, you are all proud!

She can't sleep from French books,
And the Russians make it hard for me to sleep.

And all the Kuznetsky Most, and the eternal French.

No other sample is needed
When your father's example is in your eyes.

Terrible century! Don't know what to start!

Oh! Mother, don’t finish the blow!
Anyone who is poor is not a match for you.

He fell painfully, but got up well.

What kind of commission, Creator,
To be a father to an adult daughter!

Don't read like a sexton
And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

Philosophize - your mind will spin.

What kind of aces live and die in Moscow!

Brother, don’t mismanage your property,
And, most importantly, go ahead and serve.

That's it, you are all proud!

My custom is this:
Signed, off your shoulders.

You shouldn’t be in Moscow, you shouldn’t live with people;
To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov.

He wants to preach freedom!

When I have employees, strangers are very rare;
More and more sisters, sisters-in-law and children.

Well, how can you not please your loved one!..

You behaved correctly:
You've been a colonel for a long time, but you've only recently served.

They will argue, make some noise, and... disperse.

Here you go! great misfortune
What will a man drink too much?
Learning is the plague, learning is the cause.

Once evil is stopped:
Take all the books and burn them.

Bah! All familiar faces!

What does he say? and speaks as he writes!

Oh! My God! what will he say
Princess Marya Aleksevna!

Sofia - The hero of not my novel

Chatsky - Who are the judges?

It's barely light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

And here is the reward for your exploits!

Oh! tell love the end
Who will go away for three years?

Where is it better? (Sofia)
Where we are not. (Chatsky)

When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

More in number, cheaper in price?

A confusion of languages ​​still prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe.

Tell me to go into the fire: I’ll go as if for dinner.

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

However, he will reach the known degrees,
After all, nowadays they love the dumb.

Who serves the cause, not individuals...

When I'm busy, I hide from fun,
When I'm fooling around, I'm fooling around
And mix these two crafts
There are many masters, I am not one of them.

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.

Who are the judges?

The women shouted: hurray!
And they threw caps into the air!

But to have children,
Who lacked intelligence?

Ranks are given by people,
And people can be deceived.

Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world!

For mercy's sake, you and I are not guys,
Why are other people's opinions only sacred?

It won't be good to hear such praise.

No! I'm dissatisfied with Moscow.

Despite reason, despite the elements.

At least we could borrow some from the Chinese
Their ignorance of foreigners is wise.

Listen! lie, but know when to stop.

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore.
I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world,
Where is there a corner for an offended feeling!..
Carriage for me, carriage!

Skalozub - In my opinion, the fire contributed a lot to her decoration

Molchalin - Ah! evil tongues are worse than a gun

Khlestova – Calendars all lie

Repetilov – A look and something

Princess - He is a chemist, he is a botanist

Chinov doesn’t want to know! He's a chemist, he's a botanist...