Group satellite Boris Jordan. Boris Jordan: “The crisis was provoked by the United States. - Big gap...

Jordan Boris Alekseevich (Boris Jordan, born June 2, 1966, Sea Cliff, New York, USA) - Russian and American businessman, media tycoon, ex-CEO of NTV and Gazprom-Media (2001-2003), President of the Renaissance Insurance group (since 2006). Born into a family of Russian emigrants.

In 1987 he graduated from New York University with a bachelor's degree in Russian-American economic relations. After graduating from university, he worked as an analyst at the investment bank Kidder Peabody, then became vice president of the leasing company GPA Capital Inc. Since 1992, he served as managing director of the investment bank Credit Suisse First Boston in London and co-director of the Moscow branch of the same bank. In May 1995, he founded and headed the investment bank Renaissance Capital.

Since 1997 - President of IFC Renaissance, formed as a result of the merger of Renaissance Capital and the International Financial Company. In 1998, Jordan created the Sputnik investment group. In April 2001, after the assets of the Media-Most company came under the control of Gazprom, Boris Jordan was appointed general director of OJSC NTV Television Company, and in October of the same year - OJSC Gazprom-Media. In January 2003, he left both posts under political pressure.

He enjoys racing and sailing.

Married, has four children.

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Jordan Boris

Boris Jordan is president and chairman of the board of directors of the Renaissance Insurance group, chairman of the board of Sputnik Group.


By the mid-1990s, under the leadership of Boris Jordan, Credit Suisse First Boston had become a leading investment bank in Russia, a pioneer in the fields of privatization, corporate finance and securities transactions.

In May 1995, Boris Jordan founded and headed Renaissance Capital Bank, which became Russia's first Western-style investment bank serving exclusively the Russian market. And in 1998 - the International Investment Group Sputnik, of which he is still president.

In 1998–1999, Boris Jordan was the head of the board of directors of OJSC NK SIDANCO as an anti-crisis manager.

And in 2001–2003 - general director of the NTV television company and Gazprom Media OJSC. Based on the results of the financial and personnel reforms carried out by Boris Jordan, the NTV channel reached self-sufficiency and was the first of the large Russian television channels to begin to generate financial profit.

In 1999, Boris Jordan founded the Charitable Foundation for the Assistance of Cadet Corps.

Sputnik group President Education

In 1987 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of New York University.

Professional experience

In 1992, he created and headed the Direct Investment Fund in Russia.
Since 1992 - Managing Director of the Moscow branch of Credit Suisse First Boston.
In 1995, he founded and headed the investment bank Renaissance Capital.
In 1998, he created the international investment group Sputnik, of which he remains president to this day.
In 1998 - 1999 was the head of the board of directors of OJSC NK SIDANKO.
From 2001 to 2003 - General Director of the NTV television company and Gazprom-Media OJSC.
Since September 26, 2006 - President of the Renaissance Insurance group.

About company

Renaissance Insurance is one of the leaders of the modern insurance market in Russia. The company follows international standards for the quality of insurance services, technology and service, and contributes to the economic development and prosperity of its clients.
Renaissance Insurance was founded more than 10 years ago by the international investment group Sputnik. The company has licenses for all types of insurance and provides its clients with modern insurance products that take into account the specifics of the activities of a particular enterprise.
The services of the Renaissance Insurance group are available in all major cities of Russia. It has an extensive network of regional branches and representative offices.
The company has one of the largest authorized capitals on the insurance market - 2.2 billion rubles.
Renaissance Insurance is one of the most dynamically developing companies in the Russian insurance market: annually increases the volume of collected insurance premiums by more than 40%. At the end of 2008, the volume of insurance premiums collected by the company amounted to 13.2 billion rubles.
Renaissance Insurance is constantly increasing its level of capitalization. A guarantee of the company’s ability to promptly compensate for even very significant damage is one of the highest insurance reserves on the market - 6.4 billion rubles.
Evidence of the financial stability of the Renaissance Insurance group is the highest reliability rating of A++ from the Expert RA agency.

An entrepreneur “around whom everything comes into motion,” Boris Jordan was born in the USA into a family of Russian emigrants, but always dreamed of living and working in Russia. He has been doing this since the early nineties. Founded the Renaissance Capital financial group, was the general director of Gazprom-Media, and headed NTV. Since 2006 - President of the Renaissance Insurance Group, one of the 15 largest insurance companies in Russia. He actively contributed to the process of reunification of the two branches of Russian Orthodoxy. He says that “the Orthodox faith... determines the principles” by which he works. He likes to relax with his children, of whom he has five, fish, and barbecue on weekends. Member of the Snob project since December 2008.

The city where I live



“I know the most important thing: I am a Russian person, and this is my calling card throughout the world. … For me, Russia is more than a place of professional work. That's why I stayed."


Where he was born

Sea Cliff

New York State, USA

Who was born to

Father - Alexey Borisovich Jordan, was born in Yugoslavia, where he graduated from the First Russian Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Cadet Corps. After World War II he moved to the USA. He worked in a bank and taught Russian language and Russian history at a parish school. He was vice-chairman of the New York Association of Russian Cadets Abroad.

“I am Russian by blood and upbringing. I am Orthodox. Our family lived in Russia for 500 years and left it for only 70 years. What does 70 years mean to history? Instant!"

“My family came to the United States right after World War II, in the 50s... we lived quite poorly. We had 9 people in the family... Dad, who supported the whole family, when the children were growing up, sent them to work... My father was quite strict in terms of upbringing. English was forbidden at home.”

Mother - Maria Aleksandrovna Jordan (née Shishkova), in the 50s in New York she worked at Radio Liberty.

“Among my mother’s ancestors, she is from the Shishkov family... and the historian Tatishchev, and the encyclopedist of the era of Catherine II Bolotov... Admiral Alexander Shishkov, who was the Minister of Public Education under Alexander I, the President of the Russian Academy. Pushkin wrote many epigrams about him. By the way, there are lines about him in “Eugene Onegin.”

Where and what did you study?

He graduated from New York University with a bachelor's degree in Russian-American economic relations.

Where and how did you work?

He was an analyst in the project finance department of the investment bank Kidder Peabody, and a director and vice president of GPA Capital Inc.

He worked at the American investment bank Credit Suisse First Boston in London - first as managing director, then as head of the investment banking department of the bank's Moscow representative office.

“When I was at university, I wanted to go into the political service to work. I wanted to get into the embassy and work in Russia... They told me... you will never work in Russia... because you are too emotional about Russia, you will not be objective from the point of view of American interests. ...It was 1991... I started looking for a large Western bank that was interested in Russia... I found the Credit Suisse bank, which was interested in Russia at that time... They hired me to head their office in Moscow. And that’s how I came to Moscow at the beginning of ’92.”

Founded the Renaissance Capital financial group (Moscow) and was its president and chairman.

In 1998, he established the Sputnik International Investment Group (Sputnik Funds), its president and chairman of the board. The group owns shares in the companies Svyazinvest, Sidanko, Purneftegaz, the radio station Europe Plus, the publishing house Afisha and etc.

He was the General Director of OJSC Gazprom-Media and OJSC NTV Television Company.

“It was one of the most interesting things or jobs I've ever had. I might not have been paid, I would have done it anyway, because it was extremely interesting... I came out of the financial world, for me it was a completely different world. And I was pleased, many of my friends today remain people with NTV.”

President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Renaissance Insurance Group LLC, part of the Sputnik group. Member of the boards of directors of subsidiaries of insurance companies established jointly with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

“I created an insurance company, raise capital, invest and receive 100% of the income. I like this idea because I am an investment banker and I am building not an insurance company, but an investment group... Risk insurance is bought, but “life” is sold, so a lot depends on the relationship between the client and the agent.”


At the age of 26, he became the youngest vice president at GPA Capital, where he had worked since 1989, and in 2007 his assets in Russia already amounted to $500 million, according to the Russian magazine Forbes. He was not included in the Forbes Golden Hundred list due to his American citizenship.

Public affairs

He was an expert at the public-state fund “Russian Privatization Center”, a consultant to the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation, and an expert for many printed publications on the state of the Russian stock market and on the reaction of its participants to political events in the country.

Together with IG Sputnik, he is actively involved in charitable and sponsorship activities. At the expense of Sputnik, repair work was carried out to restore the Annunciation Tomb of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

“It was closed for almost ten years, there was no money for restoration. But people are buried there who did a lot for Russia. Suvorov’s ashes also rest there...”

Founder and President of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Cadet Corps named after. Alexey Jordan.

“When my wife and I started living in Russia, she began to do some charity work, and we began to visit many orphanages, boarding schools... There are many cadet corps today... many of them were built on the basis of former orphanages.”

He actively participated in the preparations for the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, a delegate of the IV All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

“I am very glad that this unification of churches took place, because, I believe, it was not only the joining of churches, it was the unification of Russian society, which split in 1919... I participated in the process of unifying churches, I gave a speech at a foreign council Synod, when the decision was made. I was for this unification..."

One of the founders of the national literary award "Big Book".

Public acceptance

He was awarded the gold medal of the Russian Union of Historical Cities and Regions “For contribution to the heritage of the peoples of Russia” and the “Kremlin Grand” award in the nomination “For personal contribution to the development of the cadet corps of Russia.”

Knight of the Orders: St. Vladimir, III degree (ROC) - for contribution to the development of the cadet corps of Russia and the spiritual education of the younger generation, Peter the Great, I degree "For outstanding services and great personal contribution to the development and strengthening of the Russian state" of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement , Seraphim of Sarov, III degree - for active participation in the spiritual revival of the Fatherland.

First created and invented

Founded in 1995, Renaissance Capital became the first Western-style investment bank in Russia serving exclusively the Russian market.

“In a short time we have become leaders in the investment market. This may irritate some people, but I take it calmly. When you get ahead, you have to be prepared for the fact that some people won't like it. This is the price for success."

Known for…

Organized the attraction of significant foreign investment - more than $1 billion - during voucher privatization in Russia in the early 90s. Participated in the development of the first loans-for-shares auctions. In particular, in 1992, the government invited him to organize the first privatization auction for the sale of the Moscow confectionery factory Bolshevik. On behalf of the Russian Ministry of Finance, he organized financing for the Russian government in the amount of $400 million.

Participated in scandals

The purchase of a stake in the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant in 1994 led to the initiation of an operational case in the FSB, which then served as a reason for including the Jordan name in the “control list” of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“This was the first war in Russia for shareholder rights. For some time I even lost my Russian visa because of this struggle. But this also became a kind of lesson. For the first time, we encountered a situation where a representative of the controlling shareholder was not allowed into the company.”

He resigned from the post of general director of Gazprom-Media after a series of conflicts with both the authorities and the management of Channel One. The immediate reason for the dismissal was the unauthorized live broadcast of the storming of a building on Dubrovka, captured by terrorists (Nord-Ost).

I love

“I love to sleep—I do it so rarely that I’ve learned to appreciate it.”

kebabs, American barbecues, Argentine asado...


Wife: Elizabeth Jordan.

“She is also from a family of Russian emigrants - nee Terentyeva. Our grandmothers studied together at the Smolny Institute.”

“I have five children - four boys and one girl, and I try to take them on vacation more often. They live in London and when I’m not with them, they speak English. With me - only in Russian. I try to do this so that they do not forget their native language and their roots."

The elder brother is Nikolai (Nicholas) Jordan, CEO of Deutsche Bank Morgan Grenfell (a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank). He was an adviser to the Gazprom-Media concern.

“We communicate closely. He is a very influential banker in the Russian market and is involved in many major transactions. But we are independent businessmen, and my brother doesn’t need my help.”

And generally speaking…

“I love building businesses, I get a thrill from it, and I consider myself a born entrepreneur.”

“I am committed to strict adherence to business ethics. I never say that someone is bad or illiterate in running their business. This is their own business!.. I prefer to build my own business than to watch what others are doing.”

“For me, intuition plays a very important role. ...I feel what needs to be done and where to go, I hire strong people, take into account their mentality and approaches. My strength is in entrepreneurship, not long-term management."

President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Renaissance Insurance Group, Chairman of the Management Board of Sputnik Group

Boris Jordan is a man around whom everything comes into motion and develops exactly as he intended. He is one of the most visionary and successful investment bankers in Russia.


Boris was born in 1966 in the United States to a family of Russian immigrants, graduated from New York University with a bachelor's degree in Russian-American economic relations and began his career in the project finance department of the investment bank Kidder, Peabody.


At 26 years old, Boris becomes the youngest vice president at GPA Capital, where he has worked since 1989.

In 1992, Boris moved to the position of managing director of the investment bank Credit Suisse First Boston in London, then managing director of the same bank, but in Moscow. Boris first came to Moscow in 1987 by accident due to the emergency landing of a plane flying to Japan. According to him, it was then that he began to want to live and work in Russia.

By the mid-1990s, under the leadership of Boris Jordan, Credit Suisse First Boston had become a leading investment bank in Russia, a pioneer in the fields of privatization, corporate finance and securities transactions.

In May 1995, Boris Jordan founded and headed Renaissance Capital Bank, which became Russia's first Western-style investment bank serving exclusively the Russian market. And in 1998 - the International Investment Group Sputnik, of which he is still president.

In 1998–1999, Boris Jordan was the head of the board of directors of OJSC NK SIDANCO as an anti-crisis manager. And in 2001–2003 - general director of the NTV television company and Gazprom-Media OJSC. Based on the results of the financial and personnel reforms carried out by Boris Jordan, the NTV channel reached self-sufficiency and was the first of the large Russian television channels to begin to generate financial profit.

In 1999, Boris Jordan founded the Charitable Foundation for the Assistance of Cadet Corps.

Boris Jordan's father and grandfather graduated from the cadet corps.

In September 2006, Boris Jordan decided to personally head the Renaissance Insurance Group, which became a key area of ​​investment for the Sputnik Group in Russia.