Gubin how old is he? Andrey Gubin: Metamorphoses of a tramp boy. Famous but lonely. Personal life of Andrey Gubin

Andrey Klementyev, better known as Andrey Gubin, was born on April 30, 1974 in the city of Ufa. The boy grew up in an intelligent Soviet family: his stepfather Viktor Viktorovich, whom Andrei always called father, worked as a research assistant and in his free time drew cartoons for Soviet magazines. Mother Svetlana Viktorovna was a housewife.

The boy spent the first eight years of his life in his hometown, after which the family moved to a small rented apartment in Moscow. Due to Andrei’s mother’s lack of Moscow registration, they constantly changed housing, hiding from the police. The boy began to help his father earn money early: he also drew cartoons, which he took to the Krokodil magazine.

At school, Andrei studied so well that his father decided to transfer the child from second grade directly to fourth. Such a decision had a negative impact on the boy’s academic performance; mathematics became especially difficult for him. Constant moving and changing schools also took its toll; Gubin did not have time to get used to the team and make real friends.

During his school years, the boy became very interested in sports. At first his hobby became chess, and a little later - football. Andrei played football professionally and even joined the Moscow national team, but was injured. Due to a broken leg, the guy had to forget about sports forever.

However, pretty soon Gubin switched to music. He dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood, but was very embarrassed by his burr, which, in his opinion, was unacceptable for an artist. The mother supported her son in his aspirations and sent the boy to speech therapists, thanks to which by the age of fifteen Andrei could confidently pronounce the letter “r”. The boy composed his first poem at the same young age and dedicated it to his father.


Andrei Gubin began his musical career thanks to his father. At a young age, he bought the future musician his first guitar, with which the boy began to compose his first works. In 1986, the guy wrote the song “Tramp Boy,” which he performed on the youth television program “Up to Sixteen and Over.” Andrey came to the show quite by accident; editor-in-chief Tamara Pavlichenko heard his guitar playing and invited the musician to her program.

In his youth, Andrei was seriously inspired by the spirit of freethinking and mainly tried to write political songs. Because of his worldview and views, he often had discussions with teachers, which subsequently negatively affected grades in some subjects. At one time, Andrei even got excited about the idea of ​​becoming a journalist. However, an unsuccessful interview with Russian stage star Andrei Makarevich forced the guy to abandon this dream.

Somehow graduating from school with several bad marks in his certificate, one of which was for behavior, Andrei entered the Gnessin School. Studying turned out to be tedious and boring for the young artist, and he soon abandoned education.

By that time, the father of the future singer, Viktor Viktorovich, had established a business in Moscow, became vice-president of the commodity exchange and the owner of several recording studios. Such an improvement in the living conditions of the Gubin family allowed Andrei to start his career in music and focus on creativity.

The artist published his first album, “I’m a Homeless Man,” in 1989 in a limited edition of two hundred copies. The main theme of the album was the housing problems that the artist experienced in his youth due to his mother’s lack of Moscow registration. Following this, two more unofficial albums of the artist were released: “Ave Maria” and “Prince and Princess”. Now these records are considered a real rarity among fans of Gubin’s work.

But Andrey’s performance at the “Slavutich-94” song contest brought real fame and popularity to Andrey. There, the talented artist was noticed by singer and composer Leonid Agutin, who offered the guy help in recording the album. This sentence became key in Andrei’s musical biography. Gubin and Agutin changed the arrangement and went to record in a studio in Tver.

In 1996, Gubin’s first professional album was released under the same name “Tramp Boy”. The popularity of the young singer skyrocketed, he became an idol of youth and acquired a huge crowd of fans who literally followed on the heels of the artist during the filming of videos and concerts.

Two years later, Gubin pleased fans with a new record called “Only You.” Since 1998, he went on tour in support of his new concert program, including on the tour not only the cities of Russia, but also Ukraine and Belarus. The success of the second album in many ways surpassed the success of the artist's debut album. Almost all the songs became hits and occupied leading positions in Russian charts for a long time. The name of Andrei Gubin was on everyone’s lips, his concerts attracted full houses.

Despite his growing popularity, Andrei Gubin continued to feel complex about his appearance, according to numerous articles. The young man was constantly embarrassed by his short height (166 cm), but the love of the public gradually helped the young man cope with his complexes. But his colleagues on the stage did not support Andrei much. Anton Zatsepin even performed the song “Only Gubin is shorter” by Igor Nikolaev, which caused the singer’s indignation.

In 1999, Andrei went to Canada to record an English-language album, the goal of which was to conquer Western audiences. However, the recording of the record did not work out; distant Canada seemed too calm and boring for the artist to write new material. Without recording a single English-language song, Gubin returned to Russia, where he immediately recorded the song “I Dream of You.” The composition, like all the singer’s works, instantly soared to the top positions of the charts, reminding listeners of the talented singer.

In 2000, Andrei’s third album, “It Was, But It’s Gone,” was released. Listeners received Gubin's new work extremely warmly, which could not be said about music critics. They called several songs from the disc frankly weak and passable, which seriously hurt the singer. He worked on his next album for two years, occasionally releasing new songs. Obsessed with perfection, he canceled the release of one of the songs and its video, considering that they were not yet ready enough.

In 2002, the fourth studio album “Always with You” was released, which became very successful and popular, like the singer’s previous works. Andrey continued to release videos and new songs, but two years later he published not a new album, but only a collection of his best compositions called “Time of the Romantics.”

Andrey recorded several songs in collaboration with other musicians. In 2003, the track “I’m Always with You” and a video for it were released, recorded together with Olga Orlova. In 2004, the composition “Those Who Love” appeared, which Gubin performed together with the group “Kraski”.

Also, since 2004, he began writing songs for other Russian performers and began producing. Andrey became the author of the popular song “La-la-la,” which opened the way for the solo work of singer Zhanna Friske. Gubin also became the producer of the aspiring singer Yulia Beretta and the “Pay Attention” group.

Due to difficult events in his life, the singer experienced a long creative crisis. In 2008, he published a collection of his songs, which included only one new composition, “Lena,” which was not particularly popular. The collection also includes tracks that have long been known and loved by fans: “Liza”, “Night”, “Winter-Cold”, “My Darling is Far Away”, “Tramp Boy”, “Dancing”, “Girls Like Stars” and other hits performer.

In 2008, the DVD album “The best” was released, which also did not contain new compositions. In 2009, Andrei’s unfinished song “Tenderness” hit the Internet.

Personal life

The press often attributes numerous affairs to Andrei Gubin, both with his wards and simply with colleagues in show business. However, the singer himself has repeatedly stated that his romances never lasted long, and now he is in search of the ideal girl with whom he could start a family.

The singer’s first true love, whom he wanted to lead down the aisle, was the girl Lisa, whom Andrei accidentally met on the subway. An affair began between them, the lovers began to live together, but due to Gubin’s constant tours and busy work schedule, the couple was forced to separate.

The singer often started short-term affairs with young models from his videos. However, these relationships always ended quickly.

Back in 2004, the artist was diagnosed with a disease of the nervous system, the cause of which was constant overwork and stress. Due to his illness, Andrei began to experience frequent attacks of headaches.

In 2007, a tragedy occurred in Gubin’s life - his father died. The famous singer was grieving the loss, which had a detrimental effect on both his creative career and life in general. In 2010, he officially became unemployed, as his ward Ekaterina Gordon decided to close the show and pursue a music career. These events pushed Andrei to alcohol abuse, after which, according to rumors, for some time he was treated in clinics for addiction. To improve his peace of mind, the singer went to Thailand, where he visited famous sacred places.

Due to health problems, Andrei Gubin was forced to leave the big stage.

In 2012, the singer took part in the talk shows “Tonight” and “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov, where he talked about his life after the stage.

The singer's website has not been updated since 2015. The artist practically disappeared from the media space.

Andrey Gubin now

In 2016, he gave a rare interview to StarHit magazine. Gubin spoke about his loneliness and failures with women. Now Andrey not only has no wife and children, but also no permanent girlfriend. The musician shared that he even has difficulty meeting girls, although he willingly makes contact both on social networks and in real life.

At the end of 2016, fans photographed Gubin at the airport. He changed almost beyond recognition and, according to fans, began to look much better than in previous photos. In December, Andrey opened an account on Instagram, and by March 2017 he had already gained 2.5 thousand subscribers.


  • Tramp Boy
  • Only you
  • It was, but it's gone
  • Always with you
  • Time for romantics

“Will there be more songs like this, bright, pure, albeit naive, but unrealistically pleasant?” – his fans write again and again in the comments to stories about Andrei Gubin. From the “tramp boy”, who filled stadiums and was forced to walk the streets surrounded by bodyguards, we haven’t heard any fresh compositions or any news for several years now... What happened to the author of the all-time hit “Liza”? Will Gubin still please us with wonderful songs and new concerts?

The singer and composer described himself in one interview as “stuck between two musical generations.” He meant the galaxy of Agutin, Malikov, and the younger generation is “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” and “Beasts”. Naturally emerging out of nowhere, Andrei, like a bright star, rushed rapidly across the musical horizon and also unexpectedly disappeared in the late 2000s. How did he manage to fly so high without musician parents, without acquaintances in the world of show business? And what is the reason for his sudden disappearance from the scene and many years of silence?

Brief data from the singer's biography

  • Full name: Klementyev, Andrey Valerievich (according to the birth certificate), later – Gubin, Andrey Viktorovich;
  • Year and place of birth: 1974, April 30; Ufa, rep. Bashkortostan (former Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the USSR);
  • Parents: mother – Gubina, Svetlana (died in 2012); biological father unknown; father recorded on the birth certificate - Klementyev, Valery; stepfather, who subsequently adopted Andrei and gave him his patronymic and surname - Gubin, Victor (died in 2007);
  • Height and weight: 1 m. 66 cm, about 55 kg;
  • Education: incomplete higher education; Studied at the Higher State Music College named after. Gnessins;
  • Proficiency in musical instruments: piano, guitar;
  • Occupation: singer, producer, composer, songwriter;
  • Marital status: not married, no children.

Childhood story

How reputable sources of information love to publish outright lies! This injustice did not spare Andrei Gubin either, because they did not write about him in order to get more readers on the “yellow” pages. Allegedly, Svetlana Gubina was a chronic alcoholic, and because of this, the boy and his mother wandered around rented dirty apartments, hiding from the police. Other publications, citing “reliable” sources, relished his supposedly constant (almost since school) passion for alcohol: as if his real father was so steeped in drinking “little white” that this vice was inherited by the singer. Such an outright lie, although it attracted a large number of those thirsty for “strawberries,” is not true in a single word.

happy childhood…

The only truth from what is written above is that the future youth idol of the 90s really does not know who his biological father is. Valery Klementyev married Andrei’s mother when the boy and his sister (more on her later) were not yet alive. Then the couple separated and no longer lived together, Svetlana had a son, and according to the law, the actual husband was recorded on the birth certificate. Condemning this fact is a manifestation of hypocrisy of the highest category, especially now, when every day from TV screens we hear in different shows: “My son is five (six, ten) years old, and I don’t know which of my then three partners is the father.” . Well, it’s funny, by God...

Four years after Andrei was born, Svetlana Klementyeva’s daughter Nastya was born. Her surname “Klementieva” was also written down in her documents - the mother of two children had not yet been divorced from her first husband. Later, when Svetlana finally filed for divorce, she married Anastasia’s father, it was Viktor Nikolaevich Gubin. He adopted his wife's eldest child and gave him his patronymic and surname. Viktor Gubin was a very interesting person: a graduate of a technical university in Leningrad, who worked in Ufa at an oil and gas research institute, a talented cartoonist; shortly before his death in 2007, he became vice-president of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange. Andrei said many times about his stepfather that Viktor Nikolaevich was like a father to him and his sister, he loved them very much, did not refuse them anything, tried his best to give the children an education and everything they needed for a “strong” future.

Where did this crazy (what else can you call it?) information about wandering around rented apartments and constant flight from the police come from? The Gubins moved to Moscow because the head of the family was offered a job in the capital. They didn’t have their own apartment or Moscow registration for some time, and the family was renting a house; why shouldn’t they live at the station? From time to time I had to move from rented housing to another, it’s true. Due to frequent changes of school, the boy had some problems with his studies, Andrei himself never denied this. But he was fond of chess at school, played it well, and he had another hobby - football.

with Father…

It was the stepfather, no, the father (as Gubin Jr. always calls Gubin Sr. in interviews) who bought the young man his first, very expensive guitar; he welcomed the boy’s passion for football and chess, and approved his first poems. The school football club where the boy went could be a great start to a future sports career - Andrei was going to go with the team to the Moscow championship. Alas, a knee injury just before the competition reduced the chances of continuing to play sports to zero. If it weren’t for the injury, who knows: maybe now the media would be writing not about the singer, but about the world-famous football player Gubin!

During his school years, Andrei had two complexes: his small height for a guy (only 166 cm) and his burr. He even mentioned that his classmates teased him for both shortcomings, which is why he was so passionate about football - he wanted to realize himself in sports and prove to everyone that short stature does not interfere with success. And suddenly, unexpectedly - injury! There was an outlet left, one more hobby - poetry and sketches of music (the boy began to slowly write it “on the table”). And again the father comes to the rescue: he gives money to his son to record his first (still unprofessional) disc, the young man called this album “I’m a Homeless Man.”

The young man also had plans to become a journalist. In the then-famous program “Up to Sixteen and Over,” fifteen-year-old Gubin tried to interview Andrei Makarevich. The very first question put the venerable musician at a dead end! And the question was: “Everyone in life has a clear division between untruth and truth. What is truth for you in a general, global sense?” The young correspondent chalked up Makarevich’s bewilderment and embarrassment to his own account: since such a popular and intelligent musician cannot answer my question, then I am a useless journalist. Thus, Andrei Gubin’s journalistic career ended without even beginning.

A quick way up to the musical Olympus

In his last year of school, Andrei already knew exactly what he would do: he would write his own songs! And at home there was the disc “I’m a Homeless Man,” which, by the way, already contained the future hit “Tramp Boy.” The young man takes the documents to the famous “Gnesinka” and gets in without any difficulty. Andrei himself now cannot explain why he started skipping classes from the first year, but the fact is this: he did not move on to the second year, he was expelled for poor attendance and a large number of “tails”.

Two more discs appeared from the future youth idol, and again they did not reach a wide circle of listeners: these are “The Prince and the Pauper” and “Ave Maria”. By the way, the album “I’m a Homeless Man,” which was recorded in two hundred copies, was later sold by Gubin, already at the peak of his fame. Now this disc is an incredibly sought-after rarity among the singer’s fans. In the program “Up to Sixteen and Over,” the young man stopped working as a correspondent, but tried to show himself as a singer: in one of the programs he performed his song “School with a military bias.” The song was not particularly successful, but its performance on TV in the early 90s can be considered the starting point of the artist’s musical career.

The first step towards success was taken in 1994, when Gubin attended the “Golden Autumn of Slavutich” festival in Kyiv. There, Leonid Agutin noticed the talented boy, and he offered Andrey help in “promoting” to the big stage. At his suggestion, the disc “Tramp Boy” was released, and the single of the same name from the album instantly became a hit. Within less than a month, half a million original, officially released discs were sold. And how many fakes were stamped, which were also instantly sold out on black markets - no one knows. According to some sources, the figure was closer to five million.

At that time, Andrei’s sister, Nastya, graduated from school and went to the USA for a year. As she recalls, it was a complete surprise for her to discover upon arrival a year later that her brother was the idol of all the girls in the country. His brother not only released a disc: Andrei began to actively tour, collecting full halls and stadiums. He returned to his father the money that he had once given him for his first albums. When asked later: “Did he really take it?” – the singer replied: “Why not? He did so much for me as a child, and besides, I gave him this money myself. He was a serious businessman, I also knew the value of money, so this happened without mutual offense.”

Gubin now has funds, and huge ones at that. For the first concert, according to his recollections, he received about one hundred and thirty rubles - that’s what teachers and doctors earned in a month back then. And at that time he received the largest amount (about three thousand dollars) ... for performing on a collective farm in the tundra! The artists were received with a bang, paid in cash, and then a large feast was arranged for them, which could not be refused. The singer later recalls: “I remember vaguely... We are in some restaurant in the parking lot... Another toast, accompanied by the words: whoever doesn’t drink is Kirkorov!”

The artist earned incredible money: in terms of the amount of concert fees, he, according to him, could periodically “outpace” the then popular Agutin and Malikov. Andrei’s sister later admitted in an interview (and the singer himself never mentioned this) that he helped her financially with entering college and gave her money “to live on.”

“Just think, well, yes, he gave five hundred bucks a month, is that really a lot?” - Gubin then became embarrassed.

He also helped Anastasia and her husband buy an apartment, and he did this first, and then bought a home for himself in Moscow. Probably, in gratitude to his brother-in-law, Nastya’s husband insisted that the singer’s nephew be named Andrei - Anastasia herself wanted to choose a different name.

Andrei then crossed paths with Agutin, who gave such a happy start to the young talent, many times at concerts and in life. But what is surprising: the then-famous singer himself offered help, and subsequently Gubin never turned to Agutin with requests, but remained on warm terms with him. “Why would I bother my elders if I could achieve everything myself?” – this is how Andrey explained it. He really didn’t need any help: he began collaborating with the team “Caramel” and released their joint video “Shuba-Duba” in 1998. In the same year, another album, “Only You,” was released, and the tour continued: the singer was applauded in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. The team traveled to the USA, Israel, Germany, and everywhere - wild success.

Talk about the arrogance of the then Gubin, about his sudden “star fever” is also gossip and speculation. He himself explained these rumors this way these days: “I was very demanding of everyone, I fined everyone for minor offenses, even fired them. A lot of people were offended by this.” Gubin reacted negatively if his colleagues arrived close to the plane (before a tour) “from Budun”, sloppily dressed. He also demanded from the group’s employees that they not get carried away by nightly adventures with fans - Andrei himself was very decent in this regard.

Andrei's popularity knew no bounds: his “Liza” and “Winter-Cold” were known not only in Russia and the former republics, but also abroad. Friends invite Gubin to Canada with the expectation that there he will be able to “promote himself” to the whole world. In North America, the Russian “golden-voiced boy” was treated more than calmly, and the singer himself was not particularly enthusiastic about running around the studios. He returns to Moscow, continues to collaborate with “Kraski”, writes songs for Olga Orlova and Zhanna Friske. In 2004, he begins to “promote” Yulia Beretta, he is awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Nothing foreshadowed the end of his career: a video “Those who love” together with “Kraski” appears on the Internet; together with Orlova he shoots the video “I am always with you”, this was in 2009.

Life failures and illness

Three years earlier, stepfather Viktor Gubin unexpectedly died.

“This heart attack, which brought death to him, was also a blow to my heart,” Andrei’s words about the unexpected loss.

2007 marked the beginning of a creative crisis for the artist, but so far he has held on with all his might, despite severe psychological trauma. The situation was aggravated by the death of his mother, and Gubin suddenly stopped appearing in public, dismissed the musicians, and did not answer calls when he was offered another tour.

It is now known that it was not only the death of his parents that brought down Andrei. According to him, back in 2001 he had health problems: a headache suddenly came on, his eyes and teeth hurt, and just as suddenly the malaise went away. “How do men react to illness? I’ll lie down and take a pill and maybe it’ll go away. And so I did. Then I didn’t pay attention and started causing sores,” the singer later said. Once again the disease made itself known, but the pain did not go away either after a week or after three months, and now it hurt incessantly. “I couldn’t open my mouth, it was unbearable to move my eyes. I went to the doctors, they said it was inflammation of the facial nerve, they prescribed me pills, but it was of no use,” is how the artist describes that period.

He spent a whole year in bed, reading books. Then I realized: it’s only getting worse, I need to start moving. He slowly began to get out into the street, bought a bicycle and “like a fool he walked kilometers around Moscow,” - his words. The pain subsided only when he slept, and Gubin said many times that he bravely endured it (and still endures it) - he was able not to get hooked on strong painkillers. He cannot sing - he speaks with difficulty and moves his jaws, not enough to sing. There is no panic or hysteria: “Apparently, I now need to live this life.”

Today, Gubin’s life philosophy is to move as much as possible, thus overcoming pain. He is not worried that he no longer earns huge fees:

“I managed to buy an apartment, the songs “drip” a little, it’s enough to live on.”

They keep inviting him to concerts, offering him contracts, but he stubbornly refuses:

“I don’t want to embarrass myself, I don’t look so great. Let my fans remember that old image of Andrei Gubin.”

He rides a bike and has slowly started playing football again. “Before, of course, it was better - black cash, they gave you money in your hands. But I'm not complaining! I realized that I can easily do without a stage. I can’t perform, and I don’t have much strength, to be honest. I live with dignity, I can afford to relax abroad for a couple of months once a year,” this is how he talks about what he is doing now.

About the personal life of Andrey Gubin

As soon as the singer gained popularity, crowds of enthusiastic fans immediately appeared - this is natural. In the footage of old filming you can see how hundreds of girls are running after Andrei, and he is hiding in a ring of powerful guards - it couldn’t have been any other way, they would have torn him into souvenirs!

Fact: no one accused Gubin of depraved behavior either then or now; he tried to stay away from annoying fans and was not popular for personal reasons. In one of his first interviews, when asked about relationships with women, he said, embarrassed: “Actually, I don’t just want a relationship, but a family and children.”

The famous “Liza,” according to the singer, was dedicated to his first girlfriend, with whom he was truly in love, a certain Elizaveta Sautina. According to the artist, they met by chance on the subway, but met very rarely due to Andrei’s busy schedule, and then the girl could not stand the relationship “in fits and starts” and stopped going on dates herself. As is known from Gubin’s stories, she went to the USA and got married there.

In the photo is Lyusya Kobevko

The singer loved Lyudmila Kobevko (soloist of “Karamelek”) very much, they were together for a year and a half. We parted (in his words) “with terrible scenes and scandals.” Then for six months he could not even look at women - the breakup had such a strong effect on his psyche.

He is credited with an affair with Julia Beretta, but he does not refuse this. However, in the program “Secret for a Million” he told presenter Lera that for more than six months after meeting Yulia they had no personal relationship, and only then they began to meet closely. They broke up (as Gubin said in the same program) because of obsessive fans and because of their constant calls demanding dates: Yulia was very jealous and suspected Andrei of cheating on her with fans. Leroy also invited a certain young man to the program who claimed that Andrei Gubin was his father. Despite the almost photographic resemblance, genetic analysis showed the absence of family ties between the artist and this guy.

Now Andrey Gubin is not dating anyone. He does not hide the facts of his turbulent relationships with his ex-girlfriends, and he tries to bear the fact that at the moment he does not have a life partner stoically. He likes to quote the words of the athlete Salnikov: “All successes are important if there is someone at whose feet you can throw laurels.” Fame and money, according to the singer, are not needed by him now, because the woman he loves is not nearby. “I realized that I was happy only when I fell in love. They say about me: and then the tramp boy began to have a black streak... And I didn’t even have a white streak! So, stripes... When I met Lyusya, or met Lisa..."

  1. He got rid of the burr on his own: he did not go to speech therapists, although his father and mother insisted. He persistently practiced the “hated letter” (as he called “r”) and gradually began to speak correctly.
  2. Andrei does not like to be asked about his religious beliefs. “I believe in God, but I don’t go to church often, I don’t fast, I don’t light candles.”
  3. Already ill, he got a job at a church near his house... washing floors. “I went to church three times a week and washed. Then some granny yelled at me - it wasn’t mine, and he stopped, he was offended. Otherwise I would still be washing.”
  4. If he is asked which song from the time of his popularity is the best (not his), he names “Clouds”, which was sung by “Ivanushki”: “To compose something like this, you need to have both talent and perseverance.”
  5. He considers the song “Snow,” performed by Kristina Orbakaite, to be his biggest failure. “Well, it didn’t suit her, even though the song was good. I still don’t understand why she took “Snow” and recorded it. It wasn’t her, that’s why it didn’t fire.”
  6. The main reason why now the singer doesn’t even write songs for other performers is the lack of love in his life. He says: “Where will love and creativity come from if all my thoughts now are how not to die, how to save my skin?”

Andrey Viktorovich Gubin (April 30, 1974) is a Russian pop singer and singer-songwriter. He worked as a journalist for some time and then produced Julia Beretta.


Andrey Viktorovich was born on April 30 in Ufa. He never saw his father: his parents divorced before the boy was born, and he subsequently never took part in raising the child.

His stepfather, Viktor Viktorovich Gubin (from whom young Andrei received both his patronymic and surname), was initially the president of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, and then, after resigning, he worked as a caricaturist thanks to his excellent drawing skills. Andrei’s mother, Svetlana Vasilyevna, had never worked in her life and preferred to do household chores, raising two children: Andrei and his sister Nastya.

Since childhood, young Andrei was constantly looking for himself in numerous activities and hobbies. While in elementary school, he asked his parents to enroll him in a chess club. He learned to play well and even performed at competitions several times, but without winning any prizes, he quickly lost interest in the hobby and after some time forgot about it.

In high school, another hobby appeared in Andrei Gubin’s life – football. Despite his short stature and fragile physique, the guy held up relatively well on the field and even beat larger players. So, for 3-4 years he was actively involved in his football career and in the end was even considered as a candidate for the youth football league. But, unfortunately, a broken leg received by the guy as a result of an accident in the yard forever deprived him of the opportunity to continue his sports career.


Being a young and very talented guy, Andrei Viktorovich enrolls in journalism courses and is making good progress in this area. First, he works in the editorial office of one of the local newspapers, and then, having received good reviews from the manager, he becomes a real journalist, traveling around cities in search of interesting material.

This one day leads him to Andrei Makarevich (at that time Gubin needed material about domestic rock bands and their soloists). The conversation goes well, the article is published in the newspaper, but Andrei Viktorovich himself is already beginning to understand that the profession of a journalist is clearly not suitable for him.

After the interview, Gubin worked in the editorial office for some time, trying to weigh everything and not make hasty decisions. But the idea that came to him during an interview with Makarevich that he also wants to be a musician haunts the young man and he eventually puts an end to his career as a journalist. Andrey enters the Gnesin State Music College, after which he plans to start an independent career.

Music career

Studying at a music school was by no means as easy as journalism. Andrey was not good at the theoretical part, and vocal teachers stated that his data might not be enough for a successful singing career. All this made the guy nervous and miss classes, which is why he was kicked out after a year of training. Gubin never began to recover and continue his studies at the school.

Immediately after his expulsion, Andrei Gubin begins to write his first compositions. First, he records the single “Tramp Boy,” and immediately after it releases the unprofessionally recorded album “I’m a Homeless Man.” In a relatively short period of time, he releases two more albums: “The Prince and the Pauper” and “Ave Maria”, neither of which gains sufficient popularity. Maximum ─ they are sold in copies of 20 copies each.

In 1994, having learned about the upcoming music competition “Slavutich-1994”, Gubin signed up as a participant and performed with his composition “Tramp Boy”. Leonid Agutin, who sits on the jury of the competition, immediately notices the beginner and talented Gubin, who shows good promise. The artist offers the guy cooperation and recording of compositions, as well as professional creation of albums, to which Gubin, naturally, immediately agrees.

In the period from 2000 to 2007, Andrei Gubin actively toured the CIS countries, performed compositions he himself created and released albums one after another. His songs become very popular and soon begin to be heard on radio and television. The most famous singles are “Only You”, “It Was, But It’s Gone”, “DJ Putin”, “Mama Maria”, “Tenderness” and others.

In 2007, Andrei Gubin left the stage and continued his career only as a producer. First, he works with Yulia Beretta, and then offers his services to Mike Mironenko. However, Gubin as a producer obviously does not suit young and ambitious performers who prefer a different song format. Therefore, a year later, both Julia and Mike leave the failed producer and go on a “free swim.”

Andrey Viktorovich Gubin. Born on April 30, 1974 in Ufa. Russian pop singer and musician, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).

Stepfather - Viktor Viktorovich Gubin, worked as a researcher and cartoonist in many Soviet magazines, in the 1980s he was a freelance leader of a group of cartoonists for the Trud newspaper, later vice-president of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, had several recording companies, produced Andrey, died March 3, 2007.

Younger sister - Nastya Klementyeva.

The family moved to Moscow when Andrei was 8 years old.

As a child, he was fond of chess, played football professionally, played for the Moscow national team, but a broken leg put an end to sports.

During my school years, following my stepfather, I tried to draw caricatures, offering them to Krokodil magazine. According to him, he even received some money for it.

For a long time I had problems with diction; I began to pronounce the letter “r” only at the age of 15.

He worked part-time as a journalist, interviewed famous people, in particular. However, then he realized that journalism was not for him (although he later expressed regret that he had given up this occupation). I decided to focus on music.

He entered the Gnessin State Music College, but after the first year he was expelled for absenteeism.

In the late 1980s, he was the host of the television program “Under 16 and Over,” where he received his first recognition.

He wrote his first song, “Tramp Boy,” at the age of 16. The composition subsequently became a hit and was widely played on radio and TV.

Andrey Gubin - Tramp Boy

In 1989 he released his debut disc “I’m a Homeless Man” with songs accompanied by a guitar. The disc was not professional, it was released in an edition of 200 pieces and consisted of songs with socio-political content. Then two more non-professional albums were released: “Ave Maria” and “The Prince and the Pauper.”

In 1994, Andrei Gubin performed at the Slavutich-1994 competition, where he met. With his support, Gubin’s first studio album, “Tramp Boy,” was released in 1995. By the end of 1995, the debut album had sold over 500,000 original copies.

In 1998, Andrei Gubin’s second studio album, “Only You,” was released. With this program, Andrei Gubin began performing solo in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus in 1998-1999. In 2000, the third studio album “It Was, But It’s Gone” was released. PR for the album began with massive tours in the USA, Israel, Germany, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

In 2001, Gubin released the disc “The Best” and stopped touring and concerts for a while. In 2002, the fourth studio album “Always with You” was released.

In 1995-2005, he repeatedly participated in the Song of the Year festival and was nominated for awards. But he became a laureate of this competition only in 2006, not as a performer, but as a song writer. In 1998 and 2003 he received the Golden Gramophone award.

In 2004, Gubin recorded the propaganda song “DJ Putin,” released by the Shawarma Records label on the disc “Songs about Putin.” At the end of the same year, he wrote the song “La-la-la” for Zhanna Friske, who had recently started a solo career. Later she sang his song “Mama Maria”.

Also in 2004, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Produced singer Julia Beretta. Wrote several songs for Mike Mironenko - “Hello, Baby”, “But Whom”, etc.

Many of us remember the popular Russian singer of the nineties, Andrei Gubin, to whose songs young people danced in discos. But what is this artist doing now, what does he look like now? In our article you can get acquainted with the details of the singer’s real personal life, as well as with a photo of Andrei Gubin.

Why is the singer not visible now?

44-year-old Andrei Gubin has not appeared on stage for about 10 years. The singer decided to give up his career due to serious problems with his health. In a television show that was dedicated to the hits of the nineties and zeros, Andrei Gubin spoke in detail about his health problems.

The star of the nineties at the beginning of the 2000s abruptly disappeared from the sight of his fans. The last time Andrey Gubin was seen on stage was in 2005. The singer says that the reason for his departure from the stage is left-sided prosopalgia, that is, a disease of the nervous system that causes facial pain.

This disease was triggered by chronic stress, lack of sleep, frequent flights, and, as a result, moral and physical exhaustion.

In 2007, the artist’s stepfather, whom he always perceived as his own father, died. The bereavement had a negative impact not only on the singer’s work, but also on his entire life in general. 5 years later, Andrei Gubin’s mother also died. The loss of his parents, as well as lack of work and the progression of the disease led the artist to alcohol abuse. According to rumors, in order to improve his own health, the singer was treated in various clinics, after which he restored his mental balance in the sacred places of Tibet and Egypt.

Andrey Gubin is unrecognizable

Many fans of Andrei Gubin do not recognize the singer, as he has changed a lot in appearance. Fans of the star are discouraged by her appearance. Many noticed that Andrei had aged a lot and lost weight. Most likely, the reason for these changes is Andrei’s illness.

Where does Andrey Gubin live?

The singer also told the media that he currently only sings karaoke. Andrei also stated that his performance and voice have suffered greatly, and are currently far from perfect. However, the singer is not bored. He is actively involved in sports, visiting the gym, and also diligently studies science.

Today Andrey Gubin lives in Ufa and does not work anywhere. But where does he get the means to subsist? The singer told the media how much money he pays to treat the disease and how he earns it. Andrei Gubin said that he lives on his savings.

Andrey also said that he currently lives on about fifteen thousand rubles a month.

During the period of wild popularity, the artist spent millions on luxury cars and expensive entertainment. Andrei Gubin had a great passion for racing cars, he even purchased a Porsche car. However, Andrei Gubin sold his expensive car and bought a Honda Civic for himself.

Will Andrey return to the stage?

Andrei Gubin refers to his popularity with irony, saying that he does not plan to return to the stage. In the near future, the singer wants to cure the disease, and only then will he think about his career. According to him, he is often invited to various events and programs, but he refuses, because at present he is strict with himself, analyzing in detail all his pros and cons.

Andrey Gubin in Thailand

According to some reports, it also became known that Andrei Gubin is often in Thailand. There people see him on vacation with some stranger. A slender, pretty blonde, younger than the singer, met Andrei in Ufa. However, in Thailand they lived in different hotels. Andrei Gubin constantly changed his location. However, every morning he rode his bicycle to his beloved. Sometimes they ran together along the coast.

Andrey Gubin also told how he had an accident in Thailand while traveling around the provinces on a bike. What he likes most is being in Krabi because there are few people there.

Where is that same mischievous boy with sparkling eyes and a beautiful smile? Andrey Gubin remains in the memory of millions of fans. And wherever you hear the previously loved songs of a famous singer, you will not be able to resist singing along to the beat. We can only hope that Andrei Gubin’s health will improve and he will cure his disease.