Hall meaning. Hall Granville Stanley. Dictionary of medical terms

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The meaning of the word hall

hall in the crossword dictionary


Dictionary of medical terms

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


hall, m. (English hall). Large room for something. (eg hall for public meetings, waiting room in theaters, cinemas, etc.).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A large room, usually public buildings(eg hotels, theaters), intended for relaxation, waiting. X. hotel.

    Large front genus in an apartment, in a house.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A room in public buildings intended for waiting, relaxation, and meetings.

    Large entrance hall in an apartment or house.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


HALL (English hall) in a traditional English home common room, reception hall with stairs to the upper floor. In modern public buildings and hotels there is a small hall for relaxation, waiting, meetings, etc.


HALL (Hall) Asaf (Esaf) (1829-1907) American astronomer, foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1880). First class observer. Determined the rotation period of Saturn (1876), discovered the satellites of Mars (1877).


HALL James (1811-98) American geologist and paleontologist, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1895). Works on stratigraphy and paleontology of the Paleozoic and tectonics. Hall's tectonic ideas were developed in the doctrine of geosynclines.


HALL Peter Reginald Frederick (b. 1930) English director. Since 1954 he worked at the Arts Theater (London), the Shakespeare Memorial Theater, and Covent Garden. In 1973-88 he headed National Theater Great Britain.


HALL Edwin Herbert (1855-1938) American physicist. Research of thermoelectric, galvanic and thermomagnetic phenomena in conductors. Discovered (1879) the effect named after him.

Hall (disambiguation)

Hall Can mean:

  • Hall - in architecture

Hall (county)

There are 3 counties in the United States named Hall :

  • Hall County, Georgia.
  • Hall County in Nebraska.
  • Hall County in Texas.

Hall County (Texas)

Hall- district located in the USA, Texas. Named in honor of the Secretary of Defense of the Republic of Texas, Warren Hall, during the Texas Revolution. As of 2000, the population was 3,782. The county seat is the city of Memphis.

The famous JA Ranch, founded by John Ader and Charles Goodnight and spanning six counties, once held land here.

Hall (Australian Capital Territory)

Hall(Australian Capital Territory, Australia) is a village in the north-west of the Australian Capital Territory on the border with New South Wales. Although officially considered a village, from a practical point of view it can now be considered a remote area of ​​Canberra. Postal code 2618. According to the 2006 census - 338 inhabitants, 119 private households.

Hall (island)

Hall- an island in the state of Alaska in the Bering Sea near west coast state.

The length of the island is 9.7 km, the area is 16 km², and its most high point 490 m. The island has no permanent population according to the 2000 census. The island is part of the Alaska National Marine Sanctuary.

Hall (surname)

Hall - English surname In the list of the most common surnames in the United States, it ranks 26th.

Hall County (Nebraska)

Hall- County in Nebraska. Population - 58,607 people (2010). Area - 1,430 km². The county seat is the city of Grand Island. In system license plates Nebraska's Hall County prefix is ​​8. The county was created in 1858 and named after Augustus Hall, the territory's first judge.

Examples of the use of the word hall in literature.

How did he manage to find out from tourist brochures in hall hotels, in this place not far from Yerevan the spiritual center of the Armenian autocephalous church was located, and in addition, it was replete with monuments of ancient Urartian culture.

Michael Nixon traveled to the city of automakers directly from New York, where he met with Hess himself Halls, who announced that the Central Committee of the party had decided to nominate Michael Nixon as a candidate for the Senate from the Auto Builders state.

At this moment in hall The orderly halberdier entered to curtain the windows.

Pershin knew other such houses, but this one aroused his particular dislike: luxurious entrances, spacious halls, columns and balusters, heating radiators, decorated like antique fireplaces with molded naked babies carrying bunches of grapes, intricately decorated ceilings.

Bending awkwardly, the two-meter master crossed the narrow hall and with the unstoppability of a ball flying towards a basketball backboard, he headbutted the guard in the spine.

Fize, - perhaps Frobisher, Davis, Hall, Weymouth, Hudson, Baffin, Cook, Ross, Parry, Beachy, Belcher, Franklin, Mulgrave, Scorson, McClinton, Kennedy, Naze, Collinson, Archer - not Anglo-Saxon in origin?

Gathered before the table were Burbage, Dr. Hall, the Honorable Cross and two women, one old, the other younger, of uncertain years.

Then went down to hall and asked the receptionist what brand of computer was used at the biostation and whether it always operated in synchronization with MINIX.

Having learned from the brightly made-up order taker that cameraman Misha Pozolotin was working today, Biryukov climbed the wide staircase into the spacious hall with a decorative palm tree in the middle.

But everything worked out - we met with Tsoi in hall, Oleg immediately pulled up, the rest of the beatniks flashed here and there in the motley crowd.

As soon as former director police department and the bomber, sentenced to hang, left the hotel, the policeman jumped out of the hall.

In addition, it is much safer - the rats simply did not dare to show themselves in sight Hall, holding the nozzle of a powerful fire hose in his hands, such a strong stream of water burst out of it that it could easily maim and even kill a person, let alone a rat.

Hall, without taking his eyes off the rat, he felt that it was beginning to get dark in his eyes, and the nozzle of the fire hose was slowly falling down in his weakening hands, which were shaking with large tremors.

Pointing the nozzle of the fire hose at him and placing his hand on the edge, Hall He said coldly: “You should definitely get to know these cuties better, Warwick.”

Almost only instinctively, with almost no time to think, Hall pointed the nozzle of the fire nozzle directly at her belly.

hall - hall, reception) - a large room in a house for receptions or events.

During early Middle Ages the hall is a large room under a high gable roof, in which members of the Anglo-Saxon family gathered; later in a traditional English dwelling - a common room, a reception hall with stairs to the upper floor. In modern public buildings and hotels, the hall is a small room for relaxation, waiting, meetings, which can be accessed from the hallway or corridor from front door. In modern apartments, the hall is usually the center of the apartment and connects all the rooms together.

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    - (English hall) 1) a large room for something, for example, a hall for public meetings, for waiting in a hotel, theater, cinema, etc.; 2) the main, largest room in the traditional layout of an English house, serving as a meeting place for the family and... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? hall, what? hall, (see) what? hall, what? hall, about what? about the hall; pl. What? halls, (no) what? halls, what? hallam, (see) what? halls, what? halls, about what? about halls 1. A hall is called... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    hall- Spacious room in residential and public buildings for relaxation, waiting: lobby lobby, elevator hall, reception hall [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Subjects of buildings, structures, premises EN hall ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Hall (English hall), originally a large room under a high gable roof, in which all the members of the Anglo-Saxon family of the early Middle Ages who worked together on the farm gathered; later the main common room of the manor house,... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    HALL, hall, husband. (English hall). A large room for something (eg a hall for public meetings, a waiting room in theaters, cinemas, etc.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    HALL, ah, husband. 1. A large room, usually in public buildings (eg hotels, theaters), intended for relaxation and waiting. X. hotel. 2. Rod of a large front room in an apartment, in a house. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    M. 1. A room in public buildings intended for waiting, rest, and meetings. 2. Large entrance hall in an apartment, in a house. 3. Reception hall with stairs to the upper floor (in a traditional English dwelling). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T.F.... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


What rooms inside the building are called with these words? They should be distinguished, although the meanings of these words are to some extent close.

The word vestibule means “a large room at the entrance to the interior of a building.” Most often, the lobby is the room at the entrance to a public building or a large residential building. For example: metro lobby; IN new school etc. This word is Latin in origin: vestibulum meant “vestibule, portico at the entrance.”

The word foyer has a perhaps narrower and more specialized meaning. This is a special room, a hall intended for spectators. Spectators are in the foyer either before the start of performances, sessions, or during intermissions and breaks. Foyers exist only in buildings that are specifically designed for spectacles. For example, the foyer of a theater or the foyer of a club, cinema, foyer concert hall. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” we read: “ Arriving in french theater, Vronsky retired with the regimental commander to the foyer and told him his success or failure" The word foyer in its modern meaning borrowed by Russian from French.

IN Lately In the Russian language, the word hall, which is of English origin, has become somewhat popular. A hall is a non-residential room, a spacious room intended for relaxation or waiting. Typically, halls are located in public buildings - in hotels, sanatoriums or large apartments, mansions.

What is the difference between a hall, foyer and vestibule?

Let's start, perhaps, with lobby– this is where the house begins. Of course, it may not exist at all, but if it does exist, then only in front of the entrance to the inner part of the building, which cannot be said about the hall or foyer - they can be located almost anywhere. Latin vestibulum means “outer courtyard, entrance.” Among the ancient Romans, the vestibule was the roofless space in front of the entrance to a more or less rich house, fenced with three sides itself and the continuation of its side walls. In the century before last in Russia, this was the name for covered vestibules leading to the state halls and living quarters. As always, a painful scene followed in the lobby, where the important doorman served the musician as if reluctantly and knew how to put into his learned respect all his disdain for the teacher in a shabby coat(V. Bryusov).

Word " hall» borrowed from in English: hall- “estate; hall; hallway", from Old English hell– “a place under a roof”, from Proto-Germanic khallo- “to cover, hide.” A hall is any large room in public buildings intended for waiting, relaxation, and meetings. In the magnificent hotel lobby, covered with precious carpets, near the glass revolving doors, A tall man, with a gray head and a vigorous, shaved face reminiscent of France's heroic past(A. Tolstoy).

Finally, foyer- this is a room in a theater, cinema and similar establishments, intended for the public to relax during intermission or for spectators to stay while waiting for a show or performance. He approached me in the foyer, during the intermission that separates the triumph of Verdi's Radames from his betrayal(S. Krzhizhanovsky). French word: foyer, and in addition to the meaning we know, the French use the same word to name a whole bunch of concepts: hearth; bugle; home, family; stone slab (in front of the fireplace); source (of light, for example); focus, center; club; yard (peasant); hostel - all this foyer

The foyer and the lobby are usually different things, since the wait in the theater occurs at the entrance to the auditorium, and not at the entrance to the theater itself. However, it would not be a mistake to call the foyer a hall. Just as it would not be wrong to call the hall and vestibule.

Hall/ ... Morphemic-spelling dictionary

Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? hall, what? hall, (see) what? hall, what? hall, about what? about the hall; pl. What? halls, (no) what? halls, what? hallam, (see) what? halls, what? halls, about what? about halls 1. A hall is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Vestibule, dressing room, hall, waiting room, front hall, congress hall, entrance, hallway Dictionary of Russian synonyms. hall noun, number of synonyms: 8 vestibule (4) ... Synonym dictionary

hall- Spacious room in residential and public buildings for relaxation, waiting: lobby lobby, elevator hall, reception hall [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Subjects of buildings, structures, premises EN hall ... Technical Translator's Guide

- (English hall) 1) a large room for something, for example, a hall for public meetings, for waiting in a hotel, theater, cinema, etc.; 2) the main, largest room in the traditional layout of an English house, serving as a meeting place for the family and... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

HALL, hall, husband. (English hall). A large room for something (eg a hall for public meetings, a waiting room in theaters, cinemas, etc.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

HALL, ah, husband. 1. A large room, usually in public buildings (eg hotels, theaters), intended for relaxation and waiting. X. hotel. 2. Rod of a large front room in an apartment, in a house. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

A; m. A hall (usually in public buildings, hotels, theaters, etc.) for relaxation and waiting. School x. X. lobby. X. cinema. The hall of the club is decorated with a mosaic panel. // Spacious front room in an apartment, in a house. Show off guests in x. * * * hall… … encyclopedic Dictionary

hall- HALL, lobby, foyer... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech


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