Information mail. Information letter about the change of general director - sample

During the activities of organizations, enterprises and other business entities, a change of leadership may occur. Information about this event must be provided to supervisory and regulatory authorities and services. In particular, there is a certain procedure for submitting notification of a change of general director to banking institutions.

Procedure for changing a manager

When appointing a new general director of an enterprise, you should submit an application to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals (USR), where the re-registration of the manager will be carried out. Then you should notify the tax service, as well as provide new information to the bank. The bank institution in which the organization's accounts are opened will not conduct any transactions with funds until the identity of the new manager is confirmed.

Documents to the bank

When changing the director, the bank must provide:

  • a reference document confirming the introduction of changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register, which must be dated no later than 30 days at the time of presentation;
  • an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the co-founders who decided to change the general director, director, manager;
  • order for the enterprise on the appointment and assumption of office of an appointed person.

The new manager must personally appear at the banking institution with a package of the above documents. The bank employee identifies the appointed person, makes the appropriate changes, and also necessarily updates the sample signature of the manager by certifying the bank card.

Only after all these procedures, the new director has all the powers of a manager and acquires the ability to perform his duties in full.

Other funds

There is no need to send similar notifications to other government organizations and funds (PF, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, etc.). All information about the change of manager will be received electronically, through a one-stop service.

The owner of the enterprise should monitor the process of changing the general director:

  • organize the transfer of all documents from the former manager to the newly appointed one, and document it;
  • ensure that a person relieved of his position cannot dispose of the company’s funds;
  • revoke all previously issued powers of attorney by publishing this information in the media and notifying the partners by letter of the change of gene. director.
  1. Download a sample information letter

Information mail is compiled for the purpose of informing, advertising products, offering cooperation and in other cases. The information letter may indicate changes in prices, details, etc. There are several types of information letters. The message, statement, confirmation, reminder and similar types of letters must be drawn up in accordance with the accepted rules of business communication.

How to write a newsletter

The information letter is drawn up in accordance with the rules established for business correspondence; its structure corresponds to the general structure of a business letter.

Depending on the purpose of the information letter, the following types are distinguished:

  • message letter (notice, notice) - about a change in prices, director, company details, about negotiations, about the shipment of products, etc.;
  • letter of statement - about some intentions of the addressee;
  • confirmation letter - about receipt of goods, funds, documents;
  • reminder letter - about fulfillment of obligations;
  • advertising and information letter - advertising of products, services; this also includes a company information letter.

Often a cover letter is attached to the information letter, where the information is provided in expanded form and in more detail, as well as individual provisions of legislative and other regulatory legal documents.

This letter is signed by the head of the company, sometimes his deputy or even the secretary. In the case of mass mailing (in large quantities), you can do without a signature or use a facsimile.

Sample information letter about change of director

About the change of director

By this letter we notify you of the change of director of our organization on the basis of protocol No. xx dated xxxxxxx. Since xxxxxxx Petrov Petr Petrovich has been appointed director of Target LLC

A copy of protocol No. 11/B dated November 20, 2012 is attached.

Sample information letter about the exhibition

Dear participants!

We ask you to familiarize yourself with the terms of participation in the exhibition “The City Through My Eyes” and confirm your consent to participate in within 5 days.

  1. The exhibition will take place on February 9, 2012 from 9.00 to 19.00 on Leningradsky Boulevard in the building of the “House of Culture” of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
  2. The minimum image size on the short side is 20cm (for example, a print is 20x30), the maximum on the long side is 45cm (for example, a print is 30x45).
  3. Photos will be posted on stands, on whatman paper.
  4. Each exhibitor can post up to 10 works. Please inform us about the number of photos in advance.
  5. Decide on the number and format of photos and send them to us by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. To preview their mini-image (preview 800x600 pixels) with the name and surname of the author, you need to 01 February.
  6. Finished and approved works can be brought 07 February.

Best regards, organizing committee

Application. Information about the photo exhibition (jury, partners).

The letter regarding the change of general director is for informational purposes only. This document confronts the organization's counterparties with a fait accompli.


When the head of an institution changes, this must be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. No later than three days from the date of appointment of a new person, the organization is obliged to submit the appropriate paper to the tax office at the place of registration of the company. And then you can send letters of relevant content to other organizations. The same should be done if the general director’s last name simply changed for some reason.

Important: notification of a change of general director has a unified form, but an information message in the form of a letter does not. The one who draws up the paper has the right to add data and give comments (naturally, observing the norms of business correspondence).

Components of a letter

The document has a free form. However, it is built according to a generally accepted algorithm. So, at the very top of the sheet are usually located:

  • Company details. There is simply some free space left on the form for them. Ideally, all documents of this scale and focus are printed on the letterhead of a specific organization, which initially contains its name, address, telephone number and other contact information.
  • Letter number. It is necessary for correct registration of outgoing correspondence.
  • Date the document was signed. Without a signature, it has no legal force.
  • Destination. If this is a legal entity, then the organization is indicated first, then the position and name of the specific employee of this organization to whom the message is intended.

In addition to the introductory part, which is the same for a large number of documents, the letter about the change of director has a main part. It may begin with the phrases: “By this letter we notify you...” or “By this letter we inform you...”, or simply “We inform you that from today Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov has been appointed general director.”

There is no standardized form for a sample letter. However, you should concisely and reasonably inform the addressee of the essence of the paper - information about the change of director. In this case, it is necessary to indicate as an attachment the paper that was the basis for such a change.

So, the mandatory points for the main part are:

  • Full name of the new general director.
  • The date on which he began to perform his duties.
  • What document is the basis for this? It may be the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders (owners) of the company or the decision of the sole founder.

Who signs?

When drawing up a document, many people wonder who should certify the letter: the old or new general director of the organization. The answer here is clear: new. After all, the document on his appointment has already entered into force. And even if the tax authorities are still in the dark about the change of director, only the new boss now has the right to sign and certify the documentation with his visa.

In practice, a situation often occurs when two people are in power in a company at once.

In order to avoid such moments and possible related troubles, it is necessary to immediately indicate in the minutes of the meeting of owners on this issue specific dates for the dismissal of the previous employee and the appointment of a new one.


Since the new boss is signing, the letter needs evidence of the information provided, otherwise it would open up wide opportunities for scammers. Proxies could take advantage of the resulting confusion when reporting this type of information. Therefore, the following must be attached to each letter about a change of general director:

  • A copy of the minutes of the general meeting at which the decision on his appointment was made. In practice, for convenience, it also prescribes the dismissal of the old one.
  • A copy of the power of attorney for signing the documentation.
  • A copy of the order on the appointment of the general director. The meaning of the power of attorney may be included in it.

Only the first paper will be required, but by attaching copies of the others, you can make your appeal more reasoned. Each organization in this case acts in accordance with its Charter.

The final part of the letter is the signature of the new general director and, if possible, the seal of the organization. In this way, counterparties and other persons to whom the letter will be addressed will learn how the new manager signs.

Special cases

In addition to the tax authorities, the banks that serve the company are also required to inform about the change of director. This is enshrined in Bank of Russia Instruction No. 153-I dated May 30, 2014.

In addition, the newly appointed manager must visit the banking organization in order to leave samples of his signature there. Only after this action has been completed will his “autograph” truly certify money orders and other financial documentation of the organization.

Is it necessary to notify partners?

By law, the company is obliged to notify only the tax service and the bank about the change of director. However, according to the rules of business communication, counterparties must also be aware of the current state of affairs. This is especially true in cases in which the previous CEO was fired from the organization due to loss of trust. His actions could also be related to business partners.

In addition, there is one more reason to notify business partners: additional agreements should be concluded with them to all contracts in which the full name of the old specialist appears (in order for them to have legal force).

Thus, mass mailing of letters about a change of general director is a mandatory item in the algorithm of any self-respecting company. If you don’t want to waste precious time signing multiple copies, you can use a facsimile of the new boss’s signature.

During the operation of any organization, a change in leadership may occur, and the new director faces a number of problems. One of these problems is notification of a change in the head of the company.

In this article you will find information on how to correctly compose this letter, to whom it should be sent and what should be indicated in it.

What kind of document is this?

The reasons for changing a manager can be completely different:

  • Director's wish.
  • Loss of trust in the leader.
  • His death.

In such cases, it is customary to write an information letter about the change of general director of the LLC and send it out legal entities cooperating with the company and some institutions.

To the tax office

It is worth writing and distributing this kind of document only after the fact of the dismissal of the old director and the assumption of office by a new one has already been recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (). Before this, the decision to change the manager has no legal force, and there is no point in writing such a paper.

An official letter should be sent to the tax office immediately. This is required by law. To do this you need to use a special one. No other documents will be needed, just this application.

The procedure for filling it out is as follows:

  • On the title page you will need to indicate the full name of the organization, its TIN and.
  • First page Lista K must be made in duplicate. On the first one, only the first and second sections are filled in. They give information about the old director. The second copy refers to the new manager. The third section is filled out on this sheet.
  • On sheet P information about the person who will submit the application to the tax service is provided. This could be the new head of the company or his representative. In the second case, you will need a notarized power of attorney.

Remember that such a letter should be sent to the tax office only when it is notarized. To do this, the new general director needs to contact a notary to witness his signature.

The step-by-step process of filling out the P14001 application is discussed in the following video:

Banks and counterparties

To notify counterparties and banks servicing the company's current accounts, the letter is written in free form. Banks need to be informed within three working banking days. Otherwise, the company will be charged a fine.

Writing a letter to counterparties is not legally obligatory, but to be on the safe side, it is better to inform them too, especially if the director was. This is a kind of good manners in the business world.

Although the information letter about the change of manager is free-form, business style, of course, must be adhered to:

  • The document must be written on behalf of the new head of the company. At the end there must be his signature, certified by a notary.
  • You should not specify the details of the reason for replacing the old director if you do not want to spread unnecessary rumors about the company. Here you can limit yourself to a short phrase. For example, “relieved from office due to loss of confidence.” If you wish, you don’t have to specify the reason for leaving at all. In fact, apart from the fact that the old manager was removed from office and a new one was appointed, nothing else needs to be indicated. All other information is given in the application.

A copy of the document on which it was decided to remove the previous director from office and appoint a new one should be attached to the document. You also need to attach decisions on dismissal and appointment to a position. From the details, it is enough to indicate the full name of the organization and email address.


Therefore, this letter is mandatory only for informing the tax office and banks. Moreover, it must be sent after the fact of the change of director has been confirmed in the Unified State Register and the signature of the new director has been certified by a notary.

Whether to notify counterparties or not is a personal matter for the new head of the company, but in order to maintain good partnerships and avoid awkward situations in the future, it is also better to inform them.

Attention! There is no need to pay a state duty for information about the new director.

If desired, you can attach to the application a copy of the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors (participants) or the decision of the sole participant to elect a new leader (Clause 1, Article 40 of the Federal Law of 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ; clauses 3, 4 of Art. 69 Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ; Article 275, paragraph 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
An application can be submitted (Clauses 1, 3, Article 9 of Law No. 129-FZ):
(or) personally. In this case, the inspector must immediately issue a receipt for receipt of the document (sheet M of form N P14001);
(or) by mail in a valuable letter with a list of the contents. Then the inspection must send you this receipt, along with a notification of delivery, no later than the business day following the day the documents were received.
To submit an application, 3 working days are allotted from the moment the new manager takes office (Clause 5 of Article 5 of Law No. 129-FZ). The director acquires powers from the moment of his election (appointment) by the general meeting of shareholders (participants) or the board of directors or the sole participant. That is, the 3-day period must be counted from the day following the day:
(or) to which the minutes of the meeting or the decision are dated;
(or) which is designated as the day the new manager takes office.

If the manager does not submit an application in form N P14001 to the tax office within 3 days from the date of taking office, he may be fined 5,000 rubles. (Part 3 of Article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Although the tax authorities may simply issue a warning the first time. True, there will be no punishment if more than 2 months have passed since the expiration of the allotted 3-day period (Part 1 of Article 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The Federal Tax Service must register the changes and make a corresponding entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the documents (Clause 1 of Article 8, paragraph 3 of Article 18 of Law No. 129-FZ). In order to make sure that the changes have been made, after this period it does not hurt to contact your inspectorate for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, since it is issued free of charge (Clause 2 of Article 6, paragraph 2 of Article 7 of Law N 129-FZ; paragraph 20, paragraph . "b" clause 22 of the Rules). Subsequently, this paper may be very useful to you.

Although the emergence or termination of the powers of a manager is in no way connected with the fact that information about him is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2006 N 12049/05), tax authorities sometimes refuse to accept documents from the organization (in particular, tax reporting) signed by the new manager , data about which is not in the Unified Register.

Almost all of the above is also true for cases when the director:
- changed the last name (first name, patronymic);
- received a new general passport (for example, upon reaching 45 years of age (Clause 7 of the Regulations on the Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation)).

Changing a bank card

Usually it is the head of the company who has the right of first signature on. Therefore, when changing the manager, you will have to contact your servicing bank to replace the card with sample signatures(Clause 7.14 of Bank of Russia Instruction No. 28-I dated September 14, 2006).
The period within which an organization must inform the bank about a change of manager (for the purpose of issuing a new card) is not established by law. Often, banks require, in addition to the protocol (decision) and passport of the new director, to provide them with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in which he appears. And here, whether you want it or not, you will have to get an extract. The annoying thing is that until a new card is issued, you will not be able to make any payments through the bank.

Attention! You should not notify extra-budgetary funds (PFR, FSS RF, TFOMS) and statistical authorities about the change of director. This will be done by your inspection (Clause 19 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 N 438).

Keep one more thing in mind. Until you have submitted a new card to the bank along with documents confirming the powers of the new director, the bank must execute payment documents drawn up in accordance with the current card (Clause 1 of Article 847 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; clauses 4.1, 7.14 of the Bank Instructions Russia dated September 14, 2006 N 28-I).
Therefore, if you have suspicions that during the period of issuing a new card, the former director of the payments signed by him is able to withdraw or transfer money somewhere from your company’s account, take action. Immediately write an official letter addressed to the head of the bank with a convincing request not to carry out transactions using payment documents signed by the former director. This letter must be signed by the new director; attach a copy of the protocol (decision) on his appointment to the letter.
True, the bank may ignore your request. Moreover, if the bank executes the payment orders of the previous director and the company loses its money, you will not be able to make any claims to the bank. After all, he acted according to his instructions.

We notify counterparties

Often in contracts with business partners there is a clause obliging the parties to inform each other about any changes in the company’s data, including a change in full name. director. In this case, send a corresponding information message by fax or e-mail. But even if there is no such clause in the contracts with one of the partners, it would still be useful to notify them of the change that has occurred. So that they are not surprised when they see your full name in the documents received from you (for example, invoices). and the signature of the new director.

In conclusion, I would like to wish accountants: even if you have to face a change of director, let it happen, at least not at the junction of the reporting periods, when the deadlines for making the necessary payments are approaching.