Ingeborga Dapkunaite: personal life, children, biography of the actress. Charming elf: Personal life of Ingeborge Dapkunaite

Ingeborga Edmundovna Dapkunaite is a famous Lithuanian actress who has starred in 64 films. Currently lives in London. One of the few actresses from the post-Soviet space who gained fame in Hollywood.

Childhood of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

The girl’s childhood was spent surrounded by love: she grew up as the first child in the family. Her father was a diplomat, and her parents lived abroad for a long time, leaving the girl in the care of her grandparents. Both the girl’s grandmother, aunt, and uncle worked at the Vilnius Opera House. This had a huge impact on the upbringing of the girl, who constantly sang arias from operas.

At the age of four, under the patronage of her grandmother, the administrator of the opera house, Ingeborg appeared on stage. Her first role was in Puccini's opera Cio-Cio-San. After a successful debut, she began to be invited to other children's roles: the little devil in Faust, the angel in The Demon. In addition to her passion for theater, the girl successfully practiced basketball and figure skating, but, nevertheless, she connected her future only with art. Inga graduated from Solomeya Neris High School, where she is remembered as a quiet and shy girl.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's work in the theater

All her life Ingeborg wanted to become a ballerina, and she was preparing to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages. But fate decreed otherwise. Dapkunaite became a student at the Faculty of Theater Arts of the State Conservatory (course of Jonas Vaitkus). The reason for this choice turned out to be quite banal: exams were held here much earlier than in other universities.

In 1985, Inga begins her acting career by working at the Kaunas Drama Theater. In her short time working at this theater, Inga manages to play leading roles in seven plays directed by Jonas Vaitkus, her teacher. Here she marries actor Arunas Sakalauskas. A little later, Eimuntas Nyakrosius invites her to the Vilnius Youth Theater, where she plays the main roles in “The Seagull”, “Carmen”, “King Lear”.

While working in this theater, she became friends with John Malkovich, who invited her to audition in London for the play “Speech Error.” The trip to London turned out to be a turning point in Inga's life. She is approved for the main role, she remains in London and marries Simon Stokes, the director of the play, who becomes her second husband. Later, she is invited to the Chicago Theater to see “Libra” and the infamous “Vagina Monologues,” where the actress delivers psychologically complex monologues about orgasm, rape and childbirth. The performances, thanks to the versatile talent of the actress, become very successful and, despite the shocking plot, do not bear any signs of vulgarity.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's work in cinema

The actress played her first film role while still a student, in Banionis’ film “My Little Wife,” which was filmed in 1984. In this film, Vytautas Žalakevičius, the head of the Lithuanian film studio, offered her the role of a nimble and carefree girl, who was remembered by the audience for a long time.

Dapkunaite became famous for starring in Todorovsky's cult film Intergirl, where she played the prostitute Kisulya. In 1991, she was invited to play the role of a decadent woman in Meskhiev’s film “Cynics,” which was significant for her. For the role of Olga in this film, Dapkunaite receives his first award for acting - the Golden Aries Award (1993). After this success, the actress starred in the role of Katya Izmailova in Todorovsky’s film “Moscow Nights” and was awarded the Russian Film Academy Nika Award for best actress.

In 1995, Dapkunaite received worldwide recognition thanks to Marusa from Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “Burnt by the Sun.” The film is awarded the Oscar for best foreign film. The impeccable work and enormous talent of the actress in this film attracts the attention of Hollywood directors who invite her to film. In the film “Mission: Impossible,” Tom Cruise becomes Ingeborga’s partner, and in the film “Seven Years in Tibet,” the husband of the main character she plays is Brad Pitt.

Anthropology - Ingeborga Dopkunaite

The images of women played by the actress combine tragedy and mystery, tenderness and strength, beauty and intelligence. The actress’s talent allows her to portray diverse roles on screen that amaze with their depth of character and inner potential. The intelligent manner of performance and the elusive Lithuanian accent put the actress in a privileged position when approved for roles in films.

Personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

The actress's first husband, Arunas Sakalaukas, is on excellent friendly terms with his ex-wife. She also divorced her second husband Simon Stokes, with whom she lived for more than ten years, without scandals, and maintains good relations. The happiest relationship for the actress was her relationship with the world-famous Serbian director Emir Kusturica, whom she met at one of the film festivals. They fell in love and dated for a long time. Maya, Emir's wife, having learned about her husband's affair, immediately filed for divorce. Kusturica has a son and daughter from a previous marriage, but neither children nor a significant age difference prevent them from loving each other.

Dapkunayte today

Currently, Dapkunaite continues to actively act in Russian films. In addition, the actress is on the board of trustees of the Moscow Hospice Foundation “Vera”.

Ingeborga's latest project was an acting school in Moscow, which she decided to open after a series of master classes in Russia and abroad. The actress sees the main goal of this project as the opportunity to give Russian youth to learn the acting profession. Dapkunaite sees himself as the head of the school, and the board of trustees will include the famous John Malkovich, one of the best Hollywood screenwriters Robert McKee and other famous personalities in the world of cinema. Dapkunaite plans to invite current actors and directors as teachers. In the future, the actress plans to help talented students find work. For this purpose, castings will be organized with the participation of directors and producers of films. Currently, the actress also participates in the filming of various TV shows and TV shows.

Actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite is known to viewers both from domestic cinema and from foreign films. Her filmography consists of more than 50 diverse works in different countries.

Family favorite

The future artist was born in 1963 in the Lithuanian capital - Vilnius. The actress's family was intelligent. Close people tried to convey to their daughter a love of art. Mom was a meteorologist. Even today, Inga notes that she believes the forecasts unconditionally only because of her profession as a mother. And dad worked as a diplomat. Due to constant employment, the parents were forced to leave their home country and spend a lot of time in Moscow. Their daughter often visited them in Russia during the holidays. Often adults also came home.

Despite the fact that mom and dad were far away, Ingeborga Dapkunaite always felt their love. Biography and childhood were inextricably linked with the old city of Vilnius. There, a nanny looked after the child, whom the girl loved very much. She was also looked after by her grandparents and her maternal aunt and uncle. The family did not deny the baby anything and tried to make sure that she did not feel the absence of her parents.

First applause

The entire family of the famous actress was connected with art. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl first appeared on stage at the age of 4. My grandmother worked at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Vilnius. The duties included negotiating with the singers about the details of the performance. At that time, little Inga had already become acquainted with the art of acting and knew well what was happening behind the scenes.

One day, the Italian star Virginia Ziana was supposed to perform in their city. She participated in the production of "Chio-Chio-san". In the story, the main character had a son. But at that time, the boy who played this role had grown very much, so little Ingeborga Dapkunaite was preparing for this scene. The biography of the actress already intersected with the girl who rehearsed with the best voices of Lithuania.

Gaining experience

When the Italian found out that a girl would play the role, she was indignant. However, later she was fascinated by the talent of the young talent. After the performance, Virginia gave Inga all her flowers. Then the little actress received her first applause, which she still remembers.

At the same time, the girl went in for sports. She especially liked figure skating and basketball. However, the beauty never regretted spending a lot of time in the theater.

One winter day, she was hurrying to the rehearsal of the next performance when she stopped and saw her peers carefreely skating on the ice. Then little Ingeborga Dapkunaite smiled and thought to herself that she was very happy, because she could do what she loved - stand on stage.

Throughout her school years, the beauty played a variety of roles. She was equally good at reproducing devils, princesses and little animals. The girl was excellent at finding appropriate images for her characters.

years of education

For one play, the actress needed to speak in simple rural language. The girl grew up in a place where they expressed themselves purely and clearly. But her heroine was not very literate and an ordinary village girl. To make the scene more colorful, Ingeborg began to speak the language of her other grandparents, who were farmers. When the child finished his monologue, the hall burst into approving applause.

Next came the task of choosing a future profession. Dramatic art seemed to her feigned and unreal. She absolutely seriously wanted to combine her life with opera or ballet. However, at the age of 16, the heroine saw a performance by the Kaunas Theater in Vilnius and immediately fell in love with this work. Her friends brought her into the circle. Because of her unusual appearance, the girl constantly played boys. After school she entered the Lithuanian Ingeborg Dapkunaite Conservatory. Biography has since officially merged with the theater.

Under the guidance of professionals

The girl was lucky to get on the course of Jonas Vaitkus. This man is known in his homeland as a talented director and stage director.

At the same time, the heroine met her first husband. Arunas Sakalaus, like the beauty, was delirious about an acting career. Now one of the most popular television presenters and actors in Lithuania. The former lover does not tell reporters about life with Ingeborga. However, he repeatedly mentioned what she was like at the university - cheerful and extraordinary.

His student years became fatal for the career of a young star named Ingeborg Dapkunaite. The biography changed a lot after meeting with the first mentor Jonas Vaitkus. On his initiative, the girl began to play her first serious roles. Her career began at the Kaunas Drama Theater. From there, the young beauty is lured away by another director - Eimunts Nekrosius. There she also has to play the main characters.

Stage and set

In 1984, she tried her hand at cinema. Her first screen work was “My Little Wife.” Here the actress played a simple and cheerful girl. The public immediately fell in love with the young actress.

Then Ingeborg Dapkunaite appeared on screens very often. The films, alas, did not receive general popularity. She starred in such little-known films as “The Mysterious Heir,” “The 13th Apostle” and “Autumn, Chertanovo.”

People began to recognize the actress on the streets after the sensational film “Intergirl”. It was released in 1989 and immediately found a lot of fans. In this film Inga played the role of Kisuli.

During one of the performances, the actress is noticed by the director. He invites her to the capital of Great Britain. The play “Speech Errors” was staged there. She decides to go to the casting. Subsequently, she was approved, and the actress began a new task.

Success abroad

Later Ingeborga Dapkunaite moved to England. Personal life at that time did not work out. The first marriage fell apart. For both artists, the most important thing was their career, so the young people divorced, but remained friends. In Britain, Inga meets her second love. was a director. His heart was immediately filled with the charming beauty. They lived in marriage for more than 10 years, after which they also divorced. Now they maintain friendly relations.

After working in London, the actress moved to Chicago. There she played the main role in the production of “The Vagina Monologues.” The performance has a special psychological content. The public was delighted with the brave and gifted actress.

At the same time, she acted in films. So, in 1994 the film “Moscow Nights” was released. For this work, the star received the Nika Award.

Diverse work

In the same year, the famous Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov cast her in his Oscar-winning film “Burnt by the Sun.” The young, attractive and talented actress was invited to play in popular Hollywood films. Among them are “Mission: Impossible” and “Seven Years in Tibet.”

Ingeborga Dapkunaite gained worldwide fame. Photos of the actress appeared daily on magazine pages. In 2004, she took part in the film “Winter Heat”. The following year, Inga became the host of the Russian project “Big Brother”. She also starred in the show “Stars on Ice”. Her partner was Journalists have repeatedly attributed an affair to the couple, but this information has not been confirmed.

The actress divorced her second husband in 2009. A possible reason for the breakup is the lack of children. In February 2013, Inga got married for the third time. The chosen one was Dmitry Yampolsky, who was not involved in the world of the stage. It has several restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He is 12 years younger than his beloved. When they met, the rich man knew how old Ingeborga Dapkunaite was. However, the age difference does not prevent the couple from living happily.

Art without borders

The actress spends a lot of time in Russia. But he declares that he does not belong to this country either formally or mentally. Her accent practically disappears after several months of living in Moscow. But as soon as she moves to another state, the pronunciation changes again. Foreigners, having talked with the actress, believe that she is a native of Sweden. To such a compliment she replies that her homeland is not far from this country.

Many believe that the actress of international importance is Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The filmography of this talented Lithuanian really consists of Hollywood and domestic films. But to this, the actress herself declares that her creative career is still too short for such a title.

The 52-year-old actress is often criticized for abandoning domestic projects to work abroad. However, Ingeborga believes that art has no limits. And a good movie, if it really is like that, will reach its homeland. And then Lithuanians will be proud of their compatriot.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite was born in a small town called Vilnius. While she was very young, her parents lived and worked hard in the Russian capital, her father was a diplomat by profession, and her mother was a meteorologist. Dapkunaite lived throughout her childhood with relatives, coming to Moscow infrequently, mainly for the summer.

  • Real name: Ingeborga Edmundovna Dapkunaite
  • Date of birth: 01/20/1963
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Height: 166 centimeters
  • Weight: 52 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 63 and 85 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 37 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Gray-green, light brown.

The creative biography of the young talent began at the age of 4 thanks to his grandmother. The fact is that the relatives of the uncle, aunt and, of course, the future star worked in the theater. It was they who later influenced the girl’s choice. Her debut was a small role in the opera play “Cio-chio-San”, and after that she received many theatrical offers. In addition to art, the future actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite loved skating and basketball, but these hobbies did not in any way influence the firm decision to devote her entire life to acting. At the secondary school. Solomeya Neris, she is remembered as a modest and shy girl - a future world star of theater and cinema.

Having received a school education, the girl successfully entered the conservatory. She, like many of her peers, did not like her own appearance, but the only thing she was confident in was her talent, which developed exclusively with the help of hard work, patience and the desire to move forward.

Then she was accepted into the Kaunas Drama Theater. At the same time, she participated in many opera productions of the Vilnius and Lithuanian Youth Theaters.

During this difficult period of time, Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s personal life was already in full swing. While still studying, she managed to marry and divorce the host of television projects Arunas Sakalauskas. Her friend and stage partner John Malkovich invited her to London to audition for the performance “Speech Error.” And on the first day of rehearsal, fate brought her together with director Simon Stokes, who later became her second legal husband. And their divorce occurred in 2009. But Inga does not remain alone for long and after 4 years she marries Dmitry Yampolsky, a lawyer by profession and part-time successful restaurateur, for the third time. Now the actress is 55 years old and she has a beloved career, national fame, a loving husband and son (born 2017).

Theater work

The official theatrical career of actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite began in 1985. She got leading roles in many famous plays, for example, “The Seagull”, “King Lear” and “Carmen”.

The talented person will work in England for many years. And a little later she will go to Chicago by invitation. In that theater, her most successful work, according to the public, was participation in a provocative performance with the scandalous name “The Vagina Monologues.” Surprisingly, there was not a hint of vulgarity; rather, it was an emotionally difficult monologue.

Filmography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

While still a student, Inga received her first starring role in the film “My Little Wife.” She got the role of a cheerful and obnoxious girl, which grateful viewers remember to this day.

But the girl’s real fame came from her role in the famous film “Intergirl” by the incredibly talented director Todorovsky. There she played a prostitute with the affectionate nickname Kisulya. Since then, they began to recognize her on the streets, calling Ingeborga Dapkunaite “intergirl.” The next, no less important film work was “Cynics”, where she was presented as the decadent Olga. In a couple of years, the young actress will receive the first prize - the Golden Aries award. After some time, she again participates in Todorovsky’s new film “Moscow Evenings” in the role of Ekaterina.

Thanks to her heroine Marusa, from the film “Burnt by the Sun” from director N. Mikhalkov, the beautiful Inga becomes even more famous and in demand in the world of theater and cinema. The great work and immense talent of the Baltic actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite in this film attracted the attention of many foreign directors who invited her to play in their films. In the film masterpiece “Seven Years in Tibet,” Ingeborga Dapkunaite played alongside Hollywood star Brad Pitt, and starred with Tom Cruise in the film “Mission: Impossible.”

In general, the roles of women that go to a talented artist combine kindness and firmness, mystery and sadness, beauty and intelligence. The slight special Baltic accent and unique performance of each role gives the actress special privileges at all castings.

The life of an artist now

Ingeborga Dapkunaite now devotes herself mainly to Russian cinema. In addition, she is a member of the Moscow relief fund with the promising name “Vera”.

Not long ago, the last and most important project of the Lithuanian diva was the Moscow acting school, which she opened after taking courses abroad. The key task of this school is to provide young people with the opportunity to learn the desired creative profession. Ingeborg herself will become the director, and Robert McKee and John Malkovich will also work there. Famous actors of Russian and foreign cinema will become teachers of the educational institution. And after training, all students will be offered a good job in their field without fail.

In parallel with the development of her own projects, Lithuanian actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite continues to take part in a variety of television programs. Over the years, she has become so comfortable in Russian cinema that many viewers now find it hard to believe that she is not from here.

Despite her age, Ingeborga Dapkunaite attracts others with her youthful appearance and positive outlook. Thanks to her inexhaustible love of life, she manages to do a lot: film with directors in different countries, play on the theater stage, as well as attend social events and travel a lot. It is not surprising that everything is fine in the actress’s personal life, because her beloved man is next to her.

Ingeborga was born in 1963 in Vilnius. Her father was a diplomat, so her parents had to travel frequently on business trips. The future movie star lived with her grandparents for a very long time, and her aunt and uncle, who worked as musicians in the theater, often took the girl with them. When the baby was four years old, she appeared in the opera “Cio-Cio-san”. Then there were other roles, but then the future actress did not dream of the stage. In her childhood, Dapkunaite was passionate about sports, but after school she still entered the conservatory, after which she began working in the theater. Her film debut took place in 1984, and five years later, when the young actress appeared in the film “Intergirl,” she gained popularity and demand. Ingeborga's creative career began to develop rapidly, and she began to act in films and play in the theater not only in the Baltic states and Russia, but also in the West. Now the celebrity lives and works in several countries, visiting his native Vilnius, Moscow, London and Paris.

Dapkunaite's fans know very little about her personal life, since she does not like to cover its details. It is known that the actress had two marriages in the past. Her first husband was the Baltic actor and TV presenter Arunas Sakalauskas, who still says only good words about her. But the family never had children, perhaps because of this the couple separated. The star's second husband was English theater director Simon Stokes. At that time, Ingeborga moved with him to London, where she began playing in the theater. However, this marriage also broke up, and no heirs were born in it either.

In the photo Ingeborga Dapkunaite with her husband Dmitry Yampolsky

The blonde beauty's third marriage took place in the winter of 2013, and her chosen one was 38-year-old lawyer and restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky. In one interview, Dapkunaite told how she was walking down the street on New Year’s Eve and accidentally met a man with whom she started a family three years later. Perhaps the actress was talking about Dmitry then. For the sake of her young husband, the blonde decided to dye her hair red, since this is the shade he likes most.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite is a famous Soviet and Lithuanian actress. She has more than sixty films to her credit. In any film in which she starred, it is very easy to note the woman’s wonderful talent, the way she gives one hundred percent. Today Ingeborg lives in England, in its capital London. And it should be noted that this is one of the very few actresses who were born in the Soviet Union, but at the same time gained fame in Hollywood. This circumstance alone gives reason to be proud of this magnificent woman. The talented actress proved that it doesn’t matter where you were born, if you have a goal, you can achieve it if you have the desire and perseverance. Let's take a closer look at the life path and facts about the Lithuanian star.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ingeborg Dapkunaite

What height, weight, age. How old is Ingeborga Dapkunaite? Fans ask themselves these questions just by looking at Ingeborga’s photo. After all, she looks amazing, gorgeous. It seems that time has no power over her at all, because she is always young, stylish and beautiful. She has all the circumstances for this. After all, with a height of 165 centimeters, she weighs only 45 kilograms. Well, just take it straight and send it to the world podium. But the woman is already 54 years old, but, again, it’s almost impossible to believe. Young girls can admire her appearance; the actress has many fans and this is not surprising. Now let's take a closer look at how it all began. After all, Ingeborga Edmundovna Dapkunaite was not always famous; she was born an ordinary girl, like millions of other children. But at the same time she was able to announce herself to the world as a bright, unique and talented person.

Biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite (actress)

The biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite begins lightly and pleasantly. She grew up in an atmosphere of love and happiness, in addition, she was born the first child in the family, in the city of Vilnius in Lithuania. Her birthday is January 20, 1963. Her childhood was especially happy, because the girl was left in the care of her grandparents, and, as you know, the latter love to spoil their grandchildren. This circumstance is explained by the fact that the girl’s father worked as a diplomat and had to often go abroad. Also, the child’s fate was influenced by the fact that relatives worked in the opera house, sang arias, and this affected the fragile nature of the future actress. It’s hard to believe, but already at the age of four, Ingeborg appeared on stage, this happened thanks to her grandmother’s patronage. She tried herself in the opera “Cio-Cio-San”.

After the little singer successfully debuted on stage and showed herself well, other roles followed. But theater was not her only hobby, because little Dapkunaite also preferred to play sports. Basketball and figure skating became her companions in her young life, but at the same time, she still decided to further connect her life with art. At school, the star was remembered as a quiet, kind, shy girl, always ready to help others. True, it must be said here that her dream was to become a ballerina, but she decided to enter the university of foreign languages. But fate decided differently; soon she became a student at a theater school. True, this was explained quite simply and banally: exams were held here a little earlier than in others.

Her acting career began in the mid-eighties. The place of work was the Kaunas Drama Theater. Although she worked there for a short period, she managed to prove herself in seven famous performances, which were a stunning success. Here she marries actor Arunas Sakalauskas. A little later he goes to work at the Youth Theater, where he plays in various productions, including classics such as “King Lear” and “Carmen”. She managed to bring to life the role of a passionate gypsy; many actresses dreamed of getting this role, but Ingeborga got it. By the way, it was while working in this theater that she met John Malkovich, a famous actor. He invites her to a play called “Speech Error,” and this becomes a real revolution in the life of a rising star.

In London she gets the main role, so she decides to stay here. In a noisy city, she finds a second love and gets married again. This time the chosen one was Simon Stokes, who was the director of the production. Next, the actress is working on the world-famous production “The Vagina Monologues”, where she talks about various sensitive topics. But thanks to the beautiful, versatile talent of the young woman, all this does not carry vulgarity and is positively perceived by the audience. She confidently climbs the career ladder of an actress, building her position step by step. But she was not going to stop there, because she was destined to conquer the world of cinema in order to become recognizable on screens and be loved by thousands of viewers of different ages.

Filmography: films starring Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's filmography is varied and begins early in her life, although it did not immediately bring her recognition and popularity. She made her film debut when she was a student. She got the role of a quarrelsome, capricious, but charming girl, and I must say that she coped with this task perfectly, because the girl seemed to live on the screen, embodying even the most daring tasks. But fame came a little later, when she appeared in the film “Intergirls”. Here she plays a prostitute, whom clients call Kisulya. Then, in the early nineties, she took part in the film “Tsikiki”. After this, she appears in the film “Moscow Nights,” for which she was awarded for best actress.

The mid-nineties marked the actress's popular role in the film "Burnt by the Sun" where she played the role of Marusya. The performance amazed the audience, Ingeborg once again proved that she is capable of playing amazing in any film, no matter what role she got. I would also like to note that she played in such world-famous films as “Mission: Impossible” and “Seven Years in Tibet.” Her partners on the set were, no less, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt.

The images of those women played by the actress contain different destinies. They are mysterious, beautiful, gentle, smart. Somewhere they may be unlucky in life, but they continue to fight for their happiness. Dapkunaite really managed to show that she was unique and stood out among the rest of the cast, which allowed her to receive a special position in the castings.

Personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

The personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite is also bright and eventful. She failed to find her true love right away the first time. But the actress knows that not everything in life is given at once; you have to fight for many things. This happened in my personal life as well. Her first husband was an actor in the same theater where she played, and that’s where they met. But their family life did not last long; they divorced. True, they separated completely without conflicts or scandals; the former spouses still have a warm relationship; they remember each other with gratitude, because they learned a lot while being spouses. Everyone went their own way, deciding to look for happiness separately.

The marriage to her second husband Simon Stokes lasted ten years and even longer. But for some reason, family life did not work out again, they divorced. But again, this happened quietly, they did not get angry, did not curse each other, as often happens when other couples divorce. To this day, ex-spouses maintain good relationships, they understand that sometimes this happens when love exhausts itself, you have to move on, and this is far from the end of the world. In addition, this very personal happiness awaited Ingeborg further, for the sake of which it was worth going through unsuccessful and temporary alliances.

The actress found true happiness and feelings with director Emir Kusturica, who is known especially in Serbia. They met at a film festival, after which their feelings almost immediately flared up. They dated for a long time without hiding their relationship. When Emir's wife found out about this, she simply filed for divorce, giving the latter the freedom he needed. He still had children from his first marriage, but this did not stop him from starting a new personal life with Ingeborg.

Today, the actress continues to actively act in film, and has expanded her activities to various television projects. Her latest project is that she decided to open a series of master classes in Moscow in order to give Moscow youth a chance to express themselves in the acting field. So, perhaps we will hear about how many future pop stars came out from under her wing.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite family

Today, Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s family consists of herself and her beloved husband Emir Kusturica. I must say that this family was not so easy for the actress, because when they met, her beloved was married. But only after learning that her husband had fallen in love with someone else, the wife did the right thing and filed for divorce. Which made it possible for Ingeborg and Emir to get married in order to create a strong family, which became exactly the third for the actress. The couple has not yet said anything about children; it is unknown whether they are going to expect a new addition to the family. This can be explained by the fact that Kusturica already has children from her first marriage, and Ingeborga herself is in no hurry, but no one can say for sure.

Children of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

The children of Ingeborga Dapkunaite are not yet a very popular topic, because so far she has never become a mother. At least that's what fans know from the press. The celebrity herself tries to avoid questions that are asked in this direction. It's hard to say why she thinks this way, but there could be several reasons. Perhaps it’s the star’s busy schedule, maybe she still wants to remain an individual, free from childish worries. Although everything may be the other way around, maybe the star has been ready to become a mother for a long time, she is just waiting for the right opportunity for this. And although her age is no longer very suitable for this, and she has three marriages behind her, you can be sure that if Dapkunaite wants to become a mother, she will find a way to do it.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's ex-husband - Arunas Sakalauskas

Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s ex-husband, Arunas Sakalauskas, played with her in the same theater when they met. They fell in love with each other, after which they decided to link their destinies. But this did not give them a guarantee of a long and happy life. After some time, the husband and wife, apparently not finding common ground, made a common decision to divorce. True, they parted calmly, without problems and unnecessary worries. In addition, today they have maintained a warm relationship, they even sometimes communicate, remembering previous feelings. Ingeborga remembers her first love with gratitude. Arunas today is a famous TV presenter and actor.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's ex-husband - Simon Stokes

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's ex-husband, Simon Stokes, became her second chosen one, and this time the marriage lasted a long time. They met at a theater performance of the actress and fell in love with each other. Their family union lasted more than ten years, they steadfastly endured all the hardships that they had in life. But here, too, it was time to say goodbye, so in 2009 they divorced. This time, too, everything went smoothly; the actress did not share anything with her ex-husband and calmly separated from him. Simon works as a theater director in Britain. When they have the opportunity, they can maintain relationships, communicate, and remember past feelings.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's common-law husband - Emir Kusturica

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's common-law husband, Emir Kusturica, became her third and happiest choice. He is a famous director in Serbia, he met the actress at one of the film festivals when they ended up there together. They fell in love almost immediately, dated and lived together for some time. After her still future husband received a divorce from his first wife, they decided to legalize the relationship. Today they live together, act, and participate in various projects. They found each other, now they are happy and loved. Emir has two children from his first marriage, whom he sees regularly and helps with deeds and advice.

Photo by Ingeborga Dapkunaite before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Ingeborga Dapkunaite before and after plastic surgery can be easily found on the Internet. But are they genuine? On the one hand, looking at this young, stylish, beautiful woman, it is difficult to imagine that she is already in her sixth decade. The thought immediately creeps in that she repeatedly uses the wonders of plastic surgery, especially considering that Hollywood stars love to do this kind of thing. On the other hand, the celebrity herself does not want to admit this, she claims that she has never radically changed her appearance, because she does not need it, if only because she is loved by millions of fans and, most importantly, her beloved husband. So it’s difficult to say where it’s true and where it’s not.

But in any case, Ingeborga Dapkunaite looks amazing, no matter whether these are natural data, or, nevertheless, she helps herself with plastic surgery.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ingeborgi Dapkunaite

Finding out about Ingeborg Dapkunaite is not so difficult, because there is a lot of information about her on the Internet. One of these sources is her personal page on Wikipedia (, which contains general facts about her life, both career and personal. The Wikipedia page is a good place to start if you want to get to know the star. Although the celebrity is not on Instagram, there is plenty of information about her from various sources, ranging from articles on regular websites to resources that are dedicated specifically to her. Wikipedia Ingeborga Dapkunaite will help you get as close as possible to the star personality, to find out that among the cast there is such a unique, talented woman.