Instagram Borodina Ksenia – borodylia on Instagram. Instagram of Ksenia Borodina: what's new, latest posts Ksenia Borodina Instagram

The famous TV presenter and actress Ksenia Borodina was born on March 8. Maybe it was this date that postponed femininity and charm in the character and life of Ksenia Borodina. In the photographs of the star you can see that she earned her happiness through her hard work, great willpower and perseverance in life.

Ksenia was born in Moscow, studied at a regular school. And after graduating from the lyceum, where they studied in depth foreign languages, she entered the second year of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, where she enthusiastically began to master the basics of the specialty “tourism manager”.

Borodin on Instagram - official account

Posted new photos.

But Ksenia’s main dream has been unchanged since childhood - the girl dreamed of getting on television. There was a time when Borodina’s whole life consisted of castings, eternal auditions, selections, and photo sessions. But there were no job offers for a long time. Already desperate, Borodina decides to go to Italy, to live with her parents. This is where her fate overtook her. The young beauty was offered to become the host of the popular show “Dom-2”. And for the past 10 years, Borodina’s name has been closely associated with this television project.

Along with “Dom-2” came fame, which brought not only ecstasy, but also great responsibility. Fans and journalists eager for “fried facts” appeared, dreaming of noticing a new starlet in some scandal. And here we must pay tribute to Ksenia - she managed to create the image of an independent and strong lady who is no stranger to entertainment, but who always puts work and family first. All the pictures in magazines where Ksenia Borodina poses, Instagram photographs confirm her main credo: “Love! Create! Dream!”

Her official account Instagram is replete with a wide variety of photographs. Among the numerous selfies, there are also high-quality photos from parties, get-togethers and meetings, demonstrating how active life Borodin leads.

But the most important trend for Ksenia today is her daughter and her new lover. Until recently, Ksenia appeared in public with M. Terekhin. The girl's friends and colleagues predicted a quick wedding. But Borodina was in no hurry. As she admits in her blog, the relationship was too stormy, the lovers often quarreled and finally broke up.

Now on Instagram pages Borodulya (borodylia), aka Borodina, poses as a mother and the happy chosen one of the Zuma businessman.

Social networks are a huge showcase, behind which a huge number of people swim, like fish in an aquarium. Most of them lead a rather modest virtual life, each communicating with their own handful of acquaintances. Another thing is public figures. Everyone watches their activity: from onlookers to journalists. This means you should watch what you say and to whom, and even more so, what you do. Keep the brand, so to speak. Alas, not everyone succeeds. Accounts on social networks are like a litmus test - they easily bring everyone to clean water. And you can puff yourself up as much as you like, trying to seem like you are not who you really are, but the truth, along with stupidity, whining, snobbery, and other niceties, will still surface to the surface along with a random post, comments or photo. Oh, especially with the photo. Don't believe me?

We advise you to pay attention to the Instagram account of Ksenia Borodina. It characterizes our thesis quite well. In a rebuke to one of her subscribers, Ksyusha voiced the idea that “stars” are revealing their privacy in order to please fellow citizens. And they should understand and appreciate this, and not get into the comments with criticism. What will Borodina’s Instagram reveal to us? After all, Ksyusha, without hesitation, also attributed herself to the stars. So, welcome to Ksenia Borodina’s Instagram.

First impression

Horror, horror. Borodul's Instagram is haphazard. Her account resembles a hodgepodge authored by a fifteen-year-old young lady who hormonal changes, puberty and adolescence really tear me apart. But Borodina is already over 30 and it’s impossible to attribute all this virtual mess to teenage spontaneity.

Everything is here for you: from laying out scans of personal correspondence and pictures of daughters greeting cards to pretentious photos and base poems. Like this one, for example: “A woman smells of a trail of Gossip, intrigue, perfume, Song magic flute From the labyrinth of dreams. It smells faintly of a spicy bouquet of wine. A woman smells like a man if she is in love." A strange choice, considering that Russian Wikipedia positions Ksyusha as a lover of the works of Nekrasov and Pushkin. But God be with her, with poetry.

However, Ksyusha’s musical tastes are also, to put it mildly, puzzling. Here are her top four as of the end of 2013: Timati “Look”, Eva Polna “Silence”, Viagra “Truce”, Pizza “Paris”. If you compare the list with the composition of the brain (Borodulya also recklessly published it on Instagram), you begin to want to cry. According to the owner (see post dated March 22), her gray matter composition is as follows, quote: 5% - names, 3% - phone numbers, 2% - something from school curriculum and 90% are songs. Can you imagine what kind of garbage constantly sounds in a person’s head?!

Let's move on to the photos

Borodina’s Insta is full of personal photographs in which she is taken with her boyfriend, daughter, or the whole trio together. Moreover, the photos are from everyday life: a trip to the supermarket, a baby learning to swim, a cheerful (obviously heavily alcoholic) party with girlfriends, and so on. At the same time, in the header of the account there is the phone number of secretary Ksenia, whom you need to call regarding holidays and other work issues. Somehow the family album and requests to adjust the contact information of a specialist who plucks eyebrows with thread are mounted with a business situation. It remains unclear for what purposes Borodin uses his Instagram account: either to show off his boyfriend or to find a part-time job.

In general, turning out underwear for the whole world to see has long become a hobby for Ksenia. In every interview, she complains with enviable consistency about the bad attitude towards her common-law husband- Mikhail Terekhin, then quickly forgives him, takes him on vacation and posts photos of them together. Combined with depressing quotes about “why do we leave, abandon men? We don’t just leave without any reason...” the relationship looks a little sad and strained.

Well, Ksenia coquettishly calls professional staged photographs with makeup and hair styling “Thinking about it.” Yes, yes, who would doubt it, I spent three hours in the dressing room in order to think. It’s funny that a couple of months earlier, Borodina captioned an identical photo from the same photo shoot (with a wreath of roses on her head) “frost and sun - a wonderful day.” Hmmm, don't you think that Ksyusha's logic is lame?

Well, what’s a decent account without photos of bracelets, shoes and cute cats. And also the “classics” of social networks: “I’m beautiful in the elevator,” “I’m with my lips in a tube,” “I’m in the gym getting my hair done and doing makeup,” and “check out the bouquet they gave me.” As you can see, Ksenia Borodina loves Instagram and regularly updates her page with fresh photos. It’s boring to comment on all this garbage in detail, but it allows us to draw categorical conclusions.

But that's not all...

In addition to righteous labors in the hosts of the endless “House-2”, Borodin does not disdain advertising hackwork. With enviable regularity, posts appear in her feed about inexpensive villas in Thailand, about buyers from Europe, about unknown showrooms, about the sale of Chinese replicas, and so on. No one big name, of course, it doesn’t sound like it, but many people are promoting themselves with Ksyushina’s help.

And sometimes Borodina hits the truth right in the eye. For example, to myself and like this: “In general, I’m decent. But sometimes, I swear. Because swearing, like Rafaello, is instead of a thousand words.....” Ummmmm, who should host the corporate event? Lexicon small but capacious.

At times Ksyusha philosophizes. “Take care of your beloved women...” she advises readers, posting another banality on the page. But the question arises: who is this match for? For subscribers, of whom 98% are young ladies (oh, horror, lesbians?) or for someone else?

IN best traditions blondes, Ksenia does not forget to tell the world that she has purchased a Chanel handbag. For those who don’t know: every decent girl should have her own Chanel. Or at least a branded paper bag. You can take a picture of it too. So, Ksenia has it. Both the handbag and the bag. And photos with them. It's not some kind of unpaved village.

Ksenia Borodina's Instagram has become very popular in Lately. After all, the young woman has long attracted the attention of the public and is accustomed to openly communicating with her fans. That is why anyone can subscribe to its official page

Today, Ksenia’s life is followed by more than 11 million subscribers, who comment on her posts and like colorful photographs with enviable regularity.

Ksenia Borodina and her love for beauty

For the eminent presenter, Instagram has turned into a special world where she can share her successes, show fans what is happening on social events and what secrets are hidden behind the scenes.

Ksenia also constantly posts her own photographs, from which you can learn how to pose correctly and present yourself advantageously in the frame. The summer photo “with sweets” alone was able to attract the attention of an incredible number of people.

The young woman herself admitted that she really loves juicy photographs, so she never misses the opportunity to take a good shot. Borodina is always looking for new ideas for a photo shoot and is ready to go to great lengths for the sake of an interesting photograph.

What else can you find on the TV presenter’s page?

Ksenia Borodina tries to lead active image life, travel a lot and experience new experiences. And her Instagram confirms this. Most recently, Ksenia’s family visited the 2018 FIFA World Cup. They, along with all the fans, supported their favorite team and enjoyed each other’s company.

Ksenia Borodina - famous TV presenter and actress, born March 8. Probably, this date left its mark on the girl’s character. Everyone who knows Ksyusha invariably notes her femininity, spontaneity and charm. But the photos on Ksenia Borodina’s Instagram once again prove that she deserved her happiness - through her work, perseverance and remarkable willpower.

Borodina is a Muscovite, and “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears”

Ksenia was born in Moscow, studied at a regular school. And after graduating from the lyceum, where they studied foreign languages ​​in depth, she entered the second year of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, where she enthusiastically began to master the basics of the specialty “tourism manager”.

But Ksenia’s main dream has been unchanged since childhood - the girl dreamed of getting on television. There was a time when Borodina’s whole life consisted of castings, eternal auditions, selections, and photo sessions. But there were no job offers for a long time. Already desperate, Borodina decides to go to Italy, to live with her parents. This is where her fate overtook her. The young beauty was offered to become a co-host of the popular show “Dom-2”. And for the past 10 years, Borodina’s name has been closely associated with this television project.

Instagram of Ksenia Borodina - a kaleidoscope of events

Along with "House-2" came fame, which brought not only ecstasy, but also great responsibility. Fans and journalists eager for “fried facts” appeared, dreaming of noticing a new starlet in some scandal. And here we must pay tribute to Ksenia - she managed to create the image of an independent and strong lady who is no stranger to entertainment, but who always puts work and family first. All the pictures in magazines where Ksenia Borodina poses, Instagram photographs confirm her main credo: “Love! Create! Dream!”

Her official Instagram account is replete with a wide variety of photographs. Among the numerous selfies, there are also high-quality photos from parties, get-togethers and meetings, demonstrating how active Borodin’s life is.

But the most important trend for Ksenia today is her daughter and her new lover. Until recently, Ksenia appeared in public with M. Terekhin. The girl's friends and colleagues predicted a quick wedding. But Borodina was in no hurry. As she admits in her blog, the relationship was too stormy, the lovers often quarreled and finally broke up.

Now on Instagram pages Borodulya (borodylia), aka Borodina, poses as a mother and the happy chosen one of the Zuma businessman.

Ksenia BorodinaRussian actress, permanent host of the popular reality show Dom 2 on TNT.

Ksenia is a native Muscovite, she was born and raised in Moscow. Her parents divorced early, when the girl was only a year old. Then her upbringing fell entirely on the shoulders of her grandparents, but she spent every summer with her parents in Italy. They also took part in raising the girl; once, as punishment for bad behavior, Ksyusha was sent to private school in England for the whole summer.

After graduating from the private Moscow Lyceum, Ksyusha entered the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism with a degree in tourism manager. Already at that time, she had firmly decided to become a presenter and actively attended various castings. One of these events was the casting for the role of host of the television project Dom-2 on the TNT channel. It was this show that changed her whole life. At that time, no one could have imagined that Dom-2 would become the highest-rated television project in Russia, and Ksyusha Borodina, along with and, the most popular presenters.

Ksyusha Borodina and Olya Buzova

Appearing on the screen, Ksenia quickly won the love of the audience, and this could not affect her career. She began to be actively invited to talk shows and offered film roles. So, Borodina played several episodic roles. One of them, and probably the most significant, is the role of a friend main character in the film “Happy March 8, Men!”, released in 2014.

Ksenia has a growing daughter, Marusya Borodina, whom she gave birth to while married to businessman Yuri Budakov. But, unfortunately, their marriage did not work out, and three years after the wedding, they divorced. After Yuri, Ksyusha had a relationship with, a participant in the television project Dom-2. Arriving at the show, he actively began to court her. Handsome, smart, the guy quickly won Ksyusha’s sympathy. But the relationships that arose on the project did not stand the test real life. They quickly parted. Now, Ksenia is married to a businessman, their wedding took place in the summer of 2015, and in December the young couple had a daughter, Thea.

Ksyusha Borodina actively communicates with her fans on the Internet, she has her own website, Official page In contact with (id159194580), as well as this profile in Instagram. IN social network Instagram Ksenia Borodina runs a page under the nickname. Nick "Beard" It was not by chance that Ksyusha chose Borodulya; her close friends and relatives call her Borodulya, as well as with whom she has developed friendly relations.