Character history. Slavic epics about the Holy Mountain Bylina: the Holy Mountain and earthly cravings

From afar, the hero Ilya Muromets rode out from an open field. He rides across the field and sees: in front of him in the distance is a giant hero on a mighty horse. The horse strides across the field, and the hero in the saddle falls asleep soundly. Ilya caught up with him:

“Are you really sleeping or are you pretending?”
The hero is silent. He goes and sleeps. Ilya got angry. He grabbed his damask club and hit the hero. And he didn’t even open his eyes. The second, third time Ilya called out to him and hit him so hard that he knocked his hand off. And the hero woke up, looked around, scratched himself:
- Oh, and Russian flies bite painfully!

He noticed Ilya, put him and the horse in his pocket and rode on. His horse began to stumble from the weight.
Then the hero remembered Ilya, took it out of his pocket and asked:
- Did you want to fight with me?

Ilya Muromets answered him:
- I don't want to fight with you. Let's better buddy up.
The hero agreed. They fraternized - Svyatogor the hero and Ilya Muromets. We sat down, talked, and told each other about ourselves. Then we went together.
We arrived at the Mount of Olives. They look at a wonderful miracle: there is an empty oak coffin standing on the mountain.
- Who is destined to lie in this coffin? -Svyatogor says. - You, Ilya, lie down in the coffin and try it on: isn’t it for you?
Ilya Muromets tried it on - no, the coffin is not suitable for him: it is long in length and wide in width. Svyatogor lay down in the coffin. The coffin suited him just right.

“Come on, Ilya, cover me with an oak lid: I’ll lie in a coffin and show off.”
Ilya covered his older brother with the lid of the grave. Svyatogor lay down and asked:

“It’s hard for me to breathe in a coffin.” Open the lid, Ilya.
But Ilya can’t open it in any way.
“Break the lid with a sword,” Svyatogor says.

Ilya obeyed and began to chop off the lid with a sword. No matter what the blow, an iron hoop jumps across the coffin. Ilya beats up and down - iron hoops fall along and across the coffin. Svyatogor realized that he would never come out into the world again. Speaks:

“Apparently, this is where the end came for me.” Bend over to me, Ilya, I will breathe on you, and your strength will increase.
“I have enough strength of my own,” Ilya replies, “if I add more, the earth won’t be able to carry me.”
And here the named brothers said goodbye. Svyatogor remained lying in the heroic coffin. And Ilya Muromets went to Holy Rus' to tell in the city of Kyiv what a miracle happened on the Mount of Olives.

Hello guys, sit down. My name is Daria Vladimirovna. Today I will teach you a literary reading lesson. Check your workspaces, remove all unnecessary items from tables.

Guys, today we will have an interesting topic, but I won’t tell you what it is yet.

First, let's remember what genre you studied in the last lesson?

How does a short story differ from other genres?

Today we will study a very interesting, but not simple genre.

In order for you to be able to determine what kind of genre this is, 6 people come to me and receive letters from me.

Guys, what kind of word can be made from these letters?

Today we are studying a new genre called epic.

Maybe someone knows what an epic is?

In order to find out, let's take card number 1, and.... will read to us.

So, what signs of the epic can we identify?

Today we will study the epic called “Svyatogor the Hero”.

Why do you think the hero was named Svyatogor, what is the meaning of his name?

Do you think it’s possible to call a not very strong person Svyatogor? Why?

Now listen to the epic Svyatogor the Hero. (Children’s textbooks are closed.)

How many heroes were there in the epic?

How many heroes have measured their strength?

How did Svyatogor’s attempt to raise the “Handbag” end?

Let's open our textbooks on page 21 and look at the content of the text of the epic.

This epic is quite difficult to read, we need to read it beautifully.

To do this, I have selected words for you in advance, the meaning of which I want you to understand.

Now look at page 23, read the words you don’t know.

(reading by rhyme).

Well done, you read it well, but since the epic is complex, let’s read it again.

1)Where did Svyatogor walk?

2) Was there such a person with whom Svyatogor could measure his strength?

3) Guys, who told Svyatogor that he has such great power?

4) What words did Svyatogor say, boasting of his strength?

5) Who did Svyatogor see after those words?

6) Were Svyatogor able to immediately catch up with the passerby?

7) Find in the text what Svyatogor had to do to catch up with the passerby.

8) How did the passerby behave?

9) Find in the text the words about how Svyatogor examined the handbag of a passerby.

11) Were Svyatogor able to lift his purse?

12) Find in the text what happened to Svyatogor at this moment?

13) Find in the text what Svyatogor asked the passerby?

14) What was the name of the passerby?

Guys, what words do you think characterize this character?

(I have selected a statement for you in advance. Can you now choose the words yourself?)

Guys, now we'll take a little rest.

I will tell you the part of the body that you need to touch, but listen carefully because I will confuse you. Touch your nose, touch your ear, touch your neck (I repeat, but I’m showing it incorrectly). Now we have rested a little and are ready to continue the lesson.

Open the printed notebooks on page 12.

Let's complete the cover model.

As you can already see, the epic is indicated by a rhombus.

What do you think is the theme of this work?

What color will we need to paint the diamond?

Let's write the author's surname above the diamond, and the name of the epic under the diamond.

Let's do #3 on pages 12-13.

Now let’s work in pairs, take cards No. 2. Before you are parts of a proverb, make a proverb out of these parts.

We have collected 3 proverbs, let's read them.

Do any of these proverbs fit this epic?


Now take card number 3 and answer the test questions.

1.Where did Svyatogor walk?

A) in the steppe

B) in the field

B) in the forest

2.Who did Svyatogor meet?

A) passerby

B) horse

B) Ilya Muromets

3.Name the genre of the work Svyatogor the Hero.

A) story

B) epic

B) story

4.What did the passerby have?

A) bag

B) basket

B) handbag

5. What was the name of the man Svyatogor met?

A) Alyosha Popovich

B) Dobrynya Nikitich

B) Mikula Selyaninovich

6. Were Svyatogor able to lift the bag?

A) picked up easily

B) raised only a hair's breadth from the ground

B) didn’t pick it up

Please submit your work.

Guys, let's remember what new things you learned?

What genre were you introduced to?

What words did you learn?

Guys, please stand up, those who understand what an epic is.

Please stand up, those who saw the human features of the hero.

Our lesson has come to an end, thank you all for your attention, it was a pleasure working with you, goodbye.

Many consider it fiction, comparing it with fairy tales. However, the epic, that is, true reality, differs significantly from folk fantasy. Of course, the events described in the legends are much exaggerated. But scientists find evidence that they took place in real life. For example, in the caves of the Kyiv Lavra there rests an incorruptible crayfish who lived during the reign of the prince. At the same time, Svyatogor lived - a hero who repeatedly met with the winner of the Nightingale the Robber.

Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich are the most famous trio of ancient Russian epic knights, the prototypes of which, by the way, were real people. But the legends tell about another person, no less revered. This is the hero Svyatogor, whose biography is known mainly from epics. What he was like is not known for certain. After all, at the time when Svyatogor the hero lived, there were no cameras or television. According to legend, he was a real giant: he could easily put another knight in his pocket, and even with a horse! He also carried with him a casket containing his beautiful wife. The epics tell how the hero of our story met Muromets, how they became sworn brothers, how Svyatogor got married (the moral is: you can’t escape fate) and how he punished his unfaithful wife.

According to epics, the hero lived on the high Holy Mountains (hence his nickname), but did not visit the cities and villages of Rus'. Why? The Russian hero Svyatogor was taller than the forest, his head reached the clouds. When he got ready to set off on his journey, the world shook, rivers overflowed their banks, forests swayed. Mother Earth Cheese held him with difficulty. That is probably why he so rarely left his home and went to the people. His strength was very great, and even increased day by day. But this was his curse, his torment: there was no other knight who could compare in strength with the hero. So he didn't know what to do with her, and in the end she killed him. We can definitely say that Svyatogor is a supernatural being, and therefore is doomed to death in advance. Confirmation of this is the coffin he found in an open field, which accepted the hero’s body and stopped his ordeal.

According to one version, Svyatogor the hero is a descendant of the Lemurians, the giants who previously inhabited our planet. Perhaps the last of his kind, that’s why he stayed away from her, while treating her very friendly, although he did not understand her. However, such a judgment remains just a hypothesis - without confirmation or refutation.

But some researchers believe that they have found the hero's final resting place. The boyar mound Gulbishche near Chernigov also dates back to the period of the war between the inhabitants of Rus' and the Pechenegs. The person buried in it (Svyatogor the hero?), although he did not belong to the princely family, was still very noble and important, as evidenced by the objects in the burial. The weapons and belongings of the deceased are of impressive size. Perhaps the historical prototype of the glorious epic knight rests here? It is worth noting that the location of the mound also suggests the veracity of the epics. Gulbishche is located on the Boldin Mountains, not far from the Holy Grove. Were these rocks the home of Svyatogor?

Be that as it may, it can be assumed that a man of enormous stature and great strength, so vividly described in the Slavic epic, really walked the Russian soil and did good.

Svyatogor the hero. Bylina

The Holy Mountains are high in Rus', their gorges are deep, their abysses are terrible; Neither birch, nor oak, nor pine, nor green grass grow there. Even a wolf can’t run there, an eagle can’t fly by, and even an ant has nothing to profit from on the bare rocks. Only the hero Svyatogor rides between the cliffs on his mighty horse. The horse leaps over chasms, jumps over gorges, and steps from mountain to mountain. An old man rides through the Holy Mountains. Here the mother of the damp earth shakes, stones crumble into the abyss, rapid rivers flow out. The hero Svyatogor is taller than a dark forest, he props up the clouds with his head, he gallops through the mountains - the mountains shake under him, he drives into the river - all the water from the river splashes out. He rides for a day, two, three - he stops, pitches his tent, lies down, gets some sleep, and again his horse wanders through the mountains.

Svyatogor the hero is bored, sadly old: in the mountains there is no one to say a word with, no one to measure his strength with. He would like to go to Rus', walk with other heroes, fight with enemies, shake his strength, but the trouble is: the earth does not support him, only the stone cliffs of Svyatogorsk do not crumble under his weight, do not fall, only their ridges do not crack under his hooves heroic horse. It’s hard for Svyatogor because of his strength, he carries it like a heavy burden. I would be glad to give half my strength, but there is no one. I would be glad to do the hardest work, but there is no work I can handle. Whatever you touch with your hand, everything will crumble into crumbs, flatten into a pancake. He would begin to uproot forests, but for him forests are like meadow grass. He would begin to move mountains, but no one needs it... So he travels alone through the Holy Mountains, his head weighing down with melancholy... - Eh, I wish I could find I have an earthly craving, I would drive a ring into the sky, tie an iron chain to the ring; I would pull the sky to the earth, turn the earth upside down, mix the sky with the earth - I would spend a little power! But where can you find it - cravings! One day Svyatogor is riding along a valley between the cliffs, and suddenly a living person walks ahead! A nondescript little man walks, stamping his bast shoes, carrying a saddlebag on his shoulder.

Svyatogor was delighted: he would have someone to exchange a word with, and began to catch up with the peasant. He walks on his own, in no hurry, but Svyatogorov’s horse gallops at full speed, but cannot catch up with the man. A man is walking, not in a hurry, throwing his handbag from shoulder to shoulder. Svyatogor gallops at full speed - all the passers-by are ahead! He's walking at a pace - he can't catch up with everything! Svyatogor shouted to him: “Hey, good passerby, wait for me!” The man stopped and put his purse on the ground. Svyatogor galloped up, greeted him and asked: “What kind of burden do you have in this bag?” - And you take my purse, throw it over your shoulder and run across the field with it. Svyatogor laughed so hard that the mountains shook; I wanted to pry the purse with a whip, but the purse did not move, I began to push with a spear - it did not budge, I tried to lift it with my finger, but it did not rise... Svyatogor got off his horse, took the purse with his right hand - he did not move it by a hair. The hero grabbed the purse with both hands and pulled with all his might, only lifting it up to his knees. Lo and behold, he’s sunk knee-deep into the ground, not sweat is running down his face, but blood is flowing, his heart is frozen...

Svyatogor threw his handbag, fell to the ground, and a rumble went through the mountains and valleys. The hero could barely catch his breath - Tell me what you have in your purse? Tell me, teach me, I have never heard of such a miracle. My strength is exorbitant, but I can’t lift such a grain of sand! - Why not tell me - I’ll say: in my little bag all the earthly cravings lie. Spyatogor lowered his head: “That’s what earthly craving means.” Who are you and what is your name, passer-by? - I am a plowman, Mikula Selyaninovich - I see, good man, the mother of the earth loves you! Maybe you can tell me about my fate? It’s hard for me to ride through the mountains alone, I can’t live like this in the world anymore. - Go, hero, to the Northern Mountains. There is an iron forge near those mountains. In that forge, the blacksmith forges everyone’s destiny, and from him you will learn about your destiny. Mikula Selyaninovich threw his purse over his shoulder and walked away. And Svyatogor jumped on his horse and galloped towards the Northern Mountains. Svyatogor rode and rode for three days, three nights, did not go to bed for three days - he reached the Northern Mountains. Here the cliffs are even bare, the abysses are even blacker, the rivers are deep and raging... Under the very cloud, on a bare rock, Svyatogor saw an iron forge. There is a bright fire burning in the forge, black smoke is pouring out of the forge, and there is a ringing and knocking sound throughout the area.

Svyatogor went into the forge and saw: a gray-haired old man standing at the anvil, blowing the bellows with one hand, hitting the anvil with a hammer with the other, but nothing was visible on the anvil. - Blacksmith, blacksmith, what are you forging, father? - Come closer, bend down lower! Svyatogor bent down, looked and was surprised: a blacksmith was forging two thin hairs. - What do you have, blacksmith? “Here are two hairs of an owl, a hair with a hair of an owl - two people get married.” - Who does fate tell me to marry? - Your bride lives on the edge of the mountains in a dilapidated hut.
Svyatogor went to the edge of the mountains and found a dilapidated hut. The hero entered it and put a gift - a bag of gold - on the table. Svyatogor looked around and saw: a girl was lying motionless on a bench, covered with bark and scabs, and did not open her eyes. Svyatogor felt sorry for her. Why is he lying there and suffering? And death does not come, and there is no life. Svyatogor pulled out his sharp sword and wanted to hit the girl, but his hand did not rise.

The sword fell on the oak floor. Svyatogor jumped out of the hut, sat on his horse and galloped off to the Holy Mountains. Meanwhile, the girl opened her eyes and saw: a heroic sword was lying on the floor, a bag of gold was on the table, and all the bark had fallen off her, and her body was clean, and her strength had returned. She got up, walked along the little hill, walked out the threshold, bent over the lake and gasped: a beautiful girl was looking at her from the lake - stately, and white, and rosy-cheeked, and with clear eyes, and fair-haired braids! She took the gold that was lying on the table, built ships, loaded them with goods and set off across the blue sea to trade and seek happiness. Wherever she comes, all the people run to buy goods and admire the beauty. The fame of her spreads throughout Rus': She reached the Holy Mountains, and rumors about her reached Svyatogor. He also wanted to look at the beauty. He looked at her, and he fell in love with the girl. - This is the bride for me, I’ll marry this one! The girl also fell in love with Svyatogor. They got married, and Svyatogor’s wife began to tell him about her former life, how she lay covered in bark for thirty years, how she was cured, how she found money on the table. Svyatogor was surprised, but didn’t say anything to his wife. The girl gave up trading, sailing the seas, and began to live with Svyatogor on the Holy Mountains.

This is a strange hero - majestic, stern and at the same time pathetic, tragic. He is fantastically strong, many times stronger than Ilya Muromets, but the strength in him is somehow useless. This hero does not perform feats, like Ilya Muromets, for the sake of his native land, does not crush its enemies, does not fight evil. He has no father, no mother, no friends. Even the native land, as it is said in the epic, “does not bear it”, cannot withstand it. He does not go either to the open field, like other heroes, or to Kyiv-grad. He lives like a giant hermit, alone in the mountains and himself resembles a formidable motionless rock. This mountain giant is doomed to death, because his life is meaningless, his strength is useless. And all the epics about Svyatogor tell how he gives up his life. He dies not in battle, but in competition with some unknown, irresistible force. This power is not human, it lies in some objects, and Svyatogor, despite his great power, cannot cope with it. In the epic “Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets” this object becomes an empty coffin, where Svyatogor lies down, as if jokingly, but cannot get out. The “oak lid” has closed, and Ilya cannot open it. Svyatogor asks:
- You break the lid with a saber,
Ilya Svyatogor obeyed,
He takes the saber sharply,
Strikes the oak coffin,
Where will Ilya Muromets strike?
Here the iron hoops become
Ilya does everything that Svyatogor advises in order to rescue him from the coffin, but each action only worsens the situation and brings the end of the hero closer. Apparently, Svyatogor’s meeting with the coffin is fate, and death is inevitable. Svyatogor, realizing that his death is near, wants to transfer his power to Ilya Muromets. But Ilya doesn’t need this power; he has enough of his own.
In another epic, Svyatogor wants to lift a “saddle bag,” but cannot tear it off the ground.
He takes his bag, and with one hand -
This handbag won't move,
How he takes both hands,
He strained himself with heroic strength.
Svyatogor is stuck in the ground up to his knees,
And on the white face there are not tears, but blood flowing...

Why is this bag so heavy that the hero grew into the ground and found his death here? It turns out that in the purse there is “earthly craving”, “the burden of mother damp earth”. This is what the hero tried to compete with - with great earthly power! The epic seems to warn: in such a struggle - unjust, destructive - the hero will lose, because the land needs to be plowed, developed and protected, and not compete with it in power and strength. Svyatogor, the hero of old times, far from the concerns and interests of the Russian land, is leaving forever. New heroes come who see their calling in serving their native land, in protecting it from enemies.