The reservists will be turned into contract soldiers. The Russian army will be strengthened with paid reservists

I work as a personnel officer at an auto company. The team is mostly men; most of us are registered with the military. Two young drivers plan to contact the military registration and enlistment office to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense to remain in the mobilization manpower reserve. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. Please tell us, will the conclusion of this contract have any impact on the work of employees? Is there anything required from HR officers? What documents will need to be completed and how long can the procedure take?

In order to answer your question, first of all you need to understand what a stock is and what types of stock are established.

In accordance with Art. 51.2 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Military Duty) mobilization reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF Armed Forces) created to staff formations and military units for the period of mobilization deployment.

The stock consists of:

1. Mobilization human reserve.

Mobilization manpower reserve (hereinafter referred to as reserve)– citizens who are in the reserve and have entered into a contract in the prescribed manner to remain in the mobilization human reserve (hereinafter referred to as the reserve contract). This concept was introduced on January 1, 2013 by Federal Law dated December 30, 2013 No. 288-FZ.

2. Mobilization of human resources.

Mobilization human resource - citizens who are in the reserve and not part of the reserve.

Your employees who are in the reserves of the RF Armed Forces can join the mobilization manpower reserves of the RF Armed Forces. This is done only on a voluntary basis by concluding a contract to remain in the reserve. The procedure for entering the reserve, staying in it and being excluded from it is determined by the Law on Military Duty, other federal laws, as well as the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization manpower reserve, which entered into force on September 15, 2015, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 3, 2015 No. 933 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on staying in reserve), and other legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Our information: stock composition

Citizens in reserve are divided into three categories:


  1. All female citizens in the reserves belong to the third category. Those with military ranks of officers remain in the reserve until they reach 50 years of age, the rest - until they reach 45 years of age.
  2. Age set September 30, 2014

The entry and stay of an employee in the mobilization human reserve can be divided into several stages, in each of which the employer is involved to one degree or another.

Stage 1. Submitting an application by the employee about the desire to enter into a contract to remain in the mobilization human reserve

An employee who has expressed a desire to conclude a contract independently submits an application to the department for municipal education of the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the military registration and enlistment office department), where he is registered with the military, or in a military unit (clause 9 of the Regulations on staying in reserve). Along with the application, the citizen presents a document proving his identity and Russian citizenship, as well as other documents established by the Regulations on being in the reserve.

Please note that two of the documents submitted by the employee to the military registration and enlistment office must be completed by you (the employer). This is a copy of the work book and job description from the last place of work.

Document 1. A copy of the work book.

An employee responsible in your organization for maintaining work records, based on a written application from the employee (example 1) must issue a copy of his work record. Deadline – no later than three working days from the date of submission of the application (clause 7 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225). In the same application, the employee may indicate the need to prepare a job description.

Example 1. Application for a copy of the work book and job description

How to make a copy of a work book?

Step 1. Make photocopies of each sheet of the original work book, including the title and back side of the first cover page, on which certification notes can be made about changes and additions made.

Step 2. The sheets should be numbered, stitched and sealed with the organization’s seal.

Step 3. On the first sheet write “Copy”, and on the last sheet write:

  • certification “Correct”;
  • position of the person who certified the copy;
  • decryption of the signature (initials, surname);
  • certification date (Clause 3.26 GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified system of organizational and administrative documents. Requirements for document preparation”, approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 03.03.2003 No. 65-st).


Document 2. Service characteristics.

This is an official document containing feedback on the employee’s official, scientific and other activities, including an assessment of his business, psychological and moral qualities.

The official description is written on the letterhead of the organization (institution) in any form from a third party. Its text, as a rule, is drawn up by the head of the structural unit (immediate superior), and approved by the head of the organization, sealing his signature (example 2).

Typically, the text of a job description is divided into three parts:

  1. last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, date and place of birth; information about education (where, when and what educational institutions you graduated from, academic degree and title); composition of the reserve (military rank of the reserve); the position held at the time of writing the characteristics and the date of appointment to it; other positions in the organization and other personal data;
  2. assessment of professional skills and competence; business (for a manager) and personal qualities; work experience and practical skills; performance; completeness and quality of performance of job duties; ability to organize personal working time and adapt to innovations; psychological qualities, relationships with colleagues and clients, etc.;
  3. conclusions and purpose of the characteristics.

Example 2. Service characteristics for admission to the mobilization human reserve

In the same time... employee’s disagreement with the content of a job description cannot be the subject of an individual labor dispute, since it does not affect the application of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.

At the same time, an employee who regards the information contained in the job description as discrediting his honor and dignity or business reputation has the right to file a corresponding claim in court. The dissemination of information discrediting the honor and dignity of citizens or the business reputation of citizens and legal entities should be understood as the publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television, demonstration in newsreels and other media, distribution on the Internet, as well as using other means of telecommunications. communication, presentation in official characteristics, public speeches, statements addressed to officials, or communication in one form or another (including orally) to at least one person.

The communication of such information to the person to whom it concerns cannot be considered as dissemination if the person reporting it has taken sufficient confidentiality measures so that this information does not become known to third parties. (paragraph 2, paragraph 7 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2005 No. 3 “On judicial practice in cases of protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as the business reputation of citizens and legal entities”).

Stage 2. Passing a medical examination and a commission for selecting candidates for the mobilization human reserve

If the application is positively reviewed by the military registration and enlistment office, the employee will be sent for a medical examination and a commission to select candidates for the reserve. (hereinafter referred to as the selection committee). As a rule, the employee undergoes a medical examination and commission in the premises of the military registration and enlistment office, where he is summoned by summons. It can be presented both by employees of the military registration and enlistment office department (military registration desk), and by the employer on behalf of the military registration and enlistment office department (subparagraph “g”, paragraph 32 of the Regulations on military registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719).

During the medical examination and passage of the selection commission, employees are released from work while retaining their permanent place of work and paying average earnings. They are reimbursed for expenses associated with renting (subletting) housing and paying for travel from their place of residence (work) and back, as well as travel expenses (Clause 1, Article 7 of the Law on Military Duty).

In this case, military transportation documents for traveling to the place of conclusion of the contract are provided to the candidate only once during his stay in the reserve.

To comply with these guarantees, you must, on the basis of a summons, issue an order to release the employee from work while maintaining his place and reimbursement of expenses in accordance with the Rules for compensation of expenses incurred by organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” , approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2004 No. 704 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Compensation of Expenses) (example 3). In such an order, the employer gives instructions to the heads of structural units to comply with the requirements of labor legislation.

Example 3. Order on release from work while maintaining a permanent place of work

Stage 3. Conclusion by the employee of a contract to remain in the mobilization human reserve

An employee recognized by the selection commission as meeting the requirements for enrollment in the reserve will, based on an order from the military registration and enlistment office department, be sent to a military unit to conclude a contract.

The first contract is for three years. A new contract can be concluded for three years, five years, or for the period until the age limit for being in the reserve (second-class reserve).

During the performance of duties related to the conclusion of the contract, the employee is released from work, retaining his place and paying average earnings. He is reimbursed for expenses related to rental housing and business travel.

The military registration and enlistment office department provides the candidate with military transportation documents to the destination and back. Based on the instructions of the military registration and enlistment office department (by analogy with the order in example 3) the employer issues an order.

What will happen?

The employer is entrusted with the obligation to notify employees of summonses (summons) to the military registration and enlistment office and ensure the possibility of their timely appearance at the place specified by the military registration and enlistment office, including during the period of mobilization.

Failure to notify employees by the head or other official of the organization responsible for military registration work about their summons to the military registration and enlistment office, as well as failure to provide them with the opportunity to timely appear when summoned by the military registration and enlistment office, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles. (Article 21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Stage 4. Involving the reservist in certification, passing the qualification exam and military training

While in the reserve, the employee may be involved in certification, passing a qualification exam and military training. Certification is carried out for the purpose of a comprehensive and objective assessment of the reservist, determining his purpose, suitability for the military position held and the prospects for further stay in the reserve. The reservist is certified three months before the expiration of his term in the reserve.

A qualification exam is carried out to make a decision on assigning a class qualification to a reservist in the relevant specialty. Reservists take this exam as needed, but at least once every three years.

Please note: the employee has the right to apply for admission to the reserve directly to the military unit.

After considering the applicant’s candidacy, the unit commander may send him for selection and paperwork to the military registration and enlistment office department in which this employee is registered with the military. A request is issued for this citizen addressed to the head of the military registration and enlistment office department, which must be signed by the unit commander.

Then the candidate for reservist goes through all the established stages of joining the reserve: consideration of the issue in the military registration and enlistment office department, medical examination, selection commission, conclusion of a contract. It is necessary to take into account that the performance of official duties of a reservist is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as with the official regulations.

You should know this

Expenses incurred by the organization in connection with the stay of their employees in the mobilization human reserve are compensated from the federal budget. To do this, you should contact the military registration and enlistment office

The reservist is obliged to report to the military unit within the period specified in the mobilization order, summons and (or) order of the military commissariat to perform duties in the relevant military position.

Reservists are involved in operational, mobilization and combat training activities during military training. The total duration of military training in which a reservist is involved cannot exceed 24 months.

For all these periods, the employer issues an order according to the following example 3 a form for releasing an employee from work while retaining his place and average salary, as well as for reimbursement of other expenses (for renting housing, travel and business trips).

At the same time, all expenses incurred by the employer in connection with the stay of employees in the mobilization human reserve are compensated from the federal budget. To receive such compensation, you need to contact the military registration and enlistment office.

The employer also needs to know that employees in the reserve have the right to receive professional and additional professional education in military professional educational organizations or military higher education organizations without charging them tuition fees. (clause 5.2 of article 19 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel”).


The employer must:

  • prepare the documents necessary for the employee to submit an application for concluding a contract;
  • provide guarantees and compensation provided for by law, including release from work with retention of position and payment of average earnings during certain periods, as well as reimbursement of established expenses.

Zhuravlev S.I., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics.

Kremenskaya M.N., graduate student, lawyer.

The article is devoted to the analysis of a new phenomenon in the activities of the military organization of the state - the mobilization human reserve. The article reveals the features of joining the reserve service and concluding a contract with reservists.

Key words: enlistment, service, reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, mobilization manpower reserve.

On entering the mobilizable human reserve

S. Zhuravlev, M.N. Kremenskaya

This article is dedicated to the analysis of a new trend in the military activities of the state - the mobilizable human reserve. The article deals with the characteristics of entering military service as a reservist and signing contracts with reservists.

Key words: entering military service, military service, reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, mobilizable human reserve.

In December 2012, changes and additions were made to federal legislation on the creation of a mobilization human reserve<1>.

<1>Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 288-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the creation of a mobilization human reserve."

First of all, the powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of defense have been expanded, who decides on the creation of mobilization human reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies and establishes the number of reservists, and also establishes the features of the formation of mobilization human reserves in the federal security service agencies . Subclause 19.1, clause 3, art. 2 of Federal Law No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation” defines the procedure for creating a reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a reserve of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, and a reserve of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

The main changes on the issue under study were made by the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, which was supplemented by Section. VIII.1 "Mobilization human reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies."

At the same time, the legislator a person in the mobilization human reserve(hereinafter referred to as reservist), understands a citizen who is in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the reserve of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the reserve of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and entered the mobilization human reserve on a voluntary basis by concluding a contract to remain in the reserve.

Thus, persons in the reserve, after leaving military service, can choose whether to continue serving in the mobilization manpower reserve (hereinafter referred to as the reserve) or to remain in the mobilization resource. Mobilization human resource refers to citizens who are in the reserve and not part of the reserve.

The procedure for entering the reserve, serving in the reserve, and the legal status of a reservist are determined by the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", the Regulations on the procedure for serving in the mobilization manpower reserve, and other regulatory legal acts.

When entering the reserve, a citizen applies to the military commissariat at his place of residence, which sends the candidate to the reservists for medical and psychophysiological studies. Carrying out measures for medical examination upon admission to the reserve is carried out by medical commissions conducting examinations of conscripts. A procedure has been established for federal security service agencies, regulated by departmental regulatory legal acts.<2>. Of course, this procedure can be specified in the future, since reservists have their own specific characteristics when entering service in the reserve.

<2>Order of the FSB of Russia dated June 29, 2004 N 457 “On the organization of military medical examination in the federal security service and border troops”; Order of the FSB of Russia dated December 31, 1999 N 714 “On the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract in the federal security service.”

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines a list of activities carried out when accepting a candidate for service in the reserve. Part 2 of Art. 57.4 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” determines that a citizen entering service in the reserve must meet the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract.

These requirements include the following:

Legislation and regulations allow the establishment of additional requirements for candidates for reservists. For example, Art. Art. 16, 16.1, 16.2 of the Federal Law of April 3, 1995 N 40-FZ “On the Federal Security Service” sets out additional requirements for employees of the federal security service. Such requirements include:

a) the presence of business and personal qualities on the basis of which the employee is able to fulfill the duties assigned to him;

b) availability of education in the employee’s profile;

c) the procedure for conducting a special check for access to information constituting a state secret.

The head of the federal executive body has the right to establish additional requirements in accordance with the specifics of military service in a particular department, but not contrary to federal legislation<3>.

<3>Order of the FSB of Russia dated December 31, 1999 N 714 “On the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract in the FSB agencies.”

For the purpose of a comprehensive and objective assessment of the reservist, determining his purpose, suitability for the military position held and the prospects for his further stay in the reserve, certification procedures and passing the qualification exam established by Art. 57.5 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization manpower reserve. At the same time, the work of the certification commission must be carried out according to the rules established for those entering military service under a contract.

Upon completion of the procedure for checking the requirements for a candidate for reservist, a contract for remaining in the reserve (hereinafter referred to as the contract) is concluded with him. The procedure for concluding a contract is established by Art. 57.2 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service".

The contract does not differ significantly from the contract for military service.

The content of the contract includes the voluntariness of a citizen’s entry into the reserve and the period during which the citizen undertakes to remain in the reserve. However, judicial practice<4>shows that in the event of dismissal from military service due to violation of the terms of the contract on the part of the serviceman, the courts consider the period of military service to be a condition of the contract.

<4>Review of the judicial practice of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the consideration of civil cases on claims and complaints of military personnel against the actions and decisions of military command and control bodies and military officials for 2012. It was not officially published.

<5>For more details, see: Zhuravlev S.I. Theoretical and legal problems of staffing border agencies of the federal security service: Monograph. M., 2008. P. 61 - 80.

1) parties to the contract. A contract for being in the reserve is concluded between a citizen and on behalf of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or another federal executive body in which federal law provides for military service, represented by the commander (chief) of a military unit;

2) subject of the contract- preparing a citizen for military service for mobilization and performing the duties of military service in cases provided for by federal legislation (for example, at military training camps);

3) rights and obligations of a citizen, staying in reserve. The reservist is obliged to report to the military unit within the period specified in the mobilization order, summons and (or) order of the military commissariat to perform duties in the relevant military position. The reservist also performs other duties established by the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve. Since the rights and obligations of a reservist in the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” are not specified in full, it is advisable to supplement clause 3 of Art. 57.2 of the Law indicating that the official rights and responsibilities of a reservist are established by his official regulations;

4) contract term. Based on the requirements of Art. 57.3 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” the first contract for being in the reserve is concluded for a period of three years. A new contract to remain in the reserve can be concluded for a period of three years, five years, or for a shorter period - until the age limit for being in the reserve. The age limit for being in the reserve corresponds to the age limit for being in the reserve established for citizens from the second category reserve. The age limit for concluding the first contract has also been established, depending on the existing military rank: for soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen - up to 42 years; for junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, captain-lieutenant - up to 47 years of age; for major, captain 3rd rank, lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - up to 52 years old; for a colonel, captain 1st rank - up to 57 years of age;

5) condition on reimbursement of federal budget funds spent on military or special training of a reservist and the amount of these funds;

6) form of the Contract - written.

The contract for staying in the reserve comes into force from the day it is signed by the relevant official in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve and terminates in the cases and in the manner established by Art. 57.8 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service". On the entry into force of the contract, an order is issued for the military unit, indicating the position for which the citizen is assigned to the military unit (assigned to a special formation), and his military rank, which is the basis for accruing monetary payments to him, provided for in Art. 13.1 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (as amended by the Federal Law of December 25, 2009 N 286-FZ).

Thus, having considered the issues of legal regulation of the entry of citizens into service in the mobilization human reserve, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. A person staying in the mobilization manpower reserve (reservist) is a citizen who is in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the reserve of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the reserve of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and who entered the mobilization manpower reserve on a voluntary basis by concluding a contract to remain in the reserve .
  2. The procedure for entering the mobilization manpower reserve is determined by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the Regulations on the Procedure for Serving in the mobilization manpower reserve, and other regulatory legal acts.
  3. The following requirements are imposed on the reservist:

a) lack of citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state;

b) compliance with the medical and professional-psychological requirements of service in the reserve;

c) health requirements;

d) level of professional and physical training;

e) reaching the age at which it is permitted to enter into a contract;

f) the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime;

g) access to information constituting state secrets (where necessary).

  1. We propose to include the terms of the contract: parties to the contract; subject of contract; contract term; rights and obligations of the parties; a condition for reimbursement of federal budget funds spent on military or special training of a reservist.

If tomorrow there is war

The Ministry of Defense is working on a project to create several reserve armies, which are planned to be formed in our country in the near future, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Franz Klintsevich told Izvestia today. Their personnel, working at their enterprises, will periodically participate in military training, and also receive a monthly supplement for their stay in the reserve army. Reservists will be ready at any time to come to their assembly point, receive weapons and take part in a predetermined formed unit.

Military personnel who have completed military or contract service will be able to enroll in the reserve armies. They will be assigned places in the military unit. By undergoing training, reservists will be better prepared for exercises, training camps and real war.

The US experience is cited as an example of the use of an active reserve: a demobilized military man, immediately or shortly after leaving the army or air force, enters into a contract with the Pentagon for regular participation in military training and attends combat training classes once a week. This contingent makes up the National Guard, which is a branch of the armed forces. It can be used on a par with internal troops in emergency situations by order of the state governor. It is also used in foreign military operations at the discretion of the US President. Thus, according to experts, more than 300 thousand national guardsmen participated in Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, the State Deputy is perhaps too optimistic in his forecasts about the “armies of reservists.” Two years ago, the Ministry of Defense talked only about an experiment on the basis of the Western Military District; it was planned that the size of the “army of reservists” would probably be 8,600 people.

Two years later

An effective reserve is a decades-long dream of the Ministry of Defense of our country, because it is also an indicator of the combat readiness of any country.

There were reserves and military training in the USSR, and the further they went, the more they lost effectiveness. They might be called up for training camp once in their life, or they might not be called up at all. Drivers were at a premium - instead of collecting them, they were used on the agricultural harvesting front. The tank crews had a good time training. The remaining “partisans,” as the reservists were called, were usually an additional load for military units. The effectiveness of the domestic reserve was eventually reduced to zero.

There was active talk about a permanent contractual reserve several years ago. In 2008, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation reported that “in the near future” a new system for training and accumulating “mobilized resources” on a contract basis will be tested. Monthly additional payments were then called at the level of 7 thousand rubles.

In 2012, the bill on the mobilization reserve was discussed from April to December and on New Year’s Day, December 30, the law was adopted. Thus, if the project of creating “reserve armies” is being discussed in the Ministry of Defense, this means that it is starting to implement the law adopted almost two years ago. In March 2013, the government approved the Regulations on the procedure for citizens of the Russian Federation to remain in the mobilization human reserve.

Reserve competition

The law divides reservists into two groups. Those who enter into a contract are a “mobilization human reserve.” The rest are “mobilization human resources.”

The procedure for joining the reserve is spelled out in detail: application to the military registration department, character reference, approval from the medical board, certification. Certification must be completed at the military unit where the candidate is sent to the reserve (the travel will be paid for by the Ministry of Defense). The decision to accept or refuse a candidate is made by the commission of the military unit after the qualification exam. They may refuse. According to the authors of the law and regulations, there may be competitions for reserve positions and titles. The contract is concluded by the unit commander, who is instructed to “comprehensively study the reservist.”

Contract duration. By law, a contract can be concluded for at least three years.

Age threshold : for soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen - up to 42 years old, for junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, lieutenant commander - up to 47 years old, for major, captain 3rd rank, lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - up to 52 years old. Colonels and captains of 1st rank can sign a contract up to 57 years of age.

Money: monthly salary, coefficient for highlands, north, etc., for a new contract - a one-time payment. For continuous stay in the reserve, starting from the second contract - bonuses from 10 to 50%.

The salary cannot be less than 10% of the salary for the military position for which the citizen is assigned to a military unit (assigned to a special formation), and the salary for the military rank.

At the training camp, a salary according to the military position provided for by the staff of the military unit must be paid, and a salary according to the military rank, travel allowances for delivery to the place of training, and at work the average salary (scholarship) and, of course, the place of work (study) itself are maintained.

Privileges.You can undergo free professional training, retraining and advanced training in military educational institutions, but under conditions determined by the Ministry of Defense.

Perhaps in the new version the Russian reserve will acquire a new quality. The material interest of active reservists, the system of maintaining and improving their qualifications can at least partially fulfill the long-standing dream of the Ministry of Defense. Partly because the system of training and conscription for training does not seem to ensure the massiveness of the “reserve armies” that the State Duma deputy announced.

Are you by any chance a reservist?

Surely this project will meet hidden resistance from employers and complicate their relationships with employees. It is no coincidence that some experts propose recruiting reservists primarily from military-industrial complex enterprises working in close contact with the Ministry of Defense.

Perhaps the weakest point of the mobile reserve system is the vagueness of the periods of absence of reservists from the main workplace. In October 2013, the government added “Training sessions” to the Regulations on training camps, which should take place “in accordance with the requirements of combat training programs.” When and how often training will take place is an open question.

Nowadays, a potential civilian boss can easily ask a woman applying for a vacant position whether she is going on maternity leave in the foreseeable future; if so, then goodbye. Such discrimination is prosecuted by law, but it is not advertised; there is a reason to refuse a place. Now the bosses will ask the men whether he is a paid reservist with a guarantee of regular military training and training.

The maximum period of stay of a qualified contract reservist is limited only by his age and can exceed more than 20 years.

When discussing the law, the Ministry of Defense noted that training camps would be held every year for two weeks (so that reservists would not be taken away from work for a long time) plus training. However, in the provision on mobile reserves, the total duration of military training to which a person can be involved during the entire time he is in the reserve, the training limit is formulated differently: it cannot exceed 24 months.

The employer believes: if we take into account the 20 years or more of experience of a contract employee, then an average of two months a year will work out (with the same salary and length of service) plus training (with the same salary and length of service). If legislators had specified an annual limit rather than 24 months of fees for a reservist’s entire career, there would have been more stability. By the way, the first people who wanted to get into this type of service learned that in three years the period of “separation from production” would not exceed 120 days. The statements of the Ministry of Defense, of course, are worth a lot, but the law is the law.

The experiment is coming to an end

For comparison, the training system for reservists of the US National Guard is clear and understandable: 48 four-hour classes throughout the year at training centers, that is, almost every weekend - military training plus three-week training camps, command post and military exercises conducted jointly with regular army troops.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation does not have a network of training centers, therefore, by law, the commanders of military units must deal with reservists. The first experimental unit was created in Khakassia. It was also announced that the experiment would be carried out on the basis of one of the military formations in Siberia.

The time is approaching to announce the results of the experiment involving contract reservists. It is possible that new amendments will appear in the law and regulations on the mobilization reserve.

Help LN.The mobilization reserve is devoted, in particular, to the “Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve”, the government decree on training sessions for contract reservists “On amendments to the Regulations on military training” and the basic document - Federal Law No. 288 of 30 December 2012. This law amends the laws “On Defense”, “On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization in the Russian Federation”, “On Military Duty and Military Service”, “On the Status of Military Personnel”.

On July 17, President Putin signed Decree N 370 “On the creation of a mobilization human reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”

The document is quite short, consisting of only four paragraphs, one of which, as indicated in the text, is “for official use.” That is, in other words, secret, not for public viewing.

Thus, Russia took another step towards creating a fully professional army. Currently, about 50% of its strength is already made up of soldiers serving under contract - 300 thousand privates and sergeants and 200 thousand officers. But this applies to a “cadre” army, deployed, ready to begin hostilities at any moment.

However, in addition to the available Armed Forces, any country also has a mobilization reserve - used, except for the period of planned training and retraining of personnel, for mobilization in the event of a threat of war, in order to increase the number of armed defenders.

Reserve service also exists in Russia - actually founded since the army reforms of Emperor Alexander II, in the second half of the 19th century. During the Soviet era, the order of its organization was changed slightly, which made it possible to quickly create a powerful army during the Great Patriotic War to defeat Nazi Germany. And in the first divisions that entered Afghanistan in 1979, there were also many “reserves”, or, as they are also called - due to their not very high level of discipline - “partisans”.

Nevertheless, the reserve army, for example, in the United States is approximately equal in size to the existing size of the Armed Forces. And it consists not of “green” newcomers who had never been familiar with military service before mobilization, but of veterans who had served, who for some reason did not want to continue their contract service.

If they wish, they sign another contract and become reservists. They attend regular military training, and can also be used by state governors as part of the “National Guard” - to combat riots or eliminate natural disasters; and the president - for use during full-fledged army operations. Thus, a good half of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are reservists.

The advantage of “reserve fighters” over traditional “partisans”, first of Soviet and then Russian times, is understandable. Starting with motivation. In the church environment there is such a wonderful saying: “A slave is not a pilgrim.” Sociological services show an invariably high percentage of Russians who are ready to defend their Motherland with arms in hand - but “civilians” are “civilians” because they least of all think about military affairs other than everyday affairs. Some people would be happy to go to training camps, but they get in the way of being stuck at work, having to work hard to pay off a loan quickly, all sorts of family circumstances, etc.

In addition, in order to create a truly combat-ready unit, it is necessary that its fighters are well acquainted with each other (at least within squads and crews) and have joint experience working in a combat situation. At least within the framework of the exercises. Ordinary “assignees”, who appear in the troops once every few years, are not suitable for such a role.

A completely different matter is the personnel reserve.

67. A citizen who is in the reserve is subject to conscription for military training in accordance with Federal Law.

The total duration of military training in which a citizen is involved during his stay in the reserve cannot exceed 24 months.

That is, for private sergeants (the period of service in the reserves is up to 42 years) - this works out to be at least a month or two during each year. And this is a completely different matter in terms of the effectiveness of training and real combat readiness.

It is clear that in order for people, even very patriotic ones, to make such sacrifices, abandoning the usual comfort of a “citizen”, ready to report to their military units within 3 days without any “excuses”, they need it somehow financially compensate.

“On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the creation of a mobilization human reserve” states the following in this regard:

3. The monthly salary of a citizen in the reserve is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and cannot be less than 10 percent of the salary for the military position for which the citizen is assigned to a military unit (assigned to a special formation), and the salary for the military rank.

Cash payments to citizens called up for military training, in addition to the payments provided for in Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” consist of:

salary according to military position provided for by the staff of the military unit, and salary according to military rank...”

But, according to the basic law on reserve service, mentioned in the paragraph above, the mobilized “reserve” must also be paid the average salary at the place of work.

An employee called up for military training must be released from work and compensated for the duration of the training at the rate of average monthly earnings. But these expenses must be reimbursed to the employer from the federal budget.

How much will Russian reservists actually receive? An exact answer to this question will probably be difficult, based on the discrepancy in the assessments of experts and specialists from relevant departments. Thus, according to calculations made 4 years ago, the monthly salary of a reservist officer without allowances should have been about 14 thousand rubles per month, and that of a private – 8-10 thousand. Not that much, of course - but taking into account the “living wage” of 10 thousand rubles, you will not die of hunger, even if you are completely without “civilian” work. Well, having it - even more so. So, after all, the service does not go on all the time - but, using the student analogy, “in person and in absentia.”

Now the figures are called somewhat more modest - 5-8 thousand rubles. Estimating the total costs of the “experiment” is 288.3 million rubles in 2015, and 324.9 million in 2016. And the sheer number of real “reservists” is still expected to be only a few thousand people.

In general, if we use only official information, then the process of transferring Russian “reserves” to a professional footing should not cause “beating the kettledrums”, but much less bravura assessments. Well, in fact, how long can you “pound water in a mortar” - talking about creating full-fledged “reserve armies”, but in the end having only an “experimental” desire to form 5 thousand “elite reservists”, which will not be enough to form even a full-fledged division ?!

And how long can you write Decrees and pass laws? The very first Decree on this very “experiment” was issued back in May 2012, then the corresponding Law followed, and now, it turns out, the latest Decree only “rewrote” an older document from three years ago? And this in a situation where Russia’s “best friends” from the West, led by the United States, are increasingly “rattling sabers” near our borders? Isn’t it time to stop with “experimentation” and move on to implementing the desired initiative on a truly necessary scale?

But, who knows, maybe such criticism will not be entirely justified? Some observers are already drawing attention to the fact that no specific figures, either on allocations for the creation of a mobilization reserve or on its specific size, are provided in the documents available for public viewing. And the “preliminary assessments” of even Duma politicians - well, they are politicians, not government financiers and Defense Ministry generals.

Foreign analysts have already begun to sound the alarm - unable to understand the sources of financing of the Russian military budget. According to their estimates, at least 25% of the defense “pie” in the Russian Federation comes from nowhere. That is, one can only guess about their exact origin and potential size of resources.

So, it’s probably not worth throwing ashes on your head in advance, comparing American figures for the maintenance of contract reservists (10% of the Pentagon budget) and the measly several hundred million rubles in Russia, according to Duma experts. After all, human resources are an even more important factor in the successful conduct of a potential war than military equipment. And who is surprised if data on the exact quantities of many types of weapons are kept top secret?

So, let NATO continue to think that the Russian army will be able to field only 5 thousand well-trained reservists in a hypothetical “Hour”. It could be a very unpleasant surprise for them - when entire previously “secret” divisions and armies are discovered in this way, ready, by order of the command, to repel any aggressor.

Photo: website

On July 17, President Putin signed Decree No. 370 “On the creation of a mobilization human reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”

The document is quite short, consisting of only four paragraphs, one of which, as indicated in the text, is “for official use.” That is, in other words, secret, not for public viewing.

Thus, Russia took another step towards creating a fully professional army. Currently, about 50% of its strength is already made up of soldiers serving under contract - 300 thousand privates and sergeants and 200 thousand officers. But this applies to a “cadre” army, deployed, ready to begin hostilities at any moment.

However, in addition to the available Armed Forces, any country also has a mobilization reserve - used, except for the period of planned training and retraining of personnel, for mobilization in the event of a threat of war, in order to increase the number of armed defenders.

Reserve service also exists in Russia - actually founded since the army reforms of Emperor Alexander II, in the second half of the 19th century. During the Soviet era, the order of its organization was changed slightly, which made it possible to quickly create a powerful army during the Great Patriotic War to defeat Nazi Germany. And in the first divisions that entered Afghanistan in 1979, there were also many “reserves”, or, as they are also called - due to their not very high level of discipline - “partisans”.

Nevertheless, the reserve army, for example, in the United States is approximately equal in size to the existing size of the Armed Forces. And it consists not of “green” newcomers who had never been familiar with military service before mobilization, but of veterans who had served, who for some reason did not want to continue their contract service.

If they wish, they sign another contract and become reservists. They attend regular military training, and can also be used by state governors as part of the “National Guard” - to combat riots or eliminate natural disasters; and the president - for use during full-fledged army operations. Thus, a good half of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are reservists.

The advantage of “reserve fighters” over traditional “partisans” of first Soviet and then Russian times is understandable. Starting with motivation. In the church environment there is such a wonderful saying: “A slave is not a pilgrim.” Sociological services show an invariably high percentage of Russians who are ready to defend their Motherland with arms in hand - but “civilians” are “civilians” because they think least of all about military affairs and everyday affairs. Some people would be happy to go to training camps, but they get in the way of being stuck at work, having to work hard to pay off a loan quickly, all sorts of family circumstances, etc.

In addition, in order to create a truly combat-ready unit, it is necessary that its fighters be well acquainted with each other (at least within squads and crews) and have joint experience working in a combat situation. At least within the framework of the exercises. Ordinary “assignees”, who appear in the troops once every few years, are not suitable for such a role.

A completely different matter is the personnel reserve.

67. A citizen who is in the reserve is subject to conscription for military training in accordance with Federal Law.

The total duration of military training, to which a citizen is involved during his stay in the reserve, cannot exceed 24 months.

That is, for private sergeants (the period of service in the reserves is up to 42 years) - this works out to be at least a month or two during each year. And this is a completely different matter in terms of the effectiveness of training and real combat readiness.

It is clear that in order for people, even very patriotically minded ones, to make such sacrifices, abandoning the usual comfort of a “citizen”, and be ready to report to their military units within 3 days without any “excuses”, they need to do this somehow compensate financially.

An employee called up for military training must be released from work and compensated for the duration of the training at the rate of average monthly earnings. But these expenses must be reimbursed to the employer from the federal budget.

How much will Russian reservists actually receive? An exact answer to this question will probably be difficult, based on the discrepancy in the assessments of experts and specialists from relevant departments. Thus, according to calculations made 4 years ago, the monthly salary of a reservist officer without allowances should have been about 14 thousand rubles per month, and that of a private – 8-10 thousand. Not that much, of course, but taking into account the “living wage” of 10 thousand rubles, you will not die of hunger, even if you are completely without “civilian” work. Well, having it - even more so. So, after all, the service does not go on all the time - but, according to the student analogy, “in person and in absentia.”

Now the figures are somewhat more modest - 5-8 thousand rubles. When estimating the total costs of the “experiment”: in 2015 - 288.3 million rubles, and in 2016 - 324.9 million. And the sheer number of real “reservists” is still expected to be only a few thousand people.

In general, if we use only official information, then the process of transferring Russian “reserves” to a professional footing should not cause “beating the kettledrums”, but much less bravura assessments. Well, in fact, how long can you “pound water in a mortar” - talking about creating full-fledged “reserve armies”, but in the end having only an “experimental” desire to form 5 thousand “elite reservists”, which will not be enough to form even a full-fledged division ?!

And how long can you write Decrees and pass laws? The very first Decree on this very “experiment” was issued back in May 2012, then the corresponding Law followed, and now, it turns out, the latest Decree only “rewrote” an older document from three years ago? And this in a situation where Russia’s “best friends” from the West, led by the United States, are increasingly “rattling sabers” near our borders? Isn’t it time to stop with “experimentation” and move on to implementing the desired initiative on a truly necessary scale?

But who knows, maybe such criticism will not be entirely justified? Some observers are already drawing attention to the fact that no specific figures, either on allocations for the creation of a mobilization reserve or on its specific size, are provided in the documents available for public viewing. And the “preliminary assessments” of even Duma politicians - well, they are politicians, not government financiers and Defense Ministry generals.

Foreign analysts have already begun to sound the alarm - unable to understand.

According to their estimates, at least 25% of the defense “pie” in the Russian Federation comes from nowhere. That is, one can only guess about their exact origin and potential size of resources.

So, according to Duma experts, it’s probably not worth throwing ashes on your head in advance, comparing American figures for the maintenance of contract reservists (10% of the Pentagon budget) and the measly several hundred million rubles in Russia, according to Duma experts. After all, human resources are an even more important factor in the successful conduct of a potential war than military equipment. And who is surprised if data on the exact quantities of many types of weapons are kept top secret?