How often do women cheat and why. Why do married women cheat on men? Meeting an interesting man

Women are sensual and loving. But the idea that a married woman might want adventure on the side still perplexes many. There is a stereotype that a man cheats more often than a woman. In fact, both women and men are equally unfaithful to each other, but they have different reasons for this.

If women are interested in such intimate relationships, which also imply an emotional connection, then men, as a rule, are aimed only at “expanding” sexual experience. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher from Rutgers University provides the following data in her study: 34% of women and 56% of men have not cheated on their significant other while being “in a happy marriage.” Consequently, 66% of women felt unhappy in relationships and sought to find “happiness” on the side. Another study of a British dating site found that 57% of women declared their feelings for their lovers, while only 27% of men affirmed their feelings for their mistresses. This experiment suggests that women cheat more often when they are looking for an emotional connection.

Love on the Internet

Previously, partners for infidelity were sought among friends, neighbors, and colleagues. A lover could be met both in a bar and at a party. Today it is even easier to find a partner - you just need to surf social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Tinder and others). Women are more open online, they search online for men with whom they can find an emotional connection. On social networks, photographs act as erotic stimulation, especially if they are explicit. Ashley Madison has created a website and mobile app that specializes in extramarital affairs. To date, more than 21 million users are registered on the site.

The main reasons for the frivolous behavior of those who “cheat”: for women, divorce is impossible, but there is no relationship with the spouse; for men, life is too short. Moreover, for lovers it is not necessary to be in one place - headphones and a camera are enough.

Why are they doing this?

Despite the fact that female infidelity is most often caused by the desire to find a strong emotional connection, it can also be caused by other reasons, which were identified by the team of psychology professor Lucia O'Sullivan (University of New Brunswick, Canada).

Low self-esteem

Women with low self-esteem, depression, and those who have experienced childhood trauma will try to confirm their attractiveness through romantic activity. This makes them feel “needed.”


Women who have been offended by a man (cheated on, for example), use infidelity as a way to strike back.

Feeling lonely

A woman in a family plays the role not only of mother and wife, but also of nanny, maid, laundress, breadwinner - anyone but her beloved. Then she cheats to fill the emotional void.

Lack of gushing emotions

For some women, regular relationships seem boring due to the lack of “spark.” They are chasing new, thrilling sensations.

It's no secret that men and women are completely different creatures. They see the world in their own way, and their life attitudes also differ. Men build their lives according to the following scheme: I see a goal - I achieve it - I look for a new goal, and so on in a circle. They are not able to work on several fronts simultaneously with equal strength, and also do not think through their steps ahead. Men act here and now, and deal with problems as they arise. Girls understand life differently: they look at it from the outside and in the aggregate. A woman lives like this: imagines the result - sets goals - achieves them - forms a new result, and so on in a circle. This understanding of life also affects the attitude towards infidelity, which is why female infidelity is fundamentally different from male infidelity. So, what is the psychology of female infidelity?

“Why am I cheating on my husband?” – this is a question many women ask. Yes, they often don’t know why they commit betrayal when everything seems to be fine at home, the husband is successful, the children are happy. However, the reasons why women have lovers are directly related to the expected prospects - this is female psychology. The girl cheats, counting on a certain result. She will not rush into bed with the first person she meets for the sake of the fact of betrayal, as representatives of the stronger sex often do, thus asserting themselves. She will only cheat if it helps her achieve the result: for example, she is married and has long wanted to file for divorce, but is afraid to take this step. The husband finds out about the betrayal and will do it for her. Or she hopes that, having learned about the betrayal, her man will change towards her, begin to appreciate her more and be afraid of losing. In addition, the reasons for female infidelity are often deeper and more serious than those for men. The weaker sex invests more in their relationships, which means they value them more. Why does a woman need a lover if all the troubles can be resolved without the risk of ruining her relationship? Of course she doesn't need him. But if the problems cannot be solved, only then will she take extreme measures. Thus, female infidelity is much less common than male infidelity.

Statistics: About 75 percent of men have cheated at some point. Among women, betrayal occurs in 25 percent of cases. Do all wives cheat? No, married girls have affairs on the side approximately 40 percent of the time.

Reasons for female infidelity

Most often, a woman decides to betray, wanting to achieve a certain result or for compelling reasons. Let's take a closer look at the very reasons why a woman cheats, taking into account the psychology of female behavior in each individual case:

  1. Insoluble troubles in the family. Every girl wants to feel loved and needed. Often, when a relationship has lasted long enough, mutual understanding between people disappears. A man stops complimenting his woman, giving flowers and generally paying due attention. She no longer feels needed and suffers from this. A man, by the way, often doesn’t even see the root of the problem and takes everything that happens for granted. Many, having achieved a woman, think that they can put an end to this. Conflicts often begin to arise over trifles. By the way, a woman is more inclined to remain silent in the event of a minor quarrel, while a man has a hard time coping with his aggression. So, an atmosphere of conflict begins to reign among two people. This is especially true for family life. The infidelity of a married woman is more common than the infidelity of a free lady. Here, a separate destructive role can be allocated for everyday issues: scattered socks, too much salt in dinner, etc. Socks under the bed are, of course, not the main reason why wives cheat on their husbands. However, these socks are a reason for a woman to think that she has again turned from a beautiful princess into Cinderella, that she is not a wife, not a friend, not a lover, but a roommate. And after some time, the woman finds no other way out but to feel desired again in the arms of another man.
  2. Dissatisfaction with sex. The fact is that intimate life plays a big role in people's relationships. If any problems arise in this area, it causes serious dissonance in the relationship. Unfortunately, such a problem as dissatisfaction in bed is more pressing for women. Fact: 25 percent of women do not orgasm during sex. A man is able to achieve euphoria almost always. Most often, of course, a woman’s intimate sphere comes second; she gives priority to mutual understanding, mutual respect, and so on. However, married women often need this kind of physical and emotional release, which is why they cheat. Good sex brings emotional balance, helps reduce stress and, as a result, a woman is less conflicted and quick-tempered with her official husband. And returning to the ill-fated socks, he is more tolerant of everyday troubles.
  3. New love. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are amorous, sensual and changeable creatures. Why do girls cheat on their boyfriends? Because they find someone who evokes even more reverent feelings in them. In this case, it is difficult to say whether the girl’s first love was real and sincere, but the fact that another man made her heart beat faster is quite acceptable and takes place.
  4. Desire for revenge. If a woman is betrayed, she seeks revenge. So, if a guy cheats on his girlfriend, it is very likely that she will take revenge on him in return. He will specially make sure that the partner knows everything, and in detail. In this way, she again raises her self-esteem that has sunk to the bottom, strokes her pride and teaches her husband a kind of lesson. That's what she thinks. It is difficult to say how true this is, but in terms of psychology, betrayal in revenge to some extent brings a woman back to normal.
  5. Midlife crisis. How psychology explains why wives with many years of “marital” experience cheat out of the blue: women at a certain age need to prove to themselves that they still have “gunpowder in their flasks.” This is called a midlife crisis. The woman simply begins to feel empty, seems unattractive, and is consumed by depression. That's why a midlife crisis is called a crisis - a woman cannot find a way out of the problem. And she begins to think that new sensations will help her get out of the state of apathy. And she cheats. The situation rarely changes for the better. But people often learn from their own mistakes, not from others’ mistakes.

Why does a woman choose the role of a mistress?

There are positive aspects to being a lover for a woman. For example, the opportunity to feel free. The psychology of a mistress is such that she doesn’t owe anyone anything. She is on an open voyage: today there may be one, tomorrow another, if she wanted, she made an appointment, but if she wanted, she canceled it. And no one will dare to object to her frivolity. However, the problem is that women are rarely frivolous even with their lovers.

There is another plus. The position of a mistress is truly an opportunity to once again feel like a wonderful girl, beautiful, loved, adored. This is the whole charm of secret affairs - people are reliving what has long passed in their, so to speak, official relationship. Dates, gifts, compliments, good sex - all this is experienced by a woman in the position of a mistress. But let's not forget about the disadvantages of such relationships.

A man with whom a woman cheated can truly evoke trembling feelings in her. This is not surprising, even if initially she did not have serious intentions, because women are sensual and amorous by nature. Then she begins to be tormented by doubts and uncertainties about her partner and the new man, and she can fall into real depression. If she breaks up with her lover for the sake of her family, she will feel guilty, become unhappy with her own boyfriend or husband, in general, she will simply harm herself. If you decide to leave your family for your lover, then there is a chance for happiness with an unmarried man. Married people rarely leave their families. Often they fill in the gaps in their family life or just have fun. And then the girl begins to suffer from being in a love triangle.

Thus, the status of a mistress is always free, but never the only one. A woman who agrees to this role will have to come to terms with this situation, because only in this situation will she be able to get some benefit from the secret affair, like a positive emotional shake-up. Otherwise, she will be disappointed with her actions.

Modern trends in the equalization of men and women, bright flashes of feminism, have borne fruit. If ancient customs and religious traditions made it possible to stone an unfaithful spouse to death, now female infidelities go on par with male ones, and have long ceased to be a reason for surprise. Why do women cheat on men? What are the causes of female infidelity?

Before moving on to the individual reasons for the emergence of desire in a woman, we need to pay attention to the social reason. Modern society has long lost certain human values: the value of family, loyalty, mutual understanding and respect. Therefore, now betrayal is not a reason for censure or feelings of guilt. On the other hand, each specific female infidelity occurs in conjunction with individual reasons and life circumstances. Finding out the reasons why a woman cheats on a man is possible only by studying a specific situation. However, we should not forget that there are still patterns - the reasons that underlie female infidelity.

The main reasons for female infidelity

The expression “endure, fall in love” does not always have its realization in life. without much desire, without love, or just because “it’s high time” can play a cruel joke. It is difficult to live with a person who was initially not interesting, not loved, and most importantly, not desired. The woman naturally begins to cheat. At the same time, betrayal can be regular, and even become a reason for. It’s a completely different matter if, under all circumstances, a woman is dependent on her husband, these are common children, financial dependence. In this case, the woman tries to encrypt herself, but the frequency of cheating does not change. With this development of events, a woman prefers to communicate with a permanent lover who will meet all her requirements that were not fulfilled in marriage.

At its core, nymphomania is an uncontrollable constant sexual desire that occurs in a woman. are distinguished by hypersexuality and constant physiological dissatisfaction. And yes, such women also manage to get married. However, the physiological and psychological characteristics of nymphomaniacs do not disappear even after marriage. In this case, betrayal is inevitable. A nymphomaniac cannot be satisfied by one man; she is constantly looking for new sensations on the side. In this case, our answer to the question lies on the surface.

The nymphomaniac is in constant search. Such a woman can develop sexual attraction at any time, even to an unfamiliar man. Cheating is common, partners are constantly different. At the same time, a woman is absolutely not interested in a person’s inner world, eye color, or having a higher education. The only goal is sexual satisfaction. In this case, the man is absolutely not to blame and is not the cause of the woman. However, he is unlikely to be able to help his wife on his own. A nymphomaniac needs outside help from a specialist psychologist and sex therapist.


A husband who cheats on his wife sooner or later also risks ending up in her place. For a long time, a woman may not suspect that her husband is cheating, then she begins to notice changes in his behavior, and, in the end, they find out about her mistress. At the same time, one type of woman begins to suffer, others go on a diet and begin to actively take care of themselves, and the third begins to cheat. Under these circumstances, the reason that a woman cheats on a man can be either banal revenge or real sexual dissatisfaction and psychological exhaustion.
Revenge will be expressed in connection with a more successful, handsome and worthy man. That's what revenge is for. A woman asserts herself and proves to herself that she is no worse than her rival and can attract the attention of a more worthy man. Under such circumstances, betrayal is one-time in nature and is needed only for show.

On the other hand, a woman can begin to cheat when there is a real need. The husband is infatuated with his mistress, does not spend the night at home, does not take care of his wife, sex happens once a month. Of course, in this case, the woman has a direct need for sex and male attention. A woman begins to systematically cheat, her husband ceases to interest her, and attraction to another man can easily develop into strong feelings. Eventually the marriage will fall apart.

The beginning of a relationship and family life is always filled with romance, constant gifts and shared recreation. But after many years of living together, all feelings become dull, passion disappears, and sexual attraction to a partner practically disappears. My husband stops surprising me. He stays late at work, prefers to relax without his wife in the company of his friends. Any attempt by the wife to make a pleasant surprise or surprise her husband fails. Complete mental exhaustion pushes a woman to cheat on a man. At the same time, even a work colleague who has long made small signs of attention can become her lover. The woman begins to willingly accept them, light flirting develops into romance and sexual intercourse.

The husband is a loser

A marriage for love, family life has developed, but the constant routine and material needs become an unbearable burden. The main income of the family is the woman. She may even be torn between two jobs, and her husband only talks about his failures and does not want to make any efforts to change the situation. His constant complaints and tears become simply unbearable for a woman. She ceases to feel like a feminine and defenseless lady and becomes the breadwinner and the only support of the family.

Here a wealthy and attractive man appears on the horizon, trying to attract attention. Such an object may well be the reason that a woman begins to cheat on her husband. With him, she felt like a woman for a long time. Expensive gifts, flowers and attentions will begin to bribe, and the woman will commit treason. Female infidelity is always conditioned by something, in contrast to periodic fleeting male affairs.

A lot has been written about male betrayal, but it is customary to remain silent about female betrayal.

Why do married women cheat on their husbands?

According to the most common statistics, the percentage of unfaithful wives ranges from 20 to 50%. If we take the first limit, it turns out that every 5th woman on earth cheats. If you compare these figures with the number of divorces (more than 52%), then this statistic may well be correct.

Psychologists have long proven that the reason for men to cheat can be the usual desire to get new sensations on the side, despite the fact that they consider their marriage to be quite strong and prosperous. But for women, the opposite happens. A married woman cheats on her husband if she is sure that her life together with her husband has not been successful. Thus, scientists come to the conclusion that the main reason pushing women to betrayal is a dysfunctional family life.

It also happens that previous grievances and difficulties in marriage spontaneously push a woman to cheat. At the right moment, she cannot slow down, tired of the eternal failures in the family.

Experts identify several main reasons for female infidelity.

Reasons for female infidelity

Lack of attention

Sometimes routine life makes its own adjustments to family relationships. The woman becomes irritable, the man tries to hide from problems in the computer or garage. And the woman has no choice but to stew in her own juice, thereby increasing her irritation towards her husband. Perhaps both are to blame for the cooling of relations, perhaps each individually. The point is that it is precisely such situations that are the strongest provocateur for women to go outside.

Why married women cheat: the reason for cheating can be a man’s weak character

Husband's character

Often the weak character of the spouse leads to a crisis in a relationship. A woman, entering marriage, is looking for a strong shoulder that can protect her from troubles and difficulties. But sometimes women go too far and, in the literal sense of the word, bully their husbands, playing the role of a capricious child. A sufficient number of men follow the lead of their lovers. The woman thereby feels impunity and omnipotence and continues to twist the rope out of her husband. It is a weak character, the inability to say “no” to a woman when the situation really demands it, that leads to a married woman cheating on a man. To show her power to the fullest, a woman commits betrayal. In some cases, a woman is looking for a strong shoulder, that is, a man who can put the whim in her place at the right time.

Why married women cheat: lack of attention, and even the husband himself, can cause women to cheat

Absent Husband

There are families, and they are not uncommon, where the husband is constantly absent from home, either he is on business trips or works late. A woman carries the entire household and children on herself. Ultimately, she ceases to feel loved and needed. That's when the married woman begins to look around. Also, eternal loneliness leads to the feeling that a woman lives as if on her own. And if by itself, it means alone. Once alone, it means that soon a man will appear on her horizon.

In romantic films, the newlyweds at a wedding read the “oath of fidelity,” which includes promises to love each other and be there for each other no matter what. But life sometimes brings surprises in the form of betrayal by one of the spouses.

The consciousness of society is structured in such a way that men walking “to the left” are taken for granted. This behavior is often justified by natural data, the inner essence of the male character - the “conqueror”. Therefore, a husband’s infidelity is rarely condemned by society.

But women’s campaigns “to the left” are considered something out of the ordinary and are condemned. Statistics show that the number of married girls who cheat on their loved ones begins to grow from year to year. What is the reason for female infidelity, how to deal with it?

If you study the behavior of lovers in a family, you can trace an extraordinary connection - the reasons for such actions in men and women contain different approaches.

The main essence of female infidelity

Some psychologists believe that for men, cheating is a natural process. Simply put, they follow nature, often striving to conquer as many representatives of the opposite sex as possible. A woman by nature does not have such a desire. They have another desire - to choose the best man. Simply put, in men's adventures the decisive factor is quantity, for women it is quality that matters.

If a woman meets a man on her way who is superior to her current lover, then she will give her heart to the successful representative.

Moreover, her husband can be a worthy person - he provides for the family, devotes time to her, takes care of the children. But the female sex is missing something, she is looking for this unknown something on the side, among other men.

Situations often occur when a wife cheats on a decent man, but does not leave him. What motivates her, why does she choose this path? What are the motives for female infidelity? Let's look into this rhetorical question.

Reasons for female infidelity in marriage

Having studied the features and differences between male and female infidelity, we will move on to listing the motives that push a woman to take this step. Taking into account the mentality of society, female infidelity is perceived aggressively by people. Therefore, in order to decide to take a step into the abyss, a woman needs clear arguments.

So what leads a woman to cheat:

  1. revenge. Married life rarely runs smoothly. Housekeeping is accompanied by quarrels and scandals. But if for many couples issues are resolved mutually, then for some families, after a quarrel, there comes a moment when the spouse takes sides. Either the husband simply behaves ugly, humiliates the woman, drinks, or gets loose. It will seem strange that the wife does not divorce and continues to live with such a person. Cheating can be an act of protest against a tyrant husband, an abuser;
  2. disappointment. Relationships change, especially compared to the courtship period. A man who has won a girl calms down and stops paying attention to her. Instead of spending time together, the spouse simply immerses himself in the world of virtual reality or spends time watching TV. A girl who is accustomed to receiving attention from her beloved may find it difficult to tolerate such a change in behavior. It’s hard to pull many young men out of the usual quiet swamp even for a walk together, keeping silent about visiting entertainment places. Cheating is a way to add bright colors to a gray everyday life;
  3. bed relationships. Over time, sex among married people becomes something commonplace. Yes, and people's temperaments differ. My husband, coming home from work, wants to rest and be left alone. A woman, especially a sensual one, has a hard time withstanding such changes in her loved one, so she thinks about cheating;
  4. Men don't often show emotions. Especially after marriage, when the wife is at your side, already your own. Many men forget to compliment their partner, admire her beauty and other qualities. Most husbands take for granted all the household chores that their beloved bears - cooking, cleaning, ironing. It is rare that any husband is ready to simply say “thank you” for what his wife does for him. In contrast here is a man who is ready to admire every step, her action, he likes everything - isn’t this a reason to change?
  5. early marriage. In Russia and other Slavic countries, girls still strive to get married as quickly as possible. Often such marriages are carried out hastily, the partners have no time to get to know each other. Because of this, disappointments subsequently begin in family life. If a young girl is not satisfied with her husband emotionally, morally or physically, then she takes an example from her unmarried friends - she begins to go out;
  6. Whatever one may say, the saying about the forbidden fruit is still relevant. Over time in a relationship or marriage, many women reconsider their principles. But if earlier betrayal was not even thought of, then with the coming of time it becomes a desired action;
  7. "Herd instinct" No matter how rude it may sound, such feelings often push a woman into infidelity. Various factors lead to this - statements, actions of friends, mass propaganda of unhealthy behavior through media channels, or something else. The result is the same - the wife takes a lover.

Psychology. Why do women cheat on men?

Women's psychology is designed in such a way that betrayal occurs as a result of the emergence of feelings. As it happens, the one who is nearby becomes annoying, seems unpleasant, annoying. The forbidden man becomes a real treasure for her, which makes her inaccessible. If he still shows truly masculine qualities, the woman begins to fall in love. Such loves pass over time and bring disappointment. But for some time the woman is sure that this man is her only destiny.

What is the difference between male and female infidelity:

  1. feelings. For men, cheating is a physiological process; they do not need feelings to cheat. It’s different with women, the fact of physical contact is not so important to them, they cheat on their husbands only because they feel a feeling of falling in love;
  2. choice of partner. Male infidelities are characterized by less picky choices. Simply put, it is enough for them that their mistress is beautiful in appearance. Women don't cheat with just anyone. They take lovers from a list of worthy gentlemen;
  3. story after action. Men who take a mistress do not get divorced. This is not beneficial for them - life at home is organized, there are bright emotions and new impressions on the side. Why change everything if everything is great? For women, a different approach is typical. If they are in love, then they try to break off the relationship with their already unloved husband and build new ones with their lover.

How to prevent female infidelity in the family?

Women's adventures occur when a new feeling arises. Therefore, if adultery has already occurred, it will be difficult for the spouse to return everything back and achieve the former idyll.

The woman will most likely be ready to break off the relationship and plunge headlong into new feelings. To be honest, few men are ready to forgive their beloved for betrayal.

The opinions of psychologists on this issue agree; it is better not to bring the situation to the extreme boiling point, but to mutually start working on the relationship. There are different methods. But all psychologists agree on one aspect - if you leave family life as it is, with mutual claims and grievances, it is unlikely that you will be able to save the relationship.

Here are some basic tips for men that will help you establish contact with your beloved and significantly improve family ties without any visible effort:

  1. take time for your loved one. Undoubtedly, work is exhausting, and when you come home you want only one thing - to rest, so that no one will bother you. But if you spend a few minutes with your spouse - ask how she is doing, what new happened during the day - it will take a little time, but it will restore contact and soften the heart of your beloved;
  2. be more to her than a passport spouse. In order for a married woman to be as attached to her husband as possible - become her friend, father, lover - in general, she should receive all types of male help from you. If you can listen to her, give practical advice, nail a shelf, give affection and tenderness, she will not want to look for another gentleman on the side;
  3. quarrel. A family in which all claims are hushed up and swallowed by the parties will not live long. It is impossible to accumulate grievances without exploding one fine day. Therefore, all psychologists unanimously say: there is a problem - it needs to be solved. Speak out your grievances, try to find a solution through joint efforts. And remember that you also need to be able to quarrel. Ugly shouts, insults and obscene language will not lead to a solution to the issue;
  4. talk openly about the intimate side of life. Many couples are embarrassed to discuss their sexual problems with each other and what they like in bed. General dissatisfaction has a negative impact on relationships. Against this background, it seems quite strange that cheating with a stranger seems to many people to be a normal way out of the situation. Despite the fact that there were no attempts to talk to my other half. In practice, couples who dared to discuss intimate life discovered their partner in a new way, breathed bright colors into the relationship;
  5. Respect is the basis of relationships. Remember this, try to pay maximum attention to respect. If a person does not respect his loved one, then the marriage is doomed to failure. Listen to your wife, tell her that you expect the same from her;
  6. Do not plunge into the abyss of everyday problems. An established lifestyle sucks you in and deprives you of any desire to embark on adventures - that’s the problem. This reason leads, according to statistics, to a lot of divorces. Arranging a small surprise just like that is not difficult, but it’s so nice. Such moments are remembered best and improve the atmosphere between spouses;
  7. Don't be overly jealous. Unfounded suspicions, constant nagging and total control are not helpful for healthy family relationships. The woman will get tired of receiving accusations of non-existent treason, and will actually commit it.

Pay attention! Female infidelity is an action that is preceded by a long preparatory period. Women’s move to the “left” is not made out of fleeting emotions; it is realized after a thorough analysis of the situation and many hours of painful thoughts.

Why do wives like to cheat?

Much has been said about the causes of infidelity, the components and differences in approaches to infidelity between men and women. It is worth noting that all ladies can be divided into two large categories:

  1. those who cheated once by accident and are tormented by it;
  2. those who see treason as everyday life and constantly have lovers.

One key difference emerges here. There are women who receive all these feelings without violating personal boundaries. But there is also a category that is not capable of diversifying life without going to lovers. Every day their need for variety is increasing.

Why does the wife want to cheat?

Among women there are also many who commit adultery not only because of feelings or cooled family relationships. Among the fairer sex there are ladies who are ready for infidelity, for the sake of:

  1. careers. There are many examples when a big boss gets girls who are ready to do anything for a promotion as his mistresses;
  2. wealth. The desire of beauties of the 21st century to live on a grand scale is not always realized in reality. The average man cannot provide a monthly flight abroad, holidays at resorts, shopping and other delights of life. When a rich lover is an all-time classic;
  3. simply because she likes to feel the adrenaline and change men. Such women also exist. At the same time, she feels comfortable living with her husband, who belongs to the spineless class.

Consequences of female infidelity in marriage

All people know that cheating is bad. Few people are prepared for such a development of events. But you can never promise. A difficult relationship with your husband, a business trip, at a meeting with classmates or on vacation alone at a resort - there are a lot of options, but the result is the same. The woman is left alone with the betrayal and does not know what will happen next or how to deal with it.

Let's consider the consequences of female infidelity from the point of view of two sides - the state of a woman and a man.

What are the consequences of infidelity for a woman?

It doesn’t matter for what reasons this happened, after cheating there are many questions left: should I tell my husband or not? How to behave and what to do next? What should I say if he asks? Psychologists agree that it is under no circumstances worth talking about this, especially if the betrayal happened once, in other words, “by accident.”

You are not interested in continuing a relationship with someone else’s man, you don’t want this experience anymore, then you can’t tell your husband unequivocally. This will hurt his feelings and will lead to a change in the relationship between the spouses.

The husband will most likely show uncontrollable jealousy and constant suspicion. This is how everything will happen - he will torment you with questions - how it all happened, with whom and most importantly who is better, he will begin to constantly control you, find fault with little things.

The unfaithful woman herself does not feel happy. On the contrary, she begins to suffer and suffer. She is overcome by a whole range of emotions - shame, remorse, fear of being discovered. After the moment of betrayal, a woman begins to think about how and what to talk about, she introduces total control into her life. This exhausts her psychologically, emotionally and can lead to depression, neuroses, and nervous breakdowns.

For most women, cheating is an action that radically changes their life. But in order not to torment yourself with needless torment, it is better to carry out mental work on mistakes.

Think about why this happened? What emotions led to such an unpleasant act? What was the last straw? By reasoning logically, without unnecessary emotions, you can get to the bottom of the truth and try to solve the problem found in a loyal way.

To understand the accompanying emotions in more detail, let’s consider them using the example of the most common reasons for infidelity:

  1. new impressions. Everyday life becomes boring over time, as do relationships between spouses, including sexual ones. There is no longer that ardor, passion, hot sighs as between the young. The spouse has already been studied inside and out. If the betrayal occurred from the desire to receive new emotions, then women are subsequently very disappointed. Taking into account the fact that all the subtleties of physical contact with a loved one have already been studied, a woman often experiences satisfaction in marriage with a familiar partner. This may not happen to a lover. And in general, does a woman have confidence that after several years of life the same thing will not happen to her lover? In general, some disorders;
  2. male impotence. This problem is one of the most serious. Sexual impotence under stress is increasingly common in young men aged 30. Marriage, no matter how strong, must include sexual relations. What if the man you love next to you doesn’t want or can’t carry out such actions? Cheating with another will also not bring relief to a woman’s soul. If the relationship with your husband is good, then betrayal will cause a feeling of shame and self-deprecation about deceiving a good person. Is it worth changing - definitely not. It’s worth running to the doctor with your husband and trying in every way to solve the problem;
  3. curiosity. No matter how strange it may sound, but interest in the unknown pushes women into bed with unfamiliar men. Frankly speaking, a woman can get real pleasure in combination with an emotional component. If you cheat just like that, then the woman will not receive any pleasure, much less happiness. In return, there will be remorse, a silent question - what was all this for?
  4. revenge. Your husband cheated, and you decided to repay him in kind? Let's say right away that the path is fundamentally wrong. Afterwards, the woman will feel like a traitor, a deceiver in front of her husband. Would this analogy be a good one? Not many will be happy with such prospects. If you want to take revenge, please, but outside of marriage. Otherwise, a woman’s action will be no different from her partner’s action.

What are the consequences of infidelity for a man?

If a man finds out about his wife’s infidelity, it deals a blow to his pride. A man’s self-esteem drops, jealousy and a decadent attitude develop. The very fact of betrayal tells a man that his companion does not respect his partner. Even if outwardly he is ready to forgive his wife and give her another chance, internally he will continue to be indignant, constantly remembering the betrayal.

As a result of dissonance, psychological disorders arise, aggression, inferiority complexes appear, and even sexual inability occurs. Such manifestations can be explained simply. By forgiving the betrayal, a man signs his insolvency. Because in the aspect of infidelity, a man pays attention only to physical contact. What is a fact of insufficient masculine strength if a girl chooses another man. He doesn’t pay attention to the romantic component at all.

Every man is an owner and perceives his wife (companion, girlfriend) as a trophy that was won in a fair fight. Therefore, the woman who cheated is no longer his prey, and this is insulting. The very attitude towards the traitor is expressed in complete contempt. Treason is nothing more than betrayal. If even in a relationship the wife could not resist, then how can we continue to hope for such a person?

Should we forgive a woman's infidelity?

This question arises among men who love their wife, but are tormented by the fact of betrayal. It is difficult to find a single answer for every situation. But let's consider it from the point of view of the psychological state of a man.

The husband is confused, embittered, depressed. If the infidelity is forgotten and the family tries to return to their usual way of life, it is unlikely that everything will be the same as before. Forgiveness for betrayal is difficult to achieve. In most cases, a man who has forgiven his wife becomes weak and pliable in the woman’s eyes. Such men are not respected, they wipe their feet on them and continue to cheat on them.

Thus, to the question of whether it is worth forgiving, the answer is unequivocal - it is impossible. Why to preserve your inner peace and dignity.

Why do you dream that your wife is cheating?

Dreams are a mysterious thing. Sometimes a man may dream that his wife is cheating. He is ready to transfer this situation to real life. But here's the problem. Dreams are a reflection of our hidden thoughts and experiences. Therefore, if in a dream you witnessed infidelity, most likely it’s all about increased jealousy and suspicion.

Analyze how worried you are about the possible fact of betrayal. Are there any prerequisites for this or do you only have your own speculation? If a man has such a dream and it is disturbing, pay attention to your wife, try to devote more time to her. This way you will find out about the absence or presence of infidelity, strengthen the relationship so that infidelity does not occur.

The topic of female infidelity is vast. It is difficult to draw one line under all situations. Each family has its own rules and characteristics, so not a single story of infidelity is like the others. But in this whole story there are important points that are worth summarizing:

  1. Treason is a voluntary action. Despite the reasons that could lead to the commission of the act, the final decision is still made by the person himself. That's why you shouldn't blame circumstances. There is another way out of any situation;
  2. men and women see betrayal differently. If for a man it is more important that a woman physically belonged to another, then for the fair half feelings come first;
  3. to admit infidelity or not is a rhetorical question. You can’t give unambiguous advice without knowing the people and the details. But the old rule still applies: “the less you know, the better you sleep”;
  4. What should spouses do after cheating? Should I forgive my wife or not? A question that haunts deceived husbands. If you decide to forgive and restore family relationships, the topic of betrayal should be forgotten once and for all. You cannot reproach her and, in the heat of a quarrel, try to inject your spouse more painfully with this information.