How to do interesting tricks. Tricks with cards - how to learn how to do tricks? Illusion of perception of movement in tricks

What to do with your child on the weekend? How to add variety to a children's or family celebration? Maybe arrange circus show, where all family members can participate? The focus is on a child magician. We offer our top 20 most interesting magic tricks for children.

TOP 20 tricks for children

"Live Snake"

This simple trick is designed for small spectators. A magician gently rubs a plastic ruler against a paper kite. In an instant, he raises his head and looks at the surprised spectators. The secret is simple: the ruler is charged electric charge, which affects any objects.

“The book is the head of everything”

You will need help from an adult. The child will have to take a book located on the shelf, as if at random. Addressing the audience, the child asks to guess the number of any page. Next, the young magician leaves the room, and the assistant reads to him the very top line on the page chosen by the viewer. Then the young magician returns to the place where the performance is taking place and, thoughtfully, says out loud the page number. The secret of this trick lies in the fact that an identical book is hidden in the next room. Having found the right top line in which, the kid remembers the page number and calls it to the surprised spectators.


In order to perform this trick “in all respects” you need to stock up on cards of the same size. Write down the names of the animals on them and put them in your hat. The young magician asks the audience to name any 10 animals. Meanwhile, the baby writes down each animal on a card, throwing it into a hat - or this is an illusion of deception. The secret of the trick is that the child will always write down the name of only the first animal. Next, the child invites one of the spectators to take out any card from those offered, and then read the name, but not out loud. Then the magician thinks about it and names the animal.


A simple trick for children aged 5-11 years. Such a trick is quite easy to perform, since children are always drawn to the mystical, they will have a genuine interest in such a trick. Having discussed in advance with his assistant, whom his choice will fall on, the wizard seems to randomly choose him and say that he will now leave the room. Meanwhile, the assistant will shake hands with someone in the audience. The task is to guess who the assistant chose. When the wizard returns, he greets everyone in turn, and then names the one his assistant greeted.

"Find it if you can"

You will need to stock up on 3 thimbles and a ball. This trick will be of interest to children aged 5-11 years.

First, agree with any participant that he will assist you during the show. In this case, it is necessary to announce to the audience that you will guess under which of the thimbles the object is hidden. Then you will need to leave the room, and the participants in the trick will hide the ball in one of their confidants. Then you enter the classroom again, and the assistant, unnoticed by others, points to the thimble, under which lies the ball.

"Festive Confetti"

In order to perform this trick, you will need a fresh chicken egg, as well as small confetti. This focus is intended for an audience of children no more than 11 years old. Make a small hole in the testicle in advance, removing the yolk and white. Place the children around the young magician, making sure the lighting is unnatural. It is ideal if the room is a little dark, which will add an atmosphere of magic and mystery and hide small inaccuracies.

The egg must be shown to all participants so that they are convinced that it is indeed real. After the words “akhalai mahalai,” the magician must hide the egg in his palms, and then rub it properly. Confetti falls from the magician's palms. The secret of the trick is that the shell can be easily crushed, so performing the trick is quite simple.

"Confetti and Sweets"

Continuing the theme of confetti, we offer the following trick for children. You will need two cardboard cups, a small bowl, several packages of confetti, one piece of candy for each young participant, cardboard, scissors, a tissue, and double-sided tape. At the first stage, you need to cut out a small circle from cardboard, but it must fit in the glass. Next, you need to secure double-sided tape to the cardboard, then you need to sprinkle the circle with prepared confetti in advance so as to fill the entire area on the cardboard. Now carefully insert the resulting circle into the prepared glass. It looks like the glass is almost completely covered with confetti. Place candy in another glass and hide it in a bowl where there is already confetti.

The young magician demonstrates to everyone that he is filling a glass with confetti. Don't forget about the main detail - say magic words. While filling, the glass reaches the bottom of the bowl, and the one next to it is removed. Next, the glass is covered with a scarf. And again the baby must cast a spell. Next, all the children begin to blow on the glass, and the joyful magician shows that the boring confetti has turned into chocolate candies.

Card trick

This simple trick is suitable for little dreamers. Absolutely any deck of cards is suitable for it. The magician asks the assistant to choose a card from those offered and remember it. Next, it is placed on top of the entire deck. Next, the deck will need to be removed and the part that was at the bottom put on top. The secret of this trick: in order to find the right card, you need to use a small nuance. Just before the show starts, you need to look at the bottom card in the deck. Then it will be easy to find the map.


Have a flat plate on which you need to pour water and drop a coin into it. Now ask your friend to remove the coin from the bottom without getting your fingers wet. The trick is to take a glass with thin walls and then rinse it with hot water, and then turn it over onto the plate in which the coin is located. The glass will absorb water until the plate remains dry. Next, you just need to wait until the coin itself dries.

"Invisible Ink"

To make this ink, you will need potato juice. To do this, on both sides of the potato large sizes you need to cut it, then place it on the table and make a small hole. Into the hole that appears, you need to squeeze out the juice from other parts of the potato; you can write with a toothpick, preferably wetting it in the inkwell. After you write the message, the ink will dry on its own and disappear.

"Paper Garland"

To make a garland, you need to prepare two newspapers. To begin, tear the newspaper exactly in half, and then both halves in half again. From the resulting eight pieces you need to roll up a roll. The nuance of the trick is that each sheet must be placed on top of each other with overlap. The roll needs to be torn in half in the very center, and then torn lengthwise again. Now you need to bend the roll in half using a transverse break and pull lightly.

"Finger and Carrot"

To perform this trick for children, you need to take a scarf - it should not be see-through. Now, through the scarf, the magician begins to stick needles into his finger. At the end of the show, the magician shows the astonished audience a finger that does not have a scratch on it. What is the secret of focus? The fact is that the magician uses a carrot instead of a finger.

"Magic number"

At the beginning of the show, the magician asks the participants to guess any number from 1 to 5. Then he approaches the viewer and asks what number he guessed. He calls the number "3". Next, the magician asks the participant in the performance to go to the piano and open the lid. There is a note with the number 3 there.

The secret of the trick is that you need to prepare notes with each number and hide them in different places on the piano. When the spectator guesses a number, the magician asks him to go to a certain place where it is hidden.

"Tennis ball"

The magician shows everyone the tennis ball and then hides it in his fist. In the same fist, the magician holds a silk scarf. Then he opens his hand and shows the ball, and the scarf disappears. The magician then holds the ball in his fist and removes the handkerchief from it. What is the secret of the magic trick's popularity?

In advance of the show, you need to make a small hole in the ball. When the magician shows it to the audience, the hole is covered with his finger. Next, the child places the scarf in the ball. While the handkerchief is placed in the ball, the surprised spectators believe that the handkerchief has evaporated. Next, you need to hold the ball in your palm, taking out the scarf, and demonstrate it to the guests.

"Hanging Ring"

In order for this jetting trick to work according to all the rules, you need to prepare a ring made of wire, as well as matches, salt solution, and thread. First you need to soak the thread in a solution made from water and salt and dry it thoroughly. Such manipulations must be repeated several times. Now you can show your friends a thread that is no different from the usual one. You need to hang a wire ring from it, and then set the thread on fire. When the fire consumes the entire thread, then, to the surprise of the friends, the ring will hang on the ashes. When you decide to do this trick, the doors should be closed as much as possible. Even a small draft can prevent you from trying on the image of a magician.

"4 Kings"

The cards need to be laid out in such a way that you end up with 4 piles containing 4 cards. From the general deck you need to take 4 kings, the same number of queens, jacks and aces. Now start your story. “Once upon a time, 4 kings ruled in the kingdom (place 4 kings), each of them had daughters (place each queen on the king, and the suits must match), each daughter had a groom (place them on the queens), each The grooms were security (aces). Will they be able to get there? Next you need to arrange the cards into 4 columns. This means that you need to take turns putting one piece 4 times. As a result, you will end up with 4 cards in 4 piles.

"Coin and Book"

To make the trick work, take a large book and open it to the page that you like best. Place 6 coins in it and close the book. Don't forget to say the magic words. Open the book and tilt it in front of the participant's hand. As a result, the coins should fall into the viewer’s palms. However, when he counts them, he sees that there are not 6 coins in his hand, but 10.

What's the secret? Before the show starts, the child must put these 4 coins in the book. But before that, you need to check whether the coins can fall unnoticed by others.

“The hat is moving!”

The essence of this trick for children is that the hat will move whenever the magician wants. Before the start of the show, you need to discreetly tie one end of the rope to your trouser belt, and tie the other end to your hat. Before the show you need to keep your hat in your hand. So the trick begins. The magician comes out to the public and puts his hat in the corner farthest from himself. Slowly moving around the room, the hat moves along him.

"Severed Finger"

First you need to bend the index finger on one hand, and the thumb on the other and attach it to the already bent index finger. This way the effect of a whole finger is achieved. You need to move the fingers of your right hand and the thumb of your other hand. Young viewers they will think that you are moving the fingers of the same hand. Now move your hands carefully, wiggling your fingers.

"Magic Ball"

Make a paper bag in which you need to put a rubber ball. Now crumple this bag. There was no trace left of the ball.

What is the secret of focus? Make a small hole in the rubber ball in advance, which will be invisible if you cover it with your finger. In the process, when you crumple the ball with the bag, it becomes deformed, giving the impression that it has disappeared. Young children will love this trick.

If you don't know which entertainment program come up with for your children for a holiday, then these tricks will make your child get a charge of positive emotions for the whole day and return it to him good mood, even if it’s cloudy outside.

Learn some secrets simple tricks. To perform simple tricks, you need minimal props. Most tricks can be performed for holidays. These simple and fun tricks will amuse the company and lift their spirits.

Simple trick - a bucket that doesn't rise

For the trick you will need: a bucket, an assistant.

Invite any spectator to pick up a bucket filled with water standing against the wall. In this case, the person should stand at a distance of about half a step from this bucket. He needs to lift the bucket and straighten up, but no one will be able to do this.

The secret of focus.

To lift the bucket, you need to lean on it, but according to the conditions of the task, this cannot be done.

Simple trick - Fill the glasses

You will need: 2 glasses, 2 assistants.

You ask two spectators to kneel opposite each other. With one hand everyone holds their leg, in the other hand they each have glasses half filled with water. Invite them to have one of them, without changing position, pour water from their glass into their partner’s glass.

The secret of a simple trick.

None of them will succeed, since their position will become unstable as soon as someone tries to bend over to pour water.

Simple trick - Get up out of your chair

You will need: chair, assistant.

It's a fun trick. Invite any member of the audience to sit on a chair and stand up from a sitting position. You need to sit straight, slightly touching the back, your legs should also be straight, you can’t slide them under the seat, and you can’t bend over either. Everyone will see that the assistant will not succeed.

The secret of a simple trick.

You can only get up from this position if you bend forward or move your legs under the seat.

Simple trick - Try breaking a bottle

For the trick you will need: a stick, a bottle, a rope wall, an assistant.

Invite anyone to use a stick to break a bottle standing behind a rope wall. You need to make a rope wall like this: take a stick, tie the ends of the ropes to it, hanging down to the floor and almost touching it. This stick must be firmly attached to the doorway. Give a long stick to anyone who volunteers to try. Everyone will see that he will not succeed.

The secret of focus.

The rope wall turns out to be an insurmountable obstacle.

Simple trick - Jump over the stick

For the trick you will need: a stick.

Offer a fun competition for everyone. Place an ordinary stick on the floor and ask those who want to jump over it, but on the condition: you cannot bend your body or bend your knees. No one can complete this seemingly easy task.

The secret of focus.

The limiting condition is precisely what is needed to make this leap.

Simple trick - Light a candle

For this simple trick you will need: a bottle, a candle, an assistant.

Invite anyone to try, sitting on a bottle, to light one candle from another. To do this, a person must sit on an empty bottle and take a lit candle in one hand and an unlit candle in the other. You need to sit with both legs extended forward. This seems like a very easy task, but no one can do it.

Simple trick - Take off your shirt without taking off your jacket

You will need: shirt, jacket, tie, assistant.

Invite an assistant from among the audience, with whom you agree in advance. Tell the audience that you can take off his shirt without taking off his jacket. Demonstrate that you first remove the tie, undo the buttons on the cuffs and on the collar of the shirt and, by slightly pulling the collar, pull out the shirt without removing the assistant's jacket.

The secret is a simple trick.

For this trick, the spectator-assistant must be dressed in advance. Place the shirt over his shoulders and fasten only the buttons on the collar and cuffs. After that, put a tie and jacket on him.

After you have learned how to do these simple tricks, try

How do you spend your free time? Love to play computer games, take cool tests, communicate in in social networks, what about learning magic tricks? Surprise your friends!

The most important thing when performing any magic trick is persistent practice. You can get acquainted with the simplest trick and learn how to perform it step by step in at least half an hour, but in order to really succeed and not be exposed, you need to train a lot and for a long time, honing your technique and skill. You need to learn tricks, moving from simple to complex, so next we will talk about how to learn how to do tricks that any beginner can handle.

Simple card trick

Those who want to learn how to learn how to do magic tricks often start with cards. Among card tricks, there are indeed a lot of easy options that you can quickly learn and surprise the audience with them, and one of the most popular of them are simple tricks with guessing cards. We will now consider one of them. The trick is called “Guess the card.”

What the viewer sees. The magician shuffles a deck of cards and hands it to one of the spectators so that he chooses one of the cards. The spectator chooses his card, remembers it and, without showing anyone, gives it face down to the magician. The magician returns the card to the deck, shuffles it again, lays out the cards and accurately finds the spectator's card!

The secret of focus. Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Attention: the key to this trick is to quietly spy which card will be the bottom, that is, the last one in the deck.

The spectator selects a card and returns it to you. Divide the deck randomly in half - you end up with two parts of cards in your hands, one of which contains the bottom card - you memorized it at the very beginning. Place the spectator's card on one part of the deck and cover it on top with the second part. The spectator sees that his card is now hidden, but you know that it lies under the very bottom card.

Lay out the cards in a fan, then look for your bottom card with your eyes - next to it on the right will be the one that the viewer wished for. Voila! At the same time, do not choose it too quickly, for example, pretend that you are trying to feel the energy emanating from the card - entertain the viewer.

A coin passes through a glass

The next simple trick is the glass and coin trick. It is more difficult than the previous one, as it requires a certain amount of manual dexterity.

From the viewer's side. The magician shows the audience a coin, takes it in the fist of one hand, and with the other brings a glass to it, then knocks the glass on the hand with the coin - and it ends up inside, going through the bottom!

In fact. Choose a large coin and a glass, plastic or glass. Show the audience the coin and then pretend to transfer it to your other hand, covering the top with your palm and appearing to grab the coin into your fist. But the coin, of course, remains in the same hand where it was.

This is the key point: it is important to practice and learn how to hold a coin with an open palm or hold it between your palm and little finger, whichever is more convenient for you - the main thing is that it is held inconspicuously and does not fall out.

With the same hand in which you hold the coin, you take the glass and raise it over your hand with your fist, where the coin lies, according to the audience. Tap the glass on your fist several times. On the last knock, relax your hand so that the coin falls inside the glass, and at this moment open your palm with your fist, simulating the passage of the coin through the bottom of the glass. It is important to work this trick well so that everything works out deftly and quickly, and the audience does not have time to come to their senses and expose you.

Match trick

And finally, we'll tell you how to do tricks with matches that only require sleight of hand.

As the audience sees. The magician holds a match between the fingers of both hands. Having placed them perpendicularly, he hits the matches against each other, as a result of which one match passes through the second.

The secret of focus. Before picking up matches, wet the index finger of your right hand. After this, hold the matches between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The key to this trick is that the right hand the match with the sulfur head touches the moistened index finger and therefore sticks to it, and if you unclench your fingers, the match will still continue to “hang”.

Turn the matches held in your fingers perpendicular to each other. Now begin to move the left match towards the right, and at the moment of their collision, unclench your fingers, passing the left match forward, and then squeeze it back. You need to learn how to do this quickly and sharply, imitating the blow of matches - then the audience will not notice the trick.

How to learn to do tricks with a scarf

Spectators also love tricks with a scarf. One of the most popular such tricks is “Passing a coin through a scarf.” How to learn how to do it will become clear after watching the following video:

To ensure that your performance makes the right impression on the viewer and that even the simplest tricks cause surprise, remember a few golden rules that experienced illusionists follow: do not repeat encore tricks, do not tell the technique of performing them and do not warn the audience about what trick you will do next . So the effect of surprise will be achieved, and the mystery will remain.

Every child has dreamed of becoming a real magician at least once in their life. And even more, he wanted to learn how to solve mysterious tricks. We will look at several of the most popular tricks and reveal the secrets of their performance.

Magic wand

To perform the trick, you need to glue a stick from a sheet of paper that you need to decorate. Fill it with confetti on one side and streamers on the other. The child in front of the audience wraps the stick in a sheet of newspaper and shakes it. As a result, confetti will spill out of the paper. Then you should turn the sheet over and take out the serpentine. At the end, the newspaper crumples together with the stick.

Guess the number

The kid should ask a friend to think of a number from 1 to 5. Then he needs to inquire about the hidden number. A friend will say that, for example, he is planning a threesome. The wizard must approach the cabinet, in the doors of which there is a piece of paper with the inscription three.

The secret is simple: pre-prepared cards with written numbers should be hidden in different pieces of furniture.

Depending on what number the friends call, the magician will take out the corresponding card from the piano or bedside table. The only important thing here is to remember what will be hidden and where. This trick will perfectly develop the child’s memory and make his friends believe that the baby can read minds.

Apple and orange

The child needs to show the audience an orange and cover it with a colored handkerchief. Having said "crex-fex-pex" (“crible-crable-boom” should also work), you need to pull off the scarf. There will already be an apple in the palm of your hand.

The secret of the trick is to remove the peel from the orange and place the apple in its peel. When the trick is in full swing, the baby will need to squeeze tightly and show it to everyone around him.

The handkerchief is pulled off along with the skin, and an apple lies on the palm. It's simple. All you need is sleight of hand.

This trick will have a great impact on the development of motor skills in your young wizard.

Tennis ball

The child must show everyone the tennis ball and hold it in his hand. Then, a handkerchief is also pushed into the fist. When the fingers unclench, only the ball remains and there is no scarf.

The secret of the trick is simple: a hole is made in the tennis ball in advance. When demonstrating a ball, it must be shown to the audience in such a way that no one will guess that there is a hole in it. When the ball is clamped in the handle, the hole should be on top. As you understand, when you push the scarf into your hand, the cloth is placed into the ball itself. By the way, the baby can show everyone the ball without a scarf, and then deftly remove a cloth from the clasped hand with the ball.

Vertical egg

This is a fairly simple trick in which a child can bet with his friends that he can stand an egg upright.

To solve this problem, you will need to make a hole in the egg and remove the white and yolk through it.

Then the baby just needs to spin the egg, it will start spinning and stand upright: this will be fun and surprise for your friends!

Where does the water come from?

The sorcerer must show everyone an empty vase and equally empty hands. When he inserts the handle into the vase, he will be able to splash out the water.

For the trick you will need:

  • rubber bulb;
  • vase;
  • a tube.

You need to fill a rubber bulb with a tube with water and hide it "nipple system" under the jacket into the sleeve. Then the baby only needs to press his hand to the barrel and lightly press on the pear, the water will pour into the container.

As you can see, there is a very simple secret in this seemingly impossible miracle. Such simple tricks are, of course, intended for older children, because very young children, perhaps, will not be able to press the pear unnoticed. In conclusion, let's say: any tricks are a little bit of magic. A child always dreams of feeling like a wizard. Now outlets offer a lot of various devices that a young sorcerer may need. Whether to buy or make such things yourself is up to you. A trick can really captivate a child, or it may only be of interest to him for a couple of weeks.

Many people are amazed by the performances of illusionists and their ability to perform interesting tricks. Is not simple work, but everyone can try to learn how to do magic tricks on their own. To do this you need to learn a few simple steps. Everyone can bring a little magic into their life and create the most extraordinary miracles. If you have children, then it's time to think about how interesting they will be if you show them a beautiful magic trick.

Rules for a good magician

If you want to learn how to perform magic tricks, you should follow several basic rules, without which no real magician can do. These include:

  1. You never need to reveal the secrets of the trick you are showing. Otherwise, the audience's interest will quickly disappear, because they will know how it's done. Let observers make their own assumptions about how certain tricks are performed, then they will want to see them again.
  2. Each trick must be carefully rehearsed. You need to think carefully about all gestures and movements. In this case, it is the artistic moment that is important. You need to think about what you will say. You should practice several times and only when the number goes through without errors, it can be shown to the public.
  3. When performing a trick, do not comment on what is about to happen next. It’s better to let the audience figure it out for themselves. The more intriguing the number, the more interesting it will be.

Learn easy tricks

If you want to learn how to do magic tricks, you should understand that there are two sides: the obvious side, which is accessible to the audience, and the secret side, which is known only to the magician. You need to try to make sure that even the most skeptical spectators cannot tell the secret of the trick.

You need to start with the simplest. First you need to choose the trick you want to do and find out its secret. For simple tricks, you can take whatever is at hand. These could be coins, pins, matches, etc. There are several tricks that even a child can do.

  1. Clock trick. For it you need to prepare certain props. You will need an opaque bulk bag, a hammer and some music. The essence of this trick is that the one who will perform it asks the guests for a watch. After someone gives them, you should put them in an opaque bag. Now the magician must turn on the music and pretend that he is performing magic on the bag. After certain actions, you should pick up a hammer and hit the bag with it in front of the amazed spectators. When this is done, you need to take the watch parts out of the bag. Their owner will be in a panic, but you reassure him that everything will be fixed now. Put all the parts back into the bag and do the magic moves again. Now take the whole watch out of the bag. The audience will be delighted. The secret of this trick is that you need to put some watch supplies in the bag in advance. You should practice so you know which part of the bag to hit with the hammer next.
  2. Focus with balloon. To do this, in front of the audience, take a knitting needle and start piercing the ball. It, in turn, will not burst. The audience will be surprised. To do this trick you need to prepare the ball in advance. To do this, seal it on both sides with a piece of transparent tape. You need to hold it in your hands in such a way that it is not visible to the audience.
  3. Another easy focus With chicken egg. It consists of putting a napkin on the table. Then the egg is placed on it with the narrowest side. To the surprise of the audience, it will not fall. The secret of this trick is that a small layer of salt is first poured under the napkin. This will help hold the egg. Guests should stand at a short distance so as not to notice the salt on the table.

In addition to these simple tricks, there are others that always cause great resonance. Tricks with coins and cards are especially popular. Learn at least one of them, and success will await you among your friends and acquaintances.

Practice doing magic tricks in front of a mirror. This serves as good training and you will be able to see what everything looks like from the outside.

Coin tricks

In order to learn how to perform tricks with coins well, you will have to practice a lot. They must be rehearsed to the point of automaticity.

The first trick can be called the “unusual coin”. This is how it should be presented to the audience. To perform it, in addition to a coin, you will need a small handkerchief and an assistant. The coin must be placed on the table and covered with a scarf on top. All spectators can come and check that she is really there. Now you can pick up the handkerchief and move it from hand to hand. coin at this time miraculously disappears. After this, say that the coin is in one of the guests’ pockets. You need to go up and get it out of there, after showing your empty hands. The secret of the trick is that it is done with the help of a partner who is among the guests. When the guests come up to the table one by one to see that the coin really lies under the scarf, he must come up last and quietly take it away. After that, he carefully puts it in the pocket of one of the standing nearby viewers or your own.

Another “coin in a glass” trick. To perform it you will need an ordinary coin, a glass and a scarf that will completely cover it. Glue the coin to the bottom of the glass so that it is not visible from the side. Turn the glass upside down so that the audience can see that there is nothing in it. After that, pour water into it and also demonstrate it to the audience. Now cover the glass with a handkerchief, make a few magical movements and remove the handkerchief. Tell the audience to look into the glass. At the bottom they can see a coin. No one will have the desire to pull it out of the water, since they will have to turn over the glass of water.

You can try another trick with one coin. To do this, place it on the palm of one hand, and with the other make a movement as if you were taking a coin into it. At the same time, play realistically, as if you had actually moved the coin. In order for everything to work out and the audience not to notice anything, you should bend your fingers a little. This should not be done under force. Make an empty fist containing the coin. Now make a few magical moves and open your clenched fist. Naturally, there will be no coin in it. You can get it from any place convenient for you. You can get it from behind your ear or shoulder with the hand in which it remained clamped from the very beginning. The most important thing in this trick is to fill your hand. The act should run smoothly, and the audience should have the effect as if the coin appeared out of thin air.

Don't perform a trick if you haven't fully rehearsed it yet. If the spectators notice the coin in the hand, it will have no effect.

Thus, learning several tricks is not as difficult as it may seem. With their help, you can cheer up your guests and make them feel good. If you have a desire, you can start training.