How to make buns from dough. Beautiful shapes of buns made from yeast dough with sugar

1. Always add diluted potato starch to the dough - buns and pies will be fluffy and soft even the next day.
The main condition for delicious pies is a fluffy, well-risen dough. Flour must always be sifted before kneading dough: it is loosened, foreign impurities are removed from it, and it is enriched with air oxygen

2. In any dough (except for dumplings, puff pastry, choux, shortbread), that is, in the dough for pies, pancakes, bread, pancakes - add a full tablespoon (heaped) of semolina per 1/2 liter of liquid.
The nuns taught: “Previously, the highest quality bread was made from semolina. It did not dry out for a long time and was lush. Now there is no grit. Now add zhmenya (a handful) of semolina and you will always have good baked goods.” This advice is so priceless.

3. In addition to milk, it is useful to add 1/2 cup of carbonated mineral water to the dough.
Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water and lightly quench it with citric acid or vinegar.
The baked goods turn out great. Even the next day it remains lush.

4. There should be no draft in the room where the dough is cut: it contributes to the formation of a very dense crust on the pie.

5. When kneading yeast dough, all products should be warm or at room temperature; products from the refrigerator will slow down the rise of the dough.

6. For yeast products, the liquid should always be heated to 30-35 o C, since yeast fungi in a liquid that has a lower or higher temperature lose their activity

7. When kneading the dough, your hands should be dry.

8. Before placing yeast dough products in the oven, they are allowed to rest on a baking sheet or in a mold - rise for 15-20 minutes.
Allow the dough to proof completely before baking. If the proofing is not complete, it does not rise well and the pies do not bake for a long time.

9. Bake pies on a baking sheet over medium heat (180-190 o C) so that the filling does not dry out.

10. It is best to add heat-softened (unmelted) butter to the dough (yeast and unleavened butter), since melted butter worsens the structure of the dough.

11. Pies made with milk are more tasty and aromatic, the crust after baking is shiny with a beautiful color.

12. Yeast for dough should be fresh, with a pleasant alcoholic smell. Test the yeast in advance. To do this, prepare a small portion of the dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. If no cracks appear after 30 minutes, then the quality of the yeast is poor.

13. If there is excess sugar in the dough, the pies quickly “brown” and even burn. Also, excess sugar slows down the fermentation of yeast dough, and the pies turn out less fluffy.

14. Fats, softened in heat to the consistency of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when kneading it, this improves the fermentation of the dough.

15. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, add only yolks to the dough.

16. Tall pies are baked over low heat so that they cook evenly.

17. The dough for a pie baked on a baking sheet is rolled out as thin as possible so that the taste of the filling can be clearly felt.

18. To keep the bottom of the pie dry, lightly sprinkle the bottom layer of the pie with starch, and then add the filling.

19. Neither the dough nor the dough should be allowed to rest, as this causes peroxidation and deterioration in the quality of the dough. 3 hours is enough, but be sure to keep it warm.

20. Yeast dough pies can be greased with milk and, if desired, sprinkled with salt, poppy seeds, and caraway seeds.

21. Covered pies are brushed with beaten egg, milk, and sugar water before baking. Thanks to this, an appetizing gloss appears on the finished cake. The best shine is obtained when lubricated with yolks.

22. Pies that are sprinkled with powdered sugar are lightly greased with butter before sprinkling - it gives them a pleasant aroma.

23. Pies brushed with egg white or yolk acquire a shiny golden brown crust during baking.
For a brighter color, add a little sugar to the lubricant. Caramelizing during baking, sugar will give the surface of the product a beautiful reddish tint.
Lenten pies can be brushed with very strong sweet tea before baking.

24. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

25. If you add soda to the dough, the cake will turn out to be darker in color with an unpleasant odor.

26. It’s easy to roll out thin dough by wrapping the rolling pin in a clean linen rag.

27. If the dough is too wet, place a piece of parchment paper on it and roll it straight through the paper.

28. Shortcrust pastry pies should be removed from pans when cooled.

29. Before adding raisins to the dough, they need to be rolled in flour.

30. Salt is always added to flour only when the dough has already fermented

31. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

32. When cutting buns, grease the dough pieces with butter and sprinkle evenly with sugar.
The more sugar, the “caramel” the bun will be. Usually, for a flat cake with a diameter of 15 cm, take 1-1.5 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of butter.
For sprinkling, in addition to sugar, the following are used: poppy seeds; cinnamon; small raisins; crushed nuts; sesame or sunflower seeds.
Roll the prepared cakes into rolls. This is the main bun preparation.
Next, cutting buns can be done in different ways.

33. If the dough has already risen and you don’t have time to put it in the oven, cover the dough with well-moistened paper, first shaking off the water.

34. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

35. It’s better not to cut a hot pie. But if this is necessary, you need to heat the knife in hot water, quickly wipe it and cut it.

36. If the cake does not come off the baking sheet, separate it from the baking sheet with a thread.

How since childhood we love fragrant soft buns with sugar washed down with milk! These addictions remain for life, so when the aroma of baked goods hovers in the house it becomes so cozy and good.

Let's prepare the simplest buns today from different types of dough, and use only sugar as filling.

The most popular dough option is butter yeast dough. It can be mixed with milk or water. Sometimes, for looseness, alcohol is added to the recipe, for example cognac, as in. You can do without strong drinks by simply using any type of yeast.

Pressed ones have greater lifting power, but they are more difficult to store, so many housewives prefer quick-acting dry ones.


  • 2 eggs,
  • 1.5 tbsp. dry yeast,
  • 1.5 tbsp milk,
  • ½ tbsp sugar,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 600 grams of flour,
  • 100 grams of butter (or margarine).
  • For greasing 1 egg.

For filling:

  • 50 g butter
  • 4 tbsp. sugar (to taste)

For the yeast to start working well, all liquid ingredients need to be warmed to room temperature. For example, remove eggs and milk from the refrigerator in advance.

Dissolve dry yeast in warm milk. Let's leave them for a while so that the yeast starts to revive.

Add 6 tbsp. flour, mix and pour in warm melted butter.

Add flour and start kneading the dough. It becomes soft and does not stick to your hands.

Take a bowl and grease it with vegetable oil. We put the dough inside, which we also grease on top with oil so that a dry crust does not appear.

Place the bowl in a warm place for an hour and cover with a towel.

Do not knead the grown dough; for convenience, divide it into two parts and roll it into a rectangle. At this stage, you can add any type of filling. For example, use poppy seed or cottage cheese with raisins.

Spread the butter, which has become very soft, over the surface.

Sprinkle sugar on top of it. Mix it with cinnamon or nutmeg if desired.
We wrap the layer into a roll and divide it into several parts, 4-5 cm wide.

We pinch the bottom edge of the snail so that the filling does not leak out and place it on this edge.

And you get cute roses.

Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil and place buns on it. Leave for 20 minutes for them to rise.

Before putting the leaf in the oven, brush all the baked goods with a beaten egg.

We send them to bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

How to make homemade sugar buns without yeast?

In this dough, yeast is replaced with baking powder or baking powder. Especially if your recipe is, then you don’t need to quench the soda with vinegar. If you do it without using a fermented milk product, then use table vinegar as an acid.

According to this recipe, the dough turns out to be liquid, so stock up on molds in advance, preferably silicone ones.


  • 300 gr - wheat flour
  • 100 g - sugar
  • 85 g - butter
  • 100 ml - milk
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1 tsp - baking soda and vinegar for extinguishing
  • 1 tsp - salt
  • 1/4 tsp. - ground nutmeg

For sprinkling and soaking the top of the buns:

  • 100 g - sugar
  • 1 tsp - ground cinnamon
  • 50 g - butter

Sift the flour into a bowl, add sugar, salt and nutmeg.

Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the flour.

Add milk and egg to the melted butter.

Add dry ingredients to the liquid ingredients and knead the dough. It turns out like thick sour cream with a spoon in it.

Place it in silicone molds and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Once cool, brush the tops with melted butter and sprinkle with the cinnamon mixture.

You can add ground nuts, cinnamon or poppy seeds.

Beautiful “snails” made from puff pastry in a hurry

When you don’t have time to make dough, but want to drink tea with buns, take puff pastry. It makes excellent, crispy and airy baked goods. For pies and puff pastries without filling, I advise you to use puff pastry without yeast.


  • Puff pastry without yeast
  • Glass of sugar
  • 50 ml sunflower oil

We take the layer and divide it horizontally in half.

Now we divide each piece into three more parts. So, from one layer we got 6 parts.

We roll out each of them with a rolling pin.

Grease with sunflower oil and sprinkle generously with sugar.

Now roll the puff pastry into a tube and connect the edges.

We make a cut along the fold and turn out the middle.

We also sprinkle the surface.

Grease the sheet and place the formed puff pastries at a short distance from each other.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

By whipping up these sugar puffs, you can quickly get ready for guests.

Simple ways (forms) of how to wrap crumpets beautifully

To diversify your options for buns, take note of the methods that I will show below.
The well-known “Hearts” shape is made according to this scheme.

The roses are wrapped around the filling. And they turn out neater flat cakes.

For beauty, add cinnamon to the sugar in this braid. You can just leave it as a long curl or connect the edges and get a round bun.

Use scissors to make cuts. To prevent the dough from sticking to the blade, grease them with vegetable oil.

Another curl, which is sprinkled with sweet powder on top.

The double heart also looks interesting.

You can add poppy to the shamrock.

Braid your hair. This form is also suitable for puff pastry.

Using a glass you can make unusual lines.

Another option is how to form a bun.

If you cut the rkdet, you get a flower.

This is the variety of shapes that can be on one leaf. And curls and pretzels.

Using a round stick or a cutlery handle, you can also make beautiful pastries.

Another option for a leaf. When a slot is made in the middle into which the sharp end is pushed.

You can make bows. It turns out very similar to the real thing.

I offer a video in which you will find 15 more options for folding dough.

If you are using a multicooker, then you need to place the buns in a greased bowl and turn on the “Baking” or “Cake” mode. Everyone's program has different cooking times. But on average it's about 50 or 60 minutes.
The top of the baked goods will not have such a beautiful color as when cooked in the oven.

Baking prepared according to all three recipes turns out airy and sweet. Cook with pleasure!

Seeing that the article on how to make beautiful buns of different shapes interested you, dear fellow housewives, and quickly became popular, I have prepared a continuation especially for you!

I looked for unusual ideas, came up with something myself and remembered it, kneaded a rich yeast dough - and let’s get creative! It turned out even more beautiful than in the first part. Let's sculpt together!

And recently the 4th part “How to make buns beautifully” was released - 12 types of design for buns!

How to make a scallop bun

Have you ever seen such beautiful scallops in a bread shop? Kids love them! And it’s very easy to make your home beautiful.

Rolling a sausage out of dough...

and along one edge we make a notch with a knife at an equal distance.

We slightly bend the edges of the sausage down - you get a nice scallop!

How to make a bun Sunshine

Just like a scallop - only we make the sausage flatter, and the ray-like cloves thinner, it will be more beautiful.

And when laying it out on a baking sheet, we don’t just fold the edges down, but stick them together to make a circle.

It turns out to be a rosy sun!

How to make a dough braid

I'm sure all girls know how to braid hair. We braid the dough from the dough in the same way as a regular braid - we roll out three thin sausages, mold their upper edges together and braid!

If you brush the braid with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar, it will turn out even more beautiful and tastier, indistinguishable from a store-bought bun. Why can’t you tell the difference – it’s better!

How to make bun curls, snails

I love baking cute swirls. They are made simply: you need to roll out the dough into a rectangle approximately 0.5 cm thick.

Then sprinkle with poppy seeds, or cinnamon sugar, or raisins, or berries - and roll it up!

Cut this roll into pieces 1.5 - 2 cm thick.

You will get nice curled buns.

How to make a heart bun

And from the roll you can form a more complex beautiful pastry, for example, a bun in the shape of a heart.

Again, roll out a rectangular cake.

Roll up the roll.

We cut the roll lengthwise from one end, not completely, but about 2/3 of the length.

We wrap the free ends down and stick them together - tightly so that the bun does not unfold during baking.

You have made dough for buns, pies and pretzels, but you don’t know how to cut the dough so that the baked goods turn out beautiful - see step-by-step photos.

Beautiful buns

Cutting "Orchid": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, connect the cut strips in the center.

Cutting "Peony": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, fold the triangle with other corners, make cuts. Unfold the square and connect the cut strips in the center. Place the filling into the flower petals.

Cutting "Curls": roll out the layer, season with filling, roll into rolls on both sides, cut across.

Baking cutter “Rose”: roll a bun, roll out a circle, make 4 cuts at equal intervals, put the filling in the middle, roll the rose petals one by one.

Butter “Bows”: roll into koloboks, roll out circles, fold the circle in half, make 4 external and 3 internal cuts.

A simple flower made from rich yeast dough: roll the sausages, connect them into rings, put the filling on the two walls inside the ring, connect them in the center, as shown in the photo.

Beautiful puff pastry Kalach: roll a bun out of it, roll out a circle, grease with filling, roll into a roll, cut the roll lengthwise, twist two puff ribbons together, connect the ends to make a roll.

How to make “Piglets” from rich yeast dough. Roll out the circle, make a small cut on top, bend the corners - ears. We sculpt the piglet's piglet at the bottom, bending the edge and flattening it a little. The piglets' eyes are made of raisins.

Butter "Mushrooms": A circle is rolled out, which is then cut into pieces (see photo) and laid out in the shape of mushrooms.

"Croissants". Roll out the circle and cut it into triangles, cutting from the center to the outer edge. A cut is made on the outer side of the triangle in the middle and the filling is laid out at its end. The croissant is rolled up from the outer edge to the center.

Bun “Bird”: Roll the sausage, wrap one edge around your index finger and thread it into the resulting ring. Using a small pinch, press the dough into a beak shape. The tail needs to be flattened and cuts made, giving the appearance of feathers. The eyes are the highlight.

Here are simple versions of beautiful buns made from sausages. By the way, even a child can make such forms. Involve the little ones in this fun baking process. At the same time, you will develop fine motor skills and imagination.

How to decorate pies

Flower cake decoration: Roll out the layer into a round shape, place a bun of filling in the center. Carefully distribute the rest of the filling around the circle, leaving space from the edges and the central bun. Cover the top with another layer of dough. Using a small bowl or tea cup, press the edges around the center filling. Trim the outer edges with an openwork knife. Then evenly cut the dough with the filling that goes along the outer ring. Turn each “petal” slightly so the filling is facing up.

Cutting a loaf of bread. Roll the flagella into sausages and weave them into a loaf, as shown in the step-by-step instructions in the photo.

Here are the options for decorating the edge of the pie.

Cutting the dough “Pigtail” or “Spikelet”

The simplest version of “Pigtails”. A rectangle is cut out of the rolled out dough layer and a longitudinal cut is made in the center. Then, one edge is threaded through the resulting hole several times. This way the edges curl into a spiral. The filling is placed in the center.

"Pigtail with sausage". Three sausages are connected at the top edges. Then a slice of sausage is placed between them. Intertwined like a braid. The right harness is placed between the left and the center, then the left is placed between the right (which is now on the left) and the center (which is on the right). Again, a slice of sausage is placed and the braiding continues.

Sausage in “Pigtail” dough. This delicacy is sometimes called “Obzhorka” in culinary shops. The sausage is placed in the center of the dough cake. Then the edges are stuck to each other, and the sausage wrapped in dough is cut into equal parts. Each polka is turned sausage side up and placed one after another on different sides from the middle. Place in the oven when half cooked. Sprinkle cheese, herbs on top, grease with mayonnaise or ketchup (optional). And finish baking until ready.

Beautiful bun “Spikelet”. This type of baking is simple to make and looks very beautiful. Roll out a thin layer, grease with vegetable oil or egg, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (poppy seeds). We roll the roll, which we then cut with scissors slightly obliquely, as shown in the photo. We put the resulting “spikelets” into one large beautiful bun.

And this is a simple pigtail with poppy seeds. The sausage is covered with poppy seeds and cut with scissors, placing the petals on different sides.

For home baking buns of various shapes, yeast dough is best suited, it fits well, holds its shape and has a great taste, but puff pastry also makes the taste of the buns unique.

Making buns with filling is quite simple, the main thing is to knead the dough correctly.



  1. Wheat flour -800 gr.;
  2. Vegetable oil-1 tbsp. l.;
  3. Milk-300g;
  4. Sugar - 120 gr.;
  5. Vanilla sugar-4 g;
  6. Yeast - 35 g or 13 g dry;
  7. Eggs-2 pcs.;
  8. Butter-120 gr.

Recipe for yeast dough for buns

For the dough, you first need to prepare the dough, only then knead.

  1. Make sweet pie step by step. The simplest form of filled bun, pie can be made from fresh fruit, with cottage cheese, jam or marmalade. The dough can be cut out with a glass shot glass and rolled out with a rolling pin up to 8 cm in diameter, place the filling in the middle, seal the edges, leaving a small hole for sprinkles or syrup.
  2. The next simple form of baking a filled bun is a flower. Roll out the dough with a diameter of 5-7 cm, cut the edges with a knife, place a teaspoon of filling in the middle, bake the product in the oven at 190 degrees for 50 minutes.
  3. Cheesecake with cottage cheese or jam is made from a piece of dough rolled out crosswise. The cheesecake is formed from an oblong piece of dough, which must be cut from two edges, closer to the middle. The filling is placed in the middle of the workpiece, and the edges of the dough are threaded into the slits.

Twisted buns: how to make it yourself

To form twisted buns from the dough, the dough must be distributed into ropes in advance. This is a very simple way to make buns.

  1. Bun braid. A fairly wide piece of dough is distributed into 3 ropes, leaving 1 cm on top. Next, the strands need to be intertwined with each other, like a braid. We form the strands so that the weaves are symmetrical, and bend the edges down. After baking, the loaf can be sprinkled with sugar.
  2. Network. It is necessary to form a braid from two edges of the cut dough. To do this, you need to roll out a piece of dough into an oval shape, spread the filling along the entire length of the workpiece, cut the edges with a knife and place it in the middle of the workpiece, covering the filling, as in the pictures.
  3. Snail bun. A rope of dough, 10 cm long, must be twisted around the edges, gradually twisting inward. Making a snail is quite simple; you can decorate it beautifully with raisins, dried apricots or sesame seeds.

To make pies not only tasty, but also beautiful, there are several available ways to shape the dough. Pies can be of different shapes.

  1. Closed pie with waves. The filling is placed into a regular dough piece, and the edges of the dough are fastened together. You need to make waves all over the pie using kitchen scissors or pinch the dough with your hands.
  2. Triangular pie. Forming triangular patties is also simple; the filling is placed in the middle of the piece, but the pie is held together a little differently. The edges of the workpiece are visually divided into 3 parts, the edges are gathered and fastened together.
  3. A puff pastry pie can be baked in unusual shapes, even in the shape of animals. It is necessary to make the workpiece into a square shape, put the filling in the middle, and bend the corners. Make a rope from the dough, twist it and put it in the middle. After baking, you will get a funny pig-shaped pie.

In addition to pies of various beautiful shapes, cookies, hamburger buns, various pies with and without filling, nuts with cream or condensed milk, and croissants can be baked from puff pastry or yeast dough.

Bun shapes step by step with photos