How to say winter months in English. Months in English. What are the correct names of the months in English?

Hello, dear readers! Have you ever thought about how often you mention the seasons and talk about the weather? Whether it's communicating with colleagues, emails, talking on the phone - we do all this almost every day. We discuss what the weather is like outside today, talk about our favorite time of year, or say what time of year is our birthday.


What if you are learning English or communicating on social networks with a British or American friend? What if at school or university you were asked to write an English essay on the topic “Seasons”? As you may have guessed, today we will talk about how to call the seasons in English, or as English speakers call them - seasons. How to name months, days of the week and seasons in English is one of the most important topics

, which anyone who has started learning English must know. These are the basics that will help you communicate with native speakers when writing letters, messages, or when traveling abroad. In addition, knowing the seasons of the year in English is useful for general development.

  • First, let's list the seasons, write their pronunciation and translation:
  • winter ["wɪntə] - winter
  • spring - spring
  • summer ["sʌmə] - summer

autumn ["ɔːtəm] (in the UK) or fall in the USA - autumn

As you'll notice, Americans mean "autumn" differently than the British. They prefer to call this season "fall". Not to be confused with the action verb "to fall".

How to talk about seasons in English?

If you need to write an essay or simply talk about the seasons in English, then you should do it as follows:

First you need to list all the seasons, something like this: a year has four seasons - winter, spring, summer, autumn. Then you can tell what months are in each season. And after that, move on to a description of each season: weather phenomena, events in nature or in people’s lives.

These translation exercises will help you write essays and remember the topic.


  • What grammar rules in English do you need to remember in order to correctly use the seasons in speech and writing?
  • You already know that in America they use “in the fall” instead of “in autumn”
  • Only in the combination “in the fall” is the article used; in all other cases it is not used with the seasons
  • The article is used only when it is implied or there is a clarifying definition: in the winter of 1953
  • In combinations of the nouns “winter, spring, summer, autumn” with the words “That, all, every, any, one, each, next, last, this” neither an article nor a preposition is used: this spring
  • And finally, only two seasons are used in the possessive case - autumn and spring: This autumn’s festival... but The festival this winter...

Just 6 simple rules.

It's raining cats and dogs

This popular expression, characterizing strong autumn rain familiar to us from childhood. English also has such phraseological units. So they call a downpour with a cold strong wind the phrase “it is raining cats and dogs,” which translated means “rain of cats and dogs.” Why cats and dogs?

This English idiom comes from the past. People used to believe that witches turned into cats and, foreshadowing bad weather, flew under the clouds on brooms. And dogs, according to legend, were servants of Odin, the god of thunder, and personified the wind. Meeting together under the clouds, cats and dogs fell down with the rain and wind.

Another assumption was made by the famous writer Jonathan Swift, who used this expression in one of his works. Where it was described that the drainage system in cities of the 17th and 18th centuries could not withstand heavy rain, and the entire contents of the sewer spilled onto the street, including the corpses of cats, dogs and rats.

Winter came to us somewhat suddenly this year. Snow fell overnight... then melted and covered the city streets again. It has become noticeably colder. But winter is the favorite time of year not only for children, who first await the arrival of St. Nicholas, and then Santa Claus. Adults are also sensitive to New Year's holidays. For others, winter can never compare with spring, for example, when the green season gives rise to wonderful feelings in the soul - and not only love ones. From somewhere comes the desire to change everything and become better! Well, summer... Who would dare to argue that “summer is good”, as it is sung in the children's song?! But autumn is also a wonderful time. You can write a whole essay about the autumn gifts of nature, about the numerous delicious holidays etc.

We have not yet considered the topic of seasons in English, so we invite you to familiarize yourself with the names of the seasons in English, their correct use in sentences, and funny rhymes that will help you remember them faster.

Seasons in English

The year is divided into seasons, largely ignoring the fact that some countries have both "rainy seasons" and "monsoon seasons" rather than summer or winter, for example. According to Gregorian calendar, the year consists of 12 months, and they, in turn, form four seasons:

  • winter – winter [‘wɪntə];
  • spring – spring;
  • summer – summer [‘sʌmə];
  • autumn – autumn [‘ɔːtəm] – Brit. (fall – American).

What months these seasons include in English - read below.

Winter – winter:

  • December – december;
  • January – january;
  • February – february.

Spring – spring:

  • March – march;
  • April – april;
  • May – may.

Summer – summer:

  • June – june;
  • July – july;
  • August – august.

Autumn – autumn:

  • September – september;
  • October – october;
  • November – november.

Seasons in English:

prepositions and articles with which they are used

The rules for using articles and prepositions with the names of seasons in English are very simple.

The preposition is used with the seasons in:

  • in winter – in winter;
  • in spring – in spring;
  • in summer - in summer;
  • in autumn – in autumn, but in the fall.

With words all, any, each, every, last, next, this, that neither a preposition nor an article is used: this summer - this summer, next autumn - next autumn.

The article is used only when the sentence sometimes has a clarifying definition: in the autumn of 1941 - in the autumn of 1941, in the spring of 2016 - in the spring of 2016.

After the words for, through, during need to put definite article the: for the summer - for the summer, during the spring - throughout the spring.

When the names of the seasons have a descriptive definition, it is used indefinite article a: warm summer – a warm summer, rainy autumn – a rainy autumn. But with the adjectives late, early the article is not used: late spring - late autumn, early winter - early winter.

Seasons of the year:replenish vocabulary stock

Let's look at words with transcription in English that are associated with this or that time of year. If you want to add your own associations to the series, please write comments!


  • snow – snow;
  • snowflake – snowflake [ˈsnoʊfleɪk];
  • snowball – snowball [ˈsnoʊbɔːl];
  • snowman – snowman [ˈsnoʊmæn];
  • snowdrift – snowdrift [ˈsnoʊdrɪft];
  • ice – ice;
  • mountains – mountains [ˈmaʊntənz];
  • sled – sled;
  • skis – skis [ˈskiːz];
  • snowboard – snowboard [ˈsnəʊ.bɔː.d];
  • holiday – holiday [ˈhɑːlədeɪ];
  • Christmas – Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs];
  • New Year– New Year [ˈnjuːˈjɪə];
  • gift – gift [ɡɪft];
  • magic – magic [ˈmædʒɪk];
  • dreams – dreams [ˈdriːmz].


  • sun – sun;
  • wind – wind;
  • flowers – flowers [ˈflaʊəz];
  • lily of the valley – lily of the valley [͵lılı|əvðəʹvælı];
  • tulip – tulip [ˈtuːlɪp];
  • birds – birds [ˈbɝːdz];
  • swallow – swallow [ˈswɑːloʊ];
  • park – park;
  • romance – romance [ˈroʊmæns];
  • love – love [lʌv];
  • walk – stroll.

Summer – summer

  • vacation - vacation;
  • journey – journey [ˈdʒɜːrni];
  • sea ​​– sea;
  • ocean – ocean [ˈoʊʃn];
  • beach – beach;
  • fun – fun;
  • ice cream – ice cream;
  • cocktail – cocktail [ˈkɑːkteɪl];
  • party – party [ˈpɑːrti];
  • fruit – fruit;
  • berries – berries [ˈberiz];
  • butterflies – butterflies [ˈbʌtr̩flaɪz];
  • mosquito – mosquito;
  • picnic – picnic [ˈpɪknɪk].

Autumn – autumn

  • fog – fog;
  • cloud – clouds [ˈklaʊdz];
  • rain – rain;
  • umbrella – umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə];
  • puddle – puddle [ˈpʌdl];
  • cold - cold;
  • tea – tea;
  • harvest – harvest [ˈhɑːrvɪst];
  • vegetable garden – garden [ˈɡɑːrdn];
  • vegetables – vegetables [ˈvedʒtəbəlz];
  • mushrooms – mushrooms [ˈmʌʃruːmz];
  • chestnut – chestnut [ˈtʃesnʌt].

How to quickly remember the seasons in English

Various rhymes and songs are great for memorizing new words and are effective for both children and adults! So pick a tune and hum it. You will not only quickly remember the seasons in English, but also cheer up yourself and those around you!

Four seasons in a year

I can name all four.

Do you wanna’ hear?

Let’s get ready and say them all: winter, spring, summer and fall.

I’m thinking of a season with snowmen and ice.

And if you like sledding, it’s very nice.

It's very cold. I need my hat and gloves.

Winter is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where it rains for hours.

Which helps the blooming of the brand new flowers.

It starts to warm up, which I really love.

Spring is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where we don’t have school.

I always play outside in my neighbor’s pool.

The sun is so hot. Which I really love.

Summer is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where I rake for a while.

Then I jump into those colored leaves in a big pile.

I pick apples and wear sweatshirts. Which I really love.

Fall is the season I was thinking of!

January, February, March

April, May and June

Autumn's coming soon

It's December, winter's here

Time for another year

January, February, March

April, May and June

July and August, goodbye summer

Autumn's coming soon.

Hey September, October, November

It’s December, winter’s here.

Goodbye Christmas, that's the end

Time for another year.

Goodbye Christmas, that's the end

Time for another year.

Enjoy every day, every beautiful season and remember what the seasons are called in English! Native English School is open for you both in winter and summer! Come to educational lessons with native speakers and practice speaking English. We look forward to seeing you!

Learning the months in English is as easy as shelling pears, because their names come from Latin language and, to some extent, resemble their Russian counterparts. It would be more interesting to learn a little about the history of the origin of these “names,” as well as some grammatical rules associated with their use in speech. So, go ahead!

Months in English: writing, transcription, usage

We write and pronounce correctly!

“And how to list English months in order?" - those who are just beginning to master the wisdom will ask foreign language. Greet them one by one!

NB! And remember that their names (as well as the names of the days of the week and seasons) should be written with a capital letter!

In this table we have indicated the months in English with transcription so that pronouncing them will not cause you any difficulties. For creating " full picture year" and get acquainted with the seasons:

Winter ["wɪntə] Winter
Spring Spring
Summer ["sʌmə] Summer
Autumn ["ɔːtəm] Autumn

NB! The American version of the word “Autumn” is Fall.

Example sentences:

My favorite month is June. – My favorite month is June.

I arrived in Saint-Petersburg last September. – I arrived in St. Petersburg last September.

Name all the seasons and months

Let's learn to use it in speech!

In order to correctly use the months of the year in English in speech, both written and oral, you need to learn the following rules.

  1. In writing, you should separate the day and month from the year using a comma:

    The house was built in October, 2003. – The house was built in October 2003.

  2. When specifying dates in full (including day, month, year), it is necessary to use ordinal numbers to indicate the number and cardinal numbers for the year:

    on 23 February, 1478 = on the twenty third of February, fourteen seventy eight (February 23, 1478)

    NB! In such cases, we omit “year” in speech.

Prepositions with months in English

Regarding grammatical points, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • Prepositions are not used in expressions like “*** + name of the month” with the words one, next, last, this/that, every, all, any.

    I was in Moscow last June. – I was in Moscow last June.

    I’m going to my cousin this March. - I'm going to go to cousin this March.

  • The preposition IN is used with the name of the month in time circumstances.

    In May - in May, late in August - at the end of August.

  • The preposition ON is necessary when, in addition to the month, there is an indication of a date or day.

    On January 2, 1389 – January 2, 1389, on a warm September day – a warm September day.

  • The preposition OF is needed if the attributive function of the month is implied.

Let's get acquainted with abbreviations!

The information will be incomplete if we do not talk about the reduction of months in English. Similar abbreviations are often found on various forms, travel tickets and, of course, calendars.

NB! Short forms generally contain only three letters. Exceptions are June, July (where you can keep the word unchanged) and September (2 options are allowed here: Sept and Sep).

Abbreviations, like full forms, are always written with a capital letter. In American English, a period is added at the end of the abbreviation, or the punctuation mark is omitted if we're talking about about the British version of the language.

Brief writing example

From the history of the names of the months

Surely, you will be interested to know why the months sound so similar in English and Russian. The reason is that they all come from Latin and have ancient Roman roots.

January, January - on behalf of the ancient Roman god Janus.

February, February - from the name of the Roman festival of cleansing Februa.

March, March – on behalf of the ancient Roman god Mars (Martius/Mars).

April, April - on behalf of the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite (Aphrilis).

May, May - on behalf of the ancient Greek nymph, one of the lovers of Zeus, Maya (Maius).

June, June - on behalf of the ancient Roman goddess Juno.

July, July – on behalf of famous Julius Caesar (Julius). It was he who began to reform the Roman calendar.

Augustus, August – on behalf of the equally famous Octavian Augustus. And he completed the reform of the calendar.

September, September - from septem (seven, seventh month).

October, October - from octo (eighth, eighth month).

November, November – from novem (nine, ninth month).

December, December – from decem (ten, tenth month).

12 months in English: for children and more

With the help of various pictures-schemes, you can start studying the months and seasons even with preschoolers; bright colors and funny drawings will be interesting to them:

Studying with children

To remember the number of days in each month, you can use an interesting poem:

Another interesting exercise, which will be interesting for both children and adults - “Names of the months in English: name, write, draw.” Make 12 abbreviation cards, either with only the first letters or with numbers from 1 to 12. Turn them over with the pictures facing down. Pulling out one at a time, say the name of the corresponding month, write its name on a piece of paper and next to it draw an association picture with this month.

Thus, with various exercises and workouts you will short term You will achieve brilliant results and learn the names of all months in English.

Mini-lesson for remembering the names of the months:

The audio article contains British and American accents - audio versions:

And here I posted the information as it will be in English

Seasons in English

  • Winter - Winter - [ˈwintəɹ]
  • Spring - Spring -
  • Summer - Summer - [ˈsʌməɹ]
  • Autumn – Autumn /brit/ – [ˈɔːtəm]
  • Autumn - Fall - /amer/ -

Pronunciation of seasons - British accent

Pronunciation of month names - British accent

Pronunciation of the names of the months - American accent

It wouldn't hurt to hear how to pronounce the word Months. Pronunciation of this word sometimes causes difficulties, because... This word contains the sound ‘th’, which is difficult to pronounce for Russians.
And also, below, I have posted sentences with translation using the months of the year in English.

How to pronounce Months in English

Secure the material.
Answer the questions in English.

1. What season is now?
What time of year is it now?
2. When is New Year?

When is New Year?

3. When is your birthday? When's your birthday?
Example answers:
1. It's Summer. It's Spring.

It's summer, spring.

2. In Winter.
New Year in winter. 3. In Fall.
My birthday is in the fall. Sentences with months of the year in English with translation
1. I’ll see you in January. See you in January.
2. In February it snows a lot.
There is a lot of snow in February.
3. In March it seems like it’s always raining. It always seems to rain in March.
4. Last April we went to Europe. Last April we went to Europe.
5. My birthday is May 5th. My birthday is May 5th.
6. In June Summer begins. Summer begins in June.
7. In July we celebrate the birthday of America. In July we celebrate America's birthday.
12. In December we have Christmas. We have Christmas in December.